Taxi Driver (2021) s02e13 Episode Script

Do Gi Crashes the Party

(All characters, organizations,
and places are fictional.)
(Some scenes of a criminal nature
could make you feel uncomfortable.)
(July 2022)
(Episode 13)
I bet you didn't expect
such a worn-out office.
That's not it.
I was admiring the vibe
that I've obviously missed.
Is that so?
The one who raised me as a kid
had a place with a similar mood.
(June 29, 2022: Taxi license)
You applied for the job not long after
acquiring your license.
That's right.
I didn't even hesitate.
If I'm not stepping over
any boundaries,
may I ask why you applied
for a job at our office?
From a tender age,
I grew up in a facility.
I spent a lot of time alone
which made me wish
for people to seek me out.
(On Ha Jun)
Taxi drivers are those
whom people seek out,
although we part ways
when we arrive at their destination.
You're not wrong, I guess.
I don't know
if our destinations will sync up,
but let's enjoy each other's company
while we work together.
Thank you. I'll do my best.
(Letter of Resignation)
(On Ha Jun)
(President, Jang Sung Chul)
Do you remember the time
I caused an accident?
You didn't scold me
but comforted me instead.
It was nice.
You were the first person
who was genuinely nice to me
in my entire life.
I hope you live a long life.
Don't work too much.
(Taxi Log, Rainbow Transport)
(Taxi Log, Rainbow Transport)
Yes, good afternoon.
I'd like to check
the Hi-pass payment log.
(Authorized Personnel Only)
(Taxi Driver 2)
Here's the organization chart
I've put together so far.
The so-called owners
are just figureheads,
and the true owner remains hidden.
From what I have gathered
at Black Sun,
this man is currently in charge.
I have something to add.
(Sergeant Jang Jin Ho,
Senior Officer Jo Min Geon)
Hold on.
Isn't he the prick from Cotaya?
- I mean, the captain.
- That's right.
Just so you know,
where he worked the longest
prior to Black Sun
was Jeongsam Police Station.
And the three of them
were on the same team.
Could it be a coincidence?
If it were a coincidence,
it'd be highly unpleasant.
(Sergeant Jang Jin Ho,
Senior Officer Jo Min Geon)
That unpleasant coincidence
Mr. Jang mentioned
might not be
a coincidence after all.
Someone created
a camera blind spot
at Jeongsam Police Station.
What's fishy about that?
Because police stations
make sure there aren't any
to protect the officers
and also the victims' rights.
But out of nine cameras
at that station,
three aren't operational.
They're fake cameras.
It must be easier this way.
To do what?
I doubt it's to protect
the victims' rights.
So where do we go from here?
We need to find
the recording device
that Journalist Kim
gave to Detective Choi.
It'd be nice to have footage
to go with it.
What if we found
the true owner in the process?
Gosh. That'd be the cherry on top.
(Black Sun, Guard Jang)
(Black Sun, Guard Jang)
Where are you, you punk?
I was hungry,
so I went out for a bite to eat.
You thought you had time to do that?
Get back here this instant.
I'll be right there, boss.
If you show up there right now,
you'll suffer a beating.
Would he rough me up
when I barely know anything?
What could be simpler
than making a delivery?
What's the point of
punching someone clueless?
And you actually went out
to grab a bite.
You should be setting
an example for the newbie.
Stay alert, will you?
Hey, you.
An outraged VIP guest called.
The beginning and end of Black Sun,
you say?
Is that the best you could do?
Don't you dare swing that bottle.
Don't be such a wuss.
This is for massages.
I heard that our doll
was delivered to a hospital
and not a hotel.
Which one of you
suddenly had a pang of guilt?
That trash journalist
snatched her up.
I bet you're embarrassed
to say it yourself.
That is why
the commission will double
starting tomorrow.
My boys clearly need motivation.
Why else do you think something
this embarrassing happened?
You must be out of your mind.
Yes, I am.
Since that's the case,
maybe I should quadruple it.
As if you'll actually
share the dough.
I know you'll pocket it all.
Why that little
Yes, Chief.
Right. I'll have it ready for you
in the office.
Give me some paper.
Write down when you left
with the doll
and when that journalist
kicked your butts.
I want a detailed timeline.
Right now!
You morons.
I don't see anything
that's worth blocking the door for.
