The Unit s02e18 Episode Script

Two Coins

In 1979,congress authorized the formation of a contingent of elite special forces soldiers who answer only to the president of the united states.
Their missions and their very existence are closely guarded secrets protected by the soldiers themselves and their wives,who possess secrets of their own.
Fire! They are known only as the unit.
thirty-two seconds start to close - 32 second.
- *** jerusalem,israel not much left of the robot is there? we'll salvage what we can And so,you see that is the problem.
What's the solution? This is professor shemesh.
Good to meet you,sir.
Your embassy in beirut.
The marine barracks.
The first world trade bombing.
you can turn on the lights Our exercise today is penetration-in-depth.
So theoretically,you have an infinite amount of bombers that can penetrate-in-depth at any length.
Is that the answer? Never was a horse that couldn't be rode.
Never was a rider couldn't be throwed.
there is an answer to every problem and a problem for each answer.
Can you solve the problem? Well,we're the defenders,you're the opfor? That's right.
We can attempt it.
White,care to summarize the situation? Uh,penetration-in-depth.
If one perimeter can be breached,any number can be breached.
I'd say we're looking at a real new problem.
No,actually we are looking at a - quite an old problem.
The romans knew the answer to this attack-in-depth.
Each suicide bomber allows the next attacker to get closer to the target and so on, but can you can you decipher it? You know the answer.
I think I do.
I think I do.
You tell me.
Bring it back tomorrow.
We'll see if we agree and,uh,my friends reach the same conclusion.
Because if you can,they can,and that may help us anticipate their countermove.
Do your intelligence officers know where the bad guys are planning to use this leapfrog tactic? Washington,D.
,The white house.
ancient siege warfare Secret service is lookin' for recommendations.
I imagine they're losin' some sleep over this one.
Well,I'm sure they'd prefer to lose some sleep than their jobs.
Ok,then let's crack it.
the pro.
suggest that the secret to the problem of incursion-in-depth can be found in the construction of the ancient battlement.
the ancients didn't have gunpowder.
Well,then that's our first hint,now,isn't it? What do we do to render gunpowder ineffective? Give it to a pacifist.
What else? Come on.
audrey marie anderson You hungry,soldier? Oh,yeah.
Well,let's feed you,then.
No protection? weapons? detachment fifteen so you say.
i think i should search you.
dream on who's your boyfriend? he's michael jackson's hairdresser give me a break he have a weapon? He wants to know if you're carrying a gun.
Why would I be carrying a gun? They make me look fat.
We were bombed last year.
Ok,here we have- thank you-a castle.
Now,the problem that he has left us with- suppose an infinite amount of attackers,all right? No one has an infinite amount of attackers.
Boss,the dude went to college.
Let him rant on.
What'd you learn in this college,bro? Well,you had to be there.
All right,here we have a roman battlement.
I'm sorry,what? Uh,he fell off his camel.
Rebecca,first time she saw isaac,she fell off her camel.
It's from the torah.
I think you say,"he fell head over heels.
Ok,now,here's what they did,and here's what we have to do.
Which is? To think - essentially,it's- - damn it,boy,I like the way you're thinkin'.
You see where I'm goin'? I see where you're goin'.
You're goin' up.
I'm goin' up.
Now you're talking,young sergeant.
Now if you look at that and look here and if we consider -.
Money makes the world go round Look how much they want for that knife.
$400 for a knife? Looking for a birthday present for mack - parachute knife.
Things getting tight all over.
You short? Could crawl under a snake with a top hat on.
Need some help? Oh,aren't you a good friend? Best there is.
See you later.
After the library.
And pay your late fines.
It's just a library fine.
Your father makes a living jumping out of airplanes for his country for less money than the civilian world pays for some entry-level clerk,all right? The world is not fair,and knowing that,we must protect ourselves.
There's only so much money in the world,liss.
Your choices are inherit it,work hard,get lucky,or steal.
I mean,the money's gotta come from somewhere,liss, to pay our debts,to start you and your sister in life.
Every penny all right.
All right.
