Where's Wally (2020) s02e16 Episode Script

Once Upon A Time In Copenhagen

# Oh-way-oh
# Oh-way-oh
# Where do you go?
Where do you go, Wally?
# Oh-way-oh
# I search the world for you
# Take a trip all around the world
# Take a trip all around the world
# Catch a ride to the moon
# Ride the waves at the beach,
jump in, discover something new
# Oh-way-oh
# Anywhere you go I'll find you
# Anywhere you go I'll find you
# Oh-whoa-oh
# Where do you go? Where do you go?
# Where's Wally? #
ODLULU: Snowballs!
Get your snowballs here!
From Odlulu and Fritz's
ice-cold snowball stand!
From Odlulu and Fritz's
ice-cold snowball stand!
Two snowballs, please.
You got it! Two snowballs coming up!
You got it! Two snowballs coming up!
Two snowballs!
Whew! Hot one today, huh?
But a perfect day
for a snowball, right?
But a perfect day
for a snowball, right?
Oh, Odlulu.
Not now, Fritz.
Just get me those snowballs, OK?
Just get me those snowballs, OK?
OK. Here we go.
Two nice, refreshing, icy
It really is a hot one. Huh?
Wait! No! Don't leave! Come back!
We'll get you another one and
We've lost so many
customers today, Fritz.
We've lost so many
customers today, Fritz.
It's just too hot out
to keep these snowballs frozen.
Now, where did that ferret go?
Now, where did that ferret go?
Once, there were two best friends -
Kai and Gerda.
One day, Kai was put under
a spell by a trollFritz!
..and taken away to an ice castle
by the evil Snow Queen.
..and taken away to an ice castle
by the evil Snow Queen.
There you are, Fritz.
Shh. Stories.
The Snow Queen
had mighty ice powers
The Snow Queen
had mighty ice powers
Ice powers?
..and she froze Kai's warm heart,
making him forget about
his best friend Gerda.
But Gerda would not forget Kai,
But Gerda would not forget Kai,
and through the power of friendship,
Gerda warmed Kai's icy heart,
and together they defeated
the Snow Queen
and together they defeated
the Snow Queen
and returned to their home
to be friends againforever.
The end.
Ha ha ha! Ho ho ho ho!
Odlulu? Another story. Please!
Another story? I have
an even better idea, Fritz.
Another story? I have
an even better idea, Fritz.
Wally, I got your
Er, Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, Wenda.
Over here, Wenda.
Woof and I were just organizing
Wizard Whitebeard's books,
and decided
why sort them by subject
when you can sort them by size,
shape, or even colour!
when you can sort them by size,
shape, or even colour!
Ha. Great idea, Wally and Woof.
I have to say,
I do like how the green books
look with the yellow books.
I do like how the green books
look with the yellow books.
Now all we need to do
is put them on the shelves.
Well, then hold onto your stripes,
Wally, I'm on-Wonders!
Wizard Whitebeard!
Oh! Ah!
Wizard Whitebeard!
Oh! Ah!
I got you, Mr Wumples.
Oh, sorry about the books, Wally,
but I do like how the green ones
go with the yellow ones.
but I do like how the green ones
go with the yellow ones.
Uh, is there a problem,
Wizard Whitebeard?
Oh, yes, the problem!
It's a Wander Post
from a fellow Wanderer!
It's a Wander Post
from a fellow Wanderer!
Hmm. That's weird.
Those people look like they
are out of a fairy-tale book.
That's because they are, Wenda!
Fairy tale characters coming
to life? ButWenda, look!
Fairy tale characters coming
to life? ButWenda, look!
Yep. And she has a magic key.
Yep. And she has a magic key.
It's the Fairy-Tale Key!
A magic key that has the ability
to pull fairy-tale characters
from their stories
into the real world.
from their stories
into the real world.
BOTH: Wonders.
That's what I was going to say.
Where is this happening,
Wizard Whitebeard?
Something about these characters
seems familiar.
Something about these characters
seems familiar.
