The Following s02e14 Episode Script


I stand before you today a broken man.
As you may have heard, my son Preston was kidnapped.
Welcome to Korban, Preston.
It's time for you to pay for the sins of your father.
But why choose Kingston Tanner as your target? Oh, no, no.
He chose me.
Joe Carroll is waging war against religion, against God.
I can kill you, or you can kill for me.
"Diner lights flashing pink on your skin.
" No, no, no, no.
"Your breath on my shoulder.
" Claire.
Living in the shadows is no way to live.
I want to finish this.
How? By killing Joe.
I don't care who you kill, but bring Joe to me.
You definitely came alone.
Otherwise, I'd be dead by now.
You will be soon.
We've got vehicles at the front entrance.
We have to go now.
Mike you're a good man.
Put the gun down.
You're wrong, Lily.
I used to be.
Don't do this! Thank you so much for the ride, ma'am.
I'm sorry we had to hijack your car like this, but we were pretty desperate.
Uh, sorry.
I didn't get your name.
It's Trisha.
It's Trish Brumell.
Trisha, as soon as we find our mother, you can have your car back, and we'll be on our way.
She's dead, Luke.
Mother's dead.
No, she's not.
She's just resting is all.
She's dead.
They shot her.
Don't listen to him, Trisha.
He gets these ideas in his head.
Trisha's dead, too! They're both dead! Is mother really dead? Yes, Luke.
Then they're gonna pay.
Mike, Ryan, Joe Carroll they're all gonna pay.
So, um, let's just let's just go over this one more time, please.
Lily gray had a gun.
She pointed the gun at me, Weston fired.
Agent Weston, is this the, uh is this the gun Lily had in her hand? I believe so.
And, uh, Detective Hardy, where were you during this whole altercation? I told you.
I was ahead of her.
She hadn't arrived yet.
She didn't see him discharge his Excuse me.
Detective, could you answer the question, please? As Ryan stated, I fell behind.
I heard the gunshot, but I couldn't see anything from my eye line.
You can contact them through my office, Detective, if you need anything further.
Well, we found a storeroom full of weapons and explosives.
It's half-empty, so where the hell are they headed? Dispatched at least 40 members just before he left, made it pretty clear he was planning something big.
Tanner's the target.
Ryan, there's something you need to know about Claire.
She talked to Carrie Cooke.
What? She gave Cooke a message to give to Joe through her news show.
What kind of message? A poem of some kind.
Supposed to mean something to Joe.
That's all she would say, so you need to talk to Claire.
You should go home, get some rest.
I'm not going anywhere.
I know I've got no right to tell you what you should and shouldn't do You're right.
You don't.
What would you have done if it was Joe Carroll? You're better than me.
This was found in the backyard.
Someone threw it over the fence.
There's a note attached with your name.
It's a burner phone.
No contacts or messages.
Should I give it to the FBI? No, Roman.
I'll take it, thank you.
Yes, sir.
"Update America" reporter and author Carrie Cooke is making headlines today after she recited a rather cryptic message on her show last night.
"Diner lights flashing pink on your skin.
"Your breath on my shoulder.
Me, I could die happy.
" Cooke began her broadcast by saying that the message was for Joe Carroll, but so far no one has been able What were you thinking? You trying to get yourself killed and Carrie? Carrie? No.
Carrie was just doing her job.
You put her in jeopardy.
Joe has reached out to her several times.
I'm sorry, ok, but you disappeared on me, and I didn't know what else to do.
I had to do something.
I'm I'm going crazy here.
What did the poem mean? It's something that Joe and I wrote together.
It's something only we know.
So you wanted him to know you were alive.
Why? So we can kill him, Ryan.
No, Claire.
You're not thinking clearly.
The man tried to kill you.
So then let him try again! Does he hate me, does he still love me? It doesn't matter! He'll have to see me because his ego will demand it.
I know him, Ryan.
We can trap him, and we can kill him.
We have to try! No, no.
You need to go home today.
I haven't slept since I found out Joe was alive.
I haven't slept for the past year, always looking over my shoulder, and this will it will never end until I know he's dead.
That's the only way I'm gonna know that Joey and I are safe.
I want the same thing that you want, but I can't do what I need to do if you're not safe.
I can't be worried about you.
Please, Claire, you got to go home for me.
Ryan, I You have to trust me! Ok? The marshals are waiting to take you, and when this is over, I'll find you.
I promise.
I got to go now.
Uh, any more questions? No.
We're good.
Just got to pick up the others.
You ok, Ange? You seem nervous.
Yes, I am, but I'm more excited.
I feel blessed to be chosen, Joe.
I can't tell you how grateful I am for your dedication.
Bless you.
I'll see you again up above.
