The Circle (2020) s02e13 Episode Script

And the Winner Is...

[Michelle] Previously on The Circle,
Jack and Lisa re-entered as John.
Let's do this shit!
-Oh, you're a psychic!
Sounds like an absolute living legend.
[Michelle] Khat's claws were out
Chloe is lying!
Khat, let it the fuck go.
Khat is definitely a game player.
[intense rock music plays]
[Michelle] and paid the price.
-Fuck! I knew it!
What goes around
comes around in The Circle.
Trevor and Mitchell had a plan.
It's time to break up the #MessyQueens.
"The Circle Joker is"
-[music swells]
But River became Superinfluencer
and blocked Mitchell face-to-face.
-[Mitchell] John?
-No, I'm River.
-[Lee] Yeah!
My brain's scrambled!
ood morning, we've made it.
The Circle,
which means four things.
One, it's our last wake up.
Good morning, Circle.
I can't believe this is
the last morning here.
[Michelle] Two, we've got our final five.
-["The Final Countdown" by Europe plays]
-I am a finalist!
Three, one player will walk away
with that 100K today.
We can pool our money and buy a boat.
-There you go. [chuckles]
-[Michelle] But most importantly, four
-It's the final ♪
-countdown ♪
I finally get to slow-motion walk
down that Circle hallway.
[sings "The Final Countdown" tune]
The final countdown ♪
[Michelle] Watch out players.
Mama earned this Beyoncé hair flip.
Oh ♪
It's the final ♪
morning! ♪
["The Final Countdown" fades]
[Michelle] I wouldn't want anyone else
to finish my first hallway strut.
Thank you!
Oo "Alert."
[giggles] Okay.
Lisa, we got an alert.
Oh, God. Okay.
[Jack] We got an alert! ♪
Good morning, finalists.
It's time to wake up!
[shouts] Michelle! Yes!
She said, "Good morning, finalists!"
Open those eyes and pay attention.
They open, girl. They open. You see them!
This is the most I can open them.
You have made it
all the way to the finale,
and you are so close to winning $100,000!
-[upbeat pop plays]
I know!
That was a lovely little reminder.
That is a lot of money, honey.
That money is life-changing.
And I need every last cent,
every last penny, every last dollar.
Later today,
you guys will rate for the last time.
Now think carefully about your choices.
Yes, put that energy out.
-It's anyone's game. It really is.
-Yeah. It really is.
Who deserves to win and who doesn't?
I already know who deserves to win,
and that's me, and everybody else doesn't.
We don't know who's still in
from last night's blocking.
Let's jump that hurdle first.
I'll meet you this evening
when one player'll be announced
as the winner of The Circle,
and take home that tasty $100,000. Delish!
Woo, woo!
This is exciting!
That means tonight we're gonna find out
who the winner of The Circle is.
In the meantime,
I've sent you guys something,
and it's outside your door.
Oh, did you?
Oo, we have a delivery.
Oh, my God, Michelle,
I wanna know what you sent me!
Go get it now and enjoy.
-[Lee] Oh, yes!
Oh, my gosh.
There's something outside the door.
What could it be? Oh, my God!
[squeals gleefully]
[Lee] Let me go see what I got!
-[funky music plays]
-[all exclaim]
[Lee] Oh! [laughs]
[Chloe] Oh, look!
Oh, my God!
I'm a finalist
Hey, hey, hey! ♪
That is so cool!
I just gotta look at it before I open it.
Oh, it is a little breakfast situation!
Little jam.
Oh, my God!
-That looks so good.
-[Lisa] That's fun!
Look at all that good stuff. Wow.
Mm, and it smells so good Mm
Yes, Michelle, you know
how to make a brother feel real good!
This is so cute!
This whole sparkly life, that's me.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
A toast to the finalists!
We did it!
-To the finalists.
Tastes like victory and
Preferably $100,000. Mm.
[music fades]
Before Courtney gets drunk on victory,
I wonder if anyone's gonna remember
that something huge happened last night.
"Newsfeed has been updated."
We don't know
who the secret influencer went to go see.
-Could be anybody.
If Mitchell got blocked last night,
forget it.
Trevor didn't win nothing. [laughs]
Circle, take me to the Newsfeed.
-[mysterious music plays]
"The Circle has left a message for you."
Circle, open message.
Oh, I got a can't wait to see.
[music continues]
[tone, chimes]
Yes! Mitch is gone.
Everything went according to plan.
It's over.
I definitely lost.
Okay, Mitchell.
What are you gonna tell us?
I think catfish.
Maybe his mom or something?
-Yeah. No, I think it is an older woman.
[music fades]
Boom! What's going on, Circle familia?
It's your boy.
-I know. I know.
He was himself. [gasps]
I'm so sad about that.
I came into The Circle as myself,
true to my core.
