The Haunted Hathaways (2013) s02e19 Episode Script

Haunted Surprise

And for the decorations, I was thinking something like this! (Gasps) That's what I was thinking! (Gasps) That's what I was thinking you were thinking.
(All scream) Meadow's going to love this party! She'll never see it coming.
It's gonna be so amazing! See you later, Taylor.
Bye, guys.
Oh! What's going to be amazing? Nothing.
Really? I just heard the words "Meadow," "party," and "surprise.
" I'm no idiot, so you might as well just say it.
Okay, we're planning a big surprise party for Meadow.
Wow, I was way off.
But you have to promise to keep it a secret.
Can you do that? Can I keep a secret? You mean like pretend to be a member of a circus family so Meadow doesn't know I'm a ghost kind of secret? Good point.
So how's this party going down? Eh.
Not like that.
I'll tell Meadow I'm taking her out for pizza, but when we show up, all our friends will pop out and yell Surprise! Oh, man, I love parties so much I could just (Fireworks explode and whistle) Wow, you really like parties.
(Fireworks continue) (Spooky rock music) (Woman) If you move into a haunted house You gotta try to work things out (Man) So if you're living with a ghost or three (Both) You gotta be one big, semi-scary family Don't know how we ended up this way (Woman) But I guess you could call us (Both) The Haunted Hathaways The Haunted Hathaways (Woman) The Haunted Hathaways (Both) The Haunted Hathaways (Grunts) Ahh.
Where've you been? I've been stretching so long I think I pulled something.
My piano lesson with Ray ran late.
So are you ready to do this, or did you just want to put on these jumpsuits? Both.
(Fabric rips) Don't say a word.
Let's ride.
Did you know that Stair Sledding has been banned in 59 countries? Duh.
Why do you think I got one? Now hold onto your butt.
Which I can now see.
(Both screaming) Ow.
So that's why they banned it.
That was awesome! Let's do it again.
I think I hurt my arm.
I'll get your mom.
No! I mean, it's completely fine.
See? (Groans) Searing pain! Maybe you should go to the doctor.
No doctors! I just need to walk it off.
(Groans) Wait a minute.
Are you? No.
You are! Am not! You're afraid of the doctor.
Frankie Hathaway is actually afraid of something! Louie, would you be quiet? Man, you wake up, put on your fluorescent blue unitard and think it's gonna be a normal day.
I need you to keep my arm a secret.
No one can know, especially Mom.
(Michelle) Frankie? Not a word.
Please! Oh, jumpsuit, sled, helmet.
What have you been up to? I think they've been sledding.
Mm, glad you got there.
We'll be taking this.
Yes! I'll go get my unitard.
Ray, we came in here because you were telling me how well Frankie's doing with her piano lessons.
I'm so proud of you.
That reminds me.
Ray, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to reschedule tomorrow's lesson.
I need more time to absorb all the knowledge you dropped on me today.
Hmm, okay.
Well, I guess I can find something else to do with my time.
You're not Stair Sledding.
You're not my mother! You have to help me hide the fact I hurt my arm from Mom and Ray.
You know what, since you're afraid of doctors, I'll do it.
Because you're afraid of doctors.
I don't know if you could tell, but I think it's really funny you're afraid of doctors.
Yeah, it's silly to be scared of something like that.
Spider! What?! Where?! Aah! Oh.
Ow! I can't wait to see Meadow's face when we surprise her tomorrow.
I wonder which one she'll use.
Well, if it's the third one, we did something wrong.
Just remember, she doesn't know that no one else can see you.
We don't want it to look like she's talking to a wall at her own birthday party.
Hey, guys! I wanted to stop by to see what you're up to tomorrow night.
We don't have anything planned.
(Giggles) Well, I've been meaning to tell you.
Tomorrow's my birthday.
No way.
What? You don't say.
I did not see that coming.
You could knock me over with a feather.
I do not know what to do with my hands Miles! I'm not really a huge party person, so I was hoping the three of us could just do something small? Right.
Just the three of us.
(Giggles) I know a great pizza place.
That sounds perfect.
Nice and quiet Quiet! Well, I'm off to my French tutor.
Okay, see you tomorrow at the pizza parlor.
Just the three of us.
I do not know what to do with my hands.
Whew! That was not as easy as I made it look.
See? I don't need a doctor.
It's getting better already.
It's purple.
The color of healing.
Hey, there you are.
I have a few free minutes and was hoping you'd play a little piano for me.
You know, I'd love to, but Ray really doesn't want me playing for anyone until I'm ready.
I told her you were ready.
She's modest, like me.
All the great music superstars are.
I'll let you have that one.
Okay, I just need a moment to prepare.
Aw, man.
What am I gonna do? I got it! I can do an illusion and give you a ghost arm.
Hide your bad one.
(Grunts) Prepare to be wowed.
