The Unit s02e15 Episode Script

The Water is Wide

Previously on The Unit: What do you want from me?! You want me to open up?! Yes.
No, you don't.
Where's Jeremy Erhart? Executive Jeremy was driving, There was an attempt on the car.
He's been burnt.
Pain medication has him going in and out, But he keeps asking for Crystal.
She should be here soon.
There's a lot of people looking for you.
We've been right here the whole time.
Molly: Crystal never showed.
You were at the hospital.
Poor kid.
The first day he can have visitors, and she never showed.
I tried to lose myself all day.
The immorality of the United States sent us to murder the innocent.
Regarding the atrocities America has perpetrated here, I have asked for sanctuary.
How can you be sure this is your son? It's the same voice, same hands, And the scars are are from when he pulled a pot of hot water off the stove when he was 3.
The United States must cease its participation How can you think he's still alive? No contact, 37 years.
He's dead.
They never found his body.
Molly: dated a month ago.
Kevin Huong, man in Vietnam, says he knows where Patrick is, saw him in marketplace, traded with him, talked with him, but he says he goes by Doug McBride.
Well, Patrick's afraid to come home, he says.
So much time and and distance.
But Patrick did confide in this man, and he says that for $5,000, that he'll break your heart.
Gaffney, it's a scam.
He sent me this dog tag.
It's proof.
It's not proof.
He could have found this, could have made it.
Well, could you at least make inquiries at the embassy while you're there? You're going anyway.
You'll be there.
I don't know.
There's time before the ceremony.
You have time.
I don't.
I need to see him before While I still can.
Would you please find my son? Jen's book fair, uh, I left $15 on, uh Same list you gave me yesterday? And Lissy's got soccer practice at 3:00.
You see me? I surely do.
Then I must be here.
beanie weenie in the fridge.
Tiffy, I got it covered.
Are you sure? The girls'll keep Serena busy.
You two just have a good time.
It's time.
When I go out, I know what I'm getting into.
I'm there for the ceremony, and that's all I plan to do.
You be careful, girl.
Off you go.
Secretary General Anders Gam.
It's ok.
Salah, we're so pleased to have you speak here at the United Nations.
I might say it is my pleasure, but there is nothing pleasurable in the atrocities still happening in Darfur, Mr.
I see you're well protected.
After your speech, we're gonna drive you to LaGuardia, Put you on a private jet to Chicago.
No one knows the hotel we're puttin' you up in.
You'll be coming to Chicago with me? We'll be makin' the introductions.
If you're asking me if I put the cherry on top, yes, I did.
You're gonna come out of hiding, put your shoulder to the wheel, I'm gonna make sure you have the best men.
Looking forward to your speech.
As am I, to its completion.
Prosky's phoning every ambassador, Trying to convince them not to attend Salah's speech.
You know, what if terrorists attack? He wants a call.
I'm certain he does.
What's the occasion? First time I've been in here today.
Don't answer the phone.
Get out of this office.
We got a problem upstairs.
Check it out.
Make sure it doesn't affect my guy.
It's just routine, Momed.
You feel a bulge under your foot? Yes.
No obvious bugs.
No devices.
Blane: razor cut in the carpet.
Right under the ball of his foot.
Your foot is on the device's pressure point, The pad under the carpet.
It's like a mine fuse.
It arms when you step on it.
Means your weight's what's activated the thing.
You don't want to set it off, don't move.
Even a hair.
lo I have to urinate.
You go right ahead.
Real or fake? Always assume real.
Ma'am, I don't know what's going to happen here, But you need to leave.
We've worked together 22 years.
I know how to keep him calm.
Well, that's your choice.
You have second thoughts, get out of here.
This is Snake Doctor.
Scramble 4.
I repeat scramble 4.
This is Ila Neihaus.
The Secretary General wishes you to know that Mr.
Momed Salah is ill Mr.
Gam And will not be speaking today.
I'm gonna ask you to stay calm and very still.
We're gonna get some equipment up here, See what's under your foot, See what's in that nice cake.
Can you do that for me? Good man.
Jonas needs you most ricky tick.
Talk's canceled.
You're gonna leave now.
Someone's coming after me? Secretary General's in danger.
