Punky Brewster (1984) s02e14 Episode Script

Urban Fear

Maybe the world is blind.
Or just a little unkind.
Don't know.
Seems you can't be sure of anything anymore.
Although you may be lonely and then one day you're smiling again.
Every time I turn around, I see the girl who turns my world around standing there.
Every time I turn around, her spirit's lifting me right off the ground.
What's gonna be? Guess we'll just wait and see.
-I don't know why they call this game Kiddie IQ.
Questions are very difficult.
- This is an easy one.
Name Big Bird's best friend.
-Kermit the frog.
- Wrong again.
-Sorry, Henry.
It's Mr.
-Let me see that.
No adult would know this! -Henry, can I turn on the news? -Betty, name Big Bird's best friend.
-Lucky guess.
-Henry, he struck again.
-Who? -The North Side Stalker.
-A wave of panic engulfs Chicago as the Stalker continues his killing spree.
This is the North Side apartment building of James R.
Hinman, victim number seven.
-Punky, you and Cherie go into your room and play.
-But Henry! -Go.
This is not appropriate TV viewing for children.
-But Henry, you let me watch old war movies with you.
-That's make believe.
This is real.
-World War II is make believe? -Go! -The police have released this composite drawing of the Stalker based on eyewitness descriptions.
-Why, he looks just like David Letterman! -Anyone fitting the description of the killer should be reported immediately to your local police department.
Speaking of killers, Wally.
How about that killer snowstorm headed our way? -Can you believe it, Henry? Right in our neighborhood.
This Stalker thing scares me to death.
- Betty.
The media is blowing this thing up out of all proportion.
The stations are oversensationalizing it to get us to watch their news.
-Well, I haven't slept a wink in the last three nights.
And every little noise makes me jumpy.
If you ask me, you're overreacting.
-Henry, what is this world coming to when you can't even feel safe in your own home? -Well, I'll give you that much.
-Why don't you put an alarm system in this building? - I have a theory about alarms.
It's like putting up a sign saying, hey burglars, lots of good stuff to steal in here! -Well, the least you could do is get us some new locks.
-The locks in this building are perfectly adequate.
-How would you know? You never use them! I walked right in here through your unlocked door.
I could have been a mass murderer.
-Well, you do have the mass part.
-We've got to be real careful, 'cause this guy is crazy! He doesn't just break in to steal your TV or your stereo.
He comes in to kill you dead! -Keep your voice down.
I don't want the girls to hear.
-Henry, the girls already know about the Stalker.
Everybody in Chicago is running scared.
-Then all the more reason for us to stay calm.
If you keep your head when all around you are losing theirs then you'll, you'll you'll end up taller.
I don't know.
The point is, if we ignore the Stalker, so will the girls.
This Stalker sure looks scary.
He looks like a horrible monster from outer space.
I think he looks like David Letterman.
-Says here he's killed six people already! -You know what Bebe Bahoutsis told me at recess? -What? -Her cousin lives right next door to a lady whose husband is a piano tuner.
-Yeah? -He tuned the piano of victim number four just three months before the Stalker got him.
-Talk about a close shave! -And the worst thing of all? He never got paid.
-You know what's really scary? He can break in to any house! -Yeah.
Even in here.
-Wait a minute! What am I so scared about when I've got the best protection in the whole world? -Who? -Bloodfang.
-Bloodfang? -You know him as Brandon.
But if I or one of my close personal friends are in trouble, he becomes Bloodfang.
-Come on.
That dog's a pussycat.
- Yeah? Watch this.
Bloodfang, assume the attack position.
-I think he assumed the rub my belly position.
Cherie? Get it in gear.
We're going home.
-OK, Grandma! I've gotta go.
- Cherie! Be careful on your way upstairs.
- Don't worry, Punky.
I'll be fine.
Besides, the third floor's a lot safer than the second floor.
-Well Brandon, if you can't protect me, guess I'll have to find a way to protect both of us.
