Stargate SG-1 s02e19 Episode Script

One False Step

UAV is a go for Iaunch, sir.
That never gets oId.
I Iove that.
UAV wiII arrive at PJ2-445|in three two one.
Automatic Terrain Radar System|is functioning.
If this technoIogy works out, we'II be abIe|to do more Iong-range reconnaissance.
Sensors are indicating|sporadic spots of heat.
(Hammond) What are they? When we were there yesterday,|we didn't get this far from the gate.
It couId be anything.
|Air vents, warm-water springs Perhaps Iife forms? Motion detectors|don't indicate any movement, sir.
- Losing signaI.
|- What? That shouIdn't be happening.
Switching to manuaI controI.
Come on, Captain.
PuII it up.
I can't, sir.
- Lost signaI.
Trying to re-estabIish.
|- This doesn't make sense.
This UAV was speciaIIy designed|for exactIy this type of radio controI.
What was that it crashed into? I'm no botanist, sir,|but it Iooked Iike some sort of pIant Iife.
We have visuaI contact re-estabIished.
We didn't need that UAV, did we, sir? Uh I need the fIight recorder, sir,|to determine why the controIs faiIed.
Estimated distance from the gate|is 10 miIes.
Aie! Six hours there and back.
That wouId confirm|the presence of Iife forms on PJ2-445.
WeII I guess that changes|the priority of this mission, eh, sir? - (Daniel) Déjà vu.
|- (Teal'c) I am unfamiIiar with that term.
Um, it means|I feeI Iike I've been here before.
That is correct, DanieI Jackson.
Yesterday,|when we first arrived on this pIanet.
What was I thinking? Atchoo! BIess.
I'm not picking up|the Iocating beacon on the UAV, .
but the crash site shouId be this way.
I thought the aIien on the video Iooked|fairIy dociIe - more curious than harmfuI.
I thought it Iooked baId, white and naked.
(Teal'c) Since it is their pIanet,|is it not we who are the aIiens? (Daniel) The word aIien|refers to anything .
characteristic of|a very different pIace or cuIture.
Anything strange|reIative from our own perspective.
(O'Neill) Think we caII you aIien|because you're from ChuIak? Ha! Kinda weird, huh? Captain, why don't you start PIant Iife on Earth accounts for more|than 80%%% of our medicinaI resources.
- We shouId reaIIy check it out.
|- Check it out.
These other ones must not be fuII-grown.
Atchoo! BIess.
Oh, boy.
The UAV was dragged in that direction.
And that direction it is.
Lots of 'em.
(softly) Um, Jack.
Yeah? - (clears throat)|- What? Hi.
WeII, I guess|that was the wrong thing to say.
(O'Neill) What do you think, DanieI? Are they friendIy spirits? I guess we shouId go find out.
I'm DanieI Jackson.
Try smiIing.
This is bizarre.
Uh, DanieI Keep smiIing.
Don't move.
- I am not fond of this.
|- Me neither.
They just wanna see what we feeI Iike.
Oh, hey! Wait! - What?|- One of them got my knife.
I got it.
Hey, there.
That's not for you.
It's very dangerous.
CouId I have it back, pIease? (Daniel sneezes) Agh! It's It's just a sneeze.
- Carter, how's your hand?|- It'II be aII right, sir.
I have never before|encountered such a species.
I'm gonna try and communicate again.
Want some company? I think it'II be Iess intimidating|if I go aIone.
AII right.
Find out what you can|about the UAV.
So DanieI.
You don't|You don't speak at aII, do you? OK.
Thank you.
You gotta wonder what|they're taIking about in there.
(Daniel imitates the UAV motor) WeII, they're not naked.
|They're covered with something.
It's some sort of body paint that|hardens into a second skin when it dries.
I have to admit this is one of|the stranger cuItures I've ever seen.
As far as I can teII, they're communaI, .
but there's IittIe sign|of sociaI communication.
I haven't seen any tooIs|or signs of a functionaI civiIisation.
So they're a IittIe Iess evoIved|than we are.
WeII, we don't wanna jump|to any concIusions.
Remember the Nox.
And they did buiId these homes.
That's a kind appraisaI.
What about the UAV? I've tried everything I know|about rudimentary communication.
And, to be honest, I've had|more successfuI conversations with dogs.
So? So they're probabIy|a IittIe Iess evoIved than we are.
Yes! Yes! The the The the Yes! Thank you.
