The Irrational (2023) s02e14 Episode Script

The Milgram Experiment

I'll have what they're having,
please, and thank you very much.
White asparagus
is quite hard to come by.
Where do you think the chef got it from?
No idea, but culinary science
is magical.
Ah, it's Tristan.
He just got in from Geneva,
and he will be here momentarily.
Is that where you met your boss, Geneva?
The first time we met was
in Dar es Salaam, actually,
but I was living under
a different name then.
- Noted.
And how did you two
end up working together?
I had to leave London after MI6.
The press was hounding me,
and I was burned,
so no one was taking my calls.
I was running low on cash and
ended up doing private security
for a Jordanian prince.
We were in Zermatt for that week,
when Tristan
quite literally skied into me.
We caught up, and he offered me a job.
I got lucky.
I'd say he's the lucky one.
This has to be him.
- Hello, hello.
- Hello.
- You made it.
Of course. Wouldn't miss
this for the world.
You must be Rose's secret weapon
I've heard so much about.
Alec Mercer.
It's nice to finally meet you.
Thanks for your help
with Yoonie Kang, Professor.
If you ever decide to leave
academia, give me a call.
Are you ready to order?
Yes, I
Uh, now, I spoke
to Chef Halimi last night.
He's premade the duck for us all.
You will love it.
His Rouennaise sauce is to die for.
Well, in that case,
I guess we're having duck.

So what brings you stateside?
I'm not entirely at liberty to say,
but, uh, the Crown now owes me one.
[GASPS] It's a job, isn't it?
And, of course, it's urgent.
I was very much
looking forward to tonight.
What do you say, Mr. Secret Weapon?
Care to come with?

Mass-casualty events are voter catnip.
The Tyson concert incident
put me on the map.
What I need is a train
derailment, bridge collapse,
and I'd win the Senate seat
in a landslide.

It's a deepfake.
A reasonably good one.
Unbelievable what artificial
intelligence can do these days.
It's disgusting. I would never say that.
My daughter was
at the Tyson Arena concert.
I remember that incident.
Dozens of people were trampled.
You prosecuted the concert organizers,
the security, even the building owner
for code violations as attorney general.
It was a turning point in your career,
made you a man of the people.
Whoever is behind all this
is weaponizing your success,
using the incident
that made you to take you down.
It's a psychological tactic
often used in political campaigns.
The deepfake alluded
to a run for senator.
Any truth in that?
My campaign would be dead
before it even starts.
Maybe that was the point.
Maybe, or maybe a duck's a duck.
You're the state attorney general.
You've gone after some heavy hitters
who would love to turn around
and go after you.
Let's start with
the Tyson Arena defendant.
On it.

Your family how are they taking this?
They don't know yet.
My wife, her dad just had hip surgery.
She's caring for him at his place.
My kids, if Olivia hears about this
this thing could really affect
my entire family.
What's going to affect
the entire family?

Nothing, sweetheart.
Uh, I'm going to go out
with the robotics team,
and I'll be back by curfew.
Have fun.
We'll take care of this.
Rose will be your point person,
but I'll be staying on
to oversee the case.
You mentioned the file
came from a journalist.
We'll start there.
Sorry I'm late.
Ready for dinner? Thai or Chinese?
Your choice.
Everything okay?
Yeah, just Angelique calling again.
- Your hacker friend?
- Ex-friend.
You know,
the one who stole my code, and then
ghosted me when she found
out I was contracting for the FBI.
She's got some nerve reaching out.
Well, if she's called you
more than once,
maybe it's important.
Uh, knowing Angelique, she
probably just wants a favor.
she wants to apologize
and work on rebuilding the friendship.
I get what you're trying to do, sis,
but it is not up for debate.
Let's just get Chinese.

