The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s02e17 Episode Script

Battle of Pride

You are all certainly worse for wear!
To think you would fight a strange dragon.
Heroes in any age
care not for their lives!
It is an emergency!
It is an emergency!
We have learned that a flight
of dragons is headed this way!
Direct orders from the King! You are all
to become shields for the kingdom!
Very well.
A-Anosh, what did you do?
I had them become shields.
2,000 years ago, human nobles fought
against dragons on the front lines.
W-Well, yes, but
As any child would do!
Then let's get to making that plan.
-Don't "huh" us!
The city's going to be in trouble.
Dragons are a menacing threat.
That is truth.
We want to defend our home
with our own hands.
Are you prepared to defend it?
Very well. Hero Academy
will move to slay the dragons.
You are guests. You remain here.
You will not request our assistance?
It may be true that Demon King Academy
It may be easier with assistance
from the Demon King of Tyranny,
but this is something
that we must do ourselves.
This is
a fight, with our pride on the line.
What praiseworthy determination!
Then we shall accept your offer to
defend us as guests with no reservations.
Time to go.
-I know.
Eleonore, Zeshia.
Yeah. We're students of Hero Academy.
We'll go with them too.
Hero Academy will slay the dragons.
We will do things other than that.
-That is the plan.
Then we'll be going first!
Show us what you're
made of, my holy sword!
I'm gonna smash 'em!
We have secured a path! Follow after me!
Yes Ma'am!
2,000 years ago,
this canal delivered holy water
to the front lines.
We will restore the flow
of holy water through it
and engage the enemy on the Trinos Plains.
It won't be much of a fight
if you're late to it, Teacher.
But you were
We're students of Hero Academy too.
I have a good spell.
It's a present from Anosh!
Bi Kini is super fast!
From Anosh?
Let's go.
Construct a Sanctuary!
Yes Ma'am!
You are our trump card.
It is in your hands.
Yeah, I'll do what I can.
It's not really my kind of thing though.
I asked you to do it. Just do it.
You always have to be so demanding!
Everyone, please listen to me.
I was once a Highblood.
I never doubted for a moment
that I inherited
the noble blood of our great ancestor.
But when the Demon King
of Tyranny forced me
to face the truth that it was all a lie,
I was stripped even of my royal blood.
I ran away.
I ran and ran and kept running away
from everything, until I arrived here
on this battlefield with you.
But I will not run away,
not one more step.
You are the people that I finally found,
the place that I want to protect.
You are the stupidest and
most vulgar students I have ever had,
but you are not by any means trash!
We will show that to
the people of Gairadite!
Now, we will kill every last one
of those monsters!
The girl put up quite the struggle,
but once Enus Ne Mes fully enters,
one loses one's heart.
Now, draw the Sword of Spirits,
Gods, and Man.
I'll say it again.
Even the god of hearts
can't take our love away from us.
You are conceited.
The Guardian of Hearts, Enus Ne Mes
granted that love to you.
God, deliver your judgment
upon these proud demons!
Foolish man. Your choice led to
your lover's heart's demise!
Oh, Lay
Can you still love me
when I have transformed so completely?
Lots of them.
Don't bite off more than you can chew!
Defend all and heal all,
Protector of the Holy Sea, Baillamente!
They have broken through!
Here's a support spell for you!
Eornes allows you to draw more than
the maximum from your sources.
You can draw it out in
the order of green, blue, and red,
but the effect gets shorter as you go.
Oh, and after you use one, you can
only use half your mana for ten seconds,
so you'll be in big trouble!
Why did you have to learn
a spell with so many rules?!
Do it!
Burn 'em all down!
They are coming from above! A barrier!
If any of them fail,
we will lose in an inst
How could De Jenias
Withdraw now!
You saved
So you were the one hiding
in the ground and observing?
Were you the one who
sent the dragons as well?
Azept Deiro!
A possessive summoning?
You are a dragonman from underground.
Who sent you and what are you here to do?
We only speak as God commands.
It will repeat tens of millions of times
each second. A world without God.
I will make it easier if you talk.
We are the Paladins of Giordal!
Cardinal Ahide bestowed
upon us divine revelation!
To consecrate the people of Gairadite!
Where is Ahide?
Aberast Anzetta!
What did he mean by "consecrate"?
To lead them to God
within the dragons' bodies,
that they may be reincarnated in sacred
form as dragonmen like ourselves,
as the blessed people who serve God!
In other words, feed people
to the dragons. You invaders.
Sasha, Misha, you handle the rest.
Do not let them do anything above ground.
Dino Jixis!
You monsters!
Magic Eyes!
Those are the Magic Eyes of Absurdity!
Curse you Misfit!
Have you revived the rebellious god,
the God of Absurdity Genudunub?!
What are you talking about?
We aren't some kind of god.
Wrong person.
