Dr. Romantic (2016) s02e15 Episode Script

Rapport; Trust Relationship

Honey. Can you come home this weekend?
Byeol misses her daddy.
What happened to moving hospitals?
Can our family finally
get to live together? Please?
Nurse Park.
By any chance, did you tell Doctor Kim?
Isn't that something
you should tell him yourself?
If you've made your decision,
do tell him quickly.
He needs time to get a new EM board.
You're right.
Yes, what is it?
A death on the table?
The second son
of Sejen Group's chairman just died?
Professor Park is the best surgeon.
What happened to him?
I see.
The main hospital
wasn't very happy about that.
"Why did he start taking away
our VIP patients
as soon as became Doldam's president?"
"Why did he take the second son
of Sejen Group's chairman
out of all the patients
who needed surgery?"
"Is he showing off? Is this a show?"
There was a lot of talk behind his back.
My goodness.
A death on the table?
A death on the table now, of all times.
This is how fate helps me yet again.
What do you mean?
You need to go
to Doldam Hospital tomorrow.
Well… Let's see.
Doctor Do In-beom?
You saw Doctor Do In-beom?
Nurse Um, you know Doctor Do too?
Of course, I know him well.
He worked here at Doldam for two years.
He was here for two years?
Wow, I didn't know that.
You're in a different department,
so that can happen.
I only heard about him too.
I heard he's aloof and cool.
Gosh, he's not that great.
More like a sensitive nerd.
You're right. He does have
that sensitive side
which makes him seem unapproachable.
But that's just the way he talks.
He's a softie inside.
Doctor Yoon, how do you know Doctor Do?
You talk about him
as if you two are very close.
I do?
Are you acquainted with Doctor Do?
No, not at all.
We don't have any kind of relationship.
I saw him a few times
while I was at the main hospital.
That's all.
I'm serious.
Gosh, the coffee tastes really nice today,
doesn't it?
Who wants another cup?
Run a full lab test for Mr. Park tomorrow.
Yes, Doctor.
Excuse me, where is Mr. Yeo?
Over there.
His vitals are all stable.
You need to go down and get some rest.
I already got
some sleep early this morning.
Don't worry about me.
Doctor Do.
Long time no see, Ms. Oh.
Doctor Kim.
What brings you here without notice?
I finally heard about Mr. Yeo yesterday.
I heard he has terminal lung cancer.
We found it a little too late.
How are you doing?
Me? Why do you ask?
I heard that you have CTS.
Word got around fast.
Seo-jeong is worried to death.
She told me to stick around
until you get treated.
If I don't do that,
she might fly in any day now.
Goodness, that Mad Whale.
what really brings you here?
Tell me.
What's the real reason
you came down so abruptly?
A fact-finding committee
will come down in the afternoon.
They'll investigate the death on the table
that happened here yesterday.
And I'm a member of that committee.
There are four fact-finders
who came from a law firm.
Medical fact-finders
include a cardiologist
from the main hospital,
an anesthesiologist, and me,
a GS, so there's a total of three.
Mr. Song Hyeon-cheol is the man in charge.
That's a lot of people from a law firm.
That's not a usual number of people
for a committee that investigates
a death on the table.
What do you mean?
It looks like his next target is…
Doldam Hospital.
You all have my full trust.
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
So what?
How can we avoid this?
Professor Park Min-gook.
-You need to lose him…
to save Doldam, Doctor Kim.
What? There will be
a fact-finding committee?
I'm sure Sejen Group is
really putting the pressure on them.
Their son died.
This is quicker than I expected.
If something goes wrong,
Professor Park may take the full blame.
We should agree on one story
before they barge in--
I don't want to lie
and tell the same story
just to avoid the blame.
Why are you doing this?
We went ahead with his surgery with
your confirmation as the anesthesiologist.
I remember that I warned him enough
about the WPW syndrome.
Will you avoid the blame all by yourself?
I don't care if it's
the fact-finding committee or whatever.
I'll tell them everything exactly
as it happened.
I won't add or hide anything.
