The O.C. (2003) s02e13 Episode Script

The Test

Oh, dude, please|turn that off.
I'm sleeping.
Please tell me you weren't up|watching movies all night.
I wasn't, man.
Just Darkman and Hellboy,|and the first two Matrixes.
Er, M-Matrices.
What's the plural|of matrix? Here.
It's coffee.
Mmm Ooh.
You need to get in the shower.
|We got school.
Took a shower yesterday.
No, you didn't.
|I took a shower the day before yesterday.
|I'm making you a bagel.
|You need to eat.
My body will tell me|when it needs food.
Just like it's telling you|when it needs a shower? Do you not see|what's going on here? Yes, you're wallowing.
You've|been wallowing since San Diego, and enough's enough.
|No, I'm not wallowing, Ryan.
I'm agonizing.
|The two are vastly different.
See, wallowing, that's like lounging around, eating ice cream, watching,|uh, VH1.
But agonizing,|it's more like MTV2, okay? It's no frills.
Requires discipline,|days of no sleep, no food.
No showering? Just sitting there, thinking and wondering|hour after hour if Zack and Summer|Don't.
had sex in the hotel room|right next to mine.
And you did.
Ryan, they spent the night|in the room right beside mine.
How can I not wonder|if they had sex? Because it's pointless,|and you can obsess about it for the rest of your life,|and you'll never really know.
No, you're right.
|Of course, you're right.
I have to let it go, 'cause there's no way|I will ever know unless I ask Summer.
What? Yeah, came to me|last night during Hellboy.
See, it's the uncertainty that's|killing me, Ryan? It won't be the uncertainty killing you if you ask Summer.
|No No, Seth, you can't ask her.
|It's weird, it's creepy, and it's none of your business.
You're right.
I don't know what|I was thinking.
Just like asleep or something.
I'll ask Zack.
Have you seen Seth?|Oh, I've smelled him.
Smells like|teen spirit to me.
Well, I tried talking to him, but he just shared|this long-winded review about some movie called Hellboy? Well, that sounds like|lady drama.
Well, there seems to be a lot of|that going around.
So, still|not ready to forgive|and forget.
Well I'd better go and pay|my respects to Max.
You want some company? Some more company? I I don't think that'd|be such a good idea.
Well, Max Bloom was important|to you, so he's important to me.
I would be happy|to go to his service.
Oh, there's not|gonna be a service.
What?|Well, Rebecca could never go.
The Feds'd be there|waiting for her.
It's just gonna be|the two of us.
The two of you? Look, I I- I I know it sounds|a little weird.
Beyond weird, Sandy.
Please just hang in there|a little longer.
Give my condolences to Rebecca.
I'm gonna see why|my dad keeps calling.
Maybe I can help him|with his lady drama.
Don't tell me to calm down.
You're the one|rushing into this.
For God's sake, Cal,|you almost died.
Should be seeing a therapist, not making rash,|life-altering decisions.
Thank you, Julie.
That|is quite enough.
No, it's not.
Uh, Caleb called me last night|and asked me to come over.
Do you know what this is about?|Uh, no.
It'll be enough when you finally|start listening to me.
Maybe we should go into|my off Lindsay Kirsten, please.
Thank you both for coming.
Dad, maybe we|should come back.
No, that's unnecessary.
Julie and I are finished.
I asked you to come here because I want to tell you- uh, as long as Lindsay|agrees to it- um, I would like to formally adopt her.
Oh, my God.
Dad, that's I'm speechless.
Well, you may ask, "Why now?|Isn't it kind of sudden?" Yeah.
Well, actually,|it's quite the opposite.
After my heart attack, I realized that something|could happen to me at any time.
This way, Lindsay will be a|legal heir, and I'll know that she'll always be taken care of.
And I told you|you have nothing to worry about.
I will take care of her.
I saw that, Kirsten.
This is about more than|financial security.
All through my illness,|you stood by me.
Now it's my turn.
I would be proud to tell the|world that I'm your father.