I'll see you at home.
You have to take me to cheerleading.
Kim! Hey,kim! I - I left home without my wallet! Now,you get lucky in there,half of it's mine.
That's a deal.
Hey,kim,I found it! Oh.
*** Ma'am.
Ma'am,can I help you? Thank you.
They're my husband'S.
Is he still with us,ma'am? Lord,no.
Not for-that'd be going on 22 years.
I'm getting old.
It's 24 years.
Are you selling his things,ma'am? I hope they will.
Could I ask you about the cap? Yes.
That was his.
He wore it in england,in france,of course.
They were all proud of it.
Well,might you sell it to me? We have a friend who's a paratrooper.
Is he on active service? That he is.
I'd give it to you.
It's like the castle,the-the white house.
Uh,an embassy,it's like a castle.
There's always a point,like the drawbridge,where no traffic,friend or foe,can did I call home? What time is it back home? Mr.
White,I can't get a signal.
Let me use your phone? - Maybe you could take me - What? - Uh,boss- - see you in the morning.
May I? How do you bust out any problem? Both: What would the other guy do? I'm a suicide bomber,what's the one thing I don't wanna see? Come on,guys.
Clock's ticking.
It's a roman coin.
It's beautiful.
In latin,"the campaign for the fall of jerusalem.
" The fall of jerusalem.
That's not latin.
It's hebrew.
What does it say? It says,"never again.
" That's from shrapnel,a bomb.
My brother was wearing this when he died.
He died in battle? No.
He died in a cafe in tel aviv with his wife and child.
May they rest in peace.
What do you fellas do,really? Really? That's right.
Um we're a studies group.
I see.
Too bad.
I always was a sucker for a fighter.
Do you know some of those battlements are still standing? Begging your pardon.
You say some of those battlements are still standing? Yeah,that's right.
Really? I'd like to see them.
Well,we could see them,but they aren't precisely in our territory.
Sometimes you gotta go off the reservation.
Am I right? You wanna go someplace you can't tell your wife about? I don't have a wife.
My schoolbus stop.
I spent a lot of time here waiting for the bus.
Bus transfer.
The boys used them to write love notes.
My initials.
Grade school.
Whose are those? My first boyfriend.
Age 12.
Didn't work out? He went on to do other things.
Wanna take a walk? See those battlements? Yeah.
There it is.
A woman was coming in to drop off a consignment.
That's her stuff.
And I bought a piece from her outside, and my daughter correctly reminded me that in doing so, we deprived you of the commission,so well, what'd you pay for the piece? Well,why don't you just keep the piece,and we'll call it even? That wouldn't be right.
Well,no,you told me,and I told you it'd be just fine.
It's a pleasure to meet a woman of honor.
Well,I tell you what.
I tell you what.
I just want it for the patch,so how about I take the patch,and you keep the cap? It's heavy.
Paratroopers,they sewed a heavy metal washer behind the badge.
In a bar,they'd put the cap through their belt,and in case of trouble,they used it for a blackjack.
Man: Excuse me,ma'am.
I'll be right with you.
Uh,she leave her name? What? The women who left the consignment,she leave her name? I don't know how to pay her.
She How much is this? That's a nice piece.
In good shape,too.
Is the coin worth anything? You see that proof mark? Well,what you've got here is a coin worth,say I'd say $800.
Well,actually it's worth more than that.
This is yours to sell? Uh,well,technically I'm a part owner,but yes,it's mine to sell.
I'd give you $900.
Take a check? - I've just got to find my- - well,actually,I have to take my daughter to cheerleading.
We're closing at lunch today.
No,I'll be right back.
I'll be back.
It's loose.
Maybe we can get through here.
Coin is worth $900? That's right.
How do you know? The man told me at the coin store.
And you believed him? Only 4 ways to get money that I know of,mom- inherit it,work for it,get lucky,or steal.
Here it is.
"The coin,in fair to excellent condition,current value -$1,100.
Well,there you have it.
Coin guy takes $200 fair profit,and everybody goes home a winner.
Come on.