The reporter's deaf, but I can sign.
- She didn't want to meet in public.
Go ahead.
It's about the video.
She assumes we're here
to make the video go away.
But you knew that.
Doesn't mean it's not newsworthy.
Who sent you the video?
She says we should know better
than to assume a journalist
would give up her source.
Fair enough, but if you knew
it wasn't real,
why send it to the AG to get comment?
- Because if you look
- Alec?
- They're not stopping.
Oh, my God.
Field office got a call
about a political reporter.
I heard you both were involved,
so I asked to take the lead.
How are you two feeling?
Not great, but I'm okay.
- I can't speak for Alec.
- I've been better.
The driver definitely targeted her.
Jones ran, and that car
pursued her until she was dead.
I think we're dealing
with a professional
skilled in tactical driving, no plates,
black SUV, tinted windows,
and a crack in the rear brake light
on the left-hand side.
I can call the local chop shops.
If it's a pro, then he probably
dumped the car by now.
Quinn is processing
the victim's apartment.
It's completely tossed
no laptop, no hard drive.
Whatever she knew about that video
might've gotten her killed.
We can't be sure that it had
anything to do with the video.
I know that you're working for Ellison,
but you have to admit he's
got the most obvious motive.
Even if that video is a fake,
it can be a real threat to the AG.
It's Tristan.
- Excuse me, I have to take this.
- You okay?
I'm fine.
Listen, I'm going to put
a security detail on you.
That's really not necessary.
You staying alive is necessary.
You won't even notice them.
I'm not the one you need to worry about.
The journalist who sent Ellison
the deepfake is dead.
I know. I'm sorry.
I am, too,
but this doesn't look good
for our client.
Our client has a rock-solid alibi.
He was in a room full of constituents
in Harrisburg all day.
We both know this is a hired hit.
What happened to that
journalist is terrible.
We need to let
the FBI do their job.
But we need to do ours
protect the client.
Of course.