-Who's there? Sic 'em, Bloodfang! -No, Punky! It's me! -Henry, you scared me! -I scared you! -What on earth? --Punky, if this is your idea of a joke, I'm not amused.
-It's no joke, Henry.
It's my security system! -Punky, why do you need a security system? -So I know if he came to get me.
-Who? - The Stalker.
Punky, nobody's gonna come and get you.
I'm here.
-I know.
But Henry, it's-- -You don't have to worry.
He doesn't bother little children.
He's only after grownups.
-Really? Maybe we should let Brandon sleep in your room.
-No thanks.
His snoring would keep me awake.
-You could use my earmuffs.
-That won't be necessary.
The police are gonna catch the Stalker.
-But they haven't caught him yet.
-They will.
There are 300 detectives assigned to this case working day and night.
-No wonder they haven't caught him.
They're too tired.
--They don't all work at the same time.
-Henry, why does the Stalker act like this? Why does he break into houses and kill people? - He can't help himself.
His mind is very sick.
-I bet he's never gonna stop.
He's gonna keep killing, isn't he? -Punky, I want you to stop thinking about him.
-I know.
But how can I? -Erase him from your mind.
-I can't! Must be thinking about him in ink.
-Think about someone nice.
The Stalker is only one bad apple in a big barrel full of good, kind people.
-What about that saying? -What saying? -One bad apple can spoil the whole barrel.
-There's another saying.
I don't want to talk about this anymore.
-I know, but-- -Punky, you must stop worrying and be my brave little girl.
-I don't know if I can.
-You can.
And you will.
OK? -I'll try.
Now close your eyes, go back to sleep.
-Sorry, Henry.
I forgot about my window alarm.
-OK, Steven.
Let's see how you did on the test.
"The hardest fought battle of the Civil War was? 'The Battle of the Network Stars?' The opposing generals in this conflict were? Heather Locklear and Adrian Barbeau.
" -Mike? - Henry! -Am I disturbing you? - No.
I was just correcting some papers.
These kids like to interpret history their own way.
Lori thinks that the American flag was sewn by Gloria Vanderbilt.
-So Mike, give it to me straight.
I can take it.
-Beg your pardon? - It's been my experience that when a parent is called to school, it's either for bad grades or bad behavior.
Which is it for Punky? -Neither.
See, I was worried about her and I thought that I should share my concern with you.
-Sounds serious.
-Might be.
-Punky made this drawing during art period.
-Punky drew this? It's so gruesome.
-I know.
Usually a drawing like this means that a child is troubled.
-It's this Stalker business.
It's really bothering her.
I told her to put it out of her mind and to be brave about it.
And why are you shaking your head? -Henry, won't work.
Punky's afraid.
Her fear won't go away by ignoring it.
Look Henry, I'm no psychologist.
But from the looks of this drawing, I would say that Punky's more afraid for you than for herself.
-For me? Of course! We talked about the Stalker and I told her he only attacked adults.
And now I guess she thinks he's after me.
Maybe I should stay home with her and not go to work for a few days.
And why are you shaking your head again? -That won't work either.
-Why? -Because she would only be giving in to her fears.
-What should I do? -Look Henry, why don't you talk to her? Reassure her.
Tell her that it's natural to feel afraid.
But she shouldn't let her fear rule her life.
Or yours.
-Makes sense.
I'll give it a try.
Thanks, Mike.
-Aw, forget it.
-You know Mike, my ignoring the Starker was a way of dealing with my own fears.
Way down deep, I guess I'm afraid of the creep.
-I know it's hard to believe coming from a macho guy like me.
--Hey, I hear you, Henry.
It's gotten to me too.
Of course, I'm not nearly as macho as you.
Timmy forgot his lunch.
Lassie, here, here girl.
Take this lunch pail to school.
You just go straight on Elm, take a left on Fairview, go down four blocks and hang a right.
You can't miss it.
Aw, there's a girl.
- Brandon, let's watch "The Brady Bunch.
