Taxi Driver (2021) s02e15 Episode Script

Ha Joon Versus Do Gi

(All characters, organizations,
and places are fictional.)
(The correctional institution
and religion in this episode)
(don't exist in real life.
We ask for your understanding.)
(Welfare Home
for Brothers and Sisters)
(Episode 15)
(List of Children)
(Shin Chae Yeon)
- He doesn't even have a name
- He doesn't even have a name
- He doesn't even have a name
- He doesn't even have a name
- He doesn't even have a name
- He doesn't even have a name
How dare you challenge me,
you nameless brat?
So you can't even remember
your name.
Or maybe, you're lying
that you can't remember it.
You never had a name, right?
- He doesn't have a name!
- He's got no name.
- He has no name!
- He's nameless.
Father, there's a problem.
Please hurry!
(Welfare Home
for Brothers and Sisters)
Father, Ha Jun won't wake up.
He suddenly charged at him
and pushed him.
It's all right.
(On Ha Jun)
I'm here.
Did someone get hurt?
A kid was playing alone.
Then he slipped and died.
How should I record that incident?
I see. I'll process it
based on your statement.
Come and visit me
once you're done with your shift.
Let's have a meal together.
(Welfare Home
for Brothers and Sisters)
What's your name?
I don't remember it.
Only remember that
you won the fight.
Only the winners can tell people
what happened
and whose fault it was.
Do you think this is your fault?
I agree with you.
You didn't do anything wrong.
Ha Jun died because he was weak.
And it's wrong to be weak.
To win the good fight,
we must be stronger.
You must always win the fight.
You're On Ha Jun starting today.
You must fight evil
on behalf of Ha Jun who just died.
(On Ha Jun)
People look weak in dirty clothes.
Why don't we go and buy
some clothes for you, Ha Jun?
Ha Jun, you're growing
much faster than I expected.
You have become stronger today.
To celebrate that,
I'll give you a present.
People with this ring will help you.
I'm sorry. I'm late.
It's been a while.
How should I process this one?
A father was out
looking for his child.
But he couldn't find the kid
and jumped off the building instead.
How does one record that incident?
I got it.
And I got promoted to captain.
Thank you, sir.
Come and visit me after work.
Let's have a meal, Captain Park.
Yes. I'll be there soon
after I wrap this up.
That's a ring.
That's a cross.
And what's that? A snake?
That's the ring the chief
from Black Sun was wearing.
When we followed the ring,
we ended up at Black Sun.
I saw it in Cotaya as well.
(Top secret)
I found something too.
(Feel Consulting)
I also saw this pattern
on the sealing stickers
Mr. Kang used.
It's the same pattern.
They were all in on it together.
But why are they using
this coat of arms?
To identify
if someone is a friend or a foe.
It's also effective
in assembling groups of strangers.
Then there are a lot more bad people
than we thought.
People who are complete strangers
to each other.
That's possible.
The one who created this pattern
must be the mastermind
of this entire operation.
(Taxi Driver 2)
(Record of
foreign currency transactions)
(Im Sang Hoon, Kim Bum Soon)
(U-Dex is a healthcare company
located in Switzerland.)
(SS Metal Corporation is located
in Dortmund, Germany.)
Is it an affiliate?
(Im Sang Hoon, U-Dex)
(Reporting Suspicious
Foreign Currency Transactions)
(Shinwoo Bank)
(Report on Suspicious
Foreign Currency Transactions)
(SS Metal Corporation)
You just ruined my mood.
Hey. Both of us weren't looking.
Don't say that I ruined your mood.
You're rude.
Precisely why you ruined my mood.
What was that?
Hey. Wait.
What? Oh, no.
Hey, are you all right?
You crazy jerk.
You just wielded a knife at me.
What? When did I do that?
No. It wasn't me. I didn't do it.
Gosh. What
No. I didn't do it.
I really didn't do it.
(Kim Hyung Sub)
(Found Dead at Mount Yangmun)
(Key Figures of Black Sun Gate
Get Life Sentence)
(Jang Sung Chul)
(Kim Do Ki)
He was just arrested and charged.
