Melrose Place s02e17 Episode Script

2393049 - Michael's Game

Don't you look at me In the haggard state I'm in What you took from me I'll never get it back again But there's a time to fall And there's a time to fight The time for standing tall Is finally in my sight We're fed up beat 'em down Killing on the ground Well, this is a surprise.
Yeah, scrambled with cheddar, just the way you like them.
No, no, no, I can handle that.
Go sit down.
Go ahead.
Coffee's on the table.
And Uh, sweetheart, I do need your help.
Michael, please don't call me that.
Well, why not? Robert's out of town.
I mean, he's, uh, in San Diego on business or something, isn't he? Yeah, still, it's not appropriate.
Thank you.
You know, if you're becoming this self-sufficient, maybe it's time you move back into your own place.
Oh, come on, Jane, just give me a little more time.
I'm making such good progress being here, you know? You have no idea.
The physical therapist thinks it's nothing short of a miracle, and I told him it was all due to you.
We'll see.
It's Robert, isn't it? He's trying to get you to kick me out, I know he is.
Robert has been amazing under the circumstances.
Still, it's just so much more pleasant when it's just the two of us.
I mean, it kinda gives you the feeling of déjà vu, doesn't it? Well, get over it, he's gonna be back tomorrow morning.
Feels weird being the other man.
Michael, you are not the other man.
You are a houseguest, whose days are numbered.
Whatever you say, sweetheart.
Hey, Jo, don't feel like you have to feed me.
I mean, crashing on your couch for a few days while I look for my own place, that's as big as an imposition as I plan to be.
I'm glad to do it.
When I first moved here, I didn't know a soul.
I had to stay in this cheap motel.
It sure woulda been a lot easier if I had a friend.
Well, I'm lucky I found you then.
And I almost didn't go to that reunion, you know? Neither did I.
You know what's funny? Small decisions you make turn your life in a whole new direction.
Reed? Thanks.
What the hell are you doing here? You didn't say a word about moving here last weekend.
I know.
Everything I've been through, uh I'm looking for a new place to start over, where people don't know me.
And seeing you it inspired me.
Yeah, I know that feeling.
I guess I kind of moved here for the same reason.
It does seem like L.
is the city that anyone can reinvent themselves, huh? And, hopefully, people here aren't as nosy as they are everywhere else.
Not in this building.
In fact, everyone here is nosy to the extreme.
And they're gonna be dying to know all about this handsome stranger I have on my couch.
Well, don't worry because, uh, discretion is my middle name.
Look, just the same, let's, um, take it slow, okay? I mean, last weekend was wonderful.
But, this is real life, you know? Mm-hmm.
I mean, first and foremost, we're friends.
And anything from there, well, we'll see.
We'll see.
Miss Woodward, I hope you understand the gravity of the situation we're dealing with here.
If you are privy to your father's whereabouts, and you withhold that information, you yourself are liable to be arrested on charges of aiding and abetting a felon.
Your time's up, gentlemen.
I won't be speaking to you any further without the presence of my own counsel.
Maybe I didn't make myself clear.
I said get out, now.
By the way, my father is still innocent until proven otherwise, whether you find him or not.
Sure, Miss Woodward, of course he is.
Sydney? Michael.
God, you're walking so great.
Yeah, thanks.
Did you get the girl? You know, a "Hello, how are you?" might be nice once in a while.
Hey, look, Syd, Barbara's coming back tomorrow, so I don't have much time.
Now, it's gotta happen tonight.
Did you get the cash? Yeah, I did.
Well, let's see it.
All right, half now, and half when I get the tape.
Wait a second.
Where is she? I want to meet her first.
Sorry, Michael.
You're just gonna have to trust me on this one.
All right.
Here's the hotel room number.
Now, he's been calling Jane every night, so he's plenty lonely.
And horny? Yeah, exactly.
So, you make sure the woman is hot, and she knows what she's doing.
She'll do her best, Michael.
But I'm warning you, Robert really loves Jane.
Just because you turned to jelly over a beautiful woman, doesn't mean he will.
Oh, yeah, well, I got a thousand bucks there that says he's no better than the rest of us.
And you make sure you call me when you get the tape.
You got that? Bruce? You wanted to see me? Ah, Amanda, sit down.
What's this all about? Well, it seems as if we have a little bone of contention here between you and Alison.
Really? I had no idea.
You took me off Microcomp, Amanda.
I landed that account.
You were behaving unprofessionally, Alison.
Chasing after the client romantically? I'm sorry to say, but it got in the way of you doing your job.
