The Unit s02e19 Episode Script


Previously on "The Unit" Who are you working for? Colonel Tom Ryan.
Anyone I meet on the street Could be collecting information for you? Just like anyone you meet on the street Could be collecting information for them.
Pari: over here.
Get out now! By destroying this Pari! Dirt Diver? She's over here! Did your team get out clean in relation to the girl? They cannot learn you were ever here.
Don't leave me here alive.
You did what you had to do.
Take care of yourself.
What do you want from me? You want me to open up? Yes.
Tried to lose myself all day.
You're the same as me.
You owe me what I need.
That don't cut it.
Mack, please! Westerners seldom come this far up the river.
We sent something up in the sky.
It broke on us, fell on your holy ground, for which we most humbly apologize.
What is this thing? It's a piece of a machine.
We would like to retrieve it.
How am I supposed to help? We seek safe passage.
Perhaps 5 miles.
And we'd prefer to go in peace.
How am I to know you are truthful? My name is John Frome, United States Army.
That means nothing to me.
We understand.
Our property fell on your hallowed area, And we'd like to make reparations to your gods.
Atonement is only achieved by believers through ceremony.
"Faith without works is dead.
" We apologize to your gods for violating your land.
As religious men, we offer, also, our respect, and we'll participate in any ceremony you deem necessary.
You both speak the language? You may drink.
you will find what you desire.
It's got to be less than an hour away.
Just a little hike up the road, Pick up the thing, then back to civilization before you know it.
Pillows and blankets, peanut butter and jelly, wine and cheese.
I'm a little light-headed.
What the hell were you doing drinking with her in the first place? We drank from the same cup, and I didn't taste anything.
You'd think in the 21st century, You wouldn't let some wannabe witch doctor use voodoo to get you to drink something.
It's not voodoo.
It's animal ancestry.
Right, right.
What do they call that back home? Didn't you take social studies as a kid? Yeah, yeah, I took social studies.
I also took health sciences, So I know better than to wear some bloody pigs' teeth Around my neck.
It's worked for them for thousands of years, And I think they're crocodile teeth.
That's what you think.
But let's just get in and get out, all right? Uh huh.
Getting close now.
Watch out.
Watch out for the girl! Hector.
You with me? Hey, hey.
Yeah, I am.
What's my name? Look on your driver's license.
What the hell was that? - Did you hit her? - Who? The girl.
What girl, Hector? The girl.
You didn't see the girl? What girl? In the middle of the road.
There ain't no one there, man! Uh, you're having a reaction.
Necklace is gone.
Let's see about the med kit.
Huh? You ok? What did she put in your drink? All right.
Just take a deep breath.
Come with me.
I can help.
Fired up, fired up Fired up, fired up Plenty sun, plenty sun Fired up, fired up Here we go, here we go On the road, on the road Plenty sun, plenty sun Fired up, fired up Fired up, fired up Fired up, fired up Plenty su, plenty sun Fired up, fired up My friend is very ill.
You think this is the proper place to treat his illness? You speak English.
He understands English, but he doesn't speak it.
He is our elder, our clan's teacher, spiritual leader, and healer.
He says your people have violated our tribal sacred lands.
We intend to make amends.
My friend is sick.
Your tribal chieftain, the woman, she gave him something.
Do you know what she gave him? Is that kava root? He's gonna make a drink to calm your friend's heart.
I don't want him drinking kava root.
Because? Because it will affect his mind.
As does alcohol.
He's already seeing things.
I need him well enough to be able to walk out of here.
This kava drink will relax him into a deep sleep so he can sweat out what's in his system.
You can feed him yourself if you like.
Chew the end into a soft pulp.
Get a mouthful and spit it into the cup.
How much do I extract? Enough to mix with water and make a solution.
Ohh! Mack: 3 beers, Thanks.
Knocking them down? Well, uh, heh heh! I wouldn't be drinking in the afternoon if I was.
I hear you.
I haven't even picked up a spare.
You'd think soldiers would have better aim than this.
What outfit you in? Not in the service.
You? Yep.
They let you wear hair on your face? Yeah.
I guess they do.
You look lean, mean, and combat ready.
Well, I'll tell you.
The only action I see is the shuffling of paper.
Just as well.
Buddy of mine, he was in special forces, just back from Iraq.
Guy used to be a stand up family man.
Now he wants to stick anything that moves.
I don't understand.
He's all screwed up with I don't know Sexual rage or something.
That's a shame.
Thank you.
I didn't catch your name.
