The Unit s02e13 Episode Script


Hey! Kim! Thank god.
Oh, bob! You forgot to change the baby's diapers! No! The cammo diapers! I don't have time to hold your hand Through every little thing.
Mama's gotta go to work.
They'll hear us.
Don rickles? What are you doing here? I brought the red sash.
Mommy! Mommy, we're late! And he has a red ribbon over his shirt.
Submarine, cigar, Torpedo.
And your husband was on his knees? Now that's a dream.
Either you're getting too much sex or not enough.
Only in my dreams.
Where was your husband last night, As you were dreaming of our husbands? Not in my bed all night at the office.
But wait, i didn't tell you the best The best part.
I had a sub machine gun.
Continue to await radio contact from snake doctor.
We got an intercept.
I thought you would watch that.
The north korea army detail talking to the brigade h.
The scientist, that's what the inconame calls him, Has requested chicken noodle soup And soju.
It's a 4 hour car ride to His cabin by the sea.
That's right.
Ok, folks.
Package is on the move.
Our defector should arrive at rendezvous here At 21:00 hours.
Snake doctor left the port amuco 3 hours ago.
They have 10 hours to collect our scientist and get him out.
Has snake doctor confirmed his position? All right, i want all eyes on the north korean navy.
Any ship deviates off its projected path, Come to teacher.
Sir, the colonel needs you in his office.
Thank you.
You wanna read this? Soviet air sub, Assassin, wetsuit, mack and jonas.
Note the highlhted words.
This is a transcript of my wife.
You've been talkin' in bed, soldier? Sir, i have not.
Then what is this? The world's worst coincidence? Sir, i will swear on whatever you want me to swear on.
How is it that details of a top secret mission Going on right now Are comin' out of your wife's mouth? Sir, would i blow 3 months of mission prep on pillow talk? That's my question, son.
Colonel, if you have the slightest doubt relieve me.
We cross that line, i ain't gonna need your permission.
Want to change your story? No, sir.
Back to duty.
But this ain't over.
Mommy, can i have a cookie? Serena, wait till we get home.
Don't tell me Hey! Be careful! Mrs.
Brown, you need to come with us.
I beg your pardon? Right now, please.
Mommy! She'll be all right.
National security.
Colonel, where are my kids? What the hell's going on? They took my kids! Children are fine.
You took them? Yes, we did.
Where are they? They're in the care of the army.
I'm not in your chain of command.
Brown, your husband is.
A suspected security breach triggers a level 6 protocol.
Involves your husband.
You were overheard in a public place.
I was telling my friends about a dream.
Is that what it was? What are you accusing me of? Because i don't have to listen to it.
That's right.
Legally, you can walk off Whenever the fancy strikes you.
But if you do, i'll make sure your husband Is right in step behind you off this base And off this job forever.
Thank you.
Does bob ever bring home work? Of course not.
We know the rules.
Bob said he brought home some papers.
Did you ever look? Curiosity get the better of you, mrs.
Brown? You think i'm lying? Give me a poly, right now.
It's a good idea.
As a matter of fact, they're waiting for us.
Polygraph and voice analysis, too.
Let's go.
Have you spoken to your husband about his missions? No.
Does your mother know What your husband does for a living? No.
She's telling the truth.
Have you ever told anyone The true designation of your husband's unit? No.
Do you use sex or the promise of sex with your husband To determine where he is about to be deployed? You know, i really think i've had enough.
Thank you.
You can leave.
Brown, you may of have perhaps Convinced those machines you're telling the truth.
But? Those machines don't send men into combat, i do.
You say your husband didn't tell you.
Then i need you to tell me how you know what you know.
You feel like saving your husband's job? I had a dream.
What's the red ribbon? Red ribbon? You said a man on the submarine Had a red ribbon under his jacket.
A red ribbon.
It was just a dream.
Captain, it's time to open the orders.
Fired up fired up Twenty seven twenty seven Fired up fired up Here we go here we go On the road on the road Twenty seven twenty seven Fired up fired up Twenty seven twenty seven Fired up fired up Please authenticate that the orders are sealed.
Seal is not broken.
I am directed to Turn your sub over to me.
I command this vessel.