I don't know what to say.
It's a big step, but should you decide you want to take it, I think a party would|certainly be in order.
Don't you, JuJu? If you'll excuse me,|I have work to do.
Welcome to the family, Lindsay.
Hey, man.
Seth, how are you doing? Good.
So listen, I know we haven't had a chance to talk since San Diego, and I figured I would take this opportunity to clear the air.
You know, don't worry about it.
You, me, Summer working on|a comic book together, it's probably not the best idea|in the first place.
|I couldn't agree more.
And this way, you know,|we can still be friends, so Exactly.
So, you guys have a good time the rest of the weekend? Yeah, you know,|we had a great time.
|Glad to hear it.
So, what, I'm guessing,|a couple of meals, uh, a trip to Sea World,|maybe a trip to the zoo, a little sex.
What?|What? Is that a yes? Seth.
|What? You can tell me.
|You don't even have to vocalize it.
Just blink once if you did.
What are you doing? Nothing.
I'm just|making conversation.
Because I thought you were|trying to figure out if Summer and I had sex in San Diego.
What? I would never do that.
That's totally creepy|an-and boundary crossing, and I would never do that.
I gotta go to class.
Zack,|Zack, Zack just wait a second.
Seth, go home and get some rest.
It meant a lot to him that you|were trying to help me, but now that he's gone,|you don't need to try.
I am gonna help you|with your case.
Tomorrow, I'll meet|with the guy I know at the FBI.
Things are finally happening.
But we've got to|let go of the past, and focus on your future.
What happened the other night it can't happen again.
I know.
I understand.
He always wanted to be|scattered over the ocean.
Well Newport Beach is honored to have him.
Good-bye, Dad.
You're not going|to believe this.
My dad wants to adopt me.
What? He told Kirsten and me|this morning.
Isn't that great? Yeah, it's great.
Ooh, you don't think so.
|No, I just, I thought it's a little fast.
Well, I know, and he totally|admitted that we still have a lot of work to do, but he was so sweet|about wanting to provide for me and have everyone know|he was my dad.
And it was amazing.
Sounds it.
Was, uh, was Julie there? Yeah.
You should have seen|the look she gave me, like I was some|scheming fortune hunter.
Well, that's what|she understands.
Why should I care? It's not like|she's adopting me.
No, it's just you don't want|Julie Cooper as an enemy.
And I say that, having had|Julie Cooper as an enemy.
So you don't think|I should do it? No, I didn't say that.
Ryan, I have been dreaming|of this my whole life, that I'd-I'd find my dad, and he'd really|want to be my dad.
I mean, that's|what matters, right? Yeah.
Thank you.
That means a lot.
Cohen? Yes.
Can I help you? We're Agents Stonerock|and Tudor from the FBI.
Do you have a minute? Hey.
Don't you know you're not|supposed to sneak up on people? Oh, yeah? Why's that? Because they might be angry.
So, my friends are|coming down this weekend, and I was gonna have|a little party.
Wow, how very|Newport of you.
Well, I was thinking that maybe|you would want to invite Summer.
Oh, no.
You haven't told her|about us, have you? I was going to.
It's I don't I just assumed|'cause she's your best friend, but it's no big deal.
You've got to wait|till you're ready.
I'm ready, okay? Like you said,|she's my best friend.
I tell her everything.
Just make sure your party|doesn't suck, okay? Hey.
Do we have guests? Special Agent Jill Stonerock.
The FBI was here.
Well, it wouldn't|be the Cohen house if there wasn't a visit from|someone in law enforcement.
What'd you tell them? So now you're|cross-examining me? I told them Professor Bloom|came here two weeks ago and asked you to|clear Rebecca's name.
That's it? You mean did I tell them where Rebecca is staying?|¸æËßËûÃÇRebeccaÏÖÔÚסÔÚÄÄÀï? No, I did not.
I'm protected|because I'm her lawyer.
But if you withhold information,|you're obstructing justice.
You could be prosecuted.
