Dr. Romantic (2016) s02e16 Episode Script

Koi's Law

Who were you talking to on the phone?
What? Oh, right.
Is it hard to tell me?
I won't pry.
It was Dr. Do In-beom.
He's actually my cousin.
He's my aunt's son.
Goodness, Mr. Yeo.
Mr. Yeo.
He keeps fighting the ventilator,
so the alarm keeps going off.
We'll wean him off.
-Ms. Oh.
Give him an ampoule
of dexamethasone through his side.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Yeo, I'll take out the tube.
Let me extubate you.
The syringe.
Mr. Yeo.
You can relax and take a deep breath.
Breathe in slowly.
And exhale.
How do you feel, Mr. Yeo?
Is it easier for you to breathe?
All right.
You're all right.
I'm sorry, Mr. Yeo.
I couldn't…
keep my promise to you.
I was wondering what happened.
I requested a meeting
with Chairman Shin a few times,
but I haven't heard back from her.
She has been busy
over the inheritance issue.
She's almost finished with that.
As soon as she returns,
I'm sure she'll give you an answer
regarding your request.
I heard you stopped by Doldam Hospital.
How did you know?
I'm sure Doctor Kim didn't tell you.
There are a few people there
who are like my eyes and ears.
It looks like
Doctor Kim still gets under your skin.
Of course not.
I'm just trying to get a gist
of how things are going at Doldam.
Now that Chairman Shin Myeong-ho
has passed away,
Bu Yong-ju doesn't have
any solid connections left.
There's no need to be concerned about him.
You should probably
keep him in check.
He can still pull…
a few more strings.
"The Oddball Project"?
What kind of name is that? What is it?
-It's Doctor Kim's homework.
I just saw Moon-jung's dad here.
They looked kind of gloomy.
Does he have a bad relationship with him?
Why are you so concerned about others?
Moon-jung is the type
to get along with anyone.
He's an easygoing guy without a temper.
He's nice, generous,
gentle, and softhearted.
That's why I liked him back in med school.
I wanted to meet him so badly
that I even joined the Bone Club.
Did you really?
One day, I heard from someone
that he only drank espresso shots,
so I only had espresso shots for a while.
It was absolutely bitter.
I wouldn't drink it now
even if it was free.
Isn't that funny?
-Why are you looking at me like that?
-I actually hate it.
Hate what?
I thought you should know.
Have you been hiding
in a place like this all along?
I wasn't hiding.
I just didn't keep in contact with you.
Are you
still bitter over divorcing Hae-won?
The only thing…
that troubles me in this world is you.
You know that already.
You've had enough for a year.
Stop putting up a fight and come back.
I plan on living this life a bit longer.
Don't expect anything from me.
Why did you study hard to become a doctor
only to live in a country town like this?
This life is more valuable and meaningful
than living as your trophy son.
You haven't left?
I heard your father is here.
Yes, he has to leave soon.
I see.
By any chance, are you Dr. Seo Woo-jin?
Yes, I am.
A person should live a life
lending to others
instead of continuously borrowing.
You're a young man.
You shouldn't live like your father.
You should always be grateful…
to my son.
That's enough!
What was that all about?
I mean, why?
He said he only takes his coffee black.
Why didn't he say he hated it
to begin with?
-Do you want to take this one?
-No, I only drink black coffee.
Hey, take the coffee.
I pressed the wrong button.
You can have it.
Was he trying to let me have it first?
Come on, no way.
That can't be right.
You're overthinking it.
Hey, Eun-jae, it's been a while.
Have you been well?
Yes, I'm doing well. What about you?
Things have been very hectic for me.
Anyway, while I'm on the subject,
you should come back to the main hospital.
-I heard your nausea is completely gone.
Doctor Kim gave me a call already.
Doctor Kim called him?
I thought you could never be a surgeon,
so I gave up on you.
But, man, he's as good as they say he is.
I can't believe he cured you.
Why did Doctor Kim call him?
How do you know the name
of that private loan company?
That man you just met
is the chairman of that company.
I thought he was your father.
Yes. That's right.
He's my father.
