The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s02e13 Episode Script

Moon of Creation

Go away.
I refuse.
What do you want?
To fell that moon.
You can't do that.
I know of nothing impossible.
Why do you want to fell
the Moon of Creation?
In the morning,
the Sun of Destruction destroys life,
and in the night,
the Moon of Creation bears new life.
It is born to be killed.
It is killed to be born.
We are not toys for you to play with.
That is the law of this world.
Then destroy it.
If that is the law of this world,
then it would be better to destroy it.
If laws are destroyed,
then order will be destroyed.
This world will also be destroyed.
And is this world a kind one?
Is it a world worth defending?
This is only an immense torture chamber
which we call the world.
God whose name I know not,
carves these words into your skull.
I am not one to obey your rules forever
under a cheap threat
such as the world ending.
Goddess of Creation Militia.
The law which created this world.
What is your name?
Demon King Anos.
This world is not kind.
Why did you stop?
There is something I wish to know.
About the world?
About you.
As I recall, I have never once
attempted to understand the gods.
Militia, tell me how you feel.
Gods are order.
We have neither anger nor sorrow.
We are simply born
as order, and execute our purpose.
This body is indestructible.
Thus it is not alive.
So you have no feelings?
That is a function
given only to the living.
Gods are not indestructible.
No existence is indestructible before me.
Will you tell me about yourself?
I have a little sister.
Do you get along well?
I've never met her.
Why is that?
Because that is the law.
The Moon of Creation is going away.
My time on the earth is over.
Then can you tell me
one thing before you go?
What is your sister's name?
It's been quite some time Militia.
Seven years.
I brought something for you today.
From your sister.
What did she write?
She sends her regards to her Demon King.
It was quite an effort
to have her write that.
Do you have time tonight?
Then let us continue
where we left off seven years ago.
We can speak until the morning comes.
You know how he's
the Demon King now, right?
So I thought I had to make sure not to get
in his way and send him off with a smile!
But I told him to remember
dear Mom sometimes.
And do you know what Anos said then?!
I'd like to have mushroom
gratin tonight Mom.
That's what he said!
-Anos came back home to me!
-How did you know?
-He's grown to be so great,
-This is the fifth time.
but he's still Mom's son!
But that's only natural!
He might be the Demon King,
but he's only six months old!
He still needs his Mom!
Anos is kind.
Yes, he is!
It was delicious.
Anos, are you going to Delsgade today?
But I woke up early this morning.
We're going to wake Sasha up.
She was never a morning demon.
She went back to sleep maybe twice.
It is about time you awakened.
If you don't,
I will rock the entire house.
It's morning already?
Have you forgotten your lord's face?
Oh, it's a dream.
Don't think that
I will allow you to sleep.
If that's how you're going to be,
I'm not waking up unless you hold me.
It's okay if it's only in my dream,
but you have to take responsibility.
Then I suppose I will.
Well? I'm holding you now.
You cannot even
wake from sleep by yourself.
You are almost like a small child.
Anos? What are you doing here?
I promised once before
that I would wake you.
Th-Thanks but
Why are you holding me in your arms?
You threw a tantrum and said
you would not awaken until I held you.
Are you awake now? It is a good morning.
U-Um, it is a good morning.
No, I mean Good morning.
Hey, what's the big idea, Misha?
I'm happy that you're happy Sasha.
As always, you cannot tell
who is the elder sister.
I'd prefer it if Misha
acted more like a little sister.
What should I do?
A good question.
Perhaps you could make
an irrational demand occasionally?
Irrational demand?
It's really sad.
Wh-What's gotten into you now?
Anos can't join us in class anymore.
That's true.
It's spread all through Dilhade
that he's the Demon King of Tyranny.
There'd be an uproar if he attended class.
Now, there is no need to fret.
I have been making various arrangements.
And they were completed today.
What are you talking about?
This transfer student will study
alongside you from today.
Now, introduce yourself.
My name is Anosh Polticoal. I am six.
