The Traitors UK (2022) s02e12 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 12

This program me contains
some strong language.
The nice ones, you get, like,
a sweet taste.
You know, like really
rich chocolate.
Paul just couldn't be my son
but Ross is.
If he wants to come at me,
let the games begin.
22 players arrived at this
Scottish castle
to play the ultimate
murder mystery game,
in the hope of winning
up to £120,000
but concealed amongst them
are the Traitors
whose job is to secretly murder
the others without getting caught -
and if they make it to the end,
they will take all the money.
13 Faithful have fallen
"By order of the Traitors,
you have been murdered."
100% Faithful.
and with four Traitors
caught along the way
I'm a Traitor.
I'm a Traitor.
only two remain.
As the mission brought a challenging
decision for one player
£7,000 for the prize pot,
or £7,000 into your bank account.
I'm putting the money
back in the prize pot.
at the penultimate Round Table,
suspicions intensified
It's easy to have an outstanding
voting history
if you're a Traitor
and you know who the Traitors are.
You've been acting really shifty.
I've not been acting shifty.
I've never gone round
spouting names to anybody.
If you've been set up, I'm so sorry,
but obviously, it is
something you have to look at.
and another Faithful fell.
jasmine. jasmine.
I am a Faithful.
We have five players left.
The stakes could not be higher.
Who's going to walk away
with the prize pot?
This is the Traitors final.
On my own!
Final breakfast.
We couldn't murder anybody
last night, so, um, yeah,
it's nice just to go in there
and relax and enjoy my breakfast.
It's been a huge, er, experience,
massive experience for me.
Hi, guys. Hi.
I wouldn't change a thing.
I've met amazing people.
Cheers! Cheers, guys.
I started off as a Faithful.
Quite popular with a lot of people,
influential and strong.
Here is your cloak.
If I hadn't have chosen
to become a Traitor,
they would have murdered me.
Welcome. That is wild!
It's been difficult.
I've struggled, to be honest.
I didn't think I would.
I really didn't think I would.
You told me he was moving elusive.
"Moving elusive"?
What does that mean, though, mate?
I did doubt myself
becoming a Traitor.
It's a very intense game,
but it is a game.
I want to win cos I'm competitive,
and of course the money's important,
and maybe I'd like to start my own
business one clay,
dealing with mental health.
After my accident, yeah, it's, um,
really pleased, like,
so, um, it's a good achievement.
I've got to be proud of myself.
Good morning, finalist!
I'm in the Traitors final, man,
and I'm a Traitor.
How have we ended up here, man?
Yeah. come here.
That is so mad!
I can't even believe it right now.
Welcome to the dark side.
I mean, I love being a Traitor.
Happy murdering.
I love having a reason
to be naughty.
So I'm voting for you, Ash.
I voted for yourself, Miles.
I voted for Paul.
I'm a Traitor.
Harry, that was you!
Here he is! Come on!
But honestly, it's a lot harder now
being in the final,
cos I actually
really like these people.
You realise how hard it will be.
I'm literally just so excited,
not only to be in the final
but to hopefully win the money,
like, change my life,
so then I can just take it all home
for me and my family at the end.
My family who's been there for
22 years of my life,
they're the people I love and trust.
I've had a job to do from the start.
I'm not going to leave
until this job's finished.
I told you we would be here, though.
Since you've come to the dark side,
I told you we'd be here.
Morning! Hello! Morning!
Fancy seeing you here.
Oh, my God, I honestly never
thought I'd make it here.
All right, finalist? Oh!
Can't actually get my head
around it.
I made it to the final.
Like, who would have thought?
I'm so proud of myself.
That wall is actually nuts. I know.
We've made some mistakes, haven't
we, like, you know what I mean?
Oh, I've had
so many good memories here.
So many, like, adventures.
It's a blessing to have one hand,
I can tell you that.
I think this was either going to
kind of make or break me,
and it's definitely
made me stronger,
and I've grown so much myself.
We need to work as a team.
This has definitely taught me
that I can do it.
Oh, yes!
I think they're all beautiful
and amazing humans.
What a journey it's been.
There's no way that, like,
we made it this far.
Every clay I was like,
"Yeah, that's it now."
Hello! Morning! Yes!
Final five, we made it!
We've clone it!
It's unbelievable.
I saw the Shield,
I'm going to go for it.
We need someone to row, mate!
This place does different things
to you.
You're up, you're down.
Are you a Traitor?
I'm definitely a Faithful.
People turn on you,
you get back stabbed.
is acting different.
Are you saying you didn't
say that to Harry? No, I did.
During my life,
like, everything
that I've gone through, you know,
the people that you thought
stand by you don't stand by you.
My clad was my absolute idol.
We found out that he had
a whole second family
that we didn't know anything about.
Oh, my God.
You've got to focus on
what's in front of you right now.
I'm hoping that there's one,
but they could all be Traitors.
You have to look round now,
be like, "Who would I want
to end the game with?"
Yeah, definitely.
Hello! Hey!
It's the only Scottish finalist,
do you not know?
How bonkers is that?
Like, that's just wild, right?
I don't think it's sunk in
for me yet.
How did everyone sleep?
I was so excited. I was too excited.
This whole experience goes so fast,
but actually, like,
when you look back at it,
so much has happened.
Yeah! Well clone, mate!
I'm now going to be on
my 12th mission.
Evie's going over the bridge.
Yes, well clone, Evie!
Like, that, for me, is crazy.
The missions were such
an important part of why
I wanted to do this whole thing.
Whoa! No, Evie!
