Stargate SG-1 s02e15 Episode Script

The Fifth Race

When we found Ernest Littlefield|on PB2-908, .
we also discovered|a repository of information.
Meaning of life sort of stuff Yes.
Based on the four distinct|alien languages inscribed on a wall, .
we concluded it was a meeting place|for the four races.
- We all reread the mission reports.
|- OK.
Well, two days ago, the probe|sent back this image from P3R-272.
You'll see that the symbols match one of|the inscriptions from the meeting place .
on Ernest's planet.
So you realise what this means? You know what this circle|of symbols says? No, I-I don't even know|what it sounds like.
But, based on the Norse rune|at the bottom of this inscription, .
I'm positive one of the four races|in the alliance is Thor's race - the Asgard.
Obviously, that would make the aliens|that belong to this language their allies.
I believe this world is worth exploring,|Daniel Jackson.
Very strange.
Breathable air, moderate temperature|Where's the life support coming from? Walls are solid.
As the probe indicated,|there appears to be no exit.
Well .
this was an intergalactic waste of time! Well, wait a minute, sir.
Where's|the power for the lights coming from? What's the point of this place? (Daniel) Hello! Hello! I'm Daniel Jackson.
We're peaceful|explorers from the planet Earth.
This is worth a try.
Daniel .
how long you figure we oughta hang out|here and scratch our cosmic heads? Well, we can't just give up.
Why not? Let's go home.
OK That's something.
(O'Neill) Watch yourself there, Teal'c.
What do you see? Blackness.
Filled with coloured lights.
(high-pitched buzzing) Argh! (Carter) Colonel? (Daniel) Jack! Can you hear me? His pulse is racing.
Daniel, dial the gate.
(dialling) Pupils are back to normal.
Pulse is fine.
You feel OK? Great.
Don't remember a thing.
You were catatonic for about an hour|after that thing released your head.
I can't find anything wrong with you.
Well okey-dokey.
So what caused this device to appear? We're not sure.
Colonel O'Neill passed through a circle|on the floor before it appeared.
I was first to look into it.
- What did you see?|- Lights.
He saw lights.
That's what he said he saw - lights.
|Are we done? Not exactly.
Why didn't the device react|to Teal'c the same way as it did to you? - I don't know.
|- Perhaps because I am a Jaffa.
We've seen alien technologies that are|sensitive to a Goa'uld's presence before.
Like Thor's hammer.
Teal'c looked.
I looked.
It grabbed|my head.
I passed out.
I came to.
We're here.
We're home Can we go? Sir are you OK? I'm fine.
I'm just fine.
A little tired, maybe.
(Hammond) Colonel Are you sure you're OK? I am absolutely fine! There is nothing cruvus with me.
What? You just said there was|nothing cruvus with you.
- I did not!|- Yes, you did.
- No, I didn't.
|- Yes, you did.
- Didn't.
|- Did! - Cruvus? What is that?!|- I don't know.
Well, I'm guessing you were trying to say|there was nothing wrong with you.
(Hammond)|Why don't you take some time to relax? You're dismissed.
But do me a favour and stay on the base.
Keep an eye on him.
What is the reason for these|padded gloves, O'Neill? So we don't hurt each other.
I'll be honest, Teal'c.
|It's so you don't hurt me.
If our purpose is to not cause each other|harm, why are we doing battle? What can I tell you? It's boxing.
|It's fun! Come on Come on, Teal'c.
You gotta|move around a bit.
You gotta dance.
I do not understand, O'Neill.
Are we|preparing to dance or to do battle? Teal'c, if you don't move around,|you're a sitting duck.
You're a target! Huh? Like that! I'm sorry.
Are you all right? - I am fine.
|- Well, that's why you gotta move How was that, O'Neill? It was good.
It was good Uh The thing about keeping|your hands up Is my nose bleeding? You are fine.
Keep your hands up.
|You gotta keep your feet movin'.
And, uh bend your cosars.
|Keep your cosars bent.
I am unfamiliar with that word.
What? Cosars? Cosars.
You gotta bend your cosars.
I believe you are referring|to your legs, O'Neill.
All right! What the hell|is going on with me? What do you mean? Apparently, I have lost|the falatus to speak properly! That wasn't a joke.
|I didn't do that on purpose.
Several times, O'Neill has used|strange words in place of common terms.
- OK.
What was that word you just used?|- I believe it was falatus.
Sounds kind of close|to Medieval Latin.
It's, um possibly a derivation,|maybe even a root.
Faculatus is Latin for ability.
You said|you lost the falatus to speak properly.
Nou ani anquietas.
What? Nou ani anquietas.
Hic qua videum.
- Jack, are you reading this?|- I don't know.
You tell me! I don't know.
I haven't even been able|to associate sounds to the symbols.