(Authorized Personnel Only)
(Authorized Personnel Only)
(Authorized Personnel Only)
It doesn't seem like
part of the club for sure.
No wonder Journalist Kim
never located this place.
Didn't you find it odd, though?
(Accessing Remotely)
What do you mean?
(Restricted Access)
Why are they obsessed over the timeline
of an accident?
(Accessing Remotely)
When they left
and when they came back.
He wanted a detailed report
broken down in minutes.
(Left hotel at 22:15,
Loaded in the vehicle at 22:17)
(Authorized Personnel Only)
(Accessing Remotely)
(Footage of VIP Floor
Emergency Staircase)
(Left with the package at 21:10
Arrived at the hotel at 21:23)
(Accessing Remotely)
(Accessing Remotely)
Those idiots.
(Black Sun CCTV footage)
What are these?
I rummaged through
the hard drive at Black Sun,
but nothing was on it
except for these CCTV files.
Check out the file names.
Jang Ga Young, Yoo Jin Young,
and Kim Hee Young.
They are names of women.
You're right.
The name of the file must correspond
with the woman in the footage.
But all the footage
seems similar to me.
It's the same
with all the other files.
They're seen leaving the club,
taking the elevator,
and entering the hotel room.
That's all there is to it.
That must be
all the footage they needed.
It almost seems
like evidence of some sort.
Are there men in any of the footage?
Only one.
Is it Detective Choi Seong Eun?
Mr. Jang, you were right
about this being evidence.
But it's only one short video.
This was the evidence
that led to Detective Choi's death
being ruled as suicide.
All the other video files
must've been collected
to change the outcome of something.
I doubt it was for something good.
That reminds me.
What's that?
It's the same model
as the recording device
Journalist Kim
gave to Detective Choi.
The footage was blurry.
But that has to be it
since there isn't another model.
(MD Windy)
- Howdy.
- Hello?
Where are you?
What are you up to?
I was out having fun
before my shift started.
You see, I had a favor to ask.
A favor?
What kind of favor?
Nice shot.
You're quite good
for someone who's bad at this.
I mean that you're trying hard.
I've been coming by often
to practice.
So what was this favor you wanted?
Are you and Victor close?
The recent botched delivery
was for Victor.
He's still furious about it.
I was hoping to cheer him up
when he comes in later.
I'm afraid our relationship
doesn't extend that far.
I'm not saying
you should get all cute.
Just take the hit for me
when he throws a fit.
It will be bad for business
if I get injured.
Nothing will happen
since you're friends, though.
I hear you.
Was it you?
You should've told me.
Maybe you're not actually hurt.
Darn it.
I know you said you wanted a job,
but I didn't think
you'd get one here.
My friend,
I know about the unfortunate event.
I heard all about it.
Why did it have to happen to you?
So how will you
make me feel less crappy?
Since you know,
shouldn't you do something about it?
You're an employee here
as well, you dolt.
Number Nine, right?
Victor, you're here.
That darn little minx.
My friend,
I'm terribly sorry about all this.
Let me pour you a glass.
Victor, let's forget about
what happened. Okay?
Everything will be
on the house today.
That's what you said
the last time
and left me in bed lonely and alone.
All right.
It's time to pick your doll.
Don't you want to score big today?
- Open the curtains.
- Come on!
Let's pick the doll.
Open the curtains, please.
You know you get
on my nerves, right?
Good job. You can leave us now.
Hold on.
My friend, I want you to handle
the delivery this time.
You'll be responsible
if anything happens to the package.
Number Nine.
He's not experienced enough,
so let me find you someone else.
But someone as experienced as you
made me sleep alone in my bed.
Can't you just shut
that mouth of yours?
Stop killing the mood.
Just get lost.
Let's talk outside.
The leprechaun keeps thinking
he can walk all over me.
You'll be paid for your service,
so ride with the guys
and call your friend
at the end of the process.
Don't think about helping, though.
Cat got your tongue?
Do you get it?
I'm to call him
at the end of the process?
That's right.
Are you kidding me?
Did no one train you?
- Sorry?
- Move to the back.
Get behind us, you dimwit.
You'll get caught
on camera with her.
- Let's go.
- Sure. Follow us.
Mr. Kim.
Once again, they're headed to a hotel.
That again.
I can't tell if she's alert or not.
