Copper s02e13 Episode Script

The Place I Called My Home

I need you to go through this and get me anything I can use against Tammany.
You're going to take on Donovan.
I already did.
I want Corcoran brought to me, alive.
You want to live? Tell me who sent you.
You said I lied.
The killing can end, or it can continue with you.
You've made quite a mess, Detective.
Here's to the new king of five points! Dr.
What's wrong? The president has been as the president has been assassinated.
thank you for allowing us this private moment.
Thank you for your generosity.
No amount matches the honor of serving this man.
Eustace, sir.
Do make yourself at home.
There's a bar behind us, if you'd like a drink.
I know Detective Corcoran entrusted your son, Robert, with the files he stole from General Donovan.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
You do, and, either you help the organization, by turning over the Donovan files, or the organization launches an all-out war against the Morehouses.
What constitutes an all-out war? Believe it or not, a man could lose a whole lot more than just his money.
Even if the papers were hidden here, my son now controls all parts of the family business, including the lockboxes.
Well, this could be a day of liberation, for the files and your balls.
If I find the documents, I suppose my friends in the governor's office may also express interest.
Tammany owns both houses of the state legislature.
Now, I say you would be smart to start another concern with preferential treatment from Tammany.
I was lying in armory square hospital after losing this godforsaken leg.
In a lush, private room, no doubt.
Young, beautiful nurses adhering to your every desire.
And the president himself entered.
You never told us that.
Lincoln studied me for a moment, then he took my hand and he said, "Major Morehouse, men upon crutches are orators for this union, for your very appearance speaks louder than tongues.
" The man had a craft of words, that cannot be denied.
A toast! We three haven't shared a drink together since our discharge from the front.
To the days that made us and the man who let us come home.
Through an informant on Captain Lafayette Baker's staff, I have been tracking the pursuit of John Wilkes Booth and David Herold.
I still hold the commission as Major.
Why do I think I know where this is going? And No.
Before you dismiss it, give the matter thought.
With your skills as a Detective and your knowledge of the region which is exactly the reason I'm not going South.
Gentlemen, we have the opportunity to catch these assassins, to be heroes.
You are already a hero! To be forever remembered by this country.
As an American.
Yes, which is what you have desired to be called since you stepped on these shores.
A train car and waiting horses can be arranged by nightfall.
You go.
My days are filled with patients.
I was meant to be a rich shit.
Hunting trips upstate, screwing debutantes on the beach.
Major instead, I joined a cause and lost a leg because I was inspired to preserve the union and end slavery.
He has a point.
Matthew, the war's over.
We fought under Lincoln, hoping that we could belong to this country.
This is not a battle, but a mission.
You would be Offering a service to my country and the man who gave me, my wife, and my people the first strains of true freedom.
We depart at first light.
Have you forgotten? This man Built your prosthetic for the wrong leg, leaving you with two left feet.
That's right! Come, now, I couldn't I hadn't eaten in three days.
I could hardly see, much less properly build an artificial limb.
In a train car, headed South.
Not sure what you put in my drink, Major.
A sense of duty, courage.
And, now, we're headed straight to the very hells we left behind, huh? Hey, hey, what happened to the courage? Faces, names, towns, landscapes I remember too much.
As do I.
For all the fallen men, I still think of them most Mother and daughter.
Matthew, stop.
It was a different time.
We were different people.
Sirs, from here on down, I would stay away from the windows.
Why's that? The original Mason-Dixon line cut through here.
Not everyone is a yankee because they live in the north.
I see in you a friend, much like, perhaps, Robert sees in that downtown Detective, so I've extended myself, located the files, however, in order to obtain them, I'll need something with which to trade.
Unlike other downtown characters, I can give you this add a zero, and we have a deal.
One of the joys of the city treasury always plenty of zeroes to go around.
Warmer than New York.
Air smells better, too.
Hey, you know, when we were last here, all I could smell was blood and flesh, death, and all the screamin', everyone shoutin' or cryin' out for God or their mother.
I goddamn got used to it.
I never got used to it.
Matthew, does Virginia feel different, now that you're a free man? No better than the last time I rode through here.