-No unnecessary comments either.
-Professor Sim!
Professor Park, you're here.
I already made my position clear.
You can hear about it from Doctor Yang.
Don't worry, sir. I'll persuade her.
Don't worry.
Mr. Jang. What's going on?
Professor Park's VIP patient
died during the operation yesterday.
It looks like they're here for him.
The VIP patient?
You mean, that kid, Kang Ik-joon?
Yes, that's right.
Professor Sim.
You have to think about him.
We'll all end up going down together!
It's not that simple.
-What's going on?
-We'll all suffer from this!
We're all in this together!
Professor Sim.
Excuse me. Are you Doctor Cha Eun-jae?
What are you doing?
You look familiar. Your name is…
Seo Woo-jin. I'm a general surgeon.
I'm a GS too.
I know. You're two years my senior.
Doctor Do In-beom.
Anyway, why do you have this file?
Homework from Doctor Kim.
You must be good.
Yes, kind of.
Please excuse me. It's an emergency.
No. That's not it.
Yes, all right.
May I leave these here for a while?
What's his condition?
He got into a TA by himself.
He drove into a tree head-first.
It seems he drove under the influence.
-Do people still drink and drive nowadays?
-When we got to the scene,
he gave a verbal response.
His abdomen was behind the steering wheel.
-What are his vitals?
-80 over 40.
Do you have his identity?
We haven't confirmed it yet.
You can register him as unidentified male.
Establish both lines and give him fluid.
And run an OP lab test.
Get two emergency RBC packs.
-Should I get the MAC ready?
He's at 1, 2, 4 on the GCS.
A total of seven points.
Let's intubate him.
-We need to do the RSI.
-Yes, I'll bring it.
Give me one ampoule each
of etomidate and rocuronium.
-Yes, Doctor.
-The MAC is ready.
His abdomen is bloated.
-Let's look at the FAST.
There's no hemopneumothorax.
It's not a cardiac tamponade either.
But this is obviously hemoperitoneum.
Does his brain look okay?
Hey. Doctor Do.
Long time no see, Doctor.
What happened? When did you get here?
Just now.
Long time no see, Nurse Park.
Yes, it has been a while.
Hey, what's going on?
60 over 30, 140 bpm.
Give him normal saline on full drop
and two more packs of RBC.
Yes, Doctor.
Was he unconscious to begin with?
Yes, he's drunk, so we aren't sure
if he's unconscious
because of a brain injury or alcohol.
-Should we take the brain CT first?
-I'll work on the hemoperitoneum first.
-Without a brain evaluation?
If we don't stop him from bleeding,
he won't have any time to be evaluated.
Then let's open him up right away.
-Doctor Yoon?
Call Doctor Nam Do-il and Ms. Oh
to the OR.
Yes, Doctor.
Doctor Seo and I will open him up,
stop the bleeding,
then move him to the OR.
You'll open him up in here?
Can you do this?
-Doctor Jeong.
Can you sedate him?
We'll perform a laparotomy
on the unidentified male.
I'll get ready.
What's going on?
Ik-joon wanted to give this
to the lady doctor.
It just got here from Seoul this morning.
I'll eat the macarons after the surgery,
so leave some for me. Okay?
All right then.
Excuse me.
I have a question.
Doctor Do In-beom is here?
Yes, he's performing a laparotomy
on a patient in the hybrid room.
I see, two surgeons are greeting
one another
by performing a laparotomy together.
I'm getting curious.
The patient will come in after
his bleeding is under control,
-so let's hurry up and get ready.
-Yes, ma'am.
-What are his vitals?
-It's low. 60 over 40.
Okay. I'll perform the surgery.
Let's change positions.
He's my patient.
-I'll stop his bleeding.
-I didn't drive here all night
to be a second-year's assistant.
I can't be a nuisance to a doctor
who drove all night long.
I'll get his bleeding under control.
Let's begin. Gauze.
You're here.
I was wondering if I should
stop by your office or not.
Who are these people?
President Park got into major trouble.
What can we do?
We'll have to pretend to
conduct an investigation to settle this.