We're looking at all possible angles,
but we can't rule Ellison out yet.
Of course not, but I just
don't think he did this.
Why bring in a fixer if you're
going to fix the situation yourself?
Could be an ally Ellison
is tight with the unions,
especially the steelworkers.
Lowe is the head of their local chapter.
Garrett Lowe?
Didn't he try to run a city
councilwoman off the road?
Well, we haven't been able
to pin anything on him yet,
but I do have a meeting set up
with him later.
Attorney generals
also have scores of enemies.
Have you considered the
possibility this was a frame job?
You think that someone
created the deepfake,
then killed Jones to set
Ellison up on murder charges?
Les Murray, for example, is an owner
well, former owner of Tyson Arena.
Ellison prosecuted him into the ground.
I'm sure he'd love to see the AG burn.
Murray is building a new stadium.
People who are focused on their future
are less likely to dwell on the past.
And I know Tristan wants to go
after the Tyson Arena defendants,
but if anything,
we should talk to the people
who are in court
with Ellison right now.
They still have something to lose.
That would be Wyatt Lockwood.
He's the CEO of a network
of for-profit cancer-treatment centers.
Lockwood is going to
hunker down and lawyer up.
Congress has an active summons on him,
and they haven't been able to get him.
Why don't you let
a civilian take a pass?
I can get to Lockwood.
Touch base if you learn anything.
Do you really believe that
one of Ellison's defendants
is behind all this, or
are you just following Tristan's lead?
I'm following all the leads
that makes sense.
But that includes Ellison's
defendants, doesn't it?
But it doesn't mean you have
to do everything he says.
Alec, Tristan is my friend,
but he's also my boss.
So, actually, I do have to.
In 1961,
Yale psychologist Stanley
Milgram conducted an experiment
where participants who were not
allowed to communicate with each other
were assigned the role of teacher.
And actors were cast as "learners."
Then the teachers subjected
the learners to a barrage
of memory questions.
Anyone here familiar
with what happened next?
Milgram ordered the teachers
to administer an electric shock
whenever one of the learners
got an answer wrong.
But the shocks weren't real.
Gold star.
The actors pretended to be
in terrible pain,
and they begged the teachers to stop.
And when the administrators
told the teachers to keep going,
nearly all of them did.
The teachers' obedience
was much, much more powerful
than experts originally expected.
what was Milgram trying
to demonstrate with this?
We want to believe that ordinary people
wouldn't perform heinous acts
just because an authority
figure asked us to.
But in reality, many of us do.
And there's no way to predict
who will or won't.
Milgram's research
has been very valuable.
Uh, but by modern university standards,
it's considered unethical.
- Why?
- Deception.
The participants really
believed they were hurting,
even endangering the life of another.
Some later reported psychological
and emotional distress,
even PTSD.
Now, that leads me to your assignment.
I'd like each of you
to devise your own version
of this experiment
my TAs included.
And you must uphold
Wylton's ethical standards.
Now, you can share your ideas
amongst each other.
And it is due
- So go. Be fruitful.
Thank you.
Is an ethical Milgram
experiment even possible?
I guess it's our task to find out.
Agent Clark, why am I here?
Garrett, my mother
was a public school teacher
for 40 years,
VP of Virginia's teacher's
union for 10 of those.
I practically grew up
on the picket lines.
- No justice, no peace.
- That's right.
I'm going to be straight with you.
The steelworkers union
has been a big supporter
of Attorney General Ellison.
You made some large donations
to his past campaign.
We suspect that someone
who's an ally to Ellison
might have murdered someone
to protect him.
I didn't take anyone out.
I had nothing to do with the
attack on that councilwoman.
And I wouldn't kill anyone for Ellison.
That man isn't worth 20 years in prison.
So your support is just political?
Ellison's been useful,
intervened in a couple labor disputes,
but the guy's a bottom feeder.
He knows when to crack a smile
and to drop a tear.
And he's replaceable.
So I'm not falling on the sword for him.
Do you know anyone who would?
His deputy AG, Francesca Viento.
She'll do anything for him.
That'll play, Mr. Lockwood.
Mind if I join?
- Do I know you?
Rose Dinshaw.
I play off of single digits.
And I can also help you
out of that nasty legal battle.
Look, I don't know who you are,
but my family is worth millions,
and we're dedicated
to helping end cancer.
So no matter how much Ellison
tries to twist the truth,
we really have nothing to be ashamed of.
Yet you stand to lose millions.
It's only money. I can make more.
True, but if your centers
are found guilty
of selling questionable treatments
based on false success rates,
Ellison might push for prison time.
What are you saying,
that you can oust Ellison?
Not interested.
Are you working with another fixer?
To be honest, if I took Ellison out,
I'd be dealing
with his deputy AG, Viento.
She's worse than Ellison?
More like desperate
to make a name for herself.
She'd throw me in a federal prison.
I'll take my chances
with Ellison in the ring,
but he better watch his back.
Why do you say that?
I hear she's gunning for his job.

- Rose.
- Alec.
What are you doing here?
Lowe tipped us off
about Allison's deputy AG.
Apparently, she's been the
muscle behind Ellison, for years.
Lockwood claims the opposite.
He said Viento
is quietly planning to run
against Ellison.
Well, whether
she's Ellison's greatest ally
or secret opponent,
all roads lead to Viento.
I haven't announced,
but, yes, I'm considering
going for Ellison's seat.
- Hmm.
- Georgia Jones is
was a friend.
So when I got that video,
I forwarded it to her.
Wait, you sent her the deepfake?
I didn't know that's what it was,
but, yes, I emailed it to her.
- Who sent it to you?
- No idea. It was anonymous.
Can we see it?
- It's printing now.
"Please disseminate
this video extensively.
"The attorney general must be
held accountable, for his actions."
The sender wanted this to go public.
But the person who killed Jones
wants to suppress the video.
Which means the creator of the deepfake
and whoever killed Jones
aren't the same person.
This email addresses you as Frannie.
It's a nickname.
Do a lot of people call you Frannie?
Most people I know.
Quinn got a hit on the car.
Do you mind if we keep this?
Not at all.
Quinn, you got a hit?
Yeah, I tracked the SUV
to a chop shop.
Put the pressure on the owner,
but he didn't have much on the driver
just tall white male,
paid in cash.
I thought you said you got a lead.
Killer bought another car
blue Bronco, no plates.
Ditched the car,
no paper trail this is definitely a pro.
If he bought
another untraceable vehicle,
then he's probably
going to strike again.
Anyone with that video is in danger.
The tone here is inconsistent.
What do you mean?
The language is formal, flowery.
It lacks a personal touch.
It feels like it was written by AI.
Clever way to hide
your personal speech patterns.
But then the sender uses
a familiar nickname Frannie.
The question we should be asking is,
who's smart enough to use AI
to hide their identity
but slips up on something
like a nickname?