(Don't die, get revenge.
We'll do it for you.)
I just have to
get in this taxi next?
(Don't die, get revenge.
We'll do it for you.)
(Deluxe Taxi Service,
Tell us your stories of injustice.)
Will you tell me
what happened to you?
My son is in prison.
Please help him.
I'm begging you.
Getting locked up in the first place
wasn't fair.
On top of that,
his life is in danger.
His father must be devastated.
If it happened in prison,
the police can't
probably protect him either.
Right. That's why he's asking us
to save his son.
(Lee Si Wan, Si Wan's father)
There must be another reason
why his life is in danger.
Another reason?
Lee Si Wan was the team leader
of foreign currency transactions.
He's to attend a trial as a witness
in an upcoming trial.
A trial?
Take a look at this.
(Record of
foreign currency transactions)
He reported suspicious
foreign currency transactions
to a prosecutor.
Gosh. Look at the numbers.
I can't understand any of it.
Money has constantly been
going out of the country
as a part of trade transactions.
But recently, the amount of money
for these wire transfers went up.
The thing is,
there are some familiar names
on the list of the wire transfers.
(Kim Hyung Sub, Kang Pil Seung)
Those people
(Kim Hyung Sub, Kang Pil Seung)
I now understand what
we might have done to these people.
Now that Black Sun crumbled
to the ground thanks to Kim,
they find themselves
desperately having to hide
their people and money.
That's why
they suddenly increased
the amount of money
in these transactions.
And that's what
Mr. Lee Si Wan spotted.
Thanks to Kim,
their secret black money
was forced to surface up
and got exposed.
These death threats
Mr. Lee is getting
might not end as just threats.
Right. I agree.
They will do everything they can
to stop him
from attending the trial.
He sent in the evidence.
But if he doesn't show up,
the evidence won't be admissible.
Then the trial can get dismissed
based on lack of evidence.
When's the trial?
It will take place
in less than a week.
Then he must be
in even more danger now.
- I'm in.
- Same here.
Protection will be our priority
for this case.
We must hurry.
(Second Chance Laundry)
(We can clean dirty, stained clothes
and make them brand-new.)
(We only launder clothes, not money,
identities, or nationalities.)
The 5283 beginning service.
(Second Chance Laundry)
(We will not forget you.
We love you.)
(Our condolences.)
(Do not be overcome by evil,
but overcome evil with good.)
This is Jang Sung Chul.
Who am I talking to?
I just did it because they made me.
(Seoul Metropolitan Police)
You only saw the tip of the iceberg.
I'll help you catch all of them.
But you must help me
get out of this.
This isn't fair.
How can I trust you?
Go to the archives
in the prosecutors' office.
Case number, D-2152.
Check the case file.
Then you'll find out the truth.
If you want to catch those jerks,
you must get me out of this. Okay?
Manager On.
I'm so sorry.
Before your promotion's official,
you'll have to resign in disgrace.
(Park Hyun Jo)
(Jangsan Correctional)
(Emergency Transport)
I put you down for a temporary transfer
from another penitentiary.
I had to get some help
from Prosecutor Kang Ha Na.
Where's Mr. Lee Si Wan?
He's locked up in Cell Three.
Can you assign me to the same cell?
The guard on-site is in charge
of assigning inmates to the cells.
So my hands are tied.
why did they follow you there?
I really don't think
they can be that helpful.
If something happens to Mr. Kim,
we'll take care of it.
I'm so scared.
This place must be swarming
with scary people.
Don't worry.
They will be scared of you.
Can I really trust you on that?
This tattoo will protect you.
No one will bother you.
Gosh. I got the chills.
Just the sight of that scares me.
Kyung Gu, they've been staring at you.
If they catch you looking at them,
they'll talk to you.
- You'll be safe if you look away.
- Okay.
You'd better not be a burden
on Mr. Kim.
But still. With them here,
the chance of getting assigned
to his cell is higher now.
I'm glad they're here.
(Exchanging kind words
makes us more warmhearted.)