Our personal relationship, such that it was, in no way impinged upon my performance.
Just ask Mr.
Alison, would you mind if I had a word with Amanda alone? Of course.
Amanda, I'm going to put Alison back on the Microcomp account.
I think it's only fair, since she brought it in.
Fine, I have no problem with that.
Hopefully, this time she can keep things at a more productive and professional level.
Now, if there's nothing else, I really am swamped.
Well, actually, there is one thing.
Yes? I'm very much aware of what you've been through this past week, and my sympathies are with you.
Thank you.
I don't know what you've heard through the rumor mill, but I can assure you that it's not as bad as it sounds.
Well, just the same, I feel it would be prudent if you took a couple of personal days.
You know, to just sort of straighten things out.
Personal days? Just go somewhere and relax.
Alison can cover for you while you're gone.
I'm sure she'll do her best.
I mean, what kind of catastrophe could happen in two days? You should have seen Amanda's face when they told her she had to give Microcomp back to me, it was priceless.
That's great.
See, I told you, it pays to be assertive.
I feel kinda bad, though.
She told me after I left, they encouraged her to take a couple days off, 'cause the situation with her dad.
Why, is she losing it at work? No.
But today, there was a detective in her office asking questions.
Not exactly conducive to a strong corporate image.
Amanda will bounce back.
I know.
But, while she's gone, I was thinking I could use this as an opportunity to show the guys upstairs what I can really do.
Kind of pitch a few ideas that I could never get past Amanda.
Ah, do an end run.
I like that.
It's just so devious.
I hate to take advantage of Amanda's misfortune.
Isn't that exactly what she would do to you? Eh.
I guess I like to play by the rules.
The only rule in business is there are no rules.
He's in the living room.
Well, I'm just making some chicken.
Don't worry, he's not gonna be here that much longer, I promise.
You said he'd be out by the time I got back tomorrow.
Do you want me to kick him out? I mean, this is getting a little absurd.
No, no, I'll handle it.
I miss you, honey.
I'm so lonely without you.
No, I really am.
Yeah, me, too.
Listen, uh, I'm gonna go down and grab a bite to eat at the lousy hotel dining room, then I'm gonna hit the sack.
Got an early morning tomorrow.
All right, you sleep tight.
I will.
I'll be dreaming of you.
Bye, honey, I love you.
Hello? Hello.
You've been here for a few days, haven't you? Yeah.
Do I know you? No, no, no.
No, I've been here for a week from St.
I'm trying to sell a computer system to the San Diego Zoo, something that'll regulate feeding times.
Feeding times? For all of the animals.
See, we wanna put sensors in all of the feed troughs so that the computer can determine how much the giraffes are eating and how much protein the rhinos are getting and The truth is, I swear I won't bore you with any of this, if you'll please let me join you.
I'm just so damned tired of eating alone.
I'd kill for an hour's worth of intelligent conversation.
Sit down.
Are you sure it's okay? I never do this.
We can trade horror stories about this lousy hotel.
Trust me, I've got a few.
Diane Adamson.
Robert Wilson.
Nice to meet you.
You know, the food's lousy, but the wine list is actually not half bad.
Oh, I I can't.
Um, I've got an early morning.
Will you please let me treat you? It's the least I can do.
Bring us a bottle of the '87 Chateau Lafon.
Right away, ma'am.
Thank you.
Hey! Did you ever hear of knocking? I've got the master key.
You see, I thought that if I was lucky, I might surprise you in the shower.
You're amazing.
One minute you're ready to evict me, the next minute you want to Practically rape you? Call me unpredictable.
Can't we start over? Put this all behind us? I am so sorry for everything.
Just pick up where we left off? Yeah.
I've decided to take a few days off.
I haven't had a vacation in ages.
So, what would you say to five days in Hawaii, leaving tomorrow? Oh, I'd say someone up there likes me.
Well, what happened? I I ran into these gorgeous scarves in the gift store.
And I was so busy trying them on that I didn't hear the last call for the flight.
He was livid.
He thought I'd been abducted or something.
Your check, sir.
Oh, please, allow me.
I can't.
All you have to do is make sure that I get to my room in one piece.
Thank you, Robert.
You more than fulfilled your hour's quota of scintillating conversation.
How about a nightcap, hmm? Oh, I I can't.
Uh, I got an early No.
No, no, no.
Um, you're you're married, and I am A very handsome stranger.
Come on, it's just the two of us, hm? One night, nothing more.
No one is ever going to know.
Amanda has been handling the Mountaintogs account for two years now, and I think we are going about this entire campaign the wrong way.
