Taxi Driver (2021) s02e16 Episode Script

The Final Client

(All characters, organizations,
and places are fictional.)
(The correctional institution
and religion in this episode)
(don't exist in real life.
We ask for your understanding.)
A bank's branch manager
and deputy manager
who aided a group to launder
a large amount of money
by deleting their transactions
from the flagged list
so they'd avoid suspicion
were in court today.
A crucial witness statement
got most of the prosecution's
evidence accepted,
and the manager
and deputy manager
- who managed the funds
- How come
were found guilty.
(Employee Suspicious of the Funds
Files a Report)
I'll do as commanded,
Your Excellency.
Do you think you won again?
You will die by my hand.
Let go of me!
The bishop has instructed me.
I am to lock you up
in the punishment room.
There's only one way
to guarantee Lee's safety.
It's to get him to court
so he can testify.
Until he testifies in court,
we must get everyone to focus on us.
Get them to focus on us?
I must walk into
the tiger's jaw, then.
It could be more dangerous
than we think.
Mr. Kim, you're the one
in the deepest danger among us.
She's right.
Once they find out everything,
they won't let you be.
Once Lee Si Wan's safety
is guaranteed,
I'll think about
how I can escape from here.
I don't see a way out of here.
(Taxi Driver 2)
(Six years ago)
(Final Episode)
Congratulations on getting released.
The past two years
must have been tough.
You must have been busy, Ha Jun.
The chapel is getting built
in the backyard.
No. I already have a place in mind.
A place where ignorant people
cannot just barge in.
I wonder
if the Almighty made me suffer,
so he could show it to me.
you will not suffer at all.
I am told by the Almighty that
you will rise up even more.
In your own places,
you will soar to the peak
to change the world.
So I ask you
to keep one thing in mind.
Remember where you came from,
who put you
in these positions, and why.
- Amen.
- Amen.
- Amen.
- Amen.
(The day
Lee Si Wan appeared in court)
Wouldn't you say I had given you
more than enough chances?
Your Excellency,
please grant me one more chance.
Let's pray quietly
and wait for an answer.
How could he be so weak?
Even the mighty Manager On
ended up
in the lowly punishment room.
Let me promise you something.
Once I get out of here,
I'll kill you and everyone
who has anything to do with you.
I will find everyone
whom you have helped
at least once and kill them myself.
The uniform suits you.
Excuse me.
Can you cut the steak for me?
I don't have any energy
to lift my arm.
Blame my old age.
Thank you.
Oh, my back.
One, two, three.
Handling nine is over my head.
Yes. Thank you for your hospitality.
Why don't I invite you over
to my house next time?
Have a good day, everyone.
Don't stand there! Get him!
Mr. Jang.
You haven't been returning
our calls.
My phone died.
Those jerks. Charging his phone
is the least they can do
after kidnapping him.
What about Kim? Can you reach him?
Our communication is still down.
Maybe, his battery
is running low too.
To rescue him,
we need to be able to talk to him.
- I'll go.
- Go where?
- To give him the battery.
- They'll catch you if you go in.
There's a way not to get caught.
What do you see?
Have you been well?
What are you smuggling inside today?
Gosh. Come on. Lower your voice!
It's all right.
I would like it
if you can get this inside.
I know you're good at this.
Keep up the good work!
It's time for your snack.
Don't eat it up because it's tasty.
Make sure to eat it with water.
(Jangsan Correctional)
(Inmate 5283)
Seriously. I can't believe
I'm delivering this. Goodness.
Here's the red bean bun
for your snack.
Go Eun.
Mr. Kim.
Is everything okay? Are you hurt?
I'm afraid not.
I'm pretty banged up.
Gosh. We were all so worried.
But me the most.
I'm glad we can reach you now.
We were trying to come up
with an escape plan for you.
No, don't bother.
What do you mean?
I'm not leaving this place.
- What?
- I'll stay.
What are you talking about?
Don't you know
how dangerous that place is?
I'm with them on this.
Getting out of there
as soon as possible
should be your priority.
You of all people know
that the warden and guards
are all in on this.
That makes it even better.
In what world can
this be better for you?
A place where outsiders
can't easily infiltrate.
The people here
are on their payroll
which ironically means
that it's a safe place
protected by law
and governmental authority.
This place
must be their sanctum.
Their sanctum?
Mr. Kim, don't tell me that
This is the perfect moment
since Lee Si Wan's testimony
cut off their funds.
We need to corner them
a little bit more.
How should we do it?
Mr. Choi, Mr. Park, and Go Eun.
You three need to be
my arms and legs.
Please get me
the foreign currency
transactions report
that Lee Si Wan submitted.
