Where's Wally (2020) s02e12 Episode Script

Nepal: Yeti or Not

# Oh-a-oh
# Oh-a-oh
# Where do you go
where do you go Wally?
# Oh-a-oh
# I search the world for you
# Take a trip around the world
# Take a trip around the world
# Catch a ride to the moon
# Ride the waves at the beach,
jump in, discover something new
# Oh-a-oh
# Oh-a-oh
# Anywhere you go, I'll find you
# Oh, Oh, Oh
# Where do you go?
Where do you go?
# Where's Wally? #
# Where's Wally? #
Did you hear that?
Ah, must've been the wind.
Ah, you're probably right.
Ah, you're probably right.
Now, let's get camp
set up before nightfall.
Uh, that definitely wasn't the wind.
Uh, that definitely wasn't the wind.
(STAMMERING) Are you sure?
Yup. I'm sure. Run!
Yup. I'm sure. Run!
But what about our momo dumplings?
Forget the dumplings,
let's get outta here!
Wow, Wally. This might be
your biggest invention ever!
What do you call it?
I call it
What do you call it?
I call it
the Wally-Pet-Groom-anator!
For all your pet-grooming needs.
For all your pet-grooming needs.
Well, how does it work?
It's easy, Wenda.
All you do is choose a style.
Then you let the machine
do the rest.
Then you let the machine
do the rest.
Wow! Cool new look, Mr Wumples!
You're really rockin' it!
And that will be our last
one of the day.
And here you go, Mrs Haversham.
Fernando and his roaring,
good, new hair style.
Fernando and his roaring,
good, new hair style.
Uh, Wally?
I thought we were done for the day?
Wizard Whitebeard?
Ah, yes, young Wanderers.
I saw what a great job you were
doing with the neighbourhood pets.
And I thought I could
also use a new look.
And I thought I could
also use a new look.
Mrs Haversham. Fernando.
A WanderPost!
A WanderPost!
Who's it from, Wizard Whitebeard?
(GASPS) Wonders!
It's from my mountain climbing
friend, Wizard Rockybeard!
It's from my mountain climbing
friend, Wizard Rockybeard!
(ECHOING): Hey, Wizard Whitebeard.
I got a real doozy of a problem,
here, that could use your help.
I got a real doozy of a problem,
here, that could use your help.
A yeti is chasing away hikers!
Isn't that right, Barry?
You took the words right
outta my mouth, old friend.
We need to find this yeti,
Before it chases everyone away,
and I no longer have visitors
Before it chases everyone away,
and I no longer have visitors
to share
my beautiful mountains with.
A yeti? What's a yeti?
A yeti? What's a yeti?
A legendary ape-creature.
Also called
"The Abominable Snowman."
Yes! The yeti is cousin
to the "North American Sasquatch,"
Yes! The yeti is cousin
to the "North American Sasquatch,"
or as he is also known, "Bigfoot."
Bigfoot? The Abominable Snowman?
But those are just stories.
Bigfoot? The Abominable Snowman?
But those are just stories.
Legends. Tall tales!
Ah, yes, that is true.
But it seems like in this case
it could also be real.
Well, whatever's scaring
those hikers away, yeti or not,
Well, whatever's scaring
those hikers away, yeti or not,
we need to help Wizard Rockybeard
solve this mystery
and get his visitors back.
Right, Wally.
We're always ready to help
a fellow Wanderer in need.
We're always ready to help
a fellow Wanderer in need.
So, where can
we find Wizard Rockybeard?
For the answer to that,
young wanderers Oh, WanderGlobe!
By striped staff,
and white of beard,
I summon magic, wild and weird.
I summon magic, wild and weird.
Spin, O' magic globe, to show
where these Wanderers will go!
And its capital city of Kathmandu.
Home to the majestic
Himalayan mountain range.
And the tallest mountain
on planet earth
And the tallest mountain
on planet earth
Mount Everest!
Well, Wenda,
looks like we're headed to Nepal.
Well, Wenda,
looks like we're headed to Nepal.
And maybe when you're done
solving this mystery,
Rockybeard can show
you his secret cave of keys!
He has quite a collection.
He has quite a collection.
OK, Wenda. Yeti?
(GIGGLES) Couldn't help myself.
Well, Wenda, say hello or namaste
to Kathmandu, Nepal!
You picked the wrong day to visit
Kathmandu, young travellers.
You picked the wrong day to visit
Kathmandu, young travellers.
There's a yeti on the loose!
But yetis are just legends.
Stories. Tall tales.
But we saw it
while we were making camp by a cave!
But we saw it
while we were making camp by a cave!
