The Following s02e15 Episode Script


- Is mother really dead? - Yes, Luke.
Then they're gonna pay.
"Diner lights flashing pink on your skin.
" What'd she say? Claire.
If Claire is alive, she will be at The Inn in Ware County.
Welcome to Korban, Preston.
It's time for you to pay for the sins of your father.
Where's my son? Tanner's at The Blessed Saints Cathedral.
You know what to do? I am Joe Carroll, and I shall be leading your service now.
Mike and I got it before they locked it down.
Tell Clarke no moves.
They wired the place.
It's over, Claire.
Unh! Ok.
This-- this is the twist I didn't see coming.
Good evening, everyone.
Joe Carroll's broadcasting live over the internet.
Kill or be killed? The Lord is forgiveness.
I love you, Preston.
Dad! No! Oh, no, please! You should reveal yourselves, or people are going to start to die, and we'll begin with the preacher's son! Don't hurt him, don't hurt him! Ryan Hardy can't be far behind.
I'd like nothing more than for you to witness your friend's death.
Mikey is gonna die, Ryan! In 3, 2, 1! No! No! I'm sorry.
I was just so tired of his crying.
I couldn't hear myself think.
Kill him, Ryan! Just kill him! Yes.
Come on, Ryan.
Come on.
Kill me! Then you can have Claire all to yourself.
I know she's alive.
I heard the poem, and if you're here is she up at The Inn all on her lonesome? Oh, ho ho! Have you spoken to her today, Ryan? Is she safe? Hello? So glad to hear from you, Ryan.
It's Luke.
Where's Claire? Oh, good news.
She's here.
Apparently Joe sent Emma and some guy to meet her, but we intervened.
If you hurt her-- Save your breath.
I can guess the next part.
Here's what you need to do.
I want you to bring Joe Carroll to me alive.
You do that, and you get a living Claire in return.
Your time is up, Ryan! What will it be? I can't do it, Luke.
It's impossible.
You're the big, bad Ryan Hardy.
You can do anything.
Claire's counting on it.
Because if you don't, I'm gonna cut off her face and wear it for Halloween.
Someone needs to find him.
They're looking.
Just kill him already.
She's right, Joe.
Just do it.
Let me talk to Claire.
Bring me Joe Carroll.
Does he have to be alive? Yes, Ryan.
Do not kill him.
You'll receive a text.
It will tell you exactly what to do.
You and Joe, no one else, or Claire dies, horribly.
Damn it to hell.
Will somebody please find Ryan bloody Hardy? All right.
We got to get in there.
The doors are rigged to blow.
We're cutting through the back wall.
We need more time.
The pastor and his son are dead.
There is no more time.
Let's find another way into this church! Ryan, where are you? Joe has Mike.
Something's happening.
I need your help.
Can you pull up the city plans on this church? Ok.
All right.
I'm on it.
What are you doing, Ryan? I can get HRT access, but you got to do exactly what I say.
City plans are on their way to you now.
What's next? What happened to you, Mikey? You look different.
What happened to your boyish charm? I get under your skin? Because I think you're looking more like a kind of mini Ryan.
Ryan's disabling the tripwires on the south and west entrances.
Get your teams in place.
He's gonna need you to kill the lights, all right, but it's crucial you wait for his signal before sending them in.
Do it.
Stage at south and west entrances.
Wait for my signal to engage.
_ Lethal force is approved.
Move into position.
Wait for my signal.
Charlie Team in position.
Alpha Team in position.
I am bored of this! Ryan, I am going to kill him now! Joe! You don't need to do that.
I'm right here.
It's ok.
Let him through.
No sudden moves, Ryan.
One false move, and your little buddy dies.
What the hell are you doing, Ryan? Tell me Tactical is in place.
All set.
You get ready to kill those lights.
Show's over.
What the hell just happened? Why can't I hear them? All we have is the security feed.
I'll try and boost it.
It's ok.
She's ok.
You shouldn't have done that, Ryan.
Lily's twins have Claire.
They're gonna kill her if I don't take you to them.
You're lying.
We got 10 seconds before HRT takes the church.
You will die, but I can get you out of here, and we can save her, but you got to drop that gun now.
They're talking.
Jane, I need to hear what they're saying.
That's as clean as I can get it.