Are you worried about me|withholding information or telling them too much? It's not a choice|between protecting you and protecting Rebecca.
Oh, I think it is.
|And I think you made that choice What is it, Julie?|I have a lot of work to do.
We need to talk about this.
If you mean|about my adopting Lindsay, I think you've made your|position very clear.
Oh, you mean|that I seem to be the only one|trying to protect you.
As I recall,|after my heart attack, it was Lindsay at my bedside,|you were at a spa in Nice.
You can hold that|against me for the rest|of our lives, but I am not going to let you|rush into this.
Now, for starters, and this may be painful, you need to redo|the paternity test.
The medical advancements|in the past There was no paternity test.
What? There was no need.
You're kidding.
Do I need to tell you how transparent|your motives are? After all the money you've|paid out over these years, with no proof? I just thought you were|a better businessman than that.
Renee is an honest woman.
The kind of honest woman who has|an affair with a married man? Look, Lindsay probably|is your daughter, but don't you think you|have a responsibility to this family you're sure|about, before diving into this? I'll think about it.
That's all I wanted.
Hey, so you never told me|how San Diego was.
Two nights in a hotel? Hmm.
Well, let's just say, little|Zach is full of surprises.
Well, I see.
And I feel really bad I left you|alone on Valentine's.
What kind of friend am I? Oh, it's okay.
Don't worry about it.
Actually, I wasn't alone.
What?|Have you been holding out on me? Who were you with? No, no, I was, uh I was with my mom.
That's all.
So listen, um, what are you|doing tomorrow night? Um, nothing.
Why? Well, uh, there's this thing.
A party thing.
Hmm, well, there's|always a party thing.
Who's throwing it? Caleb.
Party at Caleb's.
That sounds awesome! Yes, maybe a little|shuffleboard, a little bingo.
I just thought you'd help keep|me company, that's all.
Sure, no problem.
Oh, sorry, it's Zach.
Crab Shack sounds perfect.
My stomach is about|to eat itself.
No, I haven't|seen Cohen.
Why? Well, he always smells|kind of weird, but what do you mean? What? He asked you what? Ew.
Oh my God.
|Yeah, okay.
Hmm, lunch is going|to have to wait, Coop.
I have to go kick|Cohen's pervy little ass.
Hey, Ross,|it's good to see you.
And thanks for making the trek|all the way from L.
No problem.
Any excuse to get|out of the office.
How's Kirsten? She's fine.
Despite the nice chat|she had last night with two of your colleagues.
You think I sent them? Come on.
They asked me to inquire|about Rebecca Bloom.
People got curious.
Well, fair enough.
So what did you find out? Even if she turns herself in,|cooperates, she's still going|to do serious time.
Even if we can prove|she wasn't there? A man died, Sandy.
And it was her key|that let him in the lab.
What did you expect? The judge is just going|to let her walk? No chance.
Can we talk as friends|for a second? I thought we were.
I did my homework.
You were involved|with Rebecca Bloom.
I was.
Over 20 years ago.
That's right.
A woman who's been on the run|for 20 years suddenly meets this white knight from her past|who wants to help her.
You have any idea what|you're getting yourself into? Of course I do.
Her father was|a dear friend of mine.
I owe him.
What about what you owe|your family? Your wife? You think you know|this woman, you don't.
She could bring you down.
Well, thanks for your help.
And keep your people away|from my wife.
Hi, Renee, right? Lindsay's mom? I'm Julie Cooper Nicole.
|Caleb's wife.
Uh, how can I help you? Well, actually,|I thought I could help you.
It's this adoption business.
I wanted to give you a heads up.
It looks like Caleb is going|to ask for a DNA test after all.
What? Look, no one is suggesting|that Caleb isn't the father.
I mean, after all you would|have said something, right? All these years you've|been taking his money.
God, otherwise, that would be like fraud,|wouldn't it? What exactly are you implying? Oh, nothing,|nothing at all.
Just, well,|if you do have any doubts about how the test|might affect Lindsay, maybe this adoption isn't|such a great idea.
