7th Heaven s02e13 Episode Script
Stuck in the Middle with You
- Hey, did you hear? - No, I never hear.
What? Don't even think about it.
- You know she will.
- Will what? Will somebody please tell me what's going on? You don't know? Tell me.
Jimmy Moon broke up with Ashley.
Call me when you've come to your senses.
In the meantime, I'll find someone who likes me as a blond.
Good luck.
Hola, Camdens.
Cómo estás? Sorry to interrupt, but I'm here to stake out my territory before it's too late.
What do you say, corazón? Are we seeing each other or what? I'll have to think about it.
No, you just caught me by surprise, that's all.
I can't wait to see you.
It's Grandpa.
Yeah, I'll send Matt to pick you up.
Or pick you two up.
Is Ginger coming with you? Actually, Ginger and I have kind of hit a little roadblock in our relationship, so I guess I'm on my own again.
Oh, really? I'm sorry to hear that.
What happened? I've made a few changes in life.
And Ginger just doesn't seem comfortable with change.
She's kind of stuck in the same place.
Really? Oh, Dad, I have to rush down to the church.
Eric's counselling a group of young married couples.
He thought it'd be fun if the two of us did it.
- Yeah.
- I was here first.
So? Mommy, Ricky brought two lizards to school because his mom wouldn't let him keep them.
I said I'd bring them home because I've been wanting a pet.
And there are two of them.
And I can share them with Simon and everything.
Lizards? I don't think so.
Dad, I'm sorry.
Eric's waiting for me, so I've gotta go.
We'll talk tonight, okay? Matt will be at the airport to pick you up.
- Look for the station waggon.
- Okay, sweetheart.
See you tonight.
I have a little surprise for you.
- Love you.
- I love you too.
Mom, wait.
Guess what.
Honey, I don't have time to guess.
I have to get to church.
Jimmy Moon broke up with Ashley.
- And? - And this can finally be it.
We could get back together.
Only Rod wants me to go with him instead.
Pretty exciting, huh? Rod and Jimmy? Yes, that's very exciting.
Two very exciting choices.
We'll talk about it later, I promise.
Please tell Matt to pick Grandpa up at the airport at 7.
Tell him to leave by 6, because he's going to get caught in rush-hour traffic.
Your father and I should be home by 6:30 at the latest.
Okay, so - Well, thank you all for coming.
- Yes.
Every year, I like to gather together the couples from the church that have made it past the one-year mark, and just talk about the past year, as well as the upcoming year and years together.
So anyone wanna volunteer to just jump in and go first? Robert, Patty.
I think you have a couple of weeks on these other guys.
Anything you'd like to share with the group? There's not much to tell, really.
Right, okay.
Katie, Michael? What about you? You still at Michael's mother's house? Still breaking those sales records, Bonnie? And you're finishing med school this year? Yeah.
Won't be long now, huh? So looks like things really are going great.
Yeah, just great.
Did he break up with her or did she break up with him? Really? You're sure? So when did he tell her? Did he say anything about me? How are either of them gonna call you if you're on the phone? Hold on, Marah.
They're not.
I'm playing hard to reach until I can make up my mind which one I want.
So about me.
No call waiting? Primitive.
Hey, I was thinking, you're the big sister, talk to her.
Tell her to go with Jimmy.
- Why would she do that? - The other choice is Rod.
- But neither is right for Lucy.
- That's not the point.
She's gotta choose one just because she's got the choice.
Anyone wanna place a bet on the Jimmy-Rod race? You can't take bets.
Mom and Dad wouldn't like it.
Mom and Dad are both really busy this week.
And best of all possible worlds, they're busy together.
That doesn't mean it's okay to start gambling on our sister.
- Fine.
- Hey.
No betting.
- What if it wasn't real money? - No real money, what's the point? Joy of winning and knowing your choice is the right choice.
Quick, Lester's laying eggs.
She got two lizards from some kid at school.
Look, Lester cannot lay eggs.
He's a male.
Not anymore, he isn't.
Then, obviously, you named them wrong.
Come on, it's gross.
Hey, I'm not putting any real money on it.
- For the record, I'm going with Moon.
- You're kidding yourself.
Yeah, you're kidding yourself.
We're betting on Rod.
Well, I think I've said enough.
Surely somebody must have something they'd like to say, huh? Annie, how about you? Yeah, well, I was just thinking that you all remind me of Eric and myself in our first year.
The first year is when a lot goes unsaid for a long time.
And then suddenly, too much is said, it takes time to find a balance.
What to say, what not to say.
When to let go, when to hold on.
- Communication is the key.
- Yeah.
You know, it's the way to discover each other throughout your lives.
- Here's what I've discovered.
- Yeah.
She's a control freak especially with money.
With my money.
- I thought it's our money.
- Well, it's not.
I'm making money, you're spending money.
On medical school.
I hate living with his mother.
No, you hate my mother.
There's a big difference.
And we are not moving out and abandoning her like my father did.
She's pregnant.
And he acts like he had nothing to do with it.
I had a sonogram this week and he stayed home and watched cartoons.
- Well, now we're getting somewhere.
- Yeah.
Unfortunately, our time is up.
I can't believe you brought up the cartoon thing.
Well, if you would've came with me, I wouldn't have had to.
Can I help you with dinner? Oh, no, thanks.
Everything's almost done.
I just have to put the lasagna in the oven.
I can't wait to see my dad.
I wonder what's up with him and Ginger.
He said she ran out on him? Well, he didn't exactly say ran.
He said Ginger's not comfortable with change.
She's always struck me as a reasonable woman.
Well, we'll find out soon enough, won't we? Don't know.
All I heard was that he broke up with her and that my name was mentioned.
At least, I hope it was mentioned.
Not that I don't feel Ashley's pain.
I mean, I've been there.
But she hasn't been kind, to say the least.
She's been rubbing my nose in it for the past year.
- Hey, how did group therapy go? Eh.
Where's Grandpa? - Grandpa? - Why aren't you at the airport? - Am I supposed to be at the airport? - Lucy Camden! Oh, no, oh, no, oh, no! I forgot to tell Matt to pick up Grandpa.
Oh, you are so dead.
Look who's here.
Who? - How do you get it to stay on there? - Double-sided tape.
Where? I don't see it.
You're not supposed to see it.
It's underneath.
Do you like it? I like it.
You look like you.
Only new.
