Babylon 5 s02e14 Episode Script

There All the Honor Lies

Merchandising? We're being | merchandised? You can't be serious, sir.
I heard this was in the works a few | weeks ago.
I fought against it and lost.
The B5 Senate Oversight Committee | was asked to study ways to help us become | more self-sufficient.
Their studies indicate that the sale of | merchandise relating to Babylon 5 system-wide, could generate | a projected 2 million credits over the next year, earmarked | for our operating budget.
Why don't they open up a gift shop? That's what they're doing | in the Zocalo right now.
It will sell to residents, tourists, | visiting VIPs anyone who wants a gift for | themselves or for the folks back home.
You know, dolls, jackets, toys.
Welcome to Babylon 5, | the last, best hope for a quick buck.
- Commander | - This is demeaning.
I mean, we're not some | deep-space franchise.
This station is about something.
That's why I'm putting you in charge | to oversee this gift shop which, I might add, is only a test | at this point.
Why me? I hate this whole idea.
I'm counting on you to focus | that hostility with your typical diligence to make sure that this station | and its inhabitants are in no way, as you | so correctly put it, demeaned.
- Yes, sir.
| - Good.
Now, if you'll excuse me I have to meet with Ambassador Kosh | down in the Zocalo for another one of his lessons | that should help us understand each other better.
- What is he teaching you today? | - I'm not exactly sure.
And I probably won't know | any better even after the lesson.
- Commander.
| - Yes, sir.
While you're handling | this whole store situation could you see if they have | any baseball caps.
For my sister.
- Excuse me.
| - Sorry.
No, no, no problem.
My link.
Hey! Hey, you! Come back here! Son of a! Sorry.
All right.
Now, that's enough.
Get back! Death first.
The Babylon Project was our last, | best hope for peace.
A self-contained world, five miles long, | located in neutral territory.
A place of commerce and diplomacy for a quarter of a million | humans and aliens.
A shining beacon in space, | all alone in the night.
It was the dawn | of the Third Age of mankind.
The year the Great War | came upon us all.
This is the story of the last | of the Babylon stations.
The year is 2259.
| The name of the place is Babylon 5.
There was nothing I could do.
He jumped | me.
He was reaching for a weapon.
No weapon was found.
When somebody makes a move if you wait long enough to find out | if he's carrying, you're dead.
Lavell, the deceased, came from | a highly-respected family.
This is a shocking incident.
My government will want answers.
Look, maybe he thought I was | attacking him.
I don't know.
One minute he was in my way, | and the next I'm sorry.
I had no choice.
These are perilous times.
We must do all we can to avoid | another conflict between our people | over a misunderstanding.
He was trying to kill me.
| I think I understood that pretty clearly.
- But why? | - For what it's worth my people are already investigating.
I have been asked by my government | to conduct my own investigation as well.
Independently of yours.
Well, I won't stop you, of course.
That would be a duplication of effort.
| We could get in each other's way.
Yes, but it is the only way | for my government to decide whether or not to insist that you | be charged with murder.
You find that Minbari witness | I mentioned in my report.
He will back me up.
| I am absolutely sure.
All right.
Description? Bald with a bone on his head.
We're gonna need | a real big lineup room.
Ambassador Mollari, please.
Sorry, the ambassador is | in meetings all day today.
- Is there something I can help you with? | - Well, as a matter of fact, there is.
Please stand by for a transmission.
I believe you weren't there.
That is fortunate, | since Minbari do not lie.
So if I ask you if you might know who did see the incident | with Capt.
Sheridan you'd have to answer truthfully.
| - Or not at all.
Unless it is your intention | to beat it out of me.
That is how your race operates, is it not? I received your message.
Is there a problem, Mr.
Garibaldi? - Yes.
| - No.
Garibaldi, not to intrude, | but if you are done I would like some time to speak | with him alone.
Minbari to Minbari.
As you say.
It's like he's everywhere.
Every Minbari I question, Lennier is | either just leaving or just arriving.
Maybe he's simply being thorough.
Or maybe he's organizing a cover-up.
I have a suspicious mind, | but even I don't want to think that.
- I like the guy.
| - Granted.
But he's still Minbari | with all the baggage that brings.
Have any luck finding my stolen link? No trace.
It hasn't been used.
| The computer would pick it up.
Chances are it's probably | been destroyed.
Why would he want my link.
It's useless | once it's reported stolen.