The smaller the group gets, the more
you feel super close with them.
I mean, it's really difficult.
I feel like this whole journey
has actually reinforced
quite a lot of things about me,
like all you need to do is be
genuine and honest
and a good Faithful.
I'm literally so excited, I can't
Yeah, I can't wait
for today's mission. I know.
I'm really excited for that.
Guys, can you believe this?
No! No.
Our five finalists.
This really is
the breakfast of champions,
because at the end of today,
we're going to find out who will
walk away with the prize fund,
and it currently stands
at a staggering £75,150.
But first, are you ready
for the mission of missions?
Yes. 100%.
It is massive, but remember,
you, as a team, you are unbeatable,
cos look at you. Smashing it.
You're at the final breakfast.
I'll see you outside shortly.
Has anyone seen my parrot?
Parrot? Parrot?
That's just another word
beginning with P.
All right? Do you want a game?
Yeah, I'll give you a game, aye.
So it's going to be a weird
Round Table, isn't it?
Nothing's changed from yesterday,
or the clay before. Yeah.
Ross mentioned my name.
That's put me
a bit in the spotlight now,
so I'm expecting to be interrogated
by the group.
Maybe you should stick to the gym,
That was a hard cut.
VOICE OVER: I don't trust Harry.
He's a great guy, but he wants to
win at the end of the clay,
and, er, he says he wants
this and that,
he wants me to do well and that,
but he's probably said that to Paul,
he's probably said that Miles,
he's probably said that to Ross,
that he'd got their back as well,
and look what he did to them.
I was so happy, and now, like,
you just don't even have time
to be happy. Mm.
It's just horrible,
the thought of this Round Table.
I feel so stressed out.
I just don't want to make
the wrong decision.
OK? Yeah.
I'm just You all right?
Yeah. What's wrong?
No, it's fine.
Come here. What's wrong?
You'll be fine.
I think we just need to
enjoy our clay together,
like, as much as we can.
I'm going to go and change this mug.
These people are suspicious of me.
I got that really wrong last night,
and I know it now implicates me,
and I need to just
show them why I am a Faithful.
I don't want a Traitor to get
that money at the end,
I want a Faithful to get this.
You all right, babe? Yeah, I'm fine.
You just feeling it? I'm just
feeling it, I'm like Yeah.
Like, I know everyone's going to be
talking about it, and, like,
I put my neck on the line last night
cos I was so confident that jasmine
was a Traitor,
and, like, in the end, I just
fucked myself anyway
I'll go and see Evie now cos I don't
want her to get upset, right? Yeah.
I was coming to see you.
Were you? Come here.
I guess we're kind of set,
though, innit?
I think what I want to see is how
they both react in the Round Table.
Yeah. Do you know what I mean?
But I think that's the only
fair thing to do. Yeah.
The only people that are in
the firing line at the moment
is Evie and Andrew,
but I've got something on Harry.
Essentially, why he told Paul
I had concerns with him.
Whether I actually bring that
to the table, I don't know.
I don't know.
Come on! Harry the snooker player.
Now there's just heat
on Evie and Andrew.
I really wish me and Andrew
could win it together.
I think he's an amazing guy, urn,
but at the same time,
people are suspicious of him,
so now I'm just trying to
think of a plan.
Keeping my head screwed on,
Was that there earlier? Them deers?
EVIE: Yeah, babe.
They've been there the whole time.
Is that a chopper?
Wait, wh at?
Is that? That is a helicopter.
Oh, my God! Stop it! Stop it!
That's landing, look!
Shall we follow it?
We were just loving it!
Oh, my clays!
This is no Mickey Mouse chopper
this is a proper real deal.
Come in, guys!
Next level.
Come on!
Finalists! Are you ready
for your final ever mission?
Yes, yes, yes.
Well, you are utterly brilliant,
and you deserve to arrive
at this final mission in style.
You are in one of the most
beautiful places on earth,
so enjoy the Scottish Highlands.
Enjoy the ride.
I will see you there.
In you go. Come on. In you go.
Enjoy it!
I'm in the final, I'm here,
and I'm about to go on a helicopter.
I'm just so excited.
All right, driver?
As an avionics technician,
I literally fix helicopters,
but I've never been in one before,
I've never flown in a helicopter,
which is mad.
I can't believe
this is happening to us!
Oh, my clays!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my clays! Oh, my clays!
ANDREW: It was amazing.
The views are incredible.
Whoa! Whoa!
Yeah, it took our breath away.
I can't believe this is
happening to us right now.
I can't believe it either!
Come on, the finalists!
Finalists! Yeah!
Oh, my God!
We're now not even on land.
What is happening right now?
Oh, my God!
Look, there's Claudia, look.
Oh, my God!
Oh! That was amazing!
God, that was
That was absolutely amazing!
Was it? Amazing!
Well, guess what.
That was just the beginning.
Welcome to beautiful Portknockie.
Out there
is The Traitors' ship,
and it's waiting for you.
All you have to do is raise
the mainsail within 60 minutes,
and I will give you £10,000
to the prize fund.
Yes! Wow, awesome.
Let me add something else
to the mix.
Along the path to the ship, you can
take detours to find other flags.
If you find all the flags, and you
get to the boat within 60 minutes
and you raise the mainsail, I'll
give you £20,000 for the prize fund.
Oh, my God! Oh, my clays.
That would mean the total prize
fund would be just under £100,000.
We need to find all the flags,
basically. Yeah.
All of those detours
are time-consuming,
so you really have to think
whether you want to follow them
or whether you just want
to get to the ship,
because if you don't get the
mainsail up, you lose that £10,000.
