The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s02e19 Episode Script

The Greatest Demon King Drills

Save me!
-Don't cry.
Your brother did away with the dragons
that picked on you.
Thank you Brother.
It seems that the dragons
have found this place as well.
Brother, let's go to the city.
The city has a magic barrier.
They said they'd be okay
even if the dragons came!
Unfortunately, their barrier
will not be of use.
The dragons will come after me.
After you?
Sorry that we must constantly keep moving.
I could leave you in the city,
but I wanted to be with you.
You need me with you Brother!
You are my only family after all.
You know, I'm not
scared of dragons at all!
My little sister is always lying.
I-I'm not lying!
Who said they would stay in
the house, but then sneaked out?
I'm sorry.
I am not saying you were bad.
Your lies only make you more endearing.
I love you Brother!
Now, we go back home
Arcana, when did you sneak into my bed?
After you went to sleep.
Hey Anos, you're still as
Apologies. It seems that I overslept.
My responsibility.
I put too much burden on you.
Taking advantage of Anos's kindness!
Just because you're a god doesn't mean
you can do anything you want!
I thought that he desired it.
T-Too bad for you!
My Demon King isn't that kind
Right Misha?
What did you do to Anos?
I tried to restore his missing memories.
Huh? Memories?
I heard that he lost his memories
when he reincarnated.
I possess the order
of the god of memories,
the Guardian of Dreams, Lieno Ga Roaz.
You don't need to sleep naked
with him for that!
Blessings are most easily received
when there is
no obstruction to contact with the god.
Traditionally, his clothes
would be removed as well.
Y-You obviously can't do that!
You said you forgot your name as a god,
but maybe you were the god of
immorality, Naked God or something!
Did someone say immorality?!
-C-C-C-Calm down dear!
She might be wearing invisible clothes!
She might be wearing invisible clothes!
And the body of a god is holy.
You may rest at ease.
Invisible! Invisible clothes!
You can see them! You can do it!
I think you should put on some clothes.
See them with your mind's eye!
So Arcana, is the dream
I had last night my past?
What did you see?
A dream of my youth.
I lived with my younger sister.
You had a younger sister?
2,000 years ago,
I did not even know my parents.
My mother passed away giving birth to me.
Then you can't have a younger sister.
I may have one unrelated by blood,
but I have no recollection of it.
I might not have full control
of the order of memories.
You may fully remember if we continue.
And is it coincidence
that her name was Arcana?
Or is there something else?
So what did you want to talk to us about?
The dragonborn called you
the God of Absurdity, Genudunub.
I wanted to see if that was true.
What's the God of Absurdity
supposed to be anyway?
The first god to defy God.
Their ability,
the Demonic Eyes of Absurdity,
could destroy any magic
and recreate any object.
But that's not what we did.
We just used
the Demonic Eyes of Destruction
and Creation at the same time.
Would you be able to tell if you saw?
I've never met the God of Absurdity.
But if it takes the form of an order,
I can tell somewhat.
Then let's try it.
Dino Jixes!
You just need to see the eyes?
What is it?
I feel like I know them.
It's likely that before I forgot
my name as a god
In other words, when Sasha
and Misha are fused
It's hard to discuss without a name.
How about Aisha?
We can call those eyes the Demonic
Eyes of Creative Destruction.
All right.
Good name. I like it.
So what you are saying is that
the Demonic Eyes of Creative Destruction
may be the Demonic Eyes of Absurdity,
and Aisha may be the God of Absurdity?
The God of Absurdity,
in order to rebel against God,
were reborn as subordinates
of the Demon King of Tyranny.
The Demonic Eyes may have been
split into two by Dino Jixes.
We're formerly a god?
I don't have any inkling of that.
I don't have any memories of it, anyway.
Sometimes, memories are lost
during reincarnation.
Arcana, you said that you forgot
your name but gained a heart.
Do you remember how you did so?
I can't remember.
Could you have reincarnated?
Normally, if a god is reincarnated,
it is as a god. They do not gain a heart.
The God of Absurdity
could make that possible?
That is correct.
If all of this is true, then we may have
met somewhere, 2,000 years ago.
Us too?
Do you remember, Misha?
When you first saw
the town underneath Midhaze?
I feel like I've seen it somewhere before.
In a book or paintings perhaps.