- Do you know what this means?|- No! I'm just looking at it|and the words pop right into my fron! Does anybody think this is odd? The language he's speaking has|similar sounds to Medieval Latin.
- So he's in the infirmary now?|- Yes.
But before we took him there, .
he picked up a chalk|and did this in 30 seconds flat.
Do you have any idea what this means? No.
Even the simple equations|don't make any sense.
No, this is like no math I've ever seen.
A normal human brain operates at about .
5-10% of its functional capacity|at any given time.
Colonel O'Neill's brain|is operating at over 90% capacity.
- How is that possible?|- I don't know.
- Where is Colonel O'Neill?|- He should be in the infirmary.
He is not there.
- Teal'c, you take the gate room.
|- I'll check the locker room.
Colonel What are you doing? I need this.
What for? I have no idea.
- Where is he now?|- He's with Teal'c.
Do you think his current condition|poses any threat? Sir, I don't even know|what's wrong with him.
But his brain function|has increased tenfold.
Jack was able to read the alien language.
Both the inscription from|the wall on Ernest's planet .
and the circle of symbols from 272,|where this happened to him.
What does it mean? Um Well, my translation's|a little bit vague.
I think the circle means|"the place of our legacy".
Um Or it could be "a piece of our leg".
|But the first seems to make more sense.
The point is Colonel O'Neill is|unwillingly speaking an alien language.
We know the Asgard oppose|the Goa'uld, so maybe .
all the races of this alliance|felt the same.
It might explain why|the viewer locked out Teal'c.
- What are you saying?|- What if this device somehow .
downloaded an alien language|into Jack's brain? Your presence is required|in the control room.
(tapping at keyboard) - What's he doing?|- I do not know.
(Hammond) Captain Carter? The main system's down.
I'm locked out.
- Colonel?|- Yes, sir? - What are you doing?|- I don't know, sir.
You know me and computers.
- Colonel, I'm ordering you to stop.
|- I'd love to, sir, but I can't! - Stop him.
|- No! Not yet! I'm not farit! Sir, I think he wants to finish|what he's doing.
I can't reboot, sir.
- Uh-oh.
|- Captain? Sir, this is machine code.
He must have been entering|some sort of program.
What did you do? It's a destination map.
These are|all the Stargates we've been through.
Sam, are those new gates popping up? It's not possible.
It takes days to calculate|the planetary shift of each new location.
Whoa, wait a second.
Sir, the new Stargates did not come from|the Abydos cartouche data that we put in.
(Hammond) But that's the only|reference we have, isn't it? The colonel must have input|new Stargate locations.
That thing must have put more than|just a language into your brain.
The inscription read|"the place of our legacy".
What if that thing you looked into|was some sort of alien database .
like the one on Ernest's planet? All the knowledge that these|particular aliens possessed.
Colonel, you're not under arrest.
But you are also not to touch anything|else on this base without permission.
Understood? Etium, .
You can only stare at a computer screen|for so long.
That program you entered rewrote|massive amounts of the machine code.
Jack's lost the ability to speak|anything but the alien language.
Really? Wow! But the good news is we seem to have|more of the alien inscription translated.
"Nou ani anquietas" -|"We are the ancients.
" Who are the ancients? Well, I think they could be|the teachers of roads.
You see, the Romans spoke Latin .
and they learned to build roads|from gods known as the ancient ones.
I'm still not following you.
The gate builders.
What if these ancients were the alien race|who invented the Stargate? You're still just speculating, right? That would explain why Jack knew about|Stargates the Goa'uld haven't discovered.
I don't know, Daniel.
Why would they|invent a device that would do this? "The place of our legacy.
"|To pass on knowledge.
Jack may have knowledge of the original|gate builders downloaded into his brain.
Ego indeo navo locas.
Ego means I.
- Indeo.
|- Need.
- Navo.
|- New.
- Locas.
|- Locas Locas Locas Locatia.
You need a new|location! You need a new location! Where do you wanna go? OK I have to get back to the computer.
|I wish you could explain this.
Sir, this is base eight math! The problem may only be affecting|the verbal language centre of your brain.
It's a different function than writing.
|But it looks like the problem is advancing.
Since he lost his speech gradually, .
whatever it is may be|taking over incrementally.
What's the worst-case scenario? Well, your computer analogy's|pretty good.
Colonel, your hard drive .
is filled with information in a language|your computer doesn't understand.
If it continues to progress|the way it has thus far, .
you may eventually lose the ability|to write or even comprehend us.
Or worse the computer|could shut down altogether.
We've sent probes to the addresses|Colonel O'Neill entered in the computer, .
hoping that one would lead us|to the race that affected his mind.
We may have found something.
P9Q-281 has a pedestal near the gate .
with symbols that match|the alien language Jack is speaking.
Then I suggest we check it out.
You're authorised to go, Captain.
Major Castleman will be|joining SG-1 on this mission.