So, what did the chicks think? Do they like it? It seems to have sparked some interest.
What did Ginger think? Ginger and I are taking a little break right now.
A break from what? They split, okay? So since you look so much younger, are you going out with younger girls? Younger women? Simon, I think it's time for you two to get ready for school.
Just when it was getting good.
Mom didn't say nothing about the lizards.
We probably shouldn't move them.
Not with the eggs.
- Right.
- Mom would tell you the same thing.
- Practically.
- Right.
So, Annie, what do you think? I think it's your business if you wanna date younger women.
What? No, no.
I'm talking about my new look.
It just takes a little getting used to, I guess.
Yeah, but when you do, it does take a few years off, doesn't it? Morning, honey.
Morning, Grandpa.
- Hi.
- You know, Grandpa just doesn't seem to suit you anymore.
- I think it does.
- I'm glad you're both here.
I have a surprise for you.
- Another surprise? - Please, sit down.
I know that you're both still young and you don't think about these things, but the cost of a place to spend eternity is skyrocketing these days.
I'm talking about burial plots.
I hope you don't mind, but I've decided to give you the two plots next to Annie's mother and me.
It's just something I wanna do for you.
Thank you.
I just don't want you to go back to the Moon man when we haven't even given our love a chance to grow.
- You know, babe? - I know, but I have to be honest.
I didn't think you were even that interested until you heard Jimmy Moon broke up with Ashley.
I admit the Moon-Ashley breakup forced my hand.
But es la vida, I do have feelings for you and they are absolutely sincere, mi amor.
Lucy, may I have a word with you? Alone.
I would never tell you not to talk to your old boyfriend.
See you later, mi chica changa cabeza.
- Are you dating him? - No, I still can't date.
- But you're seeing him? - Yeah.
Kind of.
I mean, I've seen him once anyway.
Why? You must have heard that Ashley and I broke up.
Oh, really? - I know you too well.
- Okay, so I heard.
So? I was hoping we might analyse what went wrong in our relationship, and reconsider whether our differences are overwhelming or simply a barrier we could cross together.
I'll have to think about it.
But it sounds good.
You wouldn't be spying on Lucy by any chance, would you? Yes, I'm spying on Lucy and you should be spying on Lucy too.
This is an important decision.
I don't think she can be trusted to make the right choice on her own.
And the right choice being Jimmy Moon? I just want both of you to know that I care about Lucy.
Deeply care.
Rod, can I be honest? I hope so.
Your father's a minister.
I think you're a little mature for Lucy.
No one's ever called me mature before.
Not a guy anyway.
You know, you possibly don't see this because you're so close to your hermana chica.
But she is possibly as mature as I am, which means we're meant to be together.
Think about it.
Please, will you talk to her? - I'm a little upset about my father.
- No kidding.
- Burial plots without even asking us? - No, I'm talking about his toupee.
- Oh, right, the hair.
- Yeah.
You know, the plots may have not been the gifts we would have chosen for ourselves, but they're not getting any cheaper.
And it's a sweet thought.
I always thought we'd be buried in upstate New York in the Camden family graveyard.
Camdens have been buried there - for hundreds of years - A hundred years.
It's just a hole in the ground.
- What difference does it make, right? - Right.
Unless you don't wanna be in the ground next to my mother and father.
It's me.
Get out of here.
Really? Yeah, Jimmy's so logical, reasonable and safe.
I know who I am with him.
You're not supposed to be on the phone.
On the other hand, Rod calls me "mi chica changa cabeza.
" I have no idea.
It's Spanish for something.
You're on phone restriction.
Thank you, Miss Hall Monitor, but how are Mom and Dad gonna know if they're down at the church? And Rod thinks you're mature? He does? Rod said I was mature.
Debbie's looking up "mi chica changa cabeza" in her Spanish dictionary.
I can hardly wait.
Monkey head? My little monkey head? Maybe I should go with Jimmy.
I'm not living in that house the rest of my life.
- Either we're moving or I'm moving.
- We're not moving.
My mother would completely fall apart.
Your mother wouldn't fall apart if a comet fell out of the sky and landed on her big fat head.
Just tell me this: Why is it okay for you to tell these people that I'm having a baby, yet I can't tell my own mother? I just need some time to get over the surprise of the baby before we start telling people.
Can't you just give me a little more time? I'm eight-weeks pregnant.
I'm gonna start showing soon.
This is supposed to be the happiest time of my life.
Excuse me, I have to go throw up.
Why don't you go help her? I'd like to see my money at work.
What is wrong with you? You knew I wanted to be a doctor when you married me.
Medical school isn't free in this country, you know? - Believe me, I know.
- Okay, hey, no I think it might be time for a timeout here.
Okay, let's everybody, take a seat.
I appreciate that you would all just jump into an open discussion like this while you're waiting for us, but it doesn't seem like anybody's getting anywhere.
Patty, are you okay? Yeah.
I don't feel like throwing up now.
I have an idea that I think might just propel this discussion to a more constructive place.
Annie, you tell me what you think.
Why don't you and I share a disagreement that we've been having and let these newlyweds see how the so-called experts try to handle it? Are you sure? Because we could do that if you're sure you wanna do that.
Sure, I'm sure.
Not as sure as I was a moment ago, but what the heck.
I got it.
- Who is it? Rod.
Rod who? Rod, the man of your sister's dreams.
Hey, is that facial hair? Oh, it's peanut butter.
- Come in.
- All right.
- I'll go get Lucy.
- Wait Actually, I'd like a word with you, mi hombre, if you got a minute.
Eggs have disappeared.
You're supposed to take the male lizards out of the box, because sometimes they'll eat the eggs.
Ruthie, I need to talk to Rod, man to man.
Sure, okay.
Where are the men? So, what can I do for you? Well, I get this vibe that you might be more supportive of my relationship with your sister Lucy than perhaps some of the rest of the tribe.
You've got your work cut out for you.
You have to clean up your act if you expect my Dad to even consider letting Lucy go with you.
But your mom likes me, right? Heh-heh.
A 14-year-old with a moustache? Dude, think about it.
Who is it? Jimmy Moon.
May I come in? I'll go get Lucy.
Wait, Ruthie, I wanna talk to Jimmy before he talks to Lucy.
- No, I mean wait somewhere else.
- I don't care.
I have a full life.
I have lizards.
Are you gonna come in or what? So, what's the deal? I wanna get back together with Lucy, but evidently, Rod has entered the picture.
