Dr. Romantic (2016) s02e13 Episode Script

Defense Mechanism

These are the people I've been talking to.
I'm almost done with the top five,
and the others are under negotiation.
I'm sure most of them will cross over.
Let's add one more person to the list.
Can you do this?
Why is that old man
so obsessed with that hospital?
It's not the hospital. It's that guy.
Doctor Kim.
Mr. Do has been
requesting to see Chairman Shin.
It looks like he's pushing ahead
with the project
with a pretty big construction company.
And it seems like
the board members
are supporting his project.
Wouldn't it be better to do something now
before he gets this on the agenda?
Why do you keep hesitating?
I don't have a huge reason.
It's only because of people.
We can't run a hospital
just because we have a building.
In the end, we need good doctors
and medical staff for it to run smoothly.
Aren't doctors Kang Dong-ju
and Yun Seo-jeong
returning next year?
And you have a new OS doctor
and two fellows as well.
That's true, but we still need a leader
who is more experienced.
You're here.
Why would we need another leader here?
Do you think you've won?
Doctor Park.
Do you use your scalpel to win?
Isn't it a bit troubling
for a doctor to be like that?
Something about that guy is
provoking Professor Park in some way.
And now, it's a fight over their pride.
Is Doctor Kim that amazing?
Even Woo-jin is getting cheeky
because he has him on his side.
There's nothing much I can do
for my old fogey.
Can you get rid of him?
What are you doing, man?
Greet your brothers when you see them.
I don't need him to greet me.
Let's go somewhere and talk, Woo-jin.
Do you want to make a scene
or go quietly?
Can you believe this?
They dragged my car away
and charged me a fortune.
How much do I owe in total?
Where did he go?
It's healing well.
Think about who sutured that.
I'm sure it's healing well.
I'm all done.
Let's take out the stitches
in three to four days.
Sure, Doc.
How's your wrist?
-It's fine.
-What about your elbow?
Gosh, that's fine too.
When will you schedule your surgery
for the CTS?
That's something for OS to look into.
Am I not allowed to know when it is?
I mean, I'm still your doctor.
My doctor?
Until I take your stitches out,
yes, I am your doctor.
Have you been bored?
It's not that I'm bored.
I'm worried as your doctor.
How long will you stay away from the OR?
Please leave that matter to me.
That's between Professor Park and me.
When you have enough time,
you should go study
as many cases as you can, Doctor.
A surgeon's scalpel should be
kept sharp even when he takes time off.
-Do you understand?
Please excuse me.
Do you have the schedule
for the Whipple procedure?
Oh, actually,
Professor Sim hasn't confirmed it.
Should I start worrying about
booking operations too?
No, sir. I'll sort it out right away.
Where's Professor Sim?
What's the problem, Professor Sim?
Why haven't you scheduled
Kang Ik-joon's surgery yet?
I already told the patient
we'll be doing his surgery within the day.
-Something is troubling me.
-What's troubling you?
The OP lab results looked fine,
but the EKG looked a bit odd.
-What about the EKG?
-It looked like he has WPW syndrome.
Let's consult Internal Medicine first
before we operate on him.
-Ask Internal Medicine for cooperation.
-Yes, sir.
Yes, Professor Na. This is Yang Ho-jun.
I'm sure you know
how important this surgery is for me.
Of course I do.
That's why I suggest we be extra careful.
Gosh, I'm late.
My gosh, I completely overslept.
I'm totally impossible.
I set up two alarms, but I never
heard them and slept through both.
Have you ever operated
on a patient with WPW syndrome?
Yes, just once.
We consulted with Cardiology,
conducted an EP study, and performed
an ablation before the surgery.
Why? Was someone
diagnosed with WPW syndrome?
It's Professor Park's VIP.
I think he has that.
Should we date?
Goodness, I got a call.
Let's talk again later.
Hey, wait.
Do I have sleep in my eyes again?
Have a great day today.
My gosh. I'm busy right now. Come on.