Let's get you to cheer- - "variations include for the year double-struck.
" They're closing at lunch.
- "The only copies known to exist " - I have no idea what that means.
It means that if the "d" proof mark is double-struck,that increases the value of the coin.
And is ours,uh,struck twice? Yes,it is.
And how rare is it? Only 4 copies are known to exist.
Well,fine,and what does that make the value of the coin? $100,000.
Almost ready.
"Let the sun rise.
Sleep through the day.
Tomorrow we make our delivery.
" They are bombers.
"Get some sleep.
You're relieved.
" They're discussing the site of their attack.
Ok,let's get out of here.
He's going to say the site of their attack.
hey're going to bomb the school bus.
They have the bomb with them? The animals are gonna take this with one of the children on the bus Ah.
Some coffee? No.
Where is Sergeant Zahav? Get her in,I want her see this.
All right.
And please get us some coffee.
Now,what is the answer? The terrorists leapfrog any new barriers we erect.
They can,in theory,destroy and encroach in-depth.
Do you have an answer? I think we do.
A - the problem is the decisions on fortification have been made by governmental parties not directly subject to attack.
That is,they look on it as a problem of architecture.
Man on the ground sees a different problem.
To him,it's perimeter defense.
To him,the answer's simple.
Here is the answer.
However deep the encroachment is linearly, they cannot encroach vertically.
Hey,guys Where's mr.
White? Hey.
All right.
Look,the guy won't go to sleep.
We can't go out that way.
It's gettin' on for noon.
He'll call 'em to pray,probably out here.
Then we go out the hole.
And if they see us? If it comes down,just stay behind me.
Ok? We're gonna use the handgun to get to the long gun.
You got the bus pass? Yeah.
Give me half.
We have a little flashbang.
If you see me move,you light it,throw it outside, start shouting commands to the rest of your men.
Then you light and throw the other one.
Keep shouting.
Hey,I do it for a living.
There you are.
I called.
You didn't answer.
I,uh what are you doing? I was just- lissy indicated that she was interested in a new hobby.
In coin collecting? Yeah.
Surprised me,too.
May I borrow mack's truck to go up the street as my husband's vehicle is in the shop? Of course.
I know where it is.
00=80,000 Condition?Discount? Finders Fee?Taxes? I don't mean to pry, but our mutual friend indicated that you might be having a crisis in liquidity.
You need a little help till payday,old-timer? I - heh.
I have to take a trip.
If I- I think I have to go out of town tonight, and can you watch the kids? Of course.
Anything you want to tell me about? There's just,uh-just some things I have to do.
Anything you need,you know where I am.
You're right across the street.
That's right.
They close early fridays.
Can I help you? I,uh-when will they open again? Not till monday.
Is it an american coin? Um,yes.
You can't do better than them.
Well,I can't stay,so if I can,I'd be glad to help you.
Are you buying or selling? Oh.
Yes,this is very nice.
Oh,my god.
May I? Do you know what you have here? Yes.
A 1921 denver "d" double-struck.
This coin-this coin is worth a fortune.
You came to sell it? Yes.
Have you done business before with the adamses? Have you spoken with them? No.
I saw their ad.
Because I'll tell you why.
If you had,I couldn't in good faith make an offer if you'd begun any negotiation with him, but if you would like to sell this coin to me, I could give you some handling wear.
Light indentation on the rim.
$87,000 in cash? The coin may be worth somewhat more, but as you can see,it's far from mint.
You wouldn't get my price at an open auction, and you'd have to pay commission.
But I know that I have a buyer- yes.
I'll take it.
This is an honor just to hold this coin.
I assume you know little of coins.
And why would you assume that? Because you touch it.
This coin is a treasure.
It is a museum piece.
It must never be touched.
The oil in human hands.
It'll take me some time to assemble the cash.
Can you meet me tomorrow here at 9 A.
? Here? Right here.
Right here at this spot.
Thank you.
Your man mr.
White did not return to his hotel.
You tried his cellphone? Accidentally in my possession.