Haine, status?
It's nine-tenths done now.
When the time comes, I just need to
Damn! They got me!
We'll slay them in three minutes!
No one can revive you while we're gone,
so don't let anyone die!
Please do!
I practiced a lot.
Which is the real one?
The answer is
all of them!
Theo Trias!
Lots of mirrors!
We did it.
You were great!
Next we slay those.
Just a little longer Haine!
Yeah! This is the end!
Too easy
Haine! It's gonna be rough!
Hurry! Just one arm is enough!
I know
Yeah, this is as far as I'd get.
The real Hero could even take
my holy sword from me.
But just once
Move, you useless lump!
Move! I wanna save them!
And now
I knew it. I'm not
It will not be for naught.
Haine, you always skipped class,
but you did your best today.
De Jerias!
We did it!
We won!
I thought you would come soon.
Answer carefully.
Was the invasion of
Azeshion your decision?
Or was it decided by
your kingdom of Giordal?
It was the prayer of the human King.
The King sought God's
salvation upon his people.
Salvation forced upon those
who do not believe is naught but ill will.
No, the people of Azeshion believe in God.
The Omnipotent Holy Light Eques
bestowed upon them the Hero Kanon
and they believe in the Sword of Spirits,
Gods, and Man, Evansmana.
Despite them slaying the dragons that
this "god" of yours sent for them?
That is also the will of God.
I believe so as the Oracle.
An Oracle?
If you cannot perform a miracle,
you are nothing more than a charlatan.
Then allow me to perform one.
Divine revelation is upon me.
Misa's heart will go to God by
the hands of the Guardian of Hearts.
When the Hero Kanon draws
the Sword of Spirits, Gods, and Man,
the blade will return to God.
Kanon will be judged for his pride
in thinking God's power his own,
and he will also ascend to Heaven.
And the lone dragon that will appear then
will guide the people of Azeshion to God.
You will understand the meaning
of this revelation momentarily.
Then I ask you before that.
2,000 years ago, countless humans and gods
died in battle against the Demon King.
Why didn't the Omnipotent
Holy Light save them?
Those who are to perish shall perish.
Those who are to be saved are saved.
All is the will of God.
It is not your place to know God's will.
That is a very proud god.
If there is an omnipotent being
who does not save all,
then their heart is rotten.
What I cannot stand, Cardinal,
is that the salvation
you speak of, ridicules those
who tried and lived their best
but could not live.
Emilia and the students of Hero Academy
put their lives and pride on the line
to fight the dragons.
If that was not their own will,
but that they were controlled by God,
then what need was there for the battle?
This life and my previous death,
the salvation I gained,
and the errors I made
were not things willed
and controlled by God.
They were all things we performed
with our own hands.
Foolish charlatan, Ahide Alobo Agatze,
it would be simple work to kill you,
but I will unmask you before that.
The voice of God which you claim
to hear is naught but a falsehood.
See? You cannot possibly
love me as I am now.
I told you once before.
Misa, so long as you are you,
I will always love you.
This is the first time
you've shown yourself to me.
Your true form is also very lovely.
You pass.
G-God, what is the meaning of this?
The Guardian?
He is in the palm of my hand.
Palm of your hand?
Impossible! Only the Demon King
could possibly
Oh? You saw the ceremony celebrating
the return of the Demon King.
I am Avos Dilhevia.
The false Demon King who destroys gods!
Though now that I have reincarnated,
I am simply a girl in love.
It seems that you require
greater punishment.
My God, Enus Ne Mes,
bestow upon me now the power
of the Dragon King!
As the Omnipotent Holy Light Eques wills!
I am the Dragon King.
I shall now go to Azeshion,
consume its people,
and lead them to God.
But first
You may hear.
Save us!
Father has lost his mind!
This is the voice of my daughter.
There is only one way to save her.
To sever the chains of destiny with
the Sword of Spirits, Gods, and Man.
So you are finally determined
to return it to God.
I think this is a trap.
It may be.
You may regret saving her.
I know that too.
Then do as you wish.
First, secret art of the Sword of Spirits,
Gods, and Man!
Heavenly Splitting Blade!
I sever the chains of your tragic destiny.
Thank you very much.
You will also return to God!
It has been returned to God.
I shall now become the true Hero who rules
the world above ground, Azeshion!
Evansmana has far greater powers
than when you held it!
This is the true power of the holy sword!
Those are quite big words.
When it is nothing before our love.
Regalo Theo Torearos!
I-Impossible! How can a normal demon
without a holy sword
That is very simple.
The Hero's true holy sword
is not that stick.
It is the love in his heart.
Any god that doesn't know
the power of love
should be cut by love and explode.
Did you think you could
defeat the Hero Kanon
if you took the Sword of Spirits,
Gods, and Man from him?
"The Omnipotent Demon King."
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