That's all we know for the moment.
Let's go.
They're here to kill me.
did you trusme? No.
Did I save your life anyway? So trust me now.
Exit route is clear.
Get back.
Down! Fired up fired up Fired up fired up Plenty sun plenty sun Fired up fired up Here we go here we go On the road on the road Plenty sun plenty sun Fired up fired up Fired up fired up Fired up fired up Plenty sun Fired up fired up I want you to lock this door behind you, and don't open it unless you hear my voice.
Don't leave me here alone.
Momed, I don't know if this is about you, but it's about something, and I've only got so many men on deck.
You made me a promise to stay by my side this entire day.
The situation's changed.
My voice only.
Roger that.
And rope, c 4, dental mirrors, medic kit X - ray box.
Grey wants his favorite toy.
No vibration circular saw.
Binos, low vibe circular saw.
Dog Patch Zero 6.
Shut this place down.
Wherever people are, they stay.
Cool Breeze, buttonhole U.
Disable all elevators.
Men on all entrances and exits.
Hold off first responders.
Let's see if we can't handle this ourselves.
Elevator crashed.
Salah? Safe and tucked away.
One is Nika Petros, Second in command to the greek ambassador.
See if Petros was a man of habit, used the same elevators every day.
The others? Guy whose number's up, Gito Kim, here to have breakfast with his wife.
Which are connected to Salah or Gam? Well, ain't that the question of the day? He's lookin' shaky.
Williams: every day? Thank you.
Petros' assistant says he came in early, Went for coffee same time each day, always the same bank of elevators.
Then if he was the target, Means all the other elevators were rigged, Make sure the job got done.
We can't be sure about the stairwells.
Look, I'm not the operator, you are, but don't you be timid about puttin' me to work.
Roll up your sleeves.
Take the colonel.
Check out the elevators.
This a coincidence? This Petros fella mean something? Who else is being targeted? What should I know? Anders had hip surgery last year.
He's having trouble standing still.
What side, Gam? The right side.
Muscle spasms? Pain? Shooting pain? Can you hold on for another hour, sir? I'm not sure I have another 5 minutes.
Mahogany's a dense wood, might match his weight.
Pressure's on the ball of his foot.
We can't reproduce that.
He's about my height and weight.
Not exactly.
Closer than you.
It's time for you to step away now.
Go down the hall as far as you can as fast as you can.
Williams: sir, I'm going to tell you what's about to happen, And you're gonna stop praying and listen.
I'm gonna come up behind you.
When I do I'm gonna put my entire body against yours.
Do not flinch when I do it.
Do you understand? Yes.
I'm going to do it now.
I'm going to tell you something, and it will be a revelation to you, but it's true.
You can live without a leg, you can live without 2, you can live without an arm, but if this device is a bomb, if we do this wrong or wait until you're shaking so bad you can't hold pressure, we will die, so you're not gonna move anywhere I don't move you.
The table your hands are on will mitigate the blast.
Do not change the pressure you have on your hands.
Blane: all hands, hold where you are.
I repeat hold position.
You feel my right leg crooked right against your right leg? Stay with my leg.
I'm gonna slide your foot off and my foot on, but you have to keep the same amount of weight on the ball of your foot, and nothing happens.
When you feel your foot is free, do not run.
Stay where you are.
Wait for my go.
Then walk away slowly.
I'll squawk the all clear, we're done.
When you move away, your legs will be weak.
That's going to happen.
Do not steady yourself on the desk.
Do not lean against me.
You stood here with courage this long, you can call up a few seconds more.
I go out walking after midnight out in the moonlight just like we used to do Just keep listening to my voice.
Feel the pressure.
Here we go.
I'm always walkin' after midnight searchin' for you I walk for miles along the highway Well, that's just my way of sayin' I love you Blane: hold.
I'm always walkin' after midnight searchin' for you Lock your elbows.
Don't lose it now.
I'm always walkin' After midnight Don't make a move, Now slide your hands out from under mine.
You're ok.
Blane: move one step, slowly.
One more.
Damn if I can remember the next verse.
That hurt.
What are you doing? Well, kim's got the flu.
She asked me to keep an eye on the girls.
I can take care of my own daughters.
