Vinland Saga (2019) s02e14 Episode Script


Then this must be Ketil's farm.
Who would have thought
You guys were so close.
It was a walking distance of few days.
You look a bit drawn.
But you are even more
beautiful than before.
What? That is Arnheid's husband?
Is Hjalti doing well?
I bet he's grown a lot by now.
Hjalti is
Come on.
Let's go back. The three of us.
To our home.
Don't take his hand, Arnheid!
If you do, I'll cut you down.
- Gardar!
- Fox!
- Take Arnheid and stay behind me.
- Yes!
Something's off about him, Boss.
For a second it seemed like he forgot
that he was on the run.
Is it true that Lizard was killed?
Yes. His head was smashed.
I see.
He's here to take Arnheid away.
Guard her with your life.
Are you Ketil?
What if I am?
I'll kill you!
Stop it, Gardar! This is insane!
Stop, Einar!
You don't know the whole story.
What are you thinking?
Are you going to attack Snake?
I know the story!
Arnheid's husband has come to save her.
Don't you want Arnheid to be free?
I do! But look at the situation.
He has to take down
three people to get away.
I know that I'm not
strong enough to do anything. But still!
Einar! That's not what I'm trying to say.
Are you capable of killing someone?
It doesn't matter if it's a guest or not.
Can you really kill someone with this axe?
Then what am I supposed to do?
That's a wise choice, Thorfinn.
Stay there and watch quietly.
I'll catch him alive.
We have to question him
and confirm his identity.
Watch out, Boss! He's strong!
Who do you think
you're talking to? You idiot!
He's not someone you can capture alive.
Just kill him!
Shut up!
That was just a light warmup.
More like, were you guys able
to strike him at least once?
Huh? Oh, unfortunately
He's injured.
How could the three of you
lose to one wounded man.
Just as I thought. That's the spot.
Badger, tie him up.
- Gardar!
- Amazing! He got him in no time!
- Arnheid!
- Walk!
Don't let your guard down.
Always have five people watching him.
Also, go and tell Kjallakr's uncle
that we caught a suspect.
Well then
You look like you have something to say.
But a slave has no say in the matter.
Can't you let him go?
This is too cruel.
He killed one of my men.
He's suspected of
having killed others too.
On top of that,
he wants to kill the master
and steal Arnheid,
who is the master's favorite.
There's no way I can let
someone like that go.
Forget about him, Arnheid.
That wasn't your husband.
It was just a crazy runaway slave.
Listen, don't get involved in this matter.
Take care of Gramps for me.
- Wait, Einar.
- Einar
Please stay seated.
Dinner is almost ready.
If it's at night
While it's still dark, we might be able to
sneak inside the fort and rescue Gardar.
If we don't do anything,
your husband will be executed for sure.
I appreciate it.
But it's fine.
Some things are out of our control.
When things like that happen,
it's best to do nothing.
You stay still
and wait for the storm to pass.
Einar, don't let yourself
be caught up in the storm.
Do you not
like Gardar?
I do.
Our marriage was arranged by our parents,
but he was kind
to me and our son.
Well then, let's go!
Even if it means fighting with Snake,
it's better than doing nothing.
Isn't that right, Thorfinn?
Please, Thorfinn. Lend us your help.
I'll distract the guards so you
lost my son over a pot.
Will you let me talk
a little about myself?
About my past
Our family
lived in a certain village in Sweden.
We were neither wealthy nor poor,
but it was peaceful.
Around the time our son was one,
a swamp that produced iron was
discovered deep within a faraway forest.
It led to a conflict between
several groups who wanted
rights to the swamp.
Among those involved in the conflict
was Gardar's friend,
and he came to ask for his help.
Gardar told everyone
in the village about it
and the men discussed the topic
of whether to join the fight or not.
If we win, we get iron.
The conclusion the men came up with was
to join.
When the women heard about it,
we were shocked.
After all, our village was not
in need of pots or blades for our sickles.
Despite that,
there was no way for women
to overturn a decision made by men.
Please reconsider, Gardar.
It's not like we're struggling
because we don't have iron.
Why are you risking your life
for something we don't even need?
We do need it.
Yngve of the west is a very ambitious man.
If his family gets a hold of the iron,
the balance of power
in this area will fall apart.
Plus, our village will become prosperous.
That includes both of you too.
Your father is going to fight
to protect you.
I couldn't understand.
Hey! Ouch!
If he wanted to protect us,
all he needed to do was stay by our side.
All of the young men went to war
and the women and children left behind
protected the homes.
A few weeks went by like that.
When we saw the boats,
we thought the men had returned.
But they were
They targeted us
knowing that all the men were gone.
They burned our houses
and killed the elderly.
The women were put inside boats
and taken away.
Hjalti was
Stop! No! Hjalti!
Today, when I saw Gardar,
I felt terrified of him.
All of the pain he has suffered
must have changed him.
Now, he himself
is the storm.
This time
This time
I will make sure to protect
my child from the storm created by men.
I found out just the other day.
Right now,
I am carrying Master Ketil's child.
I'm sure this child
will be welcomed by the master.
He was longing for a child, after all.
As long as I'm on this farm,
I will be able to peacefully
raise a healthy child.
So, Einar
Let things be
until the storm passes.
Let things be
I thought you were
going to wait for the storm to pass,
You were listening, Old Master?
You guys seem to think
I've gone completely senile,
but my mind is still working fine.
Don't underestimate me.
I just want to
care for his wounds, that's all.
I know
that I shouldn't see him anymore.
And yet, I don't know why
There was a time
when I also waited patiently
for a storm to pass.
Actually, I was just hiding.
While trembling
This was more than 20 years ago.
At the time, my son Ketil
and a beautiful girl from the same town
had fallen in love with each other.
But one day,
that girl caught the eye of Ebbe,
a man who was
gradually increasing his influence
in the surrounding area.
We were forced to make
a difficult decision.
Ketil was ready to take up arms
in order to protect the girl.
But at the time,
we weren't as powerful as we are now
and many feared Ebbe.
They thought we would be destroyed
if we went against his wishes.
In the end, we decided
to obey.
How can I call myself a Nordic man?
I offered up a girl
just to save my own skin.
on the girl's wedding day
It was the act of
a man who loathed Ebbe
and envied his wealth.
By the time we heard the news
and rushed over there,
everything had been burned down already.
Why do these things always happen?
All I can say is that
you may be able to let the storm pass
but it will still leave you with scars.
I'm sorry I can't be of any help.
I will be right back.
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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