We will now block off the pipes
that they get their money from.
By blocking off
their financial sources,
you want those hidden
in the background to surface.
That's your idea.
If you block off one's air supply,
they're bound to come up for air.
Kim, while you
block off their air supply,
I'll take care of another matter.
There's something I must look into.
What is it?
We gathered here today
to forge an escape plan for Kim,
but he's thinking about
getting these people
while being held captive.
You really need
to take better care of yourself.
let us begin.
(Geumsa Society
offshore bank account)
(Geumsa Society
offshore bank account)
(Cheongeum International)
(Feel Consulting)
(Feel Consulting)
(Feel Consulting)
(Black Sun)
(Third-tier lender)
(Antiques exchange market)
(Cheongeum International)
(Feel Consulting)
(Black Sun)
(SS Metal Corporation)
Even with the source of funds
that Lee Si Wan managed to report,
there are still many left in play.
We don't need
to block all the pipes.
Blocking the 1 or 2
most critical ones
will be effective enough.
(Antiques exchange market)
The antiques exchange market.
Despite its humble size,
it deals with
many companies overseas.
(E and G, Briss)
There we go. They have
way too much operational funds.
Won't it be dangerous
with all the heightened security?
That would be the case
if we were after the money.
But our goal is to stop
the money from flowing.
I doubt it'll be that hard.
How could we do it?
Having one of the antiques stolen
before the auction
will seriously hurt them.
Are you telling us to steal it?
As if anything's new.
But we'll have
to infiltrate a facility
that will be on high alert
without Mr. Kim.
Rather than going inside,
you'll wait outside.
There's an antique
scheduled to be auctioned off today.
Mr. Choi and Mr. Park.
Can I leave you two to handle it?
Of course. Let us handle it.
Don't just stand there and hurry up.
Come on.
Wish you luck.
(Antiques exchange market)
You can take your time,
so just be careful.
(S-wing: Premium delivery)
(S-wing: Expert cargo)
- We got your call.
- That was fast.
This way.
Thank you.
- Have a good day, then.
- Have a good day.
Have a good day, guys.
Walk slowly if you must.
Being careful is our priority.
(S-wing: Expert cargo)
(S-wing: Expert cargo)
Let us head inside.
Good job, everyone.
- Good job.
- Shall we?
(S-wing: Expert cargo)
We received your call.
- Our call?
- Yes, you requested our service.
That's right. You called us.
(Third-tier lender)
This is the company
they deal with the most.
When wiring money overseas
that can't go through a bank,
this is who they turn to.
Illegal foreign exchange
The transactions being illegal
is why they're strict
in terms of their clients.
That's right.
Even at Paradise Credit History,
the computer with
all the client's personal files
weren't hooked
to an external network
to prevent it from being hacked.
Should the client list
on the computer
They'll have a mental breakdown.
I'll pay them a visit.
(Black Capital)
My baby. How sweet of you.
You seem like a woman of power.
How can I be of help today?
I'm here to borrow money.
Have I come to the right place?
You sure have.
How much do you need?
A hundred dollars.
Did you say 100 dollars?
- Yes, 100 dollars.
- Why is that?
With the 100 dollars,
I'll buy you delicious treats.
Selling one of the items you have
will get you more than that.
My gosh. Not my babies.
Anyway, hand me the money.
With the 100 dollars,
I'll buy you treats.
Here you go.
Shouldn't I sign a contract?
(Black Capital)
Don't you need my seal?
Where could my seal be?
I'd rather sign it though.
Actually, let's just
stamp my seal on it.
I'd prefer to sign it.
Forget it. I'll get you my seal.
Sweetie, hold on, will you?
It's very cramped in here.
Dalbong, I bet you want
to go for a walk.
Baby, where did I put my seal?
I didn't bring it?
How could I come here without it?
I'd rather not borrow the money.
Good day, then.
Let's go, Dalbong.
My sweetie.
What just happened?
(Rainbow Department Store)
My gosh.
Here you go.
Good boy.
You have no idea how heavy this is.
I made the smallest device I could
that could handle degaussing.
I can't make it any lighter.
Dalbong was heavy as well.
- Dalbong, here you go.
- Hold still, Dalbong.
What's going on?
Where are all our files?
The data on our hard drive
have been erased!
What did you just say?
The money is yet to be processed?
Yes, Your Excellency.
Bring Kim Do Ki
to me.
(Establish Law and Order
with Respect for People)
It seems as though
I'll have to visit him myself.
You want to visit Mr. Kim?
They'll take you right away.
I doubt they will kill me.
Besides, it's not Kim
who I'm about to visit.