Is that clear? Yeah.
I will be with you every step of
the way, and when I say "with you,"
I'll be on the ship
with a hot cocoa.
But I do have this,
so please stay in contact with me.
Your route is this way.
Good luck. Off you go!
Let's go. Let's do it.
The last push! The last mission!
We can do this. We can do this.
Come on!
Bring it in, team. We got this.
Come on, we're going to do this.
Come on.
So what's the plan? We just going to
attempt every detour, yeah?
We might as well.
Let's see how long we've got
and I can message Claudia.
Take it nice and easy, yeah?
just nice and slow, Mollie.
Right, first detour.
So it's clearly in a cage.
I'm thinking we're going to have to
check through these cages. Yeah.
You guys start on the right,
we'll start on the left.
The detour was that we had to find
a gold canister containing a flag,
and it was going to be in some
of these, like, lobster pots.
What have we got to do? Pull 'em in?
Pull them in? Yeah.
Yeah, not in that one.
Good pull!
It was quite hard,
they were stuck on rocks,
it was difficult to pull 'em.
The fishing stuff stunk,
and the seaweed was all slimy and
Urgh! Gross.
This is a big boy.
Got that, Andrew? Yes.
Is it in there?
Evie, how do you open them?
I'm ju Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Go on, go on.
Awesome, guys, good work.
Take the flag out. I've got it.
Right, let's go. First one down!
Right, so we're going this way now.
We got that nice and quick as well.
From the first detour,
we went along another cliff edge.
We came out to these, like,
rock pools.
Was that the second one there?
Claudia, we're at the next detour.
How much time do we have?
You've still got 55 minutes left.
What do you think, guys?
We're doing really well for time.
55 minutes? We're on 55 minutes.
Yeah. Let's go for it.
We're like, clambering over, like,
all these, like, spiky rockpools,
trying to just find
this gold canister.
It's got to be in one of these pools
somewhere, guys, I think.
Everyone watch their ankles
on these rocks.
Be careful.
Then out of the corner of my eye,
I was like, "That's not a rock."
Found it!
Found it? Good job, Evie!
Nice one, Evie.
We've got two detours
complete already,
two flags, so it's an extra
five grand, and just as a team,
we was working so well.
What does that say up there?
Keep following the signs
to the ship, yeah?
You can see it, look. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, you can see it.
Right, I'm seeing something.
What is that?
What is that?
"Descend to the ship"
Can you see me?
Can you see the ship?
Yes! Yes! Yes, Claudia, we can see
you at the next checkpoint.
Good luck. You've all got to abseil.
The detour is at the bottom
of the cliff.
Oh, my clays!
We just see a massive cliff,
and we have to abseil.
We have to abseil.
Go on, who wants to go first?
Yeah, go on, then.
I don't mind going first.
Go on, Mollie! Go on, Mollie!
I offered to go first.
I was feeling, like,
really good about everything,
like, I was feeling strong.
I'm actually nervous for Mollie.
If you get a glimpse of, like,
looking down,
you realise how high up you are.
I was scared.
Oh, my God!
just breathe! You've got it!
OK. Go on, Moll.
Don't look down!
She's doing it.
OK. You're doing it, you're fine.
You're totally doing it.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God, my heart!
Oh, my clays!
Oh, what am I doing?!
just look up! Mollie, look up!
Oh! OK.
Well clone, Moll! Yeah, decent!
Come on!
Go on, Evie, you can do it.
Smash it!
I started to go,
and it's that moment that I thought,
"This is actually super scary."
MOLLIE: Come on! Nearly clone!
Oh, my clays!
ANDREW: Go on, Jaz. Go on, mate!
Next level, this.
You've got it, jaz! You can do it.
just go as quick as you can!
Well done, jaz!
Whoa! Oh, my God!
You did so well. That was sick!
jaz! Ready to catch me?
Andrew, don't slow us down now,
No pressure, then.
I've never abseiled before.
I'm petrified of heights.
I'm absolutely shitting myself.
For the team, Andrew,
just think the team and the money.
Oh, I don't think I can do that.
You can, you can, you can.
I found it so hard to lean back
over a cliff face with a huge drop
on a rope which is about as
It was so thin.
You've got it! Oh, fuck!
Oh, my God, he's freaking out.
My feet are caught up on it.
One step!
Andrew, use your arms, mate!
Oh, my God, oh, my God,
oh, my God, oh, my God.
We were really running out of time.
Can't get up!
Oh! What's go? No.
It was quite frightening, actually.
My ropes got tangled up.
I was looking up in the air,
looking up into the sky,
I was upside down.
I genuinely thought
I was going to die.
That's it! That's it! Well clone!
That's it, brilliant.
That's it! Good man!
What have I signed up for this for?!
just think of the money!
Look, there you go, look.
Now you're floating!
Now you just need to feed it,
just keep going. There you go, see?
You've got it, you've got it!
You've got all your weight now,
Well clone, Andrew, well clone!
That is it.
Proper Action Man vibes.
You did it, you did it!
Good effort, Andrew!
Oh! I thought I was going to die!
When it came to my go,
I literally just started
going and going.
Abseiled across as quick as I could.
I just knew I was the last one
and the quicker I got across,
the more time we had to attempt
the final detour.
Well played! Yes!
The maddest wedgie ever.
When I got across,
we had the final decision -
do we take the final detour or do
we go straight to the ship?
Claudia, we've all clone the abseil,
how long have we got, please?
You've got 22 minutes.
22 minutes, we should go.
