The Following s02e13 Episode Script

The Reaping

This isn't a joke, Joe.
We are running out of time.
What is the plan? We are gonna show the world the truth.
It's just not about love or charity.
It is about blood.
There's serpent in our garden, the one who seduces our troubled brothers and sisters with his lies.
I'm speaking to you Joe Carroll.
Yeah, good preach, huh? If he wants a holy war then, well, we'll give him one.
I think Kingston Tanner's son is Joe's next target.
- The televangelist's son? - Yeah.
- Where is he? - Northfield College.
Joe's people attacked the college and took Preston Tanner.
Ryan's following him to Joe.
I just wanna help Ryan.
Cook, if you wanna help Ryan, help me.
Claire Matthews? Lily Gray has taken center stage by impersonating Carroll and his followers in order to free her imprisoned son.
You clever, little viper.
This is the phone they used to contact Lily Gray.
Have cyber forensics look into it.
You weren't the only one to hurt me, Ryan.
Say hello to your son, Richard.
You take from me, I take from you.
We're gonna find Lily Gray and Joe Carroll, and then after all this is over, we're gonna go have a life.
Welcome to Korban, Preston.
It's time for you to pay for the sins of your father.
Where's Jimmy? He's supposed to be down here.
Jimmy! Don't worry about him.
Joe is waiting.
Help me out.
Come on.
Get out of there.
Whoa ho ho ho! Where you going, huh? Let's go for a walk.
Freeze! Hey, hey, whoa, whoa.
Take it easy, man.
Hey, what is this place? Uh! Rrgh! - You want to do what? - I know.
It sounds insane, but I can lure Joe out.
I know what to say.
And you want to do this on the air in an interview.
That's all kinds of crazy.
It'll throw him.
Whatever he's doing, it'll throw him.
It'll get him off his game.
I'm his weakness.
If he thinks I'm alive, he's gonna crack.
Anything on Ryan? We found Ryan's phone a few miles away from the college.
He was headed north and after Joe's people and Preston Tanner, but there were That's a wide search area.
You faked your death for a reason, Ms.
You have a son to consider.
I'm doing this for my son.
This is the only card I have to play.
I can get to him.
Put me on live.
I can speak to him directly.
And I'm not so sure you're making a rational decision.
This is an emotional ordeal, Ms.
I'm gonna do this with or without you.
I can put it online all by myself if I want to.
Don't be foolish, Ms.
I mean, think of the sequel you can write after all this is over.
Joe is gonna send a big message, and a lot of people are gonna die, and I would think you guys would want to stop it.
Let me talk to my producer.
It would be best to do it here.
I can have a small crew put together.
I'll need a little time.
Here's my card.
You can contact Claire through me.
Hey, you're not really gonna do this.
It's insane.
I'm not putting her on television.
I'm not doing anything until I hear from Ryan.
Keep her off the internet, take away her cell phone she's not thinking clearly No.
I know.
And find Ryan, please.
You're wrong for wanting to stop me.
I can find Joe, Mike.
I'd like to focus on finding Ryan.
Hello? Yeah.
Kingston Tanner heard from Joe.
Don't kill me, please! Quiet, you stupid bitch.
Please, God, don't kill her.
Don't kill her.
No! Don't.
Hello, Pastor, or may I call you Kingston? I do feel, given the intimacy of this moment, we should be on first-name terms.
By the time you see this, I will have spent some quality time with your son.
I have a lesson about the nature of true faith.
Actually, it's not just a lesson for him, but you, your followers, and the entire world.
How did the tape arrive? One of the pastor's bodyguards found a flash drive in an envelope just outside his gate.
Cyber team? Forensics? It's in the works.
Excuse me.
You I know you.
You're Agent Weston.
You've been part of this for a long time.
Sorry, sir, about your son.
I'm sorry about your father.
My condolences to you and your family.
Dear God, please bless this man.
Please bring him comfort in his suffering.
Please ease his pain so that he may go forth and do your bidding.
We shall respond to Joe Carroll's message right away.
I don't think that's a good idea, Pastor.
No, no.