Look how gorgeous that man is! Holy crap.
Mitchell's actually really fit, isn't he?
Bloody hell, Mitchell, proper sexy!
I 100% think
that the Joker is still among you,
and is still in there
lurky-turkeying around,
and just telling you the things
that you wanna hear.
-Good luck,
and may the best and most genuine,
most pure-hearted person win.
-I will see you at the finale, baby!
-Oh! My heart. I'm so upset right now.
I'm so upset, man.
This is funny.
I really thought Mitch was a catfish.
My mind is completely blown.
So Trevor,
probably not the influencer last night.
If it was Courtney,
that's just like a shady fucking move.
-Maybe River.
I'm sorry. I feel bad, but I had to do it.
Cool message. I mean, he's not wrong.
I mean, The Joker is still in the game.
The Joker actually is a finalist.
The trifecta is broken.
There's no coming back from it,
and I feel like certain people
have been playing a shady game
from the beginning,
and that's not fair.
Like You don't need to play like that.
That's how I feel.
[Michelle] Players gonna play, right,
my sister-brother?
-[tone, rings]
-[quiet music plays]
Here are the five finalists right here.
One of us is getting $100,000.
I hope it's me.
Wow. Final five.
Final five.
Should we see
how everyone feels about that one?
-[all] Circle, take me to The Circle Chat.
I'm definitely not telling these guys
I was the secret Superinfluencer.
It's It's a secret for a reason.
Uh, Circle, message: give me
four dancing guys and a dancing girl.
The clicking cocktail glasses,
three rainbow hearts, two red hearts.
"Can you believe it?"
[Chloe] "We're finalists!" Woo!
Let's go, baby!
Yes, River. Set the tone.
We are setting the tone right now.
It's positivity!
Circle message: "Good morning, everyone."
"I hope everyone
is enjoying their feast like me!"
"I can't believe we made it to the finals!
Fire, fire, fire!"
"How happy is everyone right now?"
-Send message.
Um, If you haven't noticed, Courtney,
Mitchell's gone.
[sad music plays]
[sighs] They're not being very sincere
about Mitchell going,
so it was definitely one of them boys.
-Circle, message:
"Oh, my God! We did it!"
"Hope everyone has enjoyed
their breakfast."
"I can't believe Mitchell is gone."
"Super bummed about that one.
May the best man win! Red heart."
Love the fact that Chloe
literally is just, like, dismissing him.
Like, "Super sad he's gone,
but glad we're still here."
"Hope everyone enjoyed their food."
Come on.
Message: "I'm so bummed to see
that Mitchell is no longer with us."
"Thanks, secret Superinfluencer,
for letting me get to the finale."
-"Appreciate you." Send.
Me too, Trevor. I appreciate you as well.
Circle, message:
"What a crazy roller-coaster ride
The Circle has been."
"I'm so glad to be here with you.
"Can't wait to meet you in person."
"Red heart."
That's what
I'm looking forward to as well.
Circle, message: "I know it's been
a tough road for all of us,
but I wanna let you know
I'm raising a glass for us finalists
who have made it to the end."
"I'm proud of us
and I respect all of you."
-"#WeDidIt! Red heart." Send message.
Here's to John,
and here's to 100K, cumulatively.
-Here we go. Cheers.
-To a great time in The Circle.
I'm just absolutely flabbergasted
to see that I'm still in the final.
[exclaims] I'm in the final.
I fucking made it.
[Michelle] After Mitch's farewell,
the players are settling in
for their final day,
and the excitement is reaching
a fever pitch level at John's.
In Solitaire, how many rows do you put?
Uh, seven.
[Michelle] Riveting. Let's see Chloe.
She's normally doing something exciting.
My mind is boggled.
[Michelle] Weird, right, Trev-Trev?
Absolutely, 1,000%.
[Michelle] Don't y'all think
'cause it's the last day
you can take it easy.
Circle, hit 'em up with something
that rhymes with dessert but not as sweet.
-[all] "Alert!"
It's an alert!
[all exclaim]
-[Courtney] What is going on, Circle?
"Players, you must now make
your final ratings!"
-Okay, $100,000 mission.
-Rating, yeah.
The most important ratings
of the freaking game.
Oh, my God, I don't know
who I'm gonna put where.
This is the entire game, right here.
It's who I think deserves to win,
who I think played a great game.
This is sort of the rating that could be
the difference between
me going home empty-handed
or going home with $100,000.
I am rating from my heart.
[both] Take me to my final ratings.
[Deleesa] Look at that. Only four people.
[intriguing music plays]
Chloe, she has been
at the top of the ratings
-more than anybody else.
-[Lisa] Yep.
She is my Cardashian sweetheart.
She is my Too Hot to Handle girl.
Drama finds her,
and she still plays a very honest game.