Do you really think Claire's alive? "You asleep.
Diner lights flashing pink on your skin.
Your breath on my shoulder.
" Claire and I wrote that together the weekend I proposed to her.
We memorized it, we didn't write it down anywhere.
It was just a silly, secret poem for us.
She told Ryan.
He's using it against you to try to make you stumble.
You know, if Claire is alive, then she's sending me a message, and she will be at the inn in Ware County, where I proposed to her, where we wrote that poem.
Do you know how ludicrous that sounds? What's waiting there, if anything, is a trap.
That's all this can be, Joe.
It's a trick.
Is it? Is it really so hard to believe that she could fake her death? I did.
She could have been in protective custody.
Now if she is it doesn't matter.
If she is alive, who cares? You had her killed, Joe.
There will not be a repeat of last year.
We stay on course.
If you're falling apart again, I'm done.
If Claire is alive, then she has come out of hiding for a very good reason.
Now please, Emma, do not be threatened by her.
I know this is very hard for you to understand, but there is a certain amount of closure necessary for me where this woman is concerned.
If it's not a trap, then I find having her in our possession quite beneficial with regards to, uh, leverage.
She may well be the reason that we are able to survive a little while longer on this earth.
I just heard from Tilda.
Everything's in place.
We should leave soon.
Robert, there's been a slight change of plan.
I need you to go to the ware lake inn.
It will be closed this time of year, but Emma will go with you.
Joe, please Emma will explain everything.
Just observe, see if it is a trap, and then call me when you find anything out.
We'll rendezvous tonight.
Now let's crack on.
We have much to do.
You you saw my son? He was alive? Yeah, he was.
Joe took him.
Was, uh was he hurt? He was scared but holding up under the circumstances.
Those circumstances were You you may be a target, as well, Mr.
Tanner, so I've assigned agents for your protection.
My personal security detail's more than sufficient to protect me and my family, thank you.
Joe Carroll told me that he was going to create a spectacle, ok? You need to stay here at home with your wife.
You need to get the people out front to leave.
Those people out front are members of my church.
They've come to pray with me.
I cannot ask them to leave.
I can.
Keep making a show of this, and you will die.
Do you understand me? Do you value faith, Mr.
Hardy? Do you even believe in God? I believe in smarts, and you need to start acting like you have some.
If you'll excuse me.
This is Kingston Tanner.
Yes, Kingston.
Exactly who I wanted to speak to.
Where's my son? How many people are on this call, Kingston? No no one.
Just me.
Then if you can follow my directions, they will lead you to your son.
I'm listening.
Soon you will receive a sign.
Upon that sign, do exactly as I say.
These idiots think prayer's gonna save Tanner's son.
Doesn't work that way.
Praise Joe! Ohh! Aah! Aah! That's the sign.
We have to leave now.
Everybody, get back! All right, everybody move! Get back! No.
You have to stay here.
May God be with you, sir.
Get in.
Where's my son? If it should come to it, let Robert be the hero today.
You are not to endanger yourself.
Do you understand what I'm saying to you? There are so many things that could go wrong today, Joe.
I should really be with you.
Everyone plays their part, Em.
Now this is what I need from you.
Please just just do this for me, yeah? Of course I will.
Everything's so different now.
I'm no longer blinded with the love I thought I had for Claire.
I am utterly devoted to you.
When all this is over, when we are dead and immortalized for all eternity, the world will look to you and know the woman behind the man was you and it will always always be you.
Where's Tanner? He's gone.
Your job is to protect him, not to lose him.
We didn't lose anyone.
He asked us to stand down.
He left out the back.
And you're telling me that you have no idea where he went? Pastor Tanner is my employer.
He gives the orders.
He tells me to let him go, I let him go.
He took a phone call earlier.
Who was it? I don't know anything about that.
You're lying.
It was Joe Carroll.
You know exactly what is going on.
There is no way you would let him walk out of here.
Unless you had a plan to follow him.
You saw what happened outside.
Joe Carroll has more followers just like that.
They're gonna kill Tanner, they're gonna kill his son, who knows how many more people.
You don't tell us where they are and other people die, the FBI will nail you to the wall.
I put a tracker on Mr.
He doesn't know it, but I had to do something.
"I believe in the holy ghost and the holy Catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.
" Blessed are you, lord God of all creation.
Through your kindness, we have this bread to offer, which earth has given and human hands have made.
Made a left on 2nd Avenue.
Where are they headed, Max? Pulling up the grid.
I'm looking restaurants, schools, office buildings.
Ryan, we got NYPD and a SWAT team approaching from the opposite side.
Let us get eyes on the followers first.
Assess and let me know.
We're ready.
Can I help you? Come on, come on, come on.