You too, Woo-jin. Have a great day.
Nurse Park.
-Who are we getting?
-We have a patient!
Into the hybrid room, hurry!
-What are his vitals?
-100 over 70, 140 bpm.
Let's move the patient. One, two, three.
Establish both lines, do an OP lab test,
and request two packs of RBC.
-Got it.
-Is he all right other than his leg?
Yes, his leg was severed
by a machine in the factory.
His co-workers tied up his leg
right after the incident.
-So he didn't bleed as much.
-Okay, we won't undo his belt.
I'm sorry.
I ran a little late.
-Give me gauze with Betadine and dry pads.
-Yes, sir.
What should I do with his severed leg?
-Nurse Park, please take the stump.
-Okay, I'll take it.
Cool it off first.
Don't let the cross-section get dry.
Use gauze soaked in saline.
-Yes, sir.
-I'll do it with you, Nurse Park.
-What are his vitals?
-100 over 60, 135 bpm.
Shoot in five ml of morphine.
Sir, hang…
Hang in there. I'll give it to you now.
Hang in there just a little longer.
Doctor Bae.
How is he doing?
He's a thigh amputation patient.
He needs surgery immediately.
Mr. Heo, does he work at a factory?
-Did you get a hold of his guardian?
-His guardian is on the way.
CS. We're going in as a combined surgery.
Doctor Bae.
Call Anesthesiology
and please get ready for the surgery.
Yes, sir.
Then we'll fix his bones first
in a supine position,
then conduct the CS in a prone position.
Ms. Oh, please take his X-ray.
-Yes, sir.
Let me take a look at your wound.
Ms. Oh, please get forceps
and some gauze ready.
Cover it with gauze.
What is it?
Well, I'm not a cardiologist,
so it's tough to decide on the OP risk.
So what?
-What should we do?
-You should probably run more tests
before you go ahead with the surgery.
Since we don't have the equipment,
he should go to the main hospital.
He's a patient who came all the way here
and waited for me to perform his surgery.
Don't you think it'd be a bit awkward
to send him back to the main hospital?
Right, it's a bit awkward.
Then what should we do?
This is a young patient
who has been fine without any symptoms.
Since the patient is young,
his cancer is progressing quickly
and very aggressively.
It reached his biliary tract
and transverse colon in just a month.
It looks like both sides come with a risk.
Yes, you're right.
Let's do this.
He'll be tested at the main hospital
after we operate on him.
-What do you think?
As soon as you give us an answer,
we'll discuss it with Anesthesiology
and go ahead with the surgery.
You may go.
-What is it?
-It's an acute appendicitis patient.
-He needs surgery now. What should I do?
-Hey! Why are you asking him?
We're already busy enough here
with the VIP's surgery.
Go talk to your chief surgeon,
Doctor Kim or whatever.
There's an amputee, so he'll be
conducting a combined surgery with OS.
If you lift my surgery ban, I'll do it.
Doctor Yang, go down and get it done.
-It's a quick surgery.
Go do it.
Right, yes.
I'll call Anesthesiology.
What are you talking about?
Why can't I use OR one?
President Park told us
to leave OR one empty
because of the VIP's surgery.
Even if the president wanted that,
this is still an operating room.
I'm opening this as an anesthesiologist.
What is this nonsense?
I understand that too.
But it was the president's order.
You can do it in OR two.
This is a thigh amputee,
which requires precision in the surgery!
We need the equipment in OR one!
Don't you get it?
I do get it.
But I can't help you.
It was the president's order.
Just do it in OR two.
I'm going to use OR two, Mr. Heo.
The VIP patient's surgery will be delayed
because he needs to be tested again.
-Appendicitis patient incoming.
Go to OR two, please.
I don't care if he's the president.
The anesthesiology department
has the authority
to open and close ORs.
This is obviously an act of arrogation.
Do you understand?
What? That's what Professor Sim said?
What should I do?
Should I notify President Park?
Gosh, darn it.
Let's talk after the appendectomy.
