Where's Wally (2020) s02e14 Episode Script

Uh-Oh, Canada

# Oh, ah, oh
# Oh, ah, oh
# Where do you go, where do you go,
# Oh, ah, oh
# I search the world for you
# Take a trip around the world
# Take a trip around the world
# Catch a ride to the moon
# Ride the waves at the beach,
jump in discover something new
# Oh, ah, oh
# Oh, ah, oh
# Anywhere you go I'll find you
# Oh, oh, oh
# Where do you go where do you go?
# Where's Wally? #
OK, Wenda. Ready?
Set.BOTH: Breakfast!(DOG BARKS)
OK, Wenda. Ready?
Set.BOTH: Breakfast!(DOG BARKS)
Wizard Whitebeard's breakfast
parties are always so much fun.
They certainly are, Wally!
He's always full of surprises.
Look! Wanderer pancakes!
Look! Wanderer pancakes!
It's like looking into a mirror!
Covered in maple syrup.
Good morning, Wally-pancake.
"Good morning, Wally."
"Good morning, Wally."
It's truly a yummy work of art.
Yup. And he even made ones for Woof,
Arf, and Mr Wumples!
Yup. And he even made ones for Woof,
Arf, and Mr Wumples!
(BOTH LAUGH)Mm! It all looks so
delicious. I can't wait to dig in.
But where's Wizard Whitebeard?
Wonders!BOTH Wizard Whitebeard?
But where's Wizard Whitebeard?
Wonders!BOTH Wizard Whitebeard?
It's a WanderPost!
From our good friend,
Wizard Blizzardbeard!
(LAUGHS) Whitebeard! Wanderers!
(LAUGHS) Whitebeard! Wanderers!
It's your good friend,
Wizard Blizzardbeard!
I'm sending this WanderPost
to tell you that the Wanderer ice
hockey team I've been coaching,
to tell you that the Wanderer ice
hockey team I've been coaching,
Blizzardbeard's Blizzards,
will be playing
for the Wanderers Cup Championship!
will be playing
for the Wanderers Cup Championship!
Wow! They're really good.
But, as you know,
winning the Wanderers Cup
won't be easy, so we could really
use your coaching help, Whitebeard.
won't be easy, so we could really
use your coaching help, Whitebeard.
ALL: Go, Blizzards!
Wanderers Cup?
What's that, Wizard Whitebeard?
Ah, yes, the Wanderers Cup.
The greatest trophy
in worldwide wonder sports.
The greatest trophy
in worldwide wonder sports.
BOTH: Whoa!
Every year, teams of Wanderers
from around the globe
come together to compete
in a friendly ice hockey tournament
where the winning team is presented
the Wanderers Cup.
Wait, is that you,
Wizard Whitebeard?
And Wizard Blizzardbeard?
Ha! Yes.
Our first Wanderers Cup win.
Ha! Yes.
Our first Wanderers Cup win.
Cool!So where's the tournament
being played, Wizard Whitebeard?
For the answer to that,
young Wanderers
For the answer to that,
young Wanderers
..let us skate on over
to the WanderGlobe.
# By striped staff
and white of beard
# I summon magic wild and weird
# I summon magic wild and weird
# O, spin, O, magic globe to show
# Where the Wanderers Cup did go #
Quebec City, to be exact.
Quebec City, to be exact.
Oh, Canada.
What a beautiful country.
And Quebec City is a very special
place, Wanderers.
That's right, Wizard Whitebeard.
In Quebec, Quebecers speak French.
That's right, Wizard Whitebeard.
In Quebec, Quebecers speak French.
Ice hockey,
ice sculptures, snow-shoeing?
Wow! Quebec City certainly
looks like a winter wonderland!
Wow! Quebec City certainly
looks like a winter wonderland!
Well, what are we waiting for,
young Wanderers?
Let's head to Quebec! But first,
let me grab my special coaching hat.
(CHUCKLES) How do I look?
Ready to help coach a team
to a championship.
Ha! Ha! perfect! Then
ALL: Wander!
ALL: Wander!
Did you hear that, Fritz?
Yup! Wanderer pancakes! Mm-mm!
Yup! Wanderer pancakes! Mm-mm!
No, not Wanderer pancakes.
The Wanderers Cup!
If anyone is going to win
that trophy, it should be me.
If anyone is going to win
that trophy, it should be me.
And I think I might know just the
way to do it, too. Come on, Fritz!
Well, everyone, say hello,
or bon jour, to Quebec City.
Now, all we need to do
is find the arena
where the tournament
is being played, Wally.
Wally? Where's Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, everyone!
Meet Chantal. She knows where
we can find the hockey arena.