He's a big player in Myeong-dong,
and the owner of the private loan company
that your father…
borrowed money from.
do these things…
continue to happen?
Come to the main hospital next week.
I'll have a talk with Doctor Kim.
Why does life…
never leave us in peace?
Nurse Jung, try to be on time, okay?
Nurse Joo.
What's with Dr. Yoon and Nurse Park?
See that? I was right.
Right about what?
About her two-timing.
I'm guessing Nurse Park found out.
Hey, Nurse Park.
Yes, Dr. Yoon?
Is everything all right?
What do you mean?
I mean, with Mr. Yeo and other things.
He's regained consciousness.
I see.
What about us?
Are we all right?
Goodness, Mr. Yeo.
How are you feeling?
What is…
all this?
You're on TPN, dopamine, and dobutamine.
And you're getting some mucolytics
and antibiotics too.
You put me…
on a lot of things.
take all these things off.
But, Mr. Yeo…
We live according to the course of nature,
then we leave when it's our time.
Just as you respected my life,
please respect…
my death too, Doctor Kim.
Professor Park.
Yes. Yes?
Goodness, Chairman Do.
You're here.
I came to see Professor Park.
He hasn't come to work yet.
Please take a seat.
I'll call him.
The phone you have reached is turned off.
Please leave a message after the beep.
The phone you have reached is turned off.
Please leave a message after the beep.
He can't be reached?
He didn't come to work,
and his phone is turned off.
And I found this on his desk.
What did you say Mr. Yeo wanted?
Death with dignity?
He said that
to Doctor Kim.
And is he planning on doing this?
If he's already made his decision,
we have no choice but to do it.
What is it?
I received a call
from Professor Oh last night.
He told me to return to the main hospital.
That's great news.
Is it?
You always wanted to go back.
Isn't it great news?
Don't you need me here anymore?
I think I did a pretty great job here.
Isn't that so?
you want me to ask you to stay, then no.
I won't do that, Eun-jae.
Does this mean you don't need me?
I mean that I can't let my opinion
make an impact on your career.
But you can still give me some advice.
Take a seat.
if you decide to stay, things will be
more hectic than it has been,
and you'll have to make sacrifices too.
You'll have to run to the OR at all hours
because of our patients.
And in the midst of the patients
that swarm into the hospital,
you may get worn out and exhausted.
someone has to take up this work.
The weight of responsibility
you feel on the front lines
may become tormenting.
But when you see the patients
you save every single day,
you will definitely keep
your pride as a doctor.
However, if you return
to the main hospital…
What if I return?
You'll develop your career
under much better conditions.
You'll receive more grants
for your research too.
And you'll make many great connections,
which will lead
to many different opportunities in life.
And you'll be monetarily compensated
in proportion
to your experience and skills.
But still, doctor…
If you're asking
which is more befitting of a doctor,
which is a better life,
and which side is more valuable,
I don't think
that's something we can judge.
Life is…
not about comparing yourself with others.
It's about the choices you make.
I am sure of this, though.
You'll do well no matter where you are.
No matter which journey you take
or which choice you make,
do not doubt yourself, Eun-jae.
Do you understand?
Dr. Seo.
Dr. Seo.
Dr. Seo!
Do you have something to say to me?
I thought we should have a talk.
I'm sorry,
but I still have a lot on my mind.
Yes, I'm angry.
But I don't know who I'm angry at.
And I can't just cover it up
saying that it was all in the past,
that it was something between our parents.
It's honestly appalling and absurd.
But it's not like…
this is your fault.
Would you feel more at ease…
if I left this hospital?
I've been through this often,
so I'm used to it.
That's how I've lost my friends…
and someone whom I loved.
I never wanted to go through this again,
so I ran all the way here.
things don't always work out well.
What's with you?
Did you get a scolding from Doctor Kim?
You know, Woo-jin…
Yes? What is it?
He told me to return.
Professor Oh told me to return
to the main hospital.
Right away, starting next week.
That's great news.
Please give Professor Park
one more chance.
If you give him one more chance,
we'll make sure we'll turn it around.
What's your name?
I'm Yang Ho-jun.
