Di4ri (2022) s02e14 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 14

[pop song in Italian playing]
[cheering and laughter]
[all] Ooh
[song fades]
- [Giulio] We made it!
- [Livia] Go, go, go!
- [Pietro] Let's go!
- [Giulio] Let's get off here!
- [Bianca] Okay! Thank you!
- Finally!
- Watch your feet.
- Thank you.
- [Monica] See you on the way back.
- [Pietro] Bye, thank you.
[Bianca] Thanks!
- All right Oh!
- [Silverio] Whew!
- The water's cold!
- Wait a minute!
- [Livia] Okay, I'm coming!
- [Bianca] Thank you!
- [Giulio] Come on, guys.
- [Isabel] Giulio
- [Michele] Are we down a frisbee?
- [Pietro] Thank you!
- See you!
- [all] Bye! Thank you!
Guys, what a great idea I had, huh?
And thanks to Livia,
who got us all convinced!
Our great journey has begun!
The guys in 3D are making their trip! ♪
[all] The guys in 3D
Are making their trip! ♪
The guys in 3D are making their trip!
The guys in 3D are making their trip! ♪
- [cheering and laughing]
- [Pietro] Yeah!
[theme music playing]
Ooh, oh, oh ♪
[in Italian]
Colorful graffiti among broken glasses ♪
And running uphill
But drying our eyes ♪
You said it's over
And now my life is dark ♪
It's mid-July
But winter's dampened all my spark ♪
Pick me up
And take me back to the beach ♪
Our sandcastle we shall reach ♪
Of laughter and caresses
Do you remember me? ♪
Come on
A relationship like this can't end ♪
We wrote about it
In our diaries, oh, oh ♪
We even shouted it out to the sky
Oh, oh ♪
I draw a pastel-colored heart ♪
And we go back inside our sandcastle ♪
[Isabel] Careful.
But why didn't we do this trip
much sooner?
- [Isabel] My turn!
- You've changed.
- It isn't a criticism. It's a good thing.
- [Silverio] Nice catch.
Monica, you are so bad!
- [Giulio] Sorry.
- Hey.
- [Michele] Shall I give you some lessons?
- Pietro, we have to come back every year.
- Let's make the Pact of Pantarosa!
- [laughs]
Look, Pac,
if there's something I'm sure of by now,
- it's that I don't do pacts or bets.
- [Monica] You are so bad!
- You're right.
- [Michele] Sorry!
- [Silverio] Sorry!
- [chuckles]
[Silverio] It's too low!
- [Michele] Pass it!
- So you've changed too, huh?
[emotional music playing]
- [laughs]
- [Michele] Beautiful.
No way
[pop music playing]
- They're full of surprises, our class.
- Yes, it's true.
[Mirko] Actually, I'm sorry
you came only this year.
Yeah, me too.
And about what happened
I'm so sorry too.
No problem. Besides, you shouldn't
feel remorse. It was super nice.
Also, you can see you and Dani
are very much in love.
[gentle music playing]
- [Michele] I'm wearing the Frisbee!
- [Isabel] Hey!
- Hey!
- [Silverio] Let's go for a swim!
Come on!
[Isabel] Come play with us?
- Please!
- [grumbles] Okay, fine.
- [grunts]
- [Isabel chuckles]
Well, it's whatever.
But but what?
There's actually something
that bothers me.
We never sang together
in front of an audience. [laughs]
- [Daniele] Why not now?
- Well No, I
- No?
- It's your moment, right?
You can do it.
[Isabel] What a catch!
[Bianca, in Italian] I'd like
To tell you this isn't the end ♪
But the start of a trip
And we'll never disembark ♪
Nothing remains the same
Except the best of folk ♪
It's an onboard diary of the heart ♪
In which we promise
To never leave each other in the dark ♪
Like drops in the ocean ♪
We are the same ocean, us ♪
This isn't, this isn't the end, no ♪
You know why? ♪
We are the same ocean
The same ocean, us ♪
This isn't, this isn't the end, no ♪
You know why? ♪
We are the same ocean
The same ocean, us ♪
- Nice!
- Amazing!
- [Giulio] Bravo!
- Thank you, guys.
- [Arianna] How cool!
- [Monica] So good!
- That was awesome!
- [Arianna] You're the best.
- So great.
- Now it's in my head, it really sticks.
- [Silverio] Yeah, it's true.
- Yeah. Especially the end!
- Yeah, it's amazing!
- I love it, guys.
[all laughing]
Hey, guys,
why don't we go to the viewpoint?
- Giulio, it's very far.
- No, just half an hour.
- Actually, we can go through the woods.
- Yeah.
- [Mirko] That's right.