Frankly, even if I can't win her back, I don't think this Rod is right for her.
I agree.
The thing is, I'm not sure you're right for her either.
You broke her heart, I don't wanna see that again.
You have my word, if we break up again, it'll be Lucy's decision.
First time was my fault and I take full responsibility for it.
Truth is when Lucy dyed her hair blond, it made me uncomfortable with my passions.
Okay, hold it right there.
Never mention my sister and your passions in the same sentence if you want me to help.
The second thing is the breakup wasn't even about your passions.
It was about your lack of control.
And the only person you can control in life is you.
You're right.
I have to let go of my need to control.
You might also wanna do something to change your image if you wanna compete with Rod.
Like what? I don't know, but you better do something radical and do it quick.
Rod's so exciting, but Jimmy's so familiar.
She better make up her mind soon because both of them are here.
Rod and Jimmy are here? Hey, Lucy, your boyfriends are here.
I gotta go.
What are you talking about? Rod's in Simon's room, and Jimmy's in the living room with Matt.
You get buried with your family, I'll get buried with mine.
I think what you're angry - I know what I'm angry about.
- You do? I'm angry about Your insulting my family.
I know just how she feels.
- Me too.
- That makes three of us.
Wait, I never insulted your family.
It's the principle of the matter.
Well I guess we've all learned something here, huh? At least, I have.
I promise I will let you know something soon, very soon.
How soon? You're not comfortable with life's little uncertainties.
- Are you, Moon? - So what? I like stability in my life.
Is that a crime? - Mellow out, man.
- Both of you, please, just go.
- Moon.
- Moon.
- Moon.
- Rod.
- Rod.
- Rod.
What? It's gonna be one of them.
Yeah? Someone here to see you.
Maybe I picked a bad time.
No, no.
It's fine.
Sit down, sit down.
Reverend, I'm sorry for walking out of the session like that.
The truth is I'm caught in the middle between my wife and my mother.
I don't know what to do about it.
What do you think you should do about it? I was hoping you'd ask that.
And I've needed to say this out loud forever.
I think we should move out, but I just cannot find a way to tell my mother.
What would happen if you and Katie both talk to her? Maybe set a time frame for moving out.
We could, but my mom went through so much with my dad leaving last year that I'd hate to even bring it up.
But I guess I'm gonna have to.
The divorce must have been really tough on you too.
I know how much you admired and respected your dad.
Yeah, and I don't even hear from him anymore now that he's with his new Well, whatever you'd call your 60-year-old father's girlfriend.
- How does Katie feel about it? - She's angry.
She's angry at my dad for leaving.
She's angry at me for staying.
She's angry at my mom for not telling us to go.
We fight about this moving thing constantly.
You know, a fight is It's rarely what two people are actually arguing about.
It's usually just a battleground for some bigger issue that's too hard to discuss.
What bigger issue? I don't know.
You'll have to talk to Katie about that.
I hate to disturb you, but Kevin's at the hospital and I can't talk to him anyway.
I saw Michael and Katie's car out front, so they might be with the Reverend.
I can let Eric know that you're here if you'd like.
I'd rather talk to another woman, if you don't mind.
Will I do? - I meant you.
- Come on.
I didn't wanna offend the Reverend by not asking for his help.
No, he'll survive.
Have a seat.
Tea? So I guess the medical school was a bigger expense than you figured, huh? It's not the money.
The thing is What is it, Bonnie? - I just wanna kill him.
- Him? - Kevin.
- For? I work my butt off so he can become a doctor, and I know he's gonna dump me for some patient of his.
Really? I'm afraid that once Kevin doesn't need my financial support, he won't need me anymore and I'll still need him.
Do you really think Kevin's just in the marriage so you can pay his way through school? I don't know.
- That doesn't sound right, does it? - I don't think so.
So basically, I'm basing my whole life on an irrational fear.
Did you ever discuss this with Kevin? No.
Matter of fact, I've never discussed it with myself.
Hi, I'm Annie's father, come on in.
I'm sure one of them will be out in a moment.
- I can wait.
- No, sit down.
So, what's your problem anyway? Uh It's not really a problem.
You must be the fellow whose wife is having a baby.
- They told you? - No.
They didn't tell me everything, but you look a little nervous.
And I remember how scared I was when my wife was pregnant with Annie.
You know, my wife died last year.
Yep, I was awfully grateful that she left me with a daughter and a family to care about me.
I don't know how I would have gotten along otherwise.
I would have been awfully lonely.
I'd better get home.
Hey, Robert, can I help you? Thanks, Reverend Camden, but I think your father-in-law already did.
So, what are you and Annie fighting about? Is it the burial plots? It's just that Where we'd be buried never came up all these years.
Grandma and I never discussed it either.
- I'm going to bed.
- Good night.
You coming up soon? - It's only 9:00.
- Yes, it is.
And I imagine my father would like to get to bed.
Oh, yes, that sounds like an excellent idea.
You know, what I always say is: Do you wanna be right or do you wanna be married? So from now on, you two just stay out of it.
This is hard enough without everyone getting in the middle.
What is so hard? Clearly Rod is the best choice.
You know nothing.
You've never been in a relationship.
Jimmy may be dull, but at least he isn't weird.
I'll take weird over dull any day.
Jimmy is dull and Rod is weird? Where did you get that? Reality.
- My money's on Rod.
- Mine's on Jimmy.
Money? You're placing bets on the greatest decision I've ever had to make in my life? How could you? Hey, don't get so upset, it's just Monopoly money.
So it's not even real money? You've cheapened my love life with play money? Oh! How's it going with Rod and Jimmy? It would be going better if my mother and father had been home to intercept my two brothers and my two boyfriends.
Of course, if I could talk on the phone, I could have talked to Rod and Jimmy and avoided the whole thing.
Honey, I'm really tired and I've got to go to bed.
But for now, let me give you one quick thought, okay? If either of the guys were the guy, you wouldn't have any trouble making up your mind.
Rods says the male lizards sometimes eat the eggs.
So Lizzie ate Lester's eggs? We don't know for sure.
It's an unsolved mystery.
But I bet if Lizzie did eat the eggs, Lester would be pretty mad about it.
Maybe we should get Daddy to talk to them.
They're lizards.
It doesn't matter who talks to them, they're not gonna listen.
Let me know if Lucy makes up her mind.
I will.
