The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s02e12 Episode Script

The Misfit

You've finally decided
to be serious, Avos Dilhevia?
But you're too late now.
This conclusion has already been reached.
Conclusion? Too late?
What nonsense are you spewing now?
The greatest and most powerful magic sword
which made you the Demon King of Tyranny
is now in my hands.
Your name, your subordinates, your castle,
and now the symbol of your power
have all been taken from you.
Can the simple demon Anos Voldigoad
defeat me, the Demon King of Tyranny?
You have gained quite some confidence
from grasping a twig in your hands.
If you have confidence in yourself,
then why not do away with these words
and prove it with your actions?
I will end it in an instant.
Try, if it so suits you.
Zoray Dipt!
Did you think you could block it
with the Magic Eyes of Destruction?
Before Venz D'Noa, even the walls
between worlds are as thin paper.
Now, enjoy your destruction.
H-How can this be?
Venz D'Noa is in my hands!
Did you think you would be a match for me
just because you had the Law Destroyer?
Why can't I see it?
The depth of your abyss?
I am the Demon King of Tyranny!
The answer to that, is that
you are only a rumor and legend.
You are an imitation, Avos Dilhevia.
It isn't over yet.
I am the child of the Great Spirit Leno
and the Demon King of Tyranny,
Avos Dilhevia.
And the god-child which will destroy you.
The god-child has accomplished
everything according to plan
and acquired the Law Destroyer.
Now is the time of awakening.
Anos Voldigoad.
I still possess everything in my hands.
- What the heck is that?!
- Anos
The Demon King of Tyranny felled
the Destruction God Abelneue to earth
and changed its name to
the Demon King's Palace Delsgade.
Then the power of the god,
the pure miracles
of the law of destruction
were renamed to
the Law Destroyer Venz D'Noa.
However, laws always regain
their original form.
What do you think happens when they do?
The destruction that had been
suppressed will occur at once,
the amount increasing with each month
and year that it was suppressed.
Enact the law, god-child, Avos Dilhevia.
Awaken the Destruction God
with your immense mana.
And may they destroy both
Demon Kings of Tyranny as per the law.
Along with all life that exists.
Now, look to the skies, ignorant fools.
The miracles of the Destruction God
which brought all death
and destruction in the Mythical Age
The Sun of Destruction,
Sajel D'Nave has been resurrected!
Gods are laws.
They have no will or heart.
All tragedies are always
caused by the foolish living.
These are your just deserts.
Did you think they would
ally themselves with the gods
just because they were
the law of destruction?
You pretended to be an observer,
placing the blame on
others for the tragedies
which unfolded over 2,000 years.
This world does not need such a god.
The Destruction God
is the law of destroying all creation.
It could never fail
to destroy a single demon.
That is a law
that you decided on your own.
I have no need to follow it.
No matter how greatly
you deviate from the law,
you cannot possibly protect
all of the other demons.
Does the law fear me?
The gods do not fear.
Then you can leave at once
and come back with a new plan.
Then I will do just that.
What did you do to me,
Demon King of Tyranny?
You can't tell, Nous Galia?
That is called fear.
Y-You cannot You cannot destroy me!
If you destroy the Heavenly Father God,
the world will rush headlong into ruin!
That is true.
Did you think that I would say that?
What's wrong?
If you have no heart,
then you have no fear of destruction.
Or would you like to say
that you wish to live?
I would never I am law
- Then laugh.
- What?
If you can laugh in this situation,
then you are law.
You have no evil intent.
I will punish you accordingly,
but not destroy you.
But if you fear me
and are unable to laugh,
then you have both a will and a heart.
I can't simply let you go.
I will give you three seconds.
Enact your law in that time.
Three. Two.
You laughed, Nous Galia.
That means you wish to live.
It seems you have proven yourself
that you are not law.
Curse you!
You dare insult me, a god
Erdomaid, I give you an offer.
If you do not defy me,
I will give you what you want.
I have been waiting for
those words, Demon King!
- Zect.
- Zect.
As you stated, if your law is destroyed,
the world will fall to ruin.
Then I simply need to give your power
in its entirety to the Flaming Death King.
The power of a god is absolute!
No puny demon could possess such a power!
Oh? You didn't notice?
For these 2,000 years,
Erdomaid continued to develop
a spell to usurp the power of a god
with his own source.
It took a moment to decipher it,
but all that was left was to complete it.
You foolish man!
You dare to usurp the power of a god?!
I will turn you, perhaps, into a bug.
No matter how many times you reincarnate.
It's quite fun having a heart.
It makes for a far more stimulating life
than being a dry and flavorless law.
The law is bending!
You fool Curse you
Curse you Curse you!
You misfit, outside the way of
the world, the laws of the universe!
You've started saying things
fit for a bug already.
You corrupt the laws!
The gods do not have hearts!
You simply plant emotions
in gods and corrupt the laws!
You will eventually destroy
the world and lead it to ruin!
The word of a god is absolute!
All that I expected from you Demon King!
You completed Ji Shens so easily
and usurped the power of a god!
The most powerful, most evil, undefeated!
So peerless that one
wished you had a peer!
- Looks like it's over.
- Yes.
Are you okay?
Oh, how you've grown.
Are you my mother?
Yeah! I finally got to hold you.
I'm sorry
I can never be together with you.
W-Wait! D-Don't go yet!
Just a little Just a little longer!
I love you, Misa.
I'm so glad that I bore you.
Shin, thank you. And
I was happy.
Leno, I love you.
Please I beg you Flan!
Please let me see my mother one more time!
Can't you do that?
You did it just now! Just a little longer?
Just one second! Can't you please?!
It does not have that much power.
