The Unit s02e12 Episode Script

The Broom Cupboard

In 1979, congress authorized the formation of a contingent of elite special forces soldiers, who answer only to the president of the united states.
previously on the unit we have an immediate need for a driver in brazil.
blackthorn would give you the opportunity to travel, see the world.
how was that one? looked good to me.
kid’s almost ready for the job.
glad to hear it.
welcome to the family.
baby, i’m so proud of you.
you’re blane? jonas blane, sir.
sent you down to the bowels, jonas.
quite all right, sir.
this was the white house broom cupboard.
warren harding brought his mistress, nan britton, here for presidential favors.
nothing like history.
ladybird had the white house kitchen staff water down I.
’s drinks for his nightly cocktail, so he had a secret bar built in this room.
could you locate that bar for me, sergeant major? well, sir, i would have to say, it would have to be there, sir.
you’re the lead man in senator webb’s humanitarian visit to madalu next week.
are you confident you can keep her safe in such a hostile country? yes, i am.
you recognize this man? that’s hiro raja, son of the former ruler of madalu.
what can you tell me about him? any number of things, sir.
would you like a drink? thank you, sir, no.
harding’s vice was a younger woman.
mine is a glass of rum when the sun goes down.
are you sure i can’t pour you one? is that a direct order, mr.
president? yes, it is.
raja? he fancies himself a general.
we do not know why.
he studied art history at stanford.
he has served in no known military, and he’d like to overthrow the dictatorial regime who killed his daddy, the king.
he, um, he’s passed a message along to me.
says he has all the pieces in place for a coup, just needs american support.
now, this could be a once in a generation opportunity for peaceful regime change.
should it blow up, we show our hand to the current government, it pushes them, maybe the whole region, toward china.
how ‘bout that? well, your advisor surely would- mm-mmm.
my advisors have never met raja.
the reports they give me are based on interviews with his classmates haven’t seen the man for 15 years.
no, i need someone to find him in his hidey hole.
look him in the eyes, tell me what he’s made of.
what is his plan? will this plan work? and look at you - you’re already going down there.
you want me to vanish off the center of this protection detail, find raja in country, and report back to you.
he sent this.
that’s your bona fide.
means you’re from me.
are you confident that your team can protect the senator if we split you out? yes, sir.
your commander won’t know of our little thing.
you inform your team to the minimum.
that’s an order.
and senator webb- ah, yes.
the fine lady from texas.
you keep her on a leash.
sir? she’s supposed to be delivering food and medicine to earthquake victims, but she can’t resist chewing on any hawkish bone.
she will root up anything to publicly humiliate my administration.
she might even try to contact raja herself.
you keep her to the itinerary we gave her.
yes, sir.
one more thing.
my job ain’t a bit easy.
but it’s a heck of a lot better than getting shot at.
i know what you and the others do.
i know what y’all will do for the next guy and i want to thank every one of you for it.
oh, lovely country.
yes, ma’am.
lovely country.
ugly government.
repeat it one last time.
protect the senator, despite being one man short.
distract local government security to cover your absence.
in that order.
and don’t be shy about pulling off both.
nothing else you want to share? where you’re going, and expo plans you get your tea bags and water? just make sure the senator stays in her hotel.
i will use all my powers of persuasion.
that doesn’t work, i’ll hit her in the head.
just keep her safe.
sergeant major.
premiere huang.
madame senator, welcome to madalu.
michael, my head of security, will ensure your trip as pleasant as possible.
nice to meet you.
thank you for coming.
for the senator.
go ahead.
oh, thank you.
thank you so much.
you take these.
with the luggage.
thank you.
the room has been swept for listening devices.
we’ll pass the magic wand again in the morning while you’re enjoying your breakfast.
ah, what exotic flowers.
they certainly are.
where’s the card? ma’am? the card that came with the flowers.
i could not say.
it would be a grave diplomatic breech for someone in their government to confiscate a personal communication.
which, it follows, leaves you as the criminal.
do you need to search your pockets? or is it your sincerest hope that i search them for you? ahem.