Shall we just crack on,
because, you know,
we need to get to that ship and we
don't want to run out of time,
or shall we just give it a go?
I say we just go for it.
I'm up for it. Anyone else? Yeah.
Five grand, five grand. Five grand.
And we obviously chose to take
the final detour,
which was follow the orange rope,
which led us across some
slippery rocks
and then into this cave.
Oh! God!
And this whole time, just
keep our eyes out for a golden pot.
They're taking the detours,
I get it, they're being brave,
but also, come on,
just come to the boat.
We had to walk
into the water, over the rocks.
It was sharp,
it was dangerous. If you slip,
that's it, game over for you.
Come on, Harry, come on, Andrew.
Well clone, Evie!
Nice and easy, Andrew.
They were, like, this thin.
We were squeezing through them,
like, the tide was pushing us
back and forth.
Guys, this is it, well clone!
Keep pushing! Look out for a scroll
as well, look out for it.
Keep pushing!
Are you seeing it, babe?
I spotted, like, this little bit
of a gold tube at the top
of one of the rocks,
and I managed to climb up
and grab it.
Well clone, Moll!
Harry, attach it to her!
Guys, you've got 11 minutes left!
Guys, we've got 11 minutes left!
11 minutes, 11 minutes!
That was so tiring.
You've got no energy, no breath
and we're getting
so close to that finish line.
Now go, now go.
Well clone, Evie.
Go steady, 9W5-
Whoa! Everyone all right?
Yeah! Come on guys, we've got this!
Keep going. Come on! Go!
ls everyone out? Where's Andrew?
Nice and easy, lads. No worries.
We were panicking.
People were, like,
dragging us on the dinghy.
It was really tight.
We were so nearly out of time.
Let's go! Good job!
They've got to get here and get all
the sails up for it to be banked.
There it is, look, look, look!
The sea was rough, man,
the sea was really rough.
It makes me feel sick
when it think about it now.
And then I just started yakking up
at the back of the boat.
I did not know I was that seasick.
You've only got five minutes left!
Nice and easy.
Come on!
Lift up the flag!
Well done!
You did it! Yes!
OK, now you have to hoist
the mainsail.
The clock was ticking.
Right, I'm here. You go first.
Andrew was feeling unwell,
Harry was feeling unwell
and it was just me
and Mollie and Jaz.
That's it! Well done!
Come on!
jaz was having to, like,
pull the rope down.
Come on, guys, not far now!
He's giving it everything
and he's, like, heave-hoeing.
I'm pulling,
Mollie's pulling.
The boat was going
like this the whole time.
It was so, so, so hard.
We have got seconds to go!
ANDREW: I came on at the very end
and held the rope.
Pull! Pull!
Take a bit of credit!
Come on, guys! Almost there!
Keep going, keep going. Switch.
I just sort of tried
putting all that sick feeling
to the back of my mind
and jumping on the flag
at the end, just to help.
You are so close! You are so close!
Come on, guys, we've got this!
Go on, Andrew, lad! Keep pushing!
That's it, Keep pushing!
Right, guys, last pull!
Three, two, one! Whoo!
You did it!
So well done.
You've added £20,000
to the prize pot.
Your total will be just under
We won 20 grand!
The prize pot's at, like, 95 Gs now,
which could literally
change s0me0ne's life.
You were all spectacular.
Let's get them hot chocolates on,
come on. OK.
Hot chocolates and then -
bit of a dampener - a Round Table,
but well done!
Whoo! Ooh-ooh-ooh!
That was probably the best clay
of my life,
and what a good group of people,
like, we all met. Yeah, yeah.
But that's why it just
makes it hard now,
going back to a Round Table,
doesn't it?
So many emotions going on now.
I've been with these people
in this amazing castle every day,
so this is like a bond
that's way deeper
than just the game
with the Traitors.
But it's the final Round Table,
I mean, everyone's going to come
under the spotlight.
I think I've gotjaz
and Mollie on my side.
I'm literally so close.
It's just if something goes wrong
now, I'll be devastated.
Back to the castle. Probably the
last time we walk into the castle.
I know.
I mean I meant that.
I don't know what to do. I'm feeling
really stressed out. Why?
I don't know
I don't know what to do.
Like, say if Evie and Andrew aren't,
are you then going to feel
confident standing there?
Because I feel quite solid
if we were stood at the end,
then we're fine.
I love Mollie,
we've created this bond.
If I make it,
it's going to hurt her massively
and I will feel bad.
I feel bad now already,
because these are deeper
than just game connections now.
But she definitely trusts me 100%
and that's what I need.
Oh, God!
Like, we've come this far now.
I can't That's the thing.
I feel so close now.
You want to make the right call.
Really focus on getting the Traitor.
Yeah. If it's one of you two, then
I'll literally be so upset, like.
Mate, if it's you, I'll just say,
"fair play", I reckon.
I wouldn't say that to you,
I'd never speak to you again.
Well, you haven't got to
worry about that, because it's not.
she's just convinced by Harry.
Harry is such a popular guy
and holds a lot of power.
He seems to have orchestrated
this game so carefully.
Everything that he does
is so perfect
and I'm just thinking,
how is it so perfect?
The only questioning
that I need to get off my chest
is that one thing
and I don't know whether
to bring it up.
It might backfire against me.
So, er
I'm in a really weird situation
because I actually trust you
the most, Mollie.
OK. Out of everybody here.
Um, I'm going to raise
a question tonight,
I'm purely giving you the heads-up.
I want you to really pay attention
to that question
and look at the person that I ask
and Yeah. ..we've just got to
take it from there, really. Yeah.
jaz, I voted for him
only a couple of nights ago
and jaz has made very strange
I'm just not sure I trust him.