I command this mission.
To do that, i must command this sub.
Those are your orders.
From your admiral.
We must move now.
We're receiving flash draft.
Pop these new coordinates.
Those coordinates put us inside north korean waters.
That's provocation.
They see us, they will attack, And they would be well within their rights to do so.
Let's be sure they can't see us.
Chief of the watch.
Rig for quiet, flank speed.
This boat is old.
We have no modern defenses.
That's why we chose it.
Nobody's looking for an old sub.
We do not exist.
Please order your men to take this boat down, now.
It's understandable.
It's your first mission oversight And you want to crow about it to your old lady, Explain to her why you're not at home washing the dishes.
I understand it's not like that, sir.
Now, if you tell me that's the way it's going down, That it's containable to just your wife, Then i can proceed with the mission.
But if you tell me it didn't, then i've got an unexplained leak That by now could have worked its way all the way to north korea.
I need to know, my men hit the shore, Are they gonna get their asses shot off? I didn't say a word to her.
Then we have a problem, don't we? Sir, we have a limited window to get this defector out.
The entire north korean navy is here and here Monitoring our joint fleet exercise, And i'm the only one in the room Who has studied their navy's maneuvers.
No one is looking for an old sub, But they are looking for our other boats.
The navy's gonna draw them away, But that sub will still have to thread the needle, And i'm the best person to assist them.
Our package is on route to his house by the sea now.
Let me bring the team home, colonel.
I'm gonna monitor your comm.
No outside calls, eyes always on ya.
When it comes time to blow the whistle To send the men on shore, I'll give them the word.
Sir, may i also ask that'll be all.
I can't think of one rational reason Why she knows what she knows Other than her husband spoke out of school And just gave up a career.
I don't want that.
So i'm to explore the irrational side of this.
The information i require are we dealing with a security breach? And what if we're not? Well, this dream business is your world, not mine.
I'm just visiting.
I just need to know in good old fashioned terms What the hell's going on.
Here's kim brown's file.
She knows i'm coming? She damn sure knows somebody's coming.
Are you gonna give me another polygraph? No.
I can read your mind.
all right.
You're worried about your children.
Well, that's right.
Teddy and serena.
You read my file.
And your children are fine.
They're with your friends now, tiffany and molly.
Wait a minute.
I know who you are.
Do you? I saw a thing on you in the army times.
You're the goat lady.
You're the psychiatrist who did that experiment Where you tried to burst a goat's heart just by staring at it.
That's an amusg but not accurate description.
That's what you do.
Does that seem impossible to you? At a traffic light, can you feel if someone is watching you? Yes.
How? I'm in military intelligence, Research.
Dreams, telekinesis and psychic phenomenon.
But why are you here? You had a dream.
And so i would like to talk to you.
Here's what we can do We can go back inside that dream And see if we can help your husband.
That's what we can do.
To help my husband? Are you inclined to take that risk? Are you? If you want to proceed, blink twice.
I'm going to put you in a trance.
a trance? It will feel quite familiar.
You'll be lucid, able to think, able to talk.
You're looking at my eyes.
That's good.
Will you count the number of times i blink? Would you count them? One.
Take me back to the submarine.
How did you get there? I that's right.
The interesting part.
The part you haven't told anyone else.
I was in this narrow space.
Like a tube.
I liked it.
That's how i came into the sub.
I was searching for something.
I could hear music, like a band Coming from the engine room.
Hello, my child.
I'm in the wrong place.
We've been expecting you.
You have? Yes.
Welcome, welcome.
What church is this? This is where the submariners Isn't it sub mariners? Tomatoes, potatoes.
You ask an old jew.
They all come here to die.
I don't want to be here.
You think they want to be here? Jonas! Jonas, wake up.
Kim: i'm so sorry for your loss.
You killed them! What kind a friend are you? Give my regards to your daughter.
Pull up their maps.
I want to see their red herrings live.
Are all their attack subs accounted for? Here and here.
And 11 diesels tasked here.
All pointing plus on the corner.
Keep monitoring their screws.
I want to know every turn they make.
And these battleships here? In the yellow sea? Proceeding to join the Mm hmm.
That opens our path here.
Yeah, that's our most direct ingress.