Hey, Olivia.
You made that deepfake
of your father, didn't you?

You were there that night
at Tyson's Arena.
Forgive me.
It must be re-traumatizing for you
whenever your dad brings it up.
I almost didn't make it out,
and my best friend died in there.
I asked my dad to stop bringing it up,
but then I overheard his team
planning his senate race,
and he agreed to milk it
for sympathy votes
every chance he gets.
I couldn't get
through another year of that,
and neither could Gabby's family.
Did you tell your dad that?
It would mean him having to choose
between his career
and his family, and
I just I was scared
to know the answer.
The video was supposed to make
the whole senator thing go away.
I thought that Frannie
would show it to him,
and then he'd back out of the race.
Unfortunately, that's not what happened.
Did you send it to anyone else?
Only Frannie.
Please, please do not tell my dad.
He's going to find out sooner or later.
Someone killed a journalist
over your deepfake.
That doesn't make any sense.
Why would anyone kill someone
over a video that isn't even real?
Do you think your father
would take violent action
- to protect his name?
- No.
No, he wouldn't kill anyone.
That's why he hired you
to get rid of it.
Please, believe me, no one
was supposed to get hurt.
I didn't mean for that to happen.
If that journalist was killed
because of that video,
anyone who's seen it could be a target.
You mean me?
Your father has full-time security.
No, I'm not going home. I can't.
I can't, and you
can't force me I'm 18.
I'm afraid we have to insist.
Is there anywhere else I could go?

My friends at the FBI were kind enough
to provide a safe house.
There'll be guards inside
and outside 24-7
until we can track
who's behind the murder.
This is Kylie.
- You work for the FBI?
- Mm, yes and no.
- So you're a babysitter?
- I am a cyber consultant.
And my apartment is getting fumigated.
I need a place to crash.
Plus, we need you to walk us through
how you created that deepfake.
Okay, it wasn't too hard.
I filmed my dad from the street,
I super-zoomed in, and then
I applied a motion model.
What's a motion model?
You know those Instagram filters?
Well, the AI detects
your head positions,
your eye movements,
and facial expressions.
And then it superimposes, like, a bunny
or a lemon face over it.
Oh, I love the lemon filter.
But you must have had to
reverse engineer the model, right?
You weren't just applying a filter.
You were altering his lip movements.

I data-scraped all
the footage of my dad online
to teach the AI his facial
and speech patterns.
And then I ran a script
on the base video
to map out what I wanted.
And, um, because I was too far away
to capture audio on the base video,
I added soundscapes to sell it.
Game recognize game.
I'm going to need that base video
everything you used to create
that deepfake.
Yeah. It's all here.
- Thank you.
- Hmm.
"Order participants
to blast test subjects
with extremely loud noises"?
- Is that ethical?
- I don't think so.
But I'd choose that over the
one that suggested foul odors.
Well, they're both better than mine.
Mine's not even done yet.
- How's yours?
- I don't have one.
- It's due in an hour.
- I know.
But I decided I'm not going to do it.
I just don't think there's
a way to do Milgram ethically.
The professor wouldn't have
us do it if it weren't possible.
I don't know, Phoebe.
The thing is, there's no right way
to do a wrong thing.
How did I not see it?
See what?
You Milgramed us.
I did.
You were the authority figure.
We were the participants.
You wanted to see how far we'd go.
And how did the class do?
76% of students
actually submitted proposals.
None of them were ethical, though.
Why replicate Milgram?
What variable did I add?
Well, in the original,
participants couldn't talk
to each other, but we could.
You wanted to see
if allowing participants
to communicate with one another
could change the outcome.
I was just following orders,
looking for solutions,
until I talked to Rizwan.
Rizwan, you were going to disobey?
It didn't feel right.
Well done, Rizwan.
Looks like your
conscience is contagious.