And it was furry!
And fuzzy.
And really, really hungry!
Speaking of hungry,
something came into town last night
Speaking of hungry,
something came into town last night
and ate all my momo dumplings!
Do you hear that, Wenda?
What else could eat a whole
cart of momo dumplings?
I don't know.
But we better find Wizard Rockybeard
I don't know.
But we better find Wizard Rockybeard
and get to the bottom
of this mystery, Wally.
Wally? Where's Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, Wenda. Look who I found!
Barry, where's Wizard Rockybeard?
Barry, where's Wizard Rockybeard?
Wally, look!
Wizard Rockybeard's base camp!
Well, there has to be some stairs.
Or maybe a lift around here somewh-
Or maybe a lift around here somewh-
Ah uh. I'll be up in a minute. Eh.
Ah uh. I'll be up in a minute. Eh.
Al most there Wha-
Oh! Wizard Rockybeard!
Oh! Wizard Rockybeard!
(ECHOING): Ha! Ha! Welcome, Wally.
(ECHOING): Ha! Ha! Welcome, Wally.
Whoa. How do you do that?
Ha! Oh, yes. That.
Ha! Oh, yes. That.
For generations, my people,
the Himalayan Sherpas,
have lived in and around
these mountains helping explorers
and visitors enjoy
the beauty of the Himalayas.
and visitors enjoy
the beauty of the Himalayas.
I learned to echo my voice
so mountaineers would be
able to hear my directions.
so mountaineers would be
able to hear my directions.
It's come in very
handy over the years.
I'll say! Say Say
(CHUCKLING) Keep trying, Wally.
You'll learn.
(CHUCKLING) Keep trying, Wally.
You'll learn.
But sadly the visitors I so enjoyed
guiding through these mountains
are leaving because of the yeti.
are leaving because of the yeti.
Don't worry, Wizard Rockybeard.
We're here to help.
Yup. We'll find this yeti.
Yup. We'll find this yeti.
Well, we have a real doozy of a hike
ahead of us, young Wanderers.
So, we should probably
get a move on.
(ECHOING): The last yeti sighting
was on the north face!
(ECHOING): The last yeti sighting
was on the north face!
(NOT ECHOING): Hello! Echo!
(NOT ECHOING): Hello! Echo!
Follow me, Wally and Wenda!
It's all in the hips!
Left, right, left, right. Haha!
Left, right, left, right. Haha!
Whoa! (GRUNTS)
A yeti!
A yeti!
But the Himalayas also have
a lot of different animals.
Like snow leopards, wolves,
even yaks.
It could have also been
any one of those.
It could have also been
any one of those.
It came from that direction,
Wanderers. Hurry!
Whoa! Ugh!
Whoa! Ugh!
Look, everyone. A clue!
(CHEWING) Yeti fur! And look!
(CHEWING) Yeti fur! And look!
Big feet!
A pink and blue yeti?
Who knows.
Maybe yetis come in
a rainbow of colours, Wenda.
Maybe yetis come in
a rainbow of colours, Wenda.
Come on, now, Wanderers!
We're on its path.
That yeti can't be too far away.
A yeti!
Let's get outta here!
Fritz. What are you doing?
All your fur's coming off,
and we still haven't found
All your fur's coming off,
and we still haven't found
Wizard Rockybeard's
secret cave of keys!
Itchy fur! (GRUNTING)
I know the fur is itchy, Fritz.
But you have to look like
I know the fur is itchy, Fritz.
But you have to look like
a real yeti if we're going
to chase away the hikers.
If no one sees us, then no one can
tell the Wanderers we're here.
Just think of it, Fritz!
The secret cave of keys.
There must be bunches
and bunches of keys in there,
There must be bunches
and bunches of keys in there,
all ready for the picking!
Now, hold still while I zap you
with the Furball Key
Now, hold still while I zap you
with the Furball Key
and fix your yeti costume.
Ah! Ah! Uhh More itchy fur.
Perfect. Now, let's go.
We still have more caves to search,
Perfect. Now, let's go.
We still have more caves to search,
and more hikers to scare off.
OK, Fritz.
Let me hear your best yeti roar.
Keep running! It's the yeti!
Secret cave of keys, here we come.
Secret cave of keys, here we come.
Hm. I don't see any sign of a yeti,
Hm. I don't see any sign of a yeti,
No footprints, no fur clumps.
I don't either.
Wait. Where's Wizard Rockybeard?
(ECHOING): Up here, Wanderers!
Wait. Where's Wizard Rockybeard?
(ECHOING): Up here, Wanderers!
