The Unit s02e17 Episode Script

Dark Of The Moon

In 1979, congress authorized the formation Of a contingent of elite special forces soldiers, Who answer only the the president of the united states.
Their missions, and their very existence, Are closely guarded secrets, Protected by the soldiers themselves, and their wives, Who possess secrets of their own.
They are known only as the unit.
Ok, mack, you and carlito Get the prisoners out.
comfort break.
Let's do it.
Can do easy, G.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Pass is blocked.
I count 12 men and a light machine gun.
Which way they oriented? This way.
Configuration? Overwatch.
Good dispersal.
Machine gun that has good field of fire.
They know what they're doing.
Vehicles? Couple of trucks.
One's a pickup, other's a 2 ton.
Dirt diver.
Principal route is blocked.
That's the only way across the border to base camp.
How about we detour north, make the crossing here? We don't have enough fuel to make it that far.
As long as these damn sunspots la, We can't make radio contact for a resupply drop.
That small forward support base, The one they set up for the sweep The 101st was making along the border.
It should still be in position.
Well, it's a temporary site for resupply.
There's not very much there.
They'll have fuel and a security detachment.
We can go to ground, wait this out.
Better than nothing.
I'll plan us a route.
This tea is very good.
I'm glad you approve.
Of course, it would be much better If you were my guests in my village.
My wife makes a superior tea.
Your english is very good.
Halal? Truly? I assure you.
Sir, i thank you for these meals, But now i would know what you are doing Creeping through my country at night, Kidnapping honest men from their beds.
There are people who wish to speak with you.
And this is their form of invitation? To send you and your men to steal us from our homes, To terrify our family, to kill our kinsmen? This is civilized behavior? This is honest discourse? Is it civilized to bomb innocent people? Most certainly not.
Well, there's a war going on, And these people wish to speak with you about certain things.
And they think i know about these certain things? Supposedly so.
Could we have some more tea? Sir, have you seen me or any of my people In your country waging this war you speak of? People have attacked my country.
My people have attacked your country? Men from my village, my tribe, my clan, Have come to your country and attacked your people? Sir, when did this vile event take place? Others like you have done so.
I see.
Men who live in houses Made of mud and stone, simple men who spend Their lives tending their flocks and fields, Men such as these have attacked The most powerful nation in the world? It has happened.
Sir, i think you are a very fearful people.
I think you are being misled.
Why do you not believe us? Then we can return to our homes, And you should do likewise.
I have a job to do.
And you do this job without thought? Without conscience? What sort of man acts in this manner? I'm a soldier.
That is not an answer.
Boss, take a look at our back trail.
Mount up! Stop! Do not shoot! I will talk to him.
This can be avoided.
Release us and save yourselves.
From who? From those who will surely come.
Who and how many? Your clan is a small one.
But my tribe is legion.
In the truck.
So be it.
Let's move out! We got another one with us.
Roger that.
Support base ocean ceiling, This is team anaconda.
Ocean ceiling, this is team anaconda.
We are nearing your location With a hostile force in pursuit.
Report back, ocean ceiling This is team anaconda.
My team consists of 2 vehicles I will flash you the visual friendly signal when we come in sight.
Go to 100% security.
I authenticate Golf shoe, over.
Swing left, 30 degrees.
Hold on! How far to the camp? Just beyond that field mass.
Ocean ceiling, this is team anaconda.
No good.
Radio's dead.
I see it! Jonas! Jonas, up ahead the camp! keep going! Jonas! Jonas, the camp they're firing on us.
Whoa, whoa! Switch fire! That first truck's a friendly.
Switch fire.
Mack: grey, get over here now, damn it! sarge! Sarge, i thought i heard a Not now.
Who's in charge here? Who wants to know? I'm lieutenant bailey, camp commander.
And you? Blain, sergeant major, special ops command.
I've got some prisoners That i need to turn over to my headquarters.
Uh, sergeant major, this is a log base.
I'm afraid i can't take prisoners off your hands.
Leave the prisoners alone.
Lieutenant, tell your men To get away from my prisoners.
Get away from there, you knotheads.
Hey, back to your positions.
Sorry, sergeant major.
This is the closest they've ever been To live hajis.
lieutenant You should get your troops back here.
The ground is crawling with militia.
I'm in charge of security here, sergeant major.
Those are my reaction team.
Who not only covered your outfit But are capable of taking care of themselves.
No doubt, but give 'em the recall.
They don't know what's out there.
Raise sergeant morales on the radio.
Tell him to turn back.
Well, what if i can't just do what i say! Ma'am, i need a place to hold the prisoners Until i can turn them over.
You got a secure spot for that? There's the sensitive items cage in the log area.
It's in the center of camp.
