The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s02e14 Episode Script

Goddess of selection

Demon King, I have information
which I must share.
Igares? What is it?
Dragons have been spotted in Azeshion.
Some people have been reported missing.
-Were they eaten?
-It is likely.
No one there knows
how to defeat dragons in this age.
It would be best if I dispatched my
subordinates from 2,000 years ago.
It appears they have no intention
of requesting assistance.
Sending the army without consent
would cause a dispute.
Then we request joint lessons between
Demon King Academy and Hero Academy.
They will likely state that they
cannot receive you at the moment.
No matter. There is a teacher there
who is very accommodating.
How does it feel to
succeed in casting Gatom?
But it was only because you helped
It doesn't change the fact that
I'm the worst at magic in the class
A good attitude, Naya the Stayer.
H-Huh? "S-Stayer"?
You stay in the library
after school every day.
I have bestowed upon you a title.
Before the Demon King, all are equally
clumsy fools, including myself.
Then do you not think that
you hold the most potential,
as you do not consider yourself
more than you are?
I-Is that true?
Mr. Erdomaid is kind of
but he does do his job.
Class is in session.
Did you hear me? Every single day
Please be quiet!
Every single day?
But you just came here Emilia!
Will she be all right?
Looks like he isn't here.
The Demon King Anos
has no need to attend school.
I understand very well that you have
no interest in our joint lessons.
Step forward, Anoshu Polticoal.
What? A kid?
Your ears, pitiful humans!
A contest between
representatives from each school!
If Hero Academy wins, the joint lessons
will be canceled in their entirety.
What? But you are not
You're obviously going to make the contest
something you have the advantage in!
I take it that you agree to the contest
if you have the advantage, human?
Then decide on the form of the contest.
Let's do it with dice.
Whoever rolls the bigger number wins.
I do not mind.
Here. We'll use these.
They have been fixed.
Then I'll go first.
You do not mind how I roll it?
However you want.
It seems that I win.
That's totally cheating!
You said I could roll it however I wanted.
It will not change
no matter how I roll it.
It's not supposed to
come up any way but one.
You can fix the dice as you wish.
I will always roll the number that I want.
Have you seen students?
This is Anoshu Polticoal!
The pride and joy of Demon King Academy!
A boy genius!
Can someone who is omnipotent
create a sword which no one can draw?
If someone who is omnipotent
can't create a sword
which no one can draw,
he can't be omnipotent.
If someone who is
omnipotent creates a sword
which no one can draw, he can't draw it.
If he can't draw the sword,
he can't be omnipotent.
Thus he can't be omnipotent.
There is no one in this world
that is omnipotent?
Tell me when you know the answer.
Now, for the lesson
Headmaster Zamil?
Is something the matter?
The Palace has issued direct orders
to the special class.
Monsters known as "dragons" were
spotted in various regions days ago.
You will embark on a mission
to defeat these dragons.
What does that mean?
We're going?
Excuse me a moment. What about the army?
You may ask for details from my secretary.
I am a busy man.
Pleased to make your
acquaintance Hero Kanon.
We have prepared a grand ceremony
for you at the Palace.
The people and the soldiers
wish to welcome you on your return.
Except I'm a demon now.
No, no, you are
without a doubt the true Hero.
Please do come.
Lay, would you care for a swim
in the lake after school?
Ah, little boy, unfortunately,
the Hero Kanon has more important
-Sounds good to me.
Sorry, but I'll need to pass.
I have something to do after school.
Th-Then perhaps
we can proceed immediately?
There is nothing for you to learn
with these fake Heroes.
I cannot stand down from this.
I do not believe a headmaster
should call his students "fake."
And while you've got all your
soldiers at this big ceremony,
you're sending us to beat those monsters?
Hey, why don't you get
the real Hero to do it instead?
Know your place trash!
You should be executed for having
impersonated the Hero Kanon!
That is Hero Academy's position.
In the first place,
going to fight unknown monsters
is equivalent to marching to your death.
Does a Hero make excuses?!
You trash that failed to prevent the last
war have a chance to redeem yourselves!
It is only natural
for a Hero to risk his life!
What is this fixation with being a "Hero"?