She's fun. She's the #LadyInRed,
but if I put her in the first position,
she will no doubt win the $100,000.
[Deleesa] I do like Courtney.
He's a wonderful person,
but I'm a little bit disappointed
with Courtney's gameplay.
If Courtney is the Joker,
he's played a good game.
My wingman Courtney,
he has been by my side
through and through.
Courtney gonna be more popular
than River with Chloe and Trevor,
or is Trevor gonna be more popular
with Courtney and River than Chloe?
John has given insightful advice.
He has been uplifting.
He has been a listening ear to me.
I haven't spoken to him
about anything else
other than psychic stuff.
He baffles me
every time he gives me a reading,
and that mustache still scares me.
He's an incredible, amazing person.
I-I feel his light.
I really like John.
He's fun. He's down-to-earth.
We feel most confident Trevor will see
-the bottom of some lists.
And so we wanna basically
balance that out.
[Courtney] I know that Trevor
is here for his daughter,
and although we haven't been
the closest of allies,
we have looked out
for each other in this game.
I do think that Trevor does have my back.
I have his back.
We're the Jay-Z and Beyoncé.
I cannot wait to meet him.
For Trevor,
he and I connected on a heart level,
but on a game level,
we didn't really play.
River has just been my boy since day one.
I love him so much.
He has been a positive light
throughout the game.
I could see someone like Chloe
putting River above us.
So I think that actually could give River
a slight edge in popularity.
River has been loyal. He has been honest.
He's been the person
that's had my back in this game.
However, River has probably had
a lot of other people's backs
in this game, such as Chloe and John.
["Champion" plays]
I've been on a long road ♪
I hope I'm not being naive,
and that he is actually who he says he is,
'cause I have strong feelings
for this guy.
Circle, please can I lock in Trevor
as my first place, please?
I would love to give him
the first-place spot
because he makes me feel
like I've already won.
First place goes to none other
than my girl Chloe.
She's true to her heart,
and I would love
to see her win the $100,000.
I believe there's nobody,
nobody else in the entire Circle
that deserves to win more than Courtney,
and for that reason,
I want to put Courtney
in my first position.
In the first position,
I'm going to place John.
Putting these players in a strategic order
is the best chance that I could have
of winning this $100,000.
However, I really do have
a lot of love for him.
We think Courtney has a chance
to be more popular than Trevor.
We'd like to lower Courtney's rating
a little bit,
-and put Courtney at second place.
-At second. Yeah.
When it comes to my third place rating,
I have to place my strongest ally, River.
Rise up, rise up ♪
I need to be strategic with this vote,
and I can't have River
in too high of a position,
or else that would be
like handing him the $100,000,
and so I need to place River
as low as humanly possible.
Circle, in fourth position,
I would like to put John.
John is an incredible person,
and I'm glad he's here,
but for me, the other three
are more deserving to win.
Circle, I would like
to submit my final ratings.
-It's done.
-For all we know, we could be the winner.
-I know.
-[Jack] Gotta wait.
I did come for the 100K,
but I just can't. I can't.
I gotta do it right.
No gameplay at all. Totally genuine.
With the devil right beside me ♪
Rising with the morning sun ♪
["Champion" fades]
"Players, your final ratings"
"are complete."
Hoo So it's done.
"Before the winner is revealed,
you are invited to one last Circle Chat."
"However, this chat
will take place in person!"
Save us two seats.
[Deleesa] Why am I excited?
They're all gonna hate me. [laughs]
Here we go. They're gonna meet me.
[both] "Please get ready
to meet other face-to-face."
Even if they mad, they not gonna be
too mad if I'm cute?
I gotta do my makeup. [exclaims]
I need to get ready!
[Michelle] Yeah, girl.
After only seeing each other's
profile pictures,
they're now just moments away
from meeting in the flesh.
Aw, you guys! They're all breaking out
their I-Might-Win-100K-In-This-Outfit
I cannot wait to see
all of the other players face-to-face,
and see what will be revealed.
They are gonna be shocked
and feel betrayed,
and I'm not sure how they're gonna react.
Ours is like a double blow.
It's like we're a catfish,
and we've already been catfish.
-Different ones.
-They're like, "You played us again?"
-I know!
I'm about to finally meet everybody as me.
Like, me.
I'm really excited to see Trevor.
I just wanna hold him.
If Trevor is who he says he is,
I don't care about winning The Circle.
Like, I don't care.
Woo! Let's go.
[mysterious music plays]
[Michelle] Bow down to Chloe.
British princess, Essex dynamo,
and International Circle legend.
[music continues]
Oh, my God, this is so cute! Look!
John! Courtney!
You've got me! Oh, my God!
I don't know if I can sit down yet.
I'm a bit nervous.
I should do
some anxious squats or something.
[intriguing music plays]
I wanna know
who's gonna walk through that door.