I recreated the city from 2,000 years ago.
Can you remember what book it was?
I can't remember.
Then memories from before
your reincarnation may remain.
When the three of us reincarnated,
we lost our memories of one another.
Then it is possible that someone
stole those memories from us.
An enemy that could steal your memories?
They sound like pretty bad news.
Well, if we follow our memories,
we will eventually determine who it was.
Using the order of the Guardian of Dreams?
There is a god who has
even greater control over memories.
The god that records
the history of the world,
the God of Records, Livarshnet.
They say that He lives in
the Kingdom of the Divine Dragon.
Then we will go there.
We can destroy the Judgment
Selection on the way.
But how do we do that?
They say
that the Judgment Selection exists
by the order of the Judgment Selection.
Then we can destroy the god
of the Judgment Selection?
No one has ever seen that god.
Not even any of the gods.
There's an order, but not a god?
That is how the people of the underground
inferred the Omnipotent Holy Light Equis.
All gods are the hands of Equis.
The Judgment Selection
is an order brought about by Equis.
Thus, the god cannot be seen.
So Equis is like an idea
that the dragonborn thought up?
The Ominpotent Holy Light
may exist, or it may not exist.
It would be simplest
if they stole my memories.
Everything would have an explanation.
But if Equis really does exist,
then they can use the powers of all gods.
Then they'd be like the whole world.
Yes, they would.
Then let's destroy the world.
So evil.
That didn't sound like a joke to me
Well, anyway, it sounds like we won't be
going to school much for a while.
Do we call in sick?
Special lessons.
The lesson for today is
Great Demon King Drills!
I will be your temporary lecturer,
the Demon King of Tyranny, Anos Voldigoad.
It's been quite a while everyone.
I don't remember how many
times I talked down to King Anos!
I made fun of him
for being a misfit every day!
B-But still,
he's the Demon King of Tyranny!
Why would he come here
to give us a lesson
No need to be so formal.
I remember well
the time I spent with you in this class.
Who said what, exactly where and when.
I have not forgotten a single detail.
It was an enjoyable time in school.
He hasn't forgotten a single detail?
He has to have a huge grudge against us!
The Demon King of Tyranny!
Talking down
to him might even get me executed!
H-He'd start by torturing you!
Sasha, do something about this.
What am I supposed to do about this?!
Figure it out yourself!
Go ahead.
Anos might not look like it,
but he likes mushroom gratin.
Mushroom gratin?!
What kind of unbearable torture is that?!
Is he going to turn us all
into a mushroom gratin?
I don't wanna be mush
I made it worse.
It is fine. Misunderstandings
will eventually resolve themselves.
Will they?
Now, I will explain the lesson.
Some days ago, we discovered
the existence of an underground world.
The dragonborn of that world perpetrated
the attempted invasion the other day.
For this lesson,
we will go to their kingdom.
Um, King Anos, are we going to fight?
We do not know if all
of the dragonborn are hostile.
I will see how you determine
which are in an unknown land.
There will be risk of death.
It may not be possible
to revive you from it.
But that is why there is
value in this lesson.
However, I will not force you.
Any who wish, may request academic leave.
We still can't defeat a dragon yet.
It'll be tough
We might be dead weight for everyone else.
Wait a second.
It's an unknown land, which means
Wait, you mean
It's an indirect first time trip!
I'm going!
It seems that you are prepared.
We embark tomorrow.
No need to fret.
I will improve your skills by an order
of magnitude by tomorrow morning.
Think deeply.
There is a future
which you seek and should attain.
Think deeply, deeply, deeply
into it and gaze into its abyss.
Wh-Who the heck is this?!
He looks just like me!
Edonica is the person
you wish to become in the future.
It is the materialization
of your potential.
Normally, it would not be possible
to reproduce their thoughts, but
I destroy that law.
Hey Ramon.
I bet you think you're pretty smart.
Just so you know,
you'll be an idiot for all eternity!
Wh-What was that?!
I'll teach you.
An idiot has his own way of fighting.
Remember the feeling of being revived.
Once you understand the trick,
you can cast Ingar on yourself.
You serious?
You look quite unenthused Stayer.
I'm no good.
It means that
I'm not going to grow at all.
The Demon King's Edonica is perfect.
Anyone would think that if you were beyond
its reach, then you have no potential.
