Welcome to Wrexham (2022) s02e15 Episode Script

Up the Town?

[Daniel Farrant's
"Chasing Down Gold"]

you're going to come out ♪
And it's so beautiful ♪
you're going to wake up ♪
And feel no pain ♪
Like a butterfly ♪
Rising on the wind ♪
When you find your wings ♪
That's when life begins ♪

Hold up your freak flag,
fly it up high ♪
Blood on the walls,
ain't gotta live a lie ♪
Shoulders back, walking with
my head held high tonight ♪

And put on my best shoes,
knock 'em out cold ♪
Swim against the tide,
won't do what I'm told ♪
Back in the ring 'cause
I'm chasing down gold tonight ♪

Back in the ring,
I'm chasing down gold tonight ♪

This game is so much
You don't believe.
We've got worldwide now.
But I'm telling you now,
this game is, like, so big.
You wouldn't believe.
You would not believe.
Come on, Wrexham.
Come on. We can do this.
Come on!
Come on, Wrexham.

Okey doke.
- I'll see you in a bit.
- OK.
You know,
you have to give credit
sometimes to the opposition,
Wrexham and Notts County.
They're too good
for this league,
but they're
two big teams as well.
And I think that's what makes
this title race for me
I've been almost doing this
ten years now.
This is, by far,
the best title race in a
In a long, long time.
As a Notts fan,
it's frustrating
when we've got a team.
It's typical Notts, you know.
We finally get a team
that are picking up points
everywhere you go,
it's amazing.
It's absolutely brilliant
to be part of.
If both sides, you know,
are going on
to get the league record
for the most amount of points,
it's an absolute travesty
that only one
goes up automatically.
And one of these
sensational teams
might not even make it out
of the league this season.
Notts County have been
phenomenal this season.
Now, I look at their team
and I look at their squad,
and I can see why
they're doing so well.
I look at ours, and I think
we are doing what we should do
with the quality of players
we've got.
I feel they're slightly
stretching themselves
and overperforming,
but they keep doing it.
They're a superb sight.
Let's be honest.
They knock the ball around
so well,
and they've got that lad,
Langstaff, up front.
Palmer out to Rodrigues,
edge of the penalty area.
He brilliantly
finds Langstaff.
And Langstaff finds
his record-breaking moment.
Macaulay Langstaff moves on
to 42 goals in the league,
a tally that no man
has ever reached
at the fifth tier
of the English game.
You don't score
40 league goals at any level
and, you know,
and not be a top class striker.
Uh, I think he's got
a big future in the game.
And I think, uh,
there's simply no
Luke Williams has done
so well there.
But ultimately, though,
we're the two best teams,
and we should be able
to beat anybody.
But football doesn't work
like that, does it?
Doesn't work like that at all.
We have two games left,
which means
six available points.
We only need three of those
to win the title
and get automatically promoted.
But if we don't win
those games
and, uh, someone else
wins two of theirs,
then that could mean
we wind up in the playoffs
and we all know how badly
that can fucking go.
This was not
in the Hollywood script
A season that's promised
so much for Wrexham.
In previous seasons, um,
when we've been in
the playoffs, you know,
a few times now
and we've come up short
And obviously,
history does tell you
the team that finishes second
invariably don't go on to
To win the playoffs.
And I mean,
Notts County with 109 points
and still not go up.
It is ridiculous.
Mind blowing.
You know,
there's so much pressure
on those players all season.
Are you rolling?
First, tell me your name,
who you play for,
and your position.
Macaulay Langstaff,
Notts County.
I'm a striker.
I think both teams have
pushed each other on.
I don't think we would have
got the points without Wrexham.
And I don't think they
would have got the points
without us, I think,
because we've pushed
each other so far.
It's been an incredible race.
I'm John Bostock,
I'm a midfielder,
and I play for Notts County.
I've been in this game
a long time,
and I've never seen
anything like this before
To have two teams so dominant
to be going neck and neck
right up until the end.
Cedwyn Scott,
Notts County, striker.
It's been strange.
Like, you would think sort of