(Wrongdoings will always
find their way back to you.)
Inmates 1672 and 2235. Come forward.
Inmate 1672, go to Cell 5.
Inmate 2235, to Cell 8. Go in.
Next. Inmates 5283, 4196,
and 5256. Come forward.
Inmate 5283, Cell 6.
Inmate 5256, Cell 3.
Inmate 4196, Cell 9.
- Cell Nine.
- Go in.
- Going in.
- Next.
I'm glad Mr. Park got Cell Three.
Inmate 4196, Cell 9.
Inmate 5256, Cell 3.
Inmate 5283, Cell 6.
I'm a scary man.
No one can touch me.
I'm a scary
- Hey, who are you running with?
- Pardon?
(Double Axe)
Sir, look at this guy.
This jerk is running
with Grizzly Bears from Gwangalli.
They killed our big boss
two years ago.
What? I'm not from Gwangalli.
I'm from Seoul.
You jerk. Are you the one
who stabbed my big boss?
- I don't know.
- Don't answer that.
Your answer won't matter.
Either way,
you'll die today.
Goodness. What are you doing?
Will you make us wait all night
for your introduction?
Oh, my.
You're a smart one.
You brought us presents.
Are you a frequent customer here?
My mother gave them to me.
Oh, dear. You made your mother
see you walk into prison?
What an awful son you are.
Can I talk about my family?
Go ahead.
Ever since I was a kid,
my family had been poor.
We never had a chance to eat out
like other families.
When mother was not home from work yet,
I used to eat ramyeon by myself.
If there are things to sort out,
why don't we do that now?
What are you talking about?
We didn't do anything.
Look at this guy, picking a fight.
I doubt you can focus
on your meditation
in that uncomfortable pose.
You're hiding a tool in the back
of your pants. Hence, your pose.
Is there a scarcity of water here?
The towels aren't even wet.
You keep hanging them up.
You keep scratching yourself.
You must have something
that doesn't belong in your pants.
Lastly, you.
You're holding the book upside down.
You have sharp eyes.
You saw that? My goodness.
Why don't you give us
a nice introduction of yourself?
Yes. Why don't you start with
how much money you brought here?
I don't want to cause trouble here.
You can carry on as usual.
That's the best I can do for you.
It sounds like
he's looking down on us.
Look at this infuriating jerk.
He must be out of his mind.
Which street are you from?
I was a taxi driver.
- He was a taxi driver!
- Howdy, driver!
Why are you all like this?
Where did one of you go?
What's with
all the cuts and bruises?
Foreman, was there a scuffle?
Out of the way.
The one in charge
is actually over here.
I thought you were in charge.
Sir, the guard is asking for you.
Gosh. Is it already time to eat?
When I miss my mother
I pull out a photo of her
What am I hearing?
At the sight
Of my mother's face
Tears stream down my own
- Mother, my mother
- Who's singing? Knock it off!
My apologies!
(Deputy Prosecutor's Office)
(Seoul Central District
Prosecutors' Office)
Thank you all for coming.
- Mr. Jang.
- Yes?
I apologize for
your request being denied
especially when you made
this long trip.
It's all right.
I just hope that you consider
Blue Bird Foundation
during next year's budget meeting.
Of course.
I won't see you out today.
Right. Good job, everyone.
Shall we?
(Seoul Central District
Prosecutors' Office)
(Prosecutors' Office
Case File Archives)
(Archives Guide)
(Archives Guide)
Go to the archives
in the prosecutors' office.
Case number, D-2152.
Check the case file.
Then you'll find out the truth.
(Case number D-2152)
(Supreme Court Justice Kim
Loses Footing While Hiking)
(Section Chief Park Hyun Jo)
(Detective Choi's Gambling Debt
Leads to Suicide)
(Welfare Home
for Brothers and Sisters)
(Deceased, Missing,
Missing, Deceased)
(Deceased, Missing,
Missing, Deceased)
You only saw the tip of the iceberg.
- How were things for you?
- I'm doing fine, but
Where are our side dishes?
