The Unit s02e16 Episode Script

Games of Chance

Woman: the point is full.
Man: yeah! Yeah! Woman: we have a winner! No more bets, please.
Gentlemen, welcome.
Herr Keller.
- How are you? - Very well, thanks.
I was worried you might, uh, skip this evening's festivities.
After you went to this much trouble, that would be rude.
Now where are the rest of your friends? Engaging some lovely ladies outside.
Ah Well, cheers.
Now that's what I like to see someone who knows How to have a good time.
Of course, there are those who would take advantage of my hospitality.
Who would be so foolish? Mm, well Please, enjoy yourselves.
Danke schon.
What's our status? We're in position.
Mack: target vehicle approaching.
Target sighted.
Whoa! The play is dead! I don't know how you found us within the rules of the game, but that, my friend That was a personal foul.
I'd call it 2 kills.
It seems your men were quite close to assassinating the vice chancellor.
However, my men were able to stop them.
Well, we gave it our best shot.
And you are to be commended.
This is colonel Sakings.
- Lafine SIG.
- Colonel.
And Major Abaz, Turkish special forces.
You'll recall they both wanted to join our games, but we felt their teams weren't quite ready yet, So we've asked them to observe.
Keller tells me the efforts of your team were tremendous, despite all your losses to the Germans.
Did he know? Our friends are lobbying to replace the 2 teams with the lowest scores this year at next year CT Games.
That's a problem my team won't have to concern itself with.
Oh, excuse me.
I didn't mean oh.
I'm sorry, man.
I'm s Here, hold this Quite all right.
Hey, I don't know if anyone ever told you this, but you sound a little like Donald Duck.
Ok, time for a walk.
No, seriously.
Man, seriously.
We need to get some fresh air.
Good night, monsieur Keller.
Very sorry about that, Keller.
Woman: no more bets.
Woman: 2, black.
You've lost again.
Hey, how 'bout we go To the that club where Those girls are gonna be.
How 'bout we just try to make it back to the hotel? I think I'm gonna be sick.
Come come on, come on, come on.
Look at me.
Did you get it? You're losing your touch.
I'm drunk, remember? Here it is.
One team is assigned to be terrorists.
The others must stop them.
First team to do so wins.
Who are the terrorists? I'm guessing the Germans.
Let's find out.
So we'll each track one of their guys, Wrap this thing up in no time.
Hey, you ever, uh You feel bad about cheating? This isn't cheating.
It's information gathering.
No official rule against that.
And compared to what the Germans have done the last This isn't even jaywalking.
Your job to get these back to Keller.
Hit 'em! Hyah! Hyah! Mack: landlady has to be in on it.
There's no other way they could've found us in that apartment.
Give 'em the benefit of the doubt.
Breaking and entering Is in the spirit of the games.
Using outside help is a blatant rule violation.
I don't wanna believe anyone here is capable of that.
Well, I've got the rubber bullet whelps to prove it.
Man: 2 points to the Americans.
I don't understand.
By giving me time off, are you firing me? I please don't think it's performance related.
What am I supposed to think? Look, the station's in financial trouble, We haven't been meeting our quarterly sales projections.
For how long? - 2 years.
- 2 years? Yep, news to me, too, But there was an independent audit, Et cetera, et cetera.
I just want to keep it quiet.
Word gets out, and the on air talent will start fleeing like the cockroaches they are.
- But I'm expendable? - We all are.
If we don't cut costs to boost sales by 300 grand, the station's gonna be shut down.
Give me a chance to keep my job.
We're all out of chance, Kim.
What if I got the Acres Automotive account? you want to pitch crazy Ralph Acres! He spends his entire radio ad budget on one rival station.
I think it's worth a try to lure him over here.
He'll be at the regional broadcasting conference.
I can get a friend to watch my kids.
I can't pay for you to go.
I'll use my credit card miles.
Hey, I won't just be saving my job, right? I'll be saving everyone's, including yours.