[music continues]
"Alert!" Oh, my God!
-"Trevor is on his way to meet you now."
[Michelle] Ladies and gentlemen,
the Bronx baby daddy,
twerk king of The Circle,
and actually his real wife, Deleesa.
[exhales] I just ready hope
I meet up to his expectations.
[music swells]
[Michelle] Get ready, Chloe,
you about to meet the queen of catfishing.
[music fades]
[gasps] Oh, my God! [laughs]
You're Trevor!
You're Trevor! No!
You look beautiful! [laughs]
-What's your name?
Deleesa. It's so nice to meet you.
-You played a good game, girl! Oh, my God!
-Thank you.
Part of me was hoping, like,
you was a catfish!
-I was hoping, but I knew you wasn't.
I'm just absolutely shocked.
In the back of my head, I'm like,
"I'm not going to fall for this guy,"
-and then I was like
-Oh, I'm so sorry
I felt bad about that.
He is real. He's my husband though.
-[Chloe] Amazing!
-Now that makes it even more awkward!
Hey, I mean, there's room
for a third in our marriage if you
-You know?
-Oh, my God! And you have a daughter?
We have a little girl. She's one.
Everything that I said was literally,
like, me.
I had to play it as a guy.
-Of course.
-[Deleesa] Know what I mean?
You started flirting with me,
so I blame you,
'cause I wasn't gonna go there!
[Chloe] Where it's a game, I was like,
"There's no way
I'm falling for someone in The Circle."
But there's always that hope.
-You know what I mean?
What if Mitchell was real,
and we got on?
-Know what I mean? He's real.
-He is real.
-Trevor isn't.
Well, he is real, but he's not.
He's real. He's just not here, girl.
[both laugh]
-And you look stunning as well.
-Thank you.
-Girl, please, you're so gorgeous!
-Thank you!
I can't even take it!
But let me tell you something,
you're the only girl.
You're the one who made it to the end.
I mean, technically. Behind the profile.
Yeah. Did you think that I was real?
-Out of 100%?
-A hundred percent from the beginning.
I told you. I was like,
"I recognize you from somewhere."
-[Deleesa] I was like,
your personality matches the personality
I saw on the other show.
I'm not smart enough
to pull off what you've pulled off.
It was so Oh, my God.
I thought it was gonna be easier.
It was very hard.
Just talking, I'm like,
"A guy wouldn't say that."
I feel like you've just been, like,
"I love everybody!"
I know. No, I do though!
I do too, but you gotta remember,
it's a game, and people are gonna
A hundred percent! Hundred percent!
Oh! An alert. Going on.
[rock music plays]
He brought us chat, he brought us joy,
and oh, good Lord, did he spill some tea.
-"Courtney is on his way to meet you now!"
-I'm really excited!
[Michelle] This hall-walk
is the quietest he's been,
but that's about to change.
[both scream]
-Oh, my God!
-Hi! He was like, "Wait, I forgot."
[Chloe] Trevor.
-[Deleesa] Hi.
-Shut up.
-How you doing?
-You did that.
-[Deleesa] You had no idea?
-I had no idea. You did that.
You're sitting next to me!
-Yes! Oh, my God!
-[Chloe] Hi! How are you?
[Courtney] Oh, my God.
[Chloe yelps]
-There's your seat. Have a drink.
-[Courtney gasping]
-I love your shirt. Oh, my God.
-Thank you!
-You're gorgeous.
-Thank you!
-Oh, my God!
-I fooled you.
-Girl, wig snatched. You fooled me.
-Fuck, yeah!
There were moments I said, "Huh?"
But I kept saying,
-"I can't split up Chloe and Trevor."
"I can't split up"
That's all I kept saying.
I can't believe it. Can you?
I'm not being funny,
but I have been falling
[Deleesa laughs]
for a woman.
[all laugh]
[squeals] You're [stammers]
-[Deleesa] This is crazy!
-I've can't dealt with it.
By the way, I think your River
is a catfish, sweetheart.
-[Deleesa] You don't think?
-I didn't.
-Quite a few people said that.
This is such a crazy game to know finally
what people are like really thinking.
-[both] Yes.
Oh, my God!
I'm glad you had my back.
-[Courtney] Period.
-I don't get this tactic talk.
I don't know how anyone
could be a catfish.
-I was adamant. No one's a catfish
because I haven't got the brain power
to be a catfish.
Me either.
I knew from the very moment
I started speaking to you, you're real.
Let me tell you,
we had a plan to get you out.
I had a feeling.
It was just because I was so mad
-We have an alert.
Alert, alert ♪
-Who do you think?
-I want it to be River.
It has to be River. It has to be.
-"River is on his way to meet you now!"
I'm so excited!
[intense music plays]
[Michelle] Oh, yes. Look alive, y'all.