I thought you'd be happy.
Well, you were wrong.
Go home.
Your wife's out of the country.
We have the place to ourselves.
This place is my home.
This is my wife's and my home.
Let me go.
I don't want you here.
I will not disrespect my family.
You weren't disrespecting your family when you made love to me? That was a mistake.
I thought men like you don't make mistakes.
What do you want? You, like you were before.
That's not gonna happen, not in my house.
We can go somewhere else.
No more.
Take what you came here with and get out.
Can I borrow your phone, then? I should call kim and let her know I can't do her a favor and look after your kids, since you're not comfortable having me around after you slept with me.
Man: a special welcome to our visiting army wives.
I'd like you all to participate In the activities preceding Wednesday's ceremony To honor those who gave their lives in Vietnam.
And now I'd like to give the floor to my wife Mailan.
You have at your tables an itinerary of activities.
Buses, guides will be made available - Ambassador Trotter.
- Yes.
I'm Molly Blane, FRG, Fort Griffith, U.
Very good to have you here, mrs.
You'll excuse me.
I need to get to my office.
I only need a moment.
Uh, is this a family member? No.
His mother gave me this.
She received it recently from a man here.
Someone at the embassy? No, Kevin Huong, a local merchant.
He said that he knows where this man he'd be 56 now was.
Did he ask for money in exchange for the information? He did.
The surname "Huong" is very common, But, uh, the first name probably connotes an Amerasian.
Is that important? Vietnam has a caste system.
The Amerasians sit on the botTom rung.
They've had to scrounge for a living since they were children.
They're not accepted by the Vietnamese nor embraced by their American fathers.
These can be made on any street.
Takes about 10 minutes.
But some of them are real.
Is this? Probably not.
I know that's almost certainly true, But I made a promise, a promise to his mother I'd look into it.
Can I speak to someone in records at the embassy? Was this man reported POW, MIA, or killed during the war? Yes.
Yeah, then I'm afraid that's all you're gonna find.
Japanese are still coming out of the jungle In the South Pacific.
A man in North Korea emerged just last year The Korean war.
There have been POWs, MIAs from the Vietnamese war who have reappeared.
Very rarely.
Can you provide me with security escort to meet this Mr.
Huong? Mrs.
Blane, the men we have are here to protect the embassy.
Have you been to Vietnam before? I see.
Enjoy the festivities And forget this.
There's nothing to be found.
This may have belonged to someone's son.
You'll excuse us.
All right, this should hold.
Don't you want a man of mine to run this up the stairs? No.
This is the only way from here to there, we know for a fact is clear.
We're waitin' on drill bits.
After this, we're good to go.
Look, I got a guy up there, His foot on the trigger of some kind of nastiness.
I need that stuff now.
All right, here he comes.
Up and away! It wasn't faulty mechanics.
It was murder.
Elevators are rigged.
Magnetic device to release the auTomatic brake.
Was short range, had to be activated within 150 feet.
Our guy's still in the building.
Here it comes.
The package is on its way.
Roger that.
We got it.
I bring gifts.
We got the stuff, buddy.
That's comforting, 'Cause the cake just started ticking.
How'd you get yourself into this mess, Hector? The usual way.
I did a man a favor.
You wanna take a shower, maybe blow dry your hair first? I was thinkin' maybe a fire, Moonlight, s'mores.
I'm gonna get my first shot off.
Williams: oh, yeah.
Pressure device it is.
We're gettin' you out of here.
Stay right on my ass.
And this is how we're gonna travel.
You serious? It's the only exit.
Why? Because the device cleared it.
Snake Doctor, it's all clear.
Travel only where it's very scenic.
Show me a Prusik knot.
Give me another one.
You remember mountaineering classes? I do.
Did you pass? Locks with tension.
Tension off, it'll slide.
You stopped sweating.
You're dehydrated.
We need to get some fluids in you without you moving.
I'm ok.
Little stiff's all.
They're going now? Mm hmm.
I had to take my jumaring test twice.
It's like a dance, the footwork.
Grey: Ok, I got a snapshot of the cake.
That it is.
I see batteries, Maybe watch batteries.
Just a line, nothing absolute.
Explosives? I don't know.