You bring in 300,000, you'll wind up taking my job.
Go for it.
The best counter terrorists in the world are also the best terrorists.
For the final event of the games, one team in this room will become the ultimate terrorists.
Some of you may be familiar with the freeport plan.
Ah, yes the old Red Army Faction plot.
The terrorist team will have to accomplish 2 tasks.
The first will be to hijack a U-bahn subway car and hold it hostage for 30 minutes.
The second will be to kidnap a banker in possession of this briefcase.
He and his briefcase must be brought to the rendezvous point, Which is our casino.
Both tasks must be accomplished by 9pm tomorrow for the terrorists to win.
- And everyone else has to stop them.
- Yes.
The team or teams who successfully stop both the hijacking and rescue the banker will be the winners.
If neither of these things happens, then the terrorist team will win.
What's the banker look like? Only the terrorists will know.
But he will be riding the subway on and off until the event ends.
Every team's close enough in points so that the winner of the final event Will also win the games.
And how do we know the deck isn't stacked in your favor? Or that the other teams are gonna follow the rules? Careful, Mack.
You're beginning to sound like a sore loser already.
Other than the banker's a hired hand, His only instruction, though, is to behave As he thinks a low level businessman would.
What's in the briefcase? Surprise for the winners.
The name and contact protocol for GSG-9's local fixer in Tehran.
In these envelopes, you will find More details of the event.
They were made in a blind, random fashion.
Nobody, including I, knows which team has what assignment.
And if you find that you're the terrorists, Well, you may want to be quiet or we will take you down right now.
Don't we risk exposing the games by running around The U-bahn armed and dangerous? Well, the local transportation authority will make an announcement That there is a security training exercise taking place.
That and our own personal discretion Should prevent the nightmare scenario.
The nightmare scenario? If this information were to get out, That we are all gathered in one location, Well, what better time or place to wipe out the world's elite special forces? Now, if there are no questions Good luck to everyone.
That's quite some prize you offer.
I want to ensure that everyone gives it their all.
May the best team win.
Fired up, fired up Fired up, fired up Plenty sun, plenty sun Fired up, fired up Here we go, here we go On the road, on the road Plenty sun, plenty sun Fired up, fired up Fired up, fired up Fired up, fired up Plenty sun, plenty sun Fired up, fired up Here's our German banker.
It's gonna be a bitch to cover.
How the hell did Keller know? Don't look at me.
When I slipped his keys back, he was so distracted Could've lifted his sidearm.
Charles: he expected it, that's why.
Face it, guy plays dirty.
First off, his boys use outside recruits.
Now this.
Keller would never violate The code of the games.
Oh, then someone else on his team.
You want to accuse the Germans of violating our honor, I'll back you.
But you better be damn sure It's the absolute truth.
Because if you're wrong, If this is just a hunch, You'll destroy the whole purpose of this annual get together.
The trust and goodwill that's been built up For 25 years.
Now my advice let it go.
Focus on the mission.
We move tonight, half the teams won't be ready for us.
I'm not worried about that half.
Bob: these are some new fabric swatches from our, uh, Our new textile mill down in China.
Right now you're outsourcing to, uh, How many different companies? - 5.
- 5? Well, what would you say if I told you I could Match their product and better their price? Mack: show me some figures.
Bob: look, I know you're using a lot of the Montauk pink in your woman's line right now.
I think you'll find that very similar.
First order of business Is to track our target.
All trains go through central station.
Banker's gotta be there at some point.
Hector: so, we cover that station And consolidate the tasks, use the hijacking as a diversion while someone snatches the banker.
The problem is, how do you hold a U-bahn train for 30 minutes without 50 CT guys Comin' down on you like a ton of bricks? You stop it in the middle of a tunnel.
How? If you're on the train, Emergency brake, smoke bomb, light a match.
Take your pick.
There is the alternate route.
The signal control rooms.