This is a war.
This is a war on my faith.
Showing Joe Carroll that my trust in God is stronger than ever, that is how we will bring Preston home.
Engaging Carroll could mean more violence to Preston and others.
Now, my son and I have had our differences, just a child trying to find his way, and he will need the prayers of others.
You don't have to go on TV to pray.
Of course not.
I'll abide by your wishes as long as the good lord allows.
Hey, why aren't you in your robe? Uh! Everyone please take your places.
We're ready.
I'll let Joe know.
Emma, when do we leave? Do you know? The large group will be leaving shortly after the ceremony, then Joe and the inner circle first thing in the morning.
This is our final mission, isn't it? Yes, Tilda.
This will be our final mission.
Are you ready for it? Yes, but the others we've never done anything this big before.
That's why Joe needs you to lead the charge.
He has faith in you, Tilda.
Hooray for Joe! Hooray, Joe! Welcome! Welcome, my chosen ones.
Your actions are being talked about across the nation, but tonight as we prepare to embark on our most important mission to date, we will rejoice! I'm so sorry, Joe.
I promise I'll be better from now on.
It's fine.
It's fine, um Courtney.
Courtney, you are here for a much greater purpose.
Courtney, meet Preston.
This fine, young man is going to deliver you from your suffering, for he is going to send you home! I don't understand.
What is it you want me to do? I want your devotion, Preston.
I want Preston to show us that his father's words are a web of lies, that his father's abuse of power and his rampant profiteering is far from godly, but death death is necessary.
It is not good.
It is not evil.
It is only inevitable.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
I won't kill her.
Preston, blood must be spilled here so that Courtney can go home.
Home! There is no wrong in sacrifice.
There is no redemption without blood, no redemption without blood.
No redemption without blood.
No redemption without blood.
No redemption without blood.
No redemption without blood.
No redemption without blood.
No redemption without blood.
No redemption without blood.
No redemption without blood.
No redemption without blood.
Preston! Preston! It is time for you to make a choice.
Join me.
Join us as we wage our holy war and give this girl the salvation she so richly deserves so that her blood can serve as a message to your father that life is sacrifice.
Traitor! You hit? No.
I'm ok.
What the hell was that about? I think we've got a problem.
Oh, yes, clearly.
Alistair, why don't we have a location yet? You said the number Joe called me from was enough, that your people could find it.
My people are tracing it, but they have to do it undetected.
May take a little time, but they'll get an address.
Are you ready to move when we get the call? Of course I'm ready.
Are you and Luke packed? Yes.
You can help me with the bags, please.
Why don't we just leave the country? Mom, we're together.
We're a family again.
Let's just go.
And we will as soon as we're done here.
Why do you have to get Joe Carroll? I don't want to lose anyone else.
I don't want to lose you, mother.
My love, you're so sensitive, but I really must insist that you man up.
This whiny-child routine has lost its appeal.
Joe Carroll must pay for what he's done.
Now go make sure Luke is ready to go.
We'll have to move quickly.
Go on.
Get the bags.
Did you catch him? We're still looking.
You promised me that we had isolated every disgruntled member.
It It might not be a Korban member.
No? Um When we were leaving the college, we saw Ryan Hardy.
Ha ha ha! And he followed you here, yeah, and you waited until now before telling me this? We were so careful, Joe, but, yes, it might be him.
I don't know.
I can't be sure.
He was wearing a mask and a robe, and we need to leave now.
If Ryan Hardy is here, we're done.
The FBI will be right behind him.
Jason comes from around here.
He has an empty home two hours away that Micah used to use as a retreat.
I think we need to get you there for protection.
No, no, no.
What you need to do is find Ryan Hardy and bring him to me now.
Joe, you need to think about this.
We need to go.
Don't let Ryan get to you.
- We have to be smart.
- Thank you.
Thank you, Emma, for your unsolicited advice, but we will hold our course.
We have Kingston Turner to deal with.
So send the troops out without delay, and we will follow shortly.
You are not thinking clearly.
The FBI could be storming this place any second.
This could be the end.
Then it ends, Emma.