green, some of general raja’s supporters would like to speak to me, so you will accompany me to a restaurant this afternoon.
ma’am you’re not clear to leave the hotel till tomorrow morning.
by whom? that pygmy this is a chance for real democracy.
democracy, which contrary to recent world opinion, is still a good idea.
you will get me there today.
i can’t guarantee your safety.
i need to speak with general raja.
that doesn’t alter the case.
a man with opinions.
ma’am, it could be a trap.
why? raja and his forces, or anyone else to draw you out.
why? why would they wish to do that? to kill you, to embarrass the government.
perhaps you should just leave the politics to the politicians, soldier.
yes, ma’am.
i am a soldier.
and it is my mission to keep you alive.
you’re security? i am the premiere’s head of security.
how may i help you, madame senator? i’ll be traveling into the city this afternoon.
an unplanned trip? ah, well, that’s correct.
my safety is being guaranteed by these men.
see, i’m their fairy godmother when it’s time to cut the checks.
they’re returning the favor by making sure i get back home in one piece.
all i expect from you and your men is complete privacy.
will that be a problem? of course not, madame senator.
i’ve taken care of my end.
the rest is up to you.
you must talk to your principal.
you understand i’m under orders? i am to locate an appropriately authentic restaurant for her to dine.
our countries may have few mutual interests, but you and i, we both wish for the senator’s safety.
let me send some men with you.
look, she wants to mix with the locals.
she wants to hear their stories of the earthquake and what kind of aid is most needed, and she wants no interference.
a man or two? you understand that she has hamstrung me? the only ally i have left is secrecy.
if no one knows where she’s going, there will be no one there to meet us to do her harm.
i know you understand.
as she wishes.
my friend said i absolutely had to stop in here for the- the soup? well, that’s right.
the soup.
your friends are also american? they are.
it’s disappointing you are here alone, then.
but they asked me to report back to them with all my good impressions.
let me say what the cook can prepare for such a special guest.
that would be lovely.
senator webb, i respectfully request you allow some of my men to accompany you into town, as a matter of safety.
i appreciate your concern, but- this is still our country, and i have a responsibility here as well.
i really must insist.
i’ll allow one man to join us.
one man under my orders.
of course.
if it is to be one man, it shall be me.
very well.
is this how you treat the visitors to your country? i just serve the food, mister, i don’t cook it.
perhaps i should speak to person that does, then.
please- no, i need to speak to the owner.
if you feel you must.
not here.
the walls are thin.
no, no, you stay out here with him, watch the entrance.
you online? loud and proud.
why did you invite him? give a man a front row seat, he doesn’t generally ask what’s behind the curtain.
i thought i made my wishes clear.
leave the politicking to you.
yes, ma’am.
thank you.
that’s all she wrote.
all visitors get this type of work? take off your clothes.
you already searched me.
take them off! put that on.
what is the delay? maybe someone got spooked.
maybe this was all a game.
i imagine you don’t get stood up very often.
not since henry latham in the 11th grade.
and where is he now, right? i need to use the restroom.
when in rome hi, molly, hi, kim.
need us to find crystal for you? no, i can’t talk long.
we’re traveling out soon.
i need your help.
sure, anything.
i’m on a plane there in 10 hours.
what’s wrong? it’s a- hello? jeremy? hello? i think this storm’s getting worse.
can you hear me? what’s wrong? it’s a surprise.
i’m going to propose.
you’re gonna propose to crystal! i see! jeremy, that’s wonderful.
can you help me out? i won’t have time to make the arrangements.
is there something you can do? i’m sorry, there’s multiple power outages reported to bisk res.
and i have to get crystal a ring, any one she wants.
you pick one out.
of course we will.
and i need help making all the arrangements.
i want it to be perfect for her.
it will be.
what do you need? i want to go to the- to the what? can we get him back? mm-mmm.
we’ve got a lot do.
in not much time.
how are we gonna figure out what kind of ring crystal’d like? sounds like man’s work.
thank you.
yeah, any time.
senator? senator? senator, i’m coming in.
betty blue.
betty blue.
get in here, she’s gone.