Yeah, but then you're dealing with the extra personnel, security.
All right, it looks like there are for the entire network.
My guess is that there is only one camera and one controller for each room.
If you're right, it's a one man job.
Mack: well, we stop the train from the control room, we don't even have to be on it.
Not bad.
The other teams swarm the train we're not there.
God, you know, if we were real terrorists, We could really wreak some havoc from these control rooms.
I mean, derail a train, shut down an entire train station.
We are real terrorists Until 9pm tomorrow.
Mack: how do you want to do it? One man takes the banker.
Rest are the hijackers? No.
We're all on our own.
Independent operators.
One of us fails to get to the signal control room triggers another to start.
Who knows what the Germans will do to stop us? If our plan is our first thought, It'll be their first thought.
Please, I have to be in Wichita.
Can't you make an exception? No, ma'am, but I can put you on our next flight, Which is tomorrow at 4:00.
- Tomorrow? - Yes, ma'am.
Kim? Thought that was you.
Oh, my god.
I can't believe this.
What are you doing here? The airline lost my luggage.
I've been trying to find it, So I missed my connecting flight to Wichita.
I'll take you.
What do you mean? My plane's here.
I'm headed to Dallas, But I'll drop you off on the way.
You have your own plane? Ethan The pilot's ready when you are.
Let him know there'll be one more.
Kim, this is Bruce Smith, my company VP.
Bruce, this is Kim Harrington Uh, Brown, actually.
Kim Brown.
Well, I've a feeling you two go way back.
Bruce, why don't you go talk to the pilot? Yeah, I'll go do that.
It's really great seeing you again, Kim.
Come on.
I knew you started a software company, but I had no idea it was this successful.
Eh, can't complain.
Other than the divorce, it's been a good few years.
You should be very proud.
So how is old Bob Brown? Is he still in the army? He's a clerk in logistical studies at Fort Griffith.
I always figured him As more of an action guy.
Well, he really enjoys what he's doing.
And he's a lucky man.
So what are you doing at this conference a Wichita? Selling ad time for our radio station.
And I need to convince the owner of acres automotive To spend $300,000 with We've got a problem, Ethan.
I just got confirmation that Bridgecom offering Prelada 450 mil.
And he stays on as chairman? No, he'd be out.
What's their timeline? Prelada's got 2 hours to consider their offer.
And where is he right now? His ranch in Garland.
Tell the pilot to head directly to Dallas and see if Prelada will meet me at the office.
Kim, I'm I'm sorry.
This is an emergency.
I hope your conference in Wichita wasn't too important.
Well, um Tell you what let me make it up to you.
How much ad time did you need to sell? $300,000 worth.
Neil Microsystems is your new client.
Oh, Ethan, you don't have to do that No, no, no, no, no.
It's the least I can do.
And since I'm dragging you out to Texas, Why don't you stay on as my guest this weekend? Bob's invited, too.
I'll send my plane for him later.
No, no.
He's working.
That's a shame.
It's too bad I have to track down my luggage.
Otherwise I'll have someone take care of that.
Come on what do you say? It'll give us a chance to catch up.
All right.
Why not? Great.
Weather-wise, it's such a lovely day Just say the words and we'll beat the birds down to Acapulco Bay Snake Doctor's through the entrance.
No sign of the banker yet.
Snake Doc, I've been spotted.
You got GSG-9 About 50 meters behind.
Roger that.
Target sighted.
Approaching entrance from the east.
Our banker is heading down the stairs.
I'm in pursuit.
I'm out.
Betty Blue, subject's heading southbound towards you.
Just found out the Germans are the terrorists.
I have eyes on the target.
Repeat eyes on the target.
Heading southbound on U-3.
If there's an opportunity to close the deal, shall I proceed? Roger, Betty Blue.
If you have an opportunity, take it.
This is Snake Doc.
On decoy now.
Hammerhead you're on.
Roger that, Snake Doc.