But not the Blaze Death King.
Do you know of this story?
Once, there was a demon
whose mana was measured at zero
during the Demon Academy
entrance examination.
He was known as the Misfit and was looked
upon with condescension by the academy.
Is that
Yes, the Demon King of Tyranny,
Anos Voldigoad!
But that just means mana
was being measured wrong
Yes, yes! Precisely!
Is it not the same?
In other words,
you hide powers greater
than even the Demon King can reveal!
-Th-That cannot possibly be true
-But why?
You cannot know that.
Not knowing is a wonderful thing!
It means that you have potential!
The Blaze Death King feels true
excitement only from the unknown!
This is the Rod of Knowledge.
I shall teach you how to use it.
You are far too young to know any limits!
Thank you very much, Mr. Blaze Death King!
Hey, Anos.
We didn't get any Edonicas for ourselves.
Naturally. You have long surpassed
the need for them.
Then what do we do?
I know someone perfect for training you.
Guala Nateh Forteos.
If we are going underground, then you
must be prepared to fight against gods.
I always say this, but the way
you train people is harsh.
We do it over there.
All right.
The two of you train with each other.
Got it!
I'll do my best!
Now, Lay, Misa,
the love magic you used against
the Dragon King was quite the spectacle.
Is there something you want to say
about our love magic?
That magic may be
effective against all gods.
I thought you should work on it.
And for that, practical lessons against
more love magic would be easiest.
But you can't use Theo Asc, right?
You need to put two loves together to
Is this
Anos, you really are
Did you think that we couldn't use
Theo Asc because we weren't lovers?
We can't afford to lose this fight.
My love knows no bounds.
Come at us with all you have.
We will show you love in all forms.
I want you to tell me something.
U-Um, well
I love you and want to see you win.
My liege.
Very well. Show to him all you wish.
There is something I would like to
discuss with you if I win Father!
-It is very important!
It is about your daughter!
Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never!
Is that the best you can do child?!
Do you understand Lay,
why your Theo Torearos
can be blocked by Shin's sword?
This is one form of love!
Theo Grezeas.
Are you all right?
What was that?
I came up with this now.
I activated Theo Asc
by combining love and hatred into one.
Then it isn't really
love magic anymore, is it?
Sometimes, love crosses boundaries
and becomes hatred.
That is a love-hate relationship.
Unresolvable emotions
towards one's daughter's lover.
An awkward love which cannot surrender.
The love of a parent is Theo Grezeas!
You should know now
that you need not hold back.
I'm ashamed to have to ask,
but would you lend me your strength?
Lend it to you?
My body and heart have always been yours.
Father, will you listen to me?
Class is in session. I am not your father.
Very well.
We will defeat you with our love
and make you listen to us,
even if it means tying you up.
I will show you that your love
is naught but a game.
Oh, Mother!
You're too good for me Misa!
That is quite powerful love magic,
but I cannot say you pass yet.
His Theo Asc's light
is brighter than ours!
How is he creating it?
Love is not reserved only for lovers.
There is the love of a parent
and love between friends.
There is also love between
ruler and retainer!
Our friendship and
respect is a form of love
which exceeds romantic love!
Nothing is greater
than my love for my liege!
No way That love
Is it crossing that line?
We won't lose!
I love you Misa!
I love you too!
Yes, good.
Love grows greater
with each difficulty it overcomes.
There is a critical weakness in your love!
Lay, Misa, do you think that love is
something to be ashamed of?
We could never think it was shameful!
Gaze deeper into the abyss!
Deep in your heart, there is shame
that you cannot hide!
It is dampening the power of your love!
That shame is the
weakness in romantic love!
There is only one way to resolve it.
Show it to the world! Your true love!
We will show you.
Vavilo Vache Trias!
This is love, revealed to the world.
We will now head underground.
Um, King Anos?
I don't see Anosh with us
Oh, right
He was absent yesterday too.
What are you talking about?
Anosh has always been right there.
Training a stealth spell?
Continue training it
until you can fool my eyes.
He turned himself invisible?
That's crazy. I can't see him at all.
Well yeah, you can't
I will introduce you now.
She is Arcana.
In simple terms, she is a god.
She will show us the way to Giordal.
The ground freezes, and the ice melts.
The snow falls, becoming wings.
"Kingdom of the Divine Dragon."
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