what? the yellow rose, she’s gone.
i repeat, the yellow rose is missing.
she was in here, door was never out of my sight.
hole was cut recently.
who else did you tell we were here? no one.
your men, they followed you, they tracked you, which is it? no! where is she? i don’t know.
who are you? where am i? where have you taken me? do you have any idea who you’re dealing with? this is war.
you are declaring war on a super power! yes, colonel.
he says he saw no one back here.
the soonest we can have more men here is 12 hours.
i want your entire army here now.
where is your other man? where is your team leader? he had the back.
he must have been neutralized as part of the kidnapping.
this was not us.
because things are so friendly between our 2 nations? because such an act would harm us more than you.
as indeed it will.
i thought the entire point of a dictatorship was to exert control over its people.
i thought - then you exert that control.
my colonel wants our principle back.
the news stations will notify the people.
a reward will be offered.
what are you doing now? this area is popular with general raja’s supporters.
i assure you this atrocity was their doing not ours.
for what purpose? to bait you into attacking our sovereign government.
no! this snatch job took intel and planning.
your people are the only ones who knew that the senator was leaving the hotel.
were we? the senator’s trip was purely social? in this neighborhood? are you sure she didn’t trust some of raja’s people? your man runs the government, allegedly with an iron fist.
you’re standing in front of me right now, so, i’m holding you personally responsible.
do you know what my colonel just informed me? right now bombs are rolling off an assembly line in ohio and being loaded onto planes.
guess where those planes are headed.
if you don’t help me find the senator safe and pristine before those bombs hit your airspace, my superiors will destroy everything not nailed down by god himself.
you think an earthquake destroyed your country, friend? let the good senator die, and see how this home of yours starts rockin’.
mack: what do you think? i think it’s perfect.
we’ll take it.
a lovely ring for a lovely couple.
oh, thank you.
it’s a little late to be buying your wife an engagement ring, don’t you think? well, you know we were too broke when we got married, so i figured it’s time to make it right.
well, tiffy’s very lucky.
i just got to figure out how to give it to her.
got anything planned? figure i’ll take her somewhere nice.
well, you should take her some place special to the two of you.
like? well you and jeremy have a place? yes, we do.
what is it? it’s where we had our first date.
i don’t think it’d suit you.
why’s that? well, for starters it’s in kalamazoo, michigan.
and for finishers? come on, a seventies-them restaurant.
yep, shag carpet, lava lamps-the works.
you’re kidding.
waitress in polyester and go-go boots.
couldn’t make it up if i tried.
jeremy and crystal are into that kind a stuff? no.
i think.
has sentimental value? thank you.
i spoke to the tourism office in kalamazoo.
luckily there is only one seventies diner in the area.
mack: rainbow room.
crystal wasn’t kidding.
it’s not gonna be easy.
tiffy: it’s going to be harder than that.
jeremy gets back tonight.
it’s what crystal wants, what we promised him.
jeremy’ll understand.
molly, there’s no time.
we will do this.
keep your mouth shut.
my orders are 24 hours to locate the senator.
after that, we’re to leave the country in case bombing becomes necessary.
you understand the deal here? every soldier in the army’s going door to door in the city conducting searches- a benefit of our form of government.
no warrants necessary.
what about interrogating your own security officers? as i said, we are not responsible for this.
well, that’s quite a bet you’re placing.
that’s his chips in the pot.
we have collecd various supporters of general raja’s cause.
also, employees of the restaurant.
i am confident one of them will be able to tell us who has taken your senator.
with your permission, i will begin aggressive interrogation techniques until one of them reveals the authors of this crime.
torture? you do not need to be present if it makes you uncomfortable.
how high is the reward you’ve offered your people for the senator? one millions ruples.
what is that? $3,000, $4,000 american? it is a fortune to dream of to almost everyone on this island.
well, i would strongly urge you to dream bigger.
molly, there’s no way.
molly: they’re only getting engaged once.
i sent jeremy over there.
the least i can do is give him a special night.
oh, well how special is it going to be if she finds me and the other wives taping carpet to her patio? just keep working.