But maybe a little less muscle, a lot less hair.
Try again.
Yes! You did it! Can you control this thing? Aye-aye, captain! We might actually pull this off.
Allow me to present my prized student, Miss Hathaway.
So formal.
I like it.
Okay, you can stop now, hand.
Ray always says a little physical comedy lightens the mood.
I've never said that.
(Playing poorly) How about a hand for Frankie? I mean, not that she needs a hand.
It's another word for applause.
Okay, so I honestly can say I'm getting my money's worth for those lessons.
You're not paying me.
If we're going to keep this up, you need to practice controlling the ghost arm.
What's to practice? I got this.
Can I get a thumbs-up? Stop that! Bad ghost arm! Bad! This is one of the best mistakes you've ever made.
Stop it, Frankie.
Get away from me.
Hey, we're almost done with Meadow's birthday banner.
Wow, that was fast.
Yeah, we each took half the banner and we're gonna tape it together.
I had the "DOW" and Susan had the Dow.
D'oh! It's okay.
One of you can do the "Mea.
" We'll finish upstairs.
We've got an hour before Meadow's done with her French tutor.
This is going to be such a great party! I know.
Dow-dow's gonna be so surprised! Oh hey, guys.
I've just been trusted with a huge secret.
But don't bother asking.
You'll never get it out of me.
I do not care.
Do you care? Do not care.
Hey, Miles, what's that? What the How'd you do that? It's a secret.
Don't bother asking, because you'll never get it out of us.
Hey, Miles! Meadow?! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with your French tutor.
She had to cancel.
Or as they say in France Shoot, this is why I need a tutor.
Anyway, I thought I'd stop by and see Taylor.
No! You you can't! She's not here.
Where is she? Upstairs.
Dang it! I guess I'll go up then.
Uh, Miles, can I get by? I'm gonna stay with no? What just It's like I went right through you.
That's ridiculous.
Ridiculous isn't even the right word for it It's more like nutty or wacky or Aah! The doors closed on me, didn't they? This probably looks odd.
What's going on?! How is that happening?! It's okay, it's okay! I'm a ghost! Oops.
I mean uh, uh Oh, I'm a ghost.
Aah! This was our big secret! Taylor's gonna kill me! Get me out of here! Aah! Surprise.
I forgot the glitter paint.
Susan and Sophie are still arguing over whose "Dow" should be turned into "Mea.
" Either way, Meadow is going to be so surprised! She might be all surprised out.
What do you mean? (Cell phone alert chimes) Oh, it's a text from Meadow.
Miles, what did you do? Meadow says she knows our big secret and is never coming over here again? Yeah, I may know something about that.
She's not answering.
Two days, Miles! You just had to get through two days without telling her about the party.
Taylor, I'm so sorry, it the party? Right.
That is the secret I told her.
The big secret about the surprise party.
I can't believe this.
Now I have to cancel the whole thing.
Boy, Taylor looks really upset.
I'm proud of you, Miles.
You guys, I did something terrible.
I told Meadow I was a ghost.
(Both) Ooh.
She told Taylor she's never coming back to the house again.
(Both) Ooh! I may have just ruined Taylor and Meadow's friendship.
I've gotta go fix this before Taylor finds out what I did.
You know, sometimes I feel like we're the smartest people in this house and no one appreciates it.
I know.
You want to go slam my ghost arm in the door? Um, yes! I know those two are hiding something.
Those kids think they're smarter than us.
But I know exactly what they're up to.
Oh, great, what? Well, not exactly.
Maybe they are smarter than us.
Hey, guys, great to see you.
Looking sharp.
Mom, you change your hair? Perfection! Peace out.
Or, apparently, hook 'em horns out.
(Both) It's the arm.
Why is Louie making a ghost illusion of Frankie's arm? Ray, what if she got a tattoo? She's 10.
That girl did not get a tattoo.
I hope.
Whatever they're hiding, they're not gonna come clean on their own.
We will have to force the truth out of them.
And I know just how to do it.
Approach them directly and ask? Good one, no.
They trick us, we trick them right back.
Give 'em a taste of their own medicine and crush their little spirits.
Okay, we don't have to get into this right now, but this right here might be a big part of where Frankie gets her behavior.
There's no such thing as ghosts.
There's no such thing as ghosts.
Aah! Hey, you.
Just be calm.
It's your ol' buddy Miles, remember? Get away! Aah! I'll just shut this off now.
Look, Meadow, I can explain.
Yes, I'm a ghost, but I'm still the same Miles.
The same Miles? I put my hand through you! So I'm a little different.
But I guess I was hoping you'd still want to be my friend.
What about all the good times we had together? That's true, we have had some good Wait a minute, so every time you and I hung out in public, it looked like I was talking to myself? Miles, you have to try this brownie! (Laughs) Do I have something in my teeth? You're right, this is fun! We must be really good.
