Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy (2021) s02e12 Episode Script

Attack of the Giant Monsters

The Subspace, a world created
by an undefeated dragon
under the influence of Makoto Misumi.
Because of that,
there lies the flora and fauna of Japan.
There are even ferocious beasts.
I will forgive your impertinence
if you leave now and never return.
This is your only warning. Leave.
I was spared.
A bear and a wolf?
The surveying orcs were injured
and received a warning.
Shiki returned to the academy,
so Emma is busy with the healing.
I see.
Where were they attacked?
The northern region of the forest.
That's too close.
Is it somehow related to
the irregular weather in the Subspace?
Will opening the mist gate
in the right location
stabilize the weather?
I'm still studying that solution.
Chasing the beasts away
is the more pressing matter.
I heard that bears are premium delicacies!
Especially the right paw
No! Bears are sacred symbols
in certain parts of Japan!
Wolves are even known as
the King of the Forest!
Oh my
If communication is possible,
I'd like to negotiate with them.
You think very highly of those creatures.
Because they are special to me.
Pretty much like the dragons
among mythical beasts.
They are beings I dream of.
If you fancy yourself a dragon,
check this out.
There is one in front of you.
I can be a great companion
for all kinds of occasions.
I'm right here.
Young Master, the spiders
Spiders are special, too.
They eat the pests.
Ms. Tomoe!
It's no use if it won't show itself.
It's nearby.
A real bear.
First off, mobility boost.
Your coat is so soft and smooth!
Is it because you're from the Subspace?
Don't waste your strength.
The wolves are here, too.
I am Makoto Misumi.
I came to talk in peace.
Not bad.
That's what a wolf should do.
The attack didn't work.
There is more than one.
We've recently detected
an unusually strong energy surge.
That must be you.
I think so.
You seem to be the king of this land.
Which means we must act.
I have no intention to rule you.
I came to apologize as your neighbor.
We will never enter this forest
without first informing you.
If you ever need help, I'll send help.
Despite your overwhelming power,
you'd rather share the land with us
and shelter us?
Not shelter, but to co-exist.
I hope you can protect the forest
as you have always done.
I don't understand.
What's in it for you?
What's in it for me?
Nothing. I just want to make friends.
With you, the forest,
and that bear.
Wolf, the only thing left to do is
to have a laugh.
I-It's huge!
Sorry for interrupting.
Oh my, you're amazing.
You can call me Grizz.
Grizz? Because it's a grizzly bear?
Very well, Makoto Misumi.
We accept your offer
and will be your friends.
The forest is ours to rule.
We do not accept your rule.
Sure, certainly.
An interesting person.
I wonder if the one in the sky
will accept this.
Don't be concerned.
If it must get involved,
it will present itself to him.
Fair enough.
Now, a formal greeting.
-We look forward to your guidance, King.
-We look forward to your guidance, King.
With that, the Forest of Wolf became
the sacred sanctuary in the Subspace.
I know you like the fruit,
but you can't simply
pick them off however you want.
There is a saying in Japan,
"Protect the persimmon on the trees."
We don't harvest all of the ripe
fruits on the persimmon tree.
Instead, we leave some on it to pray
for a great harvest in the coming year
so that the other creatures
Get back here!
But this persimmon is totally ripe!
Young Master, look!
Hold on, that thing is gigantic!
We have a big one.
I don't care who you are.
You are not allowed to block his sky.
I came to greet you.
The wolf told me everything.
Are you their friend?
Correct. I'll descend in a moment.
I knew it. A mythical beast.
What other mysteries
does the Subspace hold?
I expected nothing less from your world.
Wait, it's your world, too.
Besides, there are
no mythical beasts in Japan.
In that case,
these creatures are like our children.
That makes the Subspace
Komoe's big sister.
The Subspace is my big sister?
Komoe, don't believe her.
May I speak now?
You've become small!
I'll be talking with you in this form.
Nice to meet you. I am Makoto Misumi.
I am Iwatori, the steward of
the sky and mountains.
Pleasure meeting you.
Mr. Iwatori
I've heard about the rock bird.
I shall supervise the sky under your rule.
Any thoughts about it?
I want you to carry on
with your life as usual.
Thank you.
I have a request.
You mentioned the name "Rock Bird."
Can I take that name?
I'm very fond of it.
Sure. Go ahead.
I can't thank you enough.
From now on,
I shall be known as Rock Bird!
This feels like adding
another follower to the ranks.
It's not a follower
unless you form a pact.
It's more like a subordinate.
I see. You are jealous.
But saying that would be unfair to you.
I have only three followers.
That's you, Mio, and Shiki.
I-I'm glad you remember.
Let's head back.
Komoe, I'll hold
the other side of the basket.
No, I can carry the baskets myself.
I can't let the giant bird surpass me!
The baskets are walking.
You can feel the autumn breeze
on a late summer evening.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
It's fine. I just got here.
But I'm surprised
you'd invite me to a drink.
I'd like to talk to you.
Mr. Shiki brought you here?
Come on, that's not fair.
What type does Mr. Shiki prefer?
Straight to the point, huh?
He partakes in all kinds of wine.
Not that.
I'm asking you what kind of women
he likes to drink with.
By the way, we've never
had a conversation like this.
We've been working very hard.
Those with scholarships
will be discarded when their grades drop.
We're more like rivals than friends.
Never mind, you go first.
There's one thing I'd like to do
before the summer break ends.
I want to defeat it.
I must take down the drake.
I'd be glad to give up
if it was an overwhelming defeat.