It's just a formality. Don't mind us.
-He'll see you at the president's office.
-Let's go.
-Yes, let's go.
Do you want me to get rid of him
and promote you to president?
Hey. Get up there and do your job right.
Be just and fair as a fellow doctor.
Don't be biased in any way.
This is your chance to get rid of Park.
Don't you want to catch it?
If you're here to find the facts,
make sure you do that right.
Stop acting like an old fart.
You have the weirdest personality.
That's why you still
live like this in this place.
Let's go. We should go. Right?
It's not just blood.
-What's this?
-His stomach must be perforated.
-I see sea snails and noodles everywhere.
-My gosh.
His liver and spleen look fine.
Keep the irrigation coming.
I found the perforation site.
Repair the perforation in the OR.
Control the bleeding for now.
What? You can't find it?
I heard you have good hands,
but I guess you don't have good eyes.
If you don't find it
in three seconds, I'm going in.
-Three. Move your hands.
-I found it.
It was his mesenteric artery.
Take a look.
Give me the tie.
His BP is coming back.
Okay. Let's continue in the OR.
Let's cover him with a surgical drape
and move him to the OR.
Before he goes into the OR,
please check his brain and C-spine.
Sure, I'll check before we move him.
-Nurse Joo, portable oxygen, please.
Go easy on him.
You didn't have to do that
to a good doctor like him.
So why did you give
the scalpel to a second-year?
You made me anxious.
You just wanted to see
what Doctor Seo can do, no?
So you still don't like me, Nurse Park.
I still find you uncomfortable,
that's all.
Nurse Park. Doctor Jeong
and Seo are looking for you.
Here's the portable oxygen.
May I borrow a pen?
What? Oh, sure.
Are you new here?
Yes, I'm Nurse Joo Young-mi.
I'm Do In-beom, a GS.
Give me a call when the CT scan is out.
Yes, of course.
Thanks, Nurse Joo.
What are you doing right now,
Doctor Do In-beom?
Do I know you?
Come on, In-beom!
We agreed we'd be strangers at Doldam.
You wanted to do that.
That's not what I'm talking about.
Why are you so mean to everyone?
You were really mean to Doctor Seo.
And what's with you and Nurse Park?
This is how I do my job. So what?
Will you stop pretending like
you're strong and cool?
Try to get along with everyone.
What about you?
Are you studying for the exam?
Your board exam is coming up.
I'll manage that myself.
If you don't pass it on the first try,
I'll make fun of you forever
and call you a bonehead.
My gosh, what's with him?
I knew it.
How are you two acquainted?
You two have different surnames,
so you can't be siblings.
Is he a childhood friend?
A guy from your church?
Or is he just a guy you know?
There are a lot of items they want us
to cut back on this month.
What can we do?
We'll have to put together
the materials to explain our needs.
Goodness, it feels like we're in
an endless fight
with the evaluation committee.
Let's just think of this as
both parties doing their jobs well.
They manage and supervise thoroughly,
and we continue to demand what we need.
We can only keep a balance…
when both parties do their best
to guard their position.
Yes, Doctor. I'll do my best
to put the materials together.
Doctor Bae.
Woo-jin's creditors are gone now, right?
You did that, didn't you?
Well, I wouldn't say they're gone.
I felt bad seeing Doctor Seo
suffer so much.
Since when were you worried about him?
You've never cared about anything else
other than bones.
I thought you came to Doldam
and decided to stay here for good
to not get involved with the world.
I did.
That's true.
Isn't it ever since you saw
that file on Doctor Seo on my desk?
Tell me.
What's going on between you and Woo-jin?
Aren't you going to tell me?
There's nothing to tell.
Then why do you call him "In-beom"?
Will you be quiet?
Wait, you aren't two-timing them, are you?
Doctor Do and Nurse Park, I mean.
No way. What kind of nonsense is this?
What are you saying?
Who's two-timing whom?
Doctor Yoon, are you two-timing?
I'm sure one of them is Nurse Park.
Who's the other guy?
Goodness, one second.