Communicate those coordinates to snake doctor When he comes up.
Let's take a closer look.
What's happening there? Fleet monitor, are you aware that your red herring Didn't pull north korean destroyer Off its patrol grid? Positive sig that line, too.
I authenticate lima, delta, sierra.
Man: goldfinger 23, golf, yankee, victor.
Rodger, goldfinger Is that an nk warship bearing south One niner three on an intersecting vector? Tell me that's not a destroyer galloping our way.
Yes, sir? How serious? I don't know.
All right, we got a destroyer that didn't take the bait.
Find me its patrol grid.
The only thing i want to know Is will that destroyer cross paths with our sub? We just crossed into north korean waters.
Hold this depth, ultra quiet.
be at checkpoint bravo.
All clear so far.
That's why i didn't become a seal.
It just ain't natural.
What, you're afraid of a little moisture? Yeah, when it's up to 370 pounds Per square inch.
We're football field deep.
Ask the x.
How far this old heap of pig iron goes.
And then what? Poom! Your first time on sub.
A virgin.
Loving it so far.
We're here to help you.
Thank you.
I only wish i knew what the ultimate goal is So i could be of greater assistance.
A small request your side arm, sir.
Could you store them in our arms locker? Makes my crew nervous.
Designated sierra one, Enemy destroyer closing in.
We need to hustle.
Flank speed.
Decapitation will be too loud.
Go dead in the water.
He's not looking for us.
We don't exist.
But if you're wrong, he depth charges us, we all drown.
He's bearing 194 degrees and closing rapidly.
What's our depth? Become a dead contact in the water.
All engines stop.
Don't turn a screw, just float.
He's in the patrol box, he'll turn.
We drift outside the patrol box.
He'll stop.
He won't follow.
He doesn't even know we're here.
I don't know the quadrants of his patrol box.
We do.
He's in a criss cross pattern.
He'll turn 40 degrees west.
She's turning.
Enemy destroyer's turning due west.
Why is dreaming about don rickles? He's her father's favorite comedian.
Is it always about daddy with you head doctors? Why do you think your boys join the army? Why you think girls marry soldiers? You're either running towards daddy Or running away from him.
In her dream there's a funeral.
A special service for submariners.
And in the caskets? Three of your men.
And they don't wink, joke, smile? I mean, there's a famous comedian there.
It's a funeral.
To her, they were all dead.
He gave her something for luck.
Don rickles? What? A red clover.
Does that mean something to you? Excuse me.
Hand me your headset.
Now i need you to quietly walk up those stairs And sit this one out.
Colonel, i planned this.
I know every detail.
Nobody else in this room is as capable as i am We have a situation that requires you to sit this one out.
Upstairs, now.
Get me pacific fleet command.
Yes, sir.
This is our insertion point 200 yards offshore, he's the beach.
But if we're still 6 hours late and the tide's out Improvise it.
We abort.
In '89, when seal team 6 went into panama, all got killed.
Half a mile of mud killed the team.
What's the gradient on the beach? That give us enough cover Or does that put us in a kill zone like normandy? Daylight by the time we get to the woods.
Main roads, here and here.
We acquire the package here.
His cottage.
He'll be there waiting, ready to go.
What? Exactly.
I'll do the talking.
And what if there's a need for weapons? We haven't had contact.
Have to come up the periscope to have to send or receive.
How long they been under? Mr.
Blue Check your g.
You changed our course.
There's less risk if we go this way.
We don't have time for this.
It will get us to our insertion point too late.
With respect, We are heading toward the day of korean reunification.
First to engage in any sort of battle Could spark a war and ruin that hope.
I chose the safest path to your destination.
We've got to get to r rendezvous by high tide.
If you have a problem taking orders from me, Then step away from the comm.
I don't understand.
Why There's nothing to understand.
Stand down, please.
Of course.
My apologies.
Put us back on our original course.
We need to make up time.
rendezvous point.
Get our orders.
From your country.
Yes, from my country.
The faster we go, the louder we are in the water.
Sonar just sent out a ping.
How the hell Take out your weapons.
They've heard us.
We have no choice but to turn around now.
We are not turning around.
, take their weapons.
Kill me.