Move faster, darn it.
He has me worried.
Please enjoy!
Eat up, boys.
I pledged my allegiance to the boss.
It's how I managed to survive.
I said this would protect you
This is the reason I almost died.
Where are we with Lee Si Wan?
He's in the infirmary
due to an injury.
His offender must be here somewhere.
It's all of them.
Everyone here
is out to harm Lee Si Wan?
How does that make sense?
There's a bounty on his head.
A bounty?
A wager has been placed
regarding the day that he'll die.
They're out of their minds.
I don't know how long
Lee Si Wan will be able to hold out
when he gets back.
This isn't a simple matter.
How can we protect him
when we don't know
when he'll be attacked and by whom?
How much will we get?
- A million dollars.
- A million dollars?
- Sweet.
- That's music to my ears.
We need a system in place
that'll protect him
whether we're here or not.
A protection system?
We need to make the other inmates
stay away on their own accord.
Go Eun, would you like
to solve a riddle?
What is the riddle?
When and where does a psycho appear?
A psycho, did you say?
What's the answer?
Right here, at this very second.
The soup is too bland.
- What the
- You!
My gosh.
Do you find it tasty?
Do you?
Why you
Do you find this tasty?
- You
- Bring it!
You idiots!
Isn't one allowed to say
that the food sucks?
What's his deal?
Where did that psycho come from?
Stop him, you morons!
You now have nowhere to go.
You won't be leaving
without a bill today.
A bill?
Do you only take cash
or do you accept credit cards?
- What a psycho.
- Unbelievable.
You can kiss goodbye
to your pretty face today.
Bring it.
With you, I'm paying in full.
What is he yapping on about?
What's his deal?
- Watch out!
- What's wrong with him?
Get away from us!
Lower those weapons and talk it out.
No, like this.
What was that?
Looking good.
I'm amazed at
how muscular your legs are.
(Cultivate morality,
Establish law and order)
Here's the bun you ordered.
How did you pay for it?
I paid it in full.
You should have paid it
in three-month installments.
I apologize. Here you go.
- What do you think?
- You're the bomb.
You over there.
What do you think you're doing?
Is it me he's talking to?
Why are you lifting heavy weights?
What is he yapping about?
I asked why you were
lifting heavy weights.
- Gosh. This is going to be bad.
- Why?
It's tiring to lift heavy weights.
They're not that heavy.
Let's keep the weights lighter.
How are we supposed
to answer his question?
Just keep in mind
that he's a total psycho.
Lifting heavy weights
will wear you out.
- Let's go before he sees us.
- Keep the weights light.
It's a ball. Whose is it?
Is that the psycho?
Don't lock eyes with him.
He's a total psycho.
Is it yours?
- He's insane.
- Is it yours?
- Yes, it's mine.
- Let's go.
No, it's mine!
He's that psycho.
Let's just get out of here.
- What
- What the
Lee Si Wan is out.
Hey, there.
Look at them already harassing him.
Those nasty pricks.
Can you find out
where I can buy cigarettes here?
Cigarettes? Got it.
By the way, the word is out
that Inmate 5283
is a complete psycho.
Tell me about it.
And now everyone's steering clear.
As they should.
Who knows what kind of crazy
I'll pour on them?
(Inmate 1438 Poll Game)
They should also steer clear
of the psycho's best friend.
His best friend?
Si Wan.
My best friend.
- What the
- Move.
Darn it.
Seriously. What's going on?
What were you up to?
Are they friends?
You can have this.
They seem like besties.
Let me get over there.
- Boss.
- Quiet.
What now?
Darn it.
Spread word that
the poll game has been canceled.
Got it.
(Storage Room)
It's five dollars per cigarette.
You get a 20 percent discount
for a pack of cigarettes
which is 80 dollars.
But that's too expensive.
(Jangsan Correctional)
It costs six figures
just to get these in here.
Look elsewhere
if they're too expensive.
I don't smoke.
You're that psycho.
Do you have connections
on the outside
or are you getting these
from a guard?
With the next package,
bring this in for me.