Who is it? Who's the other guy?
What? Do…
Doldam Hospital, we can do it.
Doldam, we can do it.
I've never dated anyone before this.
Yes, come in.
Are you busy?
Why? What is it?
Well, it's because
I have something to tell you.
Yes, go ahead.
-One second.
Yes, Mr. Jang.
I see. I'll be there.
I'm sorry for cutting you off.
The main hospital sent us
a fact-finding committee to investigate
how Professor Park's patient
died during the surgery yesterday.
I have to go up
to the president's office because of that.
Then you should hurry up and go.
No, I can spare a moment. What is it?
Well, I'm not in a huge hurry.
You should go.
Okay then. I'll take care of the urgent
matter first. Let's talk after that.
Thank you, Doctor Jeong.
-Whenever I'm away,
you're always the doctor in charge.
You know that, don't you?
Yes. Of course.
I know that.
I'll leave it to you then.
Yes, sir.
This is awful.
OR 1, OR 2
-Great work.
-Great work.
-Great job.
Doctor Seo.
Could you head over
to the staff lounge for a moment?
A fact-finding committee was sent here
from the main hospital
regarding the death on the table.
They have a few questions
to ask you and Doctor Yang.
Right now?
You must be tired after the surgery,
but please do cooperate for a moment.
Sure. I'll get changed and go over there.
Has it begun?
Yes, I'd be grateful if you two could
return to your posts too.
Okay, sure. Let's go, Ms. Oh.
Take a seat.
Let's begin the examination.
Then shall we get started?
I'll ask Doctor Seo first.
Were you the first assistant
for Mr. Kang Ik-joon's surgery?
How many times have you been
Professor Park's first assistant?
I've gone into surgery with him
three times,
and I was the first assistant twice.
Doctor Yang, I believe you are
usually Professor Park's first assistant.
Why were you suddenly switched out
during Mr. Kang's surgery?
My specialty is laparoscopy.
But this surgery was a laparotomy.
That's why.
I heard you were the first person
to suspect that he had WPW syndrome.
I became suspicious after I saw his EKG.
And I clearly told the surgeon in charge
that I was concerned about his condition.
Are you saying you were
against operating on him?
Then why did you open up the OR?
Were you forced by the surgeon in charge?
I have no comment.
Why not?
This is my team, and they're my teammates
no matter what anyone says.
I do not wish to refute
every single thing that my teammate said.
But I'd like to get an answer
from you to clarify the truth.
Of course.
This is just a formality,
but you still need to answer.
Have you ever forced or urged
the anesthesiologist
to go ahead with the surgery
although she did not agree with you?
I have…
never put any kind of pressure…
on Anesthesiology.
You can't even persuade Anesthesiology.
How could you ruin my plans like this?
The same goes for Internal Medicine.
Professor Na, it's me.
Please hand your answer
directly to me, not through Ho-jun.
Right now.
I made my case very clear
regarding his WPW syndrome.
It was just reported as a reference.
I suggested we reschedule his surgery
after he was treated in the main hospital.
Internal Medicine gave me an answer
that said we could study his case
at the main hospital after the surgery.
Is that true?
It's true.
I believe you were involved in
another accident three years ago.
That was also a death on the table.
That is correct.
You lost the case at the second trial.
I believe you had to pay
a huge compensation to the bereaved.
Yes. I did.
And I heard you divorced your husband
after that incident.
I believe you have a son.
Who's raising him right now?
What does that have to do with this case?
Well, I didn't mean much by it.
I was just personally curious.
I mean, think about it.
Professor Park is a big shot.
There's no reason for him to push ahead
with a risky operation.
And he was the son of the chairman
of Sejen Group! Come on.
He probably needed to show results.
What do you mean, Doctor Seo?
He failed to suture in the second surgery
for the Minister of National Defense,
and then he never showed any great results
after he was instated here
as the president.
He must've been anxious.
Hey, Seo Woo-jin.
He was so desperate
that he changed his first assistant
on the day of the surgery.
Isn't that so?