It's hot.
He must know he'd have | to get rid of it.
Maybe it's because it's the one thing | he knew you'd want back.
And maybe he wanted you | to chase him down the hall.
You do have a suspicious mind.
I like that.
Disruptive burns are consistent | with close-range discharge of a PPG.
Death was instantaneous.
Any sign of offensive wounds, | bruising around the knuckles to show he attacked | the captain? None.
But he was wearing gloves | at the time and they would diminish any trace.
Also, he died seconds after the attack so there wouldn't be enough time | for the cells to bruise in any event.
The good news is, there's nothing that proves he was attacked | without cause.
But the bad news is, there's nothing to corroborate | your side of the story either.
All right, so where'd you get the PPG? I found it during the fight.
I assumed it was dropped by the guy | who grabbed my link.
Or maybe someone wanted you to find it.
I said the Minbari was going | for a weapon.
Maybe he dropped it, | and that's the one I found.
No, it doesn't track.
Why would a member of the Minbari | warrior caste have an Earth-made PPG? It'd be an affront to his pride.
Any prosecution would blow a hole | in that one in two seconds.
All right, you have any luck tracing | the serial number on that PPG? Not yet.
Still waiting to | hear back from Earth Central.
You know, even in a vacuum, | this smells of a setup.
I don't like it.
I'm sorry.
I just Vir, are you all right? Oh, yes.
No, I'm not.
I can't stay.
I can't stay! Now that's comedy! Bye-bye.
You are certain that this is the one | who witnessed the attack, Lennier? Reasonably so, from things I've heard.
Ashan, you are of the Third Fane | of Chudomo, yes? I am.
You carry with you a noble | and honorable tradition.
Lennier is also of the Third Fane | of Chudomo.
He has brought you great honor.
So can you tell me what you know | of this incident? Ashan.
I answer to other Minbari, not freaks.
Your words insulted her.
Her presence insulted me.
Because we are the same, | you may ask your questions if you can tolerate the answers.
The witness states that Lavell, | the victim was assaulted by you | without provocation.
That he offered to surrender | and that you shot him.
He shouted, "Death first!" The witness stated that what Lavell | actually said was "Deh Fers 't" which, in our language, | roughly translates as "I yield to your authority.
" | - No.
No way.
I know what I heard, | and that isn't it.
Now I want to talk | with your witness.
He is lying.
For your sake, I did not hear that, | nor did you, Lennier.
What are you talking about? Minbari do not lie, captain.
It would be a stain upon honor and soul.
For someone of another species | to make such an accusation it would require an immediate and fatal | response from the accused.
Then he is in error where | the truth is involved and I want to speak with him now.
Captain, I don't know if that's smart.
They want you charged.
I have to see him.
| Maybe I can reason with him at least find out why he's lying.
What about Ivanova? | You want her there too? No, I don't want this insanity disrupting | the station any more than it has to.
We'll handle this.
Welcome to Babylon 5 Emporium.
Today we are offering | a 20 percent discount on all Narn figurines and paraphernalia.
Remember, Babylon 5 Emporium | is your place to shop.
Feel free to look around.
We offer a 20 percent discount | to station personnel.
Be still my heart.
It all seems tasteful enough.
It makes you wonder | if there's anything the Earth Senate won't do | to make money.
I'm sorry, what? | Did you want to try this on? This place is nuts.
Excuse me.
How much is this? Miss? Miss, do you gift-wrap? Excuse me, officer.
Allan, ma'am.
Zack Allan.
Take me to Capt.
- Are you expected? | - No.
Why would I, out of the blue, | attack your man, Lavell? He was not a man, though, was he? He was Minbari, StarKiller.
We're not talking about history.
| We're discussing the here and now.
Wasn't it an Earthman who said that those who do not listen | to history will repeat it? The Minbari listen very carefully.
Ashan, is there the slightest possibility | that you misheard or did not see? Did not see? - It happened very quickly.
| - Whose side are you on? We are on the side of the truth.
| Is there another? Captain, this is The one friend you have in this room.
Guinevere Corey, captain.
| I'm your lawyer.
What? May I ask what you | were discussing here? The only thing that matters, the truth.
Yes, the favorite song | of the legally ignorant.
Captain, are we finished here? Yes.
We'll continue this later.
This entire situation does not look good | for the captain.
This situation cannot be, Lennier.
I've studied Sheridan at great length.
| This is not in his character which makes | Ashan's statement dubious.
