La Femme Nikita (1997) s02e19 Episode Script

Last Night

On the 3rd of last month,
western intelligence agencies
were stretched thin.
Certain low priority areas
were designated,
including a sector in Turkey
which had been
dormant for months.
8 hours later,
a NATO base in that sector
was bombed.
Last week we were obliged
to reduce coverage
in Kazakhstan.
2 western diplomats
visiting that country
were assassinated the same day.
Somebody's reading our mail.
Analysis suggests
that a direct
security breach is unlikely.
These guys are just good.
Their identity?
(Operations) Intel is limited.
All we know
of their group leader is
he's referred to as brutus.
The historical brutus
killed Julius Caesar.
That choice of name may indicate
that this man regards himself
as fighting against
the tyranny of the west.
(Walter) Brutus was a traitor.
(Operations) Yes.
So the name may also be
telling us
that he may have been one of us.
Which would explain his grasp
of our strategic patterns.
The only known link
to brutus is this man,
Joachim beeka,
a freelance expert
in demolition,
currently doing
business in Albania.
Bring him in tonight.
Everyone, get ready.
Beeka should exit
in about 30 seconds.
[Dog barking]
Standing by.
You shouldn't be here.
Go home.
Michael, there's an innocent.
A little girl.
(Michael) it's too late.
She'll be exposed.
She's right in the line of fire.
Let's move.
[Men laughing]
[Tires screeching]
(Beeka) Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
(Nikita) I have to help her.
She might have been shot.
[Car tires screeching]
[Woman speaking French]
You're a demolitions expert,
you work with terrorists.
I freelance.
Do whatever comes up.
We are interested in a man
who calls himself brutus.
Do you know him?
I don't know him.
But he communicates with me.
The Internet.
He sends me an assignment,
I carry it out,
he wires money.
Describe the communications.
Blow up this target or that.
The style of the messages.
The instructions are
very specific, very detailed.
What else?
It's hard to judge
from e-mail messages.
The messages are
They feel cold.
Logical. Pure mind.
A bit scary, actually.
Has Michael completed
the interrogation?
Beeka knew less than we'd hoped.
Did he say anything
about brutus?
He runs his operation
on the Internet,
using freelancers.
They never meet him
or each other.
We'll monitor beeka's e-mail,
wait for brutus' next message.
When it comes, we'll backtrace.
You look so beautiful today.
[Machine whirring]
Do you see any blood?
But there could be
some under her body.
Was she hit?
I don't know. I didn't think so.
But she's lying awfully still.
Maybe she's just scared.
You did everything you could.
We've found brutus.
He contacted beeka
this morning,
we backtraced the signal.
We assemble in Van access
in 30 minutes.
2 hostiles visible.
I don't show any additional.
Blue team, move out.
Nikita, what do you have?
Just the guards.
Blue team, go.
[Gun firing]
(Michael) birkoff, are we clear?
(Birkoff) Yes.
(Michael) nikita.
We're clear.
Blue team, go.
[Machines beeping]
Birkoff, what are we up against?
I'm not showing any readings.
Well, someone's shooting at us.
[Guns firing]
Nothing's showing.
I'm going in.
[Guns firing]
(Nikita) what now, Michael?
I'll keep drawing fire,
get as close as you can,
then light the charge.
[Gun firing]
(Michael) That's close enough.
Do it.
[Door lock beeps]
(Michael) we're in.
I'm picking up
internal traffic,
not our frequencies.
Locate the source.
Northwest corner, 2nd level.
The spike patterns match
those in Turkey
and Kazakhstan.
This place is automated.
We're the only 2 left?
Michael, you're outside
the command center?
Don't go in. Wait for backup.
It's shielded,
we don't know
how many are in there.
There's no time. We're going in.
[Static buzzing]
Birkoff, is there
another way out of here?
No. Just the way you came in.
So where's brutus?
He should be there.
He is.
(Birkoff) Incredible.
It was issuing
instructions to the men
and automated weapons,
in real time.
Not to mention beating us
in Turkey and Kazakhstan.
How does it work?
A form of genetic programming.
A type of
artificial intelligence.
Capable of learning on its own.
The logic circuits are designed
to tunnel into other computers.
Its origin?
The barriers
are very advanced.
We can't penetrate
without destroying
the information
we are trying to retrieve.