The most it can do is bring
a conclusion to a tragedy.
It's my fault
- It's because I was born
- That isn't true.
What isn't true about it?!
I was born, and that put her at odds
with her rumor and legend
Misa, have I ever said anything
to give you only temporary solace?
- But
- Leno has not ended yet.
However, you must be saved first.
Your source, which was cleft apart
from Avos Dilhevia,
is beginning to collapse.
Lay, per the rumor and legend,
destroy Misa with
the Sword of Spirits, God, and Man.
I would like to explain,
but we don't have the time now.
Are you prepared?
Yeah. I'll trust you.
Please do it, Lord Anos.
The rumor and legend of the Demon King
of Tyranny
made up half of Misa's source.
If Avos is destroyed,
then Misa cannot live.
They can't be fully separated
from one another.
Then we can simply create
a new spirit with the same name.
But normal spirits can't reincarnate.
Anything which contradicts
the basis of Avos's legend
will only shorten her life.
Then what do we do?
We create a continuation of the legend.
The reincarnated Demon King of Tyranny
was destroyed a second time,
to reincarnate once again,
not as a half-spirit half-demon,
but fully, as a spirit named Misa,
in the form she once had.
This legend has already
spread among the humans,
thanks to Igares's work.
Reincarnated demons and half-spirit
half-demons are born from parents.
Spirits are born naturally, or from
From grown tear lilies.
Be reborn here, once ended Great Spirit.
After 2,000 years, the moment
sorrow turns to joy has come.
The Mother Great Spirit rebelled
against her rumor and legend
and ended in giving birth to a demon.
However, according to
the new continuation of her legend,
Avos Dilhevia has become a spirit.
Thus, there is no reason
for Leno to have ended.
Don't cry now. It's okay.
Mom is right here for you Misa.
From now on,
I'll always be right here with you.
- Are you all right?
- Yes!
Shin, it seems that you still
haven't spoken properly with Misa.
I do not know what
to speak about with her.
Misa will soon reveal herself in front of
the masses as the false Demon King.
She feels insecure. Talk to her.
- Dad?
- Yes.
- Um
- Yes.
I'm sorry, I'm kind of nervous
There's no point in getting
cold feet at this point though
D-Don't worry! I can do it!
It is a difficult ordeal, but you are
not one to cower before a trifle.
I have always been watching.
You joined the Unification Party
in order to meet me.
You furthered your resolve
for the sake of the friends you met there.
You have grown into
a kind and strong child
that does not cower before tragedy.
- Dad Dad!
- Misa.
I'm okay now.
I can't be nervous about this.
This will bring Dilhade
to the way it was meant to be,
with demons of mixed blood
and Highbloods joining hands.
Raise your heads, descendants of demons.
2,000 years ago, we demons were at war
with the humans and spirits.
It was sickeningly long, and no end
to the fighting ever came in sight.
But today, it is over.
They, just as we, desired peace.
The Champion of Azecion, the Hero Kanon,
who fought the greatest of the demons.
The Queen of Aharthern,
the Great Spirit Leno.
The symbol of friendship between
demons and spirits, the Spirit King Shin.
And born of the rumor and legend
of the Demon King of Tyranny,
the Great Spirit
and god-child, Avos Dilhevia.
After reincarnating by
the Hero Kanon's holy sword,
she has lowered her blade
and joined us. Her name is Misa.
Blades of hatred are no longer needed.
These hands are for
joining with our neighbors!
I issue an edict.
All those who live in Dilhade are equal.
My people,
if a tragedy occurs, which you cannot
resolve with all your heart and spirit,
come to me.
I will grant your wish.
And remember this, if only this.
First, this kingdom permits no unfreedom.
Second, this kingdom
permits no evil intent.
Third, this kingdom permits no tragedy.
If any of these are violated,
the Demon King of Tyranny will put
his life on the line to fight
and destroy it.
The true form of the Demon King
of Tyranny is described in this song.
Hymns of the Demon King
number five: "Peace."
There is no need for a sword
In this right hand
There is no need for a shield
In this left hand
Now, take off the armor of cowardice
Even if you cannot cast magic
Even if this name were taken by the past
I will remain myself
With love in my heart
- Well done, Misa.
- Lay
Then will you give me a reward?
- You're a naughty girl.
- How am I?
- In what way is that?
- Dad
What about Misa makes her a naughty girl?
Lay Glanzudlii?
Th-That's not what he means, right Mom?
I think you're a naughty girl too Misa.
I said, that's not what he means!
Good job.
Those songs are always crazy.
Everyone was completely speechless.
That's only natural
after hearing a song filled with soul.
That's definitely not it.
- So what do you want?
- It's about that.
The Sun of Destruction flashed,
so why was everyone safe?
That's very simple.
The Sun of Destruction
didn't consider you its enemies.
It only destroyed Avos Dilhevia,
which it was meant to destroy.
That's what we don't get.
Why did it work like that?
The Destruction God was your enemy, right?
By the definition of enemy, he was.
There were lives that could not
be saved without felling Abelneue.
Did you think they would
ally themselves with the gods
just because
they were the law of destruction?
Why would it work like that?
Is something wrong?
This is unexpected.
Misha, do you remember
the Law Destroyer
in the tower 2,000 years ago?
I wondered who would place it there,
but the answer may
be simpler than I thought.
In other words, it was me.
You mean you activated it
before you reincarnated?
But you didn't know
- I may only be unable to remember.
- Huh?
For one thing, I don't remember
Abelneue in any detail.
I knew with certainty that the Sun of
Destruction would not harm us in any way.
- However, I can't remember the reason.
- Really?
A part of my memories are missing. Why?
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