I don't appreciate being called ignorant | in front of others.
I'm sorry.
Is naive better? And I don't need a lawyer.
Now we're back to ignorant.
May I? Captain, I didn't stop over here | for my health.
I was en route to Earth when I received | a message to come here.
Why? I'm authorized to give you a heads-up.
| Earth Dome reviewed the facts and they have decided to proceed | with an indictment against you.
I don't believe it.
That's what all my clients say.
| You'll believe it soon enough.
Why would they go along with this? Regardless of the facts of the case, | we won't cop a guilty plea.
We know the mess that would create.
If we sweep it under the rug, | Earth is open to charges of cover-up.
They decided it is best to go to trial, | let both sides be heard show the evidence | and take the judgment.
Actually, I've reviewed all of the facts | of the case and I don't think they have the evidence to convict | beyond a reasonable doubt.
You're holding something back.
All right.
Straight up.
Whether you're found guilty or innocent, | if this goes to trial you'll have to step down | as commanding officer of Babylon 5, permanently.
I keep running it through my head, | over and over.
It all happened so fast.
What if I did do it? I did fire while he was | trying to surrender? Are you asking about the possibility or if | I'll respect you if that's what happened? The former.
| I don't want to know the latter.
I'll answer that part first.
Any danger of losing respect for you was | eliminated when you asked that question.
As to the former, I'll never forget | you once said to me: "Never fear answers.
| Only fear running out of questions.
" Ivanova, I never said that.
- You didn't? | - No.
Well, I'll let you know who did.
Yes, what is it, commander? | What did you forget? Ambassador Kosh.
I'm sorry.
| What can I do for you? The lesson.
I know.
I sort of forgot.
Look, it's been kind of a bad day and I'm not really in the best frame | of mind for any lessons just now.
Precisely the correct time.
No, you don't understand.
| I don't really have time for this.
Chief, you wanted to see me? Yeah.
Listen, here's the file | on a Minbari named Ashan.
This the guy that got the | captain in hot water? The same.
Listen, I want him followed.
Don't do anything to cause a problem | and don't provoke him.
Keep an eye on him.
Will do.
I'm not quite sure I understand | what we're doing down here.
What is this place? It's pretty much the worst part | of Downbelow.
If Garibaldi knew we were down here | alone, he'd go right up the flue.
What? You want me to go inside, | is that it? Why? What's inside there? One moment of perfect beauty.
I was Well, I was sent.
I'm sorry, I don't carry | any kind of hard currency.
It's all done with a credit chit | for bookkeeping, that sort of thing.
I really don't have anything to give you.
Look It's a stat bar.
I've got about a dozen of them.
They show what part | of the service you're in.
Gold for command, red for medical, | green for security.
Well, it's not worth very much.
Well, well.
How many drinks does | that make for you now? Two.
Vir, drowning your problems Two? In all this time? I like nursing my drinks.
Vir, this isn't you.
You're gonna lecture me on what | is or isn't like someone? Everything you've done? Your voice, Vir.
We're in public.
Yes, voices.
The voices | that keep me awake.
The voices I have to keep bottled up | inside me so I can do my job.
And you're doing it, excellently.
Yes, I'm keeping your secrets.
I feel like I'm falling in a pit, | and there's no way of climbing out.
Do you want to leave? Is that it? I can arrange it.
You can go back home to To what? To my family? Do you think that if they wanted me | around that I'd even be here? They just wanted me anywhere.
| Anywhere away.
They had me sent here two years ago | because, frankly there wasn't much competition | for the job.
This was a joke to them.
Before I left, my uncle said to me | you and I deserve each other.
Well, Vir, you must know | that is changing.
Don't I know that.
This came this morning.
Centauri Prime is sending | a replacement for my position.
It seems the job has become | too important.
They're sending in someone that | they groomed for the role.
Everywhere I go I don't fit in, | or I'm asked to leave.
All right, I'll talk to them.
They can't make you leave | if I wish you to stay.
What you wish.
What they wish.
| I don't even know what I wish.
Back home I'm swallowed in silence, | and here I'm swallowed up by secrets.
I'm caught between fire and flood, and | if there's a way out, I sure don't see it.
I'm sorry.
I've said too much.
| It's more than you want to hear.
- No.
| - This is my problem.
It's my problem.
It's not yours.
And I'm sorry.
L I just I'm sorry.