i’ll be happy if i never see pink or green carpet again.
you and the rest of the world keep working.
crystal: hello.
hi, baby.
how was school? fine.
hi, crystal.
aunt molly, want to see my new doll house? not now, baby.
it has a chandelier.
it does? want to see? later, baby.
go play.
crystal: what is going on in here? uh, thank you gifts for the f.
i foolishly offered to store them in my living room.
generous you.
don’t you have to get to work? actually, i’m thinking of calling in sick.
you’re sick? no.
but it’s been a long week.
i thought i’d spend a quiet night at home.
but you have to go to work.
what? why? because because because it’s a matter of responsibility.
well, it’s just one night.
responsibility to your loved ones in the field.
what do you mean? save your days off for when you can use them with jeremy.
who knows when he’ll be back.
you’re right.
who is this? i’m here to see general raja.
he will see the senator only.
i don’t speak for the senator.
i’m here for someone else.
the president sends his greetings.
before we begin, i feel i must tell you local radio is reporting your senator has been kidnapped.
what? i am sorry.
from where? and by whom? i do not know.
but i swear to you neither i nor my associates have done this.
if you choose to leave now to search for her, you’re free to go.
holy hell! you’ve got one hour to convince me i tell you everything- all my plans.
i’ve just told you how to stop me.
how’s it going to go down for you with u.
support? we’ll follow the strategic model set up by the viet cong.
the president travels on the 18th.
by sundown on the 19th, we will control the country.
casualties? none.
and this? at the hour of the coup, we will take over all radio and television stations.
ah, the opposition can’t react if it doesn’t know what’s happening.
we don’t simply shut off the broadcasts, we take control of the airwaves - announce success.
announce that we have already seized power.
why? world wants to be on the winning team.
we seize control over villages, and the villagers will follow.
a country of 14 million.
looks like you have at best 15% in arms.
i need only have active support of 15% and the ability to establish positive control over 25.
general mao.
you’re a military historian.
and i thought you were an art history major.
i studied military strategy dating back to rome.
you don’t win wars reading books.
this is what i’ve learned, precisely.
we’ve got 10,000 of these stockpiled.
but we need more.
and we need economic and military support.
what is your president’s offer? your country is not the only place to secure these things.
china? among many other places.
but, of course, america is my first choice.
our camp is far from civilization, but i think you may be surprised at the amenities.
such as? my chef trained at the cordon bleu.
to the active support of 15%.
i’m curious, general.
why you prefer america to the chinese in this matter.
certainly, they’re the closer neighbors.
my esteemed chef quot.
at college in your country, i spent 4 years falling in love with america.
the general graduated summa cum laude.
your father must have been proud.
my father was impossible to please.
once, when the campus was celebrating a football victory, my friends and i, we climbed to the top of a streetlight.
someone snapped a photo.
and the next day it appeared in a newspaper.
my father was furious.
he was too hard on you.
i thought so.
until he was murdered the next week.
and my family was chased into exile.
that must have been difficult.
in a foreign country- it was a dark period.
but i was borne through it by destiny.
destiny? do you know what the name raja means? king, i believe.
you’re well informed.
these are chaotic times.
and the mandaluan people need a leader.
it is my birthright, and i intend to fulfill it with or without american aid.
on your list the requests, i don’t see election officials or ballot boxes.
the most suitable aid would be m4 submachine guns and c-130 transport planes.
which you can provide through the anti-terrorism activities fund.
security first.
then elections.
foie gras with truffles.
how long has your chef been with you? over a decade.
and he tastes every dish- i won’t be betrayed like my father was.
i see.
the emperor claudius died from a plate of tainted mushrooms.
so, tell me, mr.
what will you report back to your president? that you’re an impeccable host.
i went to 4 different places before i found these lamps.
i used to have one of these in my room as a teenager.
feelin’ dated? a little bit.
you have the outfits.
got ‘em.
we should get movin’.
i got to get back to blackthorn to meet jeremy.
see you at the rainbow room.
you all set? i can’t find the ring.
heh heh.
you’re sure i was the last one to have it? i’m positive.
i watched you put it on the counter.
well, it’s not on the counter.
why would it be in there? i don’t know, kim! look, i paid for this ring with money that i don’t have.
so, i intend to find it.
jeremy will pay you back.
not if he doesn’t get it.
well, i’ll pay you back then.
with what? i see.
i asked you for your help.
i lost the ring.
so, it’s my fault.
look, for the sake of time, let’s skip past the «i’m sorry, you’re sorry.
