Where's Wally (2020) s02e17 Episode Script

Baa-Baa For Now, New Zealand

# Oh, ah, oh
# Oh, ah, oh
# Where do you go
Where do you go Wally?
# Oh, ah, oh
# I search the world for you
# Take a trip around the world
# Take a trip around the world
# Catch a ride to the moon
# Ride the waves at the beach
Jump in, discover something new
# Oh, ah, oh
# Oh, ah, oh
# Anywhere you go, I'll find you
# Oh, oh, oh
# Where do you go?
Where do you go?
# Where's Wally? #
Ha! Well done, Arf and Woof!
You've become really good
at sheep-herding.
Er, I mean, hamster-herding.
Er, I mean, hamster-herding.
Here you go!
And for being such a great
little sheep,
here you go, Mr Wumples.
little sheep,
here you go, Mr Wumples.
Wally! Woo-hoo! Wenda! Ooh. Wonders!
Wizard Whitebeard!
And a WanderPost!
Yes, indeedy.
And a WanderPost!
Yes, indeedy.
But it isn't for you or me,
young Wanderers.
Well, then who is it for?
Arf and Woof, of course!
Arf and Woof, of course!
BOTH: Arf and Woof?
Yes. I was telling my old friend,
Wizard Corriedale, all about Arf
and Woof's hamster-herding skills.
(BARKING)And now she's
invited them to her farm
(BARKING)And now she's
invited them to her farm
to take part in
her sheep-herding competition!
Wow! You lucky dogs!
And you, lucky Wanderers!
You were invited as well!
And you, lucky Wanderers!
You were invited as well!
Brilliant!So, where are we going
for this competition,
Wizard Whitebeard?
That's an excellent question, Wally.
Wizard Whitebeard?
That's an excellent question, Wally.
So, tell them where
they're going, WanderGlobe!
By striped staff,
and white of beard,
I summon magic, wild and weird.
Spin, oh magic globe, to show
where these Wanderers will go!
where these Wanderers will go!
New Zealand!
Right you are, Wally!
Wizard Corriedale's farm is just
outside the city of Auckland.
Wizard Corriedale's farm is just
outside the city of Auckland.
Oh, I've always wanted
to visit New Zealand!
White sand beaches,
rolling green hills,
and of course sheep!
and of course sheep!
Actually, lots and lots
of sheep, Wenda.
Did you know that there are more
sheep than people in New Zealand?
Now, have fun, doggies,
and say "Baah!"
Now, have fun, doggies,
and say "Baah!"
to Corriedale's sheep for me,
BOTH: Wander!
Well, sounds like we've landed
in the right place Wally.
And it looks like we're
in the right place, too.
And it looks like we're
in the right place, too.
Wizard Corridale's farm.
I see the sheepdogs,
and I see the sheep,
but where's Wizard Corriedale,
but where's Wizard Corriedale,
Wally? Where's Wally?
We're over here, Wenda!
We? What we?
We? What we?
This we! Hiya! Ha!
That we is me!
Wenda, meet Wizard Corriedale.
Wenda, meet Wizard Corriedale.
Welcome to New Zealand, Wanderers!
Or as we say around here, kia ora!
Kia ora, Wizard Corriedale!
Wally spotted that I needed
an extra hand moving this canoe.
Wally spotted that I needed
an extra hand moving this canoe.
But where do I put it?
Everywhere you look are sheep,
or dogs or sheepdogs.
How about in here, Wizard Corriedale?
How about in here, Wizard Corriedale?
You're going to fit
a whole canoe in your hat?
Now you're spinning yarns, Wally!
No, I'm not. Look. Huh?
No, I'm not. Look. Huh?
Ah! Uh-uh-uh.
It's bigger in here than you think.
It's bigger in here than you think.
Well, shear me like a sheep.
Brilliant! Thanks, Wally.
Hey, where are Woof and Arf?
Hey, where are Woof and Arf?
Oh! They must've found Ace and Indy.
Ace and Indy?
Wally, Wenda, meet Ace and Indy.
Aw! Hi, Ace! Hi, Indy!
Wow! Look at all these sheep! It's
like a field full of cotton balls!
Wow! Look at all these sheep! It's
like a field full of cotton balls!