Well, if Jack's not going,|then I have to stay.
Why is that, Doctor? If Sam and Teal'c make contact with|the ancients and they can report back, .
then Jack and I will go.
Until then, translating this language .
may be the most important thing|we've done since we opened the Stargate.
You see, I'm pretty sure .
Jack is speaking the language|of the original gate builders.
At the least, it's one of the races .
who created the repository|of information on Ernest's planet.
The, uh, meaning of life stuff.
I believe the equation Colonel O'Neill|wrote down is a revolutionary formula .
for calculating the distance|between planetary bodies.
(Daniel) Bottom line, sir,|what about Jack? Right now, I'm his only hope|for communicating on a serious level.
I can't leave him like this.
And I won't.
All right.
The rest of you will leave at 1600 hours.
SG-1 Your mission is a go.
I think we're getting|hung up on the grammar.
(typing) OK, you have to go through|the Stargate.
Where? Where to? Back to the planet where this happened?|You have to go back there? (knock on door) Come! Sir, SG-1 did not return|the probe on schedule.
- Let's open the gate, try to make contact.
|- Yes, sir.
SG-1 , this is Stargate Command.
Do you read? Over.
They're responding, sir.
Video and audio.
(Carter) Do not send rescue team.
|Repeat, do not send rescue team.
This is General Hammond.
We copy,|Captain.
Where is Major Castleman? He's looking for shelter, sir.
We're in a little trouble here.
|We can't dial out.
The DHD seized up when we tried|to send the probe back.
The temperature here|is increasing rapidly, .
which probably explains why we haven't|found any indigenous life forms.
The probe's data did not reveal a second|sun, which rose halfan hour ago.
General, we're gonna get one heck of|a sunburn if we stay here much longer.
Can you dial in manually? Teal'c's attempting a manual dial .
but we can't do it with|the wormhole open from your end.
I copy that, Captain.
If you're not back in one hour, .
we will open the wormhole again|for further communication.
Good luck.
SGC out.
- What's he doing now?|- Building something.
I've been taking some notes,|but I'm finding it hard to follow.
(whispers) I have to go downstairs.
|Sam and Teal'c are in trouble.
Just don't tell Jack.
I think he's got enough on his mind.
This Mylar material,|added to a field tent, .
should provide|10-20 degrees' worth of protection.
We've augmented air coolers|to work with generators.
- But how are they gonna get home?|- Based on Captain Carter's description, .
we've run probability tests|using the function data .
we correlated so far from|the DHD found in Antarctica.
- Do you understand what he said?|- It sounds like they have no idea.
Actually, it's not no idea, sir.
|Just not much of one yet! But we're working on it.
Manual dialling failed.
The DHD is stuck mid-dial and|seems to be locking the gate in place.
- Are we recording this?|- Yes, sir.
By my calculations, .
we could be facing a temperature|of over 200 st F in less than four hours.
Captain, we're sending through .
heat-resistant tents|and portable air coolers.
General, I don't think you understand|how hot it's gonna get.
Nothing you send us will|provide enough protection.
We'll be dead before|the end of the day, sir.
I think he's finished.
What is it? (humming) That's it? OK, well, let's let's just|leave this thing for now.
I have something a little|more important to discuss.
I didn't want to tell you this before.
|I thought you had enough on your mind.
Sam, Teal'c, and the rest of SG-1|are in trouble.
The DHD on P9Q-281 isn't working|and they can't get home.
To make matters worse,|there is a very hot sun rising.
They don't have much time.
(Carter) The rest ofthe symbols|won't engage.
The DHD .
is locking the gate in place|so we can't dial in manually.
I've tried everything I know|about these things.
Look, no one else believes .
you have the knowledge of the original|gate builders in your head except me.
- What's he doing?|- I don't know.
- Do you think this is going to help?|- I-I don't I really don't know.
"Shut up and go away.
" (man) We can't power up the DHD|and get it to recharge its capacitors.
Removing the power source|and reinstalling .
rebooted the system in tests.
- We never simulated a mid-dial lockup.
|- We have to dial in now! - What is it?|- The colonel has a solution.
We weren't sure|what he was drawing at first - That's the dial-home device!|- And instructions on how to fix it.
- You guys can work on this for a while.
|- What is it? No idea.
Actually, not no idea.
|Just not much of one yet.
Work on it.
The object has reached|its destination, sir.
Now we have to hope|those instructions were right.
Glad to have you back.
I thought our goose was quite|literally cooked this time, sir.
These plans were perfect.
|Who came up with them? Colonel?! I am sorry, O'Neill.
We could not find a way to help you.
- Feel better?|- Much.
- Is this what you wanted to show me?|- Yes.
Jack built it, .
but no one seems to be able|to figure out what it is.