Why must you risk your life
for something so pointless?
We humans do not acknowledge as Heroes,
those who cannot risk
even their worthless lives!
Then you don't need to be a Hero.
If you die, that is the end!
I would never die
for such a half-baked order!
Know your place, useless teacher
who cannot even control her students!
If you maintain this attitude
above your rank,
I will have you return to Dilhade at once!
My apologies.
Kneel on the ground!
I will make you know your place
Oh, sorry. My legs are too long.
You're interrupting our lesson.
R-Remember this!
Why did you do that?!
I held my tongue,
and now it is all wasted!
Your actions as students are
my responsibility as your teacher!
Do you bear some
kind of grudge against me?
I do beg your pardon.
Wait, where are you going?
Your problem students are going to
suspend themselves, just as you wish.
Yeah, I can't take this place.
Emilia is such trash.
Come back here!
Not like we're much better than you.
This is it!
Gairadite's specialty, Hero Kabobs!
They use the meat of monsters
called Giant Horned Bulls!
Let's go in!
Why won't you open?!
You stupid cans!
Know your place!
Give that to me.
These magic cans do
not react to demon mana.
But if you disguise your mana as human
Thank you very much.
Why eat canned food outdoors?
There are plenty of restaurants here.
Talking to people is troublesome.
That is why I purchased
a year's worth of canned food.
But you cannot open it.
Oh, be quiet!
You are skilled with magic too Anosh.
A true genius, and at your age.
I envy you.
That looks quite good.
-Salted meat.
-Would you like some?
-I will try it.
What are you doing?
You must not eat with your hands.
I do not have a fork with me.
You are not an animal. Come, sit here.
Anosh, you should change how you speak.
The way you speak is just like
the most disagreeable man in the world.
Anosh, you are a Highblood, right?
It seems so.
I was once a Highblood too.
But then an evil magician turned me
into a mixed-blood demon.
I took pride in being a Highblood.
I lived every day filled with happiness.
That was taken from me, and I lost my job.
Everyone looked down upon me.
But you are a teacher now.
Yes I am.
But that did not bring my happiness back.
Why is that?
I learned something after coming here.
Normal humans who have no magic,
think of me as a human like them.
But they do not treat me any different
from how the demons in Dilhade treated me.
The one who looked down upon me
for being of mixed blood was me.
I simply harbored that fear within myself.
No one had actually looked down on me.
But what help does that give me?
I have learned that I am a terrible,
ugly, scummy, helpless piece of trash.
Nothing has changed at all.
Thinking back, this must be the curse
that the evil magician placed on me.
I was a Highblood in name only.
I was nobody but for that.
I cannot possibly become any better now.
I do not understand
such difficult matters.
Yes, of course.
But more importantly,
this is a little too salty.
Are you stupid?
You eat it with bread.
That bread is hard.
That is why you dip it in this oil.
How is it?
Good. The bread has grown softer,
and the meat is just the right saltiness.
I told you.
I have learned something today.
Anyone would know how to do this.
I did not.
You purchased
a year's worth of canned food.
There must be many ways to eat it.
If you do not mind
such worthless information,
I can teach you more another time.
Now, let's play in the lake!
And play in the sand.
I should've brought my swimsuit with me.
Then I will bring them here.
Thanks Anos!
Thank you.
Look good?
It does, but
Aren't these too revealing?
You do not understand Sasha.
Swimsuits are not only a type of clothing.
They are a form of magic meant to
maximize your capabilities under water.
Always remember.
This is a Bi Kini.
Now come. Enjoy the water
to your heart's content.
We'll die if we go in there!
The throne at Delsgade?
I am Demon King Zeshia.
Yeah, yeah. Then how
about giving a command.
Anos will sit with me.
Mama will sit too.
Uh, I think it might be a little tight.
Huh? Uhh
Anos, can you turn into Anosh?
Very well.
Did you think the three of us could
not sit because it was too small?
Yeah, yeah. That's my Demon King Zeshia.
Anos will always be Anosh.
I will always be a big sister.
She feels like she has
a little brother when you're Anosh.
Anosh I'll protect you.
I'm working hard on a mirror spell.
The teachings of Migueronov?