What's going on?
Should I tell you
what would've happened to her
had I not interrupted?
She would've been taken
to someplace
only to be gruesomely violated.
- What are you doing?
- Pardon?
- Get out.
- Okay.
Is watching her in there
getting your blood going?
Call your friend.
Tell him we made the delivery
to Room 1018.
Yes, sir.
My friend.
The delivery has been made
to Room 1018.
Good work, my friend.
I'm almost there too.
(I just arrived at the hotel.)
(- So jealous.
- You're full of energy.)
(- I settled it with the agent.
- Is she pretty?)
(- Why would I get an ugly girl?
- You're so greedy.)
(- You can spend a fortune like him.
- Be quiet.)
(Be patient, boys.
I'll get a lot of easy girls for you.)
(- I like them awake.
- I prefer them passed out.)
Goodness. Sirs.
My stomach has been hurting
for a while.
Can I go use the toilet?
Gosh, you little
You should've gone before the drop.
- Make it fast.
- I'm sorry.
I'll be quick. Goodness.
(- Be sure to live stream it.
- Get a home run tonight.)
(- Hey, that won't be safe.
- What? Are you scared?)
(- More can solve everything.
- I totally agree.)
(The Korean law is so messed up.
That's why I love it.)
(- And I love you, Victor.
- I'd love to see your live stream.)
(- Don't forget the lights.
- Give us some lively photos.)
(I'll post one after I'm done.)
Come on.
What is it?
Go Eun, can you take her
to the hospital?
I'm actually on my way up.
Gosh. We're here
to collect the laundry.
- I'll put it away. It's dangerous.
- Here's the laundry on the floor.
- This can be quite dangerous.
- Look at this huge job.
Our laundry is badly contaminated.
- All right.
- Oh, my.
There it goes
- I wrapped it up nicely.
- Okay.
Have a good day now.
Here comes the laundry.
(I love you.)
I tell you this from experience.
Your clothes must stay clean
or others will pick on you.
You should have gotten some coffee
while you waited.
Why are you out here?
Well, I was just looking around.
My staff told me that
the orphanage had closed down.
A long time had passed
since the files were collected,
so most of them were gone.
Back then, people didn't think
keeping files was important.
(Together Orphanage)
Gosh. I'm lucky that you were able
to find at least some files.
The child was there decades ago.
It won't be easy to find him
just with his name, On Ha Jun.
I should do as much as I can.
You must've gone through
quite the trouble to find these files.
- Thank you.
- We should do everything we can
to help none other than
the Blue Bird Foundation.
Do you happen to know the address
of the previous orphanage
that was destroyed in a fire?
I'll send the address
as soon as we find it.
The child, On Ha Jun,
must be a grown man by now.
I hope you find him.
I do too. Thank you.
- I'll get going then.
- Okay.
- Drive safely.
- Thanks.
Gosh. I almost died!
Bummer. That was so close.
I could have clawed you up.
You know?
I'm sorry, my friend.
I'll apologize with my music.
No. I'll just go and fulfill
my military duty.
This is enough now.
What does "a home run" mean?
What? A home run?
Going all the way
with the girl I chose
would be a home run.
But if I couldn't go all the way
and had to stop at third base,
it would mean it was just a hit.
Easy, right?
Don't insult baseball.
I answered your question!
Don't do that. I'm scared.
Why are you scared?
Just treat it like a game.
Let's do it about 100 more times.
This isn't a game!
Do you know how dangerous this is?
Darn it. Why don't you use
that brain of yours and think?
Why must I?
You picked girls to violate
and treated that as a game.
Have you ever thought about the fear
these girls must have felt
when you did that?
No. That was
Why are you asking me to do
something you didn't even do?
I was just picking girls.
The agent did everything! Windy.
Come on. You saw it too, friend.
You were never my friend.
All right. Let's resume.
My friend.
Don't leave me. Don't do it!
Don't do it! Come on!
Darn it.
Don't do it.
Do Ki. Mr. Do Ki.
My friend!
My friend, don't!
How refreshing.
I used fresh fruit.
I see.
Let's go with 100kg.
How much?
- A hundred kilograms.
- Don't joke now.
We joke around when we drink.
This is a business meeting.
The bishop told me
to bring in as much as
you could spare us.
Excuse me.
I hear that
a new police commissioner
will be appointed soon.