ANDREW: Could I chat to you
when you've got five minutes?
I've chatted with
everybody else now. Yeah.
ls everybody down there, are they?
Yeah, they're in there,
in the billiards.
Where's your head, mate?
You've been good at your tactics.
What's the best thing to do?
Maybe just stick it
on both Evie andjaz.
Do I trust Andrew?
I think I do.
I honestly love that man.
He's told me he's never
going to throw me under the bus
and I want Andrew there
for the final endgame,
but I've got a job to do
and I'm here to win the game,
so I'll do anything it takes.
With four left,
then it's the end of the game. Yeah.
Everybody loves Harry
and he's
in such a strong position now,
but I've seen what he's clone
to other Traitors,
thrown them all under the bus.
I'd look stupid going against Harry.
We've got to finish it as a team.
This is so close. Yeah. We've got to
the final, actually got here.
# Are you, are you
comm' to the tree'?
# Where they strung up a man
they say who murdered three
# Strange things did happen here
no stranger would it be
# If we met at midnight
in the hanging tree. #
17 players have fallen
and we are now left with
two Traitors and three Faithful,
so who will be victorious?
This is the biggest Round Table,
and it's going to be
the most intense.
I need to go in there
and I need to just show them
I am a Faithful.
I'm trying not to let my emotions,
like, take over,
but we are so close
to winning as Faithfuls.
I don't want to let a Traitor
manipulate me.
There's so few of us now, one vote
the wrong way will seal your fate.
Obviously, one of us has got to go
and it's disappointing,
but at the end of the clay, you've
got a job to do and a game to play.
I'm on the ropes, but the fight
isn't over yet.
I'm nervous.
I have thought about this
and all the options,
all the outcomes.
Got to be strong.
If I need to be that ultimate
to take that money home to me and my
family, n0thing's going to stop me.
You just have to have a little
bit of tunnel vision
and look at all the evidence
and just go with your gut.
I just need to know
if Harry's a Traitor or not.
Players, I hope you're prepared,
because this is
your final Round Table.
The prize fund stands
at a staggering
Remember, if only Faithful remain,
they split the pot.
If there are any Traitors left
in your midst, they take it all.
But first, a banishment.
I want you to remember why
you're here.
I want you to look around
and think, who can you trust?
Who can you not?
For the very final time, then,
the floor is yours.
Could I start? Of course.
I'm obviously coming off the back
of a really horrible Round Table
where jasmine went.
Um, I believed in a theory that Zack
came up with,
and that's why I was so confident
that she was a Traitor
and when she was a Faithful,
I realised that I'd almost signed
my own banishment, to be honest.
I understand everyone has to vote
with their gut
and they have to be super cautious
at this point too
because we're so close to the end.
Nobody wants to be standing there
with a Traitor next to them,
but if you had me standing next
to you,
it wouldn't be a Traitor,
it would be a Faithful.
What I want to do is make sure
that I go in this with, you know,
it's not a popularity contest
and it's not about
who you get on with,
it's purely down to who you trust.
Um, so yourself, Evie,
I feel as though Zack
was of the opinion
that Ross and jasmine
should be under some scrutiny
and, obviously,
you adopted that theory.
Yeah. You used it against jasmine,
so that's sort of holding
weight in my mind.
It was really difficult for me
to watch her stand up there
and say that she was a Faithful,
because somebody at the table
knew that was going to happen.
Ancl when I stand up there
and I say I'm a Faithful,
that person's still going
to be in the room.
I do understand
what you're saying, but
It's hard, when we were given some
good information
with Harry's having a Shield.
And that's why, like,
with Mollie it's like,
Mollie was the only person
down in that tunnel
that turned and saw me
grab the Shield,
and, like, Mollie could have easily,
if she was a Traitor,
just been like, "I know Harry's got
it. Let's just murder someone",
and obviously that's why it points
to you for me, so I get it.
As much as I want to believe you,
it's like, this is the final
Round Table.
I have to have people
that I can be, like, 100% on.
I get it. If it was the other way
around, I would be doing the same.
You want to be super careful
at this point, right?
But I am going to stand up there
and say I'm a Faithful,
so who are you going to look at
That's all I want you to do.
If you don't mind me asking, Evie,
who do you think
is the Traitor, then?
I think there's more evidence
from the Ross vote
going to yourself, Andrew. Mm-hm.
I can't control somebody else's
reaction, I don't know why
He was dying, he was really, like,
under pressure,
that's all I can think of.
If you want to put my name down
and take my opportunity to make my
life and my child's life better,
that's up to you, but based on his
reaction, that's crazy, but
if that's the only thing
you've got to go on.
This is horrible.
Could I just ask a question?
I just wanted to ask
with yourself, Harry.
I trust you a lot,
that you've been instrumental
in catching these Traitors.
Um, I think without you, we wouldn't
have got to where we have,
to be honest.
Do you remember that early
conversation I had with you
about, um, about Paul?
Mm. I think so.
Yeah, about basically, um, that
I've got my suspicions of that guy.
You didn't tell him, did you?
No, I don't think - no.
You didn't tell him? No.
100%? No, cos that was the thing,
because you said that
in the kitchen to me, right?
Yeah, so after, like,
one specific Round Table,
I think I called out Paul,
er, for, like, the second time.
He said, "Harry has told me
"that you, jaz,
think I'm the Traitor
"and if you're not murdered,
people are going to come for me."
Ancl I'm thinking,
"Whoa! That's so true,
"but why would Harry
go and do that?"
