Taxi Driver (2021) s02e14 Episode Script

Ha Joon's Defeat

(All characters, organizations,
and places are fictional.)
(Some scenes
of a criminal nature)
(could make you feel uncomfortable.)
(Episode 14)
It's been a long journey.
I went on the pilgrimage
because I wanted to.
Let me get that for you.
- I'll tell them to draw you a bath.
- Later.
Now that I finished
my pilgrimage safely,
Mass ought to be held.
Seeing how you lost some weight,
must have been troubling you.
It's nothing.
I'm sorry.
I was stuck in a traffic jam.
(Jangsan Penitentiary)
Walk to the entrance.
Mr. Kim. You need to wake up.
Please, Mr. Kim!
You're awake.
How long was I out for?
A whole day.
Do you remember what happened?
I have a few after-images,
but I don't remember what happened.
You really don't remember?
Then you won't know
how heroic we were.
Do you know what a dreadful driver
Kyung Gu was?
You were like
the people in the video.
Do you really not remember
what they did to you?
If that's too hard,
go back to what you last remember.
The last memory?
You start from there.
My last memory is
You're a friend of Victor's?
When did you last see him?
Not since I completed the delivery.
There's a lot you don't know.
Have another drink
and give me the empty glass.
You must know this.
If you want this, buy me a beer.
What did you give me?
It's warming you up, isn't it?
What did you
give me?
It's fine.
I found this.
Isn't that the pen recorder?
- The recorder from the reporter.
- Yes.
It's the pen recorder
Reporter Kim gave to Detective Choi.
No way. How did you find that?
Come on. Tell us.
How did you manage to find that
when you were drugged?
(Taxi Driver 2)
What? How did you find that?
You were right.
Is it recording?
- What's this?
- A pen recorder.
I need at least a recording
if I'm to negotiate a deadline.
How do I work this?
- Press it here?
- You don't get it?
All right. If it's too complicated,
keep it pressed like this.
Just keep it with you.
Once it's turned on,
it can record for hundreds of hours.
Gosh. This looks like a real pen.
(Black Sun)
I'm from the police.
- Gosh. You drank a lot.
- Right.
- Hold on.
- What?
Come here.
- Gosh.
- Hey, sweetie.
- Didn't I sound just like them?
- Yes.
- I sounded just like them.
- Hey, get his car now.
Yes, sir.
Come on.
Come on. Increase my fee.
You guys always pay me the same.
Tomorrow is an important day.
Don't drink more. Go to sleep.
I got it. Salute.
- Drive him home.
- Yes, sir.
- We should go.
- Seriously. Money, these days.
(Club Black Sun)
(The day of
Detective Choi Seong Eun's death)
(Jeongsam Police Station, 2 p.m.)
Detective Choi, I switched you
with Senior Officer Jo.
You're done for the day. Go home.
No. I'm good.
Just thank him and go home.
He wants to do you a solid.
Right. You should go home early
and win some brownie points
with your wife.
- Let's go and finish this fast.
- Yes, sir.
- Stay here.
- Bye.
(Collection and incineration
of psychotropic drugs)
I staked out the place
for a few days after I got the tip.
- I sense something.
- Use your common sense.
Why would a club that makes
millions a month need to sell drugs?
That's why I'm here,
to ask you to find out.
(Storage for confiscated items,
Seoul Customs, 3 p.m.)
(Back gate of Club Black Sun, 10 p.m.)
- Gosh.
- Here.
(To be incinerated)
- All right. Let's go in.
- Okay.
- Gosh, good work.
- Hey.
Come here.
(Black Sun)
- Hello?
- Yong Min.
You were right.
I just don't know what to do.
What is it? What's up?
Where are you? I'll come over.
No, don't.
I'll come to you.
You're the only one
I can trust right now.
Let me check one more thing.
What is this?
- Detective Choi.
- Don't move!
Seong Eun.
How could you guys do this?
Hey, calm down. Let's talk.
Put that gun down. Darn it.
How could police officers do this?
We of all people
can't be doing this!
- Hey.
- Seong Eun.
You probably don't know this yet
since you just got married.
You're going to need a lot of money
now that you're married.
Shut your mouth.
