Where's Wally (2020) s02e18 Episode Script

Trolling Through Iceland

# Oh-way-oh #
# Oh-way-oh #
# Where do you go?
# Where do you go, Wally? #
# Oh-way-oh #
# I search the world for you #
# Take a trip
# All around the world #
# Take a trip
# All around the world #
# Catch a ride to the moon #
# Ride the waves
# At the beach, jump in
# Discover something new #
# Oh-way-oh #
# Oh-way-oh #
# Anywhere you go I'll find you #
# Oh-whoa-oh #
# Where do you go?
# Where do you go? #
# Where's Wally?! #
(CHUCKLES) Sorry, Woof!
You can jump high,
but not that high!
Flying kites is
so much fun, Wally.
Isn't it just!
And check out my new moves,
young Wanderers.
There's the upsy-daisy.
Then the oopsie-daisy.
Then the oopsie-doopsie-daisy.
And then just a plain daisy.
(CHUCKLES) With a side of oopsie.
And then there's always
the crowd-pleasing,
And then there's always
the crowd-pleasing,
Wizard Whitebeard! Look out!
Wizard Whitebeard! Look out!
Looks like I oopsied.
I should have daisied.
Where did that other kite come from?
It's not one of ours.
Where did that other kite come from?
It's not one of ours.
Hey, Wanderers!
BOTH: Odlulu?
Hi, Wanderers!
And the ferret.
I saw you
flying kites out here
I saw you
flying kites out here
and I thought that
we should join you
to show you who the best kite-flyer
is in the whole wide
Don't worry, Odlulu.
Don't worry, Odlulu.
I'll whip up a quick invention
to get your kite down.
Then we can all fly kites together.
Come on, Wenda!
That sounds like
a great idea, Wally.
That sounds like
a great idea, Wally.
I will go fetch us some lemonade
in the mean time. (CHUCKLES)
I hope those Wanderers
come back quickly, Fritz.
I have so many great
kite tricks to show them.Ha!
I have so many great
kite tricks to show them.Ha!
Especially that
oopsie-doopsie-daisy one.
I can't wait much longer!
I can't wait much longer!
You know, Fritz,
to get that kite down,
we're going to need something tall.
And strong.
Hmm. Like a ladder?
Hmm. Like a ladder?
No, not like a ladder.
Something even better.
Come with me, Fritz.
I have an idea.
Don't worry, Odlulu.
The Wally Kite-Get-Down-a-Nator
Don't worry, Odlulu.
The Wally Kite-Get-Down-a-Nator
will get your kite down?
Where did they go?
Okie-dokie, Wanderers!
Lemonade for everyone
and they're gone.
Lemonade for everyone
and they're gone.
Where's Odlulu?
Just a little bit further, Fritz.
We're almost there.
The way to get
my kite out of the tree.
Remember I said we needed
something tall and strong
to get it down?
(WEARILY) Like a ladder?
No, not like a ladder.
No, not like a ladder.
That is way too complicated.
We're gonna use
the Wake-a-Troll Key!
We're gonna use
the Wake-a-Troll Key!
A magic key with the ability
to wake up sleeping giant trolls!
And when I wake up
one of those trolls,
it will fetch my kite for me.
You see, Fritz?
it will fetch my kite for me.
You see, Fritz?
And what better place
to find a giant troll,
And what better place
to find a giant troll,
than the land of trolls,
elves and fairies? Iceland!
Now, I've heard that
Icelanders believe
these rock formations
are actually trolls
these rock formations
are actually trolls
turned to stone by sunlight.
Well, Fritzy, there's only
one way to find out it that's true!
Look, Fritz! It worked!
A real, life troll!
A real, life troll!
Hi, who are you?
You're tiny!
I'm not tiny, I'm Odlulu.
And this is Fritz.
Uh hi?
And this is Fritz.
Uh hi?
And you're gonna be just perfect
to help us get our kite down.
Help? Ooh, I like to help!
I am Helka, and I am
the best helper in Iceland.
I am Helka, and I am
the best helper in Iceland.
Just ask anyone-
No, you're not!
Two trolls?!
Oliver, what're you doing here?