Pleasure's mine.
Oh! That's nice, that's nice! We can get that.
Nice, huh? There you go.
What? You'd go to Germany and get these beers? No.
Some yahoo started chatting me up.
You guys lose another game, I'm gonna have to switch to something stronger.
Let's raise the stakes! What are we talking about? Dinner.
That's all? Winners choose, losers cook.
Weak link's not on your team! Hey! Don't hate on a man because of his one limitation.
Yes! Not bad.
All right! Yes! Uniform-Hotel-Victor-2-4-8.
Crystal: come on in.
Unexpected visitors, one of life's great joys.
Fella asked me some weird questions.
I checked the MPs' log.
Guess who signed him onto the base.
Who is he, and what does he want? I don't involve myself in your personal affairs anymore.
Do you remember? He made insinuations.
What might those have been? About infidelity and the special forces.
Oh, my! Yeah.
So what have you been telling him? I sign people on base all the time.
Why are you questioning me? Because you're guilty.
Who is he, and what is he doing on base? It's a guy I met in town.
I started talking about Jeremy, About his injuries, and how expensive rehab's gonna be.
He told me about some financial resources I could access.
Some financial resources you could access.
That's right.
He told you he could get you some money.
Me and Jeremy.
Why the sudden concern for Jeremy? I may have been too shallow to marry Jeremy, But that doesn't mean I won't help him.
Brian works at the cranial institute.
We're trying to set Jeremy up With a medical endowment.
The guy's a doctor.
Something like that.
What was he doing chatting me up at a bowling alley? He wanted to know a few people Jeremy works with.
Gave him your name and a few others.
You told him that we slept together? Of course not.
That never happened.
Is that right? So I'm told.
Now that you have your answer, please leave.
I'm moving on with what I call my life, and you should get back home.
I'm sure your spouse is waiting for you.
Is that enough to heal him? Your friend will be asleep for a while.
Thank you.
He says destiny has crossed your paths.
Jackie, I'm gonna draw a map of the area.
Will you help me? We're here, ok? I need to get here and quickly as possible.
We cannot go that way.
We cannot cross that river crocodiles.
Then how do we get there? I don't know from a map.
I only know from walking.
Will he be safe while we're gone? Your friend is in good hands.
It is not wise to take the necklace from him.
The chieftain gave it to us for safe passage through the woods.
I'm a believer.
You said you are a believer.
You speak very good English.
I was schooled by the missionaries.
We need to pick up the pace, ok? What's the hurry? - I don't have much time.
- Much time? To do what I need to do.
Why is this thing so important? - I don't know.
- You don't know? It's important to the people who sent me.
That's all I know.
We cannot continue this way.
This bloody crocodile head marks the bloodline of my ancestors.
Beyond this is forbidden.
Well, you stay here.
I'll go forward and check it out.
You do not have the word, But the closest word is a curse or doom.
A curse follows any person who goes beyond those trees.
I've got the necklace, remember? Jackie! I found the big thing but not the small thing.
Someone took it.
That's what I get for trusting a witch over my instincts.
How do you know somebody took it? Footprints, size 11 or 12.
Is there anybody else in this region? There are some villages south of here, but it is not wise to go there.
All right.
Well, you don't have to come.
You should return to my clan so you can say goodbye to your friend.
What are you talking about? He'll be dying soon.
What you thinking, uh, chicken or ribs? How about pasta? Then you'll have some leftover.
Mack, Jonas, and Charles? They're the 7 year locusts.
Gerhardt, I'm Mack's friend Brian.
We met last year.
I don't remember.
- We met? - On base.
Uh, Mack and I used to bowl together.
How's he doing these days? Mack is always busy.
Not working him too hard are they? He wouldn't have it any other way.
Um, this is kim brown.
We may have a possible intruder.
I know.
He missed our tournament on the 23rd of last month.
Figured he was deployed or something.
At the Gerhardts', Bella Woods.
To what do I owe the pleasure? Tiffy.
Want me to put the pasta on? I'm sorry.
What did you say your name was again? Brian Mickey.
How are you? So was he out of town? Is that it.
It was the 23rd, from Wednesday.
I don't remember.
Oh, well.
I Please come in.
Would you like some tea? I'm sure Mack will be back soon.
Oh, no, no.
I got to be gone.
Thank you, though.
What's all the hubbub, bub? A man visited your house today.
I checked with Ryan, the colonel.
It's not one of his moles, it's not a drill.
It is a threat.
His name's Brian Mickey.
He says he knows you.