He sent away emergency patients
to only accept VIP patients.
When one of our doctors was gashed
with a box cutter,
he covered it up
without calling the police.
Then he tried to take the staff here
and move them to another hospital.
He held the title of doctor,
but everything he did was far from it.
Of course, he was anxious.
-You jerk! Do you want to die?
-Stop it.
Calm down, Doctor Yang.
Let him go.
Darn it!
This jerk?
He's just venting his spite right now.
He was fired from Professor Park's team
while he was working at the main hospital.
He blew the whistle on a senior colleague
and committed all kinds of
degrading acts as a doctor,
so Professor Park had no choice
but to dismiss him.
He's doing this because he has a grudge.
He's framing Professor Park. Okay?
Okay. I understand what you're saying.
Hey, Doctor Do.
You know Professor Park very well too.
You respect him, don't you?
You're right. He's competent and gracious.
But we need to put
our personal feelings to the side.
A man died.
It looks like we've heard enough for now.
Let's end it here.
I might contact you again
with additional questions,
so please don't go
too far away from the hospital today.
Darn it. You jerk.
Darn you.
What was that just now, Doctor Seo?
What do you mean?
You just needed to tell us
about the death on the table.
So what?
Did you have to rat Professor Park out
that badly?
I thought that was necessary.
You said we need to lose him
to save Doldam.
So I was giving you the grounds to do it.
Why? Is something wrong?
I think you're
misunderstanding something, Doctor Seo.
What Doctor Kim hates the most
is doctors playing politics at a hospital.
I never did that.
If you give the grounds,
criticize, and slander others
to get what you want, what else is that
other than playing politics?
I was just sharing the facts.
If you wanted to complain and vent,
you should go face him yourself.
How can I face a guy like him?
He's the president of this hospital,
and I'm just a mere fellow.
We're in different places
and levels in this society.
If you know that,
why did you put in unnecessary emotions?
The moment you add emotions to facts,
it becomes propaganda.
The more unfair you think this is,
the less persuasive your argument gets.
The more frustrated you are,
the less credibility your words have.
People will be suspicious of the facts
mixed with the emotions.
The moment you add your emotions
to a fight that can be won with facts,
things can get distorted.
Do you understand?
No one can mess with them.
I'll make sure no one messes with…
Doldam or Doctor Kim.
Did the hearing go well?
No. Actually, I'm not sure.
By the way,
about that patient, Kang Ik-joon…
I heard he consented to the surgery,
knowing that he had WPW syndrome.
Did you know about that?
What do you mean?
He knew.
He knew?
Professor Park Min-gook
explained everything.
Let's not tell my parents.
This isn't something you should hide.
They said the surgery could go wrong.
I don't want to worry them anymore.
I haven't shown any symptoms yet,
and they said me being young helps.
And the chances of something
going wrong during surgery are quite slim.
Are you thinking
of just proceeding with the surgery?
What if something happens, though?
Then that's probably my fate.
Whether it's from the cancer
or WPW syndrome,
death is all the same.
What? So you're saying…
The patient was well aware
of his condition,
but he still consented
to the surgery of his own accord.
Unless there was
a mistake during the surgery--
No, there wasn't. I'm sure of it.
Then Professor Park can't really be
held accountable for it.
Maybe morally.
But legally, he's not responsible.
Why hasn't the fact-finding committee
been notified of this?
Exactly. It's so odd.
Why make things worse
by keeping that information quiet?
It seems that a follow-up investigation
will be unavoidable.
A follow-up investigation?
What do you mean by that?
While investigating this table death case,
we came across
many systematic shortcomings
that Doldam Hospital has.
And we're noticing some things
that require immediate attention.
Like what?
Could you give us examples?
First, we'll have to look into it more.
Aren't you just trying
to complicate things?
I agree that a follow-up investigation
is necessary.
I also think that we should evaluate
the medical staff's qualifications.
I agree.
Me too.
Gosh. This will turn into a huge headache.
Oh, dear.
Well, it is the committee's decision,
so we must follow it.
We don't know much about the law anyway.