Well, I didn't see any yeti
from the falcon's nest.
Well, I didn't see any yeti
from the falcon's nest.
Ah-ha! But the clue isn't
up the tree, Wizard Rockybeard.
It's on the tree!
Yeti scratches?
It's on the tree!
Yeti scratches?
Great eyes, Wally.
It must be marking its territory.
Haha! We're back on its trail.
Haha! We're back on its trail.
But how do we know those are yeti
scratches, Wally?
What else could've left those
marks on the tree, Wenda?
A backscratcher?
With pink and blue fur stuck in it.
And look! Big footprints over here.
With pink and blue fur stuck in it.
And look! Big footprints over here.
But also small footprints
next to it.
Wanderers. This yeti hunt
is starting to get really strange.
You can say that again.
OK, Fritz. You ready to yeti?
I know you're tired,
I know you're tired,
but we must be getting close
to the secret cave of keys!
We've check almost every cave
in the Himalayas!
Now, sneak around the bushes
until you reach the hikers,
then jump out and yeti.
until you reach the hikers,
then jump out and yeti.
Then I'll run in and check the cave.
Uh! Huh?
(CHUCKLING) Nice yak
Uh-oh! (YELLING)
Whoa! That yeti's ridin' a yak!
It's a yeti rodeo!
Well, that works, too.
Well, that works, too.
Haha! Go, little yeti, go!
Hey. He's not a yeti, he's a marmot.
He's not a marmot, he's a ferret.
I I mean, he's a yeti.
He's not a marmot, he's a ferret.
I I mean, he's a yeti.
Come on, Fritz. No magic keys here.
We gave one last cave to search.
Come on, Fritz. No magic keys here.
We gave one last cave to search.
Find any more clues, Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, everyone.
These hikers saw the yeti first-hand
when they were camping by this cave.
These hikers saw the yeti first-hand
when they were camping by this cave.
We didn't just see the yeti,
we saw a yeti rodeo. Ha!
We didn't just see the yeti,
we saw a yeti rodeo. Ha!
A yeti rodeo?
Hoo-ee! It was excitin'!
Until the little guy
got thrown off and lost his fur.
And his shoe.
Little guy?
And his shoe.
Little guy?
And the yeti was wearing shoes?
He certainly was.
Wanderers, this yeti hunt has gone
from strange to
Wanderers, this yeti hunt has gone
from strange to
downright weird.
And that's not even
the weirdest part!
I think the yeti's named Fritz.
I think the yeti's named Fritz.
That's a strange name for a yeti.
But not for a ferret.
I'm confused, young wanderers.
We think we might know
who your yeti is,
We think we might know
who your yeti is,
after all, Wizard Rockybeard!
Did this "yeti"
happen to be travelling with a girl
wearing yellow and black stripes?
wearing yellow and black stripes?
Hold on.
There's another yeti named
No, Wizard Rockybeard.
There's no yeti at all.
No, Wizard Rockybeard.
There's no yeti at all.
Just a mischievous girl
and her super-hungry ferret,
pretending to be a yeti.
But why would this Odlulu
But why would this Odlulu
want to chase hikers
off the mountains?
Wizard Rockybeard,
every time the yeti was spotted,
it was near a cave.
Which could only mean
it was near a cave.
Which could only mean
Odlulu's searching for Wizard
Rockybeard's secret cave of keys!
Exactly, Wenda. That's why
she was chasing away hikers!
Exactly, Wenda. That's why
she was chasing away hikers!
So she wouldn't be spotted.
Well, we need to stop her
before she finds it, Wally.
Now, where's your secret
cave of keys, Wizard Rockybeard?
Now, where's your secret
cave of keys, Wizard Rockybeard?
Where's Wizard Rockybeard?
Up here, wanderers!
Odlulu and the yeti, I mean,
ferret, are heading right for it!
But Odlulu is on a snowmobile,
and we're on foot.
But Odlulu is on a snowmobile,
and we're on foot.
Yes, she may have a snowmobile,
but we have a Sherpa.
Wizard Rockybeard,
do you know a shortcut?
Wizard Rockybeard,
do you know a shortcut?
Wanderers, it's time to climb.
How does he do that?
It's a long story.
How does he do that?
It's a long story.
Enjoy the Himalayas!
Wanderers? What're they doing here?
(SCOFFS) I dunno.
Doesn't matter. There is no way
I'm going to let them beat me
to the secret cave of magic keys.
to the secret cave of magic keys.
I need something to keep them busy.
But what could that be?
Ah! Fritz, you're losing
all your fur again! Wait a second.
Fur! That's it! Great idea, Fritzy!
It is?!