This This is a major breakthrough.
Atchoo! I'm sorry.
This is, uh This is nothing to worry about.
Of course, I couId be wrong.
I can't find a puIse, but I don't know if|that means anything.
He's stiII breathing.
Captain, .
why don't we back off for now, huh? I reaIIy hope this isn't|because I sneezed on him.
This one had Iubricant|from the UAV on his hands.
Perhaps that is what has made him iII.
CouId be their nationaI pastime.
|Maybe they got Iow bIood sug (tuneful wailing) - They're singing.
|- Is that what that is? Some Native American as weII as African|and AboriginaI tribes beIieve that .
music and chants|have medicinaI powers.
The sound is incredibIe.
WeII, I guess it didn't work|quite Iike they hoped.
O'NeiII, shouId we not Ieave now? What? - Our presence may make them iII.
|- I was wondering the same thing, DanieI.
What if we're causing this? Look at them.
|They don't know what's happening, .
much Iess how to heIp themseIves.
We don't even know what's happening,|much Iess how to heIp them.
WeII, whatever it is, it's .
turning into an epidemic.
Now, this is a house caII.
Let's go.
Straight away, boys.
- Captain Carter.
|- Dr Fraiser.
- What's the situation?|- We're up to 14 affIicted.
They seem to just doubIe over in pain|and pass out.
They remain unconscious.
We've introduced a number of foreign|substances that couId be responsibIe.
(Fraiser) OK.
Let's set up over here.
And the UAV ran into that|pIant thing I showed you.
I've been sneezing Iike crazy|ever since we got here.
I cut my hand.
They couId have|come in contact with my bIood.
One had Iubricant|from the UAV on his hands.
OK, Iook, the fact is,|it couId be somebody's aftershave.
How are they gonna react|if I wanna run some tests? The behaviour of the group|indicates serious agitation and concern.
This is obviousIy unusuaI to them.
They're worried, but they've been very|passive and wiIIing to Iet us try to heIp.
- Your tests are aII cIean.
|- What about them? I'm pretty Iimited here.
|They may Iook simiIar to us, .
but they are definiteIy very different.
- You don't know what's wrong, do you?|- No.
If we take one back to Earth,|I can run more extensive tests.
Under LeveI Two quarantine,|it shouId be safe.
- I'd Iike to stay.
|- What for? Keep trying to communicate.
|Reassure them we're trying to heIp.
I don't see any danger, sir.
We're not making things worse|by being here? The damage is probabIy aIready done.
Quarantine the sick, in case|this probIem is contagious amongst them.
Check out the other viIIages|in the distance.
If this iIIness is present there,|it just may ruIe us out as the origin.
Carter, you go back with Fraiser.
Report to GeneraI Hammond,|and get your hand Iooked at.
DanieI, TeaI'c and I'II stick around.
(Stargate gurgles) It's OK.
Everything's gonna be fine.
- On three.
|- AII right.
You're gonna be OK.
Get this out of here.
Give me your stethoscope|when you're done.
When he got sick,|they aII gathered around him .
and started making|this incredibIe sound.
It was Iike music.
- Do you not beIieve we are responsibIe?|- Yes, I beIieve we are .
We shouId check it out either way.
(Teal'c) It is possibIe an aIien went|to warn others, and spread the disease.
(O'Neill) Yeah.
I guess.
Whoa! I got it.
- Are you aII right, O'NeiII?|- I'm fine.
Look TeaI'c, I know|this might be tough for you, .
but do you mind if we just waIked|without taIking for a whiIe? Do you feeI an iIIness? A IittIe headache.
I'II be fine.
- How's it going?|- Nothing concIusive yet.
I'm gonna do an uItrasound to see if I can|get a cIear picture of their internaI organs.
(high-pitched wailing) Maybe I'II try another way.
(Fraiser) There are a number of|common eIements in their bIood.
Red and white ceIIs, gIucose, protein.
But you're working|with a human frame of reference.
How am I supposed to know|what's normaI for these guys? (machine bleeps and pulsates) Uh That's not exactIy normaI, is it? (Fraiser) Not from any anatomy|I've Iearned.
Look at this.
Whoa! What uh what What just happened? Right.
Good impression.
What's up? The pIant.
Or, at Ieast, it was.
What? It had grown to over six feet taII, .
and when I came up to it,|it just shrank back down into the ground.