I think I know where Odlulu is,
everyone. To the Wander Globe!
By stripe of staff
and white of beard,
By stripe of staff
and white of beard,
I summon magic wild and weird.
Spin, oh, magic globe to show,
where these fairy-tale characters
now roam!
where these fairy-tale characters
now roam!
Denmark!And its capital city
of Copenhagen!
Denmark!And its capital city
of Copenhagen!
Ha! Exactly as I thought!
Copenhagen is where Danish
author Hans Christian Andersen
wrote some of the world's
favourite fairy tales.
wrote some of the world's
favourite fairy tales.
Copenhagen even has a statue
in its harbour
for one of his best loved stories -
The Little Mermaid.
Well, then, it looks like
we're headed to Denmark
to get those fairy-tale characters
back in their stories
to get those fairy-tale characters
back in their stories
before Odlulu causes any problems.
Right, Wenda, so
BOTH: Wander!
BOTH: Wander!
No. Frogsducks
No. Frogsducks
princes princessesswans
Ugh, so many swans!
But still none of them
are the Snow Queen.Oh!
But still none of them
are the Snow Queen.Oh!
Danish butter biscuits! Ha ha ha!
Quack! Quack! Quack!
Quack! Quack! Quack!
Quack! Quack!
Yikes, that is one
unusual-looking duckling.
Huh? Hey!
Huh? Hey!
Ohh! I I'm not in the storybook?
Ohh! I I'm not in the storybook?
Wait, that means I'm free!
I'm free!
Oh, it's so good to finally be free
of that book and that story.
Oh, it's so good to finally be free
of that book and that story.
Always living that same ending
over and over again.
Defeated by some children
and the power of a warm heart.
Ugh. Finally, peace and quiet
will be mine!
Ugh. Finally, peace and quiet
will be mine!
No more children.
Ha ha! No more children!
No more children! Ha ha ha ha!
No more children! Ha ha ha ha!
Hey, there, I'm Odlulu.
Er, Odlulu?
Yep. That's me.
And, boy, am I glad to see you?
Yep. That's me.
And, boy, am I glad to see you?
You are?
That's right.
Can you help me keep
my snowballs from melting?
Great! So we should
probably get to work.
Great! So we should
probably get to work.
I have a bunch of melty ones
that need freezing,
and it is not getting
any cooler out here.
But I am the Snow Queen!
And I am finally free from my story!
And I am finally free from my story!
Hey, that ice wand thingy
is exactly what we need.
Hey, that ice wand thingy
is exactly what we need.
That will keep the snowballs cold.
Good thinking, Queenie.
Oh, whatever you say.
Let us ride!
Let us ride!
Ha ha ha ha! Free. Free!
Free of any children!
Finally, peace and quiet
will be mine! Huh?
So, where are we going?Well, I'm
going to build an ice castle, so-
So, where are we going?Well, I'm
going to build an ice castle, so-
Sounds great. That'll be the perfect
place for our snowball stand.
We're going to make great partners.
We're going to make great partners.
Howdy, partner!
Urgh! Hee-yah!
Hee-yah! Ha ha ha ha!
Hee-yah! Ha ha ha ha!
Urgh! Well, here we are, Wenda.
Say "hello" or "hej"
to Copenhagen, Denmark.
Say "hello" or "hej"
to Copenhagen, Denmark.
Lots of fairy-tale characters,
But no sign of Odlulu.
Excuse me. Down here.
But no sign of Odlulu.
Excuse me. Down here.
A little help, please.
Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!
Wait, a tiny girl?
Wait, a tiny girl?
Does Odlulu also have a Shrink Key?
No. It's actually another one
of Hans Christian Andersen's
favourite characters, Thumbelina!
of Hans Christian Andersen's
favourite characters, Thumbelina!
Yep! That's me! Thumbelina!
And thanks for helping me out
from under that teacup.
Did you see a girl
in yellow and black stripes?
Did you see a girl
in yellow and black stripes?
The girl and her little duckling
have some sort of magic key
and our storybook.
But they left with the Snow Queen.
