Freakshow (2013) s02e16 Episode Script

Vegas Gets Freaky

Right now, on "Freakshow" Nothing is written in stone yet, but we're gonna open another location, in Las Vegas.
Vegas, Vegas! Freakshow's in town Freakshow's in town! How would you like to see "the world famous Freakshow," Right here at "Circus Circus?" It's not just about, you know, work either.
I mean, we hang out a lot.
I think we have a unique connection.
This is all kind of happening kinda fast.
The people that are in this meeting will make or break our plans.
This is a perfect fit.
Folks, today, you will witness the strangest creatures on earth, the living wonders of the world, and the most amazing people on the planet.
They're all inside.
What you thought was a myth, you will see with your own eyes.
Welcome to "The Freakshow.
" Yeah.
Yeah, there we go.
Today, we're having a big photo shoot.
This is the original way of promoting a Freakshow, and at the end of the shoot, I got a very special surprise for everybody.
There you go.
You're P.
Barnum right now.
Okay, I've got something very important to talk to y'all about.
Something that involves all of us, as a family.
We're gonna take everything we own, and put it on the line, okay? We're gonna open another location In Las Vegas.
I'm super excited I can't wait! Sin city will never be the same without "The Freakshow.
" Nothing is written in stone yet, but I have been in talks with a Casino.
So here's the plan.
I've set up a meeting with all the bosses of this Casino, and what I wanna do is bring all of you with me and I wanna show them why we should be at this Casino.
Ever since I was a kid, I've dreamed of having a show in Las Vegas.
I'm not dreaming no more I'm making it happen.
It's a big opportunity for us all.
I wanna see those buses riding down the strip with all of your faces on 'em.
You know what I'm saying? - Is everybody in? - I'm in, baby! Let's get it, baby! Think Vegas or bust! Vegas, Vegas, Vegas! All right, here we are.
Hi nice to meet you.
Freakshow, this is the big moment we've been working for.
Can you believe that, Asia, after all these years? - Crazy.
- We're this close.
- I know.
- This close.
I'm really excited Are y'all starting to feel it? - We're here now.
- Yeah.
Are y'all nervous about this meeting? I think we'll kill it.
I think we'll do it just right.
- Yeah, I think we got it.
- If it goes perfect, we're gonna have two shows, which will be cool.
How's that gonna work if we have both locations open? Well, since you two are our headlining performers, is I'm thinking about maybe having one of you headline Venice, while the other one headlines Vegas.
So we wouldn't work together then, like how we do now? No, I was kinda thinking, like, you'd work separate, you know, but at each location.
The thing that's good about it is, like, it really gives you a chance to be the headliner.
'Cause we're gonna have to have two sets of performers, - no matter what.
- Right.
I mean, if we have two shows, we gotta have two shows.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- You know what I mean? I mean, there's just no way around that.
I also need somebody at each one that knows how to help run the place.
You know, kinda knows how the show works.
The thought of being at separate locations is very strange.
I don't like the idea.
I certainly wouldn't work with someone else.
If I didn't work with Asia, I'd have a lot to think about.
I don't know I don't know.
So, you ready? You excited? All right, it's time.
Life is about to change right now.
Let's do it.
We're about to go up there For real, okay? The people that are in this meeting, they are the people that will make or break our plans, okay? There's no way we're coming out here with a "no.
" - Okay? - No way.
This is the moment we've been dreaming of.
Are we all ready? Yeah! Opening a show in Las Vegas has been a dream of mine since I was a little kid, and the only thing between me and my dream right now is a bunch of executives.
But I know in my heart that this is our destiny, and I doubt that they can say no, once they see what "the Venice Beach Freakshow" has to offer.
Thank you.
Hey, everybody.
Don Thrasher, the president of "Circus Circus.
" - Nice to see you.
- Nice to meet you.
- Have a seat.
- Thank you.
This is my son, Phoenix.
He's the co-owner of "The Freakshow.
" This is my wife, Danielle.
- Hey.
- Danielle, nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
I guess how should we get this started? I think, describe to us, you know, what you have in mind here and what your plan is.
The circus was always under the big top.
The side show was the tent next to the big top.
We're the one that you have to see before you see the big show.
And now that our business is expanding and growing, we wanna bring it to "Circus Circus.
" We wanna be the number one attraction here at this hotel.