Fur! That's it! Great idea, Fritzy!
It is?!
Uh what's that sound?
Uh, Wally, did he say yetis?
Yes. I think he did.
But I thought
those were just legends?
Stories! Tall tales!
Tell that to the yetis!
Stories! Tall tales!
Tell that to the yetis!
Thanks, Wizard Rockybeard.
That was close!
Wait! Those aren't yetis.
They're just
Himalayan mountain animals
covered in pink and blue fur!
Odlulu must have zapped them with
a magic key to cause a distraction.
Odlulu must have zapped them with
a magic key to cause a distraction.
(ECHOING): And now they're headed
into Kathmandu!
You can relax now.
There's nothin' to worry about.
There is no yeti.
There's nothin' to worry about.
There is no yeti.
It's just a colourful ferret
that likes to ride on yaks.
(GASPS) Yeti!
(GASPS) Yeti!
I told you already.
There's no yeti, it's just a ferret.
Uh that's no ferret.
It's a stampede of yetis!
Uh that's no ferret.
It's a stampede of yetis!
Oh, this isn't good.
Oh, this isn't good.
We need to calm the animals
and lead them back to their homes!
And I think
I know just how to do it.
And I think
I know just how to do it.
Wally, do you still have
that backscratcher?
I sure do!
Then hold on to your stripes,
everyone! I'm on it.
It's OK, little guy! Let me help.
Huh! There you go!
Great thinking, Wenda.
Great thinking, Wenda.
(LAUGHING) You're welcome!
Uh! Well, that's one problem solved.
Uh! Well, that's one problem solved.
But I'm sure Odlulu and Fritz
have got to my secret cave
of keys by now.
And we still have to clean up
all this leftover fur.
And we still have to clean up
all this leftover fur.
You know, Wizard Rockybeard,
I think I might have an idea
how to stop Odlulu from taking
all your magic keys.
how to stop Odlulu from taking
all your magic keys.
You do?
(ECHOING): You do?
(LAUGHING) Yes, I do!
But we'll need to scoop all
the fur into my hat to do it.
But we'll need to scoop all
the fur into my hat to do it.
What're you worried about, Fritz?
It's just a cave.
A spooky cave. (CHUCKLES)
A spooky cave. (CHUCKLES)
OK, let's just find the magic keys
and get out of here!
and get out of here!
What now, Fritz?
A yeti!
What now, Fritz?
A yeti!
All I see are rocks, Fritz.
And yetis aren't real.
They're just legends.
Stories. Tall tales.
They're just legends.
Stories. Tall tales.
Tall tales.
They're already inside the cave!
Well, what's the plan, Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here!
the Wally-Yeti-Hairdoanator!
It's just like
the Wally-Pet-Groom-anator.
With a special yeti twist!
(ECHOING): That idea's a real doozy.
(ECHOING): That idea's a real doozy.
And then we'll show Odlulu
what it's like to come
face to face with a yeti.
what it's like to come
face to face with a yeti.
OK, everyone.
Hop on the conveyor belt!
It's yeti time.
Ooh-ooh! (GIGGLING)
Whoa! We found them, Fritz!
Ooh-ooh! (GIGGLING)
Whoa! We found them, Fritz!
All the magic keys
we could ever want!
I mean, until tomorrow,
when I'll want more.
Come on, Fritz.
Let's gather 'em up!
Come on, Fritz.
Let's gather 'em up!
Did you hear that?
Um no?
Yeah. Me neither.
And I definitely didn't hear that.
And I definitely didn't hear that.
Uh-oh. Yetis!
(ECHOING): Who are you?
Uh I'm Odlulu? And this is Fritz.
And, uh, well actually
And, uh, well actually
we were just going! Wrong cave.
You have been chasing
people off the mountain.
Go! And tell everyone what you did!
Go! And tell everyone what you did!
(ECHOING): And that there's nothing
to be afraid of in these mountains!
(ECHOING): And that there's nothing
to be afraid of in these mountains!
Nice echo!
I'll do whatever you ask, yetis.
We didn't mean to cause any trouble.
We didn't mean to cause any trouble.
Now, go!
Thank you so much for your help,
Thank you so much for your help,
The Himalayas are back to normal,
and my secret cave of keys
is safe again.
No problem, Wizard Rockybeard.
No problem, Wizard Rockybeard.
It was actually
kind of fun being a yeti.
But also kinda itchy.
Well, I guess in the end
we found out
that yetis aren't real after all.
I guess not.
that yetis aren't real after all.
I guess not.
Let's head home, Wenda.
Um, Wally?
Um, Wally?
You don't think
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