We don't have to tell him right now. Okay?
The patient refuses to be operated on?
I think he's concerned about
the cost of the operation.
The cost of the operation?
I heard my leg may not be 100 percent
okay again even if I get the surgery.
You expect me to get the expensive surgery
without a guarantee
that I'll be perfectly fine?
If it's processed as an industrial
accident, you won't have to pay as much.
Even if that gets processed,
I'll have to pay quite a lot
out of my own pocket.
I don't have that kind of money.
Nurse Park.
No one is here from the factory?
There's no one here from the factory yet.
How has no one shown up yet
when someone's wounded that badly?
Excuse me, I'm looking for Lee Dong-woo.
-Are you Mr. Lee's guardian?
-Yes, he's my husband.
Where is he?
I heard he hurt his leg.
Is he badly wounded?
What are we going to do?
My gosh, no!
Oh, no.
I told you to be careful.
I told you to always be careful!
What are you going to do now?
What… What are we going to do now?
Honey, what are we going to do?
What about our family?
What are you going to do?
-Oh, no.
I was careless, that's why.
How can something like this happen?
Oh, no.
Honey, what are we going to do?
What now?
Why is my mom crying?
Your dad got badly wounded,
so she seems a bit shocked.
Why don't we go out for a bit?
I have a delicious lollipop.
Why is my mom crying?
Ma'am, you won't find a way out of this
by crying your heart out.
Sir. You need to have an operation now.
An operation?
An operation?
Then will his leg be saved?
What are you saying?
Even if they stitch it back together,
it won't be 100 percent recovered.
How much you're able to recover
depends on how determined you are.
If the surgery goes wrong, by any chance,
and my leg necrotizes,
I heard I'll have to
amputate my leg again.
That means I'll need another surgery.
I'm sorry,
but I can't get such a surgery.
I don't have millions of won I can spend
on a surgery that has no guarantee.
And I can't pay it all back
after I throw in all of that money.
So you're going to
give up on your leg because of money?
Oh, no.
I can't help it.
This is my life.
I'll just consider myself unlucky.
What can I do?
Hey, man.
Your son can hear you outside.
How can you say that as a father?
You're only blaming your fate and luck.
Do you think anyone will pity you?
The world doesn't care about someone
who's willing to give up that easily.
No, it's not just the world.
Your son will also see that,
remember that, learn that from you,
and always blame his fate and luck.
He'll say that the world is what it is.
If he loses a leg and doesn't have money,
he'll say there's nothing he can do.
He'll remember you as a father
who gave up on himself that easily!
Stop shouting at my dad.
He's wounded right now.
Why are you getting angry at him?
Stop crying.
Your son is much better than you.
Jun-young, come here.
Come here.
What are we going to do?
I'm sorry.
It's all my fault.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry…
To what extent…
should we treat our patients?
I'm sorry.
How far…
should we look into their wounds?
This is a thigh amputee.
Doctor Kim will come in later
for the vascular surgery.
May I begin?
Yes, you may begin.
-Check the tourniquet time, please.
-Yes, sir.
I'll fix the bones with plates first.
Let's begin with a bone reduction.
Self-retaining retractors.
One more.
Bone holding clamps, please.
OR1, OR2
-What now?
-Another patient who needs surgery.
-Again? What's this case?
-Acute appendicitis.
Why is it another acute appendicitis?
I just got out of an appendectomy.
I said it's an acute appendicitis patient
because we have an appendicitis patient.
If you ask me why,
I can't give you an answer for that.
It's not like I went out to pick them up.
There's always a day like this one.
I'll get ready.
Why am I working on appendicitis patients
while my head is blowing up thinking about
-the VIP's Whipple procedure?
-I don't think you should be asking me.
Darn it, that little…
Yes. Doctor Yang, it's the president.
Please put him on speakerphone.
Yes, Professor Park. This is Yang Ho-jun.
Are you still waiting for an answer
from Internal Medicine regarding Mr. Kang?
Oh, well, I'm still in the OR.