I've been working with Professor Park
for over ten years.
I'm ready to do anything for him.
Please let me know.
You tell me.
How far can you go
for Professor Park's sake?
How's Dr. Seo's homework coming along?
I'm not sure.
He'll have a tough time.
It's a tough condition
for a second-year fellow to diagnose.
Do you know
what Doctor Kim's condition is?
I'll get going now.
Hey. You definitely know something.
Hey, Moon-jung!
Hey! Wait a second.
Have you heard?
Eun-jae is returning to the main hospital.
Yes, I heard.
We're talking about
throwing her a farewell party.
Okay. Let's put
something together, Nurse Um.
Okay, let's do that.
Somewhere else
other than Once in a While. Please?
There's no place better than that.
Gosh, I'm so sick of Once in a While.
What's the patient's condition?
It's acute appendicitis.
He's had a part of his lung removed,
and I think it was
the left lower lobectomy.
-There's not an effusion there, right?
-No, it looks fine.
After a lobectomy,
it gets a little tough to tell
what the reactive fluid is
in the early stages of pneumonia,
but this patient looks fine.
Okay, then.
Anything else?
No. Nothing else.
Okay, then.
Okay. Good.
What's going on between them?
Beats me.
Did they break up?
Wait, they were dating?
Weren't they?
I thought they were dating all along.
I mean, you wouldn't react like that
if you heard that your neighbor's dog
was leaving their house.
I mean, of all people, I'm about to leave.
How can he be so nonchalant?
Don't you think that's awful?
She said she's going back next week,
but how can she be so casual
as if she's talking about someone else?
She didn't even ask how I felt about it.
Of course, nothing would change
even if he asked me to stay.
Of course,
it's not like I'd ask her to stay.
But still,
he shouldn't ignore me completely.
But she can't disregard me like this,
can she?
Why aren't you saying anything?
Oh, right. I was trying
to figure out the situation.
I thought you were very angry at me.
But you barged in
and started talking to me about this.
And? Am I making you uncomfortable?
No, not at all.
I'm fine…
as long as you're fine.
why did you want to run away
from your father?
Did I ever tell you how I got divorced…
after being married for a month?
She was the daughter of an assemblyman
whom my father had been sponsoring.
She said she married me
for my father's money, not because of me.
He thinks money can resolve everything,
so he bought his daughter-in-law too.
I really liked her, though.
I didn't want to be his puppet anymore.
It looks like…
you didn't have such a great life either.
But it wasn't as unfortunate as yours.
What should I do with Eun-jae?
You should just ask him out first.
How can I do that?
We were in the same class
and we work at the same hospital.
What would we do if we broke up?
Don't you think it's too early
to worry about breaking up with him
when you haven't started dating him?
And I don't think I'll be good
at working and dating at the same time.
You can do both slightly less well.
You don't have to be good at both.
I'm jealous.
Why is everything so easy for you?
Why is everything so tough for you?
You have Dr. Seo,
you're a specialist, and you're tall.
According to my standards,
you have everything.
She's right.
Why is everything so tough for me?
Are you leaving?
Yes, I am.
I have a question.
What is it?
aren't you asking me to stay?
Do I
not mean that much to you?
I was just scared.
I didn't want to get greedy
and cross the line…
and lose you.
What are you talking about?
I'm the one who's crossing over the line.
Don't you get it?
You wanted to go back.
So you don't want to ask me to stay?
What if you regret this later?
Then I will…
just do that thing
you told me about.
That thing I told you about?
Oh, I'm sorry.
I was in a bit of a rush, wasn't I?
I'm pretty good at learning things…
Dr. Bae.
-Are you going home?
-Hey, Dr. Yang.
-You're still here?
-Well, you know.
Professor Park didn't come in,
so I should be here to hold down the fort.
By the way,
does Doctor Kim have something
other than CTS?
What do you mean?
Well, I overheard people talking about it.
Just some rumors.
I'm not sure.
Oh, really?
I see.
All right, then.
See you.
As of today,
we'll be taking Mr. Yeo…
off life support per his wishes.
Those of you…
who wish to say your last goodbyes…
may do so now.