My dad runs the rink where
the tournament's being played.
My dad runs the rink where
the tournament's being played.
And I drive the ice resurfacer.
Nice hat!
Why, thank you, Chantal.
What's an ice resurfacer?
That would be old Maurice here.
That would be old Maurice here.
We make sure the ice
is nice and smooth
for the hockey players to skate on.
Let me show you.
Let me show you.
Wow! Hello, Wally-reflection.
"Hello, Wally!"
"Hello, Wally!"
Could you point us in the direction
of the arena, Chantal?
I'll do better than that.
I'll take you there! Hop on!
Ha! Ha!
Riding atop an ice resurfacer?
Ha! Ha!
Riding atop an ice resurfacer?
The only way to see Quebec City.
To the arena!
What are they eating, Chantal?
Oh, that's a Quebec favourite,
Wenda. It's called poutine.
Oh, that's a Quebec favourite,
Wenda. It's called poutine.
A tasty snack made of
French-fried potatoes,
covered in brown gravy
and sprinkled with cheese curds.
That sounds delicious.
That sounds delicious.
We should have that
at our next breakfast party.
Done! I happen to have
a great poutine recipe
given to me by Wizard Gravybeard.
Well, here we are.
BOTH: Nice hat! (BOTH LAUGH)
BOTH: Nice hat! (BOTH LAUGH)
I'm so glad you could all make it!
Oh, Blizzardbeard,
I could never turn down an offer
Oh, Blizzardbeard,
I could never turn down an offer
to help you coach your team
to victory!
It will be an honour
to stand by your side, old friend.
Aw! Now, let's go see the team.
They can't wait to meet all of you.
Aw! Now, let's go see the team.
They can't wait to meet all of you.
Wally, Wenda, Coach Whitebeard,
meet the Blizzards.
Wow! So many different hellos!
Oh, that's because
the Blizzards are Wanderers
from hockey playing countries
all around the world, Wally.
from hockey playing countries
all around the world, Wally.
Russia. The Czech Republic.
Or even right here in Canada.
Or even right here in Canada.
Bon jour, and Wenda.
I'm Guy, from Quebec, Canada.
And I'm Molly,
from the United States.
Nice to meet you, Wanderers!
And this is our goaltender, Marty.
Nice to meet you, Wanderers!
And this is our goaltender, Marty.
Nice to meet you, Marty.
But what'd he
How did you Well, no matter.
It's nice to meet you, Blizzards.
How did you Well, no matter.
It's nice to meet you, Blizzards.
Er, what was that?
He says,
"Nice to meet you, too, Coach."
He says,
"Nice to meet you, too, Coach."
Oh, "And nice hat."
Er, thank you?
(ALL GASP)What's that?
It's the goal siren.
It has to be broken,
Wizard Blizzardbeard.
No one can score
that many goals so quickly.
Good idea, Marty. Come on,
Blizzards. Let's take a look!
Good idea, Marty. Come on,
Blizzards. Let's take a look!
Wait. That's what he said?
Huh. I was right.
The scoreboard must be broken.
There's only one team on the ice.
Wait. Wenda, look!
Wait. Wenda, look!
The puck! It's moving on its own?
Yeah, nice shot, Fritzy!
I thought I heard Odlulu and Fritz,
Wally. But I don't see them?
I thought I heard Odlulu and Fritz,
Wally. But I don't see them?
It's a team of ghosts!
They're there, Wenda.
But that can't be!
Unless they're invisible?
Saskatoon! That must mean
they have the invisibility key!
Yes! A magic key
with the power to
BOTH: Make things invisible?
BOTH: Oh, you've heard of it?
BOTH: Make things invisible?
BOTH: Oh, you've heard of it?
it looks like that's gonna do it.
Team Odlulu truly look unbeatable.
I mean, if we could see them.
I mean, if we could see them.
But with that win,
Team Odlulu will face off
against the Blizzards
for the Wanderers Cup.
See you on the ice, Wanderers!
Too bad you won't be seeing me.
See you on the ice, Wanderers!
Too bad you won't be seeing me.
How are we ever gonna beat
an invisible hockey team?
Our dreams of winning
the Wanderers Cup are over.
Our dreams of winning
the Wanderers Cup are over.
Don't worry, Blizzards.
We'll get that magic key from Odlulu
before the championship game.
That's right, Wenda.
If we can find her.
That's right, Wenda.
If we can find her.
OK, well,
there are still a few hours left
until the championship game.
What do you wanna
do in the meantime, Fritz?
What do you wanna
do in the meantime, Fritz?
Er Maybe some poutine?
You know what, it's not like
anyone's going to beat us anyway,
so why shouldn't we start
celebrating early?
