The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s02e15 Episode Script

Institute of the Gods

Now, considering the events yesterday,
it would be best to train you all
in the art of dragon slaying.
First, we begin with tag.
What happened to school? That's a game.
If we are to slay dragons, then we would
appreciate something more grueling.
You children cannot even take
a single lesson in silence?
Then, if you would,
run to that lone cedar on that hill.
Without using magic.
You have three minutes.
Hey now. You're underestimating us.
You may begin.
Easy! Easy!
What's Demon King Academy
trying to get us to do?
Yes, be amazed. That is a dragon.
Wh-What are you thinking?!
We learned that this location
is near the dragons' nests.
No amount of practice will change
the fact that reality will be different.
Thus, it is fastest to experience
the threat of a dragon firsthand!
In other words!
Today's lesson is
playing tag with a dragon.
Slip past the dragon
and reach the lone cedar.
No, no need to fear.
So long as this
sand does not stop falling,
you will be revived
each time you are killed.
If you do not wish to die, then return and
turn your hourglass within three minutes.
Ah, but I must warn you.
Do not be eaten.
Dragons' stomachs digest even essences.
If you are eaten,
you will never be revived again.
Earth dragons locate their prey
through ground vibrations.
If you run lightly, they cannot
determine your location.
On the other hand, stomping heavily
can be a way to lure them out.
I will make this place safe.
Now begins a game of tag
with your lives on the line.
Let's go.
It's not like you need to do it though.
There is something I want to try.
Know your place.
With just a glare?
What the heck?!
Show me to your nest.
Oh? Perhaps you have found
something interesting?
I will be back before the lesson ends.
Hey, wait for us!
Where are you going?
I told you about this yesterday.
Aberast Anzetta is supposedly
in an underground world.
That was a weird sound.
A dragon's roar.
Dragons produce a unique type of
magic field known as a dragon's lair.
Because it hides mana,
it is impossible to teleport into it,
and it cannot be seen through with magic.
If someone does live underground,
they must be near a dragon's nest.
It seems we are close.
What the heck is this?
When I explored this area 2,000 years ago,
this cavern did not exist.
It was formed after you reincarnated?
"Made" is likely more appropriate.
Who made it?
That, I have no idea.
The residents' mana is similar
to humans' and demons'.
Did the ancestors of
the underground come from above?
That may be the case.
However, it is strange that they are
not known to those above.
Hey, is that Aberast Anzetta
place down here?
That would make quick work
of the search, but
It seems that you have
a hobby of following people.
Do you intend to begin
this Selection Trial again?
Unfortunately, fights are prohibited
in the holy city of Gaelahesta by pact.
The only location in this sanctuary
where the Selection Trial may be conducted
is Aberast Anzetta.
We will go there now.
He seems a little too generous.
We have no choice but to go.
Are you certain I should?
You called me a heretic.
You are a heretic.
I cannot allow you to lose an opportunity
to learn the teachings of God.
Welcome. This is the Academic City
of God Agents, Aberast Anzetta.
A ritual to fill the throne of a lost God
by selecting the Agent of God.
That is the Selection Trial.
The Selected Eight are candidates
selected by the Chosen Gods.
That empty throne
belongs to you, Anos Voldigoad.
The Selected Eight are given
these Selection Pact Gems.
One may form a pact by having
faith in one's Chosen God.
Unlike yours, it appears
this one does not shine.
It seems that you truly
have not formed a pact.
You say I was selected, but I have never
met this "Chosen God" you speak of.
The Chosen God is not
the original name of the god.
A god becomes a Chosen God
by selecting a Candidate.
You mean to say that the god who selected
me was not a Chosen God when they did?
Yes. They became a Chosen God
only when they selected you.
The god that involved me in this Trial?
I take it gods may be destroyed
in the Selection Trial.
Laws and order may be lost as a result.
This is acceptable?
The laws of gods cannot be lost as a
result of anything in the Selection Trial,
so long as the Selection Pact Gem exists.
I see.
However, the birth of
an Agent of God would be a problem.
I destroyed the law
of destruction after all.
Regardless of your wishes,
you have been selected.
You cannot avoid the Trial.
The See has your name and title
of Misfit engraved upon it.
How was this underground world created?
I have no obligation to answer questions
beyond the topic of the Selection Trial.
No matter.
If this is an academic city,
then it must have a library.
-Let's go.
-One moment.
In Aberast Anzetta, fighting is allowed
anywhere but before the See.
You have shown your face
to all Candidates here.
You are naught but the perfect target now.
The students?
It seems so. They appear to be
decoding the monuments.
Half of them are ancient magic runes.
I've never seen the other half.
With this many monuments,
decoding should be simple work.
This underground world was born
approximately 2,000 years ago.
The residents are descendants
of dragons, known as Dragonmen.
W-Wait a second. You already decoded them?
Descendants of dragons?
Their ancestors were born of dragons.
Dragons consume essences.
When a dragon consumes
a large number of essences,
it turns them into
a single life within its body,
giving birth to a Dragonchild.
Dragonchildren possess a dragon's
strength and immense magic powers.
And the Dragonchildren's descendants are
the Dragonmen who live underground?
The underground world has a canopy.
The Umbrella of Earth.
This must mean the ground above.
Giordal, the Kingdom of the Dragon God,
Agaha, the Kingdom of the Dragon King,
and Gadeitiora, the Kingdom
of the Dragon Ruler,
are in a state of constant war.
But there is nothing about who created it.
Someone must have created this cavern.
What is it?
Is this
Misha, how did you know?
I felt like I could see it. Somehow.