Hey, look the other way
and think of it
as having a high-paying job.
You can't ask
for a better job than this.
- Gosh. How will you fix this?
- Okay.
Okay. I'll handle it accordingly.
Get off him.
Hey, Seong Eun. This is too bad.
Don't say my name.
You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
You see, I don't want anything
to happen to you, Seong Eun.
But the higher-ups
don't seem to agree.
Don't say my name, you jerk!
- Hey.
- Seong Eun! Hey!
Hey. You should have known better
than to act like a hero.
This is all pointless.
You must think
getting rid of me will end this.
- Hey, clean up the mess.
- Yes, sir.
Gosh. That jerk.
Why did you throw things here?
Even if I'm gone,
he will never give up.
He will make sure
you guys pay for what you did.
There's a guy.
A guy who hates exercising.
- Grab him.
- Yes, sir.
Get up, you jerk.
Don't move.
Don't move.
Rinse your mouth.
(Black Sun)
(Black Sun)
(Black Sun)
(Black Sun)
No. Seong Eun.
Seong Eun.
Seong Eun, what are you doing here?
Seong Eun!
Please leave.
Even after murdering Seong Eun
like that,
I bet these guys are still
having an easy life, right?
Without feeling an ounce of guilt
or feeling sorry for what they did.
Do you like to exercise?
There's a guy.
A guy who hates exercising.
The last thing
Detective Choi said
might have been a message,
intended for you.
I'm sure there must be
another meaning behind this message.
Something only you can figure out.
Think carefully.
I finally feel my fatigue going away
now that I'm home.
Thank you for working so hard
while I was gone.
So a nasty man has been causing
a lot of trouble for our people.
It's been taken care of now.
Congratulations on getting nominated
to be the police commissioner.
You will have a lot on your plate
pretty soon, Commissioner Park.
Are there any changes
in our schedule?
No, sir. No changes.
Tell Madam Yang that
I will personally visit her
once I had some time to rest.
As you know, I formed
such precious bonds
during my pilgrimage.
My new acquaintances are to come
on the scheduled dates.
Please prepare thoroughly.
I will.
And if there's anything
Manager On needs,
please make that happen for him.
Yes, Your Excellency.
He's made it clear that
Manager On is next in line
with me in the room.
There's a guy.
A guy who hates exercising.
There's a guy.
A guy who hates exercising.
It might have been a message,
intended for you.
I'm sure there must be
another meaning behind this message.
Something only you can figure out.
Why would I join that gym?
Go work out alone.
Take a look.
The opening promotion says
one of us can get it for free.
This is a great time to sign up.
Why not?
Besides, you need to work out now.
- You're too skinny for a guy.
- Come on.
It's on me.
Forget it. The thing I hate the most
in the world is exercising.
Hey. Besides, I should be sleeping
when I have time for this.
I'm so sleep-deprived.
- Gosh. I'm leaving.
- Hey.
I got you a locker under your name.
You must work out at the gym. Okay?
Not okay. Why are you nagging me?
- Come to the gym.
- Never.
Come to the gym.
I got you a locker under your name.
You must work out at the gym. Okay?
This way.
(Angel Fitness)
This is the locker.
Actually, the contract
for the locker was ending soon.
So I was going to call you.
(Kim Yong Min)
To Yong Min who hates exercising.
Gosh, if you're reading this,
you must be here to work out.
- You're too skinny for a guy.
- Come on.
Why are you nagging me?
- Bye.
- Come to the gym.
Look at you, finally coming around.
We should have caught
these bad guys together.
(Black Sun)
I'll leave you a present
just in case.
But I'm sure you can get them
even if I'm not with you.
(Jeongsam Police Station,
Sergeant Jang Jin Ho)
You hate exercising.
But you love the truth
rather too excessively.
Yong Min,
even if I'm not there with you,
make sure these criminals
who wrong other people
are punished properly.
Make sure
to bring them to justice.
He made copies of all the files
and put them in my locker.
Did Seong Eun
know that he might not come
out of this alive?
Detective Choi probably
didn't want to give up
just like you.
I promised
Seong Eun
I would bring those criminals
to justice.