That's what we'll do.
As he was announcing the last farewell,
he sounded calmer than I expected.
our last farewell itself
wasn't as somber as we thought it'd be.
If I fail my board exam,
will you accept me back here at Doldam?
-Dr. Jeong.
-Yes, sir?
What are your thoughts on this?
I think she's worried for nothing.
Enough. Just do well on the exam.
Overachievers tend to worry all the time.
I really hope I'm worried for nothing.
Nurse Um.
Gosh, I'm sorry.
I really didn't want to cry, but…
Don't cry.
It's sad that we have to say goodbye.
But maybe…
isn't as sad as we presume it to be.
Sir, how about I sing a song for you?
Let's not do that.
You're not really a great singer.
I'd love to hear you sing, Dr. Yoon.
Okay. I'll sing
my favorite children's song.
A children's song? Why?
It can bloom wherever
It can bloom without a name
It can bloom in any shape
In the end, they're all flowers
It's a flower even if it blooms
In the mountains
It's a flower even if it blooms
On the field
Even the ones on the streets
Are flowers too
In the end, they're all flowers
It can bloom wherever
It can bloom in any shape
It can bloom without a name
In the end, they're all flowers
Come in.
Doctor Kim.
Mr. Yeo is waiting for you.
All right.
Let's go.
Ms. Oh,
mix 100 mg of pethidine
into his IV solution.
Okay, got it.
Let's remove the TPN,
dopamine, and dobutamine.
I'll do it.
We've removed everything
that's been hanging off you.
there's nothing more we can do for you.
Thank you.
I'm sorry we must say goodbye like this.
But personally,
I'm very grateful…
and happy that I can now say goodbye.
I wish you…
all the best.
And, Doctor Kim…
Yes, sir? Go ahead.
You wanted to open a trauma center.
I really hope…
you achieve that goal of yours.
Thank you.
I promise…
I'll make it happen.
Till we meet again, sir.
Whatever form it takes…
a farewell always leaves a scar
in your heart.
It torments you…
and makes you feel pain.
It makes you sad…
or lonely.
And because of that, you don't want…
to have to say goodbye to anyone anymore.
What's up?
About the homework…
I think I found the answer.
What should I do?
I can't find any clues.
Why don't you narrow things down first?
-Remember what Doctor Kim said?
I don't think it requires GS's opinion.
Then all the GS binders are out.
Other than for CTS, OS is also irrelevant.
So OS is out too.
Then what about CS?
Based on the symptoms he described,
I don't think it's a CS issue.
Then CS is out too.
So, what's left?
That leaves us with EM.
Then we should look for emergency cases
that didn't require trauma surgery.
We started collecting cases
for this project about two years ago,
and Dr. Yun Seo-jeong
compiled most of this information.
Is there anyone who is as knowledgeable
as she is about this project?
Yes, I've been a part of the project
from the get-go.
Why do you ask?
Doctor Kim gave him some homework.
And he won't get the surgery for his CTS
until Dr. Seo completes his homework.
Tell me what the symptoms are.
Let's work on it together.
Since you're my doctor, I'd like you…
to speak with OS and book my surgery.
Yes, sir.
This is where you can enjoy…
the best view of the lake.
What's life all about anyway?
I can't believe I've been too busy
to enjoy this beautiful view.
Why did you want to see me?
The surgery for my right wrist
has been booked.
-For three weeks after the surgery,
I can't operate on any patients.
So what?
It'd be great…
if you could fill in for me
and operate on patients during that time.
Quite frankly, I don't understand
why you're asking me to do that.
Because you are still
the president of Doldam Hospital.
I'm sorry, but I already resigned…
which means it has nothing to do with me.
Ask someone else.
Are you running away again?
You see,
if you keep running away like that,
you'll never be able
to escape from anything.
You've gotten so used
to acting like a mentor and boss
among a bunch of clueless fools…
that you try to lecture
anyone that comes your way.
Don't treat me like I'm one of those fools
because it offends me.
They're not fools.
They're just people with emotional wounds.
And everyone, including us,
has such wounds.
It'll only be for three weeks.