I can't.
If I get caught
selling other things,
the guards will beat me to death.
Is that so?
The last time
I explained to someone about
who they should consider a priority,
it cost them
three molars and two fingers.
I wonder what it'll cost
this time around.
Should I start with the front tooth?
Please don't.
(Restricted Area)
Hey, Mr. Broker.
You're here to deliver this, right?
- Quiet.
- Come on.
You already looked
suspicious enough.
Outside the penitentiary
isn't some rendezvous point.
Anyway, deliver this on time.
Have a good one, then.
- Right?
- Exactly.
Tell me about it.
My best friend.
Did you sleep well?
Why are you being nice to me?
It's pepper spray.
When someone attacks you
while I'm not around,
spray this in his face.
Then, tell me who it was
so that I can beat him up to death.
The soup isn't bland today.
This is odd.
Things are going too smoothly.
What do you mean?
Not a lot of threats
have been made against Lee Si Wan.
It's like being the sole driver
on an open road.
Isn't that a good thing?
It lowers the chance of an accident.
That's the problem.
The road is smooth to the point
that makes me want to speed up.
(20 Poongchang-dong,
Seongdong-gu, Seoul)
(Welfare Home
for Brothers and Sisters)
Excuse me.
(Lee Si Wan, Lee Si Wan's father)
(Lee Si Wan's father)
(The evil deeds you do
will haunt you.)
Finally, we're getting out of here.
Mission accomplished.
(Emergency Transport)
(Emergency Transport)
I don't know why you did it,
but you treating me like a friend
kept me safe in there.
Thank you.
Don't miss your court date.
How did you know about that?
Take Inmate 5283 back to his cell.
I thought the four of us
were getting out together.
Hold on. Inmate 5283
should be moving out with us.
That's right.
Take him back to his cell.
(Inmate Information)
Someone changed the date.
Can you please check again?
Step away.
I'll be fine, so don't worry.
What now?
Nothing will happen
since you're both getting out.
Got it. Leave it to us.
Don't waste time and get back out.
(Emergency Transport)
Of course.
Bring him in.
I hope
that Do Ki enjoys
the gift I have prepared.
(Establishing law and order
with respect for people)
Get ready for a roll call.
Lights will be out in ten minutes.
Why you
Who ordered this?
We were promised a lot of money.
There's a huge bounty on your head.
You're not
getting out of here alive.
You're going to die anyway,
so die at our hands.
Haven't we built
some kind of kinship
while bunking in the same cell?
I'll soon be getting out of here
and that money
will give me a fresh start.
Give the pleading men
what they want.
Finally, the itch
has been scratched.
It's been a while, Do Ki.
Have you been well?
I set this aside for you
since it's yours.
Unfortunately, the bus wasn't able
to arrive at the court house
due to an accident.
Two other people who we both know
were also on that bus.
Mr. Park and Mr. Choi.
Are they dead or are they alive?
Go Eun who was right outside
the prison walls.
Touching, isn't it?
She has been
constantly aiding you
just like a wife supporting
her husband in jail.
I'm assuming that
she also means a lot to you.
Let the others go.
This is between you and me.
No can do.
To make you suffer
the same level of disgust,
I need them.
You crushed the operations
that took a lot of time
and effort to build.
Do you know how that made me feel?
I bet you don't.
It's why I'll be enlightening you.
You'll find out how it feels
to lose those that you cherish.
I'm warning you.
If you so much hurt
a hair on their heads,
I'll kill you myself.
I never thought
you had this side to you.
I'm relieved.
I think you now feel how I felt.
If you want to know what happened,
come see me later and I'll tell you.
But after 12 o'clock,
the bounty doubles.
Too bad.
If you want to save the others,
you need to survive first.
(Jangsan Correctional)
(From a dark past
to a bright tomorrow.)
(Dress neatly)
(Jangsan Correctional)
Darn it.
You punk!
(Be silent)
(We support your fresh start.)
(Apple seeds in the wind
grow into apple trees.)
He's waiting for you.
I'd have waited
if I'd known you'd be early.