Why do you say that? Sales are almost double what they were three years ago.
But, Amanda is still treating this like a niche campaign.
She's not doing her homework.
The bottom line is that I think the client is ready to walk.
Yeah, actually, I've been sensing that.
They've intimated that they feel our approach is outdated, one that isn't propelling their company into the '90s.
And what would you suggest? Well, as long as Amanda's away, I would like the opportunity to present a few of my ideas to the client.
It definitely couldn't hurt, and it very well may save this account.
Why not? Clients always love to hear new ideas, even if they hate them.
You set the meeting.
Just make sure you keep Amanda in the loop.
I sure will.
Mm, thank you.
This is great, I feel like I'm in Hawaii already.
Yeah, me too.
What are you doing? Oh, making a phone call.
To who? The office.
Stop worrying, they'll get along fine without you for a couple of days.
I know, but I'd be able to relax a little more if I knew everything was going well.
Is that what this vacation's gonna be about? You running to the phone every five minutes to check in? No, just this one time, I promise.
Amanda Woodward's office.
John, it's Amanda.
What's going on? Oh, hi, Amanda, how's your trip? Oh, it's just wonderful, I'm on the plane and just checking in for messages.
I wanted to make sure everything was going okay.
Don't worry, everything's going just great.
Alison really seems to have everything under control.
She's totally covering the Mountaintogs account.
What? What are you talking about? She's got a meeting set with them tomorrow morning.
They called your office to confirm.
What the hell are you talking about? I didn't authorize her to take a meeting with that account.
Get her on the phone, now.
I can't.
She's in a meeting with Bruce upstairs.
Tell Alison I will be in to see her tomorrow morning.
Vacation's over.
We're going home.
You can't be serious.
Alison is gunning for my job.
Do you have it? Get in here.
Where is it? Let's see that money.
Here, give it to me.
I just got it and saw it.
Is it hot.
Okay, okay, play it for me.
You were right, Michael.
Diane said it was the easiest money she ever made.
Robert didn't suspect a thing.
And she didn't even have to kick him out of bed.
The minute they finished doing it, he couldn't wait to get the hell out of there, he felt so guilty.
Yeah, guilty, my ass.
Oh, yeah.
Who is it? Robert.
Oh, God, how I missed you.
Ooh, I've missed you, too.
You were all I could think about for five straight days.
I had trouble sleeping, I've gotten so used to having you next to me.
Is Michael here? Mm-mm, I don't know where he is.
He knows you're due back today, he's probably trying to give us some space.
And, I think you make him nervous.
I've been doing a lot of thinking, Jane, and I want him outta here tomorrow.
He can take care of himself.
Whatever you say.
Put the bag down slow, Missy.
Real slow.
And shut the door.
What the hell are you doing with my gun, Reed? You scared me half to death.
Ah, I found it while I was looking for some cleaning supplies.
You were snooping? Give me that thing.
Hey, hey, hey.
These toys are real dangerous.
I hate 'em.
Well, I happen to be fond of them.
I don't think you're gonna be needing it anymore, now that I'm around.
Reed, you you can't just come waltzing in here and making all these assumptions about our relationship.
We're friends.
Really good friends.
Really, really, really good friends.
Oh, man, they've been in there for hours.
What the hell is taking so long? Maybe your VCR's on the blink.
Is it? You know this for a fact? Just a guess.
You know, Robert got there right after Jane got home.
Maybe somehow, I don't know, he saw it first without her.
This is so exciting.
I can't believe it really worked.
It hasn't, Sydney.
Not yet.
So, tell me about your trip.
What'd you do all that time? I told you, I just worked out of the San Diego office.
They're shorthanded, so the partners shuttle people down there from L.
whenever the caseload gets too heavy.
Anything to save a buck.
But, I hate it.
I'm just gonna tell them I don't want to do it anymore.
Do you want some water? Yeah.
I'll get it.
No, no, no.
I'll get it.
You stay here.
Get out.
Huh? Get the hell out of my house! Jane, what's going on? What were you really doing in San Diego, Robert? Legal work or making tapes for the Playboy Channel? What are you talking about? Come see for yourself.
Oh, my God.
You don't understand.
Then explain it to me.
It's an old video, it it's of me and an old girlfriend.
You're lying.
The date and the time are recorded in the corner of the screen.
This tape was shot last night.
Jane, don't you see that someone's trying to set me up? All I know is that's you and another woman.
No, Jane, it's not like that.
How could you do this to me? You don't understand.
Oh, yes, I do.
I understand all too well.
Jane, I love you.