Wires for sure.
Adesso sì che sto meglio.
Devi andare in bagno? Dov'è il kit medico? Ho ho ho.
Get your left foot in that stirrup.
Try not to look down.
Do exactly what I do when I do it.
We can do this, Tom, right? We're sure as hell gonna find out.
Right foot, release pressure Now.
Stand hard to lock it.
Left foot, on my mark, Release pressure.
Right foot, Release pressure.
Left foot, release pressure.
Lowering your blood pressure.
Think of beaches and white sand.
Pink sand.
and exhale.
Oh, yeah.
Good backflow.
Soon you'll be sweatin' and peein' like secretariat.
Won't have to worry about your body lockin' up.
You get a lollipop when this is all over.
Ok, I got somethin'.
How bad? Cake's talkin' to remote devices.
Don't reach for me yet.
Get your footing first.
Ready? Ok.
Reach for my hand.
Ready to go, then.
Molly: he might not be here.
Wish we had more protection That's what Mack said when I got pregnant with Lissy.
Come on.
This man is probably a con artist.
You think that violence isn't in his bag of tricks? We've got insurance against that.
His greed.
We can take care of ourselves.
Give me the money first.
I'm not giving you anything until I get some information, mr.
You know him, Patrick Gaffney? He goes by the name Doug McBride, fifties, American, ex pat.
Do I pass? Where is he? I can give you directions after I'm paid.
I'm not giving you any money until we're sure it's him.
Where was he born? How many brothers does he have? What was his favorite baseball team? No, you give me money, I make the call.
Now, I can't spend this, can I? Yesterday's date on the newspaper.
We have the money.
It's yours when I get the answers.
Stay here.
Kevin: I have to ask you a few questions.
Where were you born? Born dayton, ohio.
No brothers, no sisters.
Favorite baseball team.
What's your favorite baseball team? 'Cause I'm buying you season tickets.
Chicago White Sox.
You take us to Patrick Gaffney.
We'll all go back to our hotel together and get you the money.
Why are you here? Kim's fever's worse, and she's still worried about your girls.
Dinner on the table, Dirty dishes in the sink that kind of thing.
She made me promise.
I won't say a word, ok, so don't worry.
Don't worry about me at all.
I'll find somebody tomorrow to help me out with the girls.
Well, I can pick 'em up after soccer practice.
That won't be necessary.
It's all right.
How's Jeremy? I don't know.
Pretty horrible of me, huh? He could probably use you right now.
Kevin: Patrick! Patrick Gaffney! You got the money yet? When you get the money, we'll talk.
You son of a bitch.
Take him to the hotel and get him the money.
But the man's trying to steal from his own mother.
I didn't come this far to stop now.
Do it.
I got your address.
You got some sweet contraband, your room, So you be back here in 2 hours.
Look, we cleared as much as we could, but there are still some jagged edges.
Be careful.
Aw, that's good to know.
Ryan: give him a hand.
You ok? Tom, thank you.
NYPD's gonna escort you out of here and get you to a safe house.
We're done here, we'll pick you up.
I got a man upstairs.
He's in danger now.
You'll be safe with these men.
Off you go.
That was a bitch.
Small quantities of what appear to be explosives with multiple collapsing circuits.
Because it's a pressure vessel.
Has to contain some sort of gas.
Once gas is released, goes through air ducts, building's contaminated.
There's a second transmitter in there, boss.
Means there's at least one other device in the building, if not more.
Cake's talkin' to 'em? Yeah.
Chattin' up a storm.
Could be gas, anthrax, ricin, air.
The cake's the arming device.
The pressure button that Williams' foot is on, That's the trigger.
- For all of 'em? - That's right.
For all of 'em, wherever they are.
We got half the employees in the building locked down in their offices.
Not anymore.
We have to take our chances with the stairwells, pray they ain't rigged.
It's better than getting gassed.
You just locked the building down, and now you wanna clear it? Our package is safe.
White House won't give me a posthumous award, No diplomats are left to attend each other's funerals.
I suggest we find out what the gas is and the bad boy who put it there.
Sign in, check out, no one from a bakery or with anything that set off the metal detectors.
No, this wouldn't have.
They have to show ID? Driver's license, which we hold till they leave.