Why is the appendectomy taking forever?
Well, we had two appendicitis patients
in a row.
I'm operating on the second patient.
He can't help it.
You tied up Doctor Seo's hands.
It sounds like he's quite angry.
He has been killing me lately.
He's been really harsh.
Professor Na, it's me.
Please hand your answer directly to me,
not through Ho-jun.
Right now.
This is Seo Woo-jin.
We received another trauma patient.
He fell off a ladder.
It looks like a blunt abdominal injury.
He needs an emergency operation
right after the CT scan.
Should I hand it over to Doctor Yang,
or will you do it this time?
All right, sir.
I'll toss the patient to Doctor Yang.
Doctor Seo, you are pretty persistent.
You continuously provoke
President Park on purpose.
I have no other choice.
We have trauma patients piling up,
and I can't sit around forever.
-This is my way of protesting.
-Little strokes fell great oaks.
-Is it something like that?
-Let's strike him until he falls down.
It's something like that.
Doctor Yoon.
Please take a CT scan
of the abdominal injury patient
and get ready to do an emergency operation
-I'll notify OR two.
-Yes, Doctor.
Doctor Seo, it's for you.
It's the president.
Take it.
Yes, this is Seo Woo-jin.
It's only until the VIP's surgery is over.
Until then, you're in charge
of emergency trauma patients.
Do not bother my teammates anymore.
Do you understand?
No way.
I'll get ready for the surgery.
Goodness, he has changed a lot.
He's never smiled that much before.
Isn't that right, Ms. Oh?
He's getting used to Doldam Hospital.
C-arm, please.
Turn on the C-arm.
Okay. The reduction looks great.
Six hole plate, please.
Guide, please.
Turn on the C-arm. Shoot.
Excuse me, Doctor.
I have something to say.
Actually, I'm out of the medication.
The medication?
Oh, you know.
The pills you gave me for nausea.
Oh, right. And?
If you give me the prescription, I'll--
You don't need a prescription.
It was a pancreatic enzyme.
"Pancreatic enzyme"?
Digestive medicine?
I'm sorry, Doctor.
Then the drug I've been taking
before going into the OR was…
digestive medicine?
That's right. It was digestive medicine.
I'm sorry.
I get oddly hungry
whenever I come into the OR.
I'm hungry.
But still, how could you give me
digestive medicine?
Have a seat.
I discussed your case
with a neurosurgeon I know.
And he thought
you were getting nauseated not because
of the operation but because of pressure.
He said the pressure to do well
becomes maximized in confined spaces
like operating rooms,
and that it seemed like your body
was reacting to that pressure immediately.
There's no need to feel pressured anymore.
You've been doing well to this day,
and you'll keep doing well too.
Don't you think?
What are you doing here?
It was a pancreatic enzyme.
What was?
The medicine for nausea
that Doctor Kim gave me.
It was digestive medicine.
I knew it was weird.
Whenever I was in the OR,
I always felt like I was starving.
I'm normally not the type to binge eat
in the middle of the night.
he gave me digestive medicine.
What am I going to do now?
What do you mean?
Keep doing what you've been doing.
I don't think the digestive medicine
was what you trusted anyway.
What do you mean?
You need to find the answer by yourself.
Depth gauge.
The 36 mm locking screw, please.
The placebo effect wasn't caused
by the digestive medicine?
Then what could it be?
What are you doing? Are you on break?
Go away, kid.
I got these macarons from Seoul.
Do you want some?
I've been put on a fast, so I can't eat.
I have a lot on my mind,
so stop bothering me.
I'm here.
My goodness.
-We had loads of emergency patients.
-Professor Na left his answer there.
Take that down to Professor Sim,
have a discussion with her,
-and schedule the surgery within the day.
-Yes, sir.
Excuse me, sir.
Professor Sim is in another surgery.
Never mind.
I'll schedule it as soon as possible.
Did you leave OR one empty?
We had a thigh amputee.