Yeah, right.
Get out.
Give me the tape.
I want something to remember you by.
Jane, trust me, it is not like that! Get out.
Get out! Jane, please.
Morning, Jane.
I think I finally got these eggs the way you like 'em.
Where were you last night, Michael? At Shooters.
I waited up for you until Really? Oh, gee, I'm sorry, hon.
I I knew Robert was coming home, you know, and I wanted to give you guys the space.
I didn't mean to make you worry.
You sent me that tape, didn't you? Excuse me? You know what I'm talking about.
Um, I really don't, Jane.
I don't have any idea what you're talking about.
I know it was you, Michael.
I know you had something to do with this.
Hey, hey, come on now.
Don't Tell me tell me what happened.
Somebody sent me an anonymous videotape last night of Robert making love with another woman.
Um, wow.
Robert, Prince Charming? I don't believe it.
I couldn't either.
Aw, please, Jane.
Now, you've accused me of a lot of crazy things before, and I'll admit, I was even guilty of a few.
But, how the hell do you figure making me responsible for Robert having an affair? Not only that, but, you know, secretly getting it on videotape? And, uh, mailing it to you anonymously? I don't know.
I don't know how you would do it, but someone did.
Somebody who was trying to nail Robert.
What do you mean? Well, come on, Jane.
He's a divorce lawyer.
A damned good one, I should know.
There must be plenty of disgruntled husbands and wives out there who Well, let's say, aren't very happy with him.
Yeah, he does have his share of enemies.
And, um, you know, maybe you're being too hard on him.
I mean, all it proves is that anyone can slip.
We're targeting the same upscale demo that the skiwear manufacturers captured in the '80s.
In a nutshell, my approach is this "You don't have to climb mountains to wear Mountaintogs.
" Thank you.
Finally, somebody's listening around here.
That's exactly what we're trying to do.
Right, without losing our base of real enthusiasts.
They're our bread and butter.
Granted, but still Morning.
Sorry I'm late, I just heard about the meeting.
Amanda, I thought you were in Hawaii.
A change of plans.
Sorry about this.
It's okay.
Look, you got some great ideas there.
We'll think about it.
Uh, why don't I see you out and get you validated? Thank you.
Thank you.
Not so fast.
Just what the hell do you think you're doing? Amanda, relax, I was just trying to safeguard the account.
Safeguard? You mean steal, don't you? Trying to keep the client who's practically out the door is what I call doing my job.
Oh, don't give me that crap, Alison.
You're poaching, and poachers get shot.
Bruce, what's going on around here? Amanda, would you relax? See, this is why I don't take vacations.
Don't be so paranoid.
Alison had some good ideas and the client responded.
But I landed that account, I've been working on it for months.
How dare you allow Alison to waltz right in and take over? I'll do whatever I think is good for this business.
Now, I've told you before, I think you're overworked and overstressed.
And this is one account I'd like to see Alison handle.
You're doing great, Michael.
That oughta do it.
Ohh, great.
Robert? What the hell are you doing here? Thanks.
I think you know exactly why I'm here.
You set me up.
But, trust me, you are not gonna get away with it.
When I get through with you, you're gonna wish you never survived that damn accident.
Now, you listen to me.
You low-life piece of scum, you think you can walk into my life, try and rape me for everything I'm worth, and then steal my wife? Who the hell do you think you're dealing with? Jane sees right through you, Michael.
And trust me, despite that damn tape, she knows there's a big difference between you and me.
Oh, yeah, right.
And the difference is I cheat with doctors.
Not whores.
Yes? What do you want? I need the files on the Mountaintogs account.
Forget it.
Amanda, I spoke to the guys upstairs.
They're going to insist.
Then speak to my assistant.
He'll get you what you need.
You know, Alison This isn't very sporting of you.
Well, to tell you the truth, Amanda, I am tired of playing by the rules.
Then you better watch your step, 'cause I can play dirty, too, and trust me, I will.
Billy, it's Amanda.
We need to talk, tonight.
Hello? Tell me your day's going better than mine.
No luck? Ah, sure could use a nice dinner to cheer me up.
Meet me at the marina? Special place I'd like to take you.
All right, meet me at the pier at 8:00, and, uh, dress casual.
See you there.
So, what's up? Alison, she's after my job.
Or hasn't she told you? Alison? Come on.
Don't play innocent with me, Billy.
As you know, I'm been going through some tough times personally, and Alison has just moved right in and taken advantage of the situation.
So, what do I have to do with any of this? Talk to her for me.
Get her to back off, or I'm gonna start playing as dirty as she is.