An employee shows key card ID.
All visitors stop at the desk before they leave.
I have to believe some people slip by.
People coming in to do work, outside contractors, they gotta leave their licenses and business cards, Know where they're going and to do what.
Several areas are restricted.
And what do you do with the cards and licenses when they're not picked up? Grey: Cool Breeze, Betty Blue has a Christmas list.
All right.
Tell me everything you need.
Esther getz, checked in 11 a.
Yeah, decorating Kay Troy's office.
Removed by ambulance post chest pains 2 hours after check in.
Mickey Caprio, a chef, today 8 a.
A cooking demo for Yeah, for our head chef here.
I saw Caprio in the main kitchen when I swept it.
Evan Skaff, Checked in yesterday 4:45 AM.
He never checked out.
How come this wasn't red flagged? Servicemen, sometimes they take hours, Check in during one shift.
Next shift probably figured he was still working.
What area does he have access to? Air ducts, basement.
Call his company.
See if they know where this fella is, All right? Yeah.
Snake Doctor, I got a few names You're gonna wanna run past the Secretary General.
All right, I need exactly what's on this list now.
Send one of your guys with an NYPD cop.
I wanna hear those sirens going.
You got it.
How's it coming, mr.
Goldberg? Grey: halfway home.
You wanted me? A man from Delanian Airconditioning, Name's Evan Skaff, Showed up here yesterday morning.
Never left.
Called the company.
Skaff called in sick today.
Called his home.
No answer.
Take a look at this.
You know this man? Grey: hey Can you kids play in the yard? That's the connection.
Nika Petros.
The guy that died in the elevator crash.
driving drunk in Brooklyn, took a corner too fast, and hit Skaff's son.
Skaff boy died.
Petros wasn't arrested.
Diplomatic immunity.
It's ricin.
You certain? Yeah.
Spot on the film looked fuzzy.
I took another shot.
Magnified 1000 x, looked like a Seurat painting, Grains so small, still couldn't make 'em out.
Hallmark of ricin.
Green know? No.
That's why I came out here.
He's got other things on his mind.
Gas masks.
We could all wear gas masks.
Ricin is absorbed through the pores, and there ain't one of us not sweatin'.
Can you disarm it? I'll do my level best.
Gentlemen, seems we have confirmation That Skaff's the fool playing red rover at the UN.
He's still in the building, you find him fast.
Found Skaff's AC Uniform.
He dumped it in an air duct back there.
Who knows how he's dressed now? This air duct here? Yeah.
That's the one.
All right, he'd have access here, here, here, and here.
They're all vulnerable.
Corkscrew, knife, screwdriver, Rip an arm off a metal chair, Anything common'd gain a guy who knows his way around access.
Skaff was here, he'd have a smorgasbord of choices.
All right, we're here in the basement of the secretariat building.
What's this? I didn't catch that.
That's That's a crawl space that leads from this building into a courtyard.
Man could just walk out.
And go where? He'd want to know that his mission's done.
If he's not in this building, It's a good bet he's watchin' it.
Police keep it on the books, Any guy ever lose his diplomatic status? Last year, the greek government got fed up with Petros, wanted to pull his credentials and hand him over to NYPD.
And Petros came to you.
I had an important vote on the floor, and he could help me win, a vote about Why the hell would I care? The nerve gas, ricin in that device, would make the UN uninhabitable for at least 2 years, kill my men and anyone else that's still here.
When you asked, I didn't remember.
I get letters from people all over the world And you forgot.
That's right.
How can you do this to your own mother? Every penny she had, she gave to me to find you, And here you are, a deadbeat deserter.
Your mother is dying, Patrick.
I don't expect you to understand, and I don't need to explain myself.
Call her.
Let her hear your voice.
Give her that.
She doesn't have to know you stole from her.
You'll still get your money.
I don't think so.
I met your mother.
She came to my door with one thing on her mind, her baby.
She didn't strike me as a woman who raised someone who didn't care.
Remember those days in Baltimore? Not anymore.
Turn around.
I said turn around.
I remember baltimore.
What's it to you? You remember baltimore, but you forget that you're supposed to have scars Around your neck from boiling water.