But they left with the Snow Queen.
The Snow Queen? That's not good.
Who's the Snow Queen?
Only Hans Christian Andersen's
most powerful fairy-tale villain.
Yep. That's not good.
Yep. That's not good.
That's why we need to find Odlulu
and use the Fairy-Tale Key
to put the Snow Queen
back in her story.
But which way did Odlulu
and the Snow Queen go?
But which way did Odlulu
and the Snow Queen go?
Look over there.
A frozen tree!
Look over there.
A frozen tree!
OK, everyone, it's time to put
a Snow Queen back in her storybook.
And get Copenhagen back to normal.
My favourite snowball flavour
is definitely bubble gum.
Or blue raspberry. No, candy floss!
Or blue raspberry. No, candy floss!
Hah! Definitely candy floss.
Or cherry.
Ooh, cherry is good, too.
Do you like cherry, Queenie?
I like cherry!
Do you like cherry, Queenie?
I like cherry!
We know you like cherry, Fritz,
but I'm trying to find out what
Queenie's favourite flavour is.
Ugh. Do you ever stop chattering?
You've been talking for hours
without taking a breath.
You've been talking for hours
without taking a breath.
I can stop.
Thank you.
But I was just thinking,
if we're going to be partners,
then we should know which
snowball flavour is our favourite.
then we should know which
snowball flavour is our favourite.
Whoa, mighty steeds!
Why are we pulling over?
Er Ha ha ha. Oh, I thought maybe
we could get out for a moment,
Er Ha ha ha. Oh, I thought maybe
we could get out for a moment,
stretch our legs,
look at the pretty gardens.
The journey has been so long, I
The journey has been so long, I
Ha ha! ..I mean, WE
could really use a little break.
That's a great idea.
And it'll give us even more time
to get to know each other.
And it'll give us even more time
to get to know each other.
You know, I really think
we're becoming besties.
(GASPS) Ooh, maybe that's what we
should call our snowball stand!
Besties' Snowballs!
Do you like that name?
Besties' Snowballs!
Do you like that name?
I like that name.
The Snow Queen's ice trail
ends here, everyone.
The Snow Queen's ice trail
ends here, everyone.
Huh? What's going on over there?
(EVERYONE GASPS)Where did she get
all those mattresses?
Well, there's something
you don't see every day.
Well, there's something
you don't see every day.
Ugh. I can't sleep!
I'm so uncomfortable.
I'm so uncomfortable.
Tossing and turning.
Don't worry, ma'am.
We're going to get you down.
Actually, you don't need
to get her down.
Actually, you don't need
to get her down.
We just need to find the thing
that's keeping her awake.
Is this another one of Hans
Christian Andersen's stories?
It certainly is, Wenda.
The Princess And The Pea.
It certainly is, Wenda.
The Princess And The Pea.
In this story a prince wanted to know
if he was marrying a real princess,
so he put a pea
under a stack of mattresses.
If she was a real princess,
If she was a real princess,
then she would definitely feel
the tiny pea
and not be able to sleep.
All I want to do is sleep!
All I want to do is sleep!
Well, it looks like
we have a real princess.
And a real problem.
That tower of mattresses
looks pretty unsteady, Wally.
That tower of mattresses
looks pretty unsteady, Wally.
Wally? Where's Wally?
Here I am, Wenda!
the Wally See-Saw-Lift-Anator!
the Wally See-Saw-Lift-Anator!
With this invention, I'll safely
lift up the mattresses.
And Thumbelina and I
will look for the pea.
And Thumbelina and I
will look for the pea.
Hold onto your stripes!
We're on it!
Urgh! No pea here!
Urgh! No pea here!
No pea here either. Ugh!
I found it! Urgh!
But I can't reach it.
But I can!
Good work, Thumbelina!
Good work, Thumbelina!
Meh, it was nothing.
How does it feel now, Princess?
I don't feel a thing anymore.
It's like I'm resting on a cloud.
Wait, Princess,
before you fall asleep,
did you see a girl in yellow and
black stripes pass through here?
