The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s02e18 Episode Script

Almighty Demon King

So have you come up with an excuse
for why your revelation was incorrect?
It was not incorrect.
You simply defied the revelation.
You will surely
receive retribution for it,
Demon King of Dilhade, Anos Voldigoad.
Your kingdom, your capital,
will be destroyed today.
My God,
bestow upon us a miracle
of the Moon of Creation, Altieltnoah!
I ask you, Selection God Arcana,
do you wish to destroy Midhaze?
Or do you wish to save it?
You do not seem like a god
who wishes for destruction.
So you finally implore my God for mercy.
Answer me, Arcana.
If you do not wish for destruction,
then I will save you.
I… don't…
My existence is for saving people.
I am not a miracle of destruction!
I see. Shin.
Seventh secret art of the Looting Sword,
Landscape Stealer.
You are an enemy.
I must eliminate you.
You need not be concerned.
That is impossible.
Third secret art of the God Slasher,
Do you wish to continue?
Are you curious to know
where my God has gone?
They will return here regardless.
Guala Nateh Forteos.
So you had recovered the Spirit God Sword?
You may have thought that you
had overturned the revelation.
But all is as God wills.
I have received a new revelation.
I have no reason not to resist any longer.
So you have finished
preparing to defeat me?
Shall we move somewhere more fitting?
Azept Arcana.
You will now be judged in a trial of
the Sword of the Omnipotent, Levine Gilma.
So long as this holy sword exists,
the devout Ahide cannot
be destroyed by any means.
There is only one way to destroy him.
To draw the sword and cut him three times.
However, that sword
must be kept within the sheath.
If the sword is drawn,
the drawer's source is destroyed
in all past, present, and future.
Misfit Anos, answer this question:
Does an omnipotent
being exist in this world?
I have received a revelation.
You cannot possibly defeat me!
It seems that the sword's power is real.
Gia Greas.
It is futile.
What will you accomplish
by taking your eyes off me?
If your body is indestructible,
then how will you enjoy this?
A spell to show nightmares was it?
It will not work.
The moon will soon be full.
If I destroy countless lives
and offer them in sacrifice to God…
Ahide, if you sacrifice the Dragonborn…
I confess my sins. Please forgive me.
My God, I am confessing my sins.
Will you not absolve me of my sins?
Oracle Ahide, may salvation be…
You said you wanted to know the answer.
Can someone who is omnipotent
create a sword that no one can draw?
An indestructible body
is the greatest weapon!
The cause of your loss
is doubting the revelation!
Please, do not make such a face.
My threat was to deceive him.
Unlike Arcana, you do not see anything.
Look very closely at
what you took from me.
If one draws the Sword of the Omnipotent,
their source is destroyed
in all past, present, and future.
Suppose you are omnipotent.
You would disappear from all of the past.
There would never have been
an omnipotent being.
This… No… It cannot…
No one can draw the
Sword of the Omnipotent.
That means that there
is no omnipotent being.
To realize this, is the trial of
the Selection God Arcana.
Is that correct?
An omnipotent god cannot exist.
Only the one who knows this,
is worthy to be Agent.
Tell him. He is far too pitiful.
Oracle Ahide, you will not die.
That is not the Sword of the Omnipotent.
It is a fake that I created.
If you had drawn this one,
you would have died long ago.
Now Arcana, I have given you an answer,
but that was only the answer you wanted.
I will give you my own answer now.
Do you feel better now?
Your body may be indestructible,
but your mind seems very delicate.
You fool. You did not know
that you were being tested.
You discarded your first and final
chance of your own accord.
Now, it is time for you to repent!
Farewell Misfit!
Did you think that it could not cut you
just because it was in its sheath?
My God Arcana!
Was this body not indestructible?!
There is only one way to destroy you.
I simply need to draw the Sword of
the Omnipotent and cut you three times.
If it is not in its sheath,
the drawer's life is destroyed!
Venegiala is a spell
which makes possibilities exist.
The possibility that I draw
the sword, and the possibility
that I do not draw the sword,
both of them are a reality now.
Possibilities… into reality?
The omnipotent being created
a sword that no one can draw.
If they themselves can draw the sword,
then they failed to create the sword.
If they cannot draw the sword,
then they cannot be omnipotent.
Then what can they do?
They can draw the undrawable
sword without drawing it.
What is this nonsensical gibberish?!
Everything is logically incorrect!
Was the one who thought up
that logic omnipotent?
That means that the omnipotent
is not bound by logic.
Perhaps one who is not omnipotent
cannot understand that.
Now, your indestructible body is no more.
What you will see from now on, are dreams
of a world where you are betrayed by God.
The only way out is to abandon your faith.
You can go about the
kingdom, proclaiming that
the Omnipotent Holy Light Equis
does not exist.
Without killing anyone.
Once you do this 1,000 times and truly
abandon your faith, the spell will end.
Did you like my answer?
There is no omnipotent being.
That is what I thought.
You have won this holy war.
Kill me and take my order.
Tell me,
why were you searching for the answer?
That was not one of Ahide's orders.
I have forgotten my name as a god.
All gods become Selection Gods
by selecting a Candidate.
I have forgotten my name from
before I became a Selection God.
All I remember is that
I wished for kindness.
And that I was not kind.
The gods have no hearts.
That is why I believe
that I gave up my name
and my memories to gain a heart.
I wanted to be a kind god.
After gaining a heart,
I saved people as a nameless god.
One day, I met a believer
and his daughter.
His daughter was a Candidate.
At the end of the holy war,
her life returned to Heaven.
Per dogma, death in a holy war
is to be celebrated.
He wished to me for judgment upon
the Candidate who killed his daughter,
that they may have eternal death.
I tried to convince him otherwise.
Revenge produces nothing.