I'm learning support magic with her too.
That is reassuring.
I'm your big sister.
Hey Anos. Thanks.
The 10,000 Zeshias are having lots of fun.
Enyunien says
they'll all learn how to speak.
No, there is much more to come.
I said that I would
make all of them happy.
You're so small,
but you say such cool things!
And I love you for it Anosh!
I'm glad we came.
This swimsuit is
a little too embarrassing.
You look wonderful.
Oh, please!
Never let your guard down!
Looks like you'll need some punishment.
What do you mean by "punishment"?
On that note, Lay Glanzudlii.
Would you care for
a long-distance swim in laps?
If you can swim faster than me,
I will close my eyes to whatever you do
with my daughter in
the time before I finish.
Wh-What are you saying Dad?
I consider myself quite the swimmer.
I look forward to this.
Did they get to know each other better
2,000 years ago through swimming?
Want to play together?
Oh yes!
I am the Demon King's Right Hand Man!
My stroke will never be defeated!
2,000 years ago, this was our fortress!
I trained myself in swimming
to defend the people!
I cannot allow a man who is worse than me
in swimming to have my daughter's hand!
Or a man who cannot perform
a sea rescue when the time calls!
Your stroke is certainly fast.
But when Misa is drowning,
I will be the one to rescue her!
I'l show you the Hero's stroke!
-Which of us was faster?
I wasn't watching.
I'm hungry after all that swimming!
No one will see you here.
Why don't you come out?
Who are you?
I am the Cardinal and Oracle of Giordal,
Kingdom of the Dragon God,
and one of the Selected Eight,
Ahide Alobo Agatze.
Giordal? Never heard of it.
I understand
that you are the King of Demons,
invited by the Holy Selection Trial.
Per our pact, come to
this place, Chosen God.
Pass your judgment upon us.
Guara Nateforteos.
I did not know that there was
a spell to summon gods.
From this moment forward,
this is a place of judgment.
Anos Voldigoad, perhaps
you can show us your god?
What do you speak of?
But you must know.
You are the Misfit,
one of the Selected Eight.
I do not. I have no recollection of
becoming one of those either.
Then judgment must be passed upon
the one who defiles the Selection Trial.
My God, Arcana
The Moon of Creation, Altieltnoah?
I have one question for you.
Are you Militia?
I am Arcana, Chosen God.
The light of the moon freezes.
I have no clue what
any of this god summoning
or Selection Trial nonsense is.
But did you think that a lowly god
could overpower the Demon King?
A lowly god?
Gods are the hand of salvation extended
by the omnipotent Holy Light Eques!
All living beings worship the gods!
You are free to believe what you wish,
but not to force your beliefs on those
who do not want them.
When the Misfit was crowned
in the Selection Trial
I wondered what kind of man he was
Eques will not allow
a heretic such as you to exist!
Salvation upon this pitiful sinful lamb
Ahide, run.
You can't win against
the Misfit at this point in time.
As you wish, my Chosen God Arcana.
Did you think you could win
if your dead weight was gone?
I don't know.
There weren't any as strong as you
during the Selection Trial.
You have been
saying these words repeatedly.
What is this "Selection Trial"?
If you truly do not know,
then I am obligated to
explain as Chosen God.
Then explain it to me.
The Selection Trial is a path
from man to god.
The Selected Eight are selected
from all living beings,
and each of them receives judgment.
Agents are selected, each gaining
the power of the gods as their agent.
This judgment does not seem
to be a peaceful process.
Only those who the Chosen Gods
deem worthy, may become an Agent.
However, almost no
Chosen Gods select a Candidate
that is not bound by a pact.
So if you eliminate the other Candidates
or destroy their Chosen Gods,
only one can be selected in the end.
That is one possible conclusion.
The Selection Trial can end in many ways.
Why was I selected?
One of the eight Chosen Gods selected you.
All further explanation
will be provided at Aberast Anzetta.
Will you show me to this place?
It is in the underground world.
Come by your own means.
This ends the explanation.
Continue fighting?
-I see.
I do have one question for you.
What of the question
you asked earlier today?
Was that one of Ahide's commands?
I am searching for that answer.
"The Academic City of God Agents."
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