So, Lester, are you ready to talk about what Lizzie did? Take your time.
I'm here for you.
Oh! You're the only one who can help me.
Rod or Jimmy? - Dump them both.
- What? Look, it's great not having a boyfriend.
I mean, look at me, I'm not waiting by the phone.
I don't care how I look all the time and I can go anywhere I want, and do anything I want without having to let some guy know what I'm up to every minute.
Even when you did have a boyfriend, you did what you wanted.
And you've never cared about how you looked.
- No offence.
- You're right.
And that proves that I can be me and still have a boyfriend.
But you on the other hand have some work to do.
Hey, I don't have to know who I am to have a boyfriend.
All I've gotta do is pick one.
And unlike some other people, I have two to choose from.
Count them.
One, two.
What? I forgot where I was going.
Ow! Oh, oh, oh.
Big toe, big toe.
Would you mind turning on the light? Oh.
Oh Look, I'm sorry.
I'll be buried wherever you wanna be buried.
That's okay.
If you wanna be buried with your family, it's fine with me.
Why is it fine with you now? I've just changed my mind, that's all.
You didn't say anything to Dad about his hair, did you? - No.
Did you want me to? - No, no.
I'll talk to him.
- I miss my mom.
- I know.
I know.
- Are you sleeping okay? - Yes.
That new guest room is great.
The attic is so quiet you can hear a pin drop.
You can also hear yourself think.
Do you still think about Mom? Every day.
Some days, it's every hour.
Me too.
Can I ask you something about your toupee? Hairpiece.
Natural human hair from live human beings.
The free-range kind.
I mean, you get a better product that way.
The hairs are happier.
Right, Dad.
And Ginger doesn't like the happy hair, does she? No.
And if she doesn't like it, she can just take a hike, that's what I say.
If she doesn't wanna run her hands through my hair, then so be it.
I'll tell you, your mother would have loved my new hair.
Do you think you're trying to drive Ginger away because you still love Mom? Maybe.
Could be.
So, what about the burial plots? What's that about? Well, actually, the burial plots came before the hair.
See, I figured that if I bought the plots and I told Ginger that I wanted the family all to be buried together, that she'd see that I wasn't planning to marry her and so So she would She'd dumped me.
- But she turned the tables on me.
- What happened? She said she understood.
That she wanted to be buried with her first husband.
- So? - So I I bought the toupee.
And that did the trick? - Like a charm.
- And now she's gone? Hmm.
The thing is you'll live longer if you're happy.
I want you to be very, very happy.
Call Ginger when you get home.
Yes, ma'am.
- Who needs it? - Ha-ha-ha.
- What's that? It was two lizards.
We flushed the last one.
But don't worry, we said a prayer first.
Lester laid eggs.
Lester was the girl and Lizzie was the boy.
- Yeah, then Lizzie ate the eggs.
- Then we think Lester ate Lizzie.
- Yeah, then Lester croaked.
- Then you flushed him? Eww.
We'd better get down to the church.
The last time we were late, a war almost broke out.
- I talked to my dad.
- How did it go? Well, he's losing the toup and going back with Ginger.
So how do you feel about that? Well, I think he really cares about Ginger, and he's struggling with what that means.
Hopefully, it'll take them a little time to figure that out and that'll give me a little more time to get used to the idea of the two of them.
But you were right, he was trying to drive her away.
- With the hair or the plots? - Both.
Uh Not to be indelicate, but what are we doing about our impending reservation to join your parents for eternity? - Well, you were right again.
- We're gonna buried with Camdens? No, you were right when you said that we had plenty of time to think about it.
I don't care where I'm buried.
My heart will always be with yours.
Well, looks like things are going a little better.
How are things going with you and Mrs.
Camden? We're fine.
We've discussed our differences.
And we've reached a Well, an impasse is what we've reached, actually, but we're comfortable with it.
So who's being buried where? In case I wanna send flowers or anything.
Don't start trouble, Kevin.
How are you and Bonnie? Well, Bonnie thought I was gonna leave her.
It really shook me up.
She's the only person who's ever believed in me, who thought I could go the distance.
I would never betray your trust, ever.
I'm grateful for all your help and that you work so hard to put me through school.
I love you.
I think we all need to hear that more often.
I was afraid Katie was going to leave me too.
So I decided to go with her.
I'm just glad you didn't decide to go alone.
What do you mean? I guess on some level, I was afraid you'd leave me.
I mean, your father left your mother.
We model what we know.
And sometimes when we know our model's wrong, we fight even harder to do the right thing.
I love you very much.
And I'm not going anywhere without you.
Have you two talked to your mother yet about this? Oh, well When we told her we wanted to move, she said she wanted to move too.
So she's off for Florida with a couple of her friends.
She suggested that we keep the house for a while until we all know more about what we want.
- When's she moving to Florida? - Next week, and I love her for it.
I was thinking about leaving Patty and the baby.
I just got completely freaked out by the whole thing.
Then I felt guilty.
I mean, what kind of husband and father panics and thinks about leaving his pregnant wife and child? A new family is a lot to take on.
Everybody panics in the beginning.
And then you start panicking all the time and that's how you know you're doing it right.
We're gonna have a baby.
We're really gonna have a baby.
- Hey, have you seen Jimmy Moon? - No, have you seen Rod? - No, why? - Come on.
Hey, Luce, is everything okay? - Your hair, it's purple.
- Actually, it's purple passion.
You shaved.
Muy guapo, no? Whatever.
Okay, here's the deal.
Jimmy, I thought I'd feel differently when you came back.
I've been wanting this for a long, long time.
We've had some great times together.
- But? - But I think maybe I don't trust that you really like me because you just broke up with Ashley.
And whether you need some time or not, I need some time.
I'm not ready to be in a relationship with you.
Not right now anyway.
Yet I'm having a hard time accepting that.
Especially after what I did to my hair.
I don't think the hair was a mistake.
It shows that you're willing to take some risks.
And I think that's an attractive quality.
So? Heh.
So you have a really nice face.
But? But since Jimmy's no longer a threat to you, I wanna give you some time to decide if that changes the way you feel.
And I wanna give myself a little more time to figure out who I am and whether or not I'm ready to go with a guy.
You're dumping us both? I wouldn't call it dumping.
It's not dumping.
O Okay.
It is.
But I hope we can all end up as friends.
What are you complaining about? I shaved my moustache.
I have to admit, you handled that great.