I think to get the real feeling of the impact that we can have here at "Circus Circus," you need to meet the performers.
Well, let's get to meeting them.
Ladies and gentlemen, today, you are about to witness some of the most unusual performers on the planet.
He is the smallest man in America, Mr.
Gabriel Pimentel.
Here's Matt and Ali.
Jessa, our bearded lady.
Give it up for the man they call creature.
Here he is.
The lovely and talented, miss Asia Ray.
Give it up for Morgue.
The tallest man in America, George Bell! If you have any questions.
How many people do you think that you potentially could attract to the property? Depending on the day, I would say thousands.
In Venice, if there's a hundred people that walk by, we get 80 of 'em.
I mean, I believe we can compete with big, superstar names.
What are your plans to compete with these big name entertainers? And a marketing budget, marketing plans.
- Have you thought about that? - Well, I have yes.
When I drive into Vegas, if I had Creature on a billboard, right off the bat, that's gonna stir curiosity.
From a marketing point of view, there's so many powerful visual elements, and then there is just the name, "Freakshow.
" Well, I wanna thank everybody for coming in here today.
- Thank you.
- And Todd, thank you for your presentation.
I have to tell you, I'm skeptical.
I'm not sure how this will play in Las Vegas.
There's a lot of competition for the customers' time and their entertainment dollar.
I don't know that you could compete on that level.
So I think, at this point, this is not something that we would wanna pursue here at "Circus Circus.
" I appreciate your time, and I hope I can find what will convince you.
All right.
Okay, well, thank you so much.
- Thank you.
- It's nice meeting you guys.
- Nice to meet you guys.
- Yes.
He just said "no," like it was nothing.
I'm not sure what happened.
Deep breath there you go, boss.
I'm proud of you.
- I'm very proud of you, man.
- We're all proud of you, boss.
I'm shocked because, right now, all of our dreams just feel like they've just been snapped in half.
I got some backstage hook ups, - here at "The Flamingo.
" - Where? For the "Donny and Marie" show.
We're going to meet Donny.
Donny Osmond? - How you doing, man? - They snuck him in here.
It's nice to see you.
- Hey, nice to meet you.
- Todd, how are you, buddy? - So nice to meet you.
- Hi, I'm Danielle.
- Danielle, how are you doing? - My God! She's getting a hug! So, are you guys thinking about coming to Vegas? Yes, sir, we are, and, actually, I was just curious if you could give us any advice because you know it all.
Meet and greet meet your fans.
They want pictures, they want autographs.
Give it to 'em.
And there'll be a lot of naysayers.
A lot of people say, "it'll never work.
" "It'll never work.
" Don't listen.
There is room here in this town for everyone.
Thank you thank you so much.
Thank you.
My God! I couldn't believe when he said "no.
" - I know.
- I know.
I was like, are you serious right now? You couldn't have done that presentation any better.
- It was amazing.
- Thank you all right.
We were prepared.
I feel like we were ready.
I'm confused.
I don't even know how to feel right now.
I'm just in shock.
Can I get a picture with you guys? - Of course.
- Yeah.
Look at this.
Look wait, hey.
Can we take a picture with you guys? Sure yeah, if you wanna take a photo yeah.
Like, imagine if the executives had come to lunch - To dinner here.
- Yeah.
It's one thing to hear about it, but you have to actually see it.
- You're so right! - Exactly.
I understand why it didn't work for the executives.
They're in a conference room.
"The Freakshow" belongs onstage, where people can be entertained and amazed.
They need to see something they've never seen in their life.
We came into this town ready to take it over.
I don't care what the executives say.
I know this show was meant to be here in Vegas.
- Yeah.
- And if you ask me, it's meant to be right here at "Circus Circus.
" Hey, Mr.
Thrasher? We're gonna be here till tomorrow night, and I would like to set up one more meeting with you and the executives.
I've got something I wanna show you that I think will change your mind.
Yes, sir, If if we could Okay, can we meet tomorrow around 5:00, right out front? Right in front of the hotel yeah.
That would be great.
Okay, thank you I'll see you then.
All right, thanks bye.
All right.
You gotta talk to everybody you see.
Tell 'em about the event I want everybody there, okay? We gotta bring in a crowd tomorrow.
All right, I've got an idea.