And if they heard that ping, They'll kill us all.
Then i'll be a martyr.
For north koreans? For a united korea.
We've got an enemy sub hunting plane above us.
Looking for us.
North koreans heard the ping.
Captain, you've got a decision to make.
Think of your family.
I am thinking of my family.
We got contact.
Let's get an i.
We have a north korean destroyer bearing one niner six At 6,000 yards and closing.
They're coming right at us, tom.
All right.
Prepare to dive.
In your dream, The priest, you said, gave you a red clover.
I can't help you.
I don't have any special powers.
I'm not saying that you do.
What are you saying? I had a dream.
I am not a freak.
I don't believe in the world you say exists.
This is my life dirty dishes, dirty diapers.
This is all the life there is.
What comes up when you hear the term red clover? Why is that so important? I can't tell you.
Can you tell me? What the hell is it you do? Staring at goats? Does that sound normal to you? Trying to kill animals by staring at them? We wondered yes? If we could harness the mind As a weapon.
And how does that work? Tell me how that works.
Have you ever, at theame time, Uttered the same thought as your husband? Of course you have.
Everyone has.
You spoke of things known to your husband.
Either he told you those things, Which is a criminal offense, Or you somehow I could not have intuited a top secret mission.
I don't have any special powers! Well, then, how do you know the phrase red clover? It was a coincidence.
I saw it somewhere.
What did you yesterday? I Did you rob a bank? No.
Did you, um, perform an operation Or abduct a child from school? No.
Did you sleep with another man or woman? Did you do anything to break the law in any way? No.
You have nothing to hide, then.
Now, what did u do yesterday? We'll go back to the night before.
Show me your bedroom.
You were alone last night In here after bob left for work.
In bed? Yes.
Get into bed.
How did you fall asleep? With the tv on, just to keep me company.
I like old movies.
What were you watching? It was a black and white film With gregory peck and i think ava gardner, About the end of the word.
There's a submarine in it? I didn't watch that part.
Why not? That part disturbs me.
That's right.
You were watching it.
Though you were asleep.
Ergo, you dream about a submarine.
And red clover.
Maybe it was from the movie, too? We watched the movie, There was no mention of red clover.
I went through brown's medical records.
He doesn't talk in his sleep.
Like all your men, he's well trained.
Woman: you know what daffodils are? Serena: yes.
Do you know what daisies are? Of course.
Have you ever heard of red clover? Sure.
From who? My daddy.
You heard your daddy say My daddy says red clover a bunch of times.
your daughter just sold you out.
Your wife and daughter know details of a mission Including an insertion point behind enemy lines And the code of which the secretary of defense doesn't even know.
I'm shuttin' you down.
Prepare to send mission abort.
We have no radio contact.
They won't get the order.
Sir, we have an unidentified splash.
That's a sonar buoy dropped by an airplane.
Destroyer bearing from o 47.
I thought they didn't know we're here.
They don't, but if we don't move, they will.
Try to triangulate our location.
Take her deep.
How deep, tom? Below the thermo.
700 feet.
If the buoy goes active we'll hear their pings.
One has gone active.
We gotta go deeper.
How deep? Put it on the bottom.
We gotta get lost in the scatter.
Chipowachi, flood the ballast tank.
The bottom is not going to keep, tom.
Sir, that's I know what it is.
At 700 feet, the sub could crack.
I know.
I want to see my husband.
How is it that both you and your daughter Know the term red clover? Help me find out.
Tell me what you see.
I'm in serena's room, And bob's reading to her.
First, the white rabbit went into the garden.
After white rabbit had stolen the carrot from the garden, He hid in the deep, red clover.
Good, kim.
Now look at the spine of the book.
What does it say? It's from the school library, The adventures of white rabbit.
There was an ambulance in the tree.
Woman: finish your drawing.
What kind of bird was on the hood ornament? A raven.
Corvis corax.
Is that good? A raven is a messenger either of hope or doom.
Which is it here? You tell me.
Checked out by them from the school library.
I'm listening.
Reinstate the husband.
Why? In a compressed environment like this Where there are secrets stacked on top of secrets, I think this is a shared consciousness.
She's channeling her husband in this somehow.