Yep, I'm really proud of you.
Oh, our little Lucy's growing up.
What? Don't even think about it.
- You know she will.
- Will what? Will somebody please tell me what's going on? You don't know? Tell me.
Jimmy Moon broke up with Ashley.
Call me when you've come to your senses.
In the meantime, I'll find someone who likes me as a blond.
Good luck.
Hola, Camdens.
Cómo estás? Sorry to interrupt, but I'm here to stake out my territory before it's too late.
What do you say, corazón? Are we seeing each other or what? I'll have to think about it.
No, you just caught me by surprise, that's all.
I can't wait to see you.
It's Grandpa.
Yeah, I'll send Matt to pick you up.
Or pick you two up.
Is Ginger coming with you? Actually, Ginger and I have kind of hit a little roadblock in our relationship, so I guess I'm on my own again.
Oh, really? I'm sorry to hear that.
What happened? I've made a few changes in life.
And Ginger just doesn't seem comfortable with change.
She's kind of stuck in the same place.
Really? Oh, Dad, I have to rush down to the church.
Eric's counselling a group of young married couples.
He thought it'd be fun if the two of us did it.
- Yeah.
- I was here first.
So? Mommy, Ricky brought two lizards to school because his mom wouldn't let him keep them.
I said I'd bring them home because I've been wanting a pet.
And there are two of them.
And I can share them with Simon and everything.
Lizards? I don't think so.
Dad, I'm sorry.
Eric's waiting for me, so I've gotta go.
We'll talk tonight, okay? Matt will be at the airport to pick you up.
- Look for the station waggon.
- Okay, sweetheart.
See you tonight.
I have a little surprise for you.
- Love you.
- I love you too.
Mom, wait.
Guess what.
Honey, I don't have time to guess.
I have to get to church.
Jimmy Moon broke up with Ashley.
- And? - And this can finally be it.
We could get back together.
Only Rod wants me to go with him instead.
Pretty exciting, huh? Rod and Jimmy? Yes, that's very exciting.
Two very exciting choices.
We'll talk about it later, I promise.
Please tell Matt to pick Grandpa up at the airport at 7.
Tell him to leave by 6, because he's going to get caught in rush-hour traffic.
Your father and I should be home by 6:30 at the latest.
Okay, so - Well, thank you all for coming.
- Yes.
Every year, I like to gather together the couples from the church that have made it past the one-year mark, and just talk about the past year, as well as the upcoming year and years together.
So anyone wanna volunteer to just jump in and go first? Robert, Patty.
I think you have a couple of weeks on these other guys.
Anything you'd like to share with the group? There's not much to tell, really.
Right, okay.
Katie, Michael? What about you? You still at Michael's mother's house? Still breaking those sales records, Bonnie? And you're finishing med school this year? Yeah.
Won't be long now, huh? So looks like things really are going great.
Yeah, just great.
Did he break up with her or did she break up with him? Really? You're sure? So when did he tell her? Did he say anything about me? How are either of them gonna call you if you're on the phone? Hold on, Marah.
They're not.
I'm playing hard to reach until I can make up my mind which one I want.
So about me.
No call waiting? Primitive.
Hey, I was thinking, you're the big sister, talk to her.
Tell her to go with Jimmy.
- Why would she do that? - The other choice is Rod.
- But neither is right for Lucy.
- That's not the point.
She's gotta choose one just because she's got the choice.
Anyone wanna place a bet on the Jimmy-Rod race? You can't take bets.
Mom and Dad wouldn't like it.
Mom and Dad are both really busy this week.
And best of all possible worlds, they're busy together.
That doesn't mean it's okay to start gambling on our sister.
- Fine.
- Hey.
No betting.
- What if it wasn't real money? - No real money, what's the point? Joy of winning and knowing your choice is the right choice.
Quick, Lester's laying eggs.
She got two lizards from some kid at school.
Look, Lester cannot lay eggs.
He's a male.
Not anymore, he isn't.
Then, obviously, you named them wrong.
Come on, it's gross.
Hey, I'm not putting any real money on it.
- For the record, I'm going with Moon.
- You're kidding yourself.
Yeah, you're kidding yourself.
We're betting on Rod.
Well, I think I've said enough.
Surely somebody must have something they'd like to say, huh? Annie, how about you? Yeah, well, I was just thinking that you all remind me of Eric and myself in our first year.
The first year is when a lot goes unsaid for a long time.
And then suddenly, too much is said, it takes time to find a balance.
What to say, what not to say.
When to let go, when to hold on.
- Communication is the key.
- Yeah.
You know, it's the way to discover each other throughout your lives.
- Here's what I've discovered.
- Yeah.
She's a control freak especially with money.
With my money.
- I thought it's our money.
- Well, it's not.
I'm making money, you're spending money.
On medical school.
I hate living with his mother.
No, you hate my mother.
There's a big difference.
And we are not moving out and abandoning her like my father did.
She's pregnant.
And he acts like he had nothing to do with it.
I had a sonogram this week and he stayed home and watched cartoons.
- Well, now we're getting somewhere.
- Yeah.
Unfortunately, our time is up.
I can't believe you brought up the cartoon thing.
Well, if you would've came with me, I wouldn't have had to.
Can I help you with dinner? Oh, no, thanks.
Everything's almost done.
I just have to put the lasagna in the oven.
I can't wait to see my dad.
I wonder what's up with him and Ginger.
He said she ran out on him? Well, he didn't exactly say ran.
He said Ginger's not comfortable with change.
She's always struck me as a reasonable woman.
Well, we'll find out soon enough, won't we? Don't know.
All I heard was that he broke up with her and that my name was mentioned.
At least, I hope it was mentioned.
Not that I don't feel Ashley's pain.
I mean, I've been there.
But she hasn't been kind, to say the least.
She's been rubbing my nose in it for the past year.
- Hey, how did group therapy go? Eh.
Where's Grandpa? - Grandpa? - Why aren't you at the airport? - Am I supposed to be at the airport? - Lucy Camden! Oh, no, oh, no, oh, no! I forgot to tell Matt to pick up Grandpa.
Oh, you are so dead.
Look who's here.
Who? - How do you get it to stay on there? - Double-sided tape.
Where? I don't see it.
You're not supposed to see it.
It's underneath.
Do you like it? I like it.
You look like you.
Only new.
So, what did the chicks think? Do they like it? It seems to have sparked some interest.