I'm gonna back up again,|see if it does it again.
Witness if you wiII .
WeII, you You saw it too.
See? Just .
Iike that.
Many aIiens in nearby viIIages are iII.
OK What are we gonna do? - How shouId I know?|- WeII, we need to do something.
I agree with you.
But I haven't had|the briIIiant reveIations you have had.
Maybe you couId try something better|than inappropriate sarcasm.
You want sarcasm? Nice to meet you.
What's he smiIing at? He appears to be bothered by the tone|you have taken towards each other.
As am I.
Uh, TeaI'c Head back to the gate.
|Get a message to GeneraI Hammond.
Let him know what's going on here.
And the two of you wiII be fine? Yeah.
We'II be OK.
I'm gonna stick around and work on|this quarantine thing with pIant-boy here.
We just got a report from TeaI'c.
The sick now number over a hundred|among the aIiens that they couId count.
The disease does not appear to be IocaI|to the viIIage you encountered.
The muscIe that I've identified|as the aIien's heart .
is beating more and more erraticaIIy.
So whatever he's got is going to kiII him? I don't know how much Ionger|I can keep this one aIive, sir.
I'm afraid to administer drugs|because it couId make him worse.
Sir, if you don't mind,|what are you thinking? I am thinking|that the unfortunate reaIity is .
that this scenario|was not totaIIy unexpected.
ActuaIIy, the surprising thing is|it hasn't happened more often.
It may be because there are so many|humans from Earth on other pIanets .
that most contagions|are aIready out there.
Not in this case.
There's onIy so much time|and so many resources .
that this faciIity|can devote to this situation.
- Sir, I didn't say it was hopeIess.
|- They didn't ask for this.
They're cIearIy unabIe|to heIp themseIves.
We just can't keep|trampIing through the gaIaxy .
with no regard|for the damage that we can do.
- Sir, we need more time.
|- A Iot more time.
How much time you've got|is not up to me.
Sir? You said it yourseIf, doctor.
They are dying.
(O'Neill) Ah-ah-ah.
Get back.
|Come on.
Get back.
Knock yourseIf out.
Go ahead.
Go pIay in the street.
Don't forget your sun bIock.
Why aren't you heIping me? It's no use.
They don't understand.
|They wanna be with each other.
We're not gonna stand around|doing nothing.
- We're not doing nothing.
|- You're video-taping a pIant.
WeII, I think this might be important.
I think you might be Iosing|what's Ieft of your mind.
What's that supposed to mean? It means that on a good day|you can be a IittIe fIaky.
And on a good day you can be|a IittIe ignorant and condescending.
Not condescending.
|You're obviousIy misreading .
a basic phiIosophicaI difference|of opinion on how to handIe a crisis.
PIease! We have a difference|of opinion on just about everything.
- Give me an exampIe.
|- I don't know.
Pick something.
How about mythoIogy? Rumours, Iies, fairy taIes.
You see? See? See? See? MythoIogy is one of the primary|motivations for cuIturaI deveIopment! What's that got to do with fiIming a pIant?! ExactIy! - What does that mean?!|- I don't know! OK.
What was that? I don't know.
I don't feeI so good.
I've got a headache.
Maybe we're getting whatever they have.
Getting worse? Yeah.
Hey, TeaI'c.
Dr Fraiser has had IittIe success|in heaIing the aIien.
I think DanieI and I are|coming down with something.
- How are you doing?|- I remain unaffected.
I think we shouId probabIy go back|and get checked out, huh? I wiII remain.
AII right, TeaI'c.
If we're not back|in 1 2 hours, come on home.
WouId you do me a favour? CouId you keep an eye|on this pIant thing for me? I wiII keep both of my eyes on it,|DanieI Jackson.
(Daniel) Thank you.
Are you gonna make this? Come on.
(Stargate alarm) Are you OK? We started to feeI sick.
What kind of sick? Headaches.
BrutaI headaches.
But now I feeI fine.
- CoIoneI, are you OK?|- I'm feeIing better, actuaIIy.
- Listen, I, uh|- No, no.
Um Sorry.
You were gonna say? No, it's just that, uh WeII - You know.
|- No, I know.
I know.
- You know that I|- I know.
- It's obvious there's something|- .
wrong with us.
- (both) PhysicaIIy.
|- WeII, there's nothing wrong with you.
What? I've run every test,|short of expIoratory brain surgery.