I'm not asking you to do it for anyone.
As a fellow doctor,
please consider helping me out.
You're here.
I couldn't reach you,
and you didn't even come in.
I was so worried about you.
Did you take my letter of resignation?
-Yes, I did.
-Go bring it back now.
I threw it away already.
How dare you do such a thing
without my permission?
I'm sorry.
But, you see,
you can't just resign like that
without even telling me.
Do you have any idea
how much time and effort
I have invested in you?
-You see…
I bet everything on you.
So you cannot give up like this, sir.
At this lousy hospital in the countryside
and because of that absurd doctor.
Look, Dr. Yang…
I refuse to accept…
your letter of resignation.
You always do things your way
and make your own decisions about
everything, but your decision to resign…
I won't let it happen.
Do you understand?
Gosh, you're being pathetic.
Sure, you can call me pathetic.
I don't even care if you call me a fool
or a clingy moron,
so just stay where you belong.
Have you lost your mind?
When you decided to transfer here,
I followed you without a single complaint.
I've been your drinking buddy and driver.
I took care
of all sorts of things for you…
without complaining about it.
Do you know why I did that?
Because I wanted a successful career too.
I wanted to assist the famous
and competent Professor Park…
and become one of the successful people.
But if you give up now,
what am I supposed to do?
You can do whatever you want
with your life,
but what about me?
Your old position
at the main hospital is still vacant.
I'll make sure they'll take you back.
I don't mind being your minion,
but I refuse to be seen as a loser.
I've been loyal to you
for the past ten years…
so it's on you now.
Do not run away.
Stay here…
and make up for the time I devoted to you.
All right. Let's do this.
You guys were waiting for me?
Let's go.
OR 1, OR 2
What are you all doing here?
Well, please take good care of me.
-Let's go in.
-Doctor Kim.
They're also here to see you.
Oh, gosh.
My gosh, Mr. Gu.
I want to ask you my last question.
Why did you give me this homework?
You said you need
better intuition and luck.
You're right.
To us, surgeons,
being intuitive and lucky is important.
However, that level of intuition and luck…
can't be obtained
without hard work and experience.
You need to remember that.
In those binders,
you'll find information on all the cases
of trauma surgery I've performed
and emergency treatments
I've given since joining Doldam.
The surgeons that took part in the project
went over each case
from five to dozens of times.
We reflected on each case over and over
and tried many different simulations.
We learned from the successful cases
as well as from our mistakes.
"Could there have been a better way?
Could we have further reduced
the risks for the patient?"
It's the outcome
of our research and hard work.
The intercostal vessel.
What I'm saying is, my intuition and luck
weren't the only reason I could diagnose
the pneumothorax
and find the intercostal vessel.
There's only one way we can train
ourselves to make less mistakes.
Gaining as much experience as possible.
Hence, we're compiling all our past cases
to create a new protocol.
That is what "The Oddball Project"
is all about.
It must've taken a long time
to compile all the information.
Why share it with me?
Because you're one of the oddballs.
Does that…
answer your question?
Senn retractor.
One more, please.
Nurse Joo, focus the light, please.
How does it look, Dr. Bae?
Self-retaining retractor.
There. We see
the transverse carpal ligament.
It's severely inflamed.
Yes, it is.
He performed all those surgeries
despite that.
Now, we just need to take out
the tenosynovium.
Let's move the patient. One, two, three.
We'll remove the flap. One, two, three.
Do you suffer from any chronic conditions?
Were you diagnosed? Any medications?
No, never.
But my stomach hurts so much.
-120 over 70, 110 BPM.
-I'm going to press your stomach.
This is the liver.
Set up an IV line and run the lab tests.
Give him nasal oxygen, two liters.
A dose of tramadol as well, please.
Got it.
Once the IV is in,
we'll take CT scans and X-rays.
-Dr. Yoon.
I'll give the orders.
Check the FAST before the CT scans.
Got it.
Sir, we'll do an ultrasound first.
What is this?
Go ahead. They're almost done here.
Hello, Professor?
What? Situs inversus?
You mean, the organs are reversed?