And I've been hearing that
my name is mentioned as a candidate.
(There are often rumors about
the candidates for such positions.)
- Go on.
- Well, I do believe
I'm their strongest candidate.
compared to other candidates,
my performance
could have been better.
I ought to lend a hand with that.
Right. You can never be too careful.
If possible,
it's best to guarantee it.
I know that the bishop
is looking out for me too.
You should start going
to the hair salons.
You ought to look dandy
during the press conference.
Then I'll count on you.
Make sure to
Sorry, ma'am.
If I don't answer it, he gets upset.
I see.
The bishop wanted me to give you
as much as I could spare?
That's right.
The bishop can freely share
such wishes
since the bishop
does not work in the field.
Things have changed for me.
I don't think I can do 100kg.
Field workers like you must handle
such matters carefully.
I need 200kg.
I'll secure the storage location
and transportation.
Manager On, what makes you
so confident you can do this?
Enlighten me.
I'll use the safest method
to handle it.
Don't worry.
If something were to go wrong,
I'll take full responsibility
as I'm managing it.
(Young Joon)
(I'm making calls.
But I'm not sure she'll say yes.)
Victor, the owner of this phone
He's registered
as a director of Black Sun.
He's one of the key players.
(Sung Ji Hyun)
(Young Joon)
(MD Windy)
At this rate,
there must be victims every night.
Should we get in there
and teach everyone a lesson?
I agree.
Let's round them up right now
rewire their brains!
I would love to do that,
but that won't be easy.
Why not?
I want to get all of them
and destroy everyone.
I haven't found out
how deeply this runs at the club.
The figureheads weren't
the real owners.
Then this will keep happening.
We must stop that.
The hierarchy.
Black Sun is strictly
based on the hierarchy.
Let's take this chance
and give them
a real taste of the hierarchy.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Congratulations on your new job.
To celebrate that,
this is our treat.
By the way,
this is my first time here.
The vibe here is so different.
- Isn't the music great?
- Right.
The one in the yellow outfit?
Get me two bottles
of the special liquor.
Thank you. Have a good day.
This must be your first time here.
Gosh. How did you know?
Nothing can get past me.
- Gosh.
- Oh, my.
Since this is your first time
at our club, it's on me.
- Gosh.
- Nice.
- What's this?
- Look. What is it?
Why don't we have a glass?
- Empty the first glass.
- Okay.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
Yes, Victor.
Did you hit a home run last night?
How many?
Gosh. That many?
Everyone with a high pass?
Are you paying for everything?
You're so cool.
What is it?
You should get out there.
Did someone cause trouble again?
- Well
- Darn it.
Those punks.
Darn it.
Gosh. Sorry.
Wait. You
Hey. What's going on?
Who let in these old vendors?
Goodness. You should watch
where you're going, young man.
Hey. You
Darn it.
Can I take it inside?
- Let's go inside.
- Come on.
Let's go.
- Hey, guys.
- You're here.
- This is where young kids hang out.
- Nice.
(Rainbow Hiking Club)
(Victor's VIP)
(Victor's VIP)
(Dancing Hiking Club's
40th Anniversary)
- Let's go.
- Let's go inside.
- Where is it? Hurry.
- Come on.
- No.
- Let's go.
Hey, don't just stand there!
Stop them from entering! You jerks!
- You can't enter.
- Let's go.
- Let's go and have fun.
- Oh, my.
- Come on.
- Let's go.
Gosh. What a fancy place.
- This place looks great.
- Let's go inside.
No. You're at the wrong place.
This isn't the right club.
You're at the wrong club! Stop!
- Go in!
- Sir.
This isn't the right club.
Well, they all bought high passes.
They are VIP customers.
High passes?
Here we come!
Come on in already.
Let's go inside now.
Let's go and have fun.
Come on. We bought high passes!
- Let's go inside.
- Go!
(Victor's VIP)
Come here!
Young man, scoot over.
Gosh. You're imposing.
There's a table here.
- Gosh.
- Come.
Didn't we bring food? Let's see.
Gosh. The music is so loud.
- This isn't fun.
- I know.
All right.
Come on. Let's dance.
All right, then.
Let's go!
Hello, sir.
- Come here.
- Over there.
What's going on here?
These are the VIP customers
who bought high passes from Windy.