I just fear that too many virginians won't know the difference.
Free or not, I'm still black.
Booth and Herold were headed South and east.
We suspect one man, Mr.
Rutt Waymond, in aiding and abetting.
Captain Baker requests you begin your search at Waymond's.
Very good.
Thank you, Captain.
Major, keep your wits about you.
There are scattered bands of Rebs wandering the land, and they ain't all convinced the hostilities is ended.
We should give him a proper Christian burial.
We don't know what's lurking in these woods.
Do it on the way back.
Been there for a while.
A little more time won't hurt.
Forward! Whoa.
I'll head in here, get directions to Waymond's house.
If there's any trouble, you start ridin' and start shootin'.
Major, your leg.
Morphine was invented for a reason.
It's a temporary solution.
I could adjust your saddle to ease the chafing.
You want to dismount here, now? At the store, they said Waymond kept bees.
This must be the place.
A night or so ago, two men rode through this area on horseback, one, with a broken leg.
Did you happen to see them, Mr.
Waymond? Who's askin'? We are agents of the American army.
Who are free to shoot who we want, when we want, no repercussions.
Well, you're the only new faces I seen.
Well, what about your neighbors? Ain't heard nothing about 'em and I haven't been to town in days.
We stopped by Rutledge's general store as we passed through and Mr.
Rutledge said you were in yesterday, buying feed for your horses.
What's he doin'? I don't know.
No idea.
You never really know, with him.
Well, that's my property so you were in town, but you weren't.
Strange, how that could be.
John Wilkes Booth, David Herold.
You ever hear those names? Well, I don't what're you? Is this all? Saw your hives on the way in.
Good honey season? If you forget a storm or two.
Good season usually means room for expansion.
You buildin' new frames? Been working all spring, bustin' a ach! See, we're thinkin' Booth and Herold spent their night re, in your home, eatin' your food and drinkin' your fine whiskey.
Damn it! I told y'all, I've never heard of no such men! Well, I don't believe you.
Aah! Fine! Sure, your boys came through.
But I ain't no sympathizer, just a hospitality man, which you Yankees clearly know nothing about.
And, yeah, one of them had a broken leg.
He asked for booze to ease his pain.
Where'd they head? Aah! God! Come on.
This morning.
They headed South, towards champlain.
Now, Major? Let's get some honey for that leg compress.
The honey should help quell the wound's sepsis, but we'll need to access proper medical supplies, soon.
The proper medical supplies have been acquired.
Now let's get a move on.
We can be certain the traitor Booth is not resting.
The morphine will only relieve your pain for the moment.
The contagion here is now, come, Matthew, put my leg back on.
We should've gone east at the fork, not South.
Matthew, I thought you knew this land.
I was a slave nearby, not larking about the countryside.
Either way, this should lead to liver river.
Hold up.
Hold up.
Hey, there.
Hold it.
Whoa, whoa.
Now, you boys got the look of Yankees.
Stink of 'em, too.
You raise those guns, you die Right here and now.
What brings you round here? We have every right to be here.
We should take these fine horses.
I'm a New York City Detective.
We're in pursuit of a fugitive.
John Wilkes Booth? No.
No, we're not army.
It's a bank robber, an irishman by the name of Francis Maguire.
A runty little fellow.
With one good eye.
That so? Well We ain't seen anyone like that.
So, you say you're a Detective? Like in those Edgar Alan Poe stories.
Those are among my favorite tales.
I knew the man himself.
Edgar Alan Poe.
Is that some kind of yankee lie? My mother was friends with him.
When I was a boy, he came to our house and read us "The Tell-tale Heart" himself.
That's amazing.
A friend of Mr.
Poe! You boys look like you could use a rest.
Why don't you help yourselves to the cook fire? Where are you headed? Home.
We're Kentucky boys.
Been fightin' nearly three years.
Glad this damn war is over.
Good luck.
We'd be stupid not to take these mounts.
No! We're Kentuckians, not Texas horse thieves.
If we see Booth, rest assured, we'll shoot him first.
We're soldiers.
Have no use for cowardly assassins, of any stripe.
Let's move along.
Come on.