What kind of trick are you playing here? I sent Emma to get Claire.
Well, that didn't work.
The twins have her.
Time's up, Joe.
Put down the gun now.
Tell your people to back off.
I know a way out of here, but you got to cooperate.
That's it.
That's the signal.
Cut the power! Move in, move in! This way.
City plans show an exit to a restaurant.
Is this how you planned on getting out? Maybe.
Shouldn't I have a disguise or something? There's your disguise.
God! FBI! Coming through! Hey! This man is wounded.
Behind us are two of Joe Carroll's men.
There's an exit to the church through the restaurant.
Check it out.
Go! I got you a car, I disabled the GPS.
You won't be tracked.
Are you sure about this? I'm not sure about anything.
Give me your phone.
Here's a disposable.
I programmed the number in there.
We'll be using one, too.
Get in.
Give me your cuffs.
Hostages are secure.
All right.
Turn on the lights.
This is the FBI! Please stay calm.
We will take you out of here as soon as possible.
Please stay where you are.
Where's Ryan? Where's Weston? Where's Joe Carroll? Clarke is figuring this out now.
You have to go.
Is this strictly necessary, Ryan? Absolutely.
Luke texted me the address.
It's on my phone.
We'll follow you as soon as we can get out of here without being spotted.
I love you.
I love you.
Let's go.
I suppose the radio is out of the question, is it? You could at least talk to me.
It's rather lonely back here.
How'd you survive confined to a cell with no audience, no one to sing or dance for? Yeah, it was hideous, pure hell.
Granted, a prison cell is a great motivator, but I've already escaped twice.
I'm not entirely convinced I've got a third one in me.
Your legacy ends today.
All I ever wanted was for my name to live forever.
I think I've probably accomplished that.
I want you to know something, that-- uh, that when I die, I hope that you and Claire can find a way to be happy.
Is that what you want, Joe? I've come round to it actually.
I do understand why she loved you.
Inverted morals aside, you and I are very much cut from the same cloth.
We're basically the same person.
I disabled the GPS.
The FBI won't be able to track us.
Ryan should be out of the city by now.
We'll have to clear the checkpoints, but we shouldn't be that far behind.
Are you ok? Are you sure you're up for this? Yeah.
Because you almost died.
I'm ok.
We should get moving.
Clarke's gonna be looking for us.
Who lives here? We do.
Mother gave it to us so we had a playground.
We've been coming here for years.
It came with the 300 acres that surrounds it.
It's hidden in her shell corps under so many aliases nobody even knows that mom owns it.
FYI, there's nowhere to run.
We'll just find you, hurt you, so you should probably just rest up.
Uh, rest up for-- for what? Oh, we're having a family dinner.
So much to do.
I'll put the heat on, you watch her.
So how's this gonna work? You just gonna turn me over to the twins and then they're gonna kill me? If they don't, I'll be standing nearby.
I sincerely hope, Ryan, that-- that my death brings you the salvation you yearn for.
Wherever I may be, I'll be rooting for you.
Thanks, Joe.
I'm kind of looking forward to it.
I was beginning to wonder whether you were gonna pitch up.
I followed you.
I had to wait until you got off the main roads.
Well, next time you come to my rescue, perhaps you could avoid nearly bloody killing me! Damn that hurts! Give me your gun.
You know, Tim, you really ought to think twice before rescuing me.
Come on, old friend.
Come on.
It's not quite over yet.
There we are.
Come on, big fella.
Damn it.
and Jupiter Place isn't on the map.
We'll find it.
Why aren't you answering your phone, Ryan? Don't worry.
Ryan's gonna be all right.
Just a little ostentatious, isn't it? "You are cordially invited to dinner.
Please come in.
" How very charming.
Oh, come on, Ryan.
I thought we discussed this last night.
You're not gonna shoot me.
If you did, what's gonna become of our Claire? Give me your gun.
There is no way I'm walking into that house empty-handed.
I saved your life.
I'd like to think I've earned a degree of trust.
After you.
be wise be smart behave, my heart don't upset your cart when she's so close be soft, be sweet but be discreet don't go off your beat she's too close for comfort too clo-- Well.
Welcome, gentlemen.
I wanted you to see the room where it all began.
This is where Mark and I planned everything.
Mark thought there was no way you were getting out of that church, but I told him "You have to have faith.