The surgery requires a lot of precision,
so they needed the equipment there.
Of course Mr. Heo and I stopped them,
but Doctor Kim just rushed in…
Do you fear
Doctor Bu Yong-ju more than me?
No, sir. Why would I do that?
It's not like that.
How much more will you disappoint me,
Doctor Yang?
I apologize.
I will fix everything immediately.
Darn it.
What is it, Doctor Yang?
Can you come out for a second?
I have the answer from Internal Medicine.
Can't you see that I'm in surgery?
Could you please spare just five minutes?
Professor Park is absolutely furious.
I can't check everything in five anyway.
Wait until I'm done.
I think there's more bleeding.
It looks like you patched up his vessels.
Do you think his spleen is ruptured?
I don't think so.
His diaphragm is ripped.
Doctor Seo.
Doctor Seo, are you about to…
A torn diaphragm?
It's a patient with a blunt abdomen injury
and I'm on his large bowel rupture.
But we found a torn diaphragm
during the OP.
Can you come in right now, Doctor Cha?
Are you kidding me?
Why are you asking me
to work on that right now?
You're on speakerphone.
Everyone can hear you.
Excuse me, Doctor Seo.
What more do you want to see?
Will it make you happier to see me
collapsed on the floor of the OR?
Don't worry.
I'll carry you on my back and run again.
Where's your confidence?
You've already done a number of surgeries.
The penetrating injury patient in the ER
that you saved,
the artery bypass, and the patient
with an umbrella in his chest.
You did well on all those.
And yesterday, you worked on a CABG case.
Yet you're still afraid of something,
Doctor Cha?
This means what I trusted was…
Doctor Runner here
gave an excellent emergency treatment.
Don't check with me all the time.
You're leading this surgery,
so do what you think is right.
Make your decision within five minutes.
I'll wait for you, Doctor Cha.
Please hang up.
Shouldn't you go?
It sounds like they need you right now.
Doctor Seo, it's been almost five minutes.
Stop the bleeding and close him up.
This never happened before.
Ms. Oh and I are agreeing on something.
Listen to Ms. Oh, Doctor Seo.
Wrap this up already.
Doctor Seo.
Suture, please.
Doctor Cha is here.
The rupture was caused
by the pressure in his abdomen.
I said this last time,
but can't a GS surgeon take care of this?
Yes, I certainly can.
So don't be afraid, and just do it.
Even if you get a panic attack,
run out after throwing up, or pass out…
I'm here to back you up.
Suture, please.
We have a hemorrhage.
-Is it a clot?
-No, there seems to be another origin.
It's a blunt injury, right?
He fell off and crashed onto a rail.
-On his chest wall?
Slightly left of his umbilicus,
so I'm sure he didn't fall on his chest.
No injury is detected
along the chest wall.
It's a blunt abdominal injury,
so it can't be an issue with his lungs.
The phrenic vessel.
I found it.
It was the phrenic vessel. Suture, please.
Gauze, please.
-Doctor Kim.
-You can come in when you're ready.
-All right.
Gosh, you scared me.
What are you doing here?
Pardon? Oh, I'm waiting for Professor Sim.
-Are you feeling under the weather?
I mean, I'm fine.
Ask Doctor Jeong at the ER to examine you.
You don't look very well.
Go on. Get going.
You can finish up, Doctor Seo.
-Do you have a prior commitment?
I have to go to OR one.
-Good work.
-Thank you for your help.
Well done.
Let's finish up. Suture, please.
I'm sorry I'm late.
Why bother? You shouldn't have come at all
if you were going to be late.
I'm a cardiac surgeon. I should be here.
From now on, I'll attend
every single one of your operations.
My, you're brimming with enthusiasm.
I like that.
Will you be okay?
Yes, of course.
I already took care of an operation.
I'll be totally fine.
All right. Attention, everyone.
Despite his difficult situation,
this patient didn't give up
and decided to get an operation.
Let's do our best so he can walk again.
-Yes, sir.
All right then.
We'll start with the artery.