It seems like all his organs are reversed,
which means it's situs inversus totalis.
Have you seen it before?
No, I've only read about it.
This is my first time actually seeing it.
The contrast medium is leaking here.
I think a mesenteric vessel is ruptured.
I don't think his spleen tore
due to trauma.
It looks like he has multiple spleens.
Situs inversus is caused by malrotation,
and some malrotation patients have been
reported to have multiple spleens.
He needs surgery.
What should we do?
Doctor Kim can't do it now.
Professor Park, just a moment.
We have a traffic accident victim.
He has situs inversus.
Situs inversus totalis.
And he has multiple spleens.
He needs surgery right away
due to intra-abdominal bleeding,
but I've never done it before.
I need your help.
Are you running away again?
You see,
if you keep running away like that,
you'll never be able
to escape from anything.
I'm not asking you to do it for anyone.
As a fellow doctor,
please consider helping me out.
-Where's the patient?
-In the hybrid room.
How is he?
Bu Yong-ju, this fool.
He kept this from everyone?
Can we…
kick Doctor Kim out with that?
That will depend
on how we'll make it look.
I have to say, well done.
You achieved something
even Park Min-gook couldn't do.
What was your name again?
I'm Yang Ho-jun, sir.
I'll definitely…
remember your name now.
Dr. Yang Ho-jun.
OR 1, OR 2
What are you doing?
Were you waiting for me?
Do you want coffee?
It's good.
Talk to me.
I know you have something to say.
Do you even read minds now?
I've known you since med school.
Just one look at your face
tells me if you're in a good or bad mood.
I can tell when you're stressed out,
or have something to say.
I can tell that much.
The thing is,
I got a call from Professor Oh.
He's swamped with urgent cases.
He has three overlapping operations,
so he asked for my help.
He said two or three days would do.
So you'll go back to the main hospital?
He's my professor,
so I can't really say no.
Can I go for a few days? Yes?
Yes, of course.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Sleepy morning.
Good morning.
Good morning, Dr. Yoon.
So? How did your exam go?
When will you find out the results?
Who wants coffee?
What are you doing here alone?
Trying to figure out
how I can hide from everyone.
You don't know the results yet,
so don't worry.
I feel like everyone at Doldam
is a genius.
Why am I so dumb?
I think you're a genius too.
-I am?
Your smiles are genius.
You're back to being
the version of you that I like.
You were very curt with me for a while,
so I was a little scared.
"Curt" may not be the right word.
I was just being a loser.
To tell you the truth, when I found out
that you and Dr. Do are related…
How should I put this?
I felt this weird distance between us.
It's true that he comes
from a very powerful family,
but my family is very ordinary.
My dad is an elementary school teacher.
My aunt and uncle were always so busy.
That's why he hung out at our place often.
And I started bugging him
when I entered med school.
A-reum, why do you like me?
Because you're handsome.
You have a handsome face,
a healthy mind,
and a beautiful heart.
From now on,
I'll try to be
an even better boyfriend to you.
All right. Let's have a look.
Let's see.
-How does it feel?
The chronic pain
that used to bother me is gone.
And I can move the wrist much easier.
I feel like I should be able to operate
on patients right away.
No, you can't do that.
Please avoid surgery
and refrain from any strenuous activities.
Don't you worry, doctor.
With this wrist, I can easily work
for another 30 years.
Keep taking your medication.
We'll begin the physiotherapy next week.
Please follow the instructions.
I will, Bone Doctor.
Doctor Kim!
It's finally here.
Here, look!
Okay, later.
Let's talk about it later.
Oh, okay.
Got it.
I don't think we need to worry.
The surgery went well,
and he's recovering fast.
Also, it looks like
he's trying to be very careful.
Okay. Sounds good.
By the way, how's Eun-jae?
Still no word from her?
So two days?
Two or three days.
Just two days.
Okay. Two days, it is.
I'll go there if you don't come back.
The guy I'm head over heels for
is right here.
How could I not come back?
Drive safely. Okay?
That's what Eun-jae said,
but it's been a week.
No, not a week.
It's been almost ten days,
yet no word from her whatsoever.