Finally free of your snoring.
Oliver, what're you doing here?
Finally free of your snoring.
I don't snore!
Yes, you do.
Sound familiar?
Sound familiar?
Uh, Helka?
Who is this?
It's my brother, Oliver,
and he is the worst helper
in all of Iceland.
and he is the worst helper
in all of Iceland.
Am not!
Are too!
Uh, trolls?
Hmm?Hate to interrupt,
but I really need a troll
to help me with something.
but I really need a troll
to help me with something.
Someone tall and strong.
Well, that's definitely me, then.
I am way taller than Oliver.
She's standing on a rock!
She's standing on a rock!
What rock?
Well, if you're looking
for someone strong,
I'm way stronger than Helka.
I'm way stronger than Helka.
Watch me crush this boulder
with my bare hands.
(GRUNTING) Ohhhhh.
Oh Rocks are hard.
Stop laughing, Helka!
You know she likes me the best.
No way! She likes me the best!
You know she likes me the best.
No way! She likes me the best!
(GRUNTS) Oh yeah?
Well, I've got her flowers.
Now she likes ME the best.
Huh.Oh, yeah?
Well, I got her a tree,
which is bigger and better
than your flowers.Ha!
Now she likes ME the best.
Um, well
Now she likes ME the best.
Um, well
What else can I get you,
Miss Odlulu?
What else can I get you,
Miss Odlulu?
What are your favourite things?
Uh, well, let's see.
What are your favourite things?
Uh, well, let's see.
I like shiny, sparkly stuff,
I like sweeties,
I love hats, and anything
yellow and black, of course.
I love hats, and anything
yellow and black, of course.
I like lots of cool stuff- Huh?
Helka? Oliver?
(SIGHS) Trolls.
Oh well, Fritz, there should be
plenty more sleeping trolls
Oh well, Fritz, there should be
plenty more sleeping trolls
in Iceland that can help me
get my kite outta that tree.
Let's row back into town
and look around for some.
I'm gonna find all of
Miss Odlulu's favourite things,
and then she'll have to make me
her special helper.No way!
and then she'll have to make me
her special helper.No way!
I'm going to find all of
Miss Odlulu's favourite things,
then she will have to
make ME her helper.
Well, I'm a faster swimmer!
No, I'm a faster swimmer.
You jumped in before me!
No, I'm a faster swimmer.
You jumped in before me!
Two rambunctious giant trolls
are running rampant in Reykjavik!
Eugh. Try and say THA
two times fast.
Eugh. Try and say THA
two times fast.
See for yourselves!
Real giant trolls in Reykjavik?
The capital city of
the country of Iceland.
The capital city of
the country of Iceland.
But how? Giant trolls
aren't real, Wally.
That's true, Wenda.
But for a tiny island,
That's true, Wenda.
But for a tiny island,
Iceland has a lot of
famous legends
that are a huge part of
its culture.
Griffins, giants,
even dragons.
And don't forget the Huldufolk!
Ah, yes.
Mythical Icelandic elves.
Very rarely seen,
but if you spot one
they will grant you good luck.
If you do nice things for them.
they will grant you good luck.
If you do nice things for them.
Icelanders even believe that
the rocks, mountains and hills
could actually be sleeping trolls
turned to stone by sunlight.
could actually be sleeping trolls
turned to stone by sunlight.
But these legends are just
..well, fun legends,
passed down
from generation to generation.
I've never heard of giant trolls
actually coming to life.
I've never heard of giant trolls
actually coming to life.
Well, it has to be
some sort of joke.
Like, costumed pranksters
having some fun.
Like, costumed pranksters
having some fun.
You're probably right, Wenda.
But there's only
one way to be sure!
Time to head to Iceland,
young Wanderers!
Time to head to Iceland,
young Wanderers!
And get to the bottom
of this mystery.
Happy troll hunting!
BOTH: Wander!
Well, Wenda, say good morning,
or "godan daginn",
to Reykjavik, Iceland.
to Reykjavik, Iceland.
Any sign of those
costumed pranksters?Huh?
Wenda! Over there!
Wenda! Over there!
ASSISTANT: Young lady!
Young man!