Everyone's watching us.
(Imitating sprinkler) Yeah, sorry about that.
I do like hanging out with you.
And that doesn't have to change.
Nothing has to change.
I guess you are the same old Miles.
Still friends? Still friends.
I can't believe Taylor didn't feel comfortable telling me about this.
Well, she wanted to tell you the truth but she knew how scared you are of ghosts.
She didn't want to lose you as a friend.
I guess I would have done the same.
Okay, good.
Now, I just have to face Taylor and hope she can forgive me.
Well, you won't have to do it alone.
I'll be by your side.
We'll just show her I'm okay with everything.
(Cell phone alert dings) It's Taylor.
She says she wants me to come to the bakery to talk.
Well, I guess this is it.
(Gasps) Not ready for that yet? Totally get it.
Ooh, I think we're ready.
Oh, Frankie, darling! Can you come in here for a second? What's up? I told your mom how hard you worked at the piano and she decided you deserve a reward.
I made all your favorite foods.
Sloppy joe, corn on the cob, steak, lobster.
Go ahead.
Dig in with both hands.
What's wrong? Is there any reason you might not be able to enjoy all this wonderful food? Nothing comes to mind.
Bon appétit.
Okay, let's just take this slowly.
(Frankie laughs) Is something wrong? Here, how about some corn on the cob? Mmm.
I think you're in more of a spare rib mood.
No, I'm not really.
Louie, stop! I'm trying! Mom, Ray, I have something to tell you.
That is not my arm.
Uh, Gasp.
It's me, making an illusion.
(Grunts) I hurt my arm, but didn't want to tell you because I don't want to go to the doctor.
You went through this ridiculous charade just to avoid going to the doctor? Uh, you just spent $250 on food to get a 10-year-old to admit the truth.
I'm just saying.
(Sighs) If you have to know, I'm afraid of the doctor.
Everyone can laugh at me now.
Oh, sweetheart, there is no shame in admitting your fears.
Everyone's afraid of something.
Yeah, I'm afraid of dogs.
I'm afraid of heights.
Me too.
And small spaces.
And centipedes.
Anything with more than four legs really.
Or no legs, like snakes or pudding, or Okay, okay.
Thank you, Louie.
The best thing about fear is how strong you feel when you conquer it.
How about we go to the doctor together? Okay.
Thanks, Mom.
Aw, mommy will make it all better.
Bad arm, bad arm! Whoops.
Yeah, we're definitely gonna get that looked at.
Oh, know what else scares me? Rabbits.
It's the teeth.
Also, water, baby powder, skeletons.
Did I mention pudding? Basements, sharks, icicles, being alone.
Aah! Are you sure about doing this? It'll break the tension.
When Taylor sees it, it'll say, "Hey, I know your friend is a ghost, and I'm totally okay with it.
" Mostly okay with it.
I'll get there.
Let's try it.
Going up? Whoa.
This is weird.
But kinda cool! Hey, look at me, I'm walking on air.
Happy birthday, Mea Mea.
Seriously? Guys, she'll be here any (Plate clatters) + That might be her.
Everyone hide! Aah! Aah! Aah! (All) Surprise! Aah! What is going on in here? She was just floating.
What is going on out there? Meadow's surprise party! I thought you canceled it! You're throwing me a surprise party?! I had to move it because Miles told you.
Don't change the subject! He didn't tell me about a party.
You said he told you the big secret.
The other big secret.
The other big secret? You mean I told her I was a ghost.
He told me he's a ghost! { He told you he was a ghost? I didn't mean to tell her.
It was an accident.
Miles explained why you kept it from me.
I know you were just trying to protect me.
But I thought you were terrified of ghosts.
I showed her all ghosts aren't scary.
Plus he organized my sock drawer before we came here.
That helped.
So you really don't hate me for keeping this from you? This is us at our first gymnastics meet.
I was the new girl and you were there for me when I needed you most.
There's not a ghost in the world scary enough to make me forget what a great friend I made that day.
I'm sorry, Taylor.
I hope you can No, Miles.
I should thank you.
It's like a huge weight has been lifted.
I'm glad Meadow knows.
Me too.
Wow, this is one birthday I'll never forget.
Your birthday! Everyone's still waiting for you in the bakery.
Think you're up for a party? Sure, but only if Miles comes, too.
Hmm, let me think about it.
So now that I know Miles is a ghost and other people can't see him, I have to be really careful when we're in public, huh? This is going to be complicated.
Meadow my friend, welcome to my world.
(All) Surprise! You think it's so easy to make a ghost arm illusion, let's see what you've got.
You're on.
Ghost arms up! Oh, I'm having second thoughts about this.
Pie-eating contest! One, two, three! Ray, How are you not better at this? Oh, I am, I'm just having fun.
That is a lot of weird.

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