Get on your knees.
Don't kill me! Anything on the video? Not enough to work with.
Forensics were inconclusive.
What about Ryan? Still nothing.
Claire? Still at Ryan's apartment.
We blocked her internet access.
How are you doing? I suck.
How you doing? Same.
About what that preacher said with the whole prayer that was weird, huh? No.
It wasn't.
What's weird, Mike, is, your father just died, and you're not grieving.
So answer the question again.
How are you? I told you.
It sucks.
This coffee sucks.
Give me a little more.
I'm not running from it, Max.
It's there all the time.
This is all a distraction just to make it bearable.
And you're not on some revenge mission to get Lily Gray? Killing her isn't gonna fix anything.
You know that.
Task force got something on the phone we took from Lily Gray's hired gun.
Yeah? Decklan made two calls to a burner phone, one pinged to a cell tower near a hotel.
Staff there confirm two people fitting Lily and mark's description left just after Luke's escape.
Hey, what about the second call? Pinged to a cell tower in suburban New Jersey.
Looking for property records.
It's Clarke.
Yeah? Hey, what you said.
Found a house in New Jersey.
They found Lily Gray.
We're on our way.
Over here! Uh! Uh! Where's Joe sending his cult? I'm not telling you anything.
Then you're useless.
Don't, don't, don't, don't! Somewhere in New York.
That's all I know, I swear.
What's the plan? What are they gonna do? I don't know.
What is the target? Only the chosen know.
I wasn't chosen.
I don't know.
Joe, we found Ryan Hardy.
He's here.
Is he alone? I think so.
I can end this.
If I find him, can I kill him? No, no.
Bring him to me.
You understand? Yes.
I understand.
I'll take care of it.
What are you doing? I said I didn't know anything.
Shut up! Drop it, Ryan! Take him.
We got you, bitch.
You got me.
We got Ryan Hardy.
We're bringing him in.
We've got a body.
It's been identified as Mandy Lane.
- Our *** girl linked to Joe Carroll.
- Wait a minute.
If Mandy is with Joe, why is her body here with Lily? There's bad blood between Joe and Lily now.
Joe wasn't interested in her clan of psychos.
They kill Mandy to get revenge.
- Sir - Yeah? We got ID's on the people that were in the house Lily Gray and the twins Luke and Mark and a known Merc by the name of Alistair Duncan.
Thank you.
Alistair Duncan.
What do we got on him? Fought in Uganda, Nigeria, Pakistan.
He's got several known aliases Brian Bellnap, Henry Fortner.
He recently used a credit card under the name Fortner.
"Golden Driver Car Rentals.
" Rented a car yesterday.
Car rentals mean GPS.
I'll get a judge to issue a subpoena asap.
What is Joe doing, huh? I don't understand what is happening.
Why doesn't Joe just kill Ryan? Joe loses the ability to think clearly around Ryan.
There's some weird thing between them.
I know their history.
All the more reason for him to kill him.
Security cameras are clear.
No one is with him that I can tell.
Mm, great, for 5 more minutes.
Emma, we got to get out of here.
The others will be in New York soon.
We got to catch up.
Well, is the plan even still on? I don't know.
Stop asking me questions.
This is what happened last year, isn't it, with his wife, his son, with Ryan Hardy, huh? Joe fell apart, didn't he? Oh Well Oh, this is splendid.
I've missed you, Ryan.
You, too, buddy.
Oh, please.
Don't deflect with humor.
I know you've missed me, too.
I take it you came alone.
Maybe, maybe not.
Ha ha! Always the Maverick.
Ha ha! No.
You definitely came alone.
Otherwise, I'd be dead by now.
You will be soon.
You really that determined to kill me, Ryan, after all that we've been through together? I thought you and I were a pair.
You're right.
I wouldn't dream of it.
You can untie me, even.
I'll be good.
Ha ha ha! Funny.
Ha ha ha! Hmm No.
You needn't trouble yourself, Ryan.
I'm pretty sure that my days are numbered, no, but it does hurt that you can't quite see how much you need me.
Seems you don't appreciate all I am to you.