They look like different runes.
Ancient god runes.
Once, only the gods knew these runes,
but Militia taught them to me.
It began with this palace,
Aberast Anzetta.
-There was endless night.
-There was endless night.
-Eternal nothingness.
-Eternal nothingness.
Far beneath the ground,
the palace of a god was born.
To illuminate the night
with no beginning with a gentle light.
Above, the sun does not rise,
and destruction does not come.
Life is not born, and the world stops.
What matters more, order or people?
You know the answer.
Only you know the answer.
What does that mean?
The god is the order.
They created this underground world.
You were warned
not to move about, foolish heretic.
-Who are you?
-My name is Gazel Aptoagera.
A Paladin of Giordal, the Kingdom of the
Dragon God, and one of the Selected Eight.
Saint Gazel has given his name!
Then the Selection Trial will begin now?
Heretic who mocks the sacred Trial.
Today, you will know
the great power of God.
Per our pact, come to this place
If that incantation is necessary, then you
cannot use the summoning spell before me.
Oh? Not even a scratch?
So as long as
the Selection Pact Gem is intact,
a god can be summoned even after death?
Be awed and fear God!
The Guardian of Regeneration who
resurrects the dead, Nutella D'Heanna!
What is so special about resurrection?
Before the law of regeneration,
all attacks are rendered null!
Now, fear God!
What has happened my God?!
Do not bother her.
Your god is currently busy.
Regenerate, Nutella D'Heanna!
What has happened? God!
A spell to increase
the body's regenerative abilities.
Excessive regeneration is harmful.
The Guardian was trying
to suppress her power,
but due to your uninvited command,
she has vanished.
To think that the devout
would not know his god's weakness.
Insolent rogue! Azept!
So you can summon more than one god?
But this is an unusual way to summon one.
This is a possessive summoning.
I have summoned the God of Light,
Gioseria, into my own body,
making the law of light my own!
And this is a sacred tool summoning.
The God of Piercing, Beheus,
now resides within my weapon,
the Sacred Spear Behetenos!
My form is now light!
Nothing in this world
is faster than light!
This is how the gods fight
in this underground world!
Did you think you could escape me
if you traveled at the speed of light?
Now, even if gods are destroyed
in the Selection Trial,
it does not affect their laws
or order they said?
Destroy a god?!
You cannot possibly do that!
No man could destroy my Chosen God!
The power of God!
The mark of a saint!
Now I will teach you something.
This is how the Demon King
fights above ground.
Saint Gazel was defeated?
A heretic felled a god?
My God, answer me
My Chosen God
Answer me! God!
Your Selection Pact Gem.
Please, no! My Trial is not
In the name of Arcana, Chosen God,
I pass judgment upon you.
Per the pact of the Selection Trial,
I offer the orders of these three gods
as sacrifices to my God, Arcana.
I accept them.
Become part of me, orders of three gods.
Divine revelation is upon me Gazel.
I am to succeed your will and your gods.
We shall fight together.
Impossible! Then what of my salvation?
What of my life sacrificed to God?!
You doubt God?
Then in the name of the Cardinal
of Giordal, you are excommunicated.
All that is yours is God's.
You are simply returning it to them.
Now, confess your sins.
Omnipotent Holy Light Eques!
I have sinned!
I have doubted you
and turned my back on God!
Forgive me!
Arcana, you are truly merciful.
However, when this ice has melted,
he will surely once
again attempt to return to God.
Then granting his wish now is my duty.
My God Arcana, I confess.
Forgive me for taking
the sacred life of the Paladin Gazel.
You are absolved of your sins.
From now on,
you will walk the path of righteousness.
All as the Omniscient Holy Light wills.
Quite the farce.
A heretic could not possibly
understand. He has been saved.
Don't make me laugh charlatan.
I would not mind a crusade
against you in this moment.
However, God has not delivered
such divine revelation upon me.
And quite an excuse as well.
Be honest. You cannot contend
with me as Arcana is doing now.
You will go to consume
other gods to gain strength.
You will surely be smitten
by the judgment of God one day.
If you reincarnate him,
he will end himself unless
the excommunication is resolved.
He will be reborn as a different person.
That will be salvation for him.
I see.
Why did you select Ahide?
He was beyond salvation, and I was a god.
Why do men want so badly to be gods?
I don't know. Perhaps they want power.
Conversely, why did you ask that question?
I have never once thought myself
blessed for being a god.
You speak great sense despite being a god.
You should return to the world above.
Oh? Why is that?
I can't say more.
-Because I am an enemy?
Then why do you warn me?
Is it wrong to save an enemy?
You decide whether you trust me or not.
They have to be plotting something.
What did you think Misha?
I can't see gods' emotions.
But Arcana is a little different.
Oh? Could you see something?
A thirst from being made dry.
Like she's wandered
a waterless desert for an eternity.
You returned at a perfect moment!
I was about to end the lesson.
All of you, every last one, passes!
At this rate, you may be able to defeat
a dragon sooner than I thought!
I look forward to seeing
the Palace dumbfounded.
A-Anosh, I have a message from Zerseus.
The man with the ring?
Yeah. He said they contacted him again.
They sent their familiar, a falcon.
They're willing to lend
more dragons to Midhaze.
N-Naturally, we turned them down!
Was this the ring they had?
Huh? Why do you have that?
Yeah, that's the one.
Did they say anything else?
I don't know if they did,
but Zerseus said that he'd seen the
falcon before in the palace at Gairadite.
One of the Selected Eight
is in the humans' palace?
"Combining Little Bits of Courage."
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