A former traveling performer.
So that's what he meant?
That's a surprise.
Zexia is older now
How can someone pass
the transfer exam at six?
Something's definitely up.
It is not worth your surprise.
Because Anosh Polticoal!
He is, without a shred of doubt, a genius!
Now, take an empty seat.
Well? It should be fine in this form.
Will you be able to hide it?
You know perfectly well that
you'll never listen to directions.
And that is why I am a boy genius.
He's going to play the genius card
for everything he does!
A perfect plan
At least try to hide it
And today, I shall introduce
another, a new teacher.
Shin Reglia.
Starting today,
I shall be the swordsmanship instructor.
The true surprises are yet to come!
From today forward,
you will receive education
from the Tree of Education, Aniunien,
and demons from 2,000 years ago.
And the clincher!
You will also receive
a new program of special instruction
from the greatest of instructors!
And this program is
Great Demon King Drills!
Your ticket to being Demon King
is practically in your hands.
Do you feel like Mr. Erdomaid
is acting a little crazier than usual too?
Yeah, but he called himself a god before
Why do you think the academy
has prepared such a strong curriculum
now that the Demon King has reincarnated?
Because modern demons are weak?
Yes. Yes! Precisely!
Modern day demons are far too weak!
The Demon King requires
an enemy worthy of fighting him
What happened?!
The result of our Zect.
That will happen if he
attempts to disobey me.
Enemy is not an accurate choice of word.
More precisely
Yes, a rival!
The Demon King wishes for the
kingdom to thrive with your growth
and believes that it will allow us
to avoid the great
battle which one day awaits us!
What a long and indirect
approach to achieve his ideals!
But it is interesting!
A true demon king
challenges the impossible!
Thus, you must grow
to be outstanding demons!
And when he learns
that the battle must arise,
the Demon King will grow yet far stronger!
And with that, today you will receive
swordsmanship training in the arena.
Mr. Shin.
It is your first day, so we shall only do
things which anyone can do.
I would like you all to die once.
If possible, twice.
I'm so sorry. I'm no match for you
You're not going to give it
everything you have?
-You can probably
turn into your true form now.
You'd easily be able to fight me
on even terms then.
That may be true, but I'm scared to do it.
If I turn into my true form,
I think I'll act like Avos Dilhevia.
You mean she'll take over your mind?
Oh, no.
I know that my true form
is entirely me now.
But, um
Y-You might not like me much if I do it
-Don't worry.
Looks and words can't change
how I feel about you.
So long as you are you, I will love you.
Misa, show me your true self.
You seem to need more of a challenge,
Lay Glanzudlii.
It appears you require a sparring partner.
Allow me to fill the role.
Perhaps, as I stated earlier,
I should have you die.
Hm. They get along well.
Do they?
They look like they're trying
to cut one another apart to me.
They are speaking with their swords.
Allow me to translate.
Please give me your daughter's hand!
Please give me your daughter's hand!
I will make her happy!
I swear on my life!
Never! Never! Never!
What about me are you dissatisfied with?
I will change whatever it is!
Surely, you jest.
Your skills are far too poor for marriage.
Can you protect my daughter?
First secret art of the Plundering Sword,
Return my daughter.
Are you all right?
If you do not wish to
experience this again,
then do not take Misa about late at night.
Heavenly Splitting Blade
Thinking back, Leno proposed
marriage in an instant.
I cannot accept a relationship
with a man who cannot defeat me.
And if you are going to be home late,
contact me with Leeks.
-Leno will worry.
Yes! The rest of you, strike and strike
at one another and die and die!
That is the fastest way
for you to learn your essences!
A heartwarming sight.
Hey, Anosh.
If you're free, let's do it.
I'm Ramon Iber.
Very well.
Hey Anosh, you're a Highblood, right?
What do you think of how Dilhade is now?
Unfortunately, I am only six-years-old.
I do not know much of the world.
I'll give you a special lesson.