Ryan Hardy and Joe Carroll, they're badass.
" Dinner's soon, so make yourself comfortable, get a drink, and if you're worried about Claire, don't worry.
She's with me.
Wait, wait.
Could be a trap.
I really cannot wait to kill these two.
Claire! Lift her up.
I got her.
- Are you ok? - Yeah.
Are you sure? Yeah.
Hello, Claire.
Where is she? Where's Claire? Hey.
You're awake.
Hope you're hungry.
Sorry it's not fancier, but we had no time to prepare.
Claire? I'm ok.
Claire looks cute when she's sleepy.
Still, I suppose you both know that.
I'm so glad we could all get together for this dinner.
Mother always said we should always thrash out our issues over a good meal.
Where's Emma? You mean, you don't know? Nobody told you.
I'm sorry to have to break this to you, Joe.
Emma's dead, and she ain't coming back.
What did you do to her? Someone's got some explaining to do.
Haven't they, Claire? Claire? Hey, hey.
You got us.
Let her go.
That was the deal.
This is the first course.
Would you like a drink, Ryan? Come on.
Tell the truth.
Yes or no? No.
He's not supposed to drink.
He's sober.
You may not remember this, but we've met before.
When we were planning this all out with mother, I used to come to your morning meetings and watch you.
I even introduced myself as a newcomer.
You shook my hand.
Good for you, Ryan.
It takes a lot of courage to face your demons.
Nobody's talking to you.
I'll ask again.
Would you like a drink? No.
Hmm? Wait, wait, stop.
No, no.
No, no, no! Ho ho ho! That was tense.
See how this works? You lie, I pull the trigger.
Would you like a drink? Yes.
Chug, chug, chug.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
All right.
Mmm, mmm, mmm.
It's good vodka.
We'll go in on foot, look for security, surveillance.
Come in from the west.
Looks like quite a hike.
Are you good with this? Yeah, I'm good.
Do you know how much you hurt my mother, Joe? She exposed her true self to you.
She sacrificed everything, and you just threw her aside.
It was a misunderstanding.
Wait, wait.
No, no, no! Joe! Do you know how much you hurt her? Yes or no? Yes.
Luke, now you and I, Mark, we're the same.
We have the same predilections.
Let me make this right.
Let me the father figure to you that Lily always wanted me to be.
Too late.
No, no, stop! We don't need you.
Mother left us well provided for.
And why would we want you? You're a failure.
Writer-- fail; cult leader-- fail; and that big finale in the church-- epic fail! You should have stayed dead.
What do you want me to do? Apologize for hurting our mother.
Or roll the dice and see if Claire gets a bullet in the brain! Your choice! No, no, no! Shut up, Ryan.
You're next.
Let's hear it, Joe.
Say it, say it.
Say it, say it! No! I'm sorry.
What?! I can't hear you! I am very sorry that I hurt your mother.
I'm a deeply flawed individual, and and not worthy of such a woman.
I don't think it was very sincere, and you know mother.
She was a strict disciplinarian.
She firmly believed that the punishment should fit the crime.
Which is why we sentence you to a slow death.
We're gonna dismember you, we're gonna slice you up into tinier and tinier bits until there's nothing left.
Should take about 18 months.
Oh, boys, boys.
Mark wants to start with ripping your tongue out, but I really want to hear you beg.
It'll be fun.
So, Ryan back to you.
You killed our mother.
You were judge and jury.
You executed her in cold blood-- yes or no? Yeah, I did.
Now let her go and give me my punishment.
That's not how this game works.
This is our dinner! We were so wrong about you.
You were supposed to be the good guy, the hero.
You can't just go around playing vigilante.
It's against the law.
You had no right to kill our mother! Oh.
Do you have any idea how many people Ryan has killed? Far more than me, and that's just the simple truth.
Shut up.
It's the height of irony.
You've become the man you hate.
You're no better than the killers you hunt.
He even has a cult of his own vigilante followers.
Take that Mike Weston.
He's a violent little runt-- He's got a good point, Ryan.
Mike nearly killed me.
Whose fault's that? He was following your example.
You corrupted him, Ryan! Yes.
He's even infected that lovely niece of his-- Max! Ruined her career, that's for sure-- So sorry.
Won't happen again.