Hey, Harvey.
Come on.
So it's true, you knew Edgar Alan Poe? It's true as chasing a bank robber named Francis Maguire.
Holy shit.
The battlefield.
When we passed the Spotsylvania courthouse, I wondered.
Christ almighty, I can still taste the hell.
We entered the fight from there, those trees, moved across, and separated from the regiment.
When the cannon assault began.
You were shot there, Major, then crawled to cover in that ditch there.
The two of you followed me.
And that's when my leg.
You're wrong about the ditch.
I remember this tree.
We took cover behind it.
It's too shallow.
I recall there being a rock.
Could've been this dip.
Then again, my eyes were blind in the haze of smoke.
Christ, you'd just kill anyone who was in your way.
I wonder how many of my own men I sent to death.
The biggest moment in our lives, we were side-by-side, yet, we can't agree upon the location.
At once dreaming, yet more awake than any man could possibly be.
I expect these memories will forever metamorphose.
Freeman, you poet.
Are you trying to say you've forgotten where you buried my leg? Goddamned battle of the wilderness.
What the hell is this? Maybe they have news.
Our New York boys, eh? You're late.
The good news is late? We can't be late.
We were sent here to capture Booth.
Well, we got the bastard, so, you're late.
That can't be.
We have orders from Captain Baker to capture the assassins and bring them back alive.
Alive, Matthew! It's our duty! Where are you taking 'em? Over to belle plain 'til further orders.
Is that Herold there? Indeed.
Son of a bitch is gonna be swinging when I bring his murdering ass back to Washington.
'Bout ready, boys? Yes, sir.
All right, gentlemen.
Lieutenant, wait.
Did the traitor Booth speak before he died? Well, he was shot in the throat, so the great Shakespearan's words were barely audible.
What, damn it, did he say? He said, "tell my mother that I died for my country," asked one of my men to put his hands up to his face, then he said, "useless, useless.
" He's a jackass, but at least he got me a government reward.
Whoo! "Useless," indeed.
We are the useless ones.
We should've left New York the morning Lincoln died.
Major, we did the best we could.
Booth and Herold are captured.
That's all that matters now.
Bullshit! If we didn't stop to put honey on my goddamn leg, we would've been the captors.
Why I thought we three mnh! There's nothing left for us here.
We should start heading back.
The Major is not healthy enough to risk a long ride.
The leg if gangrene sets in, anything can happen.
What can we do? Plantation.
Matthew, no.
It's just a few more Miles from here.
Last I heard, Dr.
Purvis still owns the land.
We could get the proper medical supplies.
A free black, an Irish Mick, and a useless white protestant walk into battle! Robert, come back here, now! You both realize that coincidence brought us together, nothing more.
Freeman, you seemed useful.
Corky, you downtown papist bastard.
Major, you are not yourself! So you ended up in the same ditch next to me and happened to be a good shot.
That makes us friends? Robert, slow down.
No morphine, no drink.
My leg hurts worse than the day I lost it.
If only we could get soused and forget this whole trip ever your leg is at risk of gangrene and needs a cure, not more numbing! You are the noble negro with all the answers.
What's next? Major, you watch your mouth.
Where is the cure, dear Matthew?! Huh?! At the place we swore never to return! There? We have to go back there? God.
A little closer, Clara, so we can compare and contrast texture and tone.
I am so blessed to have you, my daughter, for studies such as this.
Your perfect skin, alongside Who's there?! Good God! Matthew! Where'd you come across this runaway slave? I was never your slave.
I was a prisoner, biding my time.
Now, I'm a doctor, healing a friend.
What in hell is this? Oh.
My field master inflicted the wounds, not I, but isn't it remarkable, what the human body can sustain? Zeke, you do realize that, by law, Purvis is no longer your master.
I stay on my own accord.
Purvis pays wages now.
Clara, do you remember me? Keep away from my daughter.
She hasn't been the same since those savage yankee troops came through here.
You've grown up since I saw you last, but not enough to be a part of this.
I like the way Zeke's back looks.
His skin is like the bark on my pretty sycamore out front.
So, the baboon's boys are just more animals.