(Files on Black Sun)
(Disposal Log of Confiscated Drugs)
Detective Choi,
I switched you
with Senior Officer Jo.
- Stay here.
- Bye.
(Storage for confiscated items,
Seoul Customs, 4 p.m.)
- Hello.
- Hello.
I'll take over the confiscated drugs
to dispose them.
(Disposal Log of Confiscated Drugs)
Come on in.
(Storage for confiscated items)
I'll start filming now.
I'm taking over 21.542kg of drugs.
I'm writing it down for 21.542kg.
(Disposal Log of Confiscated Drugs)
(To be incinerated)
I just confirmed it's 21.542kg.
(Special Seal,
Signature: Jang Jin Ho)
(Special Seal)
Please do a good job.
(Incineration plant for confiscated
items at Seoul Customs, 6 p.m.)
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Shall we?
- Sure. It's this way.
We will now weigh the evidence.
(To be incinerated)
Hold on.
(Storage of Confiscated Drugs)
- It's off by a gram.
- That's odd.
Hold on. Could it be this?
A corner of it must've fallen off
when it was taken out.
That's 21.542kg. Confirmed.
(To be incinerated)
We will now proceed
with the incineration.
(To be incinerated)
Go in there yourself, why don't you?
Okay. Good job, everyone.
- Good job.
- Good job.
- Are we good here?
- Sure.
Shall we?
(Back entrance
of the incineration plant, 8 p.m.)
All right.
Whoever invented flame retardants
should win a Nobel Prize.
It made our lives easier.
(To be incinerated)
(To be incinerated)
Let's go in.
(10pm, Back entrance at Black Sun)
(Storage and Transfer
of Confiscated Drugs)
They've been reselling the drugs
that should've been incinerated
at Black Sun.
The drug that they
circulate at the club
was gamma-hydroxybutyric acid
which is GHB in short.
When consumed with alcohol,
one behaves in the same way
as a dementia patient would.
A dementia patient?
They might seem lucid to others,
but they have no control
over their actions,
nor do they remember them.
They become wired to only perform
simple commands.
Walk to the end of the hallway.
Get out and cross the road
with a smile.
Overseas, the use of GHB
is already a serious social issue.
It turns people into zombies
who are then victimized
which is why it's commonly known
as a rape drug.
Most drugs are consumed
for personal entertainment.
It's why quality matters
despite it being illegal.
But it's the other way around
for this certain drug
because it's used to violate others,
not pleasure oneself.
That's right.
That's why no one cares
about the side effects
or the negative impact
it can have on one's body.
It makes the drug
even more dangerous.
It launders money for those
who wish to evade tax.
It's an amusement park for druggies
who wish to be wild.
And for the authorities
who cover up
the crimes and parties
that occur at this club,
this place serves as an ATM.
In the heart of a city
bustling with people,
a blind spot in the law exists.
This is beyond
a simple recreational playground.
(I got drunk even though
I hadn't had my limit.)
(My friend had it worse,
but the cops brought her home.)
(We sent in this tip
hoping it will help.)
(What Goes on at the VIP Room
of Gangnam's Finest Club?)
(After Leaving the Club,
Police Officer Commits Suicide)
(Suicide Victim Turns out
to be a Police Officer)
(Journalist Kim Yong Min,
Detective Choi Seong Eun)
Like Mr. Jang said,
if this is an operation
perfectly designed
to operate outside of the law,
taking the players down individually
won't work.
In one swift move,
we must bring it all down.
(Black Sun)
You have no idea how startled I was.
Who knew that the police
would get my drugs back?
It was shocking to say the least.
How can I repay you for this?
I have heard a lot about you.
Manager On,
why did it take you this long
to introduce me
to this beautiful woman
when she frequents my club?
Goodness. Are you the one
who runs the club?
I thought Manager On was in charge.
The bishop must trust you
as much as he trusts Manager On.
Mr. Hyun Jo can be quite savvy.
Manager On,
you've done a good job so far.
Let me know if you need anything
or if you have a favor to ask.
There's no need to tread lightly.
Are you sure about that?
I had to be careful
as a mere senior superintendent,
but there will be no need for that
once I rise to the top.
I finally know why the bishop
has so much faith
in Manager On.