achieving that points total
and you're winning every week,
and then you look
and your competitors
have won as well.
You just can't
get rid of them.
I think that's
the toughest thing.
I'm Luke Williams.
I'm the head coach
of Notts County.
I think there was
one or two times
when players were looking and
checking phones at halftime,
and we had a
A short conversation
about not doing that.
After that game,
after the defeats,
we all looked to the playoffs.
We still had that hope.
We still knew that
we could possibly do it.
It was a devastating one, obviously,
the way it happens,
having the penalty
in the last minute
and not converting that.
That was a hard one to take
because a draw gives you
that bit of hope.
It's the hope that kills you
in the end, isn't it, really?
Like, you've got that hope.
You can't give up.
the first thing I felt
when the penalty was saved
was I thought of Cedwyn immediately
because he's brave enough
to step up
and take the kick
in that moment of the game,
in that moment
of the league campaign.
And, uh, I shared
a moment with Cedwyn
outside the grounds,
with his father as well.
He was feeling Cedwyn's pain,
and Cedwyn was distraught.
And, uh, I wanted to tell him
in that really bad moment
that I believed in him
and that I felt like
he would have big moments
again for us
and he'd be stronger for living
through this experience.
Playoffs like,
people say anything can happen.
Of course, we'd like
to avoid the playoffs.
But mentally,
you can't write them off
because we could be there.
Playoffs is really difficult
because you have that high
of potentially achieving
automatic promotion
and winning the league.
And then you have to get
yourself mentally ready
for a playoff campaign.
It felt like a big
boiling pot, to be honest.
Notts cannot afford
to make a mistake.
We shouldn't make a mistake.
We can't afford it
anyway either.
Boreham Wood will not
be an easy game.
They're the best defensive
team in the league
and have a better record
playing away from home.
And their goalkeeper,
Nathan Ashmore,
is arguably the best
goalkeeper in the league
and already has
15 clean sheets this season.
Uh, tough game.
Boreham Wood had
a good season themselves.
They're in the playoffs, so
I've had some competitive
games against them,
uh, in the last
couple of years,
and expect Saturday
to be no different.
We know how Boreham will play.
We know what we've got to do
to get the better of them
and exploit their weaknesses,
and also nullify
their strengths.
And now it's up to us
as a team and as a group
to implement that game plan
really well,
and if we do, we'll have
a great chance of winning.
My nerves and my nails
are in shreds.
Oh, mine have gone.
Mine have gone.
I gave up on them
a couple of weeks ago.
They're gone now.
We started
at the Halifax game.
- Yeah.
- You know how that started.
And my ulcer
is coming on nicely.
I'm sure I've got an ulcer
because I have such
Such anxiety
when we're so close.
And we're three points
from the promise land now.
That's all.
And, you know,
it sounds easy, doesn't it?
Three points from two games.
You know, you think, yes.
- Yeah, yeah.
But it's football, you know.
We've done it before.
We've thrown it away
at the last minute.
And I'm thinking,
please, please, Wrexham,
don't do it this time.
You know,
can't look forward to it.
I'm gonna start getting
- I know.
You know, a bit emotional
thinking about it.
But, you know,
gosh, if we do it
My dad said last night
He said, just wish we'd do it?
He said it's probably
the biggest game that
Yeah, we will. We will.
I hope so.
Now, don't
- I know.
You'll start me off, and then
Let's hope we're celebrating.
Yes, we'll celebrate.
We will.
We will celebrate. Yeah.
- Yeah.
The Scotsman
for the match ball
to make it 5-2.
And that should finally
seal those three points.
It is for sure two full years
coming, bubbling to the top.
I would say that that's been
happening constantly though.
Just when I think
I can't bubble anymore,
like at the Notts game,
here I am having a
Genuinely a full
four sleepless nights
leading up to Boreham Wood.
Uh, it's all I think about.
It has to end today.
It has to end.
This has just been
going on for so long.
I know. Our nervous system
We've got 107 points.
It should have been over
months ago.