And she's clearly not back yet.
Professor Oh got her good.
Everyone knows that
he's got a thing for competent people.
Whenever he notices anyone who's good,
he wants the person to work for him.
And he takes great care of his people.
Are you not going to eat your noodles?
-It'll swell up.
-Oh, right.
Anyway, I think Eun-jae…
She won't come back, Dr. Seo.
Suction, please.
What happened to you at Doldam
in the past two months?
I owe it all to Doctor Kim.
I learned so much from him.
Since you're already here,
how about you take on
the lobectomy case too?
But I already did three more operations
than we had agreed on.
With the skills you have now,
you could run the entire department
in a year or two.
Why go back to the countryside?
If you stay with me,
you'll have a great career ahead.
I'll make sure you can fly high.
I wish you had said that a long time ago.
When I was lost and bad at my job,
when I dozed off or passed out in the OR.
Why didn't you believe in me
and guide me back then?
Back then, you were a huge mess.
Do you know about the Koi's law?
What's that?
The size of the fish tank
or pond they're in determines
how big the koi will grow to be.
What does that have to do with you?
I'm sorry to disappoint you,
but I think I've already outgrown
the aquarium
you can provide for me.
I'll get going then.
That jerk.
Doctor Kim said this.
People do as well as you trust them,
mature as much as you adore them,
and grow as much as you acknowledge them.
He said the circumstances I choose
and the thoughts I have
will bring about
a huge difference in the result.
I heard you had 15 different operations
in one week.
Our staff have been praising you
for owning the operating room.
If you were that good
at emergency operations,
why have you only been working
on cancer patients to this day?
I've been telling you this from day one,
but I like doing things
according to a routine.
I like seeing stable patterns
and facing situations I can control.
I guarantee that you,
Professor Park,
are definitely one of us.
You used me as an excuse to come here,
but you wanted to come here, didn't you?
No, you got me wrong.
Let's just do this together.
Rebellious surgeons like you and me
can't work with VIP patients.
You're definitely the type
to be happier saving people
out in this secluded hospital
than making it big out there.
Isn't that so?
stop running away.
If I decide to stay here,
things will be more troublesome for you.
It's not always a bad idea
to have an adequate amount of anxiety.
And I can't keep working with this system.
Do you have a plan?
If I decide to stay,
in three years,
I'd like to turn this place
into a trauma center on state support.
I want to establish a trauma center
more than anyone else.
In order to do that,
we'll have to play a lot of politics.
Can you deal with that?
Sure. Let's do it.
You know what?
Doctor Kim, you are…
completely insane.
Hey. I need to talk to Vice Minister Lee
of the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
That's how Doctor Kim began
to put the pieces of dreams together
that would make up Doldam Hospital.
Today's finally the day.
What's wrong?
Did I fail?
It's all right, though.
I'll study harder
and take the exam again next year.
I can spare a year to achieve my dream
in 20 years.
You passed.
Really? Did I really pass?
Of course, you passed.
Ninety-six percent of the people passed.
Let me see.
Hey, that's my name.
There's my name. My gosh! I passed!
-You should treat us.
Anyway, what is your dream in 20 years?
Oh, my dream?
In 20 years,
I want to be the new Doctor Kim of Doldam.
That's pretty cool.
Wait, in 20 years, I'll be…
Then I'll be the new Ms. Oh of Doldam.
My gosh, that'll be so awesome!
You'll be like Doctor Kim in 20 years,
you'll be like Ms. Oh in 20 years.
-That sounds great.
-Both Doctor Kim and Ms. Oh
should keep working harder
if you don't want them to catch up.
Goodness, I will gladly step down
and let them take my position.
-Don't you think so?
-I completely agree, Ms. Oh.
Recently, you two have been agreeing
upon many things very smoothly.
-Let's get back to work.
-Let's get to work.
Hey, wait. Hey!
Hey, new specialist.
What should we do first?
-Let's do this!
-I'm serious.
I'll make sure I'll expose this romance.
What brings you here this time?
There are only two reasons
for me to visit you.
One, to get rid of you.
And what's the other one?
To get rid of Doldam Hospital
along with you.