You provide the world's
safest delivery route.
I'm in love with this.
The first batch has been delivered,
and the second batch
will be delivered on schedule.
Okay. Once the second batch arrives,
our money will be laundered
through your club.
That'll be 5,000
for the Hong Kong operation
and 2,000 for the bishop.
- I'll report the numbers.
- Okay.
Sir, I have an urgent message.
It's okay. Speak.
We had an issue while taking care
of one of our newbie guards.
A newbie guard?
Must I get involved
with such a thing?
That reminds me.
I asked for Number Nine ages ago,
but he still isn't here.
The food is ready to be served.
Should I bring it in?
Bring in Number Nine
along with the food.
The issue involves Number Nine
which is why he isn't here.
Why's that? Did he quit?
Is that the best you can do?
Who is this Number Nine anyway?
Some of the guards
went off the grid,
so we hired one
from the employment agency.
But ever since then,
questionable things
have been happening.
He's also Victor's friend.
Victor's friend?
After he started working here,
we've been having
a number of botched deliveries.
We had to shut the club down once
which kept me from working.
What on earth are you talking about?
Can I see a photo
of this newbie guard?
- Of course.
- Let me see it too.
Here you go.
Yes, that's him. Number Nine.
(Family Relations)
This man
was here at Black Sun?
What the
Yes, sir.
I thought he was dead.
(Family Relations)
Kim Do Ki
was here?
(Rainbow Transport)
- Get searching.
- Search the place!
(Closed for the day)
There are signs saying
they're closed for the day,
and no one is around.
Your Excellency, I must tell you
It's not like you to act hastily.
It might be wiser
to push back the date.
Something has come to my attention,
and we should reschedule
once the matter is resolved.
Ha Jun,
you must be afraid of the evil one.
The operation will commence
as scheduled.
You will greet our guests
who are set to arrive on that day.
Should we face an issue,
it will only prove that
you are not to be trusted
with such responsibilities.
I shouldn't have said anything, sir.
Everything will go as planned.
Do you have things planned out?
Kim, it took you longer than usual.
We should go.
- How much is it?
- That'll be 20 dollars.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
- Kyung Gu.
- Gosh.
- Please come again.
- Sure.
I see you all got here before me.
Of course.
(Black Sun)
Here you go.
What's with all these escorts today?
Beats me.
That's odd.
Manager On,
I think you're overreacting.
This is excessive, if you ask me.
I'd take that
over being dense any day.
is the way to go right now.
(Under Construction)
Darn. What's going on?
The road ahead
is under construction.
Should we detour?
The road ahead
is under construction.
Should we detour?
Clear a path,
so they can stick to the route.
Stick to the route.
I'll clear a path for you.
(Under Construction)
Nothing unusual happened.
We were able to collect the package.
We're on the move.
(To be incinerated)
What did I tell you?
It all went smoothly.
This doesn't seem right.
Even I wouldn't dare to fight
all the precautions we took.
It just means
that you're a formidable opponent.
You can be at ease now.
I'll head in first, then.
Would it kill him
to accept the compliment?
(Black Sun, D-Day)
As you can see,
the club has been closed off
to regular guests today.
Go on in.
- Are you good?
- Thank you very much.
Won't the bishop be joining us?
I was told to say that the place
wasn't suitable for a bishop.
Gosh. It's funny
how he cares about that
when he invited so many guests
that he met on his pilgrimage.
Hey. Cheers.
Hey, there.
Okay, one.
Two, three.
The money in
one of these suitcases
would be enough to change my life.
Having less work
will change your life as well.
Don't you agree?
Shut it and get back to work.
Yes, Boss. Seems like.
Something very suspicious
is going on.
I apologize.
I'm okay.
(The Inauguration of the 38th
Police Commissioner Park Hyun Jo)
(Seoul Metropolitan Police)
Right. Are you all done?
(The Inauguration of the 38th
Police Commissioner Park Hyun Jo)
Why is that? Are you still not done?
Actually, it's
It doesn't seem like
things are sailing smoothly.
Manager On.
Manager On!
Manager On.
This isn't funny, you know.
I do not appreciate
pranks like this.