I'm going to have to
ask you again
to use the bags
provided for your sweets,
to use the bags
provided for your sweets,
and not the burlap sacks
you came in with!
(GIGGLES) It's our trolls!
Now to see who's behind
all this practical joking.
Now to see who's behind
all this practical joking.
Ooh, Oliver, look.
Marshmallows covered
in chocolate.
She's gonna love these.
Yeah, those are OK.
Yeah, those are OK.
But not as good as
my liquorice laces!
She's gonna love mine more.
They have marzipan in them!
Hey, not fair!
Hey, not fair!
I didn't even see those.
And then she will
make ME her helper.
Not if I get the most sweets!
Uh, it looks like
you've dropped something there.
Uh, it looks like
you've dropped something there.
I guess
I'll go get a broom, then?
Whoa. Those are some really
great-looking costumes.
So realistic, Wally.
Wally? Where's Wally?!
Over here, Wenda!
Over here, Wenda!
I needed to get a closer look
for myself.
No zips, no hooks.
Either these are
some really good costumes,
Either these are
some really good costumes,
or these trolls are actually
But how is that possible?
I'm not sure.
But we need to stop them,
and find out.
But we need to stop them,
and find out.
Right. If only we had
some kind of rope, or-
Liquorice lace?
Found another liquorice lace!
(BOTH YELL) Whoaaaaa!
HELKA: No fair, that was mine!
Finders, keepers!
Those are definitely
not costumes.
Yup. It looks like Iceland has
a real troll problem.
A really BIG troll problem.
A really BIG troll problem.
There they are!
Ooh, ooh, I got one!
Well, I got two!
Well, I got two!
And mine are REALLY shiny.
She said she loves shiny things!
What are they doing?
Those look like
Iceland spar crystals.
Those look like
Iceland spar crystals.
The Vikings called them
"sun stones".
But what do those trolls
want with them?
I don't know.
First they were collecting sweets,
I don't know.
First they were collecting sweets,
now they're collecting crystals.
I- It doesn't make sense!
She's gonna love these!
Then she'll definitely
make me her helper.
Then she'll definitely
make me her helper.
"She"? Who are they talking about?
Maybe their mum?
You mean to tell me
they get bigger than THAT?!
Ooh! Look at this thing!
Ooh! Look at this thing!
Cool! But what is it?
It's a hat!
I'm gonna get her a fancy new hat.
Then she'll definitely
make me her helper.
Then she'll definitely
make me her helper.
Oh no!
Those are puffin nests!
With eggs in them!
The trolls shouldn't disturb them.
HELKA: Well, I'm getting her
an even bigger hat.
HELKA: Well, I'm getting her
an even bigger hat.
See? It's very fancy.
I think the hats
belong to these birds.
OK, birds,
you can have your hats back!
Let's go, Oliver.
Let's go, Oliver.
We have more stuff
to get for her.
Oh no! The trolls
left the eggs on the beach,
instead of in the cliff
where they belong.
instead of in the cliff
where they belong.
We need to put them back.
Hold on to your striped beaks,
little puffins! I'm on it.
Don't worry!
Everyone's back where they belong.
Safe and sound
in the puffin nursery.
Safe and sound
in the puffin nursery.
Honk! You're welcome!
Nice work, Wenda!
But we still need to
stop those trolls.
But we still need to
stop those trolls.
They said they had more stuff
to get for "her".
I only wish we knew
who "her" was.
This whole "making another troll
to fetch my kite
out of a tree for me" idea
isn't working, Fritz.
We need a Plan B.
Got any ideas?
We need a Plan B.
Got any ideas?
(SIGHS) A ladder?
No, not a ladder.
Hmm?Too complicated.
It's not like I have a ladder key!
It's not like I have a ladder key!
Huh? Odlulu! Odlulu!
Fritz, that's brilliant!
I always think better
when having a relaxing
soak in the pool!
when having a relaxing
soak in the pool!
Pylsur hot dogs!
Pylsur hot dogs for sale!
Pylsur hot dogs for sale!
Oooooh! Pylsur hot dogs?!
Wheeeeee! Hahahaha
I can't believe it!
A real Huldufolk elf!