Dark hair, kind of tall, medium build, A pair of glasses in his shirt pocket.
He was, uh he was chatting me up at the bowling alley.
Why you? I don't know.
He know anything? Enough.
If he's not connected to the army And got on base, MPs have a record on him.
I'm looking into it.
Until we sort this out, don't initiate conversations With people you don't know.
We never do.
And don't respond either.
Guy was asking about your whereabouts On the 23rd of last month.
Where were we? In Iran.
Somebody's connecting the dots.
Trying to figure out what caused the explosion.
Anybody here want to be front and center of an international crisis? What happened? What did he give him? He didn't do anything.
You took his protection! I took his protection? You took his necklace.
You left him vulnerable to death.
He's losing consciousness.
Do you have any medicine? Are there any medical supplies in the village? Can you help him? Look.
He's dying.
Can you do something? He says there is nothing else he can do for this man.
What is he dying from? What is the antidote? He stopped breathing.
He's dead.
I didn't believe, but he did.
He believed.
He was a believer.
He believed.
You could have saved him all along.
He says this is customary of all nonbelievers passing through our village.
Enough with the writs and ceremonies.
He says this is only a temporary aid.
Does your friend have a brother? His brother must complete the cure, Or he will surely die.
I am his brother.
What do I need to do? To save your brother, you must remove the top 3 shrubs from the formosa tree before the moon rises.
I can show you where to go.
Your brother will be safe.
He has the necklace.
Crystal! Lying right to my damn face.
What the hell are you doing here? That guy isn't here to help Jeremy, is he? He's looking into me.
He came to my house today to question my wife! You have one chance to tell me who he is and what's your connection to him! I already told you Tell me the truth! Or what?! He's a journalist.
And you put him on to me? Don't touch me.
I am not going anywhere until you tell me! You are an animal! What are you doing? God knows how many people you've killed and what you'd do to me to keep me quiet.
So yes, I contacted a writer and I told him everything, so if anything happens to me You think i'd kill you? You've killed before.
For my country.
Well, don't start feeling patriotic around me.
This man is asking questions That can jeopardize national security! Oh, my.
And that is news to me, but it's not my problem.
I need you to tell me where he is.
I needed you one night, and you shut the door in my face.
It's my turn to return the favor.
The clans in these remote areas have never seen a white person.
They'd rather kill you than trust you.
How many clans are there? major sub clans.
There are also many tribes, Including the Asmats.
Do they still hunt humans? People say they are no longer cannibals, but who knows? I do know the members of their clan wear red and yellow body paint, which is to stand for blood and bile.
What is it? We're being watched.
I don't see anyone.
That's right.
Let's keep going.
Punish? Punish for what? Why should I be punished for that which I do not know? You're saying I have to get flesh carvings like the one on your back? This.
This is an old injury.
This isn't a marking.
It's a tattoo.
My symbol of faith only involved ink.
I am a believer.
I am a believer, but I also worship another god.
An old drill sergeant of mine said There's only 3 things that can mess up a soldier.
The 3 Bs.
Bucks, broads, and booze.
Which one you got? When we rotated back from Iran, Tiffy and I got into it.
It happens.
I went looking for her.
I couldn't find her.
I ended up at a bar.
That's a funny place to be looking for your wife.
Crystal was there.
So then it's the broad.
Look, I realized that it was a mistake, and I cut it off.
Did Crystal? Did she cut it off? No, she didn't cut it off.
So she retaliated by contacting this guy.
Some freelance journalist with the St.
Louis Chronicle.
Is Crystal trying to kill us all? No, sir.
Just me.
She gave him my identity.
She told him about the day that we hooked up, hoping to get me kicked out for moral turpitude.
No, no, no, no.
This guy ain't interested in moral turpitude.
He wants to expose the team's activity in Iran.
That's why he's harping on that date.
No, he took Crystal's information, And he ran with it.
Jonas, I swear, I never said anything to Crystal about that day.
Hey, I believe you.
I will eat the gun Before I let this kill the team.
And what will you do for an encore? You got a family to take care of.
I got a girl in college, and I ain't looking to take on two more.
Nothing is ever as bad as it seems.
Sometimes it's worse.
Yeah, that's right.
Those are the flowers.
We've seen this guy before, and there are others with him.
That's a that's a woman and a child.
And did they take the thing that you are looking for? Maybe.
Look, I need you to hold this for me.
You got it? It's ok.
I want you to slowly take a couple of steps backwards.
When I tell you to run, Take off as fast as you can.