Yeah, so you realised that you're
listening to, like, a Traitor.
Paul, yeah. Who was a Traitor,
and told lies anyway.
So, like, when it came to the
situation when I called Paul out,
and it was like, he seemed to be
just planting seeds about everyone,
and that to me looked exactly,
like, the same. The same.
The most I would have done is,
I spoke to Paul-
I speak to everyone -
the most I would have done is,
"Oh, you might want to have a chat
with jaz to clear the air."
It floated in my mind, like,
"Could Harry potentially be one,
"..and Paul's trying to throw him
under the bus
"to take my eyes off Paul,
so I'm looking at Harry?"
But, like, to me,
it was, like, Paul was definitely,
was just chucking names out,
left, right and centre.
He obviously knows I'm a Faithful,
do you know what I mean?
Because he was a Traitor.
Yeah, I don't really have much else
to say on that, really.
I just thought I'd bring it up
because it's the last chance
we're going to get
Yeah, I think it's good to bring up
everything. Yeah, 100%.
I was trying not to shake,
I was trying to look him in the eyes
so he knew I was Faithful
but at the same time, I'm thinking,
like, this could take me under.
I've really underestimated jaz.
He's way more dangerous of a player
than I ever could have imagined.
The time for talk is over.
At this, your final Round Table,
please write down the name of
the person you believe is a Traitor.
Are your names locked in?
Thank you.
Andrew, we're going to start
with you.
Who do you believe is a Traitor
and why?
Like we all know, it's really tough
at this stage,
we've all got such a good bond,
but I'd just like to say,
I've gone on evidence and facts.
I'm really sorry, Evie. It's OK.
who have you voted for and why?
I voted for you, Andrew.
Um, I just think That's OK. me,
you're the one that's got the most
evidence against you, unfortunately.
Yeah, that's fine, no worries.
jaz, who have you voted for and why?
It's got to be Evie for me.
Um, but I think you're
absolutely incredible. Thanks.
Harry, whose name is on your slate
and why?
Tonight I voted for yourself, Evie.
I've got to look around this
table and see who I'm 100% with,
and that's just not yourself
and I'm really sorry.
Don't worry. Still love you.
And for the final vote, Mollie.
Babe, I love you so much,
but I'm sorry.
Right now, we just can't
take any risks,
and, yeah, I've voted for you.
I love you. Love you.
Evie, you have had the most votes,
please come up here and join me.
Evie, before you leave the castle
forever, please tell us,
are you a Traitor
or are you a Faithful?
I honestly can't even begin
to describe
how amazing this
whole experience has been.
I just think yous are all fab.
I'm so proud it was us five
at the end,
and good luck.
MUSIC: This ls How The World Ends
by Kat Leon
# Cracks beneath our feet catch
our fall #
Of course I'm a Faithful.
Oh. Jesus!
# This is how the world ends #
Good luck, guys.
# This is how the world ends. #
Players, unfortunately,
you have banished a Faithful,
but it is not the end of the game.
In fact,
the game is now in your hands.
Soon, you will face a choice.
If you believe you are all Faithful,
you will end the game.
If you believe there is a Traitor
still in your midst,
you will banish again.
Think carefully, because we are
about to enter the endgame.
I'll see you later.
So it's possible that we're
all Faithful?
I don't know.
We could be all Faithful,
couldn't we? We don't know.
That was one of the biggest
moments for me.
I needed to get that off my chest
to Harry, yeah,
and I just don't know what to do.
I don't want to hear that
again tonight. It's horrible.
Now I just feel guilty.
I feel so guilty.
jaz brought up Harry at the table.
Harry will be panicking.
I think Harry
may go on the offensive,
and, um, throw me under a bus.
I don't know. I don't trust him,
When it's between me
and somebody else
winning and losing, nobody's
walked over me in my life
and I'm not going to start now.
Oh, God.
That was miserable, wasn't it?
That one, I really wanted
to end that on a high as well.
Do you think there's one left?
Yeah. You think there is? Yes.
Got to be one of them, then,
because I don't think it's you,
and if it is, I would literally
never speak to you again.
That's clear.
So it's got to be one of them.
Which one are you more
strongly towards?
Cos I thinkjaz is Faithful.
Do you? Yeah.
You know why? just the way he speaks
and stuff, it's like
whereas Andrew's is
the same defence the whole time.
Nervous as hell. It's as if
I'm about to go boxing.
jaz came at me with a brilliant
argument, to be honest,
and now going into
the final endgame,
my best option is to get Andrew
out to take the hit,
and I feel
so bad putting him through that.
I don't think he'll turn on me,
but this is it.
It's crunch time.
I do agree, I just
I don't know why I have doubts.
It's really hard.
Like, I literally love Andrew
to bits.
He's been an absolute rock in here.
Ancl then it's the same
with jaz, really.
He's clone some really
suspicious things.
Can I really
stand at the final with him
and say I'm confident
to end the game? I'm not sure.
I want to I trust you 100%,
I know you are a Faithful 100%,
I'd swear.
Thanks, man. I trust you 100%,
I promise you.
This don't go no further, right?
You were on to something there,
right? Basically, it's hell.
He's just so arrogant and cocky, he
know he's not going to get caught.
Who? Well, there's only one bloke
left, isn't there, apart from me.
It's no coincidence that he knows
With every Traitor he's gone for,
he knows every single movement
they've done throughout.
He's voted every single Traitor out.
I reckon he's been
there from the start.
Cos he's never once been looked at,
has he, or questioned, ever. Mm-mm.