I'm sure you could come up|with a diplomatic way to talk her|out of it.
Yep, thank you for your advice,|but if you don't mind Mom, who's there? Julie.
I just came by to remind|your mom about the party tomorrow night.
I hope she can make it.
I'll try.
You do that.
Well, anyway, I should run.
You two take care.
What a cute little house.
We should put garlic up|in case she comes back.
Yeah? You asked my boyfriend|if we had sex? Ew! What is|wrong with you!? All right,|I'm sorry.
That is so creepy! Do you|know how creepy that is? Hey, stop hitting me|with the pillow! Ow! Seriously, what is|wrong with you? What's wrong with me? Summer, look at me.
Since I got back|from San Diego, I've eaten, like,|seven raisins and a pack of corn nuts.
I haven't showered.
I slept like four hours|in the last five nights.
|What? Look, Zach is|my boyfriend.
You're not.
That part of my life|does not belong to you.
Yeah, I know that, okay?|I know.
It's weird|and it's creepy, I know and I'm sorry.
I'm very sorry.
Well, good.
You should be.
You're ripping up your drawings? Yeah.
Why not? I'm only saying this|for the people that have to live with you.
Take a shower, Cohen.
Zach and I didn't have sex.
I had a feeling|I'd see you again.
You want to come in? I'm really sorry|about your father.
Thank you.
Sandy didn't tell me|you were coming by.
Are you in love with my husband? Wow direct.
I'm guessing Sandy|doesn't know you're here.
I'm sorry, I just Um, yes, I am.
I always have been.
Wow, direct.
If you came by to find out if|anything's happened between us, the answer is no.
I'm really sorry for everything|that you've had to go through.
But while you've been running, we've been building|a family, a life, and he's putting all that|in danger for you.
So you've just got|to ask yourself, how much are you willing|to let him sacrifice? Miss Wheeler.
Ryan, hi.
Is Kirsten or Sandy here? No, but if you want to wait.
Actually, I was hoping|to talk to you.
I need you to help me talk|Lindsay out of the adoption.
What? She won't|listen to me.
She thinks I'm jealous.
Then we got into this fight.
I mean, we never fight.
Just, if you talk to her Why would she listen to me? Because she|trusts you.
You know what She's like.
I don't know.
I mean, I know what|you mean about Caleb, but he has seemed different|since his heart attack.
You know, Lindsay|wants this so badly.
What is it? If she goes though with it,|Caleb is going to ask for a DNA test.
Does Lindsay know? Not yet.
I love my daughter, Ryan,|and I I don't regret anything|I've done, but she can't take that test.
Is is Caleb He I really don't know Sandy, thanks|for coming in.
I don't know, Cal.
Meeting in an empty office|on a Sunday- it looks suspicious.
What I have to talk to|you about is very private.
Who wants|to arrest you now? The DEA? Immigration?|The Park Service? You've been poaching|elk at Yosemite? What can you tell me|about getting a DNA test? No.
The adoption party|is in eight hours.
Well, the papers won't come|through for a couple weeks.
Surely that's enough time.
So you didn't do a test|when Renee got pregnant? No, I didn't.
It was an affair.
I was trying|to save my marriage.
The last thing I wanted was a|medical record of my infidelity.
For 17 years, you've been|fine paying the bills.
Now on the day you're going|to announce it to the world, all of a sudden you want proof.
How do you think Lindsay's|going to take this? I would think she'd want to know|the truth as much as I do.
Cut it out.
She thinks she's getting|a father, not a blood test.
If you brought me here|for my legal opinion, here it is.
Ask for the test.
Now, you're a wealthy man|with a large family, You'd be irresponsible|to do otherwise.
But as a father, I say ask yourself|if you love the girl.
If you do, nothing else matters.
I know you weren't expecting me|until later, but What's going on? Oh, party got started|a little early.
I thought they weren't|coming until tonight.
But, um, hey, everyone, this is Marissa.