OK. Why not?
Let's go and get you some poutine.
OK, Odlulu,
hand over the invisibility key.
OK, Odlulu,
hand over the invisibility key.
Er Wally?
I don't think they're here.
How can we tell?
I don't think they're here.
How can we tell?
Maybe they're just being quiet.
It's Odlulu and Fritz.
When are they ever quiet?
Good point.
Watch out! Coming through!
Make a path!
Watch out! Coming through!
Make a path!
Ah! Fantome!
Aah! Ghost!
BOTH: That's not a ghost.
It's Odlulu and Fritz!
Wally! Over there!
Follow those footprints!
Follow those footprints!
One order of poutine, please.
Huh? Uh, Odlulu?
Huh? Uh, Odlulu?
OK, Fritz, have some patience!
He's getting it for us.
(CHUCKLES) Ferrets.
No, look!
No, look!
No one's going to stop me
from winning that Wanderers Cup.
Not even them.
OK, that'll be
Wait, where did you go?
I'm right here.
(SCREAMS) A ghost!
I'm not a ghost!
Take my money for poutine, please!
I'm not a ghost!
Take my money for poutine, please!
There they go, Wenda!Hold onto
your stripes, Wally! I'm on it.
There they go, Wenda!Hold onto
your stripes, Wally! I'm on it.
You may be invisible, Odlulu,
but you can't lose me!
How is she following us?
I mean, I can't even see us.
I mean, I can't even see us.
Er, Odlulu?
Ah! Footprints!
Then I guess I'll have to come
up with another escape plan.
Something out of sight.
Something out of sight.
Whoa! What was that?
See you around, Wanderers!
See you around, Wanderers!
'Scuse me.
'Scuse me.
Sorry about that!
Didn't see that there.
Oh, no! Odlulu is making
Quebec indivisible, Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, Wenda!
Over here, Wenda!
Don't worry, Quebec. We'll make
everything visible again in no time.
How are we gonna do that?
By following this invisible trail
How are we gonna do that?
By following this invisible trail
right to Odlulu.
we definitely lost those Wanderers.
But I feel bad that we didn't
get any poutine for you, Fritz.
But I feel bad that we didn't
get any poutine for you, Fritz.
A ghost!
(LAUGHS) Poutine! Finally!
A ghost!
(LAUGHS) Poutine! Finally!
Fritz? Fritz?
Horse-drawn carriage ride?
Look, Wenda, there she is!
Look, Wenda, there she is!
Aah! Wally and Wenda!
(SIGHS) Well,
good luck finding me, Wanderers.
Er Odlulu?
Er Odlulu?
Aah! I'm not invisible anymore!
Wait, where's the Invisibility Key?
Yup. I need to get outta here.
Yup. I need to get outta here.
Fritz? Where are you?
You need to make me invisible again!
Whoa! Fritz? Is that you?
Whoa! Fritz? Is that you?
It is you! I need your help.
You need to make me invisible again.
The Wanderers are chasing me.
You need to make me invisible again.
The Wanderers are chasing me.
Exactly! Hurry, Fritz!
She disappeared, Wally.
No, Wenda. Look over there!
Quickly. We need to catch them
before the snow melts!
Where did they go, Wally?
See you later, Wanderers!
Odlulu! Wait!
Odlulu! Wait!
We can still catch them, Wally.
Hop on!
We can still catch them, Wally.
Hop on!
Follow that toboggan.
BOTH: Whoa!
BOTH: Whoa!
We're gaining on them, Wenda.
They landed on that ice flow!
Then hold on tight, Wally.
OK, Odlulu, hand over the key.
The game's over.
OK, Odlulu, hand over the key.
The game's over.
Actually, it's just about to start.
BOTH: Huh?
Looking for us, Wanderers?
Now, if you don't mind,
I have a Wanderers Cup to win.
Now, if you don't mind,
I have a Wanderers Cup to win.
Au revoir, Wanderers!
Au revoir!
We'll never catch them in time,
I know.
I'm afraid Odlulu and Fritz
I know.
I'm afraid Odlulu and Fritz
aren't the only ones disappearing
right now.
So are the Blizzards chances
of winning the Wanderers Cup.
and welcome to the Arena de Sport,
for the Wanderers Cup
championship game.
Blizzardbeard's Blizzards
versus Team Odlulu.
Blizzardbeard's Blizzards
versus Team Odlulu.
We're almost ready for puck drop
on what should be
a very exciting match-up.
The Blizzards will definitely
have their work cut out for them,
as, well,
their opponents are invisible.
as, well,
their opponents are invisible.
Now, don't worry, Blizzards.