Who, me?
Tell me, are the legends true?
Tell me, are the legends true?
If I do nice things for you,
will you grant me good luck?
Then what can I do for you,
good elf?
Anything you want, it's yours!
Mmmm! Harofiskur dried fish,
just like Mum used to make.
It smells so stinky!
just like Mum used to make.
It smells so stinky!
And delicious!
Whoa, look at this place, Oliver!
So much cool stuff.
Look, eyeball windows!
Just like Miss Odlulu
wears on her face.
That's cool stuff, all right.
That's cool stuff, all right.
You know my brain is
super ticklish!
Gimme those eyeball thingies!
WANDA: Yep, this isn't good.
WANDA: Yep, this isn't good.
Is there anything
in those Icelandic legends
about how to
stop these trolls, Wally?
Wally?! Where's Wally?!
Wally?! Where's Wally?!
Over here, Wenda!
Hungry, Wally?
(LAUGHS) Not me.
But those trolls are.
I saw them eating this dried fish.
But those trolls are.
I saw them eating this dried fish.
If we can use it to lure them
away from the flea market,
we might be able to trap them.
Trap them with what?
With this:
The Wally Hat Catch-a-nator!
With this:
The Wally Hat Catch-a-nator!
The trolls follow
the trail of dried fish
to the centre of my hat.
That's when I pull the rope,
catching them inside.
That's when I pull the rope,
catching them inside.
There's plenty of room
for a couple of trolls,
then we'll be able to get them
out of the city, no problem.
Great plan, Wally!
Great plan, Wally!
All right, trolls.
It's snack time!
Can you smell that?
Can you smell that?
Yes. Stinky!
And deeeee-licious!
OK, Wally, here they come.
Ready to catch-a-nator!
OK, Wally, here they come.
Ready to catch-a-nator!
HELKA: Hey! That's mine!
I got it first!
I got it first!
Uh I guess they haven't
learned how to share yet.
I think you're right, Wenda.
But all I need is for them
to get in the centre
so I can spring the trap.
so I can spring the trap.
WALLY: Almost
Now, Wally!
Ha! I got the bigger piece!
Well, I got all this cool stuff.
Now she will definitely
choose me as her helper.
Now she will definitely
choose me as her helper.
That's not fair, Helka!
(HORN BEEPING)More birds?
Not more birds, look!
They're yellow and black!
They're yellow and black!
She said she likes
yellow and black things!
She'll love them!
Great idea. I'll go get one.
Hey! It was my idea!
Hey! It was my idea!
Wait Wenda,
I know who's behind all this!
Wait Wenda,
I know who's behind all this!
Shiny stuff, fancy hats, sweets,
yellow and black buses?
yellow and black buses?
(SIGHS) This is nice.
Now all I have to do is
wait for a brilliant idea of
Now all I have to do is
wait for a brilliant idea of
how to get my kite
out of the tree to come to me.
HELKA: Miss Odlulu!
It's us!
It's us!
Helka and Oliver?
And look what we got you!
Uh thanks?
Uh thanks?
Shiny crystals, sweeties
These big metal thingies with
yellow and black stripes on them
And eyeball windows!
I got them first!
And eyeball windows!
I got them first!
Plus all the stuff I got you
is WAY better than hers.
So that means you choose my stuff,
and I get to be your helper.
So that means you choose my stuff,
and I get to be your helper.
Hey! She didn't say that.
That's because
I'M going to be her helper.
OK, OK Helka, Oliver.
Why don't you wait over there,
and let Miss Odlulu soak
for a moment?
and let Miss Odlulu soak
for a moment?
Then we can talk all of this out.
This hot spring is crowded enough.
Ugh! It's days like this
I wish I had my own hot springs.
Ugh! It's days like this
I wish I had my own hot springs.
Got it, Miss Odlulu!
Yes, we sure do.
Now, let's give the lady
what she wants, brother! (GIGGLES)
Now, let's give the lady
what she wants, brother! (GIGGLES)
Yeah. Handled it perfectly.
And now, it's relaxing time.
WALLY: Odlulu!
WALLY: Odlulu!
What are you doing here?
