Vinland Saga (2019) s02e15 Episode Script


What the hell!
Just let us do it tomorrow!
Not today!
Hey, I'm just the messenger.
Anyway, the mistress insisted
that it be done today.
That old hag.
All the other times, she leaves us
in charge of guard duty.
Maybe it has something to do with
the reward of three horses.
She wants a part of the reward?
What a greedy old hag.
will you
let me see my husband, Gardar?
He's injured, isn't he?
How are his wounds?
How would I know?
Why do I have to care for
an enemy who killed my subordinate?
Boss, here's a horse.
All right.
We'll be at the mistress' place.
You go and take Arnheid
back to Gramps' house.
They took the horses
so we don't have any left.
Are you serious? I have to walk
her back?
Please, let me see my husband.
I swear I'm not thinking of
helping him escape.
I just want to care for his wounds.
Huh? Well
But the boss said
What's going on?
She's the cutie from Master Ketil's place.
Uh, the boss
The boss gave her permission
to care for Gardar's wounds.
I'm not lying!
You were beaten?
Please cut this rope, Arnheid.
Let's go home.
- Hey
- It's fine.
She doesn't have any tools
that can cut the rope.
If you say so.
Hey, Arnheid!
Your husband came
all the way here to take you back.
Forget about his wounds. Why don't you
give him something more special?
I can't care for his wounds
if he's tied up like this.
Can you untie him just for now?
That's not going to happen.
His "thing" isn't tied up, though.
You can still take care of that.
That's right!
I'm sorry.
I will
leave you and Hjalti
alone again.
Never again
I was wrong.
Please forgive me,
I made you suffer so much.
Let's start over.
Let's go back to how it was.
Please let me free.
I'm sorry, Gardar.
I'm sorry.
What are you saying?
I'm the one who must
ask for your forgiveness.
Come now, Arnheid.
Get a hold of yourself.
That ruined the mood.
It's starting to rain harder.
I'll take a rest in the hut.
What? Hey!
We were told to keep watch.
One person is enough.
You're the one who brought that woman,
so you take responsibility.
Hey, Arnheid!
Are you done? Isn't that enough?
My only fault
is that I'm a sucker for women.
Your time's up.
Come on, get up.
Arnheid! He has a knife on his belt.
Use that to cut my rope.
Hurry up! Arnheid!
Hey! This is bad! He's dead!
I don't know! Just hurry!
Get it together!
Hurry up!
My rope!
We'll both be killed!
It's no use, Boss.
None of them are breathing.
Those idiots.
I told them to not let their guard down
so many times.
Over here, Boss.
His sword
Take a look at the tip.
The rain washed away the blood,
but there's still oil on it.
He must have stabbed his opponent.
- That's a deep wound.
- Yes.
He was wounded
on top of being wounded already.
There were no horses here either.
Go after him!
He hasn't gone far.
We will settle this on this farm!
As soon as I find him
I will kill him.
You couldn't sleep,
You haven't slept yourself.
You weren't woken up by a nightmare.
Were you keeping an eye on me?
Did you think I would
do something crazy during the night?
I wouldn't.
I don't want to make
life harder for Arnheid.
It's not fair, is it?
We were just living in peace, that's all.
has robbed us of our freedom,
and that's just wrong.
It must be wrong.
As someone
who was doing nothing but fighting wars,
I don't have the right to say anything.
it's wrong.
It was wrong.
doesn't know that
you used to be a warrior.
I'm pathetic.
I'm scared
of the thought of people like her
finding that out about me.
How was I able to hurt all those people
like it was nothing?
I can't even imagine
you being that way.
Hey Thorfinn,
you know that thing you mentioned before?
- Are you serious about it?
- What?
Remember you asked me if I thought
it was possible to rid this world
of war and slavery?
It just sounds like a dream to me.
But as someone who has
experienced both sides,
I bet you can come up with an idea.
What do we need to do?
How do we
get rid of war and slavery?
I only know
about the things I experienced myself.
But there's no doubt that wars
produce many slaves.
Those who are defeated in war
are turned into slaves.
Just as you and Arnheid were.
The line between warriors
and slave traders is ambiguous.
There are other things
that lead to slavery,
but I think the biggest cause is war.
If the number of wars decline
the number of slaves will too.
But Nordic men
don't view war as something bad.
Nordic men measure their worth
by valor and wealth.
The more people you kill
and the more wealth you return with,
the more you are respected.
That is why fathers
teach their sons how to fight,
give them weapons and armor,
and take them on warships.
That has always been
the normal thing to do
for us Nordic men.
Whatever it is, it's always difficult
to stop doing what is considered the norm.
But there are also men like you.
Is vowing to never hurt another person
such a strange thing to do?
In Nordic society,
cowards cannot survive.
But that's fine.
If it means I don't have to
carry any more of them,
I would happily be an outcast.
The dead.
The people I have killed.
Their ghosts appear before me
almost every night
and torment me.
They say, "Why did you kill?
After your father was killed,
you were so angry and resentful.
So why did you, out of all people,
kill so many
fathers, brothers, and sons?"
I have to make amends
for what I did to these people.
I have to take these people to a place
where they can rest in peace.
I'm at my limit.
I can't take on even one more person.
I'm constantly thinking
about how I can repay them.
Vowing to never kill
or destroy anything anymore isn't enough
to be called atonement.
To make up for all the wheat
I've trampled on,
I have to grow more with my own hands.
To make up for
all the houses I've burned down,
I have to build more with my own hands.
I still don't know how to
rid this entire world
of war altogether.
But even if it's just
one place in this world
It could even be just one village
I want to create
a place where we no longer need swords.
how would you protect that place?
I hate war myself.
But Vikings will come wherever you are.
Sometimes you have to fight
to protect your peace and freedom.
that won't do.
There's no point
if you use war to keep peace.
If you do,
you'll never be able to escape
from that bloodstained hell.
I guess
a story that sounds like a dream
is nothing but a dream.
We have to go to the ends of the earth,
somewhere far, far away.
Somewhere even Vikings can't get to.
A land
just for outcasts.
If we run away far beyond the ocean,
I wonder what we'll find there.
I'm sure
there will be nothing.
No matter how far you go,
it'll be the same as it is here.
There will only be war and slave traders.
Far west
Beyond the ocean
A land out of the reach of any ruler,
a land no slave trader knows about,
a land far beyond the horizon.
There is actually a place like that?
There is. I had forgotten about it.
When I was a child, a sailor named Leif
told me about it.
Beyond the vast ocean to the west,
there supposedly is fertile land.
He said there's land that's untouched.
That's amazing.
Then Then if we go there
He also told me
that it is tremendously far.
And I don't know the exact location.
Plus, we're talking about
building a nation.
We have to take a multitude
of outcasts there.
It'll be a huge project.
I see.
But you know,
that's the best thing
I've heard in a while.
Be careful.
He's strong.
Wh What is going on
so early in the morning?
It doesn't seem like anyone's here.
I can't tell with all this junk.
Throw everything out!
Jeez, what is this all about?
He escaped.
- What?
- Gardar escaped.
Is there any other reason
why they would be ransacking our shed?
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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