Ay-yi-yi-yi, yi-yi-ya.

This looks nice.
I literally called Rob this
morning just, like, to whine.
Yes, that's right.
Like, my tummy's in knots.

Go, Wrexham!
There's a
real spark in the air tonight
- though, isn't it?
- Yeah, yeah.
Oh, it's exciting.
You know,
it's been 15 years of torment
for the club.
The players and the squad
to get this team
over the line promotion
are going to be heroes
for many, many years to come.
I was already
a Wrexham fan anyway.
I always was.
But this has been bigger
and better and more exciting
than ever, ever
would have imagined.
I'll be welcomed back
to the stadium for
the rest of my life as well.
Definitely, definitely.
What up, boys? Superb, lads.
Fucking brilliant.
Yeah, just a couple
of reminders, then, boys.
OK, so the teams are the same
as we expected.
Just remember and a few of you
have mentioned it
They will definitely
slow the game down,
throw themselves to the floor,
take the time, long throws.
Let me and Steve get on to
the official on the touchline.
if you just concentrate
on what you've got to do.
Leave the space,
Mulls and Dalbs,
and just leave it down there
for Bush to fucking chase.
And we'll see fucking
how many times
he can fucking deal with that.
Now the last point
is that reset.
You can never, ever,
ever think the job's done
in football.
We know what we're gonna do.
We know we're gonna play.
Let's go and put in a really
top performance tonight.
Let's go, boys.
- Let's go.
- Come on, everyone.
Focus, lads.
Come on, 90 minutes.
Come on.
It's about promotion.
I think you know, I see
I've been part of an exciting
couple of years, first of all.
But I'll only reflect on it
in a really positive way
if we get the job done.
Wrexham! Wrexham! Wrexham!
Wrexham! Wrexham!
Wrexham! Wrexham!
Here come the teams.
Goodness me, this is a
Chilling, isn't it?
Yeah, it's really chilling.
It's quite something.
Yep, this is quite something.
I wonder if Ryan Reynolds
really knew what he was doing
when he bought this club.
I think
we've seen Ryan Reynolds
fall more and more in love
with this club and this game
as time has gone on,
haven't we?
And it's a lovely thing
to see.
And worked at the basics
that have brought you so much
success this season.
It's another game for them.
They have been formidable
at home this year.
And they have to go again
for one more game.
But you're coming up against
a side that can certainly
spoil the party,
assigning Luke Garrard's team
that his team thought
would be fairly easy.
You know what you have to do.
Concentrate. Play the game.
Frustrate Wrexham
as much as possible.
Play on the counter
as best as possible.
Mendy's header.
Now Dalby,
looking all ready
to release Mullin.
Ashmore with the clearance.
15 clean sheets for him
this season.
A charge on Welsh.
And he lobs in,
and he scores!
What an incredible start..
Inside a minute,
Boreham Wood have come
to the Racecourse,
and they break the deadlock.
Is there to be
yet another twist
in this title race?
That just happened for real?
Talk about
silencing the crowds.
Well, well, well,
is the National League
going to do it again?
You just never ever can
take anything for granted.
Well, Luke Williams says
he wasn't going
to listen or watch,
but I'm pretty sure
he's been told early on.
Still a long, long way
to go in this game
as a Wrexham player.
You still keep
to the original game plan.
Wrexham! Wrexham! Wrexham!
brings down beautifully
and beats Payne,
and chips a good ball
to Boreham on the right.
Mullin, oh, he's taken out
very late there, is he?

Mendy is going wide.
Lee feeds it towards him.
Mendy accelerates
and gets there first.
And now he's taking on Sousa,
who drops him down.
That's gotta
be a yellow card.
That should be
a yellow card.
But it won't be, I bet you.
Here comes Lee then,
swept with height.
Ashmore's underneath it.
Oh, it's headed over.
That was a chance for Tozer.

To Mullin, who flicks it
inside brilliantly.
Dalby, snap shot is blocked.

Throw-in taken quickly,
and Mullin turns his man.