That should do.
Show these men the cage.
On your feet, soldier, when an officer speaks to you.
Sergeant gerhardt, take the prisoners to the cage, Put a guard on them.
Let's go, hero.
Show me the hoosegow.
Ma'am, is there a place where me and you can talk? Yeah.
Well, nothing as good as a bad cup of army coffee.
The worst.
I grew up on it.
Army brat, huh? Yeah, dad was an artillery first sergeant.
I know fort sill like most women know their own kitchen.
A divided command is a dead command, lieutenant.
What would dad do if he was here, in your position? He'd take charge.
Then do it.
I only have my supply and support troops.
Just 6 of them.
Wallace has the infantry platoon charged with camp security.
And, well, you know What kind of a unit is sent out as a detachment.
Yeah, they sent you all their bums.
A bunch of malcontents with a piss poor sergeant in charge.
But wallace is subordinate to you.
You're the one in command.
Well, he doesn't believe it.
'Cause you don't either.
Look, he drags his feet on everything i tell him.
You act like an officer and he'll act like an n.
He doesn't have to like it.
He just has to do it.
He didn't recall that patrol.
Man, on military radio: overrun us, morales is dead.
Morales is dead.
Help, help! All right, you two, in the truck.
Get your asses in there now.
You too, blaylock.
Hold it.
Nobody goes out.
Those are my men in there.
And now they're dead or they're playing dead.
But if you go out there You're just gonna add to the body count.
Damn it, i'm not gonna just sit here and watch As my men sit out there You be at ease, sergeant.
I told you to recall those men.
By now, hundreds of militia are swarming those hills.
They lured your men into a hasty ambush.
You follow now, And they'll do the same to you.
Out of the truck, men.
But sarge I said outta the damn truck now.
Go back to your positions.
But itas you Who lured them in here on us.
You and those damn rag heads of yours got my men killed.
Sergeant! How many machine guns you got? What? Machine guns.
How many and what kind? Uh, the normal compliment for an infantry platoon.
Out there.
They were in the humvee.
I need to see your fire support overlays And a copy of your barrier plan.
Well, it's not exactly a formal plan.
It's more like in my head, if you know what i mean.
No sergeant, i don't know what you mean.
But what i see is the results of complacency And inaction.
What's the first priority of work in the defense? Uh security? Well, there's not much here, is there? But we're gonna change that, And we're gonna do it in a hurry.
And you know why? Becae come sundown, All those men are gonna try to get in here.
And if they get inside this perimeter, They intend to kill us all.
It is as simple as that.
ok then.
The lieutenant will issue a defensive order mos scosh.
Sergeant gerhardt, Go with sergeant wallace And lay out a triangular defensive perimeter.
And when that's done, bob, sight in the machine guns.
Carlito, check on the prisoners, And get 'em under cover.
This is gonna get ugly.
Yeah, way ahead of you, top.
Hector's on it now.
I'm gonna help mack walk the trace and see what we got here.
, a moment.
Machine guns in pairs, mutually supporting, here, and here.
Yes, ma'am.
Until evening stand to, we stay at 25% security With the rest of the troops working on defensive tasks.
And 50% for the duration of the night.
Sergeant major, divide your team among the squads.
As the senior n.
Present, i place you in charge of the defensive work.
And once you have the work underway, report back to me.
Yes, ma'am.
Sergeant wallace, i'm gonna reconfigure your platoon.
Give a senior team leader and all Your grenadiers to sergeant williams.
Baker, go with williams And round up the thumpers.
sergeant grey, take a detail of 2 men from each squad And go to work on the barrier plan.
We don't have enough wire to cover everything in depth, So plug the natural avenues of approach, And shove the wire that exists out past hand grenade range.
You come with me, mate.
We do that and we can't throw over the wire.
The machine gun, final protective line, Covers the wire.
This way the wire's out far enough The enemy can't throw hand grenades in on us.
I see.
Sergeant brown.
Sir? Gather all flares and place 'em in the c.
When you've done that, put another guard on the prisoners.
Consider it done.
Jonas: it's gonna be a long night.
And till those radio come back to life, We're on our own.
No cavalry's coming to the rescue, it's just us.
But if we dig in deep And work hard with the daylight we have left, I think everything will be all right.
primary firing positions are complete And the barriers are almost done.
sergeant major, i wanted to, uh, to thank you.
The men are working on the secondary positions.
As soon as that's done, We'll construct a final fallback.
Sergeant major.
The containers are in position as you ordered.
I'm gonna take those troops Good god almighty.
It's our own 50 cal they're using on us.
We gotta get those men outta there.
Medic! We need a medic out here! Wallace: you two Get over here and help us out! We gotta stop that gun.