- Have some rice cakes.
- Hey, this place is nice.
What is this?
- What is this nonsense?
- Seriously?
- Let's go.
- What is this?
This is so lame. Let's leave.
Close the club tonight.
Close it.
Yes, sir.
Hey, we're done for the night.
Close the club now.
Close it now!
How could you let this happen?
Well, Victor asked me to do it.
So I thought
it was a group of his VIP friends.
Did those old people
look like VIP friends to you?
Cancel all the existing appointments.
- All of them?
- News travels fast here.
Tell them we're closed
for an internal inspection.
Check the reservation system now.
And you will compensate for
all the loss
incurred during this break.
I don't have that kind of money.
Gosh. That jerk, Victor.
Tell Victor that I want to see him.
I've been calling him for hours
to see him too.
His phone is off.
He must have family or friends.
Someone must know him.
If you can't find him,
get someone else.
I found out why
they kept these video files.
Like you said,
these were evidence videos.
- Evidence for what?
- Come on. Stop that.
These victims shared
a few things in common.
They all lost consciousness
at Black Sun.
Then they woke up in a hotel room
with a man they'd never met before.
So they told the police that
they were sexually assaulted.
That was the first thing
all the victims did.
What happened next?
Most of their cases were dismissed.
And they were charged with
making a false accusation
because of these videos.
They said they woke up in the hotel
after losing consciousness.
But in the videos,
they walked out
of the club themselves
and entered the hotel rooms.
To claim that
their accusations were false,
they kept these clips.
Those jerks.
That explains
their unhesitant behavior.
They knew they couldn't be
charged with anything.
I can't still get over
how disgusting these people are.
How could they promote rape
as if it's some tour package?
How could anyone do such a thing?
I stopped them for now,
but they will resume soon.
How could they do something
like this in the heart of Seoul?
Out in the open too.
Victims became the guilty party.
And the guilty party
became the victim.
It's like this club
is a playground of evil.
Who on earth created this monster?
The police arrested
a group of people who tried
to launch the largest-scale
drug trafficking operation in Korea.
They tried to smuggle 230kg
which would be enough to inject
eight million people at the same time.
The drug is estimated to cost
around 850 million dollars.
And the police were able
to stop the operation.
It's the biggest drug bust in Korea.
And it's confirmed that
an international organization
that has ties to Korea, Japan,
and Hong Kong had been a part of it.
The organization tried to
smuggle the drugs in
early this morning via a ship coming in
from China and Japan,
but police received word
and set up a sting operation,
resulting in a huge seizure.
Manager On. Why didn't you pick up?
Why are you here this early?
Did you have breakfast?
Did you see the news? What happened?
Bring in another breakfast set.
Do you think I'd feel like eating?
You were so confident.
This is why I said
we should split the shipments!
Just a moment.
Let me watch something first.
Will you watch it too?
I wonder if he prepared
a nice speech.
The shipment we seized this time
is on a massive scale,
almost twice the size of what
we usually seize in a year.
We'll fight the war against drugs
even harder,
to ensure our country
remains drug-free.
We'll do our best.
We arrested
eight members of the gang,
- and also
- He got a few facials done.
Are you mocking me?
Don't worry, Madam Yang.
I'll make it up to you.
How will you do that?
They confiscated the goods!
Calm down.
Do you remember I won
the bottle game last time
and got a wish?
Let me claim that now.
Trust me. Nothing will happen.
You're coming in now?
Hop over here now!
Hello, boss.
What time is it?
- I'm not late.
- There's a training session.
A training session?
Run to Room Five now.
Take that with you.
Bye, boss!
Watch out for things like that.
Wrap them 2 or 3 times over.
You're now truly screwed.
Just answer my questions.
Guys, freeze.
What team did I say you were?
The Evidence Destruction Team.
What are you to do
with bloody tissues?
Put them in the trash bag.
I told you several times
to split them up
into different bags
for different jurisdictions.
That way, they'll go to
different police stations
never to be connected, you morons.
That goes for you too.
I told you over ten times
to wipe the blood
with this special solution.
No. You did well.
I need you to forget
like the goldfish you are
so I can come by
and get paid for tutoring you.
Keep going.
Go Eun.
Yes, Mr. Kim?
Where did the victims in the videos
go to report the club?
Jeongsam Police Station.