Who, then?
Don't worry too much
even if you can't reach me.
I'll be fine.
But Mr. Jang!
Inmate 5283.
You have a special visitor.
Is there any milk?
Shouldn't you have asked
to see Kim Do Ki instead?
Either way,
I'm honored that
you came to see me
when I needed you the most.
I have disappointed
my elders, you see.
Thanks to you,
I will be able to save face.
I was aware of the consequences,
but I had to come.
You had to come?
Because you have a right
to know the truth.
(Jangsan Correctional)
Mr. Kim called it.
I guess they are in too deep.
You're getting the plate numbers
of the cars, right?
Of course. I didn't even miss a car.
I got all of them.
What are you doing? Eat up.
But do I have to eat this?
You must eat the tofu.
That way, no one will suspect us.
Let me know when you finish that.
I'll give you another one.
Hey, you. Do you want some tofu?
Gosh, that guy.
Come on. Eat up.
(Regular Service
at Jangsan Correctional)
I didn't think
I'd meet a passenger here.
I underestimated you.
Had I known your capabilities,
I would have finished you sooner.
My mistake of underestimating you
was quite costly.
You gave me the wrong destination
on purpose.
I don't know how to charge you
for the taxi fare.
This has never happened to me.
(Regular Service
at Jangsan Correctional)
Let me tell you
your last moment on earth.
I'm good at reading fortune too.
You see,
I used to be a fortune-teller.
According to my reading,
you will end up paying
a lot of money for the taxi fare.
It will be an exorbitant taxi fare.
You escaped today
because you couldn't handle
being in prison.
You hid in a remote area
to look for a way out of this.
Then armed prison guards found you.
And you were shot to death.
Your death will be tragic
and meaningless.
Just like your mother.
I want you to pay the taxi fare now.
With your life.
Grab him.
Gosh. This is nothing.
You can't even overcome
this pathetic trauma of yours.
Why kid yourself that
you can help people?
I will take care of it
as you instructed.
You can also
take care of his boss
who practically
gave himself up to us.
(Regular Service
at Jangsan Correctional)
(Establish law and order.)
(Establish law and order
with respect.)
(Emergency Transport)
(We can clean dirty, stained clothes
and make them brand-new.)
Isn't that Mr. Kim?
I think I saw Mr. Jang in there.
I think Mr. Kim left prison.
It was Mr. Kim!
(Second Chance Laundry)
They just launched
a full-scale investigation on us.
Now that
there is no inflow of funds,
the damage we're facing
is too severe to handle.
We must do everything we can
to fix this, Your Excellency.
Please give us a solution.
We must come up with a solution.
- We need a solution.
- How can we fix this?
- We've been working so hard.
- We ought to!
- This is unbelievable.
- Quiet.
Just because you're in high places,
you must think that
you are in control.
As I put you in such places,
I can bring you down as well.
Watch your tongue
and show me respect.
And do not worry.
Or feel insecure.
You will not face any hardships.
I have already prepared
a sacrificial lamb
to take your places.
- Amen.
- Amen.
A car is tailing them.
How ignorant they are.
Handle them at once.
(Jangsan Correctional)
(Jangsan Correctional)
(Emergency Transport)
(Emergency Transport)
(Emergency Transport)
(Emergency Transport)
Where on earth are they going?
(Emergency Transport)
(Second Chance Laundry)
I have a bad feeling about this.
They're all dead meat. Darn it.
(Second Chance Laundry)
(Ministry of Justice)
- Wait.
- We should pull out quickly.
Everyone, get out of the car.
(Looking for a Missing Child,
Kim Dan Woo)
Despite knowing
what would happen to me,
I had to come.
Because you have the right
to know the truth too.
(Looking for a Missing Child,
Kim Dan Woo)
Over a decade ago,
I met your parents
through Blue Bird Foundation.
You were running around
the playground
in front of your house.
Then one day, someone
had taken you, and you were gone.
(Looking for a Missing Child,
Kim Dan Woo)
(Kim Dan Woo, 9-year-old boy)
(Went missing from the playground
in Iyeong 3-dong, Gangbuk-gu, Seoul)
I heard that you can't even remember
your name.
(On Ha Jun)
A kid was playing alone.
Then he slipped and died.
How does one record that incident?
You must always win the fight.
Otherwise, your enemy will have
a chance to define you
and tell people that you are evil.
You're On Ha Jun starting today.
You must fight evil
on behalf of Ha Jun who just died.
(On Ha Jun)
Ha Jun.
Your parents quit their jobs
and went looking for you.
(Looking for a Missing Child,
Kim Dan Woo)
(Went missing at 9 years old,
currently 10 years old)
They did that for a very long time.