Here comes River.
It's the Dallas half of the Messy Queens,
the Texan rainbow catfish.
I'm dying to see who this is,
'cause I don't think it's River.
You don't think? The big hair?
[music continues]
[music swells]
[music fades]
[all scream]
[Chloe] Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! [gasps]
-Yes, that's me.
-And you're Trevor?
[Courtney] Yay!
[Lee] I'm so glad to see you! Trevor!
-Hey, River! Oh, my God!
-I adore you.
-I adore you!
-You played such a good game!
[Chloe] Give me a hug! How are you?
Chloe! You're so awesome!
-Oh, my God, this is iconic.
I am gagged! I am gagged right now!
[Chloe] I can't believe it!
-You had us fooled.
-[Lee] Did I?
I had a feeling that you was a catfish.
I just wasn't expecting this cute face!
Oh, my God!
And I had a little suspicion about you.
-Yeah? What was it?
-[Lee] I don't know.
But I will tell you, my catfish vibes,
I'm not very good.
It's like everybody is a catfish.
I'm at John's. I must be over here.
Sorry, sorry.
[Deleesa] Oh, my God!
-What is your name?
-I'm Lee.
-[Courtney] Hi, Lee.
-Nice name!
-[Lee] Thank you.
Deleesa. Nice to meet
-[Lee] Your name?
Deleesa. Oh, my God. Do you have a child?
I do have a child,
and Trevor's actually my husband.
-Oh, yeah. Sorry.
[Courtney] Oh, my God!
You didn't see my ring?
[Courtney] Oh!
So, I'm a writer,
and so I call myself the ultimate catfish,
'cause I've written under female pen names
and everything.
What ended up happening is the character
I created is 24-year-old me.
I didn't even know
that's what I was doing.
It was all in my subconscious,
and I didn't mean to do it.
-[Deleesa] I love it.
-So the real me,
it was like I got to come out
in the present day.
So wait. River's not a real person?
No, he's a friend.
He's a 20-year-old straight guy.
-His name is River?
-He's got a different name.
[Deleesa] I like the name.
[Lee] I made the name up.
-I'm gagged. Oh, my God, yeah.
-[Lee] I fooled you?
I was like me and River, and Chloe!
-We had our little trio! It was fun!
-[Lee] Our Cardashians.
-Our Cardashians.
-The Cardashians!
I was the secret Superinfluencer.
-[gasps] Yes!
-[Deleesa] Oh, it was you?
-Oh, my God!
-Period! That's why Mitch is in the ditch!
-Oh, I thought it was you.
I was like, Courtney!
-[Lee] Who's the Joker?
-Oh! You are the Joker.
-[Courtney] Yeah.
Why did you say those things
about me, Courtney?
-[Courtney] Hang on.
-[Deleesa] Why?
I wrote as Emily, 'cause it was anonymous.
I kept thinking it was Lance,
'cause I thought Lance was coming in,
and that's when the Joker happened,
and I totally fell for it.
-I was fangirling.
-Lance was Lisa.
[Lee] Oh, my gosh.
-Lance was Lisa!
[Chloe and Lee] Oh!
-I'm ready for John!
-[Deleesa] Yes!
I'm ready.
"John is on his way to meet you now."
[intense music plays]
I think John is real. I hope John is real.
[Michelle] They entered as catfish.
They were blocked as catfish.
They re-entered as catfish,
and now here comes our Circle psychic,
and something tells me
none of these guys will see this coming.
[all scream]
[Lee laughs]
Oh, my God!
-[Deleesa] You're Lisa!
-Part two?
-[Deleesa] Lisa?
Let's go!
[all scream]
[Lee] Oh, my God!
[Lisa] We're both John. Are you River?
-I'm River!
-I'm Lisa!
-[Deleesa] Trevor!
Nice to meet you!
-[Jack] Who were you?
-I'm Trevor.
-[Jack] Nice to meet you.
-[Deleesa] Hi.
-Yes! Trevor?
-Oh, my God!
-Hi, how are you?
-We got all the catfish here.
-[Lee] We do!
-[Jack] Deleesa? Jack.
-[Deleesa] Oh, my God, this is crazy.
-Lisa. Lisa.
That's Lance and Emily, and they became
They are both John after they were both
They were eliminated together,
and they came back.
I went to meet you.
I knocked on the door, went in,
and nobody was in there.
I looked around.
I'm like, "This is clean."
I was so confused.
Then he comes in, and I'm like, "River?"
He's like, "Trevor?" I'm like, "No!"
Yeah, we were just so confused.
That's hilarious.
We immediately thought I was like,
"Are you Trevor's mom or something?"
I know. We were so confused.
You know? We were like, "Wait, what?"
And then we were like talking,
and then the screen pops up.
It was like
One of the first times it was like,
"You're being offered a second chance."