Come in.
Let me get you a drink.
Oh, no.
You know,|I actually can't stay.
What are you talking about? Well, I just came by to say hi.
I'll call you later.
It was nice meeting you.
Marissa,|what are you doing? Stay.
No, no, I can't.
|I'm gonna be late.
But wait, You're going|to come back later, right? Because I really, really|want you to meet my friends, and that in there|didn't really count.
Well, I'll try, but Caleb's|having this party at our house.
You're ditching me|for Caleb? Well, not just Caleb.
I mean, my mom|will be there, too.
Oh, wow.
|Now it's Caleb and your mom? Listen, Marissa, I understand if|you're freaked out.
That's okay,|you just have to tell me.
But this hanging with your|parents? That's not you.
I'll just be there|for a little while, okay? I'll just go,|score some points.
That way,|they can't bitch when I come|and see you, right? Yeah.
Have fun at your party.
Tell Caleb and Julie I said hi.
Zach, hey.
|Over here.
Hey, thanks for coming.
No problem.
Mm, I meant to wait,|but I'm starving.
You look like|you're feeling better.
Yeah, I am, I am.
Um, listen, I just wanted to apologize|about the other day, okay? I feel like|I was out of line.
No, Seth, it's okay, man.
I don't blame you.
|But the fact is Summer and I didn't|have sex in San Diego.
Zach, shh.
I don't think|we should talk about this.
No, I know, it's just You know, after you asked me,|I started thinking about it.
And it's like|there we were, you know, the two of us in a hotel room|on Valentine's Day.
It seemed like the perfect|moment, so why did I hold back? I mean, I know|why I held back.
It's this no-sex-before-marriage|thing, which, not that I'm like a crazy|religious guy or anything like that, it's just I don't know,|it's always something I sort of believed in.
But I thought you|and the tutor No, no, I didn't say|we had sex, man.
I was 14, she was 30.
But look, Seth,|what you made me realize is, I wasn't waiting|for marriage.
I was just waiting|for the perfect moment.
A harmony of girl|and place.
Yeah, oh, harm-harmony.
I mean, I liked|the hotel room in San Diego, but a villa in Tuscany? I mean,|that's pretty perfect.
That's awesome.
So what you're saying is, then,|that when you two go to Italy, you'll achieve,|uh, this harmony.
Look, I just want to be straightforward|with you, Seth, okay so you can plan|your freakout accordingly.
If you want to punch me|in the face right now, I'd be okay with that.
I'm going to go home|and watch some VH-1.
I think Best Week Ever is on.
Mmm|Mmm Thanks for meeting me.
Yeah, I was happy|to get out of the house.
My mom and I got|in this huge fight, so I figured I'd get ready|for the party at my dad's.
What's up? Ah, I just wanted to talk to you|for a minute before everything.
Are you sure this adoption's|the best idea? What? I know, I mean, I know Caleb|seems like he's changed, and I know|I've said this before, but it just seems|like it's a little fast.
This is, uh, great.
First my mom,|and now you.
What is everyone's problem? He's my dad.
He wants to adopt me.
Just give it|a little more time.
Why? So, what, we can go bowling?|Attend a father-daughter picnic? I've been waiting|for 17 years.
Forget it.
I just You think it's fast that, uh|that I don't know Caleb, that Julie's evil-|I've heard it all.
What else is there? What don't I know, Ryan? I've got to go.
You know, tonight's|probably one of the most important nights of my life, and I only want people|there who support me.
So, guys,|what's the big mystery? Why are we all|gathered here? Well, If I told you, it would no longer|be a mystery, would it? Excuse me.
You should get another|glass of champagne 'cause this|is one surprise you won't already find|posted on the Internet.
Is it weird that nobody|knows why they're here? That's my dad.
He loves a surprise|announcement.
Well, you know, I|haven't seen your mom yet.
Oh, yeah, um, she's not coming.
Oh, no, is she okay|with everything? Kirsten, is Sandy|here yet? No, not yet.