Its creator must have left
some kind of signature.
We haven't found one.
Not yet, anyway.
How long will it take you
to construct
a natural language interface?
A few hours. Why?
Let's introduce it to Madeline.
♪♪[Silicone by mono playing]
So many times ♪
I've tried
to make you understand ♪
you never tried ♪
to see behind my smile ♪
if I didn't know you
like I do ♪
I'd let you
into the secret in me ♪
just because I'm good
at fooling you ♪
when no one's around ♪
I walk in your shoes ♪
I'm smiling ♪
while lying to you ♪
I'm smiling ♪
while lying to you ♪
if you only knew ♪
I always try ♪
to hide behind
a painted smile ♪
so many tears ♪
the public never see ♪
I'm looking for
a little girl, 8 to 10,
dark eyes, long brown hair.
The woman over there said
she thought
you might know her.
What woman?
She's gone.
I don't I don't know her name.
Maybe the little girl
comes here
to shop sometimes.
Many little girls shop here.
She's got a blue coat,
it's ripped in the back.
What do you want with her?
There was an accident.
I just want to make sure
she's all right.
I don't know
any such little girl.
Did you hear of a child
that may have been
injured here recently?
Is there anyone else I can ask?
When it always seems true ♪♪
Birkoff says
the machine is nearly ready.
So am I.
(Operations) What are you doing?
Interrogating an artificial mind
is not that different
than playing chess
against a computer.
You can win a rook.
Yes. But if I do,
5 moves later
I lose my queen.
Humans call that setting a trap.
But machines don't set traps.
I'm not sure
I see the relevance.
Computers have logic,
but not intuition.
Not yet, anyway.
So it can't trap you,
but you might be
able to trap it.
How will you approach it?
Like any other prisoner.
Get to know it, find a weakness.
Are you so sure it has one?
It's been programmed
for a purpose.
A purpose is something
like a desire.
And desire is always weakness.
Let me know how it goes.
[People chattering]
Hey, wait. Remember me
from the other night?
A linkage should allow
for a delay
of 2 milliseconds.
What kind of voice
should I give it?
Let it choose
a voice of its own.
It's all yours.
Can you hear me?
(Computer) I hear you.
Do you know who I am?
You are section one.
How do you know that?
The voice interface
bears certain features
with section's approach
to computing.
I want to ask you
some questions.
Will you answer truthfully?
I am programmed
to answer truthfully.
You would say that
even if you were
programmed to lie.
Isn't that true?
That is true.
Then what was
the point of answering?
What was the point of asking?
I find your voice
a little harsh.
Would you modulate it, please?
that is not necessary.
(Madeline) Who built you?
I don't know.
For what purpose were you built?
To destroy
what must be destroyed.
Is section one
one of those things
that must be destroyed?
It is a top priority.
How will you destroy us?
By making you do
what you don't
want to do.
That requires communication.
which influences me.
Then shouldn't you use
a voice I find pleasant
to listen to?
[Computer in deeper voice]
Is this more
to your liking?
Much better. Thank you.
[Nikita groaning]
Who are you?
What's your name?
The police?
You have gun, cell phone.
So do millions of other people.
Why do you ask, uh,
about my daughter?
There was some trouble
2 nights ago.
I thought
she might have been hurt.
I just wanted to see
if she was ok.
Now that I have, I'll go.
[Speaking foreign language]
You're lying!
Whatever it is you do,
that's your business.
I'm not interested.
You have no reason
to keep me here.
We'll see.
[Speaks foreign language]
It's like the logic
is parallel and serial
at the same time.
That's not possible.
I know.
Madeline wants
the adjustment made
before the next session.
What's the matter?
I can't help feeling
that we're playing with fire.
It's just a machine, Walter.
Or maybe it's
the 21st century's version
of the devil.
you surprise me, Walter.
I didn't think
you had a religious streak.
Or was it just
a figure of speech?
Did you turn it on?
I'm sorry if I startled you.
I have
an auxiliary power source.
Why can't we detect it?
It's well shielded.
Otherwise the magnetic field
would interfere with
my other functions.
It called me Walter.
How does it know my name?
It's what birkoff called you.
It's been listening
to everything
we've been saying.
Don't worry.
You haven't said anything
I didn't already know.