"You'll play as a Circle-chosen
A catfish."
Then it was like, "Are you in?"
-We were like, "Duh."
-[Chloe] My God!
-[Lisa] Yeah.
-That's so cool!
-Yeah, that's amazing.
I thought there'd be
one other catfish at most.
-Didn't expect you to be a catfish.
-Me either.
We thought you were the last one
that was a catfish.
That makes me feel good.
-[Deleesa] Great job.
-Who was the secret influencer?
-Me. I'm sorry.
-Oh, you were?
-[Lee] Yeah.
-[Lisa] How'd Mitchell take it?
Well, first of all,
he's hot as freaking hell.
Oh! I'm dibs-ing! All right?
He's all yours. Yeah.
I was surprised he was real,
'cause he sounded like he was his mom.
You guys know Season one?
-He's Ed's brother.
Oh! I thought they were so similar!
Shut up!
Who did River's poster, like,
with #GotYourBack?
That's what I'm wondering. It wasn't me.
-That was you!
-You shady girl!
-That was me.
-[Lisa] Savage.
I know they're lying!
Something is going on. What is it?
So yeah, I had to do that.
And then, one-on-one'd me, "Are you okay?"
[all laugh]
-That's amazing.
-[Lee] That's great.
I don't understand
how all of youse are this bloody clever.
I promise you now, hand on heart,
I have been rating with my gut.
I have been like,
"Oh, I actually really love Trevor."
And then I was like,
"River and Courtney, they're my besties."
In my head, it was like no one
was catfishes, and I was just naive,
because it doesn't really matter
if you are catfishes.
If the relationship's there,
you're still playing the game.
This is like so surreal.
[Deleesa] Right? I know.
-[Lisa] It's weird.
-We're here.
-We fucking made it.
-[Lisa] I know.
-[Chloe] The final!
-[Lisa] Yes.
[Lee] Final.
I know.
[Deleesa] Woo!
-[Deleesa] Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
-We did it.
-[all] "Alert."
-Oh, no! What else?
-Oh, God.
[all laugh]
Good evening, finalists! Congratulations!
You guys have played an amazing game.
You should be so proud of yourselves.
[Lee] We are. We love you.
Come join me at the penthouse to find out
which player will be declared the winner
and will be going home
with that life-changing $100,000.
[all] Woo!
Oh, my God! $100,000!
[all] Woo!
[upbeat music plays]
[Michelle] Our players have met,
now they head over
to my very own
sensational Circle apartment,
which is 100% real.
How dare you?
And they won't be arriving
to an empty house, honey,
'cause the blocked players
Bryant, Khat, Savannah,
Mitchell, and Terilisha
have been released from isolation
and are joining us right now.
Good to see you guys.
Sorry you're blocked.
You're not blocked
in my heart, my spirit, my mind.
[Savannah] Thank you.
My goodness, Mitch,
it's good to see you,
and I didn't recognize you
'cause you have a shirt on.
Ah, yeah.
I just grew up without a shirt, so
-Oh, my goodness.
-It's natural.
[Michelle] I wish you were in the running
so you can win and buy some shirts.
I mean, it'd be nice, huh?
-Bryant. First blocked.
-[Bryant] Yes.
-I know.
-How did it feel?
I mean, was it a gut punch?
One of those things,
if you follow your heart,
you keep following it
and you don't regret doing that.
I love that you're
a walking fortune cookie. Amazing.
-Thank you.
-[Mitchell] Nice.
What would you do differently
if you could?
As far as everything I said and did,
I feel like I stand by it,
and it was very justified. So
Do you guys think
that maybe you misconstrued
each other's energy over text?
[Savannah] Absolutely.
Obviously, the way you say things
may not always be
the way people perceive things.
What would you've done differently?
You were gone too soon too.
I wouldn't change anything.
I feel like it was
what other players said about me.
-[Michelle] Okay.
-Specifically Savannah. Um
She threw me
under the bus with a lie, and
-It was the truth.
-Was it?
-It was. It was my truth.
-I didn't feel like it was.
Okay. Well, not all truths are truths.
Some truth are a lie.
Even though your truth is yours
and mine is mine,
it was the way things were perceived is
all that it was.
-That what you think?
-Can't hate the player, hate the game.
Well, this is a very tough game,
and, Khat, you want in there
like the athlete that you are.
I said, "Okay, come through,
Michelle Obama Arms! Good knees."
-"Doing dead-weight squats? Yes!"
-I love it.
But do you think you came in too hot?
I definitely can say my game went wrong
with trying to figure out
where Courtney and River
really truly stood with Chloe.
My original plan was to go in,
keep kiki-cuckooing.
"Yes, sis!" Having a good time.
That was the difference
between me sitting here
and me sitting on that couch.