If I know Wally and Wenda,
they're going to march in here
any second now
they're going to march in here
any second now
with the Invisibility Key and tell
us everything has been solved!
Wonders! And here they are, now!
The Invisibility Key,
young Wanderers!
The Invisibility Key,
young Wanderers!
Invisibility Key, please?
We don't have it, Wizard Whitebeard.
Odlulu got away.
We're sorry, everyone.
Odlulu got away.
We're sorry, everyone.
We'll never be able to beat an
invisible team.It's impossible.
BOTH: Huh?
Yeah! That's it!
We can do this!Yeah!
We can do this!Yeah!
Marty's right.
He is?
Like he said, you have been training
too long for this moment.
Like he said, you have been training
too long for this moment.
And you shouldn't give up now.
He said all that?
You're right, Marty.
So what if they're invisible.
We're a team. And we can beat them.
So what if they're invisible.
We're a team. And we can beat them.
That's right!
When did he say that part?
Now, let's go out there
and win that Wanderers Cup!
Now, let's go out there
and win that Wanderers Cup!
Go Blizzards!
He did say "Go Blizzards," right?
ALL: Go Blizzards!
ALL: Go Blizzards!
Go Blizzards! Go!
Right. Go, Blizzards!
ANNOUNCER: The Blizzards take the
ice, and just listen to that crowd!
I'll keep looking for any clues
of where they are on the ice, Wally.
I'll keep looking for any clues
of where they are on the ice, Wally.
So will I, Wenda.
Good luck, Wanderers!
You're gonna need it!
ANNOUNCER: Score! Team Odlulu!
Another goal for Team Odlulu!
Top shelf goal, Team Odlulu.
Goal! The Blizzards
just don't have an answer.
And that brings us to the end
of the first period,
And that brings us to the end
of the first period,
with Team Odlulu
leading five to nothing
over Blizzardbeard's Blizzards.
Don't worry, there's still
a lot of hockey left to play.
We score one,
and we're right back in this!
We score one,
and we're right back in this!
If only we had a clue to where they
were on the ice, Coach Whitebeard!
It's like they're everywhere!
It's like they're everywhere!
You can say that again, Marty.
Say what again?
Hm. Hm. Huh?
It's a ghost! Fantome!
It's a ghost! Fantome!
Hm. That's it!
Did you say something, Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, Wenda!
Introducing the gravy-spraying
You ready, Chantal?
Old Maurice and I
usually work with hot water,
but brown gravy's a nice change.
Let's do this, Wally.
Let's do this, Wally.
ANNOUNCER: I've seen a t-shirt
cannon, mini hockey stick night,
but this has to be the most unusual
fan give-away I have ever seen.
but this has to be the most unusual
fan give-away I have ever seen.
Free poutine?
Mm!Tastes just like
Wizard Gravybeard's recipe!
Mm!Tastes just like
Wizard Gravybeard's recipe!
Ugh! Gravy is not my look.
Oh, hi, Odlulu. Long time, no see.
Er, you can see me?
Er, you can see me?
Oh, yeah. You can see me.
Yup! And I'll be taking that, now.
Now, to make Quebec City reappear!
Now, to make Quebec City reappear!
Huh? Ah!
How about that, hockey fans?
It appears Team Odlulu is just
a girl in yellow and black stripes
It appears Team Odlulu is just
a girl in yellow and black stripes
and a skating beaver?
He's not a beaver, he's a ferret!
ANNOUNCER: Er, sorry, my mistake.
ANNOUNCER: Er, sorry, my mistake.
A girl in yellow and black stripes,
and a skating ferret!
Hi, Blizzards!
OK, Odlulu. Now that everyone
can see each other,
let's see if you can keep up.
let's see if you can keep up.
ALL: Go Blizzards!
Shoot the puck!
Shoot the puck!
Stina, twisted-wrister, goal!
The Blizzards are finally
on the board,
The Blizzards are finally
on the board,
and we finally have ourselves
a hockey game, folks.
Slapper from Radek. Goal!
Wenda, breakaway
And Pavel ices it!
They've done it,
Wanderer hockey fans!
Blizzardbeard's Blizzards
have won the Wanderers Cup.
OK, fine, you win, Blizzards.
Enjoy your Wanderers Cup.
We're just gonna lie here
for a while. OK?
We're just gonna lie here
for a while. OK?
Oh, yes, I do like pistachio ice
cream, Marty. Thank you for asking!
Oh, yes, I do like pistachio ice
cream, Marty. Thank you for asking!
He said,
"Congratulations, Coach Whitebeard."
Oh, yeah, of course,
yeah, congratulations to you, Marty!
OK, everybody. One, two, three!
OK, everybody. One, two, three!
ALL: Go Blizzards!
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