We're gonna promote the hell out of what I'm about to do.
We're gonna get Vegas behind us.
Yeah, Vegas! Tomorrow, at "Circus Circus," at 5:00 P.
, you are gonna see a show you're gonna talk about for the rest of your life.
Everyone we meet, we're gonna let 'em know what we're gonna do.
Hey, you guys, 5:00 tomorrow, in front of "Circus Circus.
" We've got the largest show.
- Yeah! - Kisses.
I'm gonna do something so big at "Circus Circus," they're not gonna know what hit the Casino.
Where ya gonna be tomorrow at 5:00 pm? "Circus Circus!" All right! I'm not ready to take "no" for an answer.
I came to Las Vegas to get a show.
They might say "no" today, but if I have anything to do with it, tomorrow, they'll say "yes.
" I think we're gonna tear Vegas down tomorrow.
We're tearing this place apart.
We're gonna bring the roof down! So, what'd you think about what your dad said, about working in separate locations? I mean, it makes sense, from a business point of view, that we would each work at a different location.
But, personally I think the idea of us expanding and having another show in Vegas is great, but, um, I wanna work with you.
- What? - I'm sad.
Why are you sad? 'Cause I don't wanna not work with you.
I mean, this is all kind of happening kinda fast.
And I feel like decisions are kind of just being made.
Yeah it's not just about, you know, work either.
I mean, we hang out a lot.
You know, I think we have a unique connection that that I'm not ready to just give up.
I mean, me either.
The thing that I like about Asia is that she's not just another performer.
She's an artist.
She has a meaning behind what she does, despite what other people may think, and I like that.
Want a hug? Morgue and I are very close, so I don't know.
I've never really trusted someone or had that type of relationship with anybody else.
So it's something that's really special and nice to me, and I would hate to lose it.
- Promise you'll work with me.
- Yeah, we'll figure it out.
- Don't worry.
- Okay.
Hey, I was hoping you would show up.
Thank you, Mr.
Thrasher I really appreciate your time.
What do you got to show us? Well, I appreciate the second opportunity.
I know that, before, you had your concerns.
So I just wanted to demonstrate what we can do here at "Circus Circus.
" We're gonna create a spectacle they're never gonna forget.
We're gonna show those executives why "The Freakshow" belongs right here.
It's showtime! Freakshow! Yeah! Freakshow's in town Freakshow's in town! All right, can you hear me? My name is Todd Ray, and I've searched all over the planet for the strangest performers in the world.
Boys and girls, kids of all ages, are you ready for "the world famous Freakshow?" First up, is an amazing man.
His name is George Bell.
He is the tallest man in America! Give him a big round of applause.
Come up, darling I want you to put your hand next to his.
Look at that.
They are the littlest married couple, Matt and Ali! Here's Jessa, the real bearded lady! Give it up for the one, the only, Creature! Give it up for miss Asia Ray! Give it up for Morgue! Now, folks, in his show at Venice Beach, he is known for performing an act involving a meat hook, but this is gonna involve two meat hooks.
It took him three years to stretch the cartilage inside his skull.
Look closely.
Now he's working this one through the back of his throat.
My God.
Give it up for Morgue! Hey, folks, how would you like to see "The World Famous Freakshow" right here at "Circus Circus?" Mr.
Thrasher, what do you think? Todd, I was skeptical, but you've proven to me you can bring in a crowd and you can put on a show.
You got a deal.
Thank you! Thank you.
When I got to the show here, watched Todd, watched the crowd, and that's really my turning point.
And so, that's why I decided to make the deal with Todd.
He said, "We got a deal!" Having the approval of the head of "Circus Circus" means everything, and having my Freakshow family standing with me to share this moment means we all have a great opportunity.
And who knows what's next.
Give it up one more time for "The World Famous Freakshow" and "Circus Circus!" My soul has called me in this direction, and I don't know where it's gonna take us all.
But wherever it is, it's gonna be exciting, it's gonna be amazing, and it's gonna be the strangest show on earth.
And if you want a little piece of it, just visit us here at "The Freakshow.
" Come on make some noise! This place is crazy! All right.
This woman's 97-years-old Let her blow on those dice.
Seven! - Beverly hills is a place of serenity for the chief, and right now she needs that to focus on healing and to recuperate from the surgery and the radiation.
In the sun, baby.

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