Well, I promise you, once you're dead, I'll sort it all out in therapy or something.
Ha ha! So What's the big finish? Sounds like you got some epic ending involving Kingston Tanner.
Indeed, I have moved on from the macabre of Edgar Allen poe and have turned to an altogether more horrific piece of fiction the Bible.
Are you sending a message to God that you're coming? Because I don't think that's where you're headed.
Ha ha ha! I've missed us, Ryan.
I really have missed us.
You have no idea what I've planned, have you? I know it's not about the Bible and God.
You're just using religion as an excuse to glorify your nature, right? I mean, you're more interested in getting into the psychos hall of fame because let's face it what else is there for you now? Infamy will ensure I live forever.
You're a brilliant man, Joe.
You truly are.
You're a brilliant teacher, but you can't see yourself, can you? Your psychopathy, your mental illness, your need to kill are all overshadowed by your narcissism.
Oof it controls you, and it will end you.
Oh, real friends are able to speak the harshest of truths.
I'm not your friend.
Oh, yes.
Yes, you are, Ryan.
Now, when I look at you, I see myself, and you reflect a part of me that I only see when I'm in your presence.
Does that sound familiar to you? No.
You're my best friend, Ryan.
We're gonna have to pick this up later.
Some much to do, so little time to do it in.
I think you're really going to enjoy my next parlor trick.
Tsk tsk tsk.
Would you mind? Thank you for coming out on this day of tragedy.
I stand before you today a broken man.
As you may have heard, there was an attack on my son's college.
Many were killed, and my son Preston was kidnapped Kidnapped by Joe Carroll.
Now, would you have them kneel facing each other between the two of us? Thank you.
May I introduce my dear friend Ryan Hardy? Oh, the camera.
Emma, where is the camera? - We should be filming this.
- I have it.
Ah, thank you.
Joe, please just this will be very quick, hmm? Joe Carroll is the very epitome of evil, and though we walk in the shadow of the valley of death, I shall fear no evil, for God's promises are rich, wonderful to behold, and so I say to you, Joe Carroll, spawn of Satan, you will not be victorious.
Now please join us in prayer as we ask God To bring my son home.
Now, Preston What is your decision? It's a very simple choice.
One of you must die.
So what will you do, my son? Will you honor your father's doctrine of "thou shalt not kill" when it really matters, or will you save yourself and show the world that deep down, we are all savages? It's very dramatic, this, isn't it? Or you could kill me, let that be the message.
Eh, it's not an option.
Preston, your answer, please.
Please, please, don't make me do this.
Please don't make me.
Joe, Joe, don't do this.
You just keep talking, Ryan.
Now I can kill you, or you can kill Courtney, hmm? Hmm? What will you do, my son, hmm? Who is going to die today? Preston, don't do it.
Don't do it.
He's not gonna kill you.
You're no leverage for him if you're dead.
Oh Oh, that's a decision, isn't it listen to the man in the chair or the man with the big knife, hmm? I won't do it.
Oh, well, your choice.
Please, please don't do it.
Please, please! Do you really want to die today, Preston? Huh? Hmm? Please, no.
No! Oh! No.
There it is the truth.
Please don't.
Preston, don't do it.
I'm so sorry.
I'm not ready.
Please, not me.
God, forgive me.
Oh, no, no, no.
No! N Though we walk in the shadow of the valley of death, I shall fear no evil, for God's promises are rich and wonderful I see he didn't keep his word.
I'm following the GPS in the vehicle that Alistair Duncan rented, and guess what it's 30 miles north of where we lost Ryan's phone.
Lily is not trying to get away.
She's going after Joe.
Which means Ryan could be right in the middle of it.
All right.
We got to move.
I got a chopper on the way.
Ryan, thank God.
Carrie, I'm sorry.
It's Claire.
I'm calling from Ryan's phone.
I never heard from you.
Claire, I can't interview you.
I realize that, but you have to do something if you care about Ryan.
I'm sorry.
I don't think I can help you.
That's fine.
There are dozens of other reporters who will take my call.
- Have a good day.
- Wait.