Yup. They're my great,
woolly wonders, Wally.
I've cared for each and every one
since they were wee little lambs.
I've cared for each and every one
since they were wee little lambs.
And see here? Hiya!
That's a signature
Wizard Corriedale sheep bell.
Only my sheep have bells like these.
Only my sheep have bells like these.
And I know every sheep by name.
But also, by their special rings.
Hi, Midge.
Hi, Midge.
Now follow me,
Wanderers and WanderDogs!
The competition is about to start.
Woof! Woof! Woof!
Woof! Woof!
Bark! Bark-bark.
Bark! Bark-bark.
He still doesn't think
you're a dog, Fritz.
If we wanna become the best shepherd
and sheepdog in New Zealand,
If we wanna become the best shepherd
and sheepdog in New Zealand,
we need people, and sheep,
to think you're a dog.
So, try to be more like them.
So, try to be more like them.
Uh, woof?
Bark. Hey, sheep!
Bark. Hey, sheep!
Over here!
Nah. Wag your tail more.
Woof, woof. I'm a doggie.
Woof, woof. I'm a doggie.
Woof, woof.
Hmm. This might be harder
than I thought.(BLEATS, BELL RINGS)
But maybe there's
another way we can win!
But maybe there's
another way we can win!
Like, using a magic key!
Ooh is right, Fritz.
But which magic key should we use?
But which magic key should we use?
Let's see what I brought with us.
Firefly Key. (ZAP)
Ooh! Hey!
No. The Lollipop Key?
No. The Lollipop Key?
Huh? Hey! Ooh! He-hey!
Nah. The Tiny Twister Key!
Nah. The Tiny Twister Key!
Huh? Ah uh?
Hey! Ah! (GROWLS)
Hey! Ah! (GROWLS)
The Magnet Key?
Mm. How is that gonna help?
Fritz? I think I might've found
what we were looking for.
Fritz? I think I might've found
what we were looking for.
That best sheep herder's
trophy is as good as ours!
MAN: (OVER PA) Welcome,
sheep herders and sheepdogs,
to Wizard Corriedale's New Zealand
Sheep Herding Competition!
to Wizard Corriedale's New Zealand
Sheep Herding Competition!
It looks like another fine field
of furry competitors this year,
all hoping to take home
the Best Herding Trophy.
all hoping to take home
the Best Herding Trophy.
Wow, Wizard Corriedale!
Those are some incredible dogs.
What is it, WanderDogs?
Over there, everyone.
Some sheep have wandered off.
That's Emma
Horatio and Bergita!
Well, it looks like the competition
is about to get started
Well, it looks like the competition
is about to get started
sooner than I thought! Ace, Indy,
what do you say
we show Wally and Wenda
how we herd in New Zealand?
how we herd in New Zealand?
(OVER PA) Well, it looks like
the competition has begun.
Wizard Corriedale's team
is on the field!
Whoa, look at Ace and Indy go!
Whoa, look at Ace and Indy go!
But herding is all about teamwork.
I do my part by giving them
their herding commands.
Indy! Come away!
Indy! Come away!
Ace, come by!
"Come away" means "go right."
So "come by" must mean "go left!"
So "come by" must mean "go left!"
OK, try it out, Arf and Woof!
(OVER PA) And it looks like
a new pair of herding dogs
have joined Corriedale's
herding team.
have joined Corriedale's
herding team.
That's great teamwork!
What a way to start the competition.
That'll do, Indy. That'll do, Ace.
Great job, WanderDogs!
That'll do, Indy. That'll do, Ace.
Great job, WanderDogs!
Wait a second, sheep herding fans!
We have another competitor
on the field!
Bark! Bark! Bark!
Bark! Bark! Bark!
Bark! Bark!
Whoa! Look at that!
That dog is amazing!
Bark! Bark!
Bark! Bark!
But that is definitely
one strange-looking sheepdog.
Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark.
Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark.
That's because he isn't a dog,
Wizard Corriedale. He's a ferret!
Wizard Corriedale. He's a ferret!
I've never seen anything like this!
How is that little fella doing it?
BOTH: Odlulu!
BOTH: Odlulu!
Uh, I've heard
every herding command,
but I've never heard "Odlulu!"