Sponge stick.
What brings you here? You didn't call.
No reason.
I was in the area
and thought I should stop by.
Please take a seat.
It's okay.
I don't want to take up your time.
I heard the second son
of Sejen Group's chairman is here.
Yes. That's correct.
-Has his surgery been booked yet?
-I'm discussing it with Anesthesiology.
Professor Park.
I suppose you like
to keep things to yourself.
Sir, I was…
planning on telling you after the surgery.
I truly hope the surgery goes well.
I'm not sure if you know this,
but Sejen Group
has a very close relationship
with our foundation.
-Doctor Yoon.
What are you reading so intently?
I'm taking my medical board exam soon.
I'm cramming.
I see.
I suppose you'll go back
to the main hospital if you pass the exam.
Not sure. I haven't thought about that.
You can't go anywhere.
-You're perfect for our hospital.
-You really think so?
Thank you.
-You like hearing that?
You must be tired. Drink this, ladies.
-What's all this, Mr. Jang?
-I haven't been attentive to the ER staff.
-Take a quick break and enjoy the drink.
-Thank you for this.
Thank you.
By the way, is everything okay these days?
What do you mean?
Well, you know.
Has anyone stopped by
to check up on you guys?
Or has anyone approached you
regarding a position elsewhere?
Oh, are you talking about Im Hyun-jun?
I saw him again earlier today.
You did? Where did you see him?
Well, I…
-The thing is…
-My gosh.
Is that Doctor Jeong?
-I can't believe this.
He's even convinced Doctor Jeong already?
Darn it.
Here's the contract they gave me.
Please go over it,
and give me a signed copy by tomorrow.
You're getting everything you asked for,
so you should just sign it.
You know this is a rare opportunity.
Doctor Jeong.
What are you doing here?
Well, I was just…
I stopped him to ask
where the restroom is.
It's right here.
My, where did the time go?
Please excuse me.
Hey, you.
You didn't think I'd know who you are?
Your name is Im Hyun-jun.
You're a headhunter
that steals hospital staff.
You already know that much about me?
You really are impressive,
Mr. Jang Gi-tae.
How do you know my name?
Come on. How could I not know your name?
You're like a legend in this industry.
"A legend"?
This hospital is running a deficit.
The only reason it can still operate
is all thanks to your management skills.
That's what everyone says.
You didn't know?
No, not at all.
To be honest, it's a little embarrassing
to say this myself…
but it's not entirely wrong.
Right, that being said…
how about I connect you with a job
at a good hospital in Seoul?
Sorry? Me?
People will fight to hire you once they
find out that you're on the market.
You really think so?
Feel free to call me if you're interested.
I'll take good care of you.
Occupational accident benefits?
That will be hard.
But earlier, the doctor said that
the company will help us file a claim.
He's agreed to write a doctor's note.
Gosh, those things are useless.
Listen. Why don't you
just settle with the company?
Settle with the company?
What do you mean by that?
Oh, it means that the company
will compensate you
by using their own insurance package.
The government
deals with occupational accident claims,
but the company will take care of this.
At the end of the day,
it's the same thing.
Really? I've never heard
of such a case before.
Let's be realistic here.
We're not even the main contractor.
We're basically a subcontractor,
so it'll be hard for you to get benefits.
That's where the company insurance
comes in handy.
Like you said, there's always a solution.
It's not like the occupational benefits
will give you a bigger payout.
The hospital isn't a charity organization.
Expensive procedures
aren't even covered by insurance.
At the end of the day, what they do
is take money from poor people like us.
You understand what I'm saying, right?
Is my husband out of surgery?
Yes, we moved him to the ICU just now.
The surgery went well,
so let's see how he recovers.
-Thank you. Thank you so much.
Is this gentleman from the factory?
-That's right.
I manage the factory.
Don't listen to him.
He's talking crazy nonsense.
-Pardon me?
As I explained to you before the surgery,
your husband suffered nerve damage,
so he may be left with a disability.