» and just find the ring.
how ‘bout that? where else were you working today? in the living room.
oh, no.
what? the f.
flower baskets.
they’re all over the place.
every mission has its sacrifices.
come on.
clock’s runnin’.
the premier agrees with your recommendation and has increased the reward to 100 million ruples.
well, i see wisdom isn’t completely absent in these parts.
however, he suggests that we proceed with the interrogations.
look, one lie under torture costs us about 6 hours.
and i don’t care to be made a part of how you abuse your citizens.
perhaps we could give the reward an hour.
if there’s nothing by then, then we’ll leave you to learn what you can.
ugh! please, god, don’t hurt me.
thank you.
mmm! your men stay behind us.
no shooting unless we fire first.
we got her! no one else is here.
we got the only thing we came for.
are you injured? are you all right? yeah.
you sure? yeah.
here we go.
please just get me back to the hotel.
that’s the last of them.
people who made donations won’t get much of a thank you unless they want some bits of shredded paper.
no ring.
but at least they’ll have a hell of a story.
maybe you took it home.
i didn’t.
maybe tiffy took it with her- she didn’t.
then, where is it?! is there any room that we haven’t checked? oh, thank god.
little girls, shiny things.
we were born with it.
oh, no.
it’s not too late.
where would she have put it? i don’t know.
she’s 6.
well, we must be missing something.
the chandelier.
what? dollhouses don’t come with chandeliers.
at least not the kind we can afford.
what is this? good evening.
welcome to the rainbow room.
right this way.
would you like to order now? or would like to wait for the other member of your party? the other? have you got him? not yet.
it’s connecting now.
you’re sure he wasn’t on that flight? earhart.
e-r-h- i got him.
never mind, thank you.
officer hitchner? molly.
we’ve- where’s jeremy earhart? tell me he wasn’t involved.
i’m sorry.
no he was supposed - his flight should have arrived already.
he’s due home.
why didn’t you call me earlier? it’s-it’s been chaos all day.
details are still coming in.
tell me what you know.
executive jeremy was driving- there was an attempt on the car.
jeremy took evasive action, but there was a head-on collision, some shots.
is he we don’t know yet.
his injuries are severe.
he’s been burned.
how severe? it’s bad.
it’s real bad.
no, crystal.
it’s molly.
to your safe homecoming.
always worth drinking to, sir.
i have to thank you for exceeding my expectations.
how’s that, sir? the senator’s kidnapping.
you gave me a pretext to either support the coup, or, if i sit out, it’s already made the government there a whole lot more obedient.
just trying to keep the fine senator out of harm’s way.
well, well done.
thank you.
so, did you meet with general raja? yes.
eye to eye? soldier to soldier? yes.
does he have a plan? yes.
is it a good plan? rock solid, sir.
the general has all the pieces.
he just needs some american glue to hold it all together.
and the man- how did you find him? smart.
a leader.
but? i wouldn’t go hunting with him, sir.
well, it seems like i have 2 choices.
and their names are not good and better.
seems to me this is the question.
when it comes down to it, will he stick by us or will he sell us out to the chinese? i ain’t in the officer corps, sir.
no, but you looked him in the eye.
i looked you in the eye over a drink.
does he sell to the chinese? only for a dollar more.
he’s not their george washington.
i’d settle for warren harding.
there’s one thing you forgot to mention about mr.
harding the last time, sir.
his mistress.
he later fathered a child with her.
you’re a reading man.
speculation had it that when harding’s wife discovered this, she poisoned him.
suppose there’s a lesson there somewhere.
sir, watch your 6.
fox alpha.
hold on a second.
jonas, thank you, sergeant major.
thank you so much.

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