- I'm in.
- Sounds awesome.
- Yeah?
- Let's go?
- Yes, come on!
- Guys, come on!
- Whoo!
- [cheering]
- There's a stunning view up there.
- Let's go!
- [laughter]
[upbeat electronic music playing]
Pretty. Put it behind your ear,
why don't you try?
- [Michele] The ladder, are you serious?
- Like this?
- [Bianca] How cute!
- [Arianna] See, it's nice.
- It is?
- [Bianca] Yes!
I'm feeling like I'm back to last year,
at the old school.
- [gentle music playing]
- During our occupation.
And Livia stirred up everyone.
Yes, in that aspect,
she hasn't changed very much.
I still feel like the same Pac.
But she just became more interesting.
In which sense?
[sighs] I don't know how to explain it.
Now she's unpredictable.
[Isabel] Can I have the hoodie?
[Pietro] Yes, here.
- Here.
- [Isabel] Thank you.
- [Pietro] Do you know what I'm saying?
- But, Pietro, you're with Isa.
Giulio, how much further?
No, we're almost there.
- Are those the famous poop-plants there?
- Yeah. [chuckles]
We should pick them up,
and make your grandpa's concoction,
and sell it
when we skip classes next year.
- Nice!
- [laughter]
Mon, listen.
You'll love it so much, I'm sure.
[Pietro] She has a boyfriend.
No, had a boyfriend.
Manuel took it okay
that you left him for Giulio?
Well, super,
since he doesn't know anything.
You didn't tell him yet? You have doubts?
[Monica] No, it's just
I couldn't tell him just like that,
on the phone.
Well, It would be worse by text.
- [phone chimes]
- Right.
- [chiming repeatedly]
- Wait a minute. I got signal.
Eight messages from my mom.
She thinks I'm at the library.
I don't have the courage to read.
But you may be able to message Manuel.
Mon, I believe that
if you have something with Giulio,
you should tell Manuel.
Isa, you're sounding weird. What's wrong?
No, it's just
that Livia's still into Pietro.
And I don't know.
I'm feeling something is wrong.
No! You guys are just perfect.
It's true that not knowing
sometimes is best.
- [Livia] Careful!
- [Arianna] Almost there.
- [Giulio] Careful.
- [Michele] It's full of nettles.
- [Monica] Watch out for that slope.
- Giulio, this is taking long.
Guys, we're almost there, huh?
Here is the viewpoint
and our grandparents' house.
[Silverio] Watch out for that tree.
[thunder rumbles]
Guys, did you hear that?
- [Livia] What was that?
- Was that thunder?
- [Giulio] But there aren't any clouds!
- [Monica] But weather here changes fast.
- Let's go back right now, guys.
- [Livia] No, why now?
- Let's keep moving.
- [Arianna] We're almost there.
- [Michele] Hey!
- Did you bring an umbrella?
- [Isabel] Are you kidding, Silverio?
- [Arianna] He must be joking.
Uh No, I'm not.
- I always bring it with me.
- But the sky's all blue!
- [Michele] Very
- [Arianna] He always
- [Bianca] Let's keep going.
- [Monica] Hurry up!
- [thunder rumbling]
- [group gasping]
- [Monica] Ooh!
- [Bianca] Ah!
- [Monica] Please, I'm getting Hurry!
- [Pietro] Come on.
- I got it!
- [Monica] Come on! Ah!
- [Michele] Oh my gosh, my hair!
- [Pietro] I'm getting wet!
- [Bianca chuckles]
- [Arianna] Go, go, go!
- Get in!
- [Silverio] I'm so cold!
[groans] I told you!
Let's call the taxi boat, right now.
- [Monica] There's no signal.
- [Isabel] What do you mean?
- [Monica] There's no reception.
- Near the window, there should be signal.
Yeah, go by the window.
[Monica] Here.
- [thunder rumbling]
- [line ringing]
- [man] Hello?
- Is this the boat?
- Yes.
- Yes, hi.
We're the kids
you brought to Pantarosa before.
Uh, we wanted to come back.
I'm sorry, but due to bad weather,
all boats have been docked.
[Monica] What? All of them?
Yes, miss, all of them.
But tomorrow, we have an exam!
I apologize, but the weather suddenly
changed and the port has been closed.
- [Monica] Okay, goodbye.
- Bye.
- [Isabel] What did he say?
- All the boats have to stay in the port.
Until the storm is over,
everything is canceled.
- [Arianna] Really?
- What do we do?
- Uh We'll all fail, guys.
- Well.
- Great job!
- [Arianna] This isn't real.
- She's right.
- We don't even know when the storm'll end.
- We'd better call our families.