(YAWNS) Actually, I did.
(YAWNS) Actually, I did.
Yeah, she went that way
toward the gardens
(YAWNS) ..with the Snow Queen
(YAWNS) ..and an unusual-looking
little duckling.
(YAWNS) ..and an unusual-looking
little duckling.
Thanks, Princess.
And he's not a duckling,
he's a ferret.
Oh, thank you, friends.
Oh, thank you, friends.
Now I know she is a true princess!
Let me get you down from here,
my sweet,
so we may be married immediately!
so we may be married immediately!
My sweet?
One time I had the biggest
dance craze in all of Mumbai.
One time I had the biggest
dance craze in all of Mumbai.
Oh, and then there was
this other time in Japan
where I accidentally turned
Fritzy into Mega-Fritz!
where I accidentally turned
Fritzy into Mega-Fritz!
That was crazy.
Remember that, Fritzy?
Now where did that ferret go?
Wait. The talking. It's stopped!
Wait. The talking. It's stopped!
Now's my chance.
Ha ha ha ha!
Fritz! There you are.
Fritz! There you are.
Queenie and I were just
having a really good talk.
What do you think of
Besties' Snow Balls for a name?
SNOW QUEEN: Heeyah! Heeyah!
Er, Odlulu
SNOW QUEEN: Heeyah! Heeyah!
Er, Odlulu
Peace and quiet! Finally!
Ha ha! No more children!
Ha ha! No more children!
Hey, Bestie!
Good thing I started running.
You almost left without us.
You almost left without us.
Yes. Almost.
What is this?
Oh, this? It's the Fairy-Tale Key.
It's the magic key I used
to get you out of the storybook.
It's the magic key I used
to get you out of the storybook.
Magic Key, you say?
Yep. I have lots of 'em.
But I always want more.
You know what I mean?
Oh, yes. Yes, I do.
Oh, yes. Yes, I do.
So, this magic key of yours, you say
it released me from my story.
So I assume that it
can also put me back?
So I assume that it
can also put me back?
Yep. That's the way it works.
I see.
I see. Maybe we should
become partners, after all.
I see. Maybe we should
become partners, after all.
I knew we were becoming besties.
I told you, Fritz. This partnership
is going to be great!
Yes! Besties, indeed, Odlulu.
Yes! Besties, indeed, Odlulu.
Besties, indeed.
Grr! Ahh!
Now, where can I build my ice castle
and finally get
that peace and quiet?
and finally get
that peace and quiet?
This is what I need.
Whoa, mighty steeds!
Yes. Ha ha! This will be perfect.
Perfect for our snowball business?
What? Oh, right, yes.
What? Oh, right, yes.
Ha ha ha! Perfect for that.
You weren't joking, Queenie.
It is perfect.
You weren't joking, Queenie.
It is perfect.
Every child in Denmark will want to
come to Besties Snowball Stand now.
Yes. Exactly what I was thinking.
Now, Odlulu, why don't you run
inside and start getting set up?
Now, Odlulu, why don't you run
inside and start getting set up?
Our customers
should be arriving very soon.
Whoo-hoo! Sure thing, bestie!
Whoo-hoo! Sure thing, bestie!
Not you.
Odlulu has a new bestie now.
Are you coming, bestie?
Are you coming, bestie?
I'm coming, Odlulu.
And once I get my hands
on your Fairy-Tale Key,
I'm never going back to my story.
I'm never going back to my story.
And I'll finally be free
of meddling children forever!
Ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha!
Which direction did they go?
Maybe they can help us.
How are we gonna talk to swans,
How are we gonna talk to swans,
All they do is squawk.
Well, they're not actually swans.
They're characters from another one
of Hans Christian Andersen's stories.
They're characters from another one
of Hans Christian Andersen's stories.
They were princes who were turned
into swans by an evil witch.
But if they're given human clothes,
they'll turn back into princes.
But if they're given human clothes,
they'll turn back into princes.
Huzzah! The spell
has finally been broken!
Huzzah! We are princes again!