I'm listening.
Hey, tsk tsk tsk.
Huh? Welcome to the family.
Go to hell.
One thing at a time, eh? Chk.
Get this boy cleaned up.
I'm gonna kill you.
You keep saying that, Ryan, and you can no more kill me than I you.
Don't you get it? If I die, you die.
The target is half a mile east.
We've got two men inside, and they've got eyes on two or 3 dozen people.
It's some sort of religious camp, but they're armed.
You stay here with them, James.
I'll keep you updated.
I don't care who you kill, but bring Joe to me.
He's mine.
Let's move! Let's move.
I want to go.
Oh, no, sweetie.
You're not up for it.
You're still healing.
You'll stay here with me, both of you.
Preston is secured in the vehicle.
We're ready to go.
We have a problem.
We got two vehicles at the front gate.
FBI? They could be.
I'm not sure.
Whoever it is, we need to go now.
Where's Joe? Where do you think? So How do you think my final act is going so far? Not bad.
Just got to follow it up with something big, right? You going after Tanner now? What are your followers up to? Oh, you'll see, my old friend.
I'm slightly concerned, though, that this may be our final moment together because you're right about one thing.
My time is up.
It is.
Since we're being Intimate, let me ask, do you miss her? I mean, how often do you think about Claire? Good, because I miss her, Ryan.
I really do.
She will always be my one real regret.
Well, I should be off.
Feel like we should hug or something.
I'm good.
Well, enjoy the spectacle, and I hope you find it worthy.
God forbid, you should write another book.
We've got vehicles at the front gate.
We have to go now.
North gate is clear, but we need to leave.
What do I do with you? Kill him.
No, no.
That's not an option.
Good-bye, my friend.
It's been a great pleasure.
You will see me again, Joe, one more time I promise.
Rrgh! Uh! Ah! Ah! Yah! We've landed, headed to the SUV's now.
The cars are waiting.
This way.
All right.
The cult is using an old campground surrounded by acres of woods.
We know from the GPS that Alistair Duncan's SUV stopped on a back road on the southwest perimeter and then continued through the front gate.
And Ryan? Nothing yet, but state police are moving in.
Come on.
Come in.
Anyone there? Do you copy? They're all dead.
Freeze! Drop it nice and easy.
Mark, where's your brother? He wanted to get closer and take a look.
He'll be right back.
He left? He wanted to see what he could.
He's not far, just past that ravine.
Well, go get him now.
Be ready to move fast.
Yo, spread out.
State police is securing the perimeter.
Go, go.
Lily wouldn't join the fight.
She'd hang back.
Back road, southwest perimeter.
Come on.
Ryan, thank God.
What do you got on Joe? Ok.
Took off with Emma Hill and some other followers.
They mentioned a north exit.
He's going after Kingston Tanner.
I need agents at the north exit.
He's planning something big.
Yeah? Hey, where's Mike? He was just with me.
I think I think he's gone to find Lily.
I'm Carrie Cooke with a rather cryptic message for Joe Carroll.
I was told in sincere confidence that no one but he would understand this message.
You're sure no one comes here? It's my uncle's place.
He never leaves the city.
How can I sleep with the view You asleep, diner lights flashing pink on your skin, your breath on my shoulder? Me, I could die happy.
No, no, no, no, no.
What's she saying? Intended solely for Joe Carroll.
This had been an "Update America" special Claire.
I'll be back this evening with all the latest updates on the recent murders and the ongoing search for Carroll.
James? Hello, Lily.
Agent Weston.
Get on your knees.
Do it.
Where are your sons? They didn't come.
I find that hard to swallow.
I'm unarmed.
I'll go easily.
Take me into custody.
Is that what you want, to go to prison? You'd be ok with that? Mike! Ryan, back off.
Don't do this.
Come on.
You're better than this.
Mike, you're a good man.
Put the gun down.
Take me into custody.
You're wrong, Lily.
I used to be.
Not anymore.
Mike Mike Mike, please.
This is not you.
This is me.
Don't be me, please.
I know this isn't gonna fix anything for me But it will fix you.

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