- Hey, no way I'm calling my dad.
Me neither. I've messed up
too much this year. I'm not calling them.
Neither am I. It's better that
one family speaks with the others.
We need someone empathetic.
We can call my mom Emma.
But it's better if she hears what's
going on from someone on her team.
[all] Yes, you!
All right.
[tense music playing]
[Silverio] There was signal there.
[ringing tone]
- [Emma] Hello?
- [Pietro] Hi, Coach.
Hi, this is Pietro.
I'm with Bianca and the others.
Pietro, we've been trying to call you
for two hours!
Where are you? You're
definitely not studying in the library!
They've been trying to find us.
They discovered we're not in the library.
- [all groan]
- [Monica] Oh my gosh.
[Emma] Did something happen?
Is everyone okay?
- No, we're fine, yeah.
- [sighs] Where are you? Can I know?
Where are we?
- Where are we?
- [all] Uh
- I have no idea.
- We are We got stuck in the rain,
but in Pantarosa.
You're in Pantarosa? Have you gone crazy?
How can you even think
of doing such a thing?
- You are all grounded.
- That's fine.
- Are you taking shelter, at least?
- Yes, we're at Giulio's grandparents'.
We don't know when the storm will end.
We'll pick you up as soon as possible.
Tomorrow, you have the exam.
And don't move until we tell you.
- Bye.
- Thanks. Bye.
Well, then?
[sighs] Nothing,
besides the fact that probably,
- we're grounded for the rest of our lives.
- [all groan]
But they're gonna come get us
as soon as possible.
They don't know when.
- [Isabel] Great.
- [Arianna] I can't believe it.
- [Bianca] Me neither.
- Perfect.
At this point, we should get
ready to spend the whole night here.
- [Mirko] Guys, please.
- [Daniele] Where do we sleep?
In the living room. Someone on the couch,
maybe on the floor.
Uncomfortable, but it'll be fun.
Kind of like camping.
- [Bianca] Right.
- Let's get some
I don't know, some warm blankets
from the closets.
- We'll figure something out, come on.
- Yeah.
Who's coming with me?
But why is she staring?
I'll go with you
so I can show you where everything is.
- [Livia] Okay.
- [Silverio] I'll give you a hand.
[Giulio] I'll go for some food.
- [all] Okay.
- [Michele] I'll grab this.
[Daniele] Put it here.
[pensive music playing]
Mon, come with me.
[Daniele] This goes Oh.
[Arianna] Can you handle that?
- [Livia] Guys, here are the blankets.
- [Arianna] Thank goodness.
- [Silverio] Can I have one?
- [Isabel] Comfortable?
- What exactly are we looking for?
- The tuna stash. Right here.
[chuckles] My grandma never trusted
the fishing abilities of the Paccagninis.
[Monica chuckles]
This dinner is gourmet.
[gentle music playing]
It's time to prepare my famous plate
of mushrooms and greens to be served.
Ah! The most important thing.
A bed of crispy bread.
What are you doing?
Did you speak with Manuel?
But you think this is a good moment?
We have more important things
to think about.
Can I sound more stupid right now?
Actually, you should have opened
the restaurant with your father.
- [thunder rumbling]
- I was kidding, Giulio.
- Where did your sense of humor go?
- I left it at home.
Go. Bring these to the others for now.
But why won't she tell Manuel?
- [Giulio] Did you see this?
- [Isabel] It is drinkable.
- [Giulio] I know!
- [Silverio] Yes.
- [Livia] Yeah, this is really good.
- [Isabel] Water in a mug. I'll have some.
- [Livia] Can I have one?
- [Daniele] Did you want one?
- I opened these. Do you want one?
- [Arianna] This is for me.
- [Daniele] Go on.
- [Bianca] Smells great.
- Oops!
- [quiet conversation]
[thunder crashing]
[electrical buzz]
- [Daniele] What?
- [Isabel] Oh no, guys!
- [Daniele] What happened?
- [Giulio] Guys?
- [Isabel] I have the flashlight.
- [Silverio] Here?
- Guys, calm down.
- [Daniele] What happened?
- [Giulio] The power went off.
- [Isabel] Oh, really? We didn't notice.
I think there are a couple of candles
in the shed outside.
- My turn. I'll go get them.
- [Monica] Alone?
- Sure.
- [Silverio] You shouldn't.
- [Monica] With this storm?
- Do you know where it is?
- Yeah, I know.
- Will you come with me?
Come on.
Be careful, there's a storm! It's pouring!
- [Arianna] I would
- [Daniele] Don't do anything silly.
[Bianca] Candles would help.
- [Daniele] Be careful.
- [Silverio] That's insane.
- [Michele] They'll be fine.