I don't know what that means, And i got a mission going down the drain.
Something's wrong with the mission plan.
I can't tell you what it is, But she's picking up a sense of doubt About the mission from her husband.
Did you ever have an unexplained premonition? Of course you have.
You've told the story.
And you've heard it.
Something told me to get down.
Something told me not to get on that plane.
U've told that story at the o club.
Everyone has.
You know it's true.
The girl is picking up a sense of doubt about the mission.
You got the name red clover from a book you read your daughter.
yeah, i knew i'd seen it somewhere.
I had to come up with a code name for the mission, And red clover just came to me.
The mission.
You have doubts.
What's wrong with this mission? Not a thing.
The specs were good.
No, i don't care about the specs.
The specs check out.
You've been worried about something, you have been.
You're duty, soldier, if you have any doubts, Is to express them early on, not later, but now.
Something kept you awake at night.
How do you know that, sir? What kept you up, soldier? The original sub captain.
What about him? He came down with the flu just before the mission.
We weren't able to fully vet this new guy, The south koreans picked him.
But i just don't know enough about him.
And? Made me nervous.
It made you nervous, but you didn't speak out.
It was just a feeling.
You don't throw away a mission Well, let's assume this feeling's right.
What does that mean right now? What's going on right now under water? This is a time elapsed scan of that sector.
We've got a plane here.
What's that plane? Sub hunter.
Any pings in sector? Destroyer, here, and criss cross.
What would you do if you were down there? Meaning, what would jonas do? Just tell me.
I'd hide.
Try to convince them it was an anomaly, A whale moving along the coast.
That's why we chose that sub.
It's old, has no fingerprints.
But if the captain ends up bad, which he must have, He's gonna want to signal.
Jonas has to take him out and go where? Bottom.
Is that bucket of bolts up for it? Not much choice.
It's what i'd do.
Surf is where and when? Uh Here.
As fast as i could, Once the north korean boat left me alone.
Not long before we lose our high tide.
Can you get us off the bottom, Drifting, with minimal screw noise? How are we gonna get off the bottom? Chief of the watch.
Emergency blow to my mark.
Throw the chicken switches.
To 40 feet and hold.
A head full.
At periscope depths.
insertion point.
High tide's for another hour.
There it is.
Take us to 70 feet, and hold.
And once we're out, i want you to lay dead on the bottom Until you hear from us.
Set your beacon to this frequency.
Let's hope they thought to look for us here.
We are receiving a signal from snake doctor.
They're at the insertion point, sir.
Go ahead, reward my trust.
Send the go signal.
The team has been given the green light to go ashore.
Lower hatch sealed.
Flood on my command.
Flood valve is open.
Commence pressurization at 70 feet.
How long? At 03:00, pressure should equalize.
Or? We all start getting really bad headaches.
Lets you know your brain's about to explode.
Secure flooding.
We got 30 seconds, unless we like drowning.
Did it hold? It's long enough.
Time left? Pressurization's secure.
Undog the escape hatch.
Won't budge.
Spring load it.
We'll keep pressure on the top.
This thing's supposed to be corroded.
Mack, look at me.
Your face is twitching.
Pulse is racing? Narcosis? Maybe.
What's your wife's name? We have to undog the hatch.
No, no.
Stay right over here.
Put your mask on.
We're good.
All right.
I can tap you out.
we fall off the mission, Rethink our options.
That's my wife.
We're good, tom.
All right, then.
Stay with me.
Deep breath.
Don't rise faster than my bubbles.
That's right.
Team has the package at his cottage.
They're on their way back to the sub.
Go home and get some rest.
As soon as they're back on the sub And out of north korean waters, i'll be happy to.
She saw a movie, she read a bk, Nothing paranormal, just coincidence.
You must be disappointed.
There are numerous points of intersection Between the real mission and kim brown's dream.
Do you have a theory? Of course i do.
About her, And about all your unit wives.
Amuse me.
Unconscious transference.
Doesn't exist.
These women lay their heads on pillows every night Next to men you train to keep secrets.
Have you ever cheated on your wife? No.
Why? Because if i did, she'd know it.
That's correct.
Thank you, colonel.
Can we use thought control as a weapon? Not yet.

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