(Looking for a Missing Child)
(Went missing at 9 years old,
currently 14 years old)
(Looking for a Missing Child)
(Age-progressed photo of the child)
You were not abandoned.
(Please help us find Dan Woo.)
(Age-progressed photo of the child)
(Currently 19 years old)
(Please help us find Dan Woo.)
Your father who did nothing
but look for you
lost his life
in a questionable accident.
He has been found.
I'll see you at 10 p.m. on Saturday
on the rooftop of Muji Building.
Your son will be
waiting for you there.
(Orphanage Director)
(Name: Kim Dan Woo,
Currently 19 years old)
I was told that someone
matching Dan Woo's description
was seen here.
(Please help us find Dan Woo.)
Ha Jun, you're growing
much faster than I expected.
You have become stronger today.
To celebrate that,
I'll give you a present.
People with this ring will help you.
I'm sorry. I'm late.
How should I process this one?
A father was out
looking for his child.
But he couldn't find the kid
and jumped off a building.
How does one record that incident?
(Welfare Home
for Brothers and Sisters)
(Director's Office)
So what?
What am I supposed to do
about this now?
Mr. Kim!
Mr. Jang, are you all right?
- Yes.
- We have five.
Five is the magic number.
I had no idea
our lives would end this way.
Kyung Gu.
I had fun while it lasted.
No, there's still a way.
Stay alert, will you?
Think of a way out of this.
I doubt there is one.
But Kyung Gu!
Listen to me, will you?
I love you all!
Mr. Kim.
What's going on?
Who was driving that
when the five of us were here?
I told you to listen to me.
(Establish Law and Order
with Respect for People)
Ms. Driver, does that pager
actually work?
Please come again.
I thought you were never
going to call me again.
I figured you were doing fine
on your own.
Thank you for making the trip.
Are you still worried about
others being hurt?
Say hello, guys.
She was the first driver
of the deluxe taxi.
Thank you for helping us.
I do not wish to reprimand you
because you have never once
disappointed me before.
You have never done wrong,
so of course you don't know
how to take responsibility.
I remember
how brightly you smiled
when we built a new building
where the welfare home was.
A tremendous amount
of damage was caused
which has stirred many complaints.
Some of the local corporations are
now targets of an investigation
which has people
wondering about them.
I'd like this incident
to teach you
how to take responsibility.
What you should say
to the prosecutor
has already been
written down for you.
Pray quietly
and you will be answered.
Your Excellency,
I'm afraid there's trouble.
Please spare my life.
Spare your life?
Then explain
why I should keep you alive.
I will gladly accept
the punishment you give me.
So that all the blame
is targeted my way,
I will take your place
and take the fall
as the man in charge.
I only ask for one thing in return.
Kim Do Ki
Let me be the one to kill him.
I will put an end
to our feud.
Mr. Jang told me a while back
that there was someone
who drives nastier than I do.
I also heard a lot from him,
The first Deluxe Driver.
Thank you for helping us out.
(On Ha Jun)
Do you accept clients like me?
What did he want?
He wants to put an end
to our battle.
Take it.
I was going to drive you home
since you seemed tired,
but I don't think
that's where you're headed.
One should see the end of a battle.
Don't you dare say
you're doing this alone.
She's right.
You being alone worries me.
Fine. Let's all go together.
Mr. Jang, you must feel reassured.
I'd rather be the one
to make them feel that way.
Thank you for making the long trip.
Let me drive you to the airport.
Don't be ridiculous.
You should operate
with those people as well.
They're off to end the battle.
Get going, then.
I'll wrap this up before I go.
Okay. Thanks for your help.
All right. Shall we get going?
Let's go.
(Second Chance Laundry)
(Ministry of Justice)
Come with me.
(Realize a just society.)
I was worried that
you might not show up.
I should put an end to this.
I will do my best to do the same.
It's cold. Why don't you watch it
through the monitor?
I want to see a man die in person.
Go back inside. It's cold out here.
(Realize a just society.)
Is this what you wanted?
You were right.
Some things must be remembered
to get them back.
Had I met you guys first,
would my life have been different?
However it might have changed,
it would've been better than this.
Kim Dan Woo.
So that was your real name?
It's a good name.
Thanks for taking my case, Do Ki.
Do you accept clients like me too?
I want to end this fight.
Help me find my name back.
How weak he is.
I will end this fight myself.
Ha Jun.
dare you?
Mr. On.
If you get in an accident,
get yourself checked out.
Do that first. Got it?
Thank you.
Sir, what should I do?
- What's this sound?
- What?
What's going on?
