Vinland Saga (2019) s02e18 Episode Script

The First Measure

The wind is favorable,
Your Majesty.
If these fair winds continue,
we will be able to arrive at
Ketil's farm in two to three days.
In any case To think that
the king himself is going to confront
some wealthy family from the countryside
We, the Jomsvikings,
would have been more than capable
of taking care of it.
King Canute has his own reasons,
As a vassal, you should refrain
from sticking your nose into such issues.
Jomsborg is an ally.
I don't exactly consider myself a vassal.
Please don't forget that, Wulf.
Do you think Ketil and his men will resist
against their king?
I can't say for sure.
I heard that Ketil was so fierce that
he was named Iron Fist on the battlefield.
We can't let our guard down.
He sure didn't seem that way.
Humans are a valuable resource.
I don't want to waste them.
If Ketil cowers before my power as king
and surrenders,
that would be best.
Is that why you chose to
confront them yourself?
However, they are the ones who acted
so shamelessly toward you, Your Majesty.
Shouldn't we punish them
and have them serve
as a warning to the people?
If they resist,
I don't plan to go easy on them.
"There's a tailwind.
However, the waves are high
and the land I seek is still far off."
Oh, I thought Master Ketil was back.
But it was Thorgil.
Welcome back, Thorgil!
Hey! Here's a souvenir for you. Catch!
A human?
Woah! Master!
Give him some alcohol and put him to bed.
Jeez, he's such a handful.
Hey, all of you!
It's no time to be drying fish.
Get ready for war!
Our enemy's army will be here soon.
They're coming to take over
this entire farm.
Gather all the men and weapons you can!
- Hey
- What?
Who is this "enemy"?
- How soon are they coming?
- And what happened to the master?
- Hey, wait!
- What is going on?
Before you start a war,
you've got to honor your side of the deal.
I don't want to be caught up in this.
Have that discussion with my dad.
I'm busy.
Olmar! Hurry up!
This will be your first battle,
so stay with me and learn how to fight.
Although, considering our opponent,
this may be your last battle.
Aren't you happy, Olmar?
You've been wanting to
fight in a war, right?
Get it together, Ketil.
You said you would purchase our cargo
at three times the standard price.
That's why we agreed to transport
you guys all the way here.
Hey, Ketil!
Wait a second, Ketil!
Come on, Ketil!
I'm sure it'll be all right.
Your gut is telling you, right?
This time,
I'm sure it's the real Thorfinn.
I'll hope for the best.
A war? Here?
Within the next few days, apparently.
Thorgil said to fix the walls of the fort.
Don't make it sound so easy.
There's no way
we can fix this in a few days.
More like, who are we fighting?
The thing is, he won't tell us.
He said he'll announce it
when our army is ready.
No matter who it is, we have no chance.
There aren't enough
people on this farm
with experience in fighting a war.
And we lost
five precious warriors just the other day.
The guests
seem agitated.
Maybe the master has returned.
I wonder
what he will do
when he finds out that Arnheid ran away.
Will he punish her?
It led to too many casualties.
the master adores Arnheid.
He won't do anything too bad, right?
Maybe not.
She's carrying his child too, after all.
I'm so worried.
Do you think she's okay?
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
You fought Snake and the others, right?
You did it for Arnheid and Gardar.
You even went against your oath for them.
There are times
when you just have to fight.
Thank you, Thorfinn.
I like Snake.
I think he's a kind and rational man.
I didn't want to fight Snake.
And in the end, I let Gardar die.
I'm not smart,
I can't explain it that well but
I feel like there may have been
a better way to go about it.
Was it really necessary
to hurt so many people
and end so many lives?
Did I even try
to find an alternative route?
There was no way.
So many guests were killed,
so Snake couldn't back down.
Even still
violence should be
the last resort.
what would have been the best thing to do?
Where did all of this begin?
I wish
I wish I knew how to choose
the course of action that's best.