Jonas: it's out of range of anything we have in the camp, And my sniper rifles are in my truck The one out there.
Cease fire! You're just wasting ammo.
Long guns are on the truck, top.
Can't our machine guns give suppressive fire? The guns in camp have an effective range of 1,100 meters.
That 50 cal is out there at 2 klicks.
We gotta get those long guns and put those guys out of action.
That's a long run.
Ain't gonna get no shorter.
We can throw smoke.
Have at it.
Dude, this is one of those times i like being my size.
Well, that's, like, your opinion, dude.
Let's go.
Let's go together.
Give 'em one target instead of 2.
Want to wait on the smoke? Well, the wind's blowin' the wrong way.
But it might hold their attention for a second.
Smoke! More smoke! Life becomes more interesting, no? I was just telling my friends here That life is a gift from allah.
He lends it for a little while and then recalls it To lend to someone else.
Well, you could talk to your friends out there.
Tell them to go away.
Could i? Even were it so, why would i want to? To save lives.
To prevent death.
Why not release us and you go away? That would prevent death.
Can't do it.
Then your choice is death.
But who among us is immortal? You? Me? No.
Death claims us all at the appropriate time.
It is the will of allah, And i do not fear his decision.
Well, then what say we frog march this brave old man And his 2 friends out front And blow their brains out in front of their buddies, huh? Bet that would change the situation in a hurry, wouldn't it? Hell, without him, they'd probably just pack up and leave.
A coward thinks all other men are cowards, And a thief believes all others are thieves.
By god, i'll do it now Sarge, no! Listen to him.
There'll be no second chance.
Ah, screw it.
But you try it again, i'll kill you.
Sergeant major.
I think you'd better watch your back.
I was with him in iraq and He's done some Just be careful is all i'm saying.
Well, you'd better get back on the radio And try to break up some of that static.
Yes, sir.
Even a blind hog gets an acorn every now and again.
Wilco, sergeant jor.
Most diverting.
You would kill me if i tried to escape, But you protect me from a murderer.
Wait a condemned man must be kept healthy Before he can be hung.
It is your law, yes? It is the law that as my prisoner, I'm bound to protect you.
An excellent law.
Would that more men observed it.
Sounds like your friends out there are learning The law of exterior ballistics.
Range 2,320 meters.
Windage right, 4 mils.
Ready? Ready.
At my command.
Snipers, ready, fire.
Elevation and windage no change.
snipers, ready, fire! Good hit.
No change.
ammo box.
Snipers, ready, fire.
Misfire! You're on your own.
Through the grill.
2 rounds.
Sniper, ready, fire! Cease fire! That 50's done for.
Great shooting.
I've never seen anything like that.
We got about an hour and a half till sundown, And there's still a lot of work to do.
Mack: then let's not waste any of it.
Lieutenant! Lieutenant, let's move those light sets To the camp interior.
Sergeant? Indulge me, ma'am.
ma'am, it's time.
Stand to, men! Stand to! Stand to! Stand to! Stand to! Stand to, men! that's the evening calls to prayer.
If i should go down, Sergeant gerhardt will take my place.
After him, grey, then williams, then brown.
But no matter what else happens, Do not let wallace near these prisoners.
You sign up for r.
C to help pay for college, You just don't ever think Everything will be all right, lieutenant.
You gotta believe that.
If you believe it, so will the men.
I know it.
We've done everything we possibly could.
We're ady.
You're damn right we are.
Ok, ma'am, stand to's over.
Let's get to 50% security until something happens.
I'll give the Look! Over there.
Lanterns, and flashlights.
They're coming down.
What the hell? They're moving about.
Just trying to rattle us.
Tell the men to stand fast and watch their sectors.
All right.
And send out those listening posts! Ok! All right, I.
, i'm gonna move among the men.
I suggest you stay at the c.
, Where alknow we can reach you.
There's a chance those radios will come to life.
If they do, you can call it in for some support.
Cease fire! Stop that machine gun! Soldier: cease fire! Medic! Shut up! It was a probe to get us to show our gun positions.
Get some help, but do it quietly.
And no more shooting until i say so.
The troops are spooked already.
Well, we gotta un spook 'em.
Get another crew on that gun And tell them they don't shoot Until the attack is in the wire.
The signal will be 2 green star clusters.
Will do.
I'm gonna give hector and his crew some work.
Pass the word to the squad leaders No more machine gun fire and no rifle fire until ordered.
They're trying to get a fix on our positions, So they can figure out where to crawl up to.
I'll go now.
, tell the troops the next sound they hear out there will be ours.
It'll be a crowd pleaser.
Roger that, sergeant major.
And ma'am.
Yes? Don't forget to smile.
It reassures the troops.
Got it.