What is this sound?
- What is this?
- What on earth is this?
The bishop is dead? What's going on?
- What is this?
- How could this be?
- What is this?
- He's dead?
- We should leave.
- What?
- Gosh.
- Let's go.
The bishop is dead!
What is this?
I can't open the door!
I can't open it.
I'm dying in here.
Is anyone outside?
Help us!
- Open up!
- Open the door!
Open the door.
What's going on? It won't open.
Let me try.
Forget it! Let's use the path
in the back of the kitchen.
- Check the back!
- Check it.
They're going to the kitchen.
Was there a path there too?
(Prison blueprint)
There was. But not anymore.
How come all the doors are locked?
(Establish order
when walking in groups.)
Let's talk it out.
- Spare us!
- No!
(Ministry of Justice)
Would it kill you to move faster?
What about the others?
We dealt with them
like you suggested.
Darn it.
What the
- A person is locked in here.
- Get me out of here!
- Get me out of here!
- I'm locked in here!
- Open this door!
- Let me out!
- Let me out.
- Why am I in here?
- Open this door!
- Hurry!
- Get me out of here.
- Hurry!
- Help!
- Get me out of here.
- Help!
- Someone's locked in here!
I'm driving, so get in the back.
I'm calling shotgun.
Where to, sir?
Take us to the place
that brought us joy.
Do you know where that is?
I'll drive you safely
to your destination.
It seems that she knows.
The 5283 beginning service.
(Establish Law and Order
with Respect for People)
("Taxi" by Park Ji Woong)
(Take me to the place
that brought me joy)
(One year later)
Hand me the screwdriver.
There's no leak
and everything's good
with the underbody.
Underbody, check.
All this lying down
is making my knees hurt.
Can you get me one of those?
- Don't you have hands of your own?
- I don't.
Fine. I'll let you have
the last one.
Wait. One should be left.
Where's my tonic?
There isn't one.
Where did it suddenly go?
It was here, but now it's gone.
- You
- I didn't drink it though.
I didn't drink it.
Why you
What are you doing out here?
Are you just getting home?
- Aren't you cold?
- I'm enjoying the chilly breeze.
Do you know what I missed the most
after moving out?
Having a bottle of beer out here
after work
while enjoying the nightscape.
It's nice to be a tenant here again.
I want to come here every day.
Is that so?
That reminds me.
Mr. Kim.
Did you know
that 30cm is the distance
one can maintain
while socially
feeling close to someone?
Being more than 30cm apart
will make you seem nonchalant,
and being closer than that
will be too in-your-face.
At times, the distance
can also be scary.
You moved back here
after living more than 30cm away.
I doubt we're indifferent
to one another.
When we clinked our bottles
a second ago,
the gap between us
was less than 30cm.
About 25cm.
But it didn't make me uncomfortable,
nor was I scared.
I'm just saying so.
Moving on.
After being
sexually assaulted on base,
the late Sergeant First Class
Hwang Ye Ri
of the 29th Infantry Division
reported the crime last May
but committed suicide
after being threatened
and conciliated
following her report
to the authorities.
Proof of the base
covering up the incident
and even fabricating
associated evidence
have sent ripples
across the country.
(Republic of Korea Army)
(Strong Defense with Our People)
I am here to report.
I, Lieutenant Kim Do Ki,
as of December 8, 2023,
have been ordered to join
the 29th Infantry Division
as a member
of the Inspections Division.
I report for duty.
Could he know what happened?
What could he do
with the truth anyway?
I guess.
If he digs up the truth,
we'll be burying another corpse.
- Always
- Always
- We will be the same kind of men
- We will be the same kind of men
- When we think of the river
- When we think of the river
- We will drink muddy water
- We will drink muddy water
- When we miss being in love
- When we miss being in love
- We await vacation days
- One, two.
- When we miss being in love
- When we miss being in love
- We await vacation days
- We await vacation days
(Blue Bird)
Can you inform me of your location?
(Sergeant First Class
Hwang Ye Ri's Death)
(Deluxe Taxi)
(We will escort you safely
to your destination.)
The 5283 beginning service.
Shall we begin?
(As long as the phone keeps ringing,
the taxi will be in service.)
(Lee Je Hoon)
(Kim Eui Sung)
(Pyo Ye Jin)
(Jang Hyeok Jin)
(Bae Yu Ram)
(Shin Jae Ha)
(We thank Kim So Yeon
and Moon Chae Won)
(for their special appearance.)
(Thank you for riding with us
on weekends.)
(You're not there alone, are you?)
(Do not be alone,)
(not when you're hurting.)
(Taxi Driver 2)
Previous Episode