Edge of it earlier.
Has to go backwards.
Jones now has got
Barnett in space.
Barnett now
fakes to go inside,
then goes on the outside,
chips to the far post.

Take that lead, Max. Yes!
Come on!
Fuck yeah! Fuck yeah!

I want to be playing
in the high-pressure game.

If you'd have asked me,
where will I be at my happiest
moving away from my family
and playing in
the National League,
uh, a year ago
or two years ago,
I would've said
absolutely not.
But, um,
life works in funny ways.
And I'm definitely
at my happiest
playing for this club.
I want to bring this town
success so bad.
There's nothing I want more
than to take Wrexham
into the league.
You actually you can see
so much potential there.
You can see, right, if we can
get promoted from this league,
then we can go again,
and we can get promoted
in the next league.
Promotion is just the greatest
feeling in football, really.
To know that you've
You've worked hard
for so long,
sacrifices you put in
for your family,
not seeing them,
not seeing your partner, and
And then just
to have that feeling
at the end
of all that hard work
and the sacrifices paying off.
- Great ball.
- Yeah!
Especially with Wrexham,
they're surrounded
by great people.
Lee! Yes, come on!
Mad display by Barnett.
Throws his first long throw.
Three men in a 6-yard box
for Wrexham.
Three on the edge,
they'll lose their man.
Throw comes in
with height on it,
headed away easily by Evans.
Cannon knocks it back in,
partly cleared by Marsh.
And it's hooked back
into the box by Barnett,
Dalby whoa!
He certainly made contact
in his back with his arm.
Now Wrexham's got a chance
to break here.
Cannon accelerates forwards.
Mullin's ahead of him,
so is Dalby.
He goes for Mullin,
sprinting in the box.
Gets goal-side.
It's a shot well held
by Ashmore.
Lovely run by Cannon.
Dalby had made an excellent
run and found space.
Mendy's header,
drops to O'Connor.
His clearance isn't the best.
It's high in the air.
Dalby jumps oh,
and he's taken at the head.
Clash of heads.
I've not missed a game
at the Racecourse in years.
it's such a massive day
that I couldn't imagine
not spending it at the turf.
The turf is where
it began for me,
you know, all those years ago.
So it just felt right
to spend it here
with my wife,
my friends, my family,
you know, the people
that mean the most to me.
Um, I wouldn't have been able
to do that at a stadium,
you know?
It's such a massive day.
And to be able
to spend it with,
you know, people that mean
the most to me, um,
at the turf, it just felt
Just felt right.

I'd like another goal, please.
Me too.
Now Dalby,
breaking on the right,
only Mullin ahead of him.
Mendy's arriving too.
He finds Mullin in the D.
The turn pass is good.
Dalby's wide,
great tackle that.
Fans have run to the shelf
for the penalty.
That was a brilliant tackle.
Mendy wins it
and chips it down the line.
Headed partly away,
on the edge of the box.
It's nodded down,
driving forwards.
- Agbontohoma fouls him.
- Yeah.
Throws it in towards
the halfway line.
It's locked off acutely.
Marsh, in the box.
McAlinden did really well
to cover that.
And the ref blows his whistle.
one all.
A draw today
would leave the door open
for Notts County
to take the lead.
Well, boys, this is obviously
a disappointing start.
We're a little balling behind.
But just got to keep
being alive till that.
Apart from that,
you've done brilliant.
You've done
absolutely brilliant.
You fucking remain calm
and fucking kept playing.
So don't get frustrated.
Just when the football comes,
make sure it's of a high
quality, which it has been.
Keep playing the way
you've been playing,
and the moments will come.

I've been a manager
18, 19 years.
It's the first job
for a while where
I've moved into the area.
And, um,
yeah, I obviously enjoyed that,
and, uh
But it does really hit home
to you how much it means.
You know,
it is part of the culture.

