The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s02e16 Episode Script

Gathering Small Courages

The palace feels kind of creepy at night.
They've always said
that ghosts appear here.
I-If you die, you go
back to being an essence,
so there's no such thing as ghosts.
I'm Ghost Zeshia.
That's not nice Zeshia.
Sasha's actually really scared.
-Was that
-A dragon's roar.
Maybe I should take up
their offer on the ceremony.
It'll be easier to investigate as a guest.
Be careful.
There may be
an ulterior motive to their offer.
Now then,
all of you can now run away from a dragon,
but you lack a means
of attacking to slay one.
So what should you do?
What magic do humans specialize in?
How did they fight against us demons?
Oh, no, barrier spells.
2,000 years ago, the heroes used
a barrier spell to defeat dragons.
De Jerias.
De Jerias is a spell cast as a group
which utilizes mana accumulated with Ask.
It restrains dragons with the sound
produced from magic strings.
However, dragons which have aged
and grown dark green,
what are known as ancient dragons,
cannot be fully restrained.
Lives must be risked to behead them.
Also, there are dragons which have
scales and skin that are not green.
They are known as strange dragons.
They are rare, and there is only one way
to deal with them when encountered.
Run away as fast as you can
and do not look back.
Now, we will move on directly
to casting De Jerias.
So, Ms. Emilia, do you know
the method for casting Asc?
Huh? Well, yes I do, but I am
a demon, so hero spells are
Try casting it.
Now students,
place your hearts into her Asc.
This is impossible.
You are no longer a Highblood
through the Demon King of Tyranny's doing.
Th-That is not the topic
Do not avert your eyes.
Gaze into the abyss.
You have human blood in you now.
It seems you have an unexpected
talent for this spell.
Now, try using it.
You know, as long as she keeps her
mouth shut, Emilia's got a cute face.
Really? I like it more when she's mad.
You two, she is casting Asc.
She will see into your hearts.
But I did think she was quite baby-faced.
So she was reincarnated?
What are you thinking about during class?!
I failed because of you!
Yeah, yeah. Sorry lady.
You can't use that
spell for offense Emilia.
Ms. Emilia!
And you are students!
Do not try to teach me, your teacher!
You would need to be able to cast
barrier spells better than us for that.
Be quiet you!
It seems that this academy cannot
deliver even a basic lesson.
What do you want?
Come to disturb class again?
I have no business with you fakes!
I heard that you were training
to run away from dragons.
When the Hero Kanon
would have fought to the death.
But you intend to run away on those
trained legs during a national crisis.
You can lecture me
when you've slain a dragon.
We have come to escort you,
Hero Kanon and Lady Misa.
Please enjoy the banquet
at the palace tonight.
-Shall we?
Damn you! Go to hell!
Go to hell, you piece of shit!
Get off me!
All of this is pointless anyway.
They're the ones who talked us up!
We did everything exactly
the way they told us to!
In the end, even if you
give your life for them,
they won't care unless
you're the real thing.
Damn it
Why couldn't I have been born the Hero?
What? You sympathizing
with me or something?
I don't need your cheap sympathy!
If you are not going to
defend anything, then leave.
If you have nothing you intend
to defend from the dragons,
then you have no need
to attend this lesson!
This is youth, is it not Mr. Shin?
To be young.
B-But Mr. Erdomaid, what about the lesson?
This is necessary for the humans.
Asc demonstrates its true power
when their feelings come together as one.
That is why Ms. Emilia has started
this conflict with her students.
Now, I shall teach you how demons fight.
We teleport to the eastern desert!
I have brought him.
I am humbled to be placed
in your sight, Hero Kanon.
I am the 106th King of Gairadite,
Licius Engelo Gairadite.
I am now known as Lay Glanzudlii.
We welcome you to the Palace.
We have waited long for this day.
Please forgive us for not providing
a more favorable reception for you.
We have a request of you.
What is it?
26 members of the royal family of
Gairadite are bedridden with an ailment.
All of them?
The only recourse we have is your
Sword of Spirits, Gods, and Man,
which is said to cut
the chains of destiny.
Would it please you to save us?
If it is a curse, then it may be possible.
Thank you. We are grateful.
Your Majesty!
I brought the Hero Kanon to the Palace
as a member of the royal family.
Yes. Very well done Zamira.
You will be rewarded.
Continue to work for the good of
the kingdom at Hero Academy.
Hero Academy you say?
Are you displeased?
Allow me to guide you.
What is this?
A good luck charm.
They say it helps make up after a fight.
When all is said and done,
you are still a child Anosh.
I told them to leave. It only
makes sense for them to be angry.
Making up is not
But you said that for their sakes.
They are just like I was.
But then,
I could not live with seeing them
oppressed by something similar to me.
I am not so good a teacher as to
confront the students' feelings.
I do not think that.
You wanted to defend their dignity.
You did not want them
to stand on the battlefield
to defend something that
they did not wish to.
And now you talk like an adult.
But no one thinks of it that way.
Then only I will think of it that way.
You were a good teacher today Emilia.
Th-That is not true.