What did Ginger think? Ginger and I are taking a little break right now.
A break from what? They split, okay? So since you look so much younger, are you going out with younger girls? Younger women? Simon, I think it's time for you two to get ready for school.
Just when it was getting good.
Mom didn't say nothing about the lizards.
We probably shouldn't move them.
Not with the eggs.
- Right.
- Mom would tell you the same thing.
- Practically.
- Right.
So, Annie, what do you think? I think it's your business if you wanna date younger women.
What? No, no.
I'm talking about my new look.
It just takes a little getting used to, I guess.
Yeah, but when you do, it does take a few years off, doesn't it? Morning, honey.
Morning, Grandpa.
- Hi.
- You know, Grandpa just doesn't seem to suit you anymore.
- I think it does.
- I'm glad you're both here.
I have a surprise for you.
- Another surprise? - Please, sit down.
I know that you're both still young and you don't think about these things, but the cost of a place to spend eternity is skyrocketing these days.
I'm talking about burial plots.
I hope you don't mind, but I've decided to give you the two plots next to Annie's mother and me.
It's just something I wanna do for you.
Thank you.
I just don't want you to go back to the Moon man when we haven't even given our love a chance to grow.
- You know, babe? - I know, but I have to be honest.
I didn't think you were even that interested until you heard Jimmy Moon broke up with Ashley.
I admit the Moon-Ashley breakup forced my hand.
But es la vida, I do have feelings for you and they are absolutely sincere, mi amor.
Lucy, may I have a word with you? Alone.
I would never tell you not to talk to your old boyfriend.
See you later, mi chica changa cabeza.
- Are you dating him? - No, I still can't date.
- But you're seeing him? - Yeah.
Kind of.
I mean, I've seen him once anyway.
Why? You must have heard that Ashley and I broke up.
Oh, really? - I know you too well.
- Okay, so I heard.
So? I was hoping we might analyse what went wrong in our relationship, and reconsider whether our differences are overwhelming or simply a barrier we could cross together.
I'll have to think about it.
But it sounds good.
You wouldn't be spying on Lucy by any chance, would you? Yes, I'm spying on Lucy and you should be spying on Lucy too.
This is an important decision.
I don't think she can be trusted to make the right choice on her own.
And the right choice being Jimmy Moon? I just want both of you to know that I care about Lucy.
Deeply care.
Rod, can I be honest? I hope so.
Your father's a minister.
I think you're a little mature for Lucy.
No one's ever called me mature before.
Not a guy anyway.
You know, you possibly don't see this because you're so close to your hermana chica.
But she is possibly as mature as I am, which means we're meant to be together.
Think about it.
Please, will you talk to her? - I'm a little upset about my father.
- No kidding.
- Burial plots without even asking us? - No, I'm talking about his toupee.
- Oh, right, the hair.
- Yeah.
You know, the plots may have not been the gifts we would have chosen for ourselves, but they're not getting any cheaper.
And it's a sweet thought.
I always thought we'd be buried in upstate New York in the Camden family graveyard.
Camdens have been buried there - for hundreds of years - A hundred years.
It's just a hole in the ground.
- What difference does it make, right? - Right.
Unless you don't wanna be in the ground next to my mother and father.
It's me.
Get out of here.
Really? Yeah, Jimmy's so logical, reasonable and safe.
I know who I am with him.
You're not supposed to be on the phone.
On the other hand, Rod calls me "mi chica changa cabeza.
" I have no idea.
It's Spanish for something.
You're on phone restriction.
Thank you, Miss Hall Monitor, but how are Mom and Dad gonna know if they're down at the church? And Rod thinks you're mature? He does? Rod said I was mature.
Debbie's looking up "mi chica changa cabeza" in her Spanish dictionary.
I can hardly wait.
Monkey head? My little monkey head? Maybe I should go with Jimmy.
I'm not living in that house the rest of my life.
- Either we're moving or I'm moving.
- We're not moving.
My mother would completely fall apart.
Your mother wouldn't fall apart if a comet fell out of the sky and landed on her big fat head.
Just tell me this: Why is it okay for you to tell these people that I'm having a baby, yet I can't tell my own mother? I just need some time to get over the surprise of the baby before we start telling people.
Can't you just give me a little more time? I'm eight-weeks pregnant.
I'm gonna start showing soon.
This is supposed to be the happiest time of my life.
Excuse me, I have to go throw up.
Why don't you go help her? I'd like to see my money at work.
What is wrong with you? You knew I wanted to be a doctor when you married me.
Medical school isn't free in this country, you know? - Believe me, I know.
- Okay, hey, no I think it might be time for a timeout here.
Okay, let's everybody, take a seat.
I appreciate that you would all just jump into an open discussion like this while you're waiting for us, but it doesn't seem like anybody's getting anywhere.
Patty, are you okay? Yeah.
I don't feel like throwing up now.
I have an idea that I think might just propel this discussion to a more constructive place.
Annie, you tell me what you think.
Why don't you and I share a disagreement that we've been having and let these newlyweds see how the so-called experts try to handle it? Are you sure? Because we could do that if you're sure you wanna do that.
Sure, I'm sure.
Not as sure as I was a moment ago, but what the heck.
I got it.
- Who is it? Rod.
Rod who? Rod, the man of your sister's dreams.
Hey, is that facial hair? Oh, it's peanut butter.
- Come in.
- All right.
- I'll go get Lucy.
- Wait Actually, I'd like a word with you, mi hombre, if you got a minute.
Eggs have disappeared.
You're supposed to take the male lizards out of the box, because sometimes they'll eat the eggs.
Ruthie, I need to talk to Rod, man to man.
Sure, okay.
Where are the men? So, what can I do for you? Well, I get this vibe that you might be more supportive of my relationship with your sister Lucy than perhaps some of the rest of the tribe.
You've got your work cut out for you.
You have to clean up your act if you expect my Dad to even consider letting Lucy go with you.
But your mom likes me, right? Heh-heh.
A 14-year-old with a moustache? Dude, think about it.
Who is it? Jimmy Moon.
May I come in? I'll go get Lucy.
Wait, Ruthie, I wanna talk to Jimmy before he talks to Lucy.
- No, I mean wait somewhere else.
- I don't care.
I have a full life.
I have lizards.
Are you gonna come in or what? So, what's the deal? I wanna get back together with Lucy, but evidently, Rod has entered the picture.