Why was I given flour
instead of the drugs?
We made the delivery
as soon as the package arrived.
Everyone was waiting,
so we picked up our pace.
Where are my drugs?
What happened?
Why are you asking us?
We're clueless.
That's not an appropriate answer
since you should know
what's going on.
We only did as ordered
and delivered the package.
We couldn't even go
to the bathroom
since we were told
not to stop the vehicle.
Do you not know
how important this deal is?
Does the bishop know about this?
What the
How dare you try
to stab me in the back?
Maybe it was you
who lied about these being drugs.
- What's the matter? Are you okay?
- My head
Jin Ho.
Are you kidding me?
How dare you harm the police?
Jin Ho!
Why you
Kill them all!
Get them!
Jin Ho!
Darn it!
No way.
This can't be.
Kim Do Ki.
The shipment we seized this time
is on a massive scale
of about 200kg,
and according to protocol,
it'll be sent
to authorities to be incinerated.
We arrested
eight members of the gang,
and also are after
those that got away.
We'll fight the war against drugs
even harder,
to ensure our country
remains drug-free.
(Seoul Metropolitan City)
(Entrance to Parking)
Let's go.
Oh, what a mess.
What is it this time?
We took the log
that was meant to be left inside.
- We'll put it back.
- No, wait.
The rules say I must accompany you.
Of course, you must.
- Hey.
- Yes?
- Oh, dear.
- Watch it.
- Watch where you're going.
- Let's go.
- Why did you take the log?
- I know, silly me.
I'm so sorry. What level are you?
- I've been here a long time.
- Have you now?
- I'm done.
- Are you?
You put it back.
My goodness.
Oh? You dropped your key.
Oh, darn me.
There must be a hole in my pocket.
I should get a new pair of pants.
After you.
(Investigation Room 1, 2)
Mission accomplished.
I'm connected too.
(B04, B05)
(Seized Goods)
(Seized Goods)
It takes about five minutes
to update the network.
You must get out before then.
You bet.
This scale won't work.
You must use the one inside.
You said we should bring this.
Put it back already.
- But
- Put it back.
Be quick! Go.
What a fool.
(To be incinerated)
Let's do some swapping.
The cameras are off.
You have four minutes left.
Make sure to keep
the drugs and flour separate.
(To be incinerated)
(To be incinerated)
We have 198.26kg.
Don't worry.
We'll get it right in one go.
Short by one gram.
Over by one gram.
Darn it.
Short by one gram again.
One gram's no big difference.
No, we can't leave.
Mr. Kim said we must make it
exactly 198.26kg.
One gram is enough
to drug 30 people.
There's a reason
they're so serious about the weight.
- We got it.
- It's exactly right.
Let's do this.
Darn it.
The road ahead
is under construction.
Should we detour?
Tell them to go straight ahead.
(Construction Notice)
He will show up. I'm sure of it.
(To be incinerated)
Manager On, it's bad.
How is it all in my office?
(To be incinerated)
I wasn't a poor judge of character.
He's a real interesting guy.
(Black Sun)
I'll see you soon.
I'll kill you myself.
- Don't move!
- Get them all!
- Who are you?
- Freeze!
- Darn you!
- Don't move.
Get him.
(Black Sun)
(Black Sun)
- Shoot.
- Darn you.
Is it true?
Was there sex trafficking?
Do you admit to it?
Is it true?
Aren't we letting them off
too lightly?
Yes. I think
they're getting off too easily.
Yes, you could think so.
But taking them to the location
our client mentioned.
That's our first rule.
I agree.
Mr. Park and Mr. Choi agree as well.
Mr. Kim wanted to
make them stand trial.
The effect of a string of crimes
involving a large club in Seoul,
the so-called "Black Sun Gate"
is causing a huge ripple.
Narcotics, violence, kidnapping,
sexual assault, tax evasion.
All these crimes and more
happened in the open
in the center of Seoul.
What's even more shocking is that
a high-ranking police official
was involved.
The government announced
they view this as a serious issue,
and reminded the prosecution
to investigate thoroughly
so no victims feel wronged.
Case number 2022-K-1135.