Oh, thank you, friend,
for helping me and my brothers.
How could we ever repay
your kindness?
How could we ever repay
your kindness?
Well, did you see a girl in yellow
and black stripes come through here?
Why, yes! We did, indeed!
Yes. She was with the Snow Queen.
Yes. She was with the Snow Queen.
And a very unusual-looking duckling.
Which way did they go?We think they
went to that ice castle!
Ugh, that's not good.
Thank you, friends.
Ugh, that's not good.
Thank you, friends.
And thank you.
I like your stripes, brothers.
BOTH: We like your stripes, brother.
BOTH: We like your stripes, brother.
ALL: Huzzah!
What was that?
What was that?
It's that unusual-looking duckling.
Hold on, Fritz! I got ya!
Ugh! Brrr!
Hi, Wanderers.
Fritz, where's Odlulu?
Wellquack, quack, quack,
quack, quack, quack, quack!
Wellquack, quack, quack,
quack, quack, quack, quack!
(JABBERING) Odlulu! Odlulu!
Er, what did he say?
If I had to guess, Odlulu is probably
in trouble and needs our help.
If I had to guess, Odlulu is probably
in trouble and needs our help.
This place is just great, Queenie.
Lots of space. Good lighting.
Lots of space. Good lighting.
I once built an ice castle.
Got filled up with penguins.
Remember that, Fritzy? Fritz?
Now, where did that ferret go?
Ugh! Stop moving!
Ugh! Stop moving!
Did you say something?
Oh, me? No.
Nothing. Nothing.
You know, I've been thinking.
You know, I've been thinking.
I'm really gonna need one of those
ice wand thingies of my own
to help with the snowball-making.
An ice wand thingy? My ice sceptre?
An ice wand thingy? My ice sceptre?
Oh, yes, my ice sceptre!
Yes. Yes, of course.
Oh, Odlulu, walk this way.
I would like to show you something.
I would like to show you something.
Huh? We must have made
a wrong turn, Queenie.
No, my dear.
We finally made a right one.
No, my dear.
We finally made a right one.
Ha ha ha ha!
Hey! What's the big idea?
I wanted to be snowball partners,
I wanted to be snowball partners,
I didn't want to
actually be a snowball!
Finally, I have the Fairy-Tale Key.
Now I'll never go back
to that book again.
Now I'll never go back
to that book again.
No more children!
Peace and quiet forever!
Ha ha ha ha!
Er, I'm kind of getting the feeling
we're not really besties.
Er, I'm kind of getting the feeling
we're not really besties.
Ha ha ha ha!
Heh heh heh!
No matter, I'll just freeze you.
No matter, I'll just freeze you.
Over here, Snow Queen!
More children?!
Oh, will you stop flipping around!
I just need to freeze you!
I just need to freeze you!
WENDA: Now, Thumbelina!
How dare you touch my magic key!
Wait. Where are you?
Wait. Where are you?
And where's the key?!
OK, Wally! Now's our chance!
Wally? Where's Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, Snow Queen.
I'm free!
I'm free!
Huh! Oh, Odlulu.
I'm so happy you're free.
Sometimes my ice wand thingy
has a mind of its own. Ha ha ha!
Sometimes my ice wand thingy
has a mind of its own. Ha ha ha!
Now, give me back the Fairy-Tale
so we can be
snowball partners again.
Isn't that right, bestie?
Isn't that right, bestie?
Sorry, Queenie.
I only have room for one bestie.
And that's my Fritzy,
and we're gonna live happily
ever after without you.
and we're gonna live happily
ever after without you.
Ugh! Defeated again
by a bunch of children!
And the power of friendship.
And the power of friendship.
Thank you, Wally and Wenda,
for helping all the fairy-tale
characters get back to our stories
and putting Copenhagen
back to normal.
Farvel. Goodbye.
Farvel. Goodbye.
I'm definitely gonna miss her.
Me, too, Wenda. But whenever
we feel like we need a visit
Me, too, Wenda. But whenever
we feel like we need a visit
we can always read her story again.
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