Who are you? He asleep? Biofeedback.
See his eye movements, Darting back and forth as if he was in REM sleep? He's visualizing.
Lowers the blood pressure.
Slows the heart rate.
He was asleep, he couldn't keep his muscles taut.
Think it's time to get you out of here now, Mr.
The stairwell should be safe to use.
But the man who wants to kill me is still in the building.
Well, yes, there is that.
Chilly tonight, huh? Mm hmm.
Officer: you all right, man? Ryan: nothing here.
I'm about to exit on your end.
Hey, you lost, buddy? No, man.
I'm just out here talkin' to somebody on a walkie? Let me see some ID.
Look, man, I'm just out for a walk.
I don't need to be hassled by you two.
Just Aw, come on, bro.
This isn't ok.
All right.
All right, all right.
Looky here.
I'll go for help.
No, stay here.
I need your help.
He needs your help.
Who the hell are you? Let me see your hands.
You know this officer? I was smokin', and he came up.
Look, he's got the badge.
Give my buddy back his gun.
My sincerest apologies.
Let me see your hands.
Where's the other devices, Mr.
Skaff? Just givin' 'em both, this whole place What they deserve for my son.
Confirming ricin is in the cake, But there are no other devices.
The building's been cleared, save for you lads.
Roger that.
We got 3 different collapsing circuits.
We have to hit all I've set these water cannons to fire on one circuit, Take out the power sources.
Anything off by a millimeter, Ain't gonna be very good.
You miss, I move one way or the other.
Is that a go, no go? We'll go.
That's a go, cool breeze.
Snake doc.
Snake doc, are you there? Who wants cake? Hold it.
Let me check it.
What's to check? I'm wearin' it.
Ok, move.
I can't.
My knee locked a couple hours ago.
Hell of a day.
Let's tuck this poor lad in.
I turn into a colonel at midnight.
It's 2230.
I got 90 minutes to get my mates drunk.
Well, that sounds good to me, Tom.
He proceeds to Tommy, sir, feel free to pull the pin.
You bastard.
Pay up.
He's not Patrick Gaffney.
He's an imposter.
Don't give it to him.
Give me my half.
No, sir.
You got his name, and you got some of his life story.
How is that? You had to know him, know someone who knew him, Had to know him well.
You know where he is? Is he alive? No.
When? give me my money.
The hell I will.
You prove to me he's dead, you'll get your money.
Molly: an unmarked grave.
Could be anyone.
You buried him.
Did you kill him? We were at the hanoi hilton together.
Pat died a month or two after they made him make that tape.
They buried him here.
You took his identity.
Couldn't you have written his mother a letter Letting her know her son had died, How he died, what you knew about him? This place is where they buried a lot of us died in captivity.
You didn't die.
You could make it right.
What's in it for me? You know what you are, lady? You're deluded.
To give people peace.
There is no peace.
You plan to desert everything and everyone you know, Your country, your army, your family.
You gonna be one, be a big, red one.
Tell me your name.
Tell me your name.
I'll call your family.
And who would that be? I went to see Jeremy.
I got as far as his door.
I can't look at him, ok? I can't bring myself to look at what used to be his face, What used to be his body before it got burned up.
My advice Tell him.
Tell him, I'm sorry, I'm not up to it, And I feel like hell about it, But if I'm not up to it, you don't need me.
You're telling me to tell Jeremy When you can't man up enough to give me any comfort, To tell your wife about us? Crystal, one time doesn't make an us.
Army screwed Jeremy.
Blackthorne put all those dollar signs in our eyes, And where's everybody now, For him or for me? You screwed me worse than anybody, 'Cause I need someone right now, And you're gettin' all righteous, which we both know is a crock.
You're the same as me.
You owe me now.
You owe me what I need.
No, that don't cut it.
You weren't thinking of your family when you slept with me, mack.
I need you to leave.
Just this time, One time.
I promise never again.
I'm begging you.
One night.
I'll tell tiffy and the rest of the wives.
Yeah, you do that, you'll lose the only support system that you have.
Vengeance ain't a marketable commodity.
It's not? Well, isn't that what you sell for a living? Get out.
Not going until you kiss me.
Yes, you are.
Mack, please.

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