When you're young,
your dad takes you
to watch a football match.
The crowd, the atmosphere
People remember it, you know?
They remember being
at the games with their kids
and watching, you know,
great moments.
And they live
in their memories
as much as the people who are
actually involved in them
out on the pitch
or on the touchline.
The memories and the
achievements are so important,
and, um,
you want to be remembered.
And, uh, you know,
I think that's
It's a real driving force
for everybody.
Football has got
kind of a magic about it.
And what do I love most
about it?
It's the accomplishment
of winning
on a Saturday afternoon,
that when everything
comes together
and all the work you've seen
on the training ground
or a player you've done
a lot of homework
to bring the club has
a great game and gets a goal.
Then the feeling of that is
one which is hard to replace.

Move down the side.
Let's get this back,
three of theirs,
fucking running back
their own goal.
- Come on, boys, let's go.
- Come on!
- Come on.
- Here we go, boys.
Come on, boys! Yeah!
Have a nice run.
Empty the fucking tanks.

Win the second
half, win the league.
That's a simple equation.
Boreham Wood's
very good defensively.
In fact, they haven't conceded
in the second half
of a game in any of
their last six matches.

This is a title race
that has compelled us,
has kept us guessing
for months.
Does that end this evening
at the end of this
next 45 minutes,
or will we get
final day drama?

Jones, Mullin
is pulling ahead of him.
Great ball to Mullin.
On the right flank, can Mullin
cut inside and take on Evans?
Dalby's in the box.
Then Mullin tries
to pick him out.
Bush reads it
A groan from the crowd.

Cross comes in.
Foster takes it well.

Cannon now running at his man,
pokes it to Dalby.
Back to Mullin.
Cross to Cannon! Goal!
- That's offsides.
- He's offsides.
- He's offsides.
- Offsides.
Wrexham putting in an S.
I think that was close.
10 yards into
Boreham Wood's territory.
Nice chipped ball for Mullin,
who's got Agbontohoma
leaning on him.
Great turn by Mullin.
Gets away from Agbontohoma.
Into the box.
Left-hand side. Shoots.
That was outrageous.
What a finish.
He has no right
to get this shot off.
It's an unbelievable
finish from him.
Take a bow, Paul Mullin.

We're sitting here?
OK, then.
Right, high five.
And the other one.

- You guys having fun?
- Yeah.
Your Space is a charity
based around helping
children with autism.
Eventually. I'm Rachel.
Really pleased to meet you.
Hi, Nicola.
Nice to meet real people with
real legs and everything.
It's, um,
an unbelievable charity,
and obviously something
that's very close to me heart.
So we've got Morgan,
who's a massive Wrexham fan.
I know he's been waiting,
haven't you?
- How's it going?
- Been waiting to meet you.
Have you been waiting
There's a lot of people
now in the world
who do view me as a different
figure, should I say.
I don't know what
how to explain it.
But I don't see me self
as anybody.
Football's a game.
You want to test yourself
at the highest level.
But ultimately,
your family comes first.
- I like that.
- Isn't it? Yes.
That's cool, that.
I like that.
You know, you just
sit there at night,
and you think you've
got it all figured out,
and you think
you're on the right path.
And the next day,
you're ten steps back, um
Very, very excited to meet you.
Are you OK?
I thought if I could
help one person
to be able to deal with
their child's diagnosis
and help them
to accept the child
'cause I know it's not easy
The pressure
you put yourself under,
the guilt you feel
is ultimately just
normal and natural.
But if you've got
someone to talk to
and rely on, who knows?
They might have
a family member
who've been through
the same thing.
And you can share
the story of your child.
Every autism's different,
but it's the hope that gets us.
My little Albi's just the same.
Albi, you've got the best hugs.
I think AlbI'll be jealous.
He only watches on the telly.
He'll be saying,
that's my daddy.
Come on.

Millie'd be doing this,
regardless of Rob or Ryan,
you know,
regardless of the fact
that they now own
Wrexham Football Club.
She'll be doing this anyway
'cause she's always done it.
It's a blessing.
It's really helped her.
It's a brilliant club,
brilliant players,
brilliant people,
brilliant all of it,
let alone Wrexham.
Come on, the sound.
I didn't think last year
was our year.
This year, right from the off,
I've kept saying,
this is our year.
This is our year.
2-1 is still
a nervy scoreline for Wrexham.
How they would love the
comfort of a two-goal cushion.