And the truth is, I wouldn't wanna hurt you.
What are you talking about? Well, if things go on this way, I no longer have any interest in protecting.
Alison's feelings.
I'm gonna tell her everything about you, and me, our little night together See ya.
My boat looked kinda like that, only sleeker and a few feet longer.
I called her Dancing Waters, 'cause that's exactly what she did, she just danced across the sea.
Where is she now? Oh, I don't know.
They put her up for auction while I was in prison.
Sold her for probably to some middle-aged cowboy that, uh, takes her out twice a year.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Yeah, so am I, but I'm moving on, and you know what? You're a big part of that.
So, where are you taking me to dinner? I haven't decided yet.
Ooh, there.
That's the one.
Shh, come here, come here.
Shh, shh, just come on.
Where are we going? Shh, just come on.
Reed, what are we doing? Come on, we're just gonna have a little bit of fun.
I don't understand, do you know these people? People? What people? I don't see any people.
I just see a beautiful boat that's ours for the night.
Oh, I'm out of here, you're crazy.
Oh, Jo, come on.
Jo, Jo Jo, Jo stop.
I was just joking.
This is my surprise.
This boat, the Pretty Lady.
I, uh, I got a job this afternoon as its captain.
It's owned by this rich guy from San Marino, who takes it out twice a month up to Catalina.
Anyway, I'm moving on it tomorrow.
No, no, no, I swear, it's true.
I I was just playing around.
Come here, I want to show you something.
No, come on.
Come on.
It's okay.
That's it.
Forgive me? Ohh.
You jerk.
Don't you ever lie to me again.
Oh, I won't.
I swear.
Nope, this isn't exactly what I meant by taking it slow.
I don't know, I've been wanting to sleep with you for ten years.
That's slow enough for me.
Well, that's it then, huh? You got what you wanted? Oh, come on, you know that's not true.
Ohh, I just this isn't what I planned, you know? I'm not ready to jump into something.
I I thought it'd be nice to rediscover each other as friends first.
If that's the way you want it, then, uh, let's go back to being friends.
It's too late.
Listen, uh You know, when you've lost your freedom for a couple of years, you get the urge to cut away all the fears and expectations, and just experience life.
I'm open, Jo.
Whether you want to hurt me or love me, I don't care.
Just, please, don't tell me to wait.
Come in.
Amanda, can we talk? I'm all ears.
Um I've been giving this a lot of thought.
And I've decided I want to give you your account back.
Had a little talk with Billy, did you? Billy? No.
Billy has nothing to do with this, it's me.
Everybody has their own way of doing business, and what I've discovered is that this isn't my style.
No, I didn't think it was.
You know, the truth is, Alison, the reason I got so upset isn't because you stepped on my territory, but that for the first time I can remember, I felt really vulnerable, and I needed a friend.
And it hurt to see that I didn't have one here.
I'm sorry.
Sometimes it's tough to know where to draw the line.
Hey, I'm always lived on the side of personal advancement, so, I won't hold it against you.
This time.
Um, so, use my ideas, or not.
The account's all yours.
Oh, no, the last thing I wanna owe you is a personal debt.
You keep the account.
Are you sure? Absolutely.
And next time, I want to be there for you.
Don't worry about me, Alison.
I think we know where we stand with each other.
Just don't blow this account, because I won't be there to catch you.
There you are.
Yeah, it was a long day.
Yeah, for me, too.
Amanda called me into her office.
We had a really interesting talk.
Oh, my God.
Whatever she told you, it is not what you think.
I know.
At first, she tried to come off like the victim, but when I left, somehow I still felt like she had the upper hand.
It's hard to know what to believe.
Alison, you have to listen to me.
No, Billy, I am through listening to you.
You told me to go after that account by any means possible, and I hated myself for it.
So, I told Amanda that I was wrong, that she could have the account back, even though I basically did save it for her.
You did? And what'd she say? That she didn't want it.
Told me I stole it fair and square.
And that's it? That's all she said? Yeah.
And she laid some guilt trip on me that I totally fell for.
I'm sorry.
I guess I'm not the piranha you thought I was.
It's okay, you did the right thing.
You definitely did the right thing.
Michael, what's going on? Just a little dinner I whipped up.
You shouldn't do this.
Why? You know Sometimes it takes a brush with death to get your priorities in order.
And if that's what it took then it was worth every bit of pain I've had to endure.
Please, don't do this.
What do you say we put the past behind us, like I don't know, like some bad dream? I love you, Jane.
I never stopped loving you.
Please, believe me.

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