- [Arianna] Calm down.
Close the door, close the door!
Water's coming in!
[thunder rumbling]
[emotional music playing]
There's a ton of stuff. Ow!
- Nothing. The lights won't work.
- The power's out, you know.
- Well, I took a stab at it.
- [both chuckle]
My phone is almost dead.
It'll turn off soon.
Mine is at one percent.
Perfect, lost in a dark cabin.
- Oh, are you afraid of the dark?
- Stop!
- You blinded me!
- [laughs]
I see nothing.
Look! Here they are!
[Livia] My phone's dead.
- You think these are enough?
- [Pietro] Yeah.
My phone too.
[thunder rumbling]
By the way,
I'm not afraid of the dark.
I'm afraid of being in it now.
It's the same, right?
I mean with you.
[emotional music playing]
It feels a bit strange.
To me too.
You know it's not easy to just be friends.
It didn't work out between us.
But are we sure?
Uh, no.
[thunder crashes]
[group cheering inside]
[Daniele] That's so much better.
I would take them anyway.
- You never know.
- Yes.
- That was pretty
- Yeah, it was so scary.
You're right, it was scary!
[Livia] We brought them just in case.
- [Silverio] Good idea.
- [Arianna] Thanks.
[thunder rumbling]
Something's going on between them.
I know.
I see it in their eyes.
- [Michele] Where's she going?
- [all] Isa?
- [Giulio] Where are you going?
- [Monica] Wait for me.
- [Bianca] The weather is crazy outside!
- [door slams]
[emotional music playing]
[thunder crashes]
Pietro! Go see what happened!
- [Daniele] What was that about?
- [Monica] I don't know.
- Isa!
- [Isabel crying]
- [Pietro sighs]
- [sobbing]
Will you tell me the truth?
You both kissed?
- No.
- [thunder crashes]
You didn't, but you wanted to
You gotta leave.
Leave me alone.
I'm so sorry.
- Isabel!
- [Michele] What happened?
Open the door. It's me!
- [sighs]
- [Isabel sobs]
[door closes]
I didn't want things to end like this.
[Pietro sighs]
[phone vibrates]
[Giulio] Thanks.
[instrumental version
of theme song playing]
[music fades]
[thunder rumbling]
[in Italian] Night before the exams ♪
Night of police ♪
Someone certainly got you carried away ♪
Night of moms and dads
With a bottle in their hands ♪
Night of grandmothers at the window ♪
But the night is still ours ♪
[thunder rumbling]
Night of young actors ♪
Of cold pizzas and calzones ♪
[all join in] Night of dreams ♪
Of trophies and champions ♪
Night of tears and prayers ♪
Mathematics will never be my expertise ♪
And the planes fly high
Between New York and Moscow ♪
But the night is still ours ♪
Certainly a bit different ♪
But with the desire to change ♪
If love is love ♪
If love is love ♪
If love is love ♪
If love is love ♪
[gentle music playing]
Isa, I really tried.
But my feelings were stronger than me.
You hate me, right?
Yeah, just a bit.
My apologies.
It had to be like this from the start.
You're made for each other.
It hurts so much.
So much pain.
Go to him.
He's outside.
Go, before we wake up the others.
[emotional music playing]
[birds calling]
It was a beautiful adventure,
It's sad it ended like this.
Well, it wasn't over.
I missed him so much.
[music fades]
[upbeat music playing]
It all begins tomorrow.
Let's see what's in the cards.
I can't wait to find out.
I can't wait either.
[song in Italian playing]
The 1960s are regarded as the decade
of great expansion of the economy.
The boom!
The economic boom, right?
Well, yes, I knew about it.
I'm pretty sure that the
No, wait, please The Sorry.
- [class laugh softly]
- So anxious!
[laughing loudly]
Long live sincerity.
[pop music playing]
Uh Can you repeat the question?
[joyful pop song in Italian playing]
[in Italian] I'd like to tell you
This isn't the end ♪
But the start of a trip
And we'll never disembark ♪
Nothing stays the same ♪
Except the best of folk ♪
It's an onboard diary of the heart ♪
In which we promise
To never leave each other in the dark ♪
Like drops in the ocean ♪
We are the same ocean, us ♪
This isn't, this isn't the end, no ♪
No, it's not ♪
We are the same ocean
The same ocean, us ♪
This isn't, this isn't the end, no ♪
You know why? ♪
We are the same ocean
The same ocean, us ♪
This isn't, this isn't the end, no ♪
No, it's not ♪
We are the same ocean
The same ocean, us ♪
This isn't, this isn't the end, no ♪
You know why? ♪
We are the same ocean
The same ocean, us ♪
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