Frankly, even if I can't win her back, I don't think this Rod is right for her.
I agree.
The thing is, I'm not sure you're right for her either.
You broke her heart, I don't wanna see that again.
You have my word, if we break up again, it'll be Lucy's decision.
First time was my fault and I take full responsibility for it.
Truth is when Lucy dyed her hair blond, it made me uncomfortable with my passions.
Okay, hold it right there.
Never mention my sister and your passions in the same sentence if you want me to help.
The second thing is the breakup wasn't even about your passions.
It was about your lack of control.
And the only person you can control in life is you.
You're right.
I have to let go of my need to control.
You might also wanna do something to change your image if you wanna compete with Rod.
Like what? I don't know, but you better do something radical and do it quick.
Rod's so exciting, but Jimmy's so familiar.
She better make up her mind soon because both of them are here.
Rod and Jimmy are here? Hey, Lucy, your boyfriends are here.
I gotta go.
What are you talking about? Rod's in Simon's room, and Jimmy's in the living room with Matt.
You get buried with your family, I'll get buried with mine.
I think what you're angry - I know what I'm angry about.
- You do? I'm angry about Your insulting my family.
I know just how she feels.
- Me too.
- That makes three of us.
Wait, I never insulted your family.
It's the principle of the matter.
Well I guess we've all learned something here, huh? At least, I have.
I promise I will let you know something soon, very soon.
How soon? You're not comfortable with life's little uncertainties.
- Are you, Moon? - So what? I like stability in my life.
Is that a crime? - Mellow out, man.
- Both of you, please, just go.
- Moon.
- Moon.
- Moon.
- Rod.
- Rod.
- Rod.
What? It's gonna be one of them.
Yeah? Someone here to see you.
Maybe I picked a bad time.
No, no.
It's fine.
Sit down, sit down.
Reverend, I'm sorry for walking out of the session like that.
The truth is I'm caught in the middle between my wife and my mother.
I don't know what to do about it.
What do you think you should do about it? I was hoping you'd ask that.
And I've needed to say this out loud forever.
I think we should move out, but I just cannot find a way to tell my mother.
What would happen if you and Katie both talk to her? Maybe set a time frame for moving out.
We could, but my mom went through so much with my dad leaving last year that I'd hate to even bring it up.
But I guess I'm gonna have to.
The divorce must have been really tough on you too.
I know how much you admired and respected your dad.
Yeah, and I don't even hear from him anymore now that he's with his new Well, whatever you'd call your 60-year-old father's girlfriend.
- How does Katie feel about it? - She's angry.
She's angry at my dad for leaving.
She's angry at me for staying.
She's angry at my mom for not telling us to go.
We fight about this moving thing constantly.
You know, a fight is It's rarely what two people are actually arguing about.
It's usually just a battleground for some bigger issue that's too hard to discuss.
What bigger issue? I don't know.
You'll have to talk to Katie about that.
I hate to disturb you, but Kevin's at the hospital and I can't talk to him anyway.
I saw Michael and Katie's car out front, so they might be with the Reverend.
I can let Eric know that you're here if you'd like.
I'd rather talk to another woman, if you don't mind.
Will I do? - I meant you.
- Come on.
I didn't wanna offend the Reverend by not asking for his help.
No, he'll survive.
Have a seat.
Tea? So I guess the medical school was a bigger expense than you figured, huh? It's not the money.
The thing is What is it, Bonnie? - I just wanna kill him.
- Him? - Kevin.
- For? I work my butt off so he can become a doctor, and I know he's gonna dump me for some patient of his.
Really? I'm afraid that once Kevin doesn't need my financial support, he won't need me anymore and I'll still need him.
Do you really think Kevin's just in the marriage so you can pay his way through school? I don't know.
- That doesn't sound right, does it? - I don't think so.
So basically, I'm basing my whole life on an irrational fear.
Did you ever discuss this with Kevin? No.
Matter of fact, I've never discussed it with myself.
Hi, I'm Annie's father, come on in.
I'm sure one of them will be out in a moment.
- I can wait.
- No, sit down.
So, what's your problem anyway? Uh It's not really a problem.
You must be the fellow whose wife is having a baby.
- They told you? - No.
They didn't tell me everything, but you look a little nervous.
And I remember how scared I was when my wife was pregnant with Annie.
You know, my wife died last year.
Yep, I was awfully grateful that she left me with a daughter and a family to care about me.
I don't know how I would have gotten along otherwise.
I would have been awfully lonely.
I'd better get home.
Hey, Robert, can I help you? Thanks, Reverend Camden, but I think your father-in-law already did.
So, what are you and Annie fighting about? Is it the burial plots? It's just that Where we'd be buried never came up all these years.
Grandma and I never discussed it either.
- I'm going to bed.
- Good night.
You coming up soon? - It's only 9:00.
- Yes, it is.
And I imagine my father would like to get to bed.
Oh, yes, that sounds like an excellent idea.
You know, what I always say is: Do you wanna be right or do you wanna be married? So from now on, you two just stay out of it.
This is hard enough without everyone getting in the middle.
What is so hard? Clearly Rod is the best choice.
You know nothing.
You've never been in a relationship.
Jimmy may be dull, but at least he isn't weird.
I'll take weird over dull any day.
Jimmy is dull and Rod is weird? Where did you get that? Reality.
- My money's on Rod.
- Mine's on Jimmy.
Money? You're placing bets on the greatest decision I've ever had to make in my life? How could you? Hey, don't get so upset, it's just Monopoly money.
So it's not even real money? You've cheapened my love life with play money? Oh! How's it going with Rod and Jimmy? It would be going better if my mother and father had been home to intercept my two brothers and my two boyfriends.
Of course, if I could talk on the phone, I could have talked to Rod and Jimmy and avoided the whole thing.
Honey, I'm really tired and I've got to go to bed.
But for now, let me give you one quick thought, okay? If either of the guys were the guy, you wouldn't have any trouble making up your mind.
Rods says the male lizards sometimes eat the eggs.
So Lizzie ate Lester's eggs? We don't know for sure.
It's an unsolved mystery.
But I bet if Lizzie did eat the eggs, Lester would be pretty mad about it.
Maybe we should get Daddy to talk to them.
They're lizards.
It doesn't matter who talks to them, they're not gonna listen.
Let me know if Lucy makes up her mind.
I will.
So, Lester, are you ready to talk about what Lizzie did? Take your time.
I'm here for you.