He's coming|with the boys.
Why? Oh, there's something|I want to discuss with him.
It's a really nice party.
Yeah, thanks.
|Enjoy yourselves.
Well, looks like|everyone's a little nervous.
Hey, Rebecca,|I brought you some Chinese.
Seriously, what was I thinking? That Summer was in the hotel|room saying, "No, Zach, I can't.
I'm still in love with Seth"? Well, weren't you? That's kind of a rhetorical|question.
Why don't you come to the party,|get your mind off it? My mind off the fact that Summer and Zach are going|to Tuscany to have sex and fall even more in love|than they already are? You're right.
Why don't I stay here?|We can hang out.
Dude, you can't skip the party.
Why not? Lindsay doesn't|really want me there.
Of course she does.
Besides, you know what?|I'm fine now.
I really am.
I finally realized that it's over between me and Summer.
I'm just venting.
You think maybe you should be|venting this to Summer? Hell, no.
Last time I tried to talk to her|about things, she nearly decapitated me|with my favorite pillow.
I'm just saying,|if you want closure.
No, I think|closure's overrated.
I'm more of a fan|of open-ended, unrequited love.
Okay, fine.
|I'll go talk to her.
But if I don't come back alive,|my blood is on your hands.
My blood, your hands.
I'm going to go now.
It'll never wash off.
Your hands.
Come in.
Well, there you are.
What's up with inviting|someone to a party and then hiding in your room? Sorry.
I just couldn't face it.
Where's Zach? I don't know.
Confession? What's wrong? Remember how I said|that in San Diego, Zach was full of surprises? Well, surprise.
Zach doesn't believe|in sex before marriage.
What? Yeah.
But now, apparently, he's changed his mind.
And guess who's going to|romantic Tuscany next week? Well, I mean,|that's okay, isn't it? You said you wanted to.
Well, I did.
It's just that|when we were about to there was this|voice in my head.
Seth? And I couldn't|get rid of him.
Ooh! And then Zach said he couldn't have sex, and I didn't want|to explain it, so I made him believe|that I still wanted to.
But now Well, hey, look, tell him|you changed your mind.
Zach will understand.
I know.
|I should just trust him.
I mean, he at least deserves|that, right? Right? I've been dating Alex.
What? I mean, Alex and I,|we've been dating.
What?! Just for a couple of weeks.
Alex? Seth's Alex? Mm-hmm.
|Girl Alex? Yeah.
Well, who knows? Uh, just you.
Oh, so you and Alex.
So, are you are you like a No.
No, I don't know.
|I was just I really like her.
Well, she is pretty hot.
Hey, look, you don't|have to say anything.
I just I really needed|to tell you.
We're still friends, right? Of course we are.
Come here.
Oh This isn't turning you on,|right? Miss Wheeler? What are you doing here? I have to tell her.
Uh All right.
I'll go get her.
Bring her out,|it'll be less public that way.
Hey, you came.
Of course I did.
Um, everyone's|out by the pool.
Oh, great.
Uh, wait.
Can you, um Can you come out front|with me for a second? What?|It's your mom.
She she's here.
Sh-She wants to talk to you.
So what, are you and my mom|working as a team now? She's upset, all right? Uh-huh.
Okay, well, um since you're just here|delivering messages, you can let her know|that in a few minutes, my dad is announcing|he's adopting me and I'd really like it|if she was there.
But if she's not, at least I have one parent|who supports me.
Okay, you can't you|can't let him adopt you.
What are you talking about? He might not be your dad.
What? Your mom told me yesterday.
I just didn't know|how to say anything.
No, that's not true.
I'm sorry.
Stop it.
Stop it.
Why are you doing this? Hello, folks.
Will you|excuse us for a second? Excuse me.
Is everything okay? You tell me.
Rebecca is gone.
What did you say to her? What? You went to see her,|what did you say to her? Sandy, this isn't|the time or the place.
"Sandy, I talked to Kirsten.
I can't allow you|to put your family at risk.