Colonel, you have no idea|what it is or why you built it? (Stargate alarm) (PA) Captain Carter to the control room.
|Captain Carter We were preparing to send SG-11 .
to the next new Stargate address|Colonel O'Neill put into the computer.
The gate wouldn't dial out.
|The computer is frozen.
That doesn't make any sense.
|We just ran a full diagnostic.
The Stargate's trying to draw|more power than usual from the system.
I'm guessing we should follow him.
Should we not attempt|to stop him, Daniel Jackson? Wait a minute.
Jack What are you doing? Euge.
I think that means good.
Jack, I-I really don't know|if this is a good thing.
- Euge.
|- I don't think he understands any more.
The Stargate just got a huge power boost.
|It's drawing ten times more than normal.
- Isn't that impossible?|- Yes, sir.
The circuit should have blown.
This is General Hammond.
Sergeant Siler and a maintenance crew|to the power room! Uh, sir The gate is dialling out! - Where to?|- I have no way of knowing.
We've completely lost control, sir.
(Stargate alarm continues) Come on, let's go! Chevron five is encoded.
Jack's device is an energy source.
|He hooked it up in the power vault.
That explains where the gate's|getting all the extra power.
I would not have authorised that,|Dr Jackson.
Captain, how do we stop it? You could have Siler|pull the main breaker.
- (technician) Chevron six is encoded.
|- Jack says this is a good thing.
- So far he's done nothing bad.
|- So far.
Chevron seven .
is encoded? - And it's not the point of origin.
|- What? What if all these anomalies|that have been happening to Jack .
are part of some big plan? What plan? Earlier, Jack said he had|to go through the gate.
Maybe everything up until now|has been leading to this.
(Carter) What's it doing? Chevron eight is locked! The wormhole is tracking.
Captain? The computer indicates|that the wormhole .
is leaving our known|network of Stargates.
It's going outside of our galaxy.
Far out.
That's why the gate needed|all the extra power.
Hold on.
I thought Stargate addresses|were six points in space .
with the seventh|being the point of origin.
The extra chevron must add a new|distance calculation to the existing points.
Kinda like dialling a different area code.
Now what? Colonel! I'm just supposed to let you go? He's already gone, General.
|I don't think we have much of a choice.
I will accompany you, O'Neill.
I really think he needs|to do this alone, Teal'c.
I really hope this is the right thing to do.
Wait! Without the remote code device,|he won't be able to get back.
Without knowing where he's going and|why, that could put us in further jeopardy.
I'm sorry.
I can't authorise it.
Jack You understand that|if you do this, if you go, .
you might not be able to come back.
Traveller is still en route.
We've lost the traveller! Argh! Ego deserdi asordo.
Comdo asordo.
I'm gonna redial.
The computer won't accept|the eighth chevron.
(phone rings) - Hammond.
|- It's Sergeant Siler, sir.
The device that's hooked to|the power grid? It seems to be dead.
Um Thank you.
You are welcome.
- You understand me?|- We speak many languages.
You're the Asgard - Thor's race.
Right? - You have heard of us?|- Nothing but good things.
You looked into the archive|that stores all the ancients' knowledge.
It was not meant for you.
What? This was all an accident? Human physiology .
has not advanced to the point where|your brain could handle that technology.
Oh Uh So .
where am I? This is the Asgard planet Othala .
in the galaxy of Ida.
Why did I come here? The ancients moved on from|our region of space long ago.
Your subconscious mind used|their knowledge to find us here, .
where you could get help.
Very impressive.
Well you know We did not think your brains|had advanced even that far.
How is it .
you know so much about our brains? We have studied your race closely.
Ah - What did you learn?|- That your species has great potential.
Great potential That's good.
Understand this.
There was once an alliance of|four great races in the galaxy.
The Asgard.
- The Nox.
|- Met them.
- The Furlings.
|- Don't know them.
And the ancients, .
the builders of the Stargates.
That's a pretty heady group.
The alliance was built|over many millennia.
Your race has much to prove|before we may interact on that level.
Uh Uh Look You all seem to be quite wonderful .
And .
I don't want to sound ungrateful .
because I really, really appreciate|you getting all that stuff out of my head.
But you folks should understand .
that we're out there now.
And we might not be ready|for a lot of this stuff .
but we're doing the best we can.
We are a very curious race.
You have already taken the first steps|towards becoming the fifth race.
We'll have to shut the whole|system down and reboot.
- Can you close the iris if necessary?|- Apparently not.
That's not good.
I don't care what you have to do.
|I want control of this system back.
Yes, sir.
I'm trying.
(Stargate alarm) We have an incoming wormhole.
Everything seems to be back online, sir,|including the iris.
Good work, Captain.
- I'm back.
|- What happened? Do you still have|the knowledge of the ancients? (sighs) Nope.
Don't remember a thing! But you know that meaning of life stuff? I think we're gonna be all right.

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