But I think I will continue fighting
with them for some time.
We are already fighting after all.
Now, you need to follow
after the others Anosh.
The lesson has already started.
You are doing the best you can.
What was that supposed to mean?
The coffin is to suppress the curse.
-A member of the royal family is in it?
What is this?
I thought so.
The people face dragons as a threat,
but their king keeps a dragon as a pet.
What is the meaning of this?
All is for salvation Hero Kanon.
Dragons are messengers of God.
By offering one's body and soul to them,
one may attain true salvation.
Then why don't you sacrifice
yourself to the dragon?
I have a duty as King
to lead my people to God.
Once I have completed my duty,
I shall gladly go to God.
What about the royal family?
I have delivered
them to God before myself.
You had the dragon eat them?!
Your own children?!
They were fighting for the throne.
Brother bore enmity
for brother, and they fought.
I saved them from that hell.
What is your objective?
It is divine revelation.
I am to sacrifice the Hero to
the Omnipotent Holy Light Eques.
If I do so, I shall journey to God
and gain eternal life as King in return.
Who put this lie into your head?
A dragonman named Ahide perhaps?
All is the will of the
Omnipotent Holy Light Eques.
Per our pact, come to this place,
Guardian of Hearts, Enus Ne Mes.
Demonstrate to me salvation.
Now, draw the Sword of Spirits,
Gods, and Man.
If you do not, the god
will take control of her heart.
She will disappear
from this world for eternity.
A little longer
Watch for the mastermind
Sorry to say this, but she won't lose.
Then may you repent.
Now, obey God, Misa Reglia.
Wring the Hero Kanon's neck and kill him.
I refuse to do that!
What? Defy the control of my god?
No god can steal her heart from her.
I've already stolen it after all.
Now, where could they be skipping class?
What is that noise?
Red? A strange dragon?!
They are rare, and there is only one way
to deal with them when encountered.
Run away as fast as you can
and do not look back.
Damn you! Bring it on you big lug!
I'll kill you if it means the death of me!
Go take the others and run!
We can't.
What are you doing?! Go!
We can't!
If we run now, we'll
Heroes aren't supposed to run!
I will go first. If Gabel works on it
Gabel? The self-destruction spell?
What the hell was that for?!
That burn is enough justification
for you to run.
If you do not hurry,
you will be swallowed by it.
If you are a hero, then save your friends!
Come after me!
I had nothing. I was empty.
I clung to a fictitious glory with
an impossible fantasy in my heart.
I kept averting my eyes from the truth.
When I realized the truth, I ran from it.
I ran and ran and ran,
and this is where I arrived.
An academy that was rotten to the core.
Students who did not care for anything.
They were me.
I am not great in any way, shape, or form.
I must be deceiving myself, but
They are still young. I want
for them to at least have possibilities.
If it is possible,
I want them to run and survive.
They will find an answer where they
arrive when they have escaped.
I want to believe so.
My lessons were
boring until the very last.
Don't you give up, Emilia!
Stop it!
It does not matter if you are a hero!
You have no need to die for something
that you do not want to defend!
You do not need to be the real thing!
That is the one thing
that I can teach you!
It's over
It's over, so let me at least do something
a good teacher would do!
Shut up!
All you ever do is piss us off
But you're the only one who doesn't
care if we're heroes or not!
Something that
And you would die for some teacher who is
not even good, for something so worthless?
Where are they?!
Where in this damn kingdom
is there a good teacher?!
Ever since the war with Dilhade,
the only teacher praiseworthy enough to
call students' responsibilities their own
has been you.
In the first place, we don't care to
have any "good teachers" anymore!
We're trash, so we need
someone as trash as you Emilia!
We're all fakes, and we're hopeless trash,
but even so, the one thing we can't stand
is running away
and leaving friends to die!
We aren't that rotten yet!
Damn it!
Isn't there anything we can do?!
We can use De Jerias.
That is our only chance for victory.
But if we split even an ounce of strength,
we'll all get crushed in an instant.
-One of us has idle hands.
I am transforming everyone's
feelings into mana with Asc.
You bring us all together into one.
If that goes well,
you will be able to cast the spell.
I and the students of Hero Academy?
We are all frightened as well.
We did not have any courage.
We thought all adults were the same.
But we want to believe just one more time,
that we have little bits of courage too.
Do it! If we survive,
we'll listen to you in class!
Please, give me one
more chance to teach you!
I am wretched, foolish,
and have no redeeming qualities,
but that is why I understand
your pain all too well.
All of your suffering, all of your sorrow,
all of your pride
I know it all painfully well.
I cannot guide you.
That is more than I can do.
But I want to walk together with them.
Shouldering the burden of my sins,
and combining our little bits of courage
One step after another
Forward forward
Did we do it?
Damn it! Open up! Open damn it!
I'm gonna feel like crap
if you die on us here!
We will save you! We will!
Wh-What the hell?
Why the hell was I even worried?
Seriously, you always have to cry wolf.
Hey, what the hell?
I don't need this stuff!
You really are stupid.
I could never just die and leave students
as hopeless as you behind!
"A Fight for Pride."
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