Chairman Do,
you're an awfully consistent man.
I definitely commend you for that.
I'll give you that.
You have MS.
So what?
You dropped a sponge stick in the OR,
and you had a CTS operation.
Your hands are wrecked,
and now, your nerves are dying.
Do you still think you can go into the OR?
Why can't I?
I've been recovering fine
after a successful CTS operation.
And the MS isn't serious,
so I've been controlling it with medicine.
if we turn the MS…
into a problem,
we can make it into a problem.
You're right.
If you want to create a problem,
you can turn just about anything
into a problem.
That's why…
the board members of the Geosan Foundation
are seriously considering your dismissal.
And why are you making
that consideration here?
Didn't you know?
The foundation has the final say
when it comes to personnel appointments
for Geosan Hospital…
and its branch, Doldam Hospital.
Mr. Jang.
Can you give me that envelope?
Looks great.
Gosh, this came in the mail today.
-What is this?
-You didn't know?
Doldam Hospital
just became a separate corporate entity
that has nothing to do with Geosan.
-We've been promised
four billion won
from the Geosan Foundation every year,
but our operations and system
will be completely separate
from the foundation.
That was in the late
Chairman Shin Myeong-ho's will.
She has been busy
over the inheritance issue.
You should probably
keep him in check.
He can still pull…
a few more strings.
Yes, Chairman Do? It's been a while.
Oh, that? That's right.
That was in his will.
Things got a little delayed with
the inheritance issue because of that.
What can I do?
If I didn't protect Doldam Hospital,
he said he wouldn't give me a penny.
That's why I did that,
so don't be so heartbroken.
is Doctor Kim doing all right?
There's no one on my side!
No one!
Hey, Chairman Do.
No one! There's no one for me!
Chairman Do.
Don't ever come to Doldam Hospital again.
Shut up!
Stop eyeing Doldam's site.
And stop meddling in our business.
I'm saying you should stop misleading
and distorting the truth
to make it fit your absurd argument.
If people don't know any better,
they might think it's true, okay?
You jerk. Bu Yong-ju!
-What is he doing?
-Stay out of it.
Let him go!
-How could you…
-Let go.
My gosh, it's all wrinkled.
Will you stop making a scene and leave?
Move aside.
Don't you know who I am, you jerk?
The chairman.
I'm the chairman, you jerk.
Please leave.
Chairman Do.
Doctor Kim! This is bad!
What's wrong?
There was a huge fire at a sauna.
How many are injured?
-There are 24 casualties,
and seven of them look serious.
-You all heard her.
-Yes, sir.
There are 24 at the moment,
but that number can easily increase.
-Ms. Oh.
Tell them divide up the patients
to serious and minor injuries,
send minor patients to a nearby hospital,
and send the critical patients
-to Doldam Hospital right away.
-Yes, sir.
Woo-jin, Bone Doctor, and, Nurse Park,
work with Dr. Jeong
and keep checking the patients' condition
-as they come in.
-Yes, sir.
-Hurry up and go.
-Dr. Yoon!
-And, Mr. Jang…
-Yes, Doctor Kim?
Call Professor Park and…
I'm here.
What are you doing?
Aren't you going to work?
Yes, I will.
I'll go get changed quickly.
All right, then. Let's get the OR ready.
I was going to play
Battlegrounds with my son today.
See that?
These are people whom we call doctors.
The law of the conservation of romance.
Most people know these values exist,
but they also don't believe they're real.
But they also hope someone is out there
preserving such beautiful values.
Life is about taking
a new journey every single day.
It doesn't matter if you want it or not.
It's about facing the reality
that gushes in every single day.
Patient incoming!
Dr. Jeong, bed number one.
Yes, bed number one!
Into the hybrid room.
Bed number two.
This way, please.
Two, three.
Sir, wake up.
Let's move him.
We can't find the right answer
in every single moment of our lives.
But Doctor Kim still said this.
Don't ever stop asking
why we should live
and what we should live for.
The moment you stop asking that question,
our romance…
will end too.
Got it?
That's what he said.
Is Kim Da-eul's guardian here?
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