But back then
We had a chance to win the fight.
You thought so, too?
Everyone was dissatisfied.
So, let's end the summer break with this.
That settles it.
I feel much better now.
Hey Jin, why did you come to the academy?
Were you scouted?
Yeah. You too, right?
But honestly, I was very bored
until I met Mr. Kuzunoha.
I can say the same.
So, aren't you going home?
Going back won't make a difference.
I used to live with my mother.
But she passed away during the epidemic.
Speaking of me,
you never went home, either.
Is there a reason?
You can put it that way.
In the village where I was born,
there is someone much stronger than me.
She was abandoned there as an orphan.
The villagers gave her a hard time
by sending her to get rid of monsters.
She never stopped fighting, as if she was
driven by the spirit of defiance.
Is that your master?
She was my first love.
Your first love
I started helping her before I knew it.
the village ordered us
to investigate the forbidden forest.
Give me a break.
What's the point in
developing this creepy forest?
You're as cold as ever.
Is this the mage's workshop?
That was the last time I saw her.
I couldn't forgive
the village where I grew up
and the helpless boy I was.
I started training to get stronger
and accepted the academy's offer.
I want to find Miranda
and apologize to her.
I wanted to be stronger
and catch up to her,
and apologize for that time.
So that's why you never went home.
And now, that drake is a challenge
you must overcome.
That's the idea.
A rematch with the drake?
Jin and his happy friends
want to redeem themselves.
But they aren't telling you.
I see.
Did they think I'd be upset about it?
Kids of their age yearn to grow up.
But the Rembrant sisters went home, right?
Lime informed me of the matter.
He's been secretly
keeping the sisters safe in Tsige.
He even trains them.
What do you mean?
They are now back in Rotsgard
and are discussing
the battle plan with Jin.
I don't think they will
lose a fight against the drake now.
Well, let them try.
Eris, you won't
have to be there this time.
But that drake and its hordes of friends
are waiting by the water.
Hordes of friends?
It's rare to even spot one drake.
I doubt that was a coincidence.
With your permission,
I shall investigate the area.
I leave that to you.
As for Jin and the students
The greenhorns will try to look
for the drake where they found it.
We can simply place one there.
I can take care of the other drakes.
It's the perfect chance
to test my mana mass.
You'll take the rest?
A moment of silence for the poor drakes.
This ritual
A divine instrument?
The divine instrument passed down
in the nation of Elysion,
the Dragon Governor Scepter.
It should have been lost
when the nation perished.
Young Master, may I speak to you now?
Did you find something?
Is there a ritual site
or some bloodstains there?
So, you found one?
There are signs of someone
activating a divine instrument.
Which means the drakes were summoned here.
This is likely the work of demons.
Carry on with your investigation.
I'll take care of the drakes.
All right.
I should spare one
for Jin and the other students.
That should do it.
All right, showtime.
Even if I can't use wind magic,
I can still move in the air.
Your fire breath won't work on me.
The performance exceeds my expectations.
We aren't enemies,
but I'm sorry.
Just a bunch of normal rebels.
I was told the Demon King
was an outstanding ruler.
It's surprising to see them
rebelling against the king.
We are rebelling because
of how outstanding he is.
That's how the organization works
The divine instrument was stolen.
I got no information out of them.
Their information is unreliable.
Until I find out
what the enemy conspiracy is,
it's too early to report
to the Young Master.
Now, to collect the drake meat for Mio.
I'm getting used to the mana mass.
All that's left is the rematch.
I can sense it. As expected, there's one.
It wasn't there until just now.
Where did it come from?
Who cares? It works for us.
Battle formation!
I'll hold off the roar.
I'm moving to the vanguard.
Mithra and I will go to the front.
Daena, use guerilla attacks.
Fight with all you have,
but keep a level head.
That's right. As usual.
Let's take it down!
Folding Fear!
First off, a defense and mobility boost.
I'll be your opponent, giant gecko!
You got its attention!
-Got it!
Count on me!
Everyone, scatter!
The shield is breaking.
I'll deploy a shield.
Don't worry, I can hold it off.
Grant me a moment of strength,
A stat buff that absorbs the fire breath!
Impressive. I can't fall behind now.
Fire, be my strength.
Water, be my wisdom.
Wind, be my path.
Earth, be my cloak!
Mobility, defense, attack, all-stat buff!
I name this move
Ultimate Skill: Ultra Boost!
The name sounds lame, but it's powerful.
Mithra, don't stop.
Dawn, Osa, Liberuno,
Your growling is too loud.
Everyone, stand down.
A combo of fairy magic
and elemental magic.
This is the most powerful spell
I can control.
Izumo, make sure it can't dodge!
Yeah. I'll subdue it.
I want to be stronger.
Much stronger.
I'll keep walking this path
until I meet her someday.
Heroes, monsters, and war.
The world never stops spinning.
Indeed. But with your current strength,
Kuzunoha won't be a threat at all.
That'd be a trouble otherwise.
By the way, why are you in this dump?
No reason. It's nothing of significance.
All I've done here is deal
with some gross chimeras with extra arms.
That was the greatest monster charged
with protecting the workshop.
This is the place where
Luto of Myriad Colors
conducted the experiments.
I learned my real name here.
This is my birthplace.
Luto of Myriad Colors
The name of my creator.
My father.
That's right.
He is still
It matters not now.
I'm not Miranda anymore.
Just you wait, Luto.
I'm going to kill all the greater dragons.
You shall be devoured by me.
The thirteenth night.
"The School Festival Is Hectic."
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