Olivia sent her deepfake to Viento,
who sent it to Jones.
Jones only sent it to Ellison.
So now the video is contained.
It all ends here.
Excellent work, as usual, Dinshaw.
Sushi from around the corner.
I didn't realize.
Rose was just telling me
how she took care of things.
Could you show us the base video?
His facial expression's different here.
Jaw's clenched.
Whoever's on the other end
is triggering him.
You can read all of that
without any sound?
[SCOFFS] Rose wasn't exaggerating
when she called you a genius.
What do you think it means?
I'm not sure yet,
but I'm beginning to wonder
What if Jones's murder
isn't about what Ellison said
in the fake video
but what he said in the real one?

Play that part back.
He's saying something here.
Olivia didn't edit the final frames.
It's the only part in the deepfake
that's 100% real.
- But what is it he's saying?
- I don't know.
- But I bet that reporter did.
- Jones read lips.
I think she interpreted
those last words,
and it might have been
the thing that got her killed.
We need to get this to the FBI.
Of course, but we have
to protect Ellison.
If this incriminates him
Then the authorities should know.
- This is evidence in a murder.
- I understand that, but
And we will send it to the FBI,
but we need to get ahead
of whatever is on there first.
And in the time it takes to do that,
they could kill someone else.
Gentlemen, I need
a moment alone with Alec.

You know how I feel about you.
But this is my job,
and Tristan is my boss.
I trust you, Rose.
But Tristan he's got you
in a tough position.
Are you familiar
with the Milgram experiment?
Yes, but what does that have
to do with the case?
I got my students to write proposals
for an ethical version.
Most of them submitted ideas.
Even Phoebe tried,
until she found out
that Rizwan refused to obey.
Point being, my experiment
showed that people around us
can influence us to disobey authority.
You did an experiment on me?
I didn't do an experiment on you.
- I did one for you.
- [SCOFFS] Wow.
It worries me
that Tristan is ordering you
around on this case.
That's how hierarchy works, Alec.
It's not just about that.
being a boss doesn't mean
he can choose our food for us.
We all have blind spots, Rose.
I just thought that,
considering how deferential you've been,
Tristan might be one of yours.
You could have just told me that
instead of turning me
into some class project.
- Rose, please, I

So what are you going to do
about the video?
While I appreciate your opinions,
you both are a bit late in sharing them.
I already sent it to Agent Clark.
- It was the right thing to do.
- What about our client?
Marisa will give me the heads-up
as soon as they learn anything.
I'll stay ahead of it.
My case, my call.
That was our agreement
when you hired me.
- Rose.
- Not now.
I need to tell the attorney general
that it was his own daughter
who set this all off.