You know what to do? Ok, Ryan.
Tanner stopped moving.
He's at the corner of 58th and 3rd.
What's there, Max? Blessed Saints Cathedral.
That's not good.
Time for SWAT and police now.
Let's go.
Wrap it up, guys.
We're on the move.
Let's go now! I'm ready to go.
Subject's ready to go.
Let us proclaim the mystery of faith.
Dying, you destroyed our death.
Rising, you restored our life.
What are you doing? This is God's house! Excuse me my love.
Thank you.
I do apologize for interrupting your service, Father, but I shall be taking it from here.
Good afternoon, everyone.
I am Joe Carroll, and I shall be leading your service now.
Are you ok? You haven't said much since we left.
Did Joe tell you what to do when we find Claire? If we find Claire, he said you knew what to do.
He said nothing else to you about where we go afterwards or what to do? He said you knew, but What's wrong? You worried about Joe betraying us? No.
It's not that.
I tru I trust Joe.
But what if he doesn't make it out of the church? Then death will be his way out.
Do you really believe that? I believe that death is just the beginning.
What do you think death is? Silence.
There's no more talking, no more running, no more lying or fighting, killing.
I think it all just stops.
It gets really quiet, and there's only silence.
At least I hope that's what it is.
Let's do another sweep around the inn, make sure no one's watching.
Put the gun down! You can't go in there.
Put it down now! This church belongs to Joe Carroll.
If anyone tries to enter, we'll burn it to the ground.
Death does not scare us.
Death is what we seek.
Hey! Hey.
FBI! All right.
SWAT and FBI are on the way.
Joe Carroll and his followers are believed to be inside along with hostages.
Do you understand? Call whoever you have to.
Ryan, where are you going? I need to get inside.
SWAT's on its way.
Yeah, I hear them.
You stay here, tell them I went in.
Nice try.
Come on.
Tripwire's set.
Let's go.
Hey, hey! Claire! Stop, stop, stop! Agh! We're estimating there's at least 100 hostages inside, but we need intel, so find Ryan.
I don't see Joe.
We got to get closer.
We're in.
You're what?! Yeah.
Mike and I got in before they locked it down.
Hostage rescue is ready to come in, but Joe's people cut the CCTV system.
We can't see anything out here.
I'll try to get it back on, but tell Clarke no moves.
They wired the place.
Gonna see what kind of explosives they have.
Get ATF ready.
Be caref Ah, Preston.
Dad! Did they hurt you? Are you all right? I'm so sorry, dad.
I'm sorry.
No, son.
You've done nothing wrong.
Shall we show him? No, no.
Show me what? "Proverbs" 22:6 tells us to "train up your child the way he should go, and when he gets old, he will not depart from it.
" Now you trained up your child on the teachings of your God, is that right? Well, let's see just how well those teachings stuck.
I'm so sorry.
No! No! Aah! I'm sorry, dad.
I'm sorry.
Your son's morality disappeared in a pff in an instant.
He was so easily influence.
Do you see where your limitations are, preacher man? Where is your God now when you needed him most? Oh.
I know.
He's nowhere because he does not exist.
Whereas I, Kingston, I'm very much a reality.
Church employee.
Keep an eye on the door.
I'm gonna get the system back online.
Going live.
Good evening, everyone.
In a moment, I'm going to give you a lasting legacy of my time here.
Here with us tonight is pastor Kingston Tanner and his handsome son Preston.
"Why Kingston?" You may ask.
It could have been any rich megachurch Evangelical, but Kingston Tanner struck my fancy.
Now Kingston Tanner has testified from his pulpit that his God brings salvation.
Now tonight, I am gonna prove to you that he is a liar and that the greatest story ever told is, in fact, the greatest lie ever told because and here's the nub of it there is no God.
There is only me.
Joe Carroll's broadcasting live over the Internet.
He's holding hostages at a church.
We need to go live now.
Kingston, I am gonna offer you a choice.
You can either pray to your God to save your son, or you can bow and pray to me.
Which of us do you think has more power to save Preston's life? Please don't kill my son.
I'm gonna have to hear you say, "God does not exist," and then throw in a "praise Joe" for good measure.
Could you do a closeup of this, my love? There is no God.
Please, Joe, save my son.
I really thought you were going to do it with more enthusiasm than that, Kingston.
I did what you asked! Please let my son go.
I'm sorry.
Were you under the impression that this was all over? No.
My mistake.
There's more, a lot more, and now I'm gonna show you come on how easy it is Ohh! To create a killer.
Two knives.
Two lives.
Kill or be killed, and if neither of them can kill, then they both die.
And go.
No, no, Preston.
That is not an option.
Ryan, take a look.