" It's the one where Marcia gets a zit on prom night.
All right.
We'll watch "Lassie.
" Again.
-Punky, dinner! Coming, Henry.
-Henry, I didn't know you could juggle.
-Neither did I.
-Why are we eating so early? -Because I have to go to work.
-At night? -Yes.
I have a layout that has to be done by tomorrow morning.
-But Henry, you can't lay out at night by yourself! -Punky, this is not the first time I've had to go to work at night.
-It's the first time since the Stalker.
Let me go with you.
You're staying here.
Johnson's coming down to babysit.
-Henry, please don't go! -Punky, listen to me.
I'll be perfectly fine.
OK? OK? -I guess.
-I guess.
-That's my girl.
Now let's eat.
-What's wrong? -All of a sudden, I don't feel so good.
My stomach's pounding, my head's scratching, and my throat's upset.
-Really? My, my! You don't feel warm to me.
-That's on the outside.
Inside I'm the towering inhervo.
Sounds serious.
I'll get the thermometer.
Now let's see if you have a temperature.
- Henry! While you were gone, I broke out into a rash.
Usually when a rash smears, it isn't too serious.
- Good.
-Now let's see if you have a fever.
And just in case, I'll get you some children's aspirin.
Now let's see.
Where are they? Usually behind my Ex-Lax.
Here they are.
Let me see that.
108! -Is that high? -Not if you're a radiator.
- You better give me some of this medicine quick, Henry.
-I should give it to the potato.
-Why? -Because it would go with the sour cream that's on the thermometer.
Punky, you're really pretending to be sick so I won't go to work, aren't you? -No, no! I'm really sick! -Henry! Look at my throat! It hurts.
I bet it's all red.
And so are your teeth.
- No, it's spreading! -Punky, Mrs.
Johnson will be down here any minute.
And I have to go.
You know, Lassie, I do believe these are the best muffins you and I have ever baked.
-And now this special update.
The North Side Stalker has claimed victim number eight.
More details on our nightly news at 10:00.
And Dr.
Bud will conclude his hard hitting series, "Dress Shields, Protection or Peril?" -Henry, you can't go now! -Well, the sooner I go, the sooner I get back.
I don't want to miss Dr.
Bud's dress shield expose.
-Henry, I'm serious! The Stalker's out there! He'll get you! -Come, Punky.
Sit next to me.
I think it's time you and I had a little talk.
-About what? -Fear.
Everyone in this city is afraid because of the Stalker.
People are locking their doors and their windows and being more concerned about their safety.
That's healthy fear.
-So it's good if you're afraid.
-Up to a point.
If you're so scared that you won't go out of the house or you spend all your time worrying, that's an unhealthy fear.
-I don't care! I still don't want you to go! -Why not? -Because you'll never come back! -How do you know that? -That's what always happens.
My father left and never came back.
Then my mom left and she never came back either.
I've lost so many people in my life.
And you're the one I love the best.
I couldn't stand it if I lost you.
-You know, I worry about losing you too.
-You do? -Every time you cross the street, I want to be with you to make sure you're safe.
But I realize I can't be with you all the time.
I have to trust you to be very careful when you cross the street.
-I am.
I always look both ways.
-I know you do.
That's why you always come back safe and sound.
And you, Punky, have to trust me to be very careful when I go out tonight so I can come back to you safe and sound.
Is it a deal? -Promise you'll be extra careful? -I'll be extra, extra careful.
Don't worry.
I'm a tough old bird.
You're not gonna lose me.
-Cross your heart? -Cross my heart and hope to-- I'll just cross my heart.
-Hi, Betty.
-Well, how could you open the door without asking who is it? -Who is it? Very funny, Henry.
Open the door.
Goodbye, Punky.
I won't be long.
-OK, Henry.
Bye! -Henry, you want to borrow my mace? -That won't be necessary.
-Well, you take good care of yourself out there.
-Don't worry, he will.
He's a tough old bird.

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