You are supposed to be the good guy, right? I'm not good.
I know that.
Oh, finally.
He admits it.
What happened to you? Well, he gave in to that most base of human emotions-- revenge-- just like you boys.
What? I-- I know your secret.
Yes, Ryan, do you remember? Should I tell them? You finally have something interesting to add? Talk.
Well, when Ryan was 17, his father was killed, and Ryan, ever the detective, tracked down the perpetrator and murdered him, and he's been seeking redemption ever since, which is probably why he's so fixated on me.
Is that true? Yeah, it is.
Tell me more.
Why do you need redemption? I-- I need to be forgiven, but you can't be forgiven, not for that.
It's always there.
Never goes away.
Who will forgive me? God.
God forgives.
There is no God! You must forgive yourself.
I am not the good guy.
But you try to be.
And I fail! Ryan.
You're a remarkable man.
We're gonna let you live.
But you still need to be punished, so we're gonna kill Max and Mike, and you're gonna have to suffer knowing that they all died because of you.
It's fitting, isn't it? And I'm gonna start by killing Claire.
No, no! Please! Stop! I'm gonna blow her brains out right in front of you! No! Aah! Go for Ryan.
We hit Luke.
He can't be far.
Take the gun.
You must really want me dead.
You killed my father.
I didn't think twice about shooting your mother.
Ryan killed my mother.
That's not true.
I did without blinking.
He did it! He did it, Luke! He killed mom! Unh! Luke.
Mike! Mike.
Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike.
You're ok.
Come on.
Mike? Ohh.
Oh, God.
Oh, Claire.
I missed you.
Joe, let go, let go of me.
I've never been able to do that, have I? Do-- do you know what you mean to me? When-- when I thought you'd died-- Yeah, because of you! Yes, yes.
Because of me.
We were both dead, but now we're-- we're not.
Don't you see? There is an extraordinary symmetry in that? Don't you see? We belong together.
I'd rather be dead.
I-- I understand, but before anyone else dies, this might well be the last time I see you face to face.
That's what I wanted to say.
I am sorry.
I am so terribly sorry for everything I've ever done to you and everything I have ever done to our little boy.
You must tell him that, Claire.
Forgive me.
No, Joe.
I will never forgive you.
I will never, ever forgive you.
- Please forgive me.
- No! Forgive me! No! Do it! Do it! Do it, Ryan.
Do it.
Do it, Ryan.
Do it.
Call Clarke.
Arrest him.
You should have included me.
They had Claire, the threatened to kill her if I brought anyone with me.
Anything on Mark? Yeah.
We're canvassing the surround area now, but there's no sign of Luke's dead body anywhere either.
Luke is dead, Lily's dead.
So is the rest of their family.
We'll find Mark.
Why didn't you kill him? Because this needs to end, Mike.
- Hey.
- Hey.
You ok? Yeah.
I think so, yeah.
You did the right thing.
You know that, right? I was thinking I could, uh, go home, pack a bag, come back with you, spend some time with you and Joey.
I think we both know that that's-- that's not gonna work.
Why not? We have a chance now.
Joe's gone, this is over, you and I can finally-- No, he's always gonna be there, Ryan.
This is what we're gonna do.
I'm gonna go see my son, and I'm gonna stop looking over my shoulder all the time, and I'm gonna tell Joey that-- that we can actually have a life now and maybe even someday enjoy it, and you're gonna do the same thing.
Why can't we do that together? Because I'm your past.
Ryan, you deserve a future, we both do.
But I love you.
And, uh, I love you, but this is the way it has to be.
Go build a future for yourself, Ryan, whatever that is.
I wouldn't have done what Ryan did.
I would have shot him.
No, you wouldn't, not now.
I'm not as good as you think I am.
I never thought you were perfect.
You should have killed me, Ryan.
No, I'm good.
Choosing to save your own soul instead, huh? Well, I hope it goes well.
I'll let you know.
Will you? Please.
Visit me.
You won't be seeing me anymore, Joe.
I would never give you that.
You're gonna die in prison, and as you wither away in there, you're gonna be fading from my memory every day a little bit more because I'll be making new memories from a new life that doesn't include you.
Well, good luck with that.
Let's go.
You're a dead man, Ryan Hardy.
Thank you for coming.
I didn't know who else to call.

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