VOICE OVER: Andrew just
basically said,
"You're definitely on to something
with Harry,"
and in my head I'm thinking,
"I've never seen you
put your neck on the line."
There's been a common pattern
of Traitors taking Traitors out.
You know, I've had my suspicions
with Harry
and I do have my suspicions
with Andrew still.
I think one of them could be
a Traitor.
So do you think there's
still one left?
Maybe one left. You think there's
a Traitor out of us?
Maybe one left, yeah, I don't know.
It's hard, isn't it?
Isn't it crazy that, like, earlier,
we were so buzzing
and now we're just like
the most deflated people ever.
Well, shall we all do a cheers
to the best four people to end
the game that's possible?
Cheers, guys.
Congratulations, and I love you all.
Big congrats to all of us.
As a storm rages outside
the castle walls,
two Traitors and two Faithfuls
step into the endgame -
but who will walk away victorious?
The last woman standing.
Oh, my God, I didn't even
realise that!
You've played it really,
really well.
Thank you. Who would you like
to finish this game with?
It's so tough, but I do think there
is still a Traitor in the group.
I'll never forgive myself,
if we do get out another Faithful,
but I'll never forgive myself
if I give that all to a Traitor,
so it's a really tough night.
You're in the final four!
Yeah, I know, yeah, it's crazy.
I'm still pinching myself
to think I'm here.
You've been amazing.
How have you found this experience?
Amazing. I can't explain it,
I can't put it into words how it's
such an emotional roller-coaster.
Do you have a plan?
Yeah, yeah, I've sort of got a plan,
yeah, I think.
I'll just have to stick to my guns
and go for it.
I'm on the ropes at the moment,
but I'm not going to go down
without a fight.
I've come too far now to give up.
You are the youngest Traitor.
You got rid
of Ash, Paul, Miles, Ross.
You're four steps ahead
of everybody else.
That Shield trick was
unparalleled in its brilliance.
Mm, it threw everyone off
and I mean, it worked perfectly.
I honestly don't know how I'm here,
to be fair.
I'm literally within touching
distance of the money.
I'm not going to let
anything stop me now.
You've been such
a brilliant player, jaz.
Who do you want to be standing
with at the end?
If I'm honest! I don't want to be
standing with anyone
because I don't trust anyone.
I'm used to being lied to,
and I could be getting this wrong
but at the end of the clay,
I've just got to stick with my gut,
er, which is what I've clone
since I entered this process.
# Oh, we can be heroes
# just for one day. #
Players, this is it.
The game is now very much
in your control.
Are there still Traitors
in your midst?
Or are you all Faithful?
The answer to that
is very important,
as you can all decide
to end the game.
If you are all Faithful,
you will split the prize pot.
But, if any Traitor remains
they will take it all.
In front of you,
you will see a chest,
and in there are ceremonial pouches.
One is labelled "Endgame",
the other is labelled
"Banish again".
If only one of you chooses
to banish again,
then all four of you
will vote a player out.
The game only ends
when you all decide to end it,
or if there are only
two players remaining.
Please choose a pouch.
There will be no discussion.
Have you all chosen?
Yep. Yeah.
I will come round and collect.
Thank you, Mollie.
Thank you, Andrew.
Thank you, Harry.
Thank you, jaz.
I have your pouches.
I will now throw them into the fire.
If all four burn green, then you
have decided to end the game.
if just one burns red, then all
four of you will banish again.
We're going to start with you, jaz.
Let's see what you have chosen.
You have voted to banish again.
Why? Mainly because
I've had my concerns,
which I've been very upfront about.
jaz has chosen to banish again.
That means we will be going
to a vote,
but, Mollie, let's find out
what you have decided to do.
You have chosen to banish again.
I just want to feel kind of secure
standing there at the end.
Andrew, let's find out
what you would like to do.
you have chosen to banish again.
I believe Harry has been
a great Traitor from the start.
He's obviously led the
lead against all the Traitors.
Ancl it's no coincidence
that he's known step by step
exactly what they wanted to do
through the whole process.
Harry, let's find out
what you have decided to do.
You have also chosen
to banish again.
Well, that was kind of random, but
I'm looking round the table here
and I need to be 100% with
every single person standing here,
whether that be 100% with two
people, but 99% with one person,
I just wouldn't feel comfortable
ending the game.
All four of you
have a slate in front of you.
I would like you to write
down the person you wish to banish.
Are your votes locked in?
we're going to start with you.
Who do you believe
should be banished?
I voted for you, Andrew. Sorry.
Andrew, who have you voted for?
I voted for Harry.
Harry, who do you
believe should be banished?
I voted for Andrew.
And finally, jaz.
I'm voting for
you have received the most votes.
Yeah. You are banished
from the game.
Will you now reveal, please, are you
a Faithful or are you a Traitor?
I am
a Traitor.
You have been utterly brilliant.
What a game you've had.
Thank you. Please will you leave
the castle? Yeah.
I'm quite surprised I got this far.
No matter what I have said today,
I couldn't have changed
Mollie orjaz's mind.
I've got no hard feelings
with Harry.
I take my hat off to him.
He's been amazing, to be honest,
from start to finish.
It's like a bit of a weight
off my shoulders now,
and I can go back to being me.
Guys, you just caught a Traitor.
You all right?
Oh, man, it's
How are you feeling? Emotional.
Well, yeah, I'm a bit, like,
freaked out as well.
Oh, mate!
That was a real hard one.
Like, what the fuck?
So, Andrew has been banished.
Only three of you remain,
and now you have to make a choice.
In that chest, you have pouches.