Nobody in this world
deserves to be hurt.
You're right.
You're exactly right.
Where are you?
Where are you?
Oh, what a surprise.
You returned so early.
I heard that King Harald passed away.
A Arnheid?
If you're looking for
that shameless slave girl,
she was tied up
and thrown into the stable.
While you were gone,
she caused quite the trouble, after all.
She plotted an escape.
Forgetting about
everything she owed to you.
A man from her past came around
and helped her.
Many guests died.
Two of our male slaves
helped her out as well.
What a wretched woman.
This issue
must not be swept under the rug, dear.
Why is everything
slipping away from my hands?
"Escape," you say?
I never heard anything about this.
I can't allow you in.
It's true!
Ketil promised me
that he will free Thorfinn.
Anyway, I want to see his face at least.
I want to know if the Thorfinn who's here
is the one I'm looking for.
I have to confirm with the master first.
Otherwise, there is no way I am allowing
anyone to meet someone who is detained.
All right, fine.
Hey, come with me.
Let's go find Ketil.
I'm sorry to bother you
at such a busy time, Pater.
No, I don't mind showing you the way
Is there something wrong?
I'm afraid this is something
we can only ask
an outsider like you.
Excuse me, Leif,
but do you have a surplus
in your budget for buying slaves?
Well, a little.
After all, I was promised
to get Thorfinn for free.
The master always keeps his promise.
I'm sure Thorfinn and Einar
will be no problem.
But Arnheid would be difficult.
I know I may be asking for too much,
but Leif,
will you please buy
two more slaves in addition to Thorfinn?
Jeez, this is boring.
There's a woman in front of me
and I can't even do anything to her.
Stop acting all solemn.
You know, don't you?
The master is just going to
spank you a few times
and forgive you anyway.
He is just so soft when it comes to you.
You're lucky
your punishment wasn't
left up to us guests.
By now you would've been stripped naked
and raped by us all
like nobody's business.
As a way to avenge
our comrades who were killed.
our comrades
won't be able to rest in peace.
Don't you agree?
What are you doing?
You are back?
Get out.
I have business with Arnheid.
Master, I was just um
Get out.
You tried to run away from me?
Why, Arnheid?
Why don't you understand?
What was it all for?
Do you look down on me?
I won't forgive anyone
who robs me of my pride.
Even if that someone
is you,
Not my belly
There's a baby inside
There is a baby inside my belly.
Please have mercy on me.
Whose child is it?
I swear I swear it is your child, Master.
It's true. Please believe me.
You were
You were the only one I believed.
Believe in what?
What does it mean to believe?
"It's true"? "It's real"?
I didn't doubt it for a second.
And to lose it
I will not allow it!
I will make you pay, you thieves!
I will punish you with my own hands!
Considering the gravity
of Arnheid's crime,
flogging is a valid punishment.
But if you keep hitting her,
it will turn into a death penalty.
Arnheid is your slave, Master.
You have the right to kill her.
Are you okay with a death penalty?
If you're okay with that,
I will let go of this stick.
Treat her wounds, Pater.
So scary
Ketil! If you don't want
that slave girl anymore,
will you please sell her to me?
I heard you had two more slaves
other than Thorfinn
and that both of them are his friends.
I will pay you money,
so please give them to me.
Who said I don't want her?
As for Thorfinn and Einar,
you can take them wherever you want.
But I won't sell Arnheid.
That woman
belongs to me.
She's alive.
But she's still unconscious.
I don't know if she'll make it.
No, don't touch her, Einar.
She shouldn't be moved.
Every single one of them is a thief.
Everything that I've nurtured
Everything that I cherish
They're trying to steal it away.
Dad! Where were you?
There's a ton of things we need to do.
Also, I need armor
Hey, Dad!
Unforgivable You thieves
I will punish you.
I don't care
if you're the king.
"The Battle of Ketil's Farm."
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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