They went there because
the club's in their jurisdiction.
Which station
arrested them for libel?
That was
Jeongsam Police Station too.
You wondered
how this could be possible
in the center of Seoul.
That's why Mr. Jang said
it looked like an evil playground.
Don't you think
we're getting a glimpse of
what monster rises
in the city center
when authorities
who should be catching evil
join forces with them?
Number Nine.
What's with
the nasty glare?
Follow me. The chief asked for you.
- It's us.
- Come in.
He's here.
- Come and sit.
- Go ahead.
- You can go.
- Okay.
Have a drink.
I'm on the clock.
You can accept what I offer.
Okay, then.
You're a friend of Victor's?
Yes, but we're not that close.
Can you get in touch with him?
I've been trying to call him,
but he's ignoring me.
Have another drink
and give me the empty glass.
It's warming you up, isn't it?
It's an expensive liquor.
When did you last see him?
Not since I completed the delivery.
There's a lot you don't know.
Go on. Drink.
You must
know this.
If you want this, buy me a beer.
Who are you?
What did you give me?
It's warming you up, isn't it?
What did you
give me?
It's fine.
Oh, dear.
Hey. Get up.
- Get rid of him.
- Yes, sir.
(The Small Bookstore in My Hand)
We got yours too.
It looks bad. Mr. Kim's down.
- What?
- What?
Hey, wait.
to the entrance.
Mr. Kim.
Do you hear me?
Mr. Kim.
Mr. Kim. Say something!
Don't just stand here.
- Help him up.
- Yes, sir.
We're on the move.
Don't mess up.
Yes, sir.
Head to the main junction.
(The Small Bookstore in My Hand)
Will he be okay?
Where on earth are they taking him?
I think we'll lose them.
We lost them.
I can't let that happen.
Hold on tight.
Careful. Slowly.
- Watch out!
- Be quiet.
Oh, dear. Sorry, my bad.
(The Small Bookstore in My Hand)
Where did they go?
I don't see them.
We were right behind them.
They stopped. We passed by them.
Shoot. What do we do?
The next U-turn's a way away.
I'll get out first. Pull over.
You punk.
I didn't like you from the start.
Wake up.
Wake up.
Get out and cross the road
with a smile.
Who's that?
Mr. Kim.
Mr. Kim. Wake up.
Get out.
Get out! He's not dead.
Mr. Kim, are you okay?
Wake up, Mr. Kim.
You need to wake up.
Please, Mr. Kim!
- Hold on tight, Jin Eon.
- What?
(The Small Bookstore in My Hand)
Darn it.
Darn it. Shoot!
Mr. Kim.
- Mr. Kim.
- I'm okay. I'm
Will you wake up?
Mr. Kim. Are you okay?
- Mr. Kim.
- Are you okay?
Mr. Kim.
I'll eat it all up.
Go Eun, get over here.
Let's eat.
It smells fantastic.
Come and sit down.
Hurry, Mr. Kim.
Join us, Kim.
I'll eat it all if you're not quick.
to the entrance.
Mr. Kim.
Mr. Kim. You need to wake up.
Please, Mr. Kim!
Mr. Kim!
You're awake.
How long was I out for?
A whole day.
Do you remember what happened?
It was really close.
I have a few after-images,
but I don't remember what happened.
You really don't remember?
Then you won't know
how heroic we were.
Do you know what a dreadful driver
Kyung Gu was?
You were like the people in the video.
Do you really not remember
what they did to you?
If that's too hard,
go back to what you last remembered.
The last memory?
You start from there.
My last memory is
I found this.
(Taxi Driver 2)
(Don't you think we're getting
a glimpse of what monster)
(rises in the city center
when authorities)
(who should be catching evil
join forces with them?)
See to it that those
who hurt others get punished.
I think the last thing
Detective Choi said
is a message for you, Mr. Kim.
I'm here to pick up
the seized narcotics.
They stole drugs that should be
incinerated and sold them.
A perfectly-designed
legal blind spot in Seoul's center.
It's way beyond a playground.
We can't take them down one by one.
We must take down
the whole thing in one go.
Can I see a photo of the new guard?
Kim Do Ki was here?
The goods seem fine.
You punks dare
try to stab me in the back?
He has to show up. I'm sure of it.
Kim Do Ki.
I'll kill you myself.
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