Prelada's gonna be there.
I think we should up our offer.
Excuse me, are you talking about Dean Prelada? Yeah, we're trying to buy his company.
I just read an article in Forbes written by his wife who's a journalist.
So, Ethan, we should run some numbers In in a minute.
What's this article about? Well, it was about their marriage.
She said the one thing she loves most about her husband is how loyal he is.
If it's actually true.
Well, his employees tend to stay with him.
He has 3 generations of one family working for him.
You hear this? Yeah, Prelada's a real mensch, but he's still as greedy as the next guy.
No, no, no, don't you see? Bridgecom wants Prelada out and he won't take their offer.
For an extra 50 mil? It'd be disloyal to his employees.
Right, Kim? I would think so.
Come on.
Ethan Our offer stays the same.
I'll let the board know.
Please sit down.
Thank you.
For what? Being a breath of fresh air.
I have a lot of smart people quoting hard data.
Sometimes they forget the human element.
I remember you used to talk about getting your MBA.
Well, that was a long time ago, Before you went off to grad school in California.
Right, and before You dumped me for bob? You were gone a year and a half.
I'm just teasing.
It's ancient history.
So after college, what happened? I thought you'd be taking Corporate America by storm.
Actually, I haven't finished college yet.
I got sidetracked, you could say.
Moving around the country and having kids will do that to you.
But I'm back in school.
I should be getting my degree next spring.
You know, after you graduate, You should come work for me.
I think you'd have a lot to offer our company.
Think about it.
This is Hammerhead.
Approaching target destination.
Single camera outside.
Hammerhead, stand by.
Betty Blue, what is your status? I am just off Merkenstrasse.
Target's heading into an alley.
I've just lost eyes on the target.
Repeat I just lost eyes on the aah! Jonas: Betty Blue, come in.
Oh damn.
Jonas: Betty Blue.
I'm hit.
I'm hit, top.
Betty Blue, repeat.
Charles: real bullets this time.
I'm bleeding.
Hollow point.
luger round, standard German army issue.
It had to be Hans.
That gsg 9 newbie.
He wanted payback after the beating I gave him with the pugil sticks.
Yeah, and he stopped you from getting the banker.
Could've tailed him from the station.
You saw him? No, but He's had it in for me since the first event when I beat him at target shooting.
Really the Germans still won that event overall.
Which means Hans has a major screw loose.
What do you think, boss? Time to have a talk with Keller? Definitely.
But not without some proof.
What sort of proof? We need to get Hans, set a trap.
What about the final event? Forget about it.
This ain't a game anymore.
You rest at ease.
How much did this cost? And a bottle of French brandy for the delivery manager.
We got the truck for 30 minutes.
Good work.
What if Hans doesn't show up? He doesn't want us to win.
He'll show up.
Go slow and let him get a good look first.
Right this way, Herr Strobin.
Jonas: get down! Mack: our room service waiter? This is where you live? On weekends.
I've been very lucky.
Ethan This is beautiful.
I can't take any credit for it.
I'll tell my decorator you approve.
Come on, let me show you to your room.
Apparently, your luggage never left home, so I had my assistant pick up a few things for you.
You should fit.
Let me know if you need anything.
I got some work to do.
Dinner in an hour? Listen, friend, no one blames you for this situation.
We all know that you're a fine, upstanding student.
You were paid to do a job, but you got into something over your head.
Tell us who you work for, who asked you to plant the bug, and you'll be on your way home, andreas.
He said it was just a game, that no one would get hurt.
It was something he and his old university friends did every year.
Mack: who said that? Was it Hans? His name is ferret.
I don't know a last name.
He said he was from Syria.
Where'd you meet him? Outside the hotel.
He gave me 8,000 euros To plant a bug in your room.
Later he told me to follow you, to stop you from kidnapping a man with a briefcase.
He gave me a gun with fake bullets.
There was nothing fake about those bullets, son.