Those canisters are they gas, nitrogen? Clarke said he found a stockpile of explosives at the compound.
They mean business.
Is there sound? Joe I forgive you.
I don't need your forgiveness, Kingston.
I need your decision.
Now, please.
Please, dad.
Tell me what to do.
I don't know what to do.
Yes, dad.
What does the greedy little preacher advise his son? Greed? Is that what this is all about, my greed? I've sinned.
I've sinned.
I'm not perfect, but my heart is filled with God.
Good will win here today.
You will see.
Good will always win against a monster of evil.
The lord is forgiveness.
The lord is forgiveness.
You must never forget that.
You must forgive yourself.
I love you, Preston.
Dad, no! No, dad! Somebody do something! Please! She came alone.
It could still be a trap.
Not unless they're watching from space.
We've checked.
There's no one else here.
So what do we do? We get her.
Ok, Ryan.
We have a live feed.
There's a west entrance to the sanctuary and a side entrance on the north side.
How many explosives? It's hard to tell.
We'll take a look.
I wouldn't storm in here right now.
Looks like they got the doors tripwired.
Forget the exploratory.
We can end this now.
We go in, I cover you.
You take the shot at Joe no matter what, kill him.
And they trigger the canisters, and the whole place goes up.
A hundred hostages? We can't risk it.
You need to stop this.
This isn't you.
We'll do it your way.
Don't be this person.
It will not end well for you, trust me.
I won't do anything stupid.
I promise.
Clarke, Internet feed's back up.
He's performing for the camera.
I thought we shut this site down.
Cyber squad shut it down 22 times, but hackers are mirroring it now.
It's taken on a life of its own.
All right.
Let's, uh let's resume the, uh the show.
Pastor Tanner has clearly made a rather shocking and ultimately fatal decision, one that I certainly didn't see coming.
To think that he somehow found some humility in his final act, yes, I think I know what he was going for, but, uh, well, given the stakes, it was rather stupid.
It speaks to me more of cowardice than anything else.
Hi, Claire.
Stay where you are.
You know how to use that thing? Next shot kills you.
Then who would take you to Joe? Where is he? Relax.
He sent me to get you.
What I want to know is why do you want to see him? Well, that's between me and Joe.
There is no you and Joe.
He wanted you dead.
And yet here I am.
Now take me to Joe.
It was really stupid coming here alone.
Yeah, it was, Emma.
It was extremely stupid.
Something else you need to know.
I'm crazy and irrational, and I don't care what happens to me anymore, so before I put a bullet in your brain, tell me, where is Joe? How's little Joey? I will kill you.
Nothing would please me more.
Took you long enough.
Get up! She wants to kill Joe.
We can't take her back.
Joe said to call, Emma.
We got to call.
You hurt me, Joe will kill you.
We can't disobey Joe, Emma.
Joe will never know what really happened.
It was a trap, we were ambushed, Claire was killed.
He's not gonna believe you! Yes, he will, Claire.
You had a gun.
You shot Robert.
I had to kill you.
Unh! Emma! It's over, Claire.
Come out, and I promise I'll make it quick.
It's my turn now, Claire.
You had your chance with Joe.
You're not good for him.
You cause him to question himself.
I can't have that.
I know you must hate me, but I want you to know I am so very grateful to you, Claire.
I spent two years of my life with you.
We had a family together, more than I ever had with my own mother.
Come on, Claire! It's over! Ohh! Unh! Ohh! Unh! Unh! Ok.
This this is the twist I didn't see coming.
It just it just boggles the mind.
This is beautiful.
Wow on wow! Did you kill Emma? We have company.
Whoever's here, you should reveal yourselves, or people are going to start to die.
We'll begin With the preacher's son! If you don't show yourselves in 5 seconds, I'm gonna put a bullet through his brain.
don't hurt him! Don't hurt him! Kill me instead.
Drop it.
Drop it! Mike Weston.
What a lovely surprise.
Ryan Hardy can't be far behind.
Where is he? How many others are with you? Come on, Ryan.
You really want another sacrificial lamb on the altar of your conscience? Kill him, Ryan! Don't worry about me.
It is just you and he alone.
Ha ha ha! Such mavericks, you two.
I'd like nothing more than for you to witness your friend's death.
Are you watching, huh? Unh! Go ahead.
Kill me, and then Ryan will kill you.
Kill him, Ryan! Do it! Just kill him! You see, Ryan? We are so alike.
We both have acolytes who are willing to give up their lives for us.
Oh, come on, Ryan.
Come out.
Let's let's resolve this in front of the entire world.
Well, you've had a heck of a rough time, haven't you? I'm sorry for your loss.
It was your father's carotid artery, was it? Mikey is gonna die, Ryan! In 3, 2, 1.

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