Right, President Park?
President Park.
Listen to me carefully.
I don't intend
to reproach you for your mistake.
But at the same time, we cannot
just sweep it under the rug.
A fact-finding committee will be formed.
The table death case
will only serve as a pretext.
Their real objective
will be finding out what's going on
at Doldam through in-depth investigations.
What are you trying to get out of it?
There's only one thing that I want.
To shut down Doldam Hospital
and build our new future there.
And to do that,
I need your utmost cooperation.
This might be your only chance
to survive.
Mr. Jang.
-Yes, sir.
-Give the committee…
full access to our files.
You mean, everything?
Yes. Everything they need to see.
Please cooperate.
Everything will go
according to their plan.
Their goal is to find a reason
to shut down Doldam at all costs.
And to do that, they will
try to find whatever reason they can.
So once they have a reason,
and President Park and Chairman Do
decide to shut down the hospital…
It can't be stopped.
So this "fact-finding committee"
is actually a committee
for shutting down Doldam.
It looks like they're even
going to desert Professor Sim, Doctor Kim.
Knowing the situation, do you still
wish to give Professor Park a chance?
Do you still see hope in him?
Hi, Doctor Seo.
What are you doing?
I'm packing my stuff in advance.
I'll probably be suspended soon.
-I can tell from what's been going on.
They're "investigating"
with a decision already in mind.
The patient was aware of his WPW syndrome,
and I heard we had his consent.
You see,
there are times when it's just better
to own up to it
than to drive yourself crazy
just to avoid responsibility.
I was wrong to consent to the surgery,
and whether I was pressured or not,
I should be held accountable
in some way or another.
I've been feeling
indebted to Professor Park.
But we're now even. I'm relieved.
Still, this is wrong.
If it isn't a case of malpractice,
those people have no reason to be here.
Look, Doctor Seo.
The table death is only an excuse to them.
It was never important
to them to begin with.
Don't you get it?
Then we shouldn't let them find anything
they can use against us.
Kang Ik-joon, who was in Room 208.
-Can I get his guardian's phone number?
-Just a second, please.
Gosh, please… Please pick up.
Please pick up.
The person you're trying to reach is…
-Are you looking for something?
-Kang Ik-joon's surgery consent form.
Do you know if it's here?
Doctor Yang took it this morning.
If you're okay with a photocopied version,
you should ask Doctor Kim.
What? Doctor Kim?
Yes, he had asked me to make a copy of it.
He took it just now.
Come on.
Have a look.
Not only did he sign the consent form,
but he also signed a form
saying he was given an explanation
regarding his WPW syndrome.
Don't you think…
this is enough evidence
to help you avoid getting suspended?
All right.
Those folks who are ransacking this place.
Tell them to leave.
As surgeons, our job is to save lives.
It is our duty to save
our patients at all costs,
but there are times when we fail.
That's what happened
to Kang Ik-joon yesterday.
You made an informed decision
that his aggressive cancer could be
more of a threat than his WPW syndrome
and pushed ahead with the surgery.
I respect the decision you made.
It would've been nice
if you had managed to save him,
and I'm sorry that's not what happened.
you playing politics and using his death,
that I cannot accept.
President Park.
I don't really know
how big your ambition is.
But I thought you at least took some pride
in your profession as a doctor.
You never avoided treating patients
or walked away from them.
I thought you were hard-headed,
but I never thought you were incompetent.
I also knew you had a big ego,
and for that reason,
I didn't think you'd ever
give up on your patients.
Who knew you'd show your true colors
all of a sudden like this?
I really didn't expect this.
You hid those signed consent forms.
You even deserted your teammate.
And now,
you're even trying
to mess with the entire hospital.
What will you get out of this?
Enough, please.
You're out of line.
Answer my question.
What the heck
will you get out of doing all this?
Doctor Bu Yong-ju.
Your failure.
Your hypocrisy and reckless bravado…
and the way you put on airs.
I wanted the whole world to see it.
How wrong, full of it, and crazy you are.
I'm not the one
who should get off the bus!
It's you.