Rose, hey.
I sent the video files to our tech team.
And I talked to Olivia
at the safe house.
- Where are you?
- I just got to Ellison's.
Has your team found anything
I could use to jog his memory?
There's one thing.
The metadata shows the date
the original video was filmed.
It was the Fourth of July.
Brilliant. I can work with that.
- Thank you, Marisa.
- Of course.
You still there?
Can I ask you something?
Of course.
When you and Alec were together,
did he ever do experiments
to teach you a lesson?
Oh, boy.
It's one thing
when he does it for a case,
but now he's gone and made me
the subject of his study.
Eh, he was bound to do it
sooner or later.
When he goes
all professor mode on you
- It's pedantic.
- And presumptuous.
- And patronizing.
- First time it happened,
I told Alec where he could put
his experiments.
But over the years,
I learned that he does it
because he cares.
I know it sounds strange, but
experiments are
kind of Alec's love language.
I thought I could help Rose
make a better decision.
[SCOFFS] Sounds like you're
the one that needs help
making better decisions.
I know, but
I really messed up, Ky.
She's never been this mad at me.
People make mistakes.
- Couples fight, right?
Look at it this way.
You've gathered more data on Rose.
At least you know what pisses her off.
Okay, Professor Ky.
Tell me how to un-piss her off.
Admit you made a mistake.
Tell her you're sorry.
You know, people who apologize
are better at building
and maintaining relationships
than those who don't.
My own words. I did a TED Talk on that.
Oh, I know. Burned into my brain.
I heard you practicing it
ten times a day.
But I also remember because it's true.

My daughter made that video? Why?
[SIGHS] Only she can answer that.
Well, she's not responding to my texts.
I can assure you she's in a safe place.
She just needs a little space
from you right now.
I don't understand.
The horrible words
she put in my mouth
she's the reason why I filed
those suits against the marina,
the developers.
I took that fight on for her.
Everything was for her!
I think it started off that way,
but it became a talking point
that was too beneficial
for you to pass up.
So how do we fix this?
You can start by telling the
truth about that phone call.
Oh, this again.
When Jones saw that video,
she did what journalists should do.
She came to you for comment.
She read lips.
She saw where the deepfake leaves off
and the real video begins
and somehow identified
who you were talking to.
She reached out to them,
and it got her killed.
- So who was it?
- I told you, I don't know.
I make 100 calls every day.
Independence Day?
Surely you can remember a call
on Independence Day.

You know exactly who it was.

I appreciate your help.
This deepfake debacle
was messier than I expected.
But thanks to you, it's over.
I don't think it is over.
I may work for you,
but my services stop short
of covering up a conspiracy
that led to murder.
- Rose, I didn't kill anyone.
- Maybe not.
But you know who did.

You have until tomorrow morning
to come clean to the FBI,
or I tell them I think you're involved.



You didn't have to kill him.
Tristan's orders protect his assets.
He could have told us
who he was working for.
Better he's dead than you.
[GROANS] Damn it.
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine.
I'm so sorry about the experiment.
I never should have done oh.
I was planning on staying mad
at you for a little longer,
but given the circumstances,
all is forgiven.
- He had a gun this time.
Guessing it was a last resort
when he couldn't hit me with his car.
Why did he come after you?
Because I gave Ellison an ultimatum.
Whoever's behind this wants me dead
because they think I'm a threat.
You lured the hit man.
Better me than Viento or Olivia or you.
We got something.
- Surveillance equipment.
- Yeah.
That's how the hit man got here so fast.
Whoever's behind this
has been monitoring Ellison
and heard my conversation with him.
We need to get Ellison to talk to us.
Got any experiments for that?
Of course you do.
My Milgram variation
was a failure with you,
but it might just help us
get Ellison to open up.
Okay, got it.
I'll see what I can do.
I'm hungry.
You hungry?
- Yeah, I could eat.
- Do you need to get that?
- No.
- what's your plan?
- My plan?
[CHUCKLES] Yeah, your plan.
You can't hide out here forever,
eating mac and cheese on the FBI's dime.
I don't know. I can't go home.
- Why not?
- Seriously?
When my dad finds out,
he'll never forgive me,
and I can't even forgive myself.
You wanted to do the right thing,
but you did it in the wrong way.
A lot of people got hurt
because of that deepfake.
Someone got killed over it.
And now my whole family's in danger.
You can't undo that, but
there is something you can do to help.
- What?
- Stand up to your dad
for real this time.
No. No, no, no
Tell him how you feel.
Tell him why you made that video.
I can't do that.
Look, I get that it can be difficult
to stand up to an authority figure.
I mean, it's, like,
scientifically proven.
Then why are you asking me to?
Because my brother said that
even one voice of encouragement
can help you stand up
and do the right thing.
I guess I'm that for you.
Maybe you can be that for your dad, hmm?