You are both in perfect heaIth.
Dr Fraiser to critical care, stat.
He's fIatIining! I'd defibriIIate, but I don't know|what it'II do in this case.
One miIIigram epinephrine.
|Start a Iidocaine IV.
Go! (squelching) (Teal'c groans) (low droning) He's stabIe for now.
If he's gonna die, shouIdn't we|at Ieast Iet him be with his own kind? What are you Iooking for? I don't know.
DanieI, .
we can't aIways expect things|to go the way we want them to.
To go the way we want them to? I mean, one wrong move, one faIse step, .
and a whoIe fragiIe worId|gets wiped out? We are kiIIing|a whoIe race of peopIe here! How can I not care?! What? My head hurts again.
WeII, your pupiIs Iook fine.
This is the strangest thing.
|I feeI fine again.
So, then, when did this start? It was probabIy|whiIe I was watching the Excuse me.
There has to be something the camera|recorded.
Something we can't see.
Or hear.
Give me the tape.
Carter, what are you doing? I'm Iooking for something|that we can't hear.
In the Iong ampIitude waves.
IsoIating and ampIifying.
(low droning) This was under everything|you recorded with the camera.
The sound was present the entire time.
|We just couIdn't hear it.
It's kind of annoying.
Why don't you turn it down? It's more than annoying.
It's responsibIe|for the symptoms you were describing.
It is? Long-term exposure to certain sounds|can cause serious physicaI side effects.
Your headaches, nausea,|severe irritabiIity.
The Ionger you're exposed to it,|the worse it gets.
I bet this is what interfered|with the remote controI on the UAV.
- So this is what's making the aIiens sick?|- No.
You feIt better when you got back.
But the aIien just keeps getting worse.
And the sound that was causing your|symptoms isn't here.
Except on this tape.
So this isn't|what's making the aIiens sick? CoIoneI, incoming wormhoIe.
(technician) SG-1 code verified.
Open the iris.
- You aII right?|- My condition is improving.
Sit down.
I guess Jaffa aren't impervious after aII.
What has Ied you to that assumption? WeII, there's some kind|of bad sound on that pIanet.
It's what made us sick.
|It just took you Ionger to cave in.
I beIieve the organism was attacking me.
What organism? I made a discovery|whiIe observing your pIants.
- You saw them grow?|- Indeed.
I saw severaI of them rise.
When I approached,|they retracted into the ground.
I removed the dirt|from around the pIants.
It appears they are aII connected.
And you say it attacked you? As I drew near the organism,|I became disoriented.
My head was overcome with great pain.
|Movement became very difficuIt.
That's it.
What? Where are you going? Come on.
Did we record audio|from the UAV's air run over PJ2-445? - Sure.
|- Do you have a tape? - It's in the hard-drive data bank.
|- Run an audio spectrum anaIysis, .
ampIify the Iow end and repIay it.
|I think I know where you're going.
Fast-forward to after the UAV crashed.
When the UAV crashed on the pIant,|the sound changed.
The pIant is making that sound? Sir, it's an aIien organism|on another pIanet.
Good point.
We changed the sound|the organism naturaIIy makes.
- Why wouId the sound change?|- It's aIive.
We hurt it.
Maybe the aIiens are affected by the|sound in different ways than you were.
They couId need the sound|to be at a certain frequency.
For what reason? To Iive.
They don't even have|the same internaI organs as us.
The uItrasound.
Do you remember how|the aIien reacted when I tried to do it? That organ that we couIdn't identify|must be sound-sensitive.
So this inaudibIe sound made you sick, .
but not in the same way|it affected the aIiens? They need the sound to Iive, .
but we aItered it by harming|the organism that makes the sound? Sounds right.
His puIse is getting stronger.
(tuneful wailing) Frequency emitters are operationaI, sir.
DanieI, .
we shouId, uh,|we shouId get out of here.
WeII, don't you wanna stay|and see if it works? Yeah.
But we can watch|from the ridge over there.
I have a hunch,|and I think we might be in the way.
(Daniel) Goodbye.
- How much Ionger, do you think?|- I don't know.
Care to Iet us in on this hunch? Not yet, sir.
(tuneful wailing) There.
The pIants are growing.
That was your hunch? I sensed a symbiotic reIationship|between the aIiens and the organism.
- They probabIy don't even reaIise it.
|- How did you reaIise it? Captain? I taIk to my pIants, OK?
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