What else? He just asked a lot of questions about the u bahn.
Mack: the subway? You believe the waiter is part of a terrorist cell? Jonas: can't say for sure, but I don't think so.
He's a scared kid.
He was paid to do a job.
How does someone find out about the games? Security amongst support staff has always been a concern.
The point is, we've uncovered a major problem.
Potential terrorists fixating on the U-bahn system.
He got more than just an itch.
The waiter planted a bug While were talking strategy.
Which means that someone has heard our plans for how to pull off the perfect terrorist attack.
So we're facing a real threat? From someone who knows we're all here? The nightmare scenario's about to go down.
You look amazing.
Thank you.
I thought we'd eat in tonight.
Listen, Ethan, I just want to be clear about something Daddy? Hey, buddy.
You're supposed to be in bed.
Kim, this is my son Jake.
Should have mentioned I have him for the weekend.
Who are you? This is Kim.
She's a good friend.
Hi, Jake.
Will you read me a story? It's Ethan.
Talk to me.
Are you my dad's new girlfriend? No.
No, I'm just a regular friend.
He has lots of girlfriends.
You're not as pretty as they are.
I'm sure they're very beautiful.
Yeah, 'cause dad's rich.
They're crybabies, though.
Really? Mm hmm.
They get mad 'cause he's always working.
Do you get to spend much time with your dad? Mom says no one does.
So it's ok.
You won't get to, either.
All right, buddy.
Maria has a great story for you.
I'll be back.
There are 3 signal control rooms for the entire U-bahn.
Our plan was to breach a room and hijack a train remotely.
Which room? The one at Luebecker Strasse.
Why that one? Security camera's broken there.
How do you know? I broke it.
The man with his back to us is who we're looking for him.
Late twenties to thirties, 180 centimeters.
Olive complexion.
Unfortunately, this is the only image we have, Taken from a hotel security camera.
Might as well be a ghost.
A photo is useless.
Oh, wait.
There's a tattoo on his right arm.
Looks like the tail end of a snake or a reptile.
How you know he's only one man? We don't.
The fact is, this is the only lead that we've got.
And things have already been set into motion.
So, besides the broken security camera, We've tampered with the control room locks.
Place is primed for a terrorist attack.
We have to assume somebody's going to enact our plan.
So, he knows how to hijack a train remotely, If there is nothing else, Perhaps we are overreacting.
No, once he takes over a signal control room, all bets are off.
He can derail a train, shut down an entire subway station, release something deadly with people trapped inside.
I think we have to assume That our culprit's planning the worst, so we're looking for a man with a package, large bag, overstuffed coat, et cetera.
Since we set up the plan, my team will take the lead at Luebecker Strasse.
We will cover the other stations the signal control rooms.
Secondarily, we will all be your backup.
Any idea why this terrorist hasn't acted yet? It's obvious.
He's waiting to draw as many teams to one place as he can.
So we just let him play out the nightmare scenario? What choice do we have? Sit back while a major terrorist attack is launched? Well, that's it, then.
Let's move.
Dirt diver, any activity? Negative, you? All quiet here.
Hold possible target.
I'm on him.
I've got a possible suspect.
Possible target leaving east entrance Wearing a knit cap.
No tattoo.
It's all clothes.
What's that? Some lady's wallet, probably stolen.
Snake Doc, this is Dirt Diver.
The target has not been identified.
I do not have the target.
How did Bob Brown steal you away from me? You really want to know? Yeah.
With a radiator.
When my car broke down, And I didn't have the money to fix it, Bob was there.
You were a thousand miles away.
So you're the one that got away because of a radiator.
Doesn't seem fair.
Possible target entering, wearing an orange backpack.
I'm on it.
Should I back him up? Not yet.
Keep your eyes out for other possible targets.
This is Cool Breeze.
I do not have the target.
I repeat, do not have the target.
The backpack's full of art books.
All teams.
Target identified.