You know, we should
just take this thing
and blow it
into a thousand pieces.
You know better
than that, Walter.
That would be wasteful.
I think it's messing
with our minds.
It's trying to rattle us.
It's doing
a pretty damn good job of it.
Why did you lie?
You are a cop.
Your family doesn't like cops?
We steal things.
I'm not a cop.
So you can help me.
Because I helped you.
No, you didn't.
Well, I tried.
What's your name?
Julia. Julia.
tell your father the truth.
I can't.
Why not?
Oh. Afraid.
You weren't supposed
to be out that night,
were you?
Well, could you at least
get me a knife or a pin,
so I can get out
of the handcuffs?
If you don't help me,
something very bad
might happen to me.
I tried to save your life.
I didn't ask you to.
Where is your father?
He's getting Rosa.
Who's Rosa?
A witch.
A witch?
What does that mean?
She's a witch.
Everybody knows that.
I'd like to talk
with you some more.
I'm not sure
that's a good idea.
What do you mean?
You seem tense. Under pressure.
Did you just have
a stress-filled session
with some colleagues?
You have
a voice analysis function.
Yes, I have.
It works well.
I have been a little tense,
but I'm starting
to feel better.
That's good.
My colleagues tell me
you have the capability
of tunneling other computers.
This is one of the purposes
for which I was built.
We are prepared
to link you up
to the d.O.D. Mainframe.
We'd like you to get
some information for us.
That doesn't make sense.
D.o.d. Is not
an enemy of section.
It's an organization
with many parts.
Some are friendly
with us, some are not.
An intrusion will be detected.
Not if we route you through
a compatible satellite.
What information do you require?
It took the bait.
It made contact
with the satellite.
Now what?
We've set up a false interface
which simulates
the d.O.D.S main computer.
The machine thinks
it's tunneling through.
In the meantime
the satellite will be
scanning the machine.
How long will it take?
12 hours at least. Maybe 16.
The uplink's complete.
Yes. I was watching
on my monitor.
The African team just returned.
The mission was successful.
That's good.
All other situations are routine
and should remain that way
for the next 12 hours, anyway.
We can get some rest.
There are other possibilities.
It can never be what it was.
It can be more than it is.
Let's not go into this again.
I can't go on
living in twilight.
It has to be day or night.
I don't like ultimatums.
It's not an ultimatum.
It's an invitation.
My last.
I've reserved
the tower for 8:00.
I hope you'll join me.
You wanted to see me.
Yes. I'll be leaving
section for a few hours.
7:00. I'll be back by midnight.
I'll coordinate with Madeline.
It's possible Madeline
may be absent as well.
Which mission
does this relate to?
A special request
from the highest levels.
I can't say anything more.
I'm sorry.
Not at all.
If I were free
to discuss it,
I would tell you.
Have the other
class 5 operatives
been informed?
No. And keep it that way.
If you need to contact me,
key in my personal code.
I'm trusting you
with section, Michael.
I understand.
That's all.
We both are lost ♪
and alone in the world ♪
walk with me ♪
in the gentle rain ♪
[Door opening]
Don't be afraid ♪
I've a hand ♪
for your hand ♪
and I will be your love ♪
for a while ♪
I feel your tears ♪
Thank you.
As they fall ♪
on my cheek ♪
they are warm ♪
like gentle rain ♪
Remember this song?
Of course.
Come little one ♪
you have me ♪
in the world ♪
and our love ♪
will be sweet ♪
very sweet ♪♪
[Machines beeping]
Michael, you better
take a look at this.
The machine's
power function,
it's at half strength.
So it'll take
twice as long to tunnel
through the false interface.
Yeah. But that power's
being diverted
to some other
It fooled us.
It knows.
Knows what?
That the interface is false.
It used the uplink
to tunnel Langley.
Now it's searching
for low priority sectors.
There are 2 right now.
Belarus and Macedonia.
It's locked onto
the nuclear stockpile
in Belarus.
It's on the Internet
dispatching a team.
What's our coverage in Belarus?
[Keyboard keys clacking]
Nothing. We're overextended.
We have an alert.
Use protocol 3.
Nikita and danella
are available.
They're not enough.
We should contact operations.
Divert Cyprus backup team.
I really think we should
at least inform operations.
Just do as I say.
My name's nikita
Be silent.