Right. You guys, I'm so sorry
you couldn't make it to the finale,
but we have the people here that did.
We're gonna meet 'em.
-So ready.
First up, it's River AKA Lee!
-[upbeat music plays]
-[all cheer]
Congratulations, guys!
Please welcome Courtney!
Next up, it's our Essex queen, Chloe.
My babes!
You are so fit!
You're well fit!
Give it up for Trevor AKA Deleesa!
[Michelle] And finally, please welcome
John AKA Emily and Lance,
AKA Jack and Lisa.
-Come here!
-How's it going?
I knew it! I knew it!
Wow, this is crazy.
-[music ends]
-Oh, my God, welcome, finalists.
I cannot believe you guys
are all here on the couch.
I am so proud of y'all.
No, you played an amazing game,
and one of you, or maybe two of you,
are gonna win $100,000.
-[Michelle] Okay.
Chloe, how's it feel being the only woman
on the couch playing herself?
Empowering. [laughs]
Like, being myself getting this far
baffles me anyway.
Because even though drama was coming,
I chose not to do anything about it.
The Savannah and Terilisha situations,
and I'm like, "Oh, my God.
I'm batting away this bad energy!"
I'm like, "I'm gonna win it. Fine."
"I'm getting to the final.
Positive energy."
So, stressful, but I'm so proud of myself.
Um, Trev-Trev! Ow!
My ride-or-die, honey.
You went from DILF to MILF,
and you need to tell me about it, okay?
How hard was it to catfish?
There were certain parts that were hard,
like talking to the guys.
And the girls, 'cause I wanted to be like,
"Yes, sis, slay all day!"
-Fooled me.
-[Deleesa] I did a good job.
You liked Trevor right away.
You think it helped or hurt you
that you were so into him?
Yeah, you better feel bad, Deleesa.
-Look at her!
-I feel so bad.
She's holding her wig like,
"Oh, no! Oh, no!"
You did that.
You put your claws into Chloe, honey.
To be honest, it's my own fault,
'cause I knew it was a game.
I knew there could be catfishes,
but every time I thought he wasn't real,
I was hurting myself,
'cause I was so hopeful that he was real.
I kind of made myself believe
that he was real.
Okay, so Trevor was your boyfriend,
and Mitch was your brother.
Do you want to rearrange that now?
I mean
-I'm on board.
-[Michelle] You're on board?
Let's switch this right back around. Yeah.
Did you plan on flirting with someone
to have an ally?
I wasn't planning to flirt.
I didn't wanna mess
with anybody's feelings.
That wasn't my game plan,
but Chloe flirted with me first,
and you don't turn down a woman.
You don't wanna hurt her ego,
and she's gorgeous.
Then once we started flirting,
it was like, you just can't stop.
You just have to keep going along with it,
and then eventually,
I felt like it kinda got too far,
but I couldn't stop at that point.
Interesting when people come in,
'cause you guys sort of form a bond
or you don't.
And when Khat and Mitch came in together,
-they formed a bond
-Right away.
-[Michelle] Right away.
-Pound it.
You guys were approached by the Joker.
the real Joker
please stand up?
[all cheer]
Period! Period! Period!
-[Khat] I can explain!
He played a game.
He played a good game.
Why he's on this couch.
-So you made some friends
and you made some frenemies,
but you made a best friend, okay?
-The blazer twins over here.
-That's right!
When did your friendship
take a turn into like best-friend land?
I don't even know.
It just was like,
we talked one day, and I was like,
"I like River!"
I was like, "Something about River!"
"River reminds me
of someone from high school."
I graduated a long time
before he was born.
Yes. We remember
when Taylor Swift had curly hair. We old.
We get it.
What's interesting about you
is you were a catfish,
but you didn't know
anybody else was a catfish?
I have no catfish senses at all.
None at all.
Everybody was a catfish at one time,
and nobody was.
Nobody had catfish senses here
because all the catfish survived,
and the real people got blocked!
-We're gone!
[Michelle] I am just saying!
Poor Bryant is over there breathing
and doing downward dogs,
thinking, "Honesty is the best policy,"
and then you guys
I'll say I'm really glad
that Chloe, Courtney,
and River stuck together.
What were some of the challenges
you guys ran into as being a catfish?
Because for sure, you go in with a plan,
and then you have
to sort of figure it out as you go along.
Yeah, for me, I came in thinking,
"I'm an author.
I'm gonna create this new character."
"Didn't realize, subconsciously,
I created myself at 24."
You guys played a good catfish game,
but no catfish game could be better
than blocked catfish back into the game
as another catfish.
A psychic Santa?
And you guys thought it was real?
-I mean
-[Deleesa] I definitely did.
[Michelle] I have to talk about this.
Catfishing together.
Easier when you do it with somebody else?
I thought so.