Oh! You're the only one who can help me.
Rod or Jimmy? - Dump them both.
- What? Look, it's great not having a boyfriend.
I mean, look at me, I'm not waiting by the phone.
I don't care how I look all the time and I can go anywhere I want, and do anything I want without having to let some guy know what I'm up to every minute.
Even when you did have a boyfriend, you did what you wanted.
And you've never cared about how you looked.
- No offence.
- You're right.
And that proves that I can be me and still have a boyfriend.
But you on the other hand have some work to do.
Hey, I don't have to know who I am to have a boyfriend.
All I've gotta do is pick one.
And unlike some other people, I have two to choose from.
Count them.
One, two.
What? I forgot where I was going.
Ow! Oh, oh, oh.
Big toe, big toe.
Would you mind turning on the light? Oh.
Oh Look, I'm sorry.
I'll be buried wherever you wanna be buried.
That's okay.
If you wanna be buried with your family, it's fine with me.
Why is it fine with you now? I've just changed my mind, that's all.
You didn't say anything to Dad about his hair, did you? - No.
Did you want me to? - No, no.
I'll talk to him.
- I miss my mom.
- I know.
I know.
- Are you sleeping okay? - Yes.
That new guest room is great.
The attic is so quiet you can hear a pin drop.
You can also hear yourself think.
Do you still think about Mom? Every day.
Some days, it's every hour.
Me too.
Can I ask you something about your toupee? Hairpiece.
Natural human hair from live human beings.
The free-range kind.
I mean, you get a better product that way.
The hairs are happier.
Right, Dad.
And Ginger doesn't like the happy hair, does she? No.
And if she doesn't like it, she can just take a hike, that's what I say.
If she doesn't wanna run her hands through my hair, then so be it.
I'll tell you, your mother would have loved my new hair.
Do you think you're trying to drive Ginger away because you still love Mom? Maybe.
Could be.
So, what about the burial plots? What's that about? Well, actually, the burial plots came before the hair.
See, I figured that if I bought the plots and I told Ginger that I wanted the family all to be buried together, that she'd see that I wasn't planning to marry her and so So she would She'd dumped me.
- But she turned the tables on me.
- What happened? She said she understood.
That she wanted to be buried with her first husband.
- So? - So I I bought the toupee.
And that did the trick? - Like a charm.
- And now she's gone? Hmm.
The thing is you'll live longer if you're happy.
I want you to be very, very happy.
Call Ginger when you get home.
Yes, ma'am.
- Who needs it? - Ha-ha-ha.
- What's that? It was two lizards.
We flushed the last one.
But don't worry, we said a prayer first.
Lester laid eggs.
Lester was the girl and Lizzie was the boy.
- Yeah, then Lizzie ate the eggs.
- Then we think Lester ate Lizzie.
- Yeah, then Lester croaked.
- Then you flushed him? Eww.
We'd better get down to the church.
The last time we were late, a war almost broke out.
- I talked to my dad.
- How did it go? Well, he's losing the toup and going back with Ginger.
So how do you feel about that? Well, I think he really cares about Ginger, and he's struggling with what that means.
Hopefully, it'll take them a little time to figure that out and that'll give me a little more time to get used to the idea of the two of them.
But you were right, he was trying to drive her away.
- With the hair or the plots? - Both.
Uh Not to be indelicate, but what are we doing about our impending reservation to join your parents for eternity? - Well, you were right again.
- We're gonna buried with Camdens? No, you were right when you said that we had plenty of time to think about it.
I don't care where I'm buried.
My heart will always be with yours.
Well, looks like things are going a little better.
How are things going with you and Mrs.
Camden? We're fine.
We've discussed our differences.
And we've reached a Well, an impasse is what we've reached, actually, but we're comfortable with it.
So who's being buried where? In case I wanna send flowers or anything.
Don't start trouble, Kevin.
How are you and Bonnie? Well, Bonnie thought I was gonna leave her.
It really shook me up.
She's the only person who's ever believed in me, who thought I could go the distance.
I would never betray your trust, ever.
I'm grateful for all your help and that you work so hard to put me through school.
I love you.
I think we all need to hear that more often.
I was afraid Katie was going to leave me too.
So I decided to go with her.
I'm just glad you didn't decide to go alone.
What do you mean? I guess on some level, I was afraid you'd leave me.
I mean, your father left your mother.
We model what we know.
And sometimes when we know our model's wrong, we fight even harder to do the right thing.
I love you very much.
And I'm not going anywhere without you.
Have you two talked to your mother yet about this? Oh, well When we told her we wanted to move, she said she wanted to move too.
So she's off for Florida with a couple of her friends.
She suggested that we keep the house for a while until we all know more about what we want.
- When's she moving to Florida? - Next week, and I love her for it.
I was thinking about leaving Patty and the baby.
I just got completely freaked out by the whole thing.
Then I felt guilty.
I mean, what kind of husband and father panics and thinks about leaving his pregnant wife and child? A new family is a lot to take on.
Everybody panics in the beginning.
And then you start panicking all the time and that's how you know you're doing it right.
We're gonna have a baby.
We're really gonna have a baby.
- Hey, have you seen Jimmy Moon? - No, have you seen Rod? - No, why? - Come on.
Hey, Luce, is everything okay? - Your hair, it's purple.
- Actually, it's purple passion.
You shaved.
Muy guapo, no? Whatever.
Okay, here's the deal.
Jimmy, I thought I'd feel differently when you came back.
I've been wanting this for a long, long time.
We've had some great times together.
- But? - But I think maybe I don't trust that you really like me because you just broke up with Ashley.
And whether you need some time or not, I need some time.
I'm not ready to be in a relationship with you.
Not right now anyway.
Yet I'm having a hard time accepting that.
Especially after what I did to my hair.
I don't think the hair was a mistake.
It shows that you're willing to take some risks.
And I think that's an attractive quality.
So? Heh.
So you have a really nice face.
But? But since Jimmy's no longer a threat to you, I wanna give you some time to decide if that changes the way you feel.
And I wanna give myself a little more time to figure out who I am and whether or not I'm ready to go with a guy.
You're dumping us both? I wouldn't call it dumping.
It's not dumping.
O Okay.
It is.
But I hope we can all end up as friends.
What are you complaining about? I shaved my moustache.
I have to admit, you handled that great.
Yep, I'm really proud of you.
Oh, our little Lucy's growing up.