Defendants Yoo Moon Hyun,
Jang Jin Ho,
Im Jong Seon,
Yang Mi Kyung.
Defendant Yoo Moon Hyun
operated the club Black Sun.
To make a profit,
he sold an illegal narcotic
called GHB
in the club.
He also manipulated and abetted
the drug-fueled sexual crimes
committed in the club.
When his illegal actions
came to light,
he conspired with Jang Jin Ho
and Jo Min Geon
to kill Detective Choi Seong Eun
based at Jeongsam Police Station.
I didn't kill him.
That was all their doing!
Hey, lawyer. You
- Yoo Moon Hyun, it was all him!
- What are you doing?
- It was all him!
- Defendants. Be quiet!
- Hey!
- It was him!
Don't you know who I am?
Silence! Defendants!
Defendants Yoo Moon Hyun,
Jang Jin Ho,
Im Jong Seon, Yang Mi Kyung.
I sentence them to life in prison.
Senior Superintendent Park Hyun Jo,
a core member of the crime gang
is now on the wanted list.
Everyone involved
who could destroy evidence
will be tracked down
and investigated.
Manager On. What do we do now?
The police are after me.
Do something!
One of us is a traitor.
That has to be it.
It doesn't matter
who the traitor is.
What's important
is who cleans this up and how.
Manager On.
I'm so sorry.
Before your promotion's official,
you'll have to resign in disgrace.
We recently did a report
on Detective Choi Seong Eun
who was killed
while investigating Black Sun.
The suspects
arrested for his murder
appealed the charges
and their retrial is set for today.
They were charged with killing Choi
who realized their crimes
and making it look like
he'd taken his own life
I don't
approve of your methods.
Of course,
thanks to you, I revealed
Seong Eun was murdered,
and the punks got to stand trial
for everything they'd done,
but it wasn't lawful.
One day, when people
learn to listen to
what journalists like you say,
people like me will disappear.
I'm very twisted,
so I'm terrible at saying thank you.
So, what I want to say is,
call me if you want a beer.
(2,320 dollars)
Well, that's not much
for a deluxe taxi ride.
You stopped talking,
so I wondered
if you'd waive the fee.
But you kept the meter going.
There is never a free taxi ride.
That is true.
Hey, so
It wasn't lawful,
but it was just.
Yong Min.
The Black Sun retrial starts soon.
Did you secure a spot?
The place you mentioned
is an awesome spot.
The court dismissed
the retrial of ex-policeman Jang
and Black Sun operator Yoo
including others who were charged
of murdering a detective,
and sentenced them to life.
The judge decided their crimes
and methods were of the worst kind,
and added the criminals must be
separated from society forever.
Meanwhile, celebrity Victor
was sentenced to ten years,
and is currently serving time
in Bukbu Penitentiary.
It's most likely
he'll never make a comeback.
To ensure the guilty don't get off
with a slap on the wrist,
I plead that the public
keep following this case.
This was Kim Yong Min
reporting for Hanbaek Daily.
I'll take the taxi out of service.
Good job.
As you ordered,
I'm handling matters
so it will end
with Park Hyun Jo.
I think that's now taken care of.
How should I take care of you?
Ha Jun.
Do you know
why you lost to Kim Do Ki?
The arrogance
that you were sure you'd win.
That arrogance
blinded you.
What more can I expect
from a blind man?
Give me
one more chance.
I swear
to make sure Kim Do Ki
breathes his last.
(Deluxe Taxi Service)
(Don't die, get revenge.
We'll do it for you.)
Will you tell me
what happened to you?
(Taxi Driver 2)
(One day, when people learn)
(to listen to what journalists
like you say,)
(people like me will disappear.)
Fights must always be won.
Weakness is bad,
Ha Jun.
They were all a gang.
When and where do lunatics appear?
Here, and now.
You won't get out of here alive.
You killed all these kids.
I pray whenever I see their photos.
Cut the nonsense, you psycho.
Go Eun must mean a lot to you.
Do you think she's dead or alive?
I'll kill you.
I'll show you
how it feels
when the things you cherish
are broken.
I didn't forget, I remembered.
That's how I was
able to appear before you.
Darn you!
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Mark my words.
There are things you must remember
in order to get back.
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