Can they see this through
for the biggest win
of their season?
You could argue the biggest
win of their modern history.
Or will the battle
for promotion
have to come down
to the final day?

So much intent about Wrexham,
determined to get
over the line today.

Kelsey's expecting
a baby girl on May the 12th.
After what happened last time,
I'm obviously very happy.
But during the whole process,
I'll remain nervous until
Until she's here.
Arthur was born sleeping.
It was 27 weeks.
So we went through
proper labor.
It was heartbreaking.
Definitely true
when people say,
you know, time's a healer,
'cause it does get easier.
But in that moment,
it's really difficult
to go through.
So Kelsey and Jordan
already know gender.
They're having a little girl.
It's been a bit
of a roller coaster.
It's been the best news ever.
But pregnancy after loss
has been the hardest thing.
In my head,
I couldn't help but think,
oh, is there
something wrong still?
That's the baby,
baby's heartbeat.
She's going to struggle.
She's very nervous, as
as we'd all imagine.
Um, any little twinges or
anything that she doesn't feel
is quite right, probably
just has a bigger microscope
on it than normal pregnancies, but
Got massive hair.
- See all these white spots?
- Oh. That's funny.
That's definitely from him.
Every milestone
in the pregnancy
that should be a happy
experience has been hard,
and then the 27-week mark
was a really difficult point
because Arthur was born
at 27 weeks.
So I think that was another
just emotional time.
- Oh, she's wiggling now.
- Aww.
- Can you make it out?
- Oh, yeah.
Nose and lips
at the bottom.
She's giving us
a little smile then.
- Oh, that's a good one.
- Oh.
That's actually the best one
we've had, isn't it?
Close to it, yeah.

Ultimately, I want Wrexham
to be winning the league
and the baby girl to come
around nice and healthy,
which all season,
working towards promotion.
And then it's almost
I know when the season ends,
what's coming around
the corner.
So it's almost all going
to come to a big crescendo.
Could be the best month
of my life.

Towards Mullin.
Marsh is precocious
and misses it.
Oh, he's running Evans
to the edge and outta here.
Oh, he's gonna attempt it.

It's gonna be brilliant!
Absolutely super!
That's something, that!
I love that! I love that!
I'd have loads of that! Loads!

And surely now,
15 years of hurt
are coming to an end.

A minimum
of five minutes added time.

Final seconds
in the Racecourse.
All eyes on the referee.

Wrexham are promoted.

Tonight ♪
I'm going to have myself ♪
A real good time ♪
I feel alive ♪
And the world ♪
I'll turn it inside out,
yeah ♪
I'm floating around
in ecstasy ♪
So don't stop me now ♪
Don't stop me ♪
'Cause I'm having
a good time ♪
Having a good time ♪
Shooting star leaping through
the sky like a tiger ♪
Defying the laws of gravity ♪
I'm a racing car passing by
like Lady Godiva ♪
I'm going to go, go, go ♪
There's no stopping me ♪
I'm burning through the sky,
yeah, 200 degrees ♪
That's why they call me
Mr. Fahrenheit ♪
I'm traveling
at the speed of light ♪
I want to make
a supersonic man out of you ♪
All right, well done, sir.
Don't stop me,
don't stop me ♪
Baby! Oh, Jordan's fighting
for the baby.
He had it this morning.
Jordan Davies's girlfriend
had a baby this morning.
- Really?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
He's there with the baby. Look.
All right ♪

I'm burning through the sky,
yeah ♪
200 degrees ♪
That's why they call me
Mr. Fahrenheit, hey ♪
Traveling at
the speed of light ♪
I want to make a
supersonic man out of you ♪
Hey, hey ♪
And it's Scott,
who had his penalty saved by
Ben Foster against Wrexham.
It is a shot at redemption.
Scott sends Notts County
back to the Football League!
Football writes
the most incredible scripts.

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