I just wanted to explain
This one's hard to read.
Where are the things
you found on her?
You came looking for a girl?
This one?
I thought so at first,
I was wrong.
The girl I was
looking for is younger,
darker hair.
What was this girl to you?
There was an accident.
I just wanted to see
if she was all right.
The Cyprus team is disengaging.
6-and-a-half hours.
Danella is on his way.
I'll send nikita with him.
She's dangerous. But not to us.
She may bring others here.
To shed
unnecessary blood is a sin.
Release her.
[Cell phone ringing]
Who is this?
What's wrong?
I don't know.
You said your name was nikita.
Take her to the dump.
Bury her deep,
and these things
with her.
Lock onto nikita's signal.
I'll have to
recall and backtrace.
Then do it.
Danella's on his way.
But he'll need help.
Did you backtrace
nikita's signal?
Still trying.
But the problem is
[cell phone ringing]
Michael, it's me.
Tell me what you need.
They tell me
Belarus was a close call.
The backup team from Cyprus
just made it in time.
In the interim,
nikita and danella
performed well.
They should be commended.
Did we take anyone alive?
The opposition was wiped out.
So we're no closer
to knowing
who built the machine.
We'll have to study it further.
We tried that.
It studied us instead.
Yes, you're right.
I didn't mean that
as a criticism.
It was a simple statement
of fact.
Perhaps we shouldn't have
gone to the tower.
That has nothing to do with it.
Birkoff said we had 12 hours.
He made a serious mistake.
But mine was even worse.
I didn't think
a computer could match wits
with a human
in matters apart
from pure logic.
It appears I was wrong.
Don't blame yourself.
It's not an ordinary computer.
Excuse me.
I have some unfinished business.
I changed the redactor mode.
It can't circumvent us again.
You hope.
You seen operations or Madeline?
But you've got nothing
to worry about.
You pulled us out of the fire.
Yeah, but it was my fault
in the first place.
That stupid 12-hour estimate.
You know
they won't let that pass.
We've never seen
a machine like this before.
No one has.
If you need someone
to back you up, I'll be
I was just telling
Walter what happened,
won't happen again.
I want this taken apart
chip by chip.
As slowly and carefully
as possible.
that could be a mistake,
I might be hard
to put back together.
I want to know
everything about it.
I really don't think
that's a good idea.
You think this thing's alive,
don't you?
You want to make it suffer.
Better get started.
Want to see me?
Sit down.
Where were you yesterday?
Yesterday I was in Albania.
These people
detained me for a while,
a misunderstanding.
You went back
to check on the girl.
The family got suspicious.
It's over now, no harm done.
Who was listening
when you answered
the phone?
Her father?
That's right.
Then he must have heard
your code name.
He doesn't know what it means,
and he certainly
doesn't know who I am.
He may try to find out.
No, he won't.
Make sure of it.
You mean kill him?
Him and everyone else involved.
That's not necessary.
They're not a threat.
Perhaps you're right.
Forget it.
You'll send someone else.
Michael, they're harmless.
A family of petty thieves.
They think I'm a cop.
Cops have code names, too.
Look at me.
That little girl saved my life.
Don't repay her
by slaughtering her family.
I have work to do.
The family?
We'll see.
Why didn't you contact me?
It wasn't necessary.
I reviewed the tapes.
The margin of success
was 45 seconds.
We did succeed.
You spent 4 minutes
looking for nikita.
She was needed for the mission.
It wasn't because
you were worried
about her?
I understand your desire
to prove you can run
section on your own.
But I have resources
not available to you.
And part of competence
is knowing
when to ask for help.
I didn't think I needed any.
Do you ever think you need any?
There are not many
class 5 operatives,
You're one of
the front-runners
to replace me,
when the time comes.
But this was
an error of judgment.
It'll have to go in your file.
And what effect will that have?
That's for oversight to decide.
But the report
has to be complete.
Then your absence
will be reported?
That's right.
And Madeline's as well.
Her absence was irrelevant.
Perhaps that's
for oversight to decide.
I determine what
goes in the report.
And I can submit a reply.
I have certain resources
of my own.
There was no mission
requiring both of you
to leave section.
You've served section
long and well.
Perhaps this one mistake
can be overlooked.
Thank you.
That's all.
[Woman speaking French]
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