Banish again, or endgame.
Are you all Faithful, or is there
still a Traitor in the trio?
This is your last chance
to banish someone,
as the game automatically ends when
there are only two people remaining.
Think carefully.
Do you want to end the game,
or banish again?
there will be no discussion.
Please select your pouch.
Have you made your choice?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Mollie, we're going to start
with you.
Let's find out what
you'd like to do -
end the game, or banish again?
You have chosen to end the game.
I was going off the fact
that there was one Traitor,
um, and we just found him, so I'm
praying you guys have been honest.
Harry, let's find out
what you have chosen to do.
You have chosen to end the game.
Why? just like I said, I mean,
I'm 100% with jaz to my left
and Mollie in front of me.
I'm 100% they're Faithful,
and so why would I not end the game?
And finally, jaz.
Let's find out your decision.
You have chosen to banish again.
The only person I'm confident
to stand with is Mollie.
Um, after finding out
that Andrew is a Traitor,
I feel like there's been
a common trend
of Traitors taking Traitors out
and it's very difficult, and I'm
not sure why he brought that up.
Well, I'm just going to say,
like, obviously, I think
that's just out of spite
because Andrew's come to me
during the day
and sort of said
if we came to this situation,
he wanted me to look at yourself,
and that's what he was pushing
towards, but, yeah, honestly,
I don't know what that was about,
but I think he was just angry
because I hadn't gone with yourself.
just really confusing,
because I don't know why he would
mention your name. Yeah.
So, jaz,
as you've chosen to banish again,
we will go to a Banishment Vote.
Please write on the slate the person
that you believe should be banished.
I actually can't do it.
Can't do it.
Are the names locked in?
Thank you, Harry.
Thank you, jaz.
Can I change it?
The votes are locked in only
when everybody is happy.
Are your votes locked in?
Everyone is sure?
No, I'm not sure.
Can everyone confirm they are happy
and locked in? Yeah.
You're happy? You're happy?
We're going to start with you,
Who do you believe should be
So, this is obviously a hard one
because I don't believe
either of these guys are Traitors,
but I've gone for who I trust more,
sojaz, I've gone for you, mate.
jaz, who do you
believe should be banished?
Er, I believe Harry
should be banished.
Yeah, I think with the suspicions
that I had from Andrew
and previously,
I'm going to stick with Harry.
And finally, Mollie.
It's not a vote
I wanted to make at all.
Um, to be honest, I don't think
either of you are Traitors.
"I've trusted Harry for a while
and unfortunately,
I've had suspicions in the past
about you, Jaz.
jaz, you have received
the most votes.
Please now reveal, are you a Traitor
or are you a Faithful?
I am a Faithful.
You've been absolutely brilliant.
Please leave the castle.
It is a difficult pill to swallow,
being the last one banished,
but I had my suspicions with Harry,
so I just had to stick with my gut
and I don't regret anything.
I've just got to be
grateful for this point right now.
Um, I feel like I've
clone my family proud.
I think I've clone very well
to get to this point.
It's something that I will,
you know, look back on
and be really proud of.
Harry and Mollie
you are the last surviving
players on The Traitors.
If you are both Faithful,
you will share
the prize pot, £95,150.
However, if one of you is a Traitor,
you take it all.
Mollie, please reveal, are you
a Faithful or are you a Traitor?
I'm a Faithful.
Harry, please reveal, are you
a Faithful or are you a Traitor?
I am, and since the start
been a Traitor.
Oh, my fucking God!
Oh, my God!
Oh, fuck!
I wrote Harry's name down first,
and I looked at him
and I just couldn't do it.
Like, I really trusted him,
so, yeah, I changed it,
believe it or not.
He played an excellent game, so
fair play to him.
Harry, you did it.
You played the game of your life.
How are you feeling? I don't know!
My legs are shaking.
Oh, my!
Oh. my Oh, my!
I just won 95 grand. Come here.
And she's, like, crying and stuff.
Mollie basically
is the reason that I'm here.
I need to gain her trust back.
I don't know if that's ever
going to be possible,
but I'm going to try my hardest,
I promise you that.
You have
played an extraordinary game.
You now stand in front of that
entire pot of gold
and it's yours. I know.
It's mine and my family's. £95,150.
22 years old
and you beat everyone.
Yeah, everyone!
Well done. Are you happy? Thank you.
Yeah, I can't believe it. Are you
all right? Thank you so much.
You did it. I'm shaking. I can't
believe it. You are a winner.
Touch it, come on.
I was going to say, like, can I
Touch it. ..put it in my pocket?!
Put it in your pocket. I know,
I'm going to take it all home.
Come on, let's go and get a drink.
Yeah, I would love one.
This is yours.
Come on. Thank you so much.
Let's go!
My family know
I'm a good guy, so to everyone else,
if you don't think I'm a good guy,
I promise you I am, but I came here
for my family, my loved ones.
They are my motivation.
They're the reason I go on in life
and I can't wait to be able
to ring 'em and be like,
"I've just won 95 grand."
It's going to be the best - like, it
makes me excited inside right now.
I feel I can breathe,
cos, like, I'm just me again,
I'm Harry again.
Come on!
95 grand, thank you so much!
The OG.
That tastes good.
Oh, that tastes lovely,
especially knowing now
I've got 95 grand in the bank!
That tastes even better.
I underestimated this massively.
You come here
and there's 22 amazing people,
and from the off,
I've been a Traitor.
I've had enough of being naughty
and being bad,
because that was next level.
I'm the best Traitor in the world!
I hope Mollie didn't hear that.
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