Jonas: probing fire.
Thought so.
Let's give 'em a surprise.
I want you to fire an open sheaf Wanna watch? I got other things to do.
Give me 5 minutes and then let 'er rip.
Con mucho gusto, mi sargento mayor.
Alpha team at 9 o'clock.
Bravo team at 12 o'clock.
outward 25 meters per round.
At my command.
Boys are gettin' jumpy.
Well let's settle them down.
In a couple of minutes, hector's gonna give 'em a little surprise.
When he does, fire a parachute flare And have your boys shoot whatever they see.
I'm gonna do the same with first squad.
Fire! There he is! Unh! cease fire! Thank god and the american tax payers for the body armor.
It saved your life.
I feel like i've been hit by a truck.
Ak round straight on will do that to you.
A couple broken ribs to boot.
I was stupid.
It's called combat.
You just stepped in the flight path of some bullets.
It happens.
Well, you're officially in charge now.
What happened? Lieutenant got hit.
The sergeant major is in command now.
Yes, ma'am.
I can see that.
We really kicked their ass that time, huh? It was a probe.
They found out what they needed to know.
They'll be back.
When they're ready.
They're probably getting into position.
It'll take a little while.
Right before the flare went out, I saw maybe 40 men running along the base of the hill on my side.
You can probably multiply that by a factor of 3.
That's over 100 men.
We possibly hold out against those odds! Yes we can.
We're dug in.
We've got plenty of ammo.
Good fields of fire.
And the men are ready.
We just have to remain calm and don't panic, 'Cause panic is what kills.
Sergeant wallace, i want you to take over in the c.
Keep trying to make radio contact.
Sergeant gerhardt's gonna take over as platoon sergeant.
You can move out now.
You'll be safe here now, ma'am.
I'm sure.
But hand me my rifle anyway.
See you in the morning, I.
when do you think? After midnight.
They need to get into posion, Let us relax our guard.
Well, they gotta over run us.
It's about the only chance they got.
I suspect so.
Put the troops on 50% security.
Let 'em get as much rest as possible.
They'll wake up when the shooting starts.
I'm gonna deliver another basic load of ammo And get their water topped up.
And let 'em know if they need to take a leak, Do it in their foxholes.
The only friendlies i want moving around are the leaders.
I will.
It's gonna get ugly.
Yeah, i know.
One of you kick back, get some shut eye.
You first.
Machine guns know not to fire Till the enemy hits the final protective line? They know.
But will they do? Well, we'll see, won't we? Hey, what time you got? Why? You taking medicine? Aimed shots men.
Make 'em count.
Anflares left? Grey just popped the last one! Machine guns! Now! cyclic rate.
Hold it down! cease fire! Cease fire! Check the line.
Circulate among the troops, calm them down.
Then get 'em back to 50% security.
We may just hold this thing till dawn.
yeah, ok.
Where do you want these men? Where'd they come from? What the hell?! There was nothing going on back there.
I figured they were needed here.
You pulled these men off the line?! Uh, only half of them.
Take them back to their positions! Take them back now.
they're in the wire! Damn it! Follow me! Fire the f.
! Fall back! Fall back to the alternate positions! Fall back to the ditch, men! Mack and grey: fall back men! Fall back to the ditch.
Into the line, men.
High angle, fire! Fall back! Fall back, men! Any station, any station, this is ocean ceiling! We are under heavy attack! Any station, any station, Respond, over! Nothing, sarge! Damn it! Johnson, take cox and carter with you.
Go get those damn prisoners out of the cage And bring them here! I know how to put an end to this.
Do it now, damn it! And bring 'em to me! Any station! Any station! Come on, out! Come on, get out! Mack, fire! Fire! The prisoners! The prisoners! What about the prisoners damnt?! They're loose.
And they have our weapons.
God almighty.
Lights! It's the prisoners.
They've gotten loose.
They got guns.
Give me a hand here! Stay down! Keep them down! It's got to stop.
We've got to make it stop.
We've got toounter attack.
It's too late! They'll kill us all.
But by god, he goes first.
Don't! Put that on your leg.
Maybe you live.
You! keep firing! Into 'em! Go! Go! Over theill! Go! They'rgone.
Leaders consolidate.
Redistribute arms and ammunition.
Maintain positions.
How many dead? too many.
Where's the I.
? Over here.
How you doing? I'm all right.
What's the status? They've slipped back into the hills.
We hurt 'em pretty bad, but another night like this Radio's alive! I made contact with headquarters.
They're sending medivacs and a relief uni Be here in 20.
Then we've made it.
Looks that way.
hey, top, over here.
All 3.
But, what Who did it? Them.
Who knows? And who the hell was he anyway That caused all this? A man Just a man.

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