" You have no idea|what you've done.
Don't put this on me.
You could've gotten her|another lawyer.
You could've sent her|to another town.
But you couldn't let go.
I was trying|to clear her name.
Tell me what you said.
I asked her if she|was in love with you and she said she was.
And you knew it.
You knew it the whole time.
I can't help how she feels.
It's not how I feel! Sandy, you're asking me|to believe you, trust you.
So do you trust me? At the moment,|I'm not so sure.
Then we have|much bigger problems.
Sorry, I was|looking for you.
Won't you sit down? I- I just thought, maybe we could|make the announcement now, you know, just|just get it over with.
I mean, that's It's all right,|isn't it? Lindsay, sit.
Or, um we can wait a little.
That's that's fine, too.
I know how much that you've been|looking forward to this day.
But I've been thinking.
I believe that it would be|best for everyone if we postponed this adoption.
What? Why? What did I do? Nothing.
But you have to understand, for a man in my position, why I would require|that we do a few tests for safety.
You don't think|I'm your daughter.
Have you talked|to my mom? Lindsay, I need you to No, she's just afraid.
She doesn't know you like I do.
And she'll say anything|to keep this from happening.
You are misreading|my intentions.
This doesn't mean that|I don't want to adopt you.
It's just that I I believe|in taking every precaution, and I insist that we do, for everyone's sake.
I don't need to take a test.
'Cause I know that my real dad|would not treat me this way.
Lindsay Oh, honey.
You stay here.
I'll cover for you, okay? Lindsay! Linds! Excuse me, may I have|your attention please? Thank you.
I know you're all wondering why we've asked you here|this evening.
Well, it is my pleasure|to announce that the Newport Group,|under my leadership, is about to launch it's very own|lifestyle magazine.
Newport Living will profile hot Orange County trends,|events and fashion, as determined by me|and my staff of Well, me.
Thank you.
|Thank you so much for coming.
Where is everyone? Oh, um, turns out I wasn't|really in the mood for a party, so the girls went out.
How was Caleb's? Pretty much awful.
Listen, I got freaked out.
I know.
It's just, I tried to tell|Summer and I couldn't.
And then I came here,|thinking we'd talk about it.
And you got even|more freaked out.
I just figured if I can't even|tell my best friend, then maybe I'm not ready for this.
So you're here to|break up with me? Then I told her.
Wait, you told Summer|about-ahout us? Mm-hmm.
So, where'd your friends go? Seriously? You still want me|to meet them, don't you? Relationships are like geese.
They fly north in the winter.
It's so true.
What are you talking about? Huh, what? I was talking metaphorically.
Maybe it's unnatural to|expect a relationship Cohen.
What are you doing here? I thought I told you to shower.
Yeah, I just came by so you can|get one long, final look since you will never ever|see me like this again.
Gee, promise? Yeah, I do.
I was under the illusion that there may still|be something here, but I know now that it was Zach who didn't want to have|sex in San Diego, so I suffered for nothing.
Have a great time in Italy.
Have all the fun you want.
I'm cool with it.
|I'm over you.
Well, good.
Good, 'cause, um, well, I think|that's where we both need to be.
I do, too.
Which is, you know,|why I came down here.
I just wanted to lay it all out.
Well, I'm glad you did.
Because now I can leave,|knowing that you're okay.
Yeah, I'm fine.
So, um parting amicably,|which is good, it's nice.
See ya, Cohen.
Yeah, all right.
See ya, Summer.
Hey, uh Huh? Send me a postcard.
Is your mother home? No.
What are you watching? Hellboy.
What's it about? See, Hellboy was adopted|by this scientist and raised to be a hero But turns out his destiny is|to open the gates of hell, so So, he tries to do good, but he usually ends up|destroying everything.
Wow, that's my kind of hero.
So how was your night? Uh, sucked.
|Summer hates me.
And yours? Lindsay hates me.
Well, how about some Chinese? Take the edge off.
I can't.
It It's Yeah.
Me neither.

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