That's because it's not a herding
command, Wizard Corriedale.
That's because it's not a herding
command, Wizard Corriedale.
It's a girl
in yellow and black stripes.
Look, Wenda. There she is!
And she has a magic key!
Sheep shears! It's the Magnet Key!
The metal bells
on the sheep's collars!
The metal bells
on the sheep's collars!
Uh, she's using that key
to herd them with magnetism!
MAN ON PA: Wow, folks,
what a performance! A perfect score!
There's no way anyone's
going to be able to top that!
There's no way anyone's
going to be able to top that!
Which means Team Odlulu and Fritz
are our sheep herding winners!
Odlulu won the competition.
But they didn't win it fairly.
Other dogs deserved to win.
Not them.
We have to fix this.
Not them.
We have to fix this.
Follow, Wanderers!
Oh, thank you, thank you!
It was nothing really. Just so proud
It was nothing really. Just so proud
of my talented little pooch here.
Bark! Bark! Bark-bark.
Aah! Wanderers!
Aah! Wanderers!
Um, I want to thank all the sheep,
and always believe in yourself,
follow your dreams!
(CHUCKLES) Gotta go! Bye!
follow your dreams!
(CHUCKLES) Gotta go! Bye!
(PANTING) She's getting away!
(PANTING) She's getting away!
Odlulu! Turn off the Magnet Key!
The gate's broken open!
Kora! Taika! Niko! Big Gary!
Little Gary! Come back!
Little Gary! Come back!
They can't, Wizard Corriedale.
They're going wherever
the Magnet Key leads them.
Phew. That was a close one, Fritz.
But we got what we came for!
The best sheep herder's trophy.
Now, let's get home and put
it in our clubhouse.
Now, let's get home and put
it in our clubhouse.
Uh, Odlulu?
What is it, Fritz?
What are they doing here?
What are they doing here?
The Magnet Key! Turn it off!
The Magnet Key! Turn it off!
I think we've done enough
shepherding for one day.
Go home, sheep!
You're gonna scratch the trophy!
Aah! Sheep incoming!
Brace for fluffiness!
(GASPS) Turn right! Turn right!
I said turn right.
There they are,
Wizard Corriedale! Up ahead.
There they are,
Wizard Corriedale! Up ahead.
OK, dogs. Bring back that flock!
Let's herd some sheep!
Ugh. Remind me to never
let a sheep drive again.
Now, where's that Magnet Key,
so I can finally turn it off?
The Lollipop Key?
The Lollipop Key?
Then who has the Magnet Key?
The Magnet Key!
The key!Fritz!
What's happening, Wanderers?
The dogs can't get
What's happening, Wanderers?
The dogs can't get
the flock under control.
You have to turn off that key!
I know. But I don't have it.
Well, if she doesn't
have it, who does?
Well, if she doesn't
have it, who does?
(RINGING)Admiral Fuzzyface.
He has the key on his bell!
Then hold onto your stripes,
everyone. I'm on it.
Then hold onto your stripes,
everyone. I'm on it.
Wizard Corriedale, can I please
borrow your shepherd's crook?
Ah! Ha! Ah!
Now I'm on it!
Ah! Ha! Ah!
Now I'm on it!
Hi, Admiral Fuzzyface.
I think you have something we need.
I think you have something we need.
Got it!Great!
Now I can go home with my trophy.
Got it!Great!
Now I can go home with my trophy.
Whoa! My bag of keys!
Oh, no! My sheep!
Oh, no! My trophy!
That tiny twister has
the Magnet Key, Wally.
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, everyone.
Over here, everyone.
Now, to turn off that twister.
But my flock is still scattered.
They've never been
outside my farm before.
They've never been
outside my farm before.
Poor little lambs.
Don't worry, Wizard Corriedale.
We'll split up,
find your sheep,
and bring them home safe and sound.
find your sheep,
and bring them home safe and sound.
Luckily, we do have the best
sheepdogs in New Zealand.
Right. Four of them.
Fritz and I will help, too.
We'll go find the Magnet Key,
Fritz and I will help, too.
We'll go find the Magnet Key,
so it can't attract any more sheep.
Good idea, Odlulu.
But how are you going to find it?
I probably have a magic key
in here that can help.