A better question is,
what are YOU doing here?
And why did you bring a couple of
giant trolls to life?
And why did you bring a couple of
giant trolls to life?
Uh, so that one of them could get
my kite down from the tree?
How else are we going to
get it down?
Oh, Odlulu.
Oh, Odlulu.
But how did you
bring them to life?
With the Wake a Troll Key.
But don't zap any more rocks.
Those seem to be the only trolls
in all of Iceland.
Those seem to be the only trolls
in all of Iceland.
Speaking of trolls,
where are the trolls now, Odlulu?
I bet I can dig faster than you!
Hey! Stop splashing me!
I bet I can dig faster than you!
Hey! Stop splashing me!
Uh, Odlulu?
Did you tell them to dig
another hot spring?
No! I just said it was kind of
crowded around here,
No! I just said it was kind of
crowded around here,
and it's days like this
I wish I had my own hot springs.
Oh. So yeah.
Oh. So yeah.
I kind of did.
BOTH: Oh Whoa!
WALLY: They opened a geyser!
The hot spring is flooding!
WALLY: They opened a geyser!
The hot spring is flooding!
Helka did it! Not me!
BOTH: Waaaaah!
Uh, Wally and Wenda?
Where's the Wake-a-Troll Key?
Uh, Wally and Wenda?
Where's the Wake-a-Troll Key?
Oh no, look!
It's floating away!
Nice one, Oliver.
You dug a terrible pool!
Hey! I dig amazing pools!
Hey! I dig amazing pools!
Ha! Told you
your pools were terrible.
Ha! Told you
your pools were terrible.
Watch this.
Helka, don't!
Oh, great.
NOW there are trolls.
(GASPS) Look, Oliver!
It's Aunt Birta and
Uncle Balthasar!
Oh, yeah! I didn't recognize her
without the beard.
Oh, yeah! I didn't recognize her
without the beard.
I know Iceland is known for
its geysers and its trolls,
but this is getting
out of hand, Wally! (GASPS)
but this is getting
out of hand, Wally! (GASPS)
Wally?! Where's Wally?
Over here, Wenda!
Whoa. This is
the tallest geyser yet!
I know. And the magic key
is stuck at the very top.
I know. And the magic key
is stuck at the very top.
That must be twenty feet high!
Maybe I have an idea
on how we can get it down.
BOTH: You do?
BOTH: You do?
Oh, Helka! Oliver?
BOTH: Huh?
Yes, Miss Odlulu?
Listen. All the stuff you got me,
uh, the sweets,
Listen. All the stuff you got me,
uh, the sweets,
the buses, it's all great.
But I've thought it over,
and what I really want
is that key.
Could one of you get it for me,
pretty please?
Could one of you get it for me,
pretty please?
(GASPS) I'll get it!
I'm the tallest!
No, you're not!
Is this gonna work?
What other choice do we have?
What other choice do we have?
I am
BOTH: ..helper!
BOTH: ..helper!
Uh, did we just work together?
I, uh I think we did!
Let's call it a tie.
You both win.
Let's call it a tie.
You both win.
BOTH: All right!
You really are
a great helper, Oliver.
And you really are,
too, Helka.
Aww. Isn't that sweet?
Looks like the sun's coming up.
I'm getting quite tired.
I'm getting quite tired.
Yeah, me too. (YAWNS)
I'll try not to snore.
Ah, it's OK if you do.
Hehe. You snore, too.
Ha! Do not. (SNORING)
Ha! Do not. (SNORING)
You know, they're almost cute
when they're sleeping.
I hope people
won't be too annoyed
I hope people
won't be too annoyed
about what happened
to this hot spring.
The trolls kind of ruined it
because of me.Oh.
I have a hunch
everything will be fine.
ALL: Fritz?!
(MUNCHING) Mmm. Hello!
(MUNCHING) Mmm. Hello!
This is wonderful.
I love that you've turned
my favourite hot spring
into a water park.
I knew that if I was kind
to a huldufolk elf,
they would grant me good luck.
He's not an elf, he's a ferret!
I don't know. He certainly looks
like a huldufolk to me!
I don't know. He certainly looks
like a huldufolk to me!
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