I had no idea, no idea at all.
Thank you.
Another lesson? What this time? Beauty in the dark.
Must be working.
You're beginning to talk | just like a Vorlon.
Yes, Delenn? I have just received | some information on Lavell.
I was arranging to have his body | prepared according to the ceremonies of whichever clan | he belonged to and You may want to look at this.
The Non-Aligned Worlds canceled | that meeting without explanation.
Word's gotten out, hasn't it? Pressure to get me out will increase | the longer this hangs over my head.
Well, one crisis at a time.
Captain! Commander! Can we talk? I have acted shamefully to buy you the time to end this matter | in some honorable way.
Only because we are both of Chudomo | do I take this step to try and convince you | to act properly.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I saw you with the human thief | the captain is looking for.
Another moment and you would have | been discovered by security.
You're not good at this, Ashan.
You can redeem yourself | by telling the truth now or shame our entire clan | when the truth is discovered.
You would believe the humans | over one of your own? - Yes.
| - Why? - Because she does.
| - Delenn? She is nothing! Delenn is honorable, | and I honor the word of Delenn.
What do you honor, Ashan? The truth or the obligations of our clan? And the Centauri government | will not tolerate such insults! Well, it's just a doll.
| It wasn't even made by us.
Look at the tag.
It's made | by somebody in the bazaar.
It's a mockery.
It doesn't | even have any attributes.
Attributes? Do I have to spell it out for you? I see.
So you feel like you're being | symbolically cast In a bad light.
- Well put.
| - Now look here.
- Lf I have to go back to my government | - Have all of these dolls removed at once.
Yes, sir.
Thank you for the sensitivity, captain.
| I do not lie when I say this could have been | an embarrassment for all concerned.
I'm sure, ambassador.
You don't lie.
| The Minbari don't lie.
- No one around here | - Who said the Minbari don't lie? Never mind.
Good day, captain.
- Are you saying they do lie? | - It's nothing important.
Londo, I have a critical situation | hinging on Minbari honesty.
Now, if you know something A certain Minbari once lied to save a certain Centauri ambassador | from embarrassment.
Apparently there is honor | in helping another save face.
If they'd lie to protect | someone's honor the question becomes who or what is being protected? Good day, captain.
- Yeah.
| - Captain, we've got a rep from the Minbari Embassy on Earth | asking to speak to you.
Shall I put it through? By all means.
I just got a call.
Your government wants Ashan to leave | for your Homeworld on the next shuttle.
With the primary witness against me | gone by your government's request there can't be a trial, | which will relieve Earth no end.
Without a trial, | without some definitive answers it will leave doubt in the mind | of everyone here about what really happened.
It will more or less | destroy my credibility which is maybe what some people | wanted from the start.
Once, during the war, my fighter | was disabled.
I sat there, radio out, power out for eight hours, | which seemed like eight years.
I didn't think I'd ever see | another living being.
Well, I was rescued obviously but I'll never forget that feeling | of helplessness.
I never thought there could be anything | worse than being all alone in the night.
But there is.
Being all alone in a crowd.
You feel cut off from your people, | from your government.
You even begin to doubt yourself.
I understand it so well | that it cuts to my heart.
You said the Minbari never lie.
But that's not entirely true, is it? You must understand, captain that there is no greater honor | among my people than to serve.
They work for generations | to create a legacy, a tradition.
In the service of their clan, | they're ready to sacrifice everything: Their individuality, their blood, their life.
Their honor? Well, we've had | plenty of that ourselves.
Conspiracies of silence because | the larger ideals have to be protected.
But you can't have larger ideals | if the smaller ones get compromised.
It's like building a house without | a foundation, Delenn.
It can't stand! You know that as well as I do.
Come with me.
I was to report here | for parting instructions.
Your ship leaves within the hour.
Here's all the information | you will need upon arrival.
Thank you.
Is there anything else? No.
After you have gone I will go to the captain and announce | my complicity in Lavell's death.
What? You're insane.
You had | nothing to do with it.
That is correct.
Individually, I did not.
But I bear the responsibility | for all acts committed by my clan.
In that way, I am as responsible | as you are.
If you do that, you will dishonor | yourself and the Third Fane of Chudomo.
No, you have already done that.
I will retain honor by saving face for you.
Our clan, however, will never recover | from this disgrace.
- Don't do it.
| - Don't do it.
Listen to me, Lennier.
We are not responsible.