The world's messed up now.
We Highbloods are meant
to be admired and revered!
But then we got these equality
and fairness and stupid bullshit laws!
It looks like
that Demon King of Tyranny's a fake
that the Unification Party propped up.
You claim that the Demon King is a fake?
Yeah. I feel like we can get along, Anosh.
If possible,
I would like you to introduce me.
Who are you talking about?
I heard that the Highblood Party
has formed a resistance movement.
They are champions of justice, correct?
Don't be stupid.
All the royalty has been dismantled.
And you should know Anosh,
that champions of justice
don't just show themselves.
I would be useful to you.
Don't be so full of yourself.
You're just a kid.
Then I will show you.
All right. I'll hold back.
Eat it!
Wh-Who are you?!
Anosh Polticoal.
A boy genius
who wants to be a champion of justice.
Do you have time after school?
I'll introduce you to the leader
of the Highblood Party.
Comrade Anosh, this must be
your first time seeing a dragon.
I hear your skills
with magic are quite formidable.
Can you transform it
into a monster and enslave it?
Do you want to make it a pet?
Yes, something of the like.
Ten of them for now.
If we send dragons to Midhaze,
we can chip at the Demon King's army.
It will bring the Highbloods' victory
closer to us!
I believe the people will suffer
before the army does.
That is the point!
The Demon King's army will be unable
to focus on defending the people!
You want him turned into a monster?
You fools.
Is there a problem?
The first problem
is that you underestimate
a dragon's power.
It is only natural that they become
uncontrollable when turned into monsters.
The second problem
Such a powerful beast in one blow?
is that ten will be nothing
to the Demon King's forces.
B-But it is a serendipitous
We have gained
a truly trustworthy comrade.
And finally, you have not yet noticed
one fatal problem.
You should not have rushed for greatness
and gazed deeper into my abyss.
D-Demon King?! Why?!
If you have forgotten,
then I will declare to you once more.
This kingdom permits no evil intent.
Th-The Demon King
couldn't possibly come here!
This man is clearly a fake
propped up by the Unification Party!
An unscrupulous and evil misfit!
Kill him!
With a single sigh?!
You sought to sacrifice the lives of
the people for your own selfish desires.
A rotten essence such as yours
must be collared.
Wh-What the heck is this?
All who are collared by these Nedneliaz
suffer repeatedly from nightmares.
So long as you seek the ideals
of the Highblood Party in your dreams,
you will be killed by me in the end.
They will repeat 100 times each second.
Experience pain in your dreams
which cannot be
distinguished from reality.
You will now work towards
reforming the Highblood Party.
Once all of the members regain hearts
of virtue, I will remove your collars.
Wh-What insolence!
Do you think you are a god?!
Remember this.
I am the Demon King, Anos Voldigoad.
Oh? An unknown stranger?
He gave us these dragons.
He was wearing a ring
which was not of Dilhade or Azecion.
Apart from that, we know nothing.
So he is the mastermind?
You are an unexpected visitor.
I wish for an audience
with the Demon King of Tyranny.
There is no place for me here.
If you permit no tragedy
in this kingdom, then save me!
Emilia, will you vow never to complain
again if you were to be saved?
-I will not permit your tragedy,
but only you can save yourself.
Do you like work as a teacher?
I do not dislike it. It is the only work
which I continued for any time.
Then I will see that you are reinstated.
However, you will be sent
to Hero Academy, Alcranisca.
And I am to teach human students?
They will discriminate
against me simply for being a demon!
All demons are equal there,
be they Demon King or any
common mixed-blood demon.
Hero Academy has lost
the trust of its kingdom.
It seems the students
have grown quite unruly.
If you produce results,
I will transfer you
back to Demon King Academy with honor.
You will have similar standing
to the Seven Ancients.
Is this the truth?
I tell no lies.
You will keep your promise.
You came to me seeking salvation.
Thus, I will not allow you to abandon
or escape from your salvation.
"God of Selection."
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