Have his daughter
brought back to life instead.
The Moon of Creation
can create the exact same person.
You lied to him?
I created his daughter.
He was happy. I thought I had saved him.
However, several months later,
an Agent selected during
the Judgment Selection told him the truth.
His daughter was a fake.
He died.
I committed a sin which I
should not have committed.
How could I have saved his soul?
Should I have granted him his revenge?
But then, if I were to save someone,
another would be lost.
Gods are not omnipotent.
It's impossible to save everyone.
I wanted someone to change my conclusion.
Anos Voldigoad, you are truly worthy
of becoming the Agent of God.
One who is truly omnipotent.
This defeat is punishment for my sins,
and the greatest salvation.
Farewell. Your victory--
I have returned! God has not forsaken me!
You should not have been able to come
back until you truly abandoned your faith.
I simply did as you did!
I abandoned my faith
without abandoning my faith!
My God, we shall withdraw for the moment.
-I can't do that.
Wh-- Y-You can't?
Oracle Ahide, I selected you
in order to save you.
However, that was a mistake.
What?! A mistake?!
The one who is worthy of
becoming Agent of God
is the one who overcame
the trial of the omnipotent,
the Misfit Anos.
Ahide, you will return to being a devout
follower and live a life of prudence.
I see!
You said 1,000 times
in order to deceive me!
I am still in the dream!
Ahide, you aren't--
I never believed even an inch
in any stupid god since the beginning!
This is quite the transformation.
You thought to throw me into despair,
but your thinking was too shallow!
A nightmare where I must abandon
my faith is no nightmare to me!
Now then! Round 1,001!
I shall give those foolish believers
and the Pope the truth!
Steel yourself.
I doubt that it will go
as well as the previous rounds.
As you can see,
I have no intention of becoming a god.
I do not care to save
every man who cannot be saved.
You will not find a being in this world
who would so conveniently wish to do so.
But if you still wish for
a kind god who will save all,
then you can be that god.
I am a god deserving of punishment.
One cannot enact greater punishment than
that upon one who wishes for punishment.
Who would believe in a god
who has committed a sin?
Who can absolve a god
who carries the burden of sin?
Then I will absolve you.
I absolve you of your sins.
If anyone casts a stone against you,
then I will be your shield.
If you admit your sins,
then atone for them.
Spend the rest of your life doing so.
Can I atone for them?
You must have seen it in this battle.
Emilia and the students of Hero Academy.
No one is ever free from error.
However, everyone accepts their sins
and looks to the future to atone for them.
You are a god. What will you accomplish
in escaping from your sins?
I ask you, what is your atonement?
I want to eliminate
the Judgment Selection.
It is an order created by
the will of gods, a ritual of sacrifice.
So long as it continues,
so will the fighting.
Over and over.
Anos, you can… no,
together we can do that.
Please allow me to atone for my sins.
I will believe you.
I will never doubt your kindness.
Become my God, Arcana.
We will destroy the Judgment Selection.
It seems you used a great amount of holy
water to defeat the flight of dragons.
That is very reckless for a demon.
Why did you go so far in your fight?
I am a teacher.
I am responsible for my students' safety.
You have accomplished your duty.
You have restored the pride that
the students of Hero Academy once lost,
defeating the dragons by human hands.
That will surely become the key to
restoring this rotten kingdom.
I do not place brilliant
subordinates in low places.
As I promised, an equivalent rank
to the Seven Ancients awaits you.
B-But I…
Wait up!
You were the only teacher
who taught us to run away.
We wouldn't have had the courage
to fight the dragons ourselves.
Without you, we'll turn back
into the trash we were before.
I'll be a proper hero! So please…
King Anos,
being called a "brilliant subordinate"
is a greater honor than I deserve.
I am not deserving of equivalent rank
as the Seven Ancients.
Punish me as you see fit.
However, I ask only one thing.
Please allow me to teach them.
You damned fools!
You dare bow your heads to the enemy King!
You will be executed for treason!
That is no cause for execution.
Yes, it is!
I am the King of this kingdom!
I am the law!
What do you mean?
All of the royal family has vanished.
I am the only survivor
with a right to the throne!
You are a simple-minded man.
Zamira Engelo, you are
under arrest for treason!
Wh-What is the meaning of this?
You knew everything.
Ahide first approached you.
You introduced King Lysius and released
the underground dragons upon Azeshion.
Simultaneously, you drew up plans
to kill the King and the royal family
in order to become King yourself.
All of the evidence has been
broadcast by magic to all of Azeshion.
The nobility has had
enough of the rotten royalty.
Stop! Unhand me!
I am King! Unhand me!
Emilia, it may not be ideal for you,
but I told the nobility of this first.
As you can see, the position
of headmaster is now available.
Emilia Ludowell, you are now
the headmaster of Hero Academy.
Defend Azeshion and develop
the future of the kingdom.
I humbly accept this position.
This ends joint lessons between schools!
Now, indeed, yes indeed!
They were very worthwhile lessons!
Once things stabilize,
I will visit Dilhade.
When I do, would you mind if I visit you?
Oh, um, I want to make sure
that you are studying diligently.
-I look forward to seeing you.
You still have much to tell me
about canned food.
Then I will bring some higher-end
canned food.
Until then.
So why is she coming with us?
Selection Gods cannot return to the God
Realm during the Judgment Selection.
It would be best if she stays near.
At Anos's house?
Oh no!
Anos! Why are you so small?
Oh, is being Demon King too stressful?
It's okay!
You're still only six-months-old!
Well, her previous owner
was a very bad man.
I have taken her from him.
Stole her from him…
That's my son!
It seems she cannot go home for a while.
Let her live here until she can.
You want to live together?!
Save me!
"The Great Demon King Drills."
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