Headed for the trains.
Roger, Snake Doc.
All teams will back up at luebecker strasse station.
I repeat.
All teams will back up.
Watch out.
All teams, this is Snake Doc.
Cancel all backup.
He's trying to lure as many of us in As he can.
Repeat, Snake Doc.
Cancel all backup.
We'll handle this on our own.
Can you? We'll have to.
Stay clear of the area.
I'll order all trains stand ready.
Evacuate the station.
Cool breeze: boss.
My train is going way too fast.
We're about to go off the rails.
Aah! The key.
Where is it? Do you still think The turks aren't ready for the games? The turks? Aah! Mornin'.
A friend back home called.
So, um I need to ask you a favor.
A friend of mine at Fort Griffith, Jeremy, was in a bad accident, and he needs to go to a burn center in Cleveland, immediatamente.
I was wondering if you could fly him up in your jet.
I mean, not you personally, But if you could donate time No, i'm sorry, what was that? I was wondering if you could donate time on your jet.
To fly my friend to a Cleveland hospital.
I always thought you'd be the one person that wasn't interested in my money.
Or would be asking me for favors.
Look, i'm sorry, I would love to help you, but you have to understand.
I get hit up for everything under the sun, constantly.
And if I say yes to you, I'm offending and I can't accommodate everyone.
I see.
Unfortunately, you're just catching me At a really bad time right now.
What's wrong? The deal to buy Dean Prelada's company is falling apart.
Looks like he's going to take the other offer.
Gosh, i'm so sorry.
Maybe this is my fault.
No, don't be ridiculous.
No, I led you astray, talking about that article.
Kim, you're an army wife Who didn't finish college.
Trust me, you didn't lead me anywhere.
Look, i'm going to have to fly off to another meeting.
And I need to drop you off at home.
Be ready in 20 minutes? Sure.
You never asked me to go with you.
What are you talking about? When we were dating.
And you moved to California.
You never asked me to go with you.
I was going to grad school.
And I would have moved if you asked me.
But you didn't want me there, did you? Is there a reason we're talking about this? Well, it's funny.
I've been trying to figure out why we broke up.
And I just realized, it wasn't because of Bob Or me or some radiator.
You had other plans, That I was never gonna be a part of.
Pilot: the plane is preparing to land, sir.
I'm still gonna buy that ad time On your radio station, you know.
It was good to catch up with you.
You, too.
I have to admit, if my gorgeous ex-boyfriend Showed up with a Gulfstream and a billion dollars, I'd have to wonder for a second if I should have stayed with him back in the day.
It was never an option.
Ethan moved so he could start A new life without me.
In a way, I think he'll always be alone.
If you ask me, Bob's the real catch.
Bob tries to make things work.
And he's always been there for me.
You know, when he's actually here.
Still, I'm glad I ran into Ethan.
He reminded me of some things I forgot about.
Such as? Old aspirations.
Don't laugh, but I used to think I'd be a businesswoman.
It's never too late.
Well, I made an appointment at the college career center.
You know, just to see what my options are.
Good for you.
It seems major Abaz Was in danger of losing his command.
So he was desperate to prove himself In the games.
Didn't care who he hurt in the process.
Abaz's own team Apparently talked to a superior just last month about his mental instability.
You know, it was out of respect I didn't kill him.
I know.
'Scuse me.
Anyone know what time it is? It's 8:45.
Just in time to complete the mission.
I think we all know what this means.
The winners of this year's CT games is United States.
Your new fixer in Tehran.
And we appreciate it.
And now we'll take the trophy, too.
Trophy? Oh, i'm afraid that's not here.
Come on, Keller.
You've had it for 2 years.
Give it up.
Oh, there's Pete, as handsome as ever.
Be careful with him, We're looking forward to winning him back next year.
Well, it is your right to try.
It's been a pleasure, gentlemen.
See y'all next year in the States.
Pack up, let's fly away
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