Please, join me.
I'll bring another meal.
(Welfare Home
for Brothers and Sisters)
(Welfare Home
for Brothers and Sisters)
Where did you
get this?
Compared to all the evil you did,
what's in there
must be the tip of the iceberg.
I see you got me all wrong.
A welfare home director
who masquerades
as a clergyman
to abduct people
and take their lives.
Is that where it all began?
Many innocent children
were taken from their neighborhoods
and bus stops
as they waited for their parents.
They ended up in
the torturous place you people ran,
were assaulted and exploited,
and then died.
Then do you know
this is where that center was?
The room you fell asleep in
was where we incinerated
the dead kids.
There's one thing
I really want to explain.
These days,
they're called "the innocent,"
but the term for such people
depends on the times.
In my day, those people
were called "vagrants."
Someone had to do it
to help create a cleaner society,
and I made the sacrifice
and stepped up.
The government awarded me
for my service,
and I even did time.
Isn't that ironic?
Aren't the photos up there
more ironic?
You killed all these kids.
It's an invocation.
That they achieve in the next life
what they never got to in this one.
I pray whenever I see their photos.
Cut the nonsense, you psycho.
Does displaying
the innocent dead like trophies
make you feel special or something?
I see
saying what I don't mean
doesn't work with you at all,
darn it.
The client and the case.
Did you make it up?
"Make it up?"
"Make it up."
Our Ha Jun said
you people research so thoroughly,
we'd have to bait you
with something real.
So, to bait us,
you brought your dirty money
to the surface?
With all the people and money
leaving the building,
wouldn't it look out of place
if the rooms were too clean?
Regardless of what you find out,
you can be silenced.
I wasn't sure
if we had to go this far,
but our Ha Jun begged,
so I let him have his way.
A parent always gives in
to their child.
You speak as if he's your son.
He's more than just a son.
My Ha Jun is a magnificent worker.
No one was better.
Kim Do Ki.
Until he came along, that is.
I hope this incident
will help Ha Jun
become stronger and more mature.
Watch with me
and see how my child handles yours.
I thought we'd never get to
eat together, but you made it.
I'm so impressed.
This means I get to give you
the last gift I prepared.
Do you want to see what it is?
Shall we play a game?
Out of those three people,
who is your priority?
From the left,
we have numbers 1, 2, and 3.
Give me a number
and I'll drop that person first.
Won't they all die anyway?
That would be no fun.
There are variables.
Someone could call the cops
after the first person drops.
Or maybe
I might have a change of heart.
The longer they last,
the more hope they have.
The hope that'll vanish soon.
Who do you want to give it to?
Were you always like this?
I want you, just you, to feel it.
How hope disappears,
and how
it's forgotten.
Mark my words.
Even if I
Even if we stop here and now,
someone else will rise up
and come at you.
We will
remember you to the end.
Not you too.
That's what the powerless
always say.
They always say they'll remember.
Do you know why?
Because that's all they can do.
You're wrong.
There are things you must remember
in order to get back.
(Missing, Name: Lee Dong Jae)
Dong Jae.
A father
refused to forget the son
he'd lost touch with.
That's why they were reunited.
A little girl,
not even ten years old.
She remembered her sister.
Please find So Mang.
Once I get my driver's license,
we can go to the east coast
just like old times
and go to the silver grass field.
What do you think?
Just the thought of it
makes me happy.
- Su Ryeon.
- The trip to the seaside
that she remembered
to visit with her father.
(Do Not Pass, Police Line,
Investigation in Progress)
A journalist refused to forget
the wrongful death of a detective.
That's how the truth
managed to get out.
Because people remembered,
I was able to
appear before you.
What a shame.
You got this far
only to die in vain.
You have five seconds.
What does doing this mean to you?
Five, four, three
What time is it?
What's the time?
It's 1 p.m.
It's passed 12 o'clock.
Stop trying to trick me.
Nothing changes.
Number four.
I want to pick number four.
There's no number four.
But there is.
It's you.
Watch your jokes.
You're souring my mood.