That's why you must file a claim
to get compensated
according to
the severity of his disability.
If you settle with the factory,
you won't receive such benefits.
We're a subcontractor of a subcontractor,
so it doesn't apply to us.
Look, what are you talking about?
Death and any injury or illness
that takes over three days to treat
can be compensated for under
the Industrial Accident Compensation Act.
That's the law.
You folks just don't want
to go that route, right?
Because the claim
will make your premium go up,
and your factory will lose points.
Isn't that the reason?
What the heck are you talking about?
Listen, that's not true at all.
You didn't seem to know much about this,
so I came to tell you your options.
If you persuade this clueless woman
to settle with the company and get caught,
you'll be fined 15 million won.
Are you aware of that?
If you folks can afford that,
just give the money to your injured worker
to cheer him up.
How dare you try to trick them like this?
What is this? You should be ashamed.
What is your problem?
How dare you say such a thing?
When did I try to trick them?
Then what? Should I say
that you were trying to dupe her?
What? "Dupe her"?
Look, Doctor.
How old are you?
How dare you talk to me like this?
A man got injured!
You need to at least do your duty
before explaining
the company's circumstances.
What the heck is this?
I'm sure you're also a father
and the breadwinner of your family.
If you don't feel pity,
then at least pretend you're sorry.
Also, why the heck did you ask me my age?
You want to know my age?
I was born on November 3, 1964.
Gosh, I can't believe I'm saying this.
Good grief.
My goodness.
Drink it. It's yours.
You must be hungry.
I'm sorry I yelled earlier.
I was just worried about your dad.
I was frustrated
that he was refusing surgery.
My mom also yells at him sometimes.
She says he frustrates her.
I see.
Mister, by the way…
Would you say you're a good surgeon?
I'd say I am…
a great surgeon.
All right then.
I guess you were hungry.
If you notice someone,
you need to say hello.
We don't exactly
have that kind of relationship.
How's your wrist?
I heard it's pretty bad.
We're definitely not close enough
for you to ask about such things.
Do you and President Park get along?
He's actually
more close-minded than I thought.
He frustrates me sometimes.
I'm wondering if you're having any issues.
Does he know
that you talk about him behind his back?
About the VIP patient…
The foundation considers him
a very important client.
Pay more attention to him
as the chief of GS.
President Park will take good care of him.
He's his patient, after all.
Principled and inflexible people like him
mess up big time when they make a mistake.
You're talking
as if you want him to mess up.
No, why would I want that?
I'm just concerned. That's all.
I'll see you around.
Oh, right.
Give Ms. Joo…
my regards.
Here's the internist's answer.
As you can see,
the internist recommends additional tests
after the surgery.
Isn't Doctor Na a pulmonologist,
not a cardiologist?
Pardon me?
Right, yes.
It's still part of Internal Medicine.
Can you please just book the surgery?
You know that trouble happens
when you ignore a bad gut feeling.
You know that Professor Park
has been sensitive lately.
I sure do.
He's lost his cool,
which is very unlike him.
He's so anxious that he won't even listen.
Yes, exactly.
He's killing me.
I'm so stressed out these days.
Help me out, please.
Please schedule the surgery.
What if it were Doctor Seo
standing there right now, and not you?
-He'd advise me against doing the surgery.
-Professor Sim.
-What do you say?
Shall I tell Professor Park myself?
Or would you prefer to do it yourself?
Tell him what?
That I oppose this surgery.
I keep getting a bad feeling about it.
She still hasn't scheduled the surgery?
Well, Professor Sim is being stubborn.
What the heck did you do all day?
I'm sorry, sir.
I kept you around for your wits,
not your skills. But you're useless now.
You can't even persuade Anesthesiology.
How could you ruin my plans like this?
I apologize, sir. I'm really sorry.
Go talk to the patient right now.
Let him know that the surgery
has been moved to tomorrow.
And I don't care what it takes.
Make sure it gets scheduled tomorrow.
Got it?
Yes, sir. I'll make sure it's done.