"Got the transfer
back from the Maldives."
According to our lip reader,
that's what you said on the call.
What I'd like to know is
who you said it to.
What are you doing?
Are you aware that
whoever you were talking to
has been surveilling you?
We found a wire in the hit man's car.
Ten quid says the other side of that bug
is right here in your office.

It's in your best interest
to give them up to the FBI.
Are you ready for this?


I made that video.
And I made it to show you
who you've become
a politician who exploits
tragedy for votes.

What happened to my dad?
The one who always taught me
to do the right thing?
I'm still that man.

The dad I knew would tell us the truth.

So much for a doorman.
Wyatt Lockwood.
So how were the Maldives?

Okay, what do you got?

Jones did a profile on you.
She knew you had a place there,
so she must have gotten to wondering
why would the AG be chitchatting
with someone he's currently
litigating against?
I have no idea
what you're talking about.
You bribed Ellison.
The deal was no jail time.
You pay out $20 million
in damages to the state
and 200K to Ellison's senate campaign
under the table, of course.
That's a lot of money.
But your company has millions more.
what's one dead journalist
to protect it all?
Sounds like maybe I need a lawyer.
Ellison told us about your deal.
And now that we've decrypted
your hit man's cell phone,
we have everything we need.
Let's go.

I thought no matter what I did
Lockwood would never see
the inside of a prison.
I kept telling myself,
at least if I took him up
on his offer
I could do some good for the state.
I'm sorry, honey.
I am so

What happens now?
Your dad's going to resign.
He'll likely be disbarred.
He's going to face
some pretty heavy charges.
It'll be a long road.
But he will have the opportunity
to work on the relationships
he cares about most.

Ellison asked us
to protect him and his family.
And that's exactly what you were doing.
I'm sorry I doubted you, Rose.
Apology accepted
Oh, by the way
A gift certificate to Provence.
Figured I still owe you and Alec a meal.
Too bad I won't be able to join.
But, remember,
you have to order the duck.
- Oh, hey.
- Hey, Alec. What's up?
I came to pick up my notes
for tonight's lecture.
Hey, listen, thank you
for your help with Rose.
I'm really glad you two
worked things out.
It's Angelique.
It's voicemail.
Don't give me that look.
Hey, no shade,
but Rose chose to forgive me.
Olivia chose to forgive her father.
You can choose to forgive Angelique.
Or don't,
but either block her or answer.
- Love you.
- Love you, too.

Angelique, hi.
- Hey.
- Ready for Provence, part two?
- Mm.
It was nice of Tristan to arrange that.
I judged him too soon.
I respect people
that make mistakes
and apologize for them.
It makes us
better at building
and maintaining relationships.
Lucky for you, I feel the same way.
I want you to know that
experiments aren't off the table.
Scientific experiments.
I think I was hurt because
you assumed
I would make the wrong choice.
It wasn't my best hypothesis.
To be fair, I did let Tristan
pick our entrées,
but he has a very sophisticated palate.
You are right, though.
I do treat him with a bit more deference
than I need to.
It's just, after MI6, everyone
turned their backs on me.
I get it.
You're grateful to him.
He didn't just give me a job.
He gave me purpose.
if it weren't for him,
we never would have met.
In that case, I'm grateful, too.
Did we just survive another fight?
- I believe we did.
You know, research shows
that couples who argue
and assume the best intentions
from each other
- stay together.
- Mm.
[LAUGHS] And what does your research say
about couples splitting entrées?
It's promising.
It depends. What are we ordering?
Oh, I'm thinking
anything but duck.
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