It was the | leaders of our clan who decided to act without asking the council or anyone | else in the government, not us.
Yes, it was foolish.
No, not foolish.
It was tragic.
They resent that the humans picked | Sheridan StarKiller to run this place.
And rightly so.
When he destroyed the Black Star during | the war, he did not face it with honor.
He mined an asteroid field sent a fake distress signal | and lured our ships into a trap.
Many of our clan were aboard | the Black Star that day.
I know.
I lost family, as well, on the Black Star.
But tell me, is there | any more honor in this? I don't know.
I didn't know.
Why did you talk with the human | who stole Sheridan's link? I was trying to find out what happened.
Lavell paid him to draw Sheridan | down that hall provoked him and made sure a weapon | was there to be used against him.
Lavell is a martyr.
He sacrificed | himself to remove Sheridan.
He was one of us, a clan brother.
We have to protect our own, | Lennier, or what is left? There is nothing left, Ashan.
Lavell threw away his life for nothing | and dishonored our entire people.
What is this? How did you? When Delenn received | Lavell's burial instructions she learned that you and he were | both of the same clan.
Now, saving the honor of your clan is the | one thing that could compel you to lie.
But we knew we couldn't prove it | without help.
You recorded it all.
You bet.
Let's go.
Lock him up until we decide | what to do with him.
Question, ambassador.
Will | the Minbari government contest this? No.
Whatever factions | may have sponsored this will not pursue the matter | with a public confession.
The question is, do we want a | public confession? Captain, what are you talking about? Look what we did to get this.
| You're not gonna use it? I agree.
As your attorney, | I think this is very ill-advised.
So noted.
Lennier, if we reveal this it will disgrace your clan, | won't it? And you.
Ambassador, I'm willing to cut | a deal with you.
I'll turn over all this material if you'll get Ashan to issue a statement | about what he really saw.
None of the background.
| Leave his clan out of it.
We'll leave Lavell's motives | in the attack one more mystery.
And around here, | who'll notice one more? Feeling better, are we? I don't know.
I can't seem | to count past 14.
Your first hangover.
Enjoy it.
| I remember my first hangover.
That's not true.
| If I remembered it it wouldn't be a real hangover.
May I ask you a question? Anything, anything.
| Just don't do that again.
How quickly can you pack? Your replacement arrived | a few hours ago.
Just in time, I might add.
I see.
Where are you going? To my quarters to pack.
Why is it that you can never | follow instructions? Start with this stuff first.
This is yours.
Good, Vir, you're sobering up.
I can see the synapses beginning | to fire behind your eyes.
A frightening sight, I might add.
I informed Homeworld that | if you were leaving then I was leaving with you.
- What? | - Yes.
I gave them an extensive report | of your work here to date.
I told them that you were | absolutely invaluable to me.
That in all my years of service I have never had a more skilled | or capable assistant.
I'm told your family was | quite astonished.
I spoke to your uncle personally.
You spoke to my uncle? Yes, Vir.
By the time | I finished with him he was ready | to nominate you for godhood.
I was quite magnificent, actually.
| You should have seen it.
Would have, had you been conscious | at the time.
I imagine they'll be talking about | it for some time.
Vir, I have perhaps not treated | you as well as I should have.
I cannot change the past, | but the present, yes.
Vir, stay.
If you go, as a matter of honor, | I will have to go with you.
And if I am forced to leave this place with all its marvelous opportunities I will have to kill you.
| What are friends for? Londo.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Oh, by the way, when I was speaking | with your uncle I invited your entire family to come | and stay with you for a month.
I knew you wouldn't mind.
I do.
No! A whole month.
Commander, how goes | the Babylon 5 store? Most interesting.
I was thinking this might | work out after all.
We could use the extra money | to defray operating expenses.
What is that? Take a look.
"Bab-Bearlon 5.
" - He's a cutie, isn't he? | - Yeah.
"? John Sheridan.
- This is supposed to be me? | - Yeah.
I want it off my station.
| I want them all off my station.
I want the whole store yanked out, boxed | up and shipped out by 0800 tomorrow.
- Is that clear? | - I'll get right on it.
Babylon Control to Zeta One.
| Any trace of that unidentified object? Negative, Babylon Control.
| I don't see a Zeta One, have you encountered | unidentified object? Can you describe it? Negative, Babylon Control.
| I don't think so.
Not on a bet.
| Heading back to the barn.

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