Have you any idea where he is? Last seen with a member of your unit with all appearances.
Sergeant zahav? Keep trying.
Her friends,her family lives where? Rishon.
She's gone off withe the American.
Colonel,if my man violated any protocols I couldn't care what he's done.
I care where he is.
She said she wanted to show him the spot.
To show him what? The-uh,the coin around her neck,a roman coin.
He said he wanted her to take him to show him the spot.
It's the roman citadel of capulum.
Photo infrared.
Morning overflight.
In Sector Eight hwat have they seen?Right now.
Eighteen kilometers,southeast.
Could she have taken him with her? I hope to god not.
It's the other side of the line.
She armed? If they take your man,my sergeant What the hell am I going to tell the minister? is she armed? What difference does that make? Let's see what they saw.
What's the license number of her car? Yeah.
This is her car.
Air force confirmed some activity around the site.
Footprints suggest 2 from the israeli side, side,none exiting.
One of my soldiers and an active duty American Special Forces operative are in the west bank and may be in armed contact with Hamas.
Let's get to the helicopter,to the helicopter.
I'm-I'm sorry.
You need to stay here.
Your soldier,our man.
All right,on the helicopter,but not across the line.
The man who lets the Americans cross the line will answer to me personally.
Is the girl armed? Yes.
Why? Because if they have a weapon, my man will shoot his way out.
I thought what I was trying to do was figure out what I owed whom,and really, I was trying to reason how much I could keep and not feel guilty.
That would indicate you're human.
What is the right thing to do? The coin belonged to an old woman.
You can't locate her.
You bartered in good faith.
Your friend gave you the money to buy the cap.
You then discovered that you had your wallet,so although my friend gave me the money and although I didn't need it, she in good faith offered- to give you the money with which you bought the cap, so is the money partly hers? Should you take the money to search out the old woman? Do you owe something to the thrift store, which would have sold the cap? And what's the answer? I don't know.
I know you're troubled.
I could clear our debts,clear my family's debts.
I could put my 2 daughters through college.
I you know,I came by it unusually,yes, but not dishonestly.
And-and the book says- the book says that while one must- that one must be just before one would be generous.
Pasters? Y - yes,tell them I'll be out in a minute.
Wedding rehearsal.
I love 'em.
So you've been bargaining.
"What about if I give so-and-so x dollars and so-and-so y? "Is this too little,and am I being unfair? Is this too much?Am I being foolish?" But what is the answer? You say you wish to share with your friends, but you cannot be certain that they, in the same situation,would share with you.
So I should keep all the money? That's right.
Keep all the money? How can that be the right thing to do? Isn't that what your book says? Oh,by the way,there's another book.
Thank you for stopping by.
I said,"evacuate all the kids from the bus stop"! That's her car! They found another cell number she had! What?! They found another cellphone number that she had! Don't dial that number! Put the phone down! Run.
Move back.
Move back.
I need a shot.
I need a shot.
Let her go.
Go to hell! Let her go! Hey,let her go.
You can take me.
It's all right,charlie.
It's over.
Let her go! Charlie,it's all right.
It's all right.
It's over.
It's all right.
Never mind.
It's all right.
It's over for me.
It's all right.
It's all right.
It's over for me.
Never mind! Don't move.
The man who lets them cross the line will be court-martialed and broken.
I'm sorry.
Well,here's the cavalry.
Where's the bad guys? No bad guys.
I just wanted you to ride shotgun.
What I do best.
I've come into a windfall.
And? And I've betrayed some people.
00 Are they dead? No.
Well,then,guess what.
You can make amends.
Tell me the problem.
I don't know who this money belongs to.
You don't know the answer.
Well,here's the secret that my boss taught me.
If you did know the answer,what would it be? Write it down right now.
G Funo 20,000 Kim 20,000 Molly 20,000 BO3 emerg Consignmant Shop 7,000 Self 0 It works.
Would I tell it to you if it didn't? You sure you wanna give all that money away? Positive.
Never felt richer in my life.
Saturday & Sunday Closed Stay with the body until they come for it.

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