Direct me to your Kreosotum, gauze, and plaster, right now.
Arrh! Aah! Anh! The thing you Yankees do not understand is that your side may have beaten Lee, but the South is, and always will be, a separate country.
Shut up! Corky, give me that bottle.
And your belt.
He'll need something to bite down on.
This wasn't fun the first time around.
Mnh! Major, open your mouth.
That's enough.
You ready? Mnh! Mnh! Mnh! Mnh! Mnh! Mnh! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! God! Take the right! Here here here here! Take the left! Here! Here! Here! Move it.
Move move move.
Shoot! Move it, move it.
Let's sweep the area, meet the boys out front of the house.
Matthew? Oh, no.
Unh! How did you? Oh, shh shh shh.
You and your mother were trying to escape the shooting.
Oh, I never meant for this, for you I never meant this for you, this this war, this my escape, I I mean, these were just women, huh? Mother and daughter, innocent civilians.
The Major and I were aiming in this direction.
I've known Gillian Purvis since she was born, and I've known her mother my entire life.
We had no idea.
If we had heal her.
You have to.
Oh, I can't.
I've seen you.
No, not this, i I can't.
At least stabilize her.
You said Purvis was a doctor.
We'll turn her over to him.
Bring your handkerchief, hold the wound right here.
Ah! Ah! Shh shh.
Okay, okay, okay, yeah.
Multiple gunshot wounds.
Only God knows what the bullets hit.
Within minutes, at this rate of loss, she'll bleed out.
I then let's take her to the doctor.
It's beyond anyone's skill, and the doctor inside is her father.
If he sees her like this, I Shh shh shh shh shh.
Kill me.
Goddamn it, no.
Shh shh shh shh shh.
I'll do this.
No, no, no.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Corky, Freeman, what I said to you both about our meeting being coincidence Major, you don't have to.
Let me speak, Matthew.
Yes, we met through coincidence none of us need to explain anything to each other.
Still, we did not survive the bloodiest battles of our nation's history or remain friends after being mustered out because of coincidence.
Coincidence don't make three men go on a journey, tracking the nation's most infamous murderer, and we wouldn't have found ourselves back there.
A return to our worst memory.
To a decision which revealed our sameness, when we three seemed the most unlikely of friends.
I'm so glad to be done with war.
Kevin, thank you for coming.
Come, Matthew, I'll give you a ride to your door.
Oh, no, thank you, Major.
I think I'll enjoy the morning walk.
He's a good man.
Each of us will always be trying to convince ourselves that we are good, Corky.
Corky! Hey.
I've been pacing Baxter street for days.
As nervous a boy as I've ever seen.
Wild bill sent me to deliver Tammany hall's summons.
You're to report to Eustace's office immediately.
Word is out they want you to replace Donovan.
And they won't take no for an answer.
Do I look like a ward boss to you? Kevin, trust me on this you turn them down, New York is not a place you will ever live in peace.
What are you going to do? How's Eva been? Sullivan's had us workin' round the clock.
We haven't had a night in the paradise since you left.
Kevin, this is serious.
We may win a skirmish against the organization, but no way we win a war.
I'm going to hit Eva's and have a drink while I consider my options.
Join me when you can.
If you need to scream, you let it out, especially if the noise helps you to keep breathing.
Go on.
Sara, I'm here.
Freeman! Doctor.
That's rosewater.
Leah's been using compresses to stay relaxed.
The baby's breach.
We've been at this for 16 and a half hours.
I've been too terrified to let her push because I could still feel the cervix.
If she forces too early, the baby's neck and head are in danger.
That's exactly right.
But I think she's ready now.
And the baby's arms seem to be in the right place.
Feel here.
You're doing fine, leah.
Matthew and I are going to see you through this.
No, I'll take over now, hmm? Wash up and rest.
Matthew, I've been at this for 16 and a half hours reason to stay, not turn tail.
Sara, you have guided this woman and her child incredibly.
Let the outcome be my responsibility, hmm? Sara, sometimes nature does not cooperate.
Aaaaaaaaaaah! I'm beginning to think that Kevin Corcoran does not take us seriously.
Eva! Eva! Eva!
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