That's it?
You're putting Doldam in jeopardy
and helping Do Yun-wan get what he wants
just to take me down?
Just to see me fail?
This hospital can't be saved.
No matter how hard you try,
you can't save it because
you already missed the golden hour.
We can't declare it dead just because
we don't think we can save it.
You must think you're always right
and better than everybody else.
My pride,
my countless efforts,
and everything I've achieved so far.
Don't you dare belittle them.
I don't deserve to be belittled like that.
Do you understand?
Look, President Park.
You're not just a fool,
you're a complete loser.
You're obstinate,
bull-headed, and insecure.
And that arrogant, pretentious belief…
No. You can't even call that a belief.
It's just an obsession created
by your greed and delusion.
To tell you the truth,
I once thought
it'd be nice to have you here.
I actually thought that.
I mean, you had
a pretty good reputation as a doctor.
But now, I'm grateful.
To know that it was a useless thought.
You taught me that.
All right.
While you still have this title…
You'd better clean up the mess…
that you've created.
I'll no longer wait or be patient.
Those days are over.
I'll be honest with you.
You people really irk us.
Are you aware of that?
-What's the problem now?
-You guys make us feel uneasy.
We all thought we were doing our best.
But when we're here with you folks,
we're embarrassed to have thought that.
But we're too proud to admit it.
Shouldn't we at least know
what we're working so hard for?
He talked about pain in his left chest,
so I took a chest X-ray.
The left lung looks a little weird.
But it may be nothing serious.
-I'll run it through the AI program.
-Tell me the results right away.
What's the problem?
A stomach ache.
I told him to always watch what he eats,
but he overate this morning
and got an upset stomach again.
Sir, I'll examine your abdomen.
What kind of operation did he have?
He had a bowel perforation years ago,
so they cut out a bit of his intestine.
Years ago? How long ago was it?
Gosh, a long time ago.
It was when he was young.
It was about 40 years ago.
-Yes, that sounds about right.
-40 years?
-And this one?
-Oh, this, about five years ago,
he had his gallbladder removed.
-What are his vitals?
-145 over 80, 70 bpm, and 36.8 degrees.
-Move him to bed number nine.
-Nurse Um.
Let's get the X-rays first.
-Put him on fluids during the lab test.
-Give him some tramadol as well. Good.
-Got it.
-I have the results.
-He has a pneumothorax.
-What is it? Do you have something?
Yes, we have your X-ray results.
There's an air buildup in your left chest.
-An air buildup?
My gosh! Doctor, over here.
-Help me, please.
-My gosh. Sir, you're back.
You said come back if it hurt again.
I told you to see a urologist
-if the pain recurs.
-When did you say that?
When I prescribed the medication.
I said the medication might not be enough
and told you to see a urologist
for a lithotomy.
I clearly said that.
Nonsense! I don't recall hearing that!
-Lie down, please.
-I can't die yet!
-Make the pain go away!
-Doctor Jeong!
-Doctor Jeong!
-I'm coming.
-Just a moment.
-This hurts.
I tripped and rolled down while hiking.
I tore open my forehead.
-Oh, I see. Nurse Joo.
-Take this patient to the hybrid room.
-This way, please.
-I'm dying!
-I'm coming.
-Could you explain the rest?
-Oh, right.
-Doctor Yoon, call Doctor Seo!
-Got it!
My kid fell off a slide and can't walk.
-She can't walk?
I'm dying here! Do something!
Doctor, you need to explain the rest.
-Please explain.
-You're fine.
-Kid, give me a second.
-Gosh, Doctor!
-What are you doing?
-Help me out first.
Wait, just a moment. Okay, just wait!
-I can't wait!
-I can't breathe.
Doctor! My daughter…
This is crazy.
Doctor Jeong.
What a mess. Do you need a hand?
-Yes, please.
Could you examine the laceration patient
in the hybrid room?
Okay, no problem.
-Thank you.
-Oh, hold on.
What were you going to say earlier?
-Oh, that was…
-Doctor, please.
-Why isn't anyone helping me?