What an idiot.
-What is this?
-What's wrong? What is it?
Was your car towed?
I guess so.
What do I do?
I can't believe
I completely forgot about it.
Shall I come with you?
Oh, would you?
I'd be so grateful.
Buy me dinner.
-Yes, of course.
-It should include some meat.
I told you I'm broke. My mom cut me off.
Hey! Wait up!
I want beef.
What? Beef? Don't do this to me.
I have a better idea.
How about fried chicken?
-I no longer eat fried chicken.
-Are you ill, my friend?
-Why won't you eat fried chicken?
-Let go of me.
How could you not eat…
Hey! Why won't you eat fried chicken?
How cute.
Right, Elizabeth?
You can't do that.
Why refuse fried chicken? Are you crazy?
Be honest with me.
Do you have money to get there?
-I don't either.
-Why you little…
What do you think?
Can you get rid of him?
I know the old man is just an excuse.
What's the real reason?
That punk… I keep…
seeing him laugh when he's at Doldam.
A jerk like him…
doesn't deserve to laugh, don't you think?
Right, Hyun-jun?
I'm sorry. Did I wake you?
Are you heading home?
Sleep in the staff room if you're tired.
The medical board exam is coming up soon.
I just want to pass the exam.
I've been having nightmares about it.
What kind of nightmares?
Ones where everyone but me
passes the exam.
Wouldn't that be so horrible?
I'm surprised you worry about such things.
Everyone has worries.
The future is unpredictable for all of us.
Once you become an attending physician…
will you go back to the main hospital?
Why does everyone ask me that?
-Who else asked you this question?
-Nurse Joo.
Maybe that's how everyone
mentally prepares themselves
for a goodbye.
Everyone who's here
could leave at any time.
So you're trying to
mentally prepare yourself as well?
-Because I could leave at any time?
-Should I…
prepare myself?
You always dodge my questions like this.
Asking you not to leave
will make me seem obsessed.
But if I act all cool and don't say that,
I'll worry about you actually leaving.
That's where I'm at.
I'll give you my answer
after I pass the exam.
About whether I'll stay
or go back to the main hospital.
You always play hard to get.
I know, right?
And for some reason,
it seems to only work on you.
Nurse Park, have you seen Doctor Seo?
No, I haven't.
Didn't you two leave together earlier?
Yes, we did.
But he suddenly disappeared.
And his phone is off.
Gosh, what's going on?
What do you think happened?
I'm not sure.
What is this?
A contract, you fool.
I'm still mad about what you did to me,
but I can't ruin
a skilled colleague's future.
That's why
I reached out to the senior doctors
and lifted their boycott against you.
I brought you the best offer.
Just for you.
Aren't you touched?
What an amazing friend.
The salary they're offering
is twice the amount you make now.
With that money, you can clear your debt
and give Hyun-jun a fat commission
to make up
for all the trouble you caused him.
Sign it while we're being nice.
I heard there's a doctor…
called Doctor Kim at Doldam.
What if something bad happened to him?
He's been gone for over an hour,
and his phone is still off.
Should we call the police?
Woo-jin, what happened?
You can't just disappear like that.
I was so worried about you.
I need to talk to you, sir.
What's it about? Go ahead.
I'm afraid…
I have to move to another hospital.
You see…
I've gone through a lot to get here.
There were times…
when life was so cruel to me…
that I just wanted to give up on it.
I'm glad I didn't give up.
For the first time in my life…
I complimented myself…
for not giving up.
Because if I did, I wouldn't have met you.
Our time together was rather short…
but thank you for everything, sir.
-Stop playing the victim, please.
-Did you sleep with him?
We're allies, you know.
So please don't leave.
Woo-jin, take care of the first one.
-Aren't you going to scrub in?
-You're pushing for it so hard.
Can I ask you why?
This might be your only chance to survive.
I think you have a guest.
Think of it
as the last assignment I'm giving you.
I hope you learned at least one thing
during the time you spent with me.
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