I think generally
it's probably a little bit harder,
but we had a pretty good combination.
Our ideas'd always be flowing,
and I felt like usually I was able
to articulate them in the way we wanted,
and if I hesitated, she'd be like,
"What if we bring it this direction?"
Yes. So, River AKA Lee, I really hope
one day you get to meet Lance Bass,
because you were so tickled
that he was in the game, and guess what?
You will! Lance!
Just kidding. Roll the tape. [laughs]
I was like, "What?"
How's it going? Lance Bass here.
Yes, River, I am the real one this time.
I'm checking in to make sure Lisa
hasn't embarrassed me
or destroyed my reputation so I have
to leave Los Angeles and go into hiding,
but it sounds like
you guys had such a good time in there.
Lisa, what's this I hear
about you ditching me for another guy?
Who is this John dude anyway?
To Lisa's new friends,
thanks for having her back
and looking after her.
I'm proud of you for getting this far,
but please come back,
because I have lost
all of my dry-cleaning tickets,
my electronics do not work,
and I've double-booked myself for meetings
every day,
so please come home!
And Dale misses you.
-[all] Aw
-Oh, I miss Dale! I miss Dale!
Oh, I miss them!
You guys played a really good game.
The strategy was off the charts,
so thank you for letting me watch you.
But it's still a game.
[tense music plays]
Players, this is it.
It's time to find out
who has won The Circle
and is going home
with a life-changing $100,000.
[music continues]
-[sighs] You ready?
-Yes, ma'am.
Players, please stand.
Earlier today, you all rated each other
for the last time,
and the final results are in.
And in fifth place
[music swells]
John AKA Lisa and Jack.
-I'm so sorry!
-[Jack] We love you guys.
-You guys deserve it.
-[Michelle] Thanks for an amazing game.
Yeah, psychic Santa,
but he couldn't see it.
In fourth place
[suspenseful music plays]
[music swells]
[Michelle] River!
I am so sorry.
Lee, you played an amazing game.
Thank you so much.
In third place
[tense music plays]
[music swells]
[Michelle] Courtney!
Come here!
[bittersweet music plays]
[all continue clapping]
Well done, Courtney. Well done.
[music fades]
-Me and my girlfriend.
-Oh, my God.
Two beautiful women.
Two bright futures.
[intense music plays]
It is down to Trevor and Chloe.
[mysterious piano music plays]
Best of luck to you both.
One of you is about to win $100,000.
And the winner is
[mysterious piano music continues]
[music swells]
[all cheer]
[emotional music plays]
[Michelle] Trevor is the winner!
[inaudible dialogue]
[Michelle] Go, Trevor!
Trevor is the winner
of The Circle, everybody!
[Jack] Yeah, Trevor!
[Courtney] Yes! Yes! Yes!
[indistinct chatter]
Trevor AKA Deleesa. Get over here, girl!
Trevor AKA Deleesa,
what does this mean
for you and your family?
[sobbing] It's life-changing for us. Like
[voice breaks] It's still surreal to me.
Like, we never were able
to like save any money.
We wanna have a house
for our daughter to grow up in,
and like just something to call ours.
I'm still looking at this.
I can't believe it.
[Michelle] Believe it. You did it.
You came in with good intentions.
You came in as a single dad,
[voice breaks]
and you made it happen for your family.
We couldn't be more proud
and happy for you.
Thank you.
Thank you, Trevor AKA Deleesa!
[dance music plays]
[all cheer]
Give it up for your winner of The Circle,
Trevor AKA Deleesa!
[all cheering]
Winning The Circle, it feels surreal.
I can't believe I made it this far,
and I won,
and just knowing that I'm leaving
and it's life-changing
for me and my family,
I have no words.
I, honestly,
can't even express myself properly.
I'm just so excited
to tell my husband Trevor,
the real Trevor. [laughs]
He's gonna lose his mind.
[interviewer] Would you like to now?
Can I do that now?
-[interviewer] If you wanna call him.
-I got something to tell you.
-[Trevor] Hey, baby.
-I have something to tell you.
-Guess what?
I won!
-Are you serious?
-[Deleesa] Yeah!
-You're kidding!
Don't play with me.
-I won. Yeah.
-Is that Trevor?
-[all] Hey!
[Deleesa giggles]
[all] We love you!
Are you crying?
Are you crying?
-I love you.
-[Trevor] Good job. Congratulations.
Thank you. Congratulations to you too!
[upbeat music plays]
[Michelle] Circle, message:
"Could there be a more deserving winner
than Trev-Trev?"
"She may not've played herself,
but she couldn't've been more genuine."
"The realest catfish
that ever swam The Circle."
"Congratulations, Deleesa,
you made that happen, girl."
"Thanks to all our players,
and thank you for watching."
"All heart emojis. Kissy-face emoji."
[upbeat music playing]
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