Is it about something important?
Then just say it now.
No, it's nothing. I'll take care of it.
-Doctor Jeong!
-Yes, I'm coming!
-Take the laceration case.
-Okay, go.
Doctor Yoon, take care of that kid!
Please lie on your back.
And just like that,
Doctor Jeong ended up staying at Doldam.
Hi, honey.
Yes, that's what happened.
The other hospital…
I did some research,
and the place is a mess.
The salary they offered was a lie,
and the other options are terrible.
That's right.
Doldam is much better.
I figured it'd be wiser to just stay here
and wait for a position
to open up at the main hospital.
Yes, exactly.
-Doctor Jeong, we have a new patient.
-Honey, I have to go.
I'll call you later.
I love you. A lot.
I'm coming, okay?
I'm glad that everyone seems
to have overcome the hurdle.
Mr. Yeo.
You're staying strong too, right?
What are you going to do, sir?
About the fact-finding committee.
Give it to them.
Sir, but…
Can't you see?
We've lost this fight.
So? You'll just back down?
Gosh. What can we do then?
They have a consent form that shows
the patient agreed to everything.
Even the patient's guardian is saying
the patient signed it of his own accord.
That's what's happening now.
Yes, Ik-joon heard the explanation
and signed it himself.
-What is going on?
-That's it, then.
You fool. I'm hanging up!
The older you get,
the kinder you should become.
Such idiots.
I told them exactly what to do,
yet they still messed it all up.
You morons.
Someone is here to see you.
I'm sorry I'm a little late, Mr. Chairman.
-You're leaving?
My work here is done, so I should leave.
We have a patient with bowel obstruction.
Necrosis hasn't occurred yet, though.
I'm thinking of performing
laparoscopic adhesiolysis.
Could you show me how it's done?
It's a small bowel obstruction.
I'll now begin the adhesiolysis.
I haven't been in surgery with Doctor Do
in a while.
You're the best laparoscopic surgeon.
Thank you.
But, Doctor Seo is in charge today.
I got your back, so give it a go.
You can do it, right?
Let's swap places then.
We'll begin now. Scalpel.
-Kelly forceps.
-Kelly forceps.
Gas on.
The cavity isn't filling up.
It can happen when there's an adhesion.
Kelly forceps.
The adhesion looks bad.
Energy device, please.
I heard you gave him homework.
Woo-jin told you that?
I saw our project binder on his desk.
In about a year or two,
both you and Dong-ju
will have to brace yourselves.
No way.
Is he your favorite now?
When do you plan to get the surgery
for your carpal tunnel syndrome?
After Woo-jin finishes his homework.
I'll wait until then.
You did a good job
with the surgery.
I owe it all to your guidance.
I learned a lot.
To us surgeons, experience is everything.
You know what I mean, right?
Yes, I do.
Look after Doldam for me
until I come back.
-You plan to come back?
-You didn't know?
This is where I belong.
I'm at the main hospital temporarily.
I see.
Also, make sure
you complete your homework.
Your mentor asked you
to diagnose his condition.
He wouldn't have asked just anybody.
Still, how could you not even say goodbye?
Anyway, it got a little risky at times,
but no one found out about us.
Thank goodness, right?
All right.
You take care too.
Oh, tell Auntie that I said hi.
Okay, bye.
When did you get here?
Before you came in.
Oh, I see.
How come I didn't see you?
By the way,
who were you talking to on the phone?
The ICU. It's Mr. Yeo.
Gosh. Doctor Yoon.
Doctor Yoon! Darn it.
Where did Doctor Yoon go?
-Where are you going?
-The ICU, to see Mr. Yeo.
Oh, I see.
Eun-jae will return to the main hospital.
What do I do with her?
-Just tell her how you feel.
-Why aren't you asking me to stay?
Are we still good?
Does Doctor Kim have something
other than CTS?
About the homework…
I think I've found the answer.
Professor Park!
I need your help.
Can we kick Doctor Kim out with that?
And you think you should
still be allowed in the OR?
I'm seriously considering letting you go.
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