Run! Run! Hi.
I intend you no harm.
I mean you no harm.
I'm no threat to you.
It's ok.
It's ok.
I regret that we trespassed on your land.
We're lost.
I give this to you as a gift, as a gesture of my respect.
Let's go.
Strength and weakness are all in the mind.
Where are you going? Put your hands in the air.
What's this all about? Sir, keep your hands in the air.
Is this your vehicle? Yes, it is.
Have you visited fort griffith military base in the past 3 days? What difference does it make? You don't have a warrant to search my Sir, we have probable cause to believe that this vehicle has been used in the commission of a crime.
There goes the easy part.
Brian Mickey? Who are you? The man you need to talk to.
Did the Chronicle send you? No.
You have been charged With possession of classified military documents, Which is a federal offense.
They didn't have a warrant.
The documents in this box Are believed to have been obtained on a military base that is to say, federal property, under false pretenses.
Their nature and your actions offer the presumption that you are an enemy combatant.
How are you feeling? They just searched my car and arrested me.
So you're admitting that these documents Were in your possession? Whatever they found in my trunk was planted.
What are you doing on base? Who are you? Sir, I am Ronald Batten, And I am the man that's gonna send you down to cuba If I am less than thrilled with your responses.
What were you doing on base? Investigating a story.
A story? That's right.
I don't know why you're looking around, sir.
No one's coming for you.
Crystal burns, the woman you talked to, used to have a connection to this base.
Doctors have deemed her Psychologically unstable.
Did you know that? Anyone can falsify a doctor's report.
And why would they do that, sir? And further, you have to ask yourself a question.
What do you stand to gain from this? The truth.
What if that truth hurts your country? I've shown you the stick.
I've shown you the carrot.
You might want to think carefully about the choice you now have to make.
Where do I find this holy spirit? If she doesn't? The footprints split up here.
It's almost nightfall.
We should get your brother's antidote Back to the village.
We've still got some time before the moon rises, and I need to find that thing.
Which way do we go? We'll follow the man and see where that leads us.
So there was no threat.
The colonel's got us chasing our tails as usual.
Well, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean you're not following somebody.
Well, hey, at least it keeps us on top of our game.
Speaking of which, since our team knocked down more pins than your team, you, Mack, get on in there and start Rattling around some pots and pans.
My wife's got it.
I got the dishes.
Uh, I'm on KP.
Is this the Asmat village? No.
This is the beginning of my village.
We've come in a circle.
Where is my brother? You mean our brother.
This is the woman who made him sick.
You present the antidote.
I am the beginning, and I am the end.
He said all of our mysteries shall be revealed.
Just tell me where my brother is.
Hector, are you ok? Yes.
What did he say? It's time to go home.
Go away, or I'll call the cops.
The journalist is on his way back to St.
Your cover's been blown, Crystal.
You've been discredited.
You got no more cards to play.
Open up.
You don't need me to celebrate your victory.
I want to make peace.
It's always about what you want When you want to hook up, when you don't, When you want me out of your life Or when you barge into mine.
Screw you.
What do you want? I want you to feel the same pain I felt.
How is that gonna help anything? Look, I am sorry for everything that has happened.
You're a sorry excuse for a man, and I don't want your damn sympathy.
Well, then what do you want? You are no different from everybody else in this damn place.
That's where you're wrong.
I'm no different than anyone anywhere.
You lied to me, and you lied to your wife.
I never lied to you.
And P.
, you knew I was married.
What is it that you think I lied to you about? I took advantage of you? Hell, you want to tell my wife? You tell her.
You're angry.
You're hurt.
I get it.
What do you want? Say it.
I want to help you.
I want to go home to Michigan.
Will this do it? Tell Jeremy I'm sorry.
It was definitely worth the pain.
Uh huh, says the churchgoer.
I'm talking about completing a mission.
Even a spiritual man recognizes God's gifts.
Well, he certainly didn't make me blind.
You fellas sure tell the tale.
Look, all I know is, i've been on some strange missions, but this one this one's the mint on the pillow.
So you got lucky in the badlands, bro.
It was one night, but honestly, I'd trade it all in for a good wife.
Ain't that sweet? I can assure you of this much The hottest babe i've ever seen, aside from my wife, walks out of the hut with Hector, and her look? Her look says, "thank you, daddy.
" Well, after hearing all the evidence And pertinent testimony, I officially declare this worthy of the wall of fame.
I still remain dubious.
Uh huh.
You want to see the nail marks on his back? Yes.
Dream on.

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