I think someone out there
feels worse than you right now.
A bank's branch manager
and deputy manager
who aided a group to launder
a large amount of money
by deleting their transactions
from the flagged list
so they'd avoid suspicion
were in court today.
A crucial witness statement
got most of the prosecution's
evidence accepted,
and the manager
and deputy manager
who managed the funds
were found guilty.
Mr. Lee who provided
the crucial testimony
was a teller
who worked at the said branch.
He identified a suspicious trail
while large funds
were being wired for trade,
- and reported it.
- How come
When his report was ignored,
he contacted
the Financial Supervisory Service.
It's weird. It's going too well.
What is?
There's so little threat
toward Lee Si Wan.
It feels like driving alone
on a wide road.
Isn't that a good thing?
There can be no accidents.
Can you reach Kim?
Mr. Jang.
It was a trap.
The prison governor
and all the guards.
They bought them all.
The whole prison is a trap they set.
If everything's a trap
and it's all fake
Mr. Kim, shouldn't you get out now?
No. The man Kim's protecting
in there is a real victim.
If they meant for this to happen,
rather than me in here,
the two of you out there
could be in more danger.
You could be kidnapped
if you don't get away.
I won't go anywhere if you won't.
Don't tell me to get away.
Lee Si Wan's safety
should come first.
Is there no way?
There's only one way
to guarantee Lee's safety.
It's to get him to court
so he can testify.
Yes. They have nothing to gain
from threatening a witness
who already testified.
Until he testifies in court,
we must get everyone to focus on us.
Get them to focus on us?
I must walk into
the tiger's jaw, then.
It could be more dangerous
than we think.
We might even have to
risk our own lives.
(Day of Lee Si Wan's release)
We're out at last.
As of today,
it's mission accomplished.
(With better morals
comes a better life.)
(Case Number D-2152)
Excuse me.
(Welfare Home
for Brothers and Sisters)
I wasn't sure we had to go this far,
but our Ha Jun begged.
A parent always gives in
to their child.
You speak as if he's your son.
- What's this?
- What's this?
What was that?
This is crazy efficient.
- Hurry.
- Okay.
Si Wan, are you okay?
- You need to get up now.
- Wake up.
Go Eun, can you hurry?
- We must go.
- No, wait.
Tie yourselves up and sit down
so I can film to play in a loop.
You should've said so sooner.
Sorry, lie back down.
- Sit down as before.
- Let's go.
Let's be quick.
When his report was ignored,
he contacted
the Financial Supervisory Service.
With this case, authorities
are hoping to find out how far
the immense amount
- of dirty money reaches.
- How did this
I'll do as commanded,
Your Excellency.
Do you think you won again?
You will die by my hand.
(Taxi Driver 2)
Doesn't it feel like a housewarming?
Whose housewarming?
What took you so long?
Hurry and bring the drink.
Alcohol must be free-flowing.
Okay, fine, I'm here.
Mr. Jang, do you like the slippers?
You didn't throw them out.
Why would I throw out something
perfectly fine and so pretty?
Yes, someone chose
some pretty slippers.
My gosh.
I barely touched it
and it popped open.
- Let's drink.
- Okay.
- Shall we all drink?
- No, wait.
Mr. Jang, give a toast.
Why bother?
It's not our first party.
Just a few words.
It's our first party at your place.
Shall I, then?
Okay, then. Everyone,
don't get hurt and don't get sick.
- Don't get hurt, don't get sick.
- Don't get hurt, don't get sick.
(There are things you must remember
in order to get back.)
Haven't I given you
more than enough chances?
Once I'm out of here,
I'll kill everyone
who has anything to do with you.
I won't leave this place.
I think this is their headquarters.
This is the perfect time.
We must push harder.
I didn't think
I'd meet a passenger here.
you'll die of a gunshot wound.
Take care of them at once.
Load. Fire.
Let me kill him.
You have the right
to know the truth.
Meet our deluxe taxi's first driver.
Do you accept clients like me too?
I'll accept the fare right now.
At an exorbitant price.
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