I probably have a magic key
in here that can help.
Let's see.
Gigantic Meatball Key
(GASPS) Huh?
I think you've caused
enough problems
with your magic keys
for one day, young lady.
with your magic keys
for one day, young lady.
Good point.
Wally, bottomless hat, please.
OK, everyone. Let's herd!
Down you go, then.(LIFT DINGS)
Now, where did that Magnet Key go?
Now, where did that Magnet Key go?
Uh, Odlulu?
Oh. There it is.
Oh. There it is.
(STRUGGLING) Now, how do you
turn it off? Aah!
turn it off? Aah!
Well, getting rid of the key is just
as good as getting it, right?
Well, getting rid of the key is just
as good as getting it, right?
And way out on the water is
pretty far away from any sheep.
So we did it!
So we did it!
Good for us, Fritz!
Mission accomplished.
Let's go and tell the Wanderers
what a good job we did!
Uh, trophy?
Who knows, Fritz?
Uh, trophy?
Who knows, Fritz?
Maybe they will
give us another trophy!
Oof. I think that's the last
of them, Wizard Corriedale.
Oof. I think that's the last
of them, Wizard Corriedale.
Oh. Welcome back, my little lambs!
Now, I hope Odlulu managed
to deal with that Magnet Key.
Now, I hope Odlulu managed
to deal with that Magnet Key.
Hey, Wanderers!
You can all relax, now.
We got rid of the Magnet Key.
Trophy, please!
Uh Odlulu? Where did you
get rid of it, exactly?
Uh Odlulu? Where did you
get rid of it, exactly?
Out to sea.
Easy, there, pups!
Woof? Arf?
Easy, there, pups!
Woof? Arf?
What's the matter?
Wenda, look! The sheep!
They're heading back into Auckland!
Oh, no!
My flock is heading
straight to the harbour!
Are sheep good swimmers?
Are sheep good swimmers?
We need to get there before they do,
and turn off that Magnet Key.
The Magnet Key!
We need to get it back.
Uh but my scooter
can't drive on water, Wally.
Uh but my scooter
can't drive on water, Wally.
That's just great.
(GASPS) Hmm.
(GASPS) Hmm.
Did you say something, Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Out here, everyone!
My canoe! That's brilliant!
My canoe! That's brilliant!
I forgot you had that
in there, Wally.
Quickly, all aboard
the Wally Magnetised Climb-anator!
the Wally Magnetised Climb-anator!
(GASPS) Wally, the sheep!
They're coming!
Good dogs!
OK. Now let's go get that key.
Uh, you said this was
a magnetised climb-anator?
Yes, I did.
Now, for the final touch.
Ha! Brilliant!
OK, Wenda. Raise the ladder!
I'm on it!
Hold it steady
We're almost there!
We're almost there!
Hurry, Wally!
I still can't get it!
I still can't get it!
Bark! Bark! Bark! (GRUNTING)
Well done, Fritzy!
Wizard Corriedale!
Your shepherd's crook!
Here you go, Wally!
Here you go, Wally!
(GRUNTS) Got it!
Now, to turn off this magnet
once and for all.
Now, to turn off this magnet
once and for all.
Well, shear me like a sheep.
Here you go, Wizard Corriedale.
We didn't win it fairly.
Actually, Odlulu,
your weird little sheepdog
Actually, Odlulu,
your weird little sheepdog
did alright out there today.
That was some really great teamwork.
Bark! Bark, bark, bark! Bark!
Bark! Bark, bark, bark! Bark!
Welcome home!
Gracie! Barnaby!
Gracie! Barnaby!
Satchmo! Jimmy Two-Toes!
Good to see you all!
Hiya! Kay!
Thank you, Wanderers,
for returning my sheep.
Thank you, Wanderers,
for returning my sheep.
And thank you, Arf and Woof!
Anytime you wanna help with herding,
you're always welcome on
Wizard Corriedale's farm.
you're always welcome on
Wizard Corriedale's farm.
You're welcome, Wizard Corriedale.
Thank you for teaching us
so much about herding!
In fact Arf, Woof!
In fact Arf, Woof!
Come by!
